Spelling Bee

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Year 4 English Month Programme: Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee Rules Here are some basic rules for classroom spelling bees. Classroom level 1. The competition in the class will be in a written format. 2. The teacher must pick two winners with the highest score who will represent the class to the next level inter class competition!. ". The list of wor#s will be provi#e# b$ the teacher in charge. %. This form must be submitte# to the teacher in charge right after the competition. &nter'class competition 1. The pronouncer announces the wor# to be spelle#. He speaks slowl$ an# clearl$( without #istorting the normal pronunciation of the wor#. He uses the wor# in a sentence an# sa$s the wor# again. 2. The speller listens carefull$ to the pronouncer an# asks for the wor# to be repeate# if necessar$. ". )hen the speller is sure she un#erstan#s the wor#( she pronounces it( spells it an# then sa$s the wor# again. She must sa$ it lou#l$ enough for the *u#ge to hear it. %. The *u#ge s! #etermines whether or not the wor# was spelle# correctl$. +. &f the correct spelling was given( the speller remains in the game. ,. &f the spelling was incorrect( that speller is eliminate# from the game. The *u#ge gives the correct spelling of that wor#. Then the pronouncer rea#s a new wor# to the next stu#ent. -. )hen there are onl$ two spellers left( if one pla$er misspells a wor#( the other pla$er must spell that wor# correctl$( plus one more wor# to be #eclare# the winner of the spelling bee. Those are reall$ all the rules $ou nee# for a simple classroom game. .eel free to a#apt to $our own situation. )e recogni/e that often the pronouncer an# *u#ge will be the same person '' the classroom teacher. 0


1345 2. TH5 )&115RS

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