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EIGHTH SCHEDULE [Section 16(g)] SECOND SCHEDULE [Section 14(1)(a) and (b)] IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DECLARATION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES UNDER THE MAURITIUS REVENUE AUTHORITY ACT I .. as 1. No. 2. My children and grandchildren* are .. .. .. ..... ..... ..... . ............ bearing National Identity Card No. , having been offered employment by the Mauritius Revenue Authority . , make oath/solemnly affirm/declare* and say that National Identity Card
(Matrimonial regime)

National ID No.* National ID No.* National ID No.*

3. My assets/assets of my spouse/assets of my minor children in Mauritius and outside Mauritius are as follows (Rs.) (a) Immovable property (give details of property, location, cost value and specify whether it was inherited, purchased, gifted or donated by parents or other persons)


Vehicles/Machinery (Make, Reg. No. and Value at cost)


(Rs.) (c) Securities (including treasury bills, units, etc.) held directly or indirectly


Business Interests (including share in socit/succession, etc.)


Household furniture and electrical household equipment


Jewellery and precious metals


Money held in bank in Mauritius and abroad


Other assets exceeding 50,000 rupees in the aggregate (not included above)

TOTAL ASSETS 4. My liabilities/liabilities of my spouse/liabilities of my minor children in Mauritius and outside Mauritius are as follows (Rs.) .......

TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS (Total Assets less Total Liabilities)


(Rs.) 5. (a) Any asset sold, transferred or donated or fund above Rs. 100,000 donated to my children and grandchildren of age during the period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of this declaration

(b) Insurance Policy/Personal Pension Plan (own/spouse/minor children) (yearly contribution)

Any other relevant information

Signature of maker

Sworn/Solemnly Affirmed/Declared by the abovenamed before me at ................................. this ...................... day of ....................................................................

District Magistrate

* Delete whichever is inapplicable

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