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Recording Schedule

Day: 1
Time Friday 21st 11:30am12:00pm Scene 2&4 Trenches 3 Trenches !"ight# $ %&er the trench !"o 'an(s )and# Location Sound Studio Characters %li&er *o++s ,a.ames *o++s *arry Sound effects props SF/: 0unshots1 +om+s1 e2plosions1 running1 clicand loc- o3 gun1 4riting on paper SF/: Fire crac-ling1 rustling o3 paper1 rustling o3 du&et1 light turning o33 Notes Scenes: Trenches and "o 'an(s )and

Sunday 22nd 1:00-1:30pm

1 %ld 5eople(s *ome 6 %ld 5eople(s *ome


Rose *o++s .ac7ui %(8onnor

Scenes: %ld 5eople(s *ome

Editing Schedule
9ay Tuesday 25th March 1:00-4:00 #ednesday 2$th March ;:4$-10:10 Thursday 2%th March 1:00-4:00 )esson !" 1 !" :im!s# To add the war sound effects into Premiere Pro. To add and splice the characters Oliver and James Hobbs into flashback scene (trenches) In Premiere Pro to add the voice over of ose Hobbs into the be!innin! and end with fire cracklin!.

Recording Schedule &riday 2'th March 10:30-11:$$ 2 To make sure ever"thin! flows correctl"# and to add openin! and end credits.

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