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(Wo Modal.) J. H. COLLINS & G. EB. ODELL. PUZZLE. No, 343,516, Patented June 8, 1886. Fig: RS : Witnesses. InYenfors. 84 Bhp eda GG lays G bs ty, 15 3e 50 Unirep States PATENT Office. - JOHN H, COLLINS AND GEORGE B. ODELL, OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS; SAID ODELL ASSIGNOR TO SAID COLLINS. PUZZLE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Lettort Patent No, 243,516, dated June 8, 1986, Aprlcaion ed October A869, vil No, 102418 Fe mada) %o alt whom it may concer Be it known that we, JonN H. Conus and Gxoner E, ODELE, eitizens of the United States, residing at Salem, in the county of Esgex and State of Massachusetts, have jointly invented certain new and useful. Tmprove- meats in Puzzles; and we io hereby declare that the same are fully deseribed in tte follow. 4g spectfication and iilustrated in the necom >panying drawings. ‘The object of this invention is to produce a disseeted-block puzzle formed by’ saving from a single pivee, and requiring roueh par lence and study to assomble the parts in their original positions when once dismembered and disarranged. The distinguishing peculiarity of our in- vention is that the bfock is sawed both verti- cally and horizontally, or in other interseeting planes, from end to end, in two or more irreg- War and dissimilareurved lines in each plane, and is thereby severed into vertieal and hort. zontal series of separable blocks, no two of whieh are alike, It follows thab each block Will fit only into its original position, and When all are indiscriminately ‘mixed ‘their restoration is very puzsling, —-A'Tarther pe- culiarity of the arrangement shown in the Grawings is that each block interlocks verti- cally and horizontally with those adjacent. to it, and can only be removed by moving an entire series in one direction, aud a mitthvere- feom in the otlier direetio The drawings will make lear these features of our invention, Figare 1 showing in per- spective the sawed block and the Tines on which it is severed, Fig. 2 representing the Tower horizontal series of pieees in position after removal of all the otfiers laterally, and Fig. 8 one of the units of that series, ‘The original block is, by preference, of | whitewood or equivalent material not liable | to split, and is of rectangular form, about as indicated in Fig. 1. ‘This block” is sawed through and from end to end by a very fine seroll-sayr in two series of irregilar intersect- ing lines, shown in the drawings by the vert. cal series @ 0 ¢ and the series de f at right angles thereto. Bach of these Iiies differs, from every other one, go that the severing of the block by the passage of the saw through it three times in each direction, as shown, forms sixteen dissimilar pieces, one of which | 4s illustrated in Fig. 3. An additional ent in each direction would produce twenty-five pieces and add to the intrieaey of the puzzle. ‘When the course of the saw through the block is such as the drawings Indicate, it is obvious that the adjacent pieces will interlock in both directions, although each series is sovered from every other, and may be de- tnehed as a whole by a sidewise movement, (Gee Fig. 2:) but such sidewise movement will ot detach’ the nnits from the series. ‘They can only be removed in the opposite diree- tion in the plane in which each is severed from the others of its own series, soin assem- bling the parts afer detachment they ean only be replaced by series. This peculiarity serves to tie together all the pieces compos: ing the block, so that it may be handled quite freely without dismemberment piece by piece. ‘We disclaim the well-known flat dissected maps, &e., of a single thickness and divided into irregtlar pieees by intersecting or broken lines; also, the patent of MeChesney, Angust 8, 1881, which shows ‘a spherical, oval, or cylindrical block sawed in halves on a Sin. gle lock-eut line, and each half separately cut transverely onstich lines." Tt is obvions that every pieeo in said patented device has as part of its surface the smooth enrve of the periphery of the original block, and sueh a shape othervise as denotes from what part of either half of the block it was eu, thus mal ing it asimple matter to reassemblethe parts. Our bloek is rectangular, and is ent in two or more irregular lines in each of the inter seeting planes, vertical and horizontal, fornt ing a Series of pieces in each direction. ‘We claim as our invention The herein-described puzzle, consisting of a rectangular block subdivided longitudinally by two or more vertical and two or more hori- zontal interlocking saw-onts, each sories of cats intersecting the otherseries, substantially as and for the purpose set forth Intestimony whereof we hereto affix our sig- natures in presence of two witnesses. JOHN H. COLLINS. GEORGE 1. ODELL. Witness ‘A. HL. SPENCER, AL Pires. 60 70 Bo 85 95

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