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From the First to the Twentieth Century


Hugh Schonfield


From the First to the Twentieth Century


Hugh Schonfield
Author of

An Old Hebrew Text of Matthews Gospel The Last Boo of the !ati"ity of #ohn The $pee%h that Mo"ed the &orld

Duckworth, London 1936

CO !" !S############################################################################################ PAGES ################################################################################################### ORIGINAL


$ntroduction############################################################################################%##############6 Ch&'ter $###############################################################################################1(############9 !he di)ci'le) of the *&lile&n +onder#+orker, fir)t &tte,'t) &t org&ni-&tion. de&th of Ste'h&n the 'roto,&rtyr &nd 'er)ecution /y S&ul of !&r)u). 're&ching of the *o)'el in the 0ro1ince). e2ecution of 3&,e) the )on of 4e/edee. for,&tion of & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n S&nhedrin under the 're)idency of 3&,e) the 3u)t. fir)t ,i))ion&ry 5ourney of 0&ul &nd B&rn&/&). re)'on)e of the *entile). di)'ute on the )t&tu) of *entile con1ert). 1erdict of the Council of 3eru)&le,6 Ch&'ter $$##############################################################################################17###########1% !he f&,ine in 3ud&e& in the reign of Cl&udiu). le&gue of &-&rene) &nd 4e&lot) to with)t&nd offici&l o''re))ion. e1idence fro, the "'i)tle of 3&,e), die A'oc&ly')e, of B&ruch,, 3o)e'hu) &nd the !&l,ud. ,&rtyrdo, of 3&,e) the 3u)t6 Ch&'ter $$$#############################################################################################26###########21 0&ul8) further ,i))ion&ry 5ourney). &ntino,i&ni), &,ong the *entile /elie1er). 0&ul8) l&)t 1i)it to 3eru)&le,. hi) &rre)t &nd interrog&tion. ,&rtyrdo, of 0eter &nd 0&ul &t 9o,e6 Ch&'ter $:#############################################################################################31###########2; $ncre&)e of &n&rchy in 3ud&e&. e)c&'e of the &-&rene) &nd ,oder&te 0h&ri)ee) fro, 3eru)&le,. w&r with 9o,e &nd it) &fter,&th. /rief e2'o)ition of the Book of 9e1el&tion. the /elief in the ne&r return of Chri)t6 Ch&'ter :##############################################################################################36###########27 "2ile of the &-&rene) &t 0ell&. their Chri)tology contr&)ted with th&t of the *entile Chri)ti&n). )e'&r&tion of the 3ewi)h &nd *entile churche). the rule of the De)'o)ynoi. 'er)ecution of the6 f&,ily of 3e)u) on &ccount of their D&1idic de)cent. interrog&tion of the gr&nd)on) of 3ude /y Do,iti&n. ,&rtyrdo, of Si,on )on of Cleo'h&) under !r&5&n. l&)t 3ewi)h /i)ho') of 3eru)&le,. )econd re1olt of the 3ew) in the reign of H&dri&n. B&r#<och/& 'er)ecute) the &-&rene). end of the w&r &nd )c&ttering of the 3ewi)h /elie1er). found&tion =li) C&'&tolin&. >&rcu) fir)t *entile /i)ho' of =li). &tte,'ted e2'ul)ion of the &-&rene) fro, the Syn&gogue6 Ch&'ter :$#############################################################################################;3###########33 0re&ching of the A'o)tle). org&ni-&tion of n&ti1e churche). the !e&ching of the !wel1e A'o)tle). ,i))ion&ry &cti1itie) &,ong the 3ew). ,ethod) of &''ro&ch. ')eudony,ou) 'ro'&g&nd& &nd inter'ol&tion). the *o)'el of the He/rew). ,ini)try of he&ling6 Addend& i6 9e,&in) of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity in the !&l,ud ii6 Longer ?r&g,ent) of the *o)'el of the He/rew) Ch&'ter :$$############################################################################################%7###########;; Cry)t&lli-&tion of 3ewi)h &nd Chri)ti&n tr&dition) &nd doctrine). unfriendly contro1er)y. e2&,'le) of &-&rene &nd 9&//ini)t 'ole,ic). !oledot @e)hu. )e'&r&tion of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) into two grou'). influence of the &-&rene) on the Syri&n Church. the Cle,entine 9o,&nce) &nd the Ode) of Solo,on. Sy,,&chu) &nd hi) *reek Old !e)t&,ent. )o,e &ccount of Hege)i''u)6 Ch&'ter :$$$###########################################################################################66###########%( Con1er)&tion of the 9o,&n ",'ire to Chri)ti&nity. di)'ut&tion /etween 96 S&,/re) &nd 0o'e Syl1e)ter /efore Con)t&ntine. hi)tory of "'i'h&niu), Bi)ho' of Con)t&nti&. hi)tory of Count 3o)e'h. &nti#3ewi)h

edict) of the Council). finding of relic) of Chri)t &nd the A'o)tle). con1er)ion of the 3ew, of >inorc& &ccording to Bi)ho' Se1eru). the ')eudo#>e))i&h >o)e) of Crete &nd the con1er)ion of )o,e of hi) follower). ch&nge in the Chri)ti&n &ttitude tow&rd) the 3ew)6 Addendu,A So,e 'rofe))ion) of ?&ith reBuired of 3ewi)h Con1ert)6 Ch&'ter $C#############################################################################################DD###########%7 C&u)e) of the di)ru'tion of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity. gene)i) &nd de1elo',ent of *no)tici),. the Antithe)e). the So'hi& ,ytho). celi/&cy &nd 1eget&ri&ni),. fin&l heterodo2y of the "/ionite). ri)e of $)l&,. l&)t gli,')e) of inde'endent 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity in the "&)t6 Ch&'ter C##############################################################################################73###########62 !he )econd 'h&)e of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity. forced /&'ti), &nd it) re)ult). 3ew) under the :i)igothic king). decree of <ing Si)e/ut. whole)&le con1er)ion). decree) of the ?ourth Council of !oledo6 Ch&'ter C$#############################################################################################9(###########6D Decree of the Si2th Council of !oledo. Chri)ti&ni-ed 3ew)8 &ddre)) to <ing 9ecce)uinth. 3uli&n, Arch/i)ho' of !oledo. &''ro&ch to the 3ew) in the "&)tern Church. di)'ut&tion /etween Her/&nu) thc 3ew &nd *regentiu), Arch/i)ho' of !e'hren. 3&co/ the newly /&'ti-ed. 3ew) under the C&rlo1igni&n king). & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n &nd +illi&, $$ of "ngl&nd. >o)e) Se'h&rdi E0etru) Alfon)oF6 Ch&'ter C$$############################################################################################97###########D3 !he Cru)&de) &nd 3ewi)h 0er)ecution. St6 Bern&rd of Cl&ir1&u2. di)'ut&tion /etween icol&) D&,n &nd 96 3ehiel of 0&ri). ch&rge) of /l&)'he,y &g&in)t the !&l,ud. co'ie) 'u/licly /urnt. di)'ut&tion /etween 0&/lo Chri)ti&ni &nd 96 &h,&nide). &n &rgu,ent on the !rinity. cre&tion of & /o&rd of cen)or)hi' for the !&l,ud. A/ner of Burgo). di)'ut&tion /etween 3ohn of :&ll&dolid &nd >o)e) h&Cohen of !orde)ill&). di)'ut&tion /etween 3o)e'h i/n :i1e) Al LorBui E*eroni,o de S&nt& ?eF &nd twenty#two 3ewi)h r&//i) &t !orto)&. the &cti1itie) of the Do,inic&n). & decree of 3&,e) $$ of Ar&gon. outco,e of the di)'ut&tion)6 Ch&'ter C$$$###########################################################################################1(D#########D9 $nter,&rri&ge of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n with Chri)ti&n not&/le). hi)tory of the 0ierleoni f&,ilyA & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n 0o'e. An&cletu) $$. hi)tory of the C&rth&gen& f&,ily. Solo,on H&le1i E0&ul de S&nt& >&ri&F, Bi)ho' of Burgo). hi) te)t&,ent to hi) )on. 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) in the "&)tern Church, *regory A/u8l ?&r&56 )urn&,ed B&r He/)eu), 0ri,&te of the 3&co/ite)6 Ch&'ter C$:###########################################################################################11%#########7% !he Do,u) Con1er)oru, &t O2ford &nd London. Henry $$$8) ch&rter. i,'ort&nt in,&te). icol&) de Lyr&. hi) 0o)till) &nd the 9efor,&tion. hi)tory of the 'rote)ting ,o1e,ent in the "&)t. 0&ul of S&,o)&t& &nd the 0&ulici&n). the Bogon,il), C&th&r) &nd Al/igen)e). 4&ch&rt&h of <ie1. !heodor&, !)&rin& of Bulg&ri&. initi&tion cere,ony of the C&th&r). )u''re))ion of the Al/igen)e) /y the $nBui)ition6 Ch&'ter C:############################################################################################121#########9( A'otheo)i) of cleric&li),. >&rr&no) of S'&in &nd 0ortug&l &nd the Chuet&) of >&lloruc&. o/5ect) of the $nBui)ition. tre&t,ent of heretic). te)t) for cry'to 3ew). refugee) in the etherl&nd). e2'ul)ion of the 3ew) fro, S'&in &nd 0ortug&l. Chri)to'her Colu,/u) &nd the new world. )er,on of the Arch/i)ho' of Cr&ng&nor &t Li)/on to & con1icted co,'&ny of ew Chri)ti&n). >ercy &nd 3u)tice6 Ch&'ter C:$###########################################################################################127#########96 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity under 0rote)t&nti),. Luther &nd the 3ew). the 9en&i))&nce. 0fefferkorn &nd 9euchlin. re're)ent&ti1e 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) of the 16th &nd 1Dth century. >&rk 9&'h&il &d1i)e) Henry

:$$$ of "ngl&nd on hi) ,&rri&ge with Gueen C&therine. Dr6 Lo'e- &ccu)ed of con)'iring to 'oi)on Gueen "li&-/eth. 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n ,endic&nt) &nd the Li/er :&g&toru,6 Ch&'ter C:$$##########################################################################################13D########1(3 $nfluence of 3ewi)h ide&) on Chri)ti&n life &nd thought. >e))i&nic e2'ect&tion) in the 1Dth century, &'oc&ly'tic ye&r 1666. "d-&rd &nd C&llen/erg initi&te ,i))ion&ry work &,ong the3ew), $n)titutu, 3ud)icu,. Sh&//&th&i 4e1i. ?r&nki)t). ,y)tic&l 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity, Chri)ti&n )tudent) of 3ewi)h Liter&ture. 3ohn !ol&nd 1indic&te) 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity in hi) &-&renu)6 Ch&'ter C:$$$#########################################################################################1;6########1(9 >odern 0rote)t&nt ,i))ion) to the 3ew). re're)ent&ti1e 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) of the 19th century. gre&t incre&)e in 3ewi)h 1olunt&ry /&'ti),). 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n ,i))ion&ry enter'ri)e6 Ch&'ter C$C###########################################################################################1%(########112 ?ound&tion) of >odern 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity. >ich&el Ale2&nder6 fir)t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n Bi)ho' of 3eru)&le, )ince &6d6 13%. 0&le)tine 0l&ce &nd the Beni A/r&h&, &))oci&tion. He/rew Chri)ti&n 0r&yer Hnion. for,&tion of the He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce. 3o)e'h 9&/inowit-, the Her-l of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity. the $)r&elite) of the ew Co1en&nt &t <i)chineff6 Ch&'ter CC############################################################################################1%7########117 Chri)ti&nity within the 3ewi)h co,,unity. 06 Lichten)tein &nd &nti#Se,iti),. 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) &nd Chri)ti&n deno,in&tion&li),. !he I"/ioniteJ contro1er)y. growth of & di)tinct 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n con)ciou)ne))6 Ch&'ter CC$###########################################################################################166########12; !he *re&t +&r &nd the 3ewi)h )itu&tion. 3ewi)h Chri)tw&rd ,o1e,ent). the fir)t intern&tion&l 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n conference. found&tion of the $ntern&tion&l He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce with Sir Leon Le1i)on &) 0re)ident. con)titution of the Alli&nce. &tion&l Alli&nce) for,ed in ,&ny countrie). the 'rinci'le of & He/rew Chri)ti&n Church &''ro1ed. de)cend&nt) of the 0ortugue)e >&rr&no) 5oin the Alli&nce. the &-i regi,e $n *er,&ny. )uffering) of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) &nd non#Ary&n). Bue)tion) for the future6 Addendu, "2tr&ct) fro, the 0re)ident) Addre)), ?ir)t $6$$6C6A6 Conference, 192%

$ntroduction A,ong hi)torie) of Chri)ti&nity there h&) long e2i)ted & g&', which either h&) '&))ed unnoticed or h&) /een dee,ed of little con)eBuence /y Chri)ti&n )chol&r)6 $t i) only where thi) g&' i) &t it) n&rrowe)t, in the e&rly d&y) of the Church, th&t &ny con)ider&tion h&) /een '&id to it, &nd then the tre&t,ent of the )u/5ect in1ol1ed, the life &nd f&ith of 'ri,iti1e 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity, h&) /een of the ,o)t '&rti&l ch&r&cter6 A co,,on 5udg,ent h&) /een e2're))ed /y the l&te Dr6 Hort in hi) lecture) on #udaisti% Christianuy' He de)cri/e) the 3ewi)h Church &). I& n&tur&l 'roduct of the circu,)t&nce) of the A'o)tolic Age, li1ing on for )o,e gener&tion), &nd th&t 'ro/&/ly not without ti,e) of re1i1&l, /ut /eco,ing ,ore &nd ,ore e1idently & futile &n&chroni), &) the ,&in /ody of the Church grew u' into & )t&tely tree in the eye) of &ll ,en. &nd &t length dying n&tur&lly &w&y6J !hi) 'oint of 1iew c&n no longer /e held /y the )eriou) in1e)tig&tor6 *entile Chri)ti&nity h&) /een intelligi/ly enough 'reoccu'ied with it) own ri)e to 'ower &nd influence, &nd in the fir)t flu)h of th&t 'ower it )ought /y &n&the,&, )u''re))ion &nd whole)&le de)truction of docu,ent) to o1erthrow the witne)) of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity6 $f there w&) & de&th &t &ll, which there i) good c&u)e to dou/t, it w&) not n&tur&l one. it w&) ,&tricide6 ?&r fro, /eco,ing & futile &n&chroni), it) )'irit &nd hu,&n &cti1ity h&) 'er)i)ted until the 're)ent d&y, &nd i) e1en now undergoing & re1i1&l on & )c&le unknown )ince &'o)tolic ti,e)6 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity h&) &lw&y) e2i)ted to )u''ly th&t of which the Church h&) )tood in need K the >e))i&nic 1i)ion6 *entile Chri)ti&n) in con1er)&tion with 3ew) h&1e often )'oken of 3e)u) &) Iour S&1ior, &nd your >e))i&h6J @et 3e)u) i) &) ,uch the >e))i&h of the *entile) &) he i) of the 3ew). only the C&tholic Church h&) l&rgely lo)t the )en)e of the ,e&ning o th&t e2&lted office6 $f it were not )o, if the true 're&ching of the <ingdo, of *od h&d /een c&rried out &ccording to the *o)'el in5unction, the horror) of w&rf&re would h&1e long )ince ce&)ed /etween )o#c&lled Chri)ti&n countrie)6 !he only di'lo,&tic cor') th&t "uro'e would reBuire would /e I&,/&))&dor) for Chri)t6J A few Chri)ti&n )chol&r) who h&1e /een &t '&in) to )tudy the )u/5ect h&1e de'lored the l&ck of &ny te2t /ook to which the )tudent could turn6 C&non A6 Lukyn +illi&,) h&) writtenA I$t i) ,uch to /e wi)hed th&t 6 )o,e re&lly tru)tworthy hi)tory of Chri)ti&nity in rel&tion to 3ew) were in e2i)tence6J And ,ore recently Dr6 0&rke) in re1iewing the &1&il&/le liter&ture )t&te)A I?in&lly there i) the Bue)tion of the 3udeo#Chri)ti&n)6 A nu,/er of /ook) &re Buoted de&ling with the ri)e of the *entile Church, /ut $ dou/t whether full 5u)tice h&) yet /een done to thi) )ection of the e&rly Church6 At le&)t, $ h&1e not /een &/le to find &n &deBu&te )tudy of the )u/5ect6J Cle&rly, then, the g&' i) there to /e filled. /ut the 're)ent work, con)tructi1e &) it i), ,&ke) no 'reten)ion) to /e e2h&u)ti1eA it r&ther outline) the c&1ity &nd indic&te) the ,&teri&l) which &re &1&il&/le to render it )olid &nd 'er,&nent6 $t c&n cl&i,, howe1er, to /e the 1ery fir)t &tte,'t to 'ro1ide & connected &ccount of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity fro, the fir)t to the twentieth century6 !here h&1e /een )tudie) of li,ited 'eriod), '&rticul&rly of the fir)t two centurie), &nd infor,&tion of one kind &nd &nother i) to /e found )c&ttered u' &nd down the '&ge) of & 1erit&/le li/r&ry of &ncient &nd ,odern &uthor), &nd where the)e &re not ,entioned in the te2t, $ c&n only e2're)) & gener&l inde/tedne)) to the &uthoritie) con)ulted6 $ h&1e t&ken c&re to gi1e full &nd e2&ct reference), &) the)e con)titute the e1idence for the )t&te,ent) ,&de. &nd it on thi) &ccount the /ook )ee,) too ,uch like & )tring of Buot&tion) the intention h&) /een to &ntici'&te critici), on

,&ny contro1er)i&l 'oint) &nd to 'ro1ide the gener&l re&der with the &ctu&l word) of docu,ent) with which he c&nnot /e e2'ected to /e f&,ili&r, $t i) &ll the ,ore nece))&ry to ch&rt the l&nd,&rk) &nd 'rinci'&l fe&ture) when entering une2'lored territory for which no ,&' i) in e2i)tence6 At le&)t $ h&1e 'recedent of "u)e/iu), Bi)ho' of C&e)&re&, who)e (%%lesiasti%al History i) )o indi)'en)&/le, &nd who)e introductory word) )o well re'roduce ,y own )itu&tion6 Acknowledging th&t it i) /eyond ,y 'ower to 're)ent the work 'erfect &nd une2ce'tion&/le, $ freely confe)) it will cr&1e indulgence, e)'eci&lly )ince, &) the fir)t of tho)e th&t h&1e entered u'on the )u/5ect, we &re &tte,'ting & kind of tr&ckle)) &nd un/e&ten '&th6 Looking u' with 'r&yer to *od &) our guide, we tru)t, indeed, th&t we )h&ll h&1e the 'ower of Chri)t &) our &id, though we &re tot&lly un&/le to find e1en the /&re 1e)tige) of tho)e who ,&y h&1e tr&1eled the w&y /efore u). unle)), 'erh&'), wh&t i) only 're)ent in the )light inti,&tion), which )o,e in different w&y) h&1e tr&n),itted to u) in cert&in '&rti&l n&rr&ti1e) of the ti,e) in which they li1ed. who, r&i)ing their 1oice) /efore D u), like torch/e&rer) &t & di)t&nce &nd, &) looking down fro, )o,e co,,&nding height, c&ll out &nd e2hort u) where we )hould w&lk, &nd whither direct our cour)e with cert&inty &nd )&fety6 +h&t)oe1er, therefore, we dee, likely to /e &d1&nt&geou) to the 'ro'o)ed )u/5ect, we )h&ll ende&1or to reduce to & co,'&ct /ody /y hi)toric&l n&rr&tion6 ?or thi) 'ur'o)e we h&1e collected the ,&teri&l) th&t h&1e /een )c&ttered /y our 'redece))or), &nd culled, &) fro, )o,e intellectu&l ,e&dow), the &''ro'ri&te e2tr&ct) fro, &ncient &uthor)6 $ h&1e )tri1en to /e &) i,'&rti&l &nd 5u)t &) & )u/5ect in which '&rti&lity &nd in5u)tice h&1e 're1iou)ly 'l&yed )o l&rge & '&rt will &llow6 $ /elie1e th&t $ h&1e f&irly re're)ented the &ttitude of the *entile Church &nd of the 3ewi)h 'eo'le6 $ h&1e not )ought to glo)) o1er the f&iling) of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), while freeing the, fro, & gre&t de&l of ,i)re're)ent&tion6 !he ,e&)ure of ,y f&ithfulne)) to wh&tL dee, to /e the f&ct) will /e for the re&der hi,)elf to 5udge6 Critici), i) likely to co,e /ec&u)e of ,y tre&t,ent of the e&rly d&y) of Chri)ti&nity, /ut $ tru)t th&t re&der) will /e /ro&d,inded enough to concede ,y right of inter'ret&tion of the fr&g,ent&ry d&t& in the w&y th&tL h&1e done6 !he e1idence) h&1e /een &ccu,ul&ting, &nd '&rtly due to the '&in)t&king if un'&l&t&/le re)e&rche) of Dr6 9o/ert "i)ler, which tend to )how th&t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity w&) & ,uch ,ore fund&,ent&l thing, 'olitic&lly, )oci&lly &nd )'iritu&lly th&n eccle)i&)tic&l hi)tori&n) h&1e /een di)'o)ed to &d,it6 One d&y the whole )tory of Chri)ti&n /eginning) will h&1e to /e rewritten, &nd &ny d&y ,&y /ring to light &g&in '&rt of the 1&ni)hed record6 "1en th&t 1ery *o)'el which the &-&rene) cheri)hed ,&y ere long /e re)tored6 H&1ing )&id )o ,uch /y w&y of e2'l&n&tion of the n&ture &nd need for )uch & hi)tory, it i) nece))&ry to &dd th&t there &re contri/utory f&ctor) which ,&ke the 'u/lic&tion of thi) work /oth ti,ely &nd e))enti&l6 +e c&n ,&rk in our own d&y the /eginning) of the return of the gre&t *entile Churche) to the )i,'ler f&ith &nd Chri)tology of the e&rly 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n)6 During the '&)t century &nd & h&lf there h&) /een ,&nife)ted & 'rogre))i1e re#orient&tion, & 4ioni), of f&ith6 ot only tho)e who &re $)r&elite) /y r&ce h&1e turned their he&rt) tow&rd) 3eru)&le,6 !he &tte,'t) of the )e1er&l deno,in&tion) to ,odel their go1ern,ent &nd order on wh&t they /elie1e to /e the line) l&id down in the 'ri,iti1e Church, the renew&l of foreign ,i))ion&ry &cti1ity, 'heno,en&l ,&nife)t&tion) life the re1i1&l of 'ro'hecy &nd )'e&king with tongue), )econd

7 &d1enti),, the inten)ified Bue)t for the hi)toric&l 3e)u), the &cce't&nce of their >e))i&h /y thou)&nd) of 3ew), &ll the)e &nd ,&ny ,ore &re )ign) to the di)cerning th&t the wheel h&) turned full circle, &nd th&t the ,e))&ge of )&l1&tion th&t went forth fro, 4ion i) returning to 4ion &g&in, '&r&llel with the di)'er)ion &nd re)tor&tion of the 3ewi)h 'eo'le6 $f it i) 'er,i))i/le to coin & new word, thi) trend ,&y /e)t /e de)cri/ed &) the 9e5ud&i))&nce of Chri)ti&nity6 ?ro, the li/r&rie) of the e&r "&)t &nd the )&nd) of "gy't ,&ny 'reciou) record) of the e&rly church &re /eing /rought to light which c&n &))i)t u) in recon)tructing it) hi)tory &nd /elief), while the reco1ery of the &ncient *o)'el ,&nu)cri't) en&/le the ,odern di)ci'le to c&tch in e1er cle&rer &ccent) the utter&nce) of hi) >&)ter6 $t i) /eing incre&)ingly recogni-ed how i,'o))i/le i) the &ttitude which would di1orce Chri)ti&nity fro, it) 3ewi)h origin &nd &))oci&tion)6 A) Henry +&rd Beecher wrote fifty ye&r) &goA the ignor&nce &nd )u'er)tition of ,edie1&l "uro'e ,&y &ccount for the 're5udice) of the D&rk Age6 But how & Chri)ti&n now&d&y) c&n turn fro, & 3ew, $ c&nnot i,&gine6 Chri)ti&nity it)elf )ucked &t the /o))o, of 3ud&i),6 Our root) &re in the Old !e)t&,ent6 +e &re 3ew) our)el1e) gone to /lo))o, &nd fruit. Chri)ti&nity i) 3ud&i), in e1olution, &nd it would )ee, )tr&nge for the )eed to turn &g&in)t the )tock on which it w&) grown6 !he )t&te of &ff&ir) in *er,&ny under the Hitler regi,e )how) cle&rly th&t &nti#3ud&i), i) eBu&lly &nti#Chri)ti&nity6 !he only &ltern&ti1e to /oth i) & re1i1ed 0&g&ni),, &nd thi), while it i) ,ore /l&t&ntly fl&unted /y & )ection of the &-i), i) )u/tly reflected el)ewhere in the Churche) /y & ,odern eo#0l&toni),6 Hi)tory doe) h&1e & w&y of re'e&ting it)elf, &nd it i) to /e &ntici'&ted th&t /efore there c&n /e & return to the origin&l f&ith of the 0ro'het of &-&reth, there will /e & recrude)cence of ,&ny &ncient here)ie)6 !heo)o'hy &nd S'iritu&li), h&1e &lre&dy re)tored *no)tici), to it) 'l&ce in the /orderline of Chri)ti&nity6 !he Church will do well to heed the &d,onition of $)&i&h to ILook unto A/r&h&, you f&ther, &nd unto S&r&h th&t /&re you6J A) the ti,e) of the *entile) run out it i) 'ro/&/le th&t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity will )te&dily reg&in it) origin&l 'o)ition of &uthority &nd will enunci&te )i,'le &nd uni1er)&l 'rinci'le) of Chri)ti&n /elief in which the Hnity of *od &nd the >e))i&h)hi' of 3e)u) will /e the fund&,ent&l), &cce't&/le &like to 3ew &nd *entile6 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) will /eco,e the inter,edi# 9 &rie) /etween "&)t &nd +e)t, the he&ler) of old wound), the her&ld) of the <ingdo, of *od6 ?or the)e gre&ter re&)on) which tr&n)cend the cl&i,) of )chol&r)hi' the )tory of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity i) de)er1ing of the ut,o)t con)ider&tion, &nd tho)e of u) who c&n look &t hi)tory with the eye of f&ith ,&y &)k with 4&ngwill in hi) Blind Children) Do we )'ort c&rele))ly, Blindly u'on the 1erge Of &n A'oc&ly')eM Hugh 3 Schonfield 1(

Ch&'ter $ 1 +hen the e&rly ,ini)try of 3e)u) w&) fini)hed there re,&ined &) the fruit) of hi) te&ching & nu,/er of 3ew) who were con1inced th&t he w&) their e2'ected >e))i&h6 Between the)e 3ewi)h /elie1er) di)tri/uted &,ong the town) &nd 1ill&ge) of 0&le)tine, little or no connection &t fir)t e2i)ted6 !heir life re,&ined un&ltered. they wor)hi''ed in the )yn&gogue) with their fellow 3ew), &nd were di)tingui)hed only /y their &dherence to the *&lile&n +onder# +orker, who)e cl&i,) they no dou/t 're))ed &) occ&)ion offered6 !he dri1ing force of the future &-&rene )ect w&) concentr&ted in & ),&ll /ody of the >e))i&h8) ,o)t inti,&te friend) &nd )o,e ,e,/er) of hi) f&,ily, who, &ccording to the &ccount in Act), took u' re)idence in 3eru)&le, in &ntici'&tion of hi) )'eedy &nd gloriou) return6 !hi) w&) the fund&,ent&l &nd the in)'ir&tion of their te&ching K the re)urrection &nd &)cen)ion of the >e))i&h &nd hi) co,ing &g&in in due )e&)on to ree)t&/li)h the kingdo, of *od &nd of $)r&el6 $t w&) thi) /elief, &nd the 'ower of it, th&t in1e)ted the origin&l co,,unity of hu,/le 'er)on), fi)her,en &nd &rti)&n), with & dignity &nd confidence of utter&nce th&t w&) electrifying &nd cont&giou), &nd th&t r&n like wildfire through the o''re))ed cl&))e) of the 'o'ul&tion &nd '&rticu# l&rly &ttr&cted the '&triot) &nd religiou) -e&lot), &lre&dy )tirred &nd e2&lted /y >e))i&nic 1i)ion)6 !hi) w&) the 'regn&nt ,e))&ge, the Igood new)J for which they h&d /een w&iting, the gre&t f&ct /orn of &ctu&l knowledge &nd e2'erience which &nchored indefinite ho'e to the )trong r&ck of re&lity6 Hnder the le&der)hi' of Si,on /&r @on& Nc&lled 0eterO the *&lile&n f&n&tic), &) they were then known, c&rried on &n energetic 'ro'&g&nd& in the n&,e of 3e)u), 'rocl&i,ing hi) >e))i&h)hi' in the !e,'le court), )yn&gogue), ,&rket), &nd e1ery'l&ce of 'u/lic &))e,/ly6 A) de1out 3ew), they were regul&r &ttend&nt) &t the diet) of wor)hi', while they )u)t&ined their c&u)e /y infor,&l 'r&yer &nd di)cu))ion &t the hou)e) of )o,e of their nu,/er6 !o the 3ewi)h &uthoritie) they re're)ented one of the ,&ny I+&y)J with which 3eru)&le, w&) 1e2ed6 !he c&'it&l, &t thi) ti,e, w&) & hot/ed of 'eculi&r 'eo'le offering inf&lli/le re,edie) for the n&tion8) undou/ted ill)6 !hey h&d to /e toler&ted for the )&ke of 'e&ce, &nd were only interfered with when th&t 'e&ce w&) end&ngered /y their 11 loud#1oiced &cti1itie)6 !he fir)t gli,')e of the &-&rene) i) then &) rugged ,en with enthu)i&), /urning in their f&ce), with & thou)&nd tongue) to tell their >&)ter8) 'r&i)e, 'rocl&i,ing hi) co,ing to )eething ,&))e) of their co,'&triot) &ggr&1&ted /y the do,in&tion of 9o,e &nd the tyr&nny of the S&ducce&n hier&rchy6 ?igure) /eco,e f&nciful &t )uch ti,e), /ut there ,u)t /e )o,ething in th&t fir)t t&le in the Act) of Ithree thou)&nd )oul) &ddedJ6666Jfi1e thou)&nd ,en who h&d /elie1ed6J "i)ler h&) o1er)tre))ed the 'olitic&l &)'ect, /ut there i) undou/ted lruth in wh&t he )&y), th&tA the &nnounce,ent of the re)urrection w&) origin&lly di))e,in&ted &,ong the 'eo'le /y the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) in connection with & 'urely 'olitic&l ,e))&ge &nd with & di)tinctly 'olitic&l &i,6 !he re)urrection of 3e)u) w&) origin&lly 're&ched, not to & circle of ,y)tic), like the re)urrection of the dying ,y)tery god) or th&t of

the gr&)) &nd corn )'irit ri)ing &g&in fro, the e&rth, &) &n illu)tr&tion &nd gu&r&ntee of the indi1idu&l8) i,,ort&lityA IBe of good cheer, O initi&ted one)A the god i) )&1ed, you too will find )&l1&tion in your '&in)6J o6 !he 3ewi)h '&rti)&n) of 3e)u) 're&ched to the 'eo'le th&t cert&inty of the i,'ending Ili/er&tion fro, /ond&geJ. nor did they ,e&n, like 0&ul, li/er&tion fro, the /ond&ge of )in &nd wicked )'irit), /ut Buite liter&lly li/er&tion fro, the yoke of their well known worldly o''re))or)6 3e)u) w&) to return &nd li/er&te $)r&el fro, /ond&ge in no other )en)e th&t <ing Arthur w&) /elie1ed /y the +el)h of the >iddle Age) to return to free hi) 'eo'le fro, the S&2on &nd or,&n o''re))or)61 !he ,ind of tod&y c&n with difficulty concei1e the )&inted &'o)tle) of the Chri)ti&n f&ith in the )etting of inci'ient re1olution, conducting & 'ro'&g&nd& which w&) h&lf & re1i1&li)t c&,'&ign &nd h&lf & cl&)) w&r6 !o enter into the )'irit of tho)e d&y), to )y,'&thi-e with the e2u/er&nt co,,uni),, the 5u/il&nt f&n&tici),, th&t turned the n&rrow )treet) of 3eru)&le, &nd the 1ery )te') of the S&nctu&ry into & /&ttle#ground of e2'lo)i1e ele,ent) )u/1er)i1e of ordered go1ern,ent, & gre&t ,&ny tr&dition&l conce'tion) h&1e to /e )&crificed6 !he c&nonic&l docu,ent) ),ooth &w&y ,o)t of the rough edge), /ut the gri, truth will not /e g&in)&id, &nd through di1er)e ch&nnel) wc o/t&in & 'icture ,ore in kee'ing with the condition) &) fro, tlic '&ge) of 3o)e'hu) &nd the !&l,ud we 12 know the, to h&1e /een6 $n & fr&g,ent of the Gospel of *eter the di)ci'le) &fter the crucifi2ion &re found in hiding for fe&r of the &uthoritie), Ifor we were )ought for /y the, &) ,&lef&ctor), &nd &) de)iring to /urn the te,'le6J An uncen)ored edition of the #osippon )t&te) th&t, I$n tho)e d&y) Ei6e6, of the ",'eror C&iu)F, there were w&r) &nd Bu&rrel) in 3ud&e& /etween the 0h&ri)ee) &nd the /rig&nd) of our 'eo'le who followed the )on of 3o)e'h6J 2 A 1ery e&rly tr&dition Buoted /y Cle,ent of Ale2&ndri& fro, the *rea%hin+ of *eter, &nd )u''orted /y A''oloniu), h&) it th&t 3e)u) )&id to the &'o)tle)A $f &nyone of $)r&el wi)he) to re'ent, &nd /y ,y n&,e to /elie1e in *od, hi) )in) )h&ll /e forgi1en hi,6 After twel1e ye&r) go forth into the world, th&t no one ,&y )&y, I+e h&1e not he&rd6J2 !here i) &t le&)t thi) ,uch of truth in the )&ying th&t it would &''e&r th&t the follower) of 3e)u) in 3eru)&le, did not for & con)ider&/le ti,e ,&ke &ny org&ni-ed &tte,'t to co,,unic&te with /elie1er) in the 'ro1ince)6 !he )ucce)) of their 're&ching in the c&'it&l ,u)t, howe1er, h&1e Buickly nece))it&ted )o,e loc&l org&ni-&tion6 An indic&tion of thi) ,&y /e found in Act) 6A16 And in tho)e d&y), when the nu,/er of the di)ci'le) w&) ,ulti'lied, there &ro)e & ,ur,uring of the Helleni)t) Eforeign#/orn 3ew)F &g&in)t the He/rew) Eho,e#/ornF, /ec&u)e their widow) were neglected in the d&ily ,ini)tr&tion6


!hi) led, we &re told, to the &''oint,ent of )e1en parnasim, de&con), to de&l with the di)tri/ution of &l,)6 !here i) no direct e1idence to )how whether the &do'tion of thi) )yn&gog&l cu)to, i,'lie) the e)t&/li)h,ent of & &-&rene )yn&gogue. /ut there i) & cert&in &,ount of indirect e1idence to )ugge)t it6 Any grou' of 3ew) which co,'ri)ed ten batlanim, ,en of lei)ure, could found & )yn&gogue, &nd there were nu,erou) )yn&gogue) in 3eru)&le, re're)enting n&tion&litie), tr&de), &nd no dou/t I+&y)J &) well6 Oe)terley h&) 'ro1ed th&t ,&ny ele,ent) in the e&rly Chri)ti&n liturgy deri1e fro, the liturgy of the )yn&gogue,3 &nd it i) not, therefore, unre&)on&/le to )u''o)e th&t tho)e of the I+&y of 3e)u)J did, in f&ct, e)t&/li)h & )yn&gogue of their own6 Such & ,eeting hou)e ,&y h&1e /een )itu&ted, e)'eci&lly in 1iew of the Helleni)t), clo)e /y th&t of the ?reed,en, Cyreni&n) &nd Ale2&ndri&n), &nd of the, of Cilici& &nd of A)i&, with 13 who)e ,e,/er) the de&con, Ste'hen6 c&,e into wordy conflict, with the re)ult th&t he w&) &ccu)ed of /l&)'he,y &nd h&iled /efore the 3ewi)h "ccle)i&)tic&l Council6 S&ul of !&r)u), & Cilici&n, w&) Buite 'o))i/ly & 'ro,inent ,e,/er of the 1ery )yn&gogue which l&id infor,&tion &g&in)t hi,6 $t i) e2're))ly )t&ted, th&t when Ste'hen w&) found guilty, S&ul Iw&) con)enting unto hi) de&th,J &nd )o,e &cBu&int&nce with the witne))e) who )toned Ste'hen i) cle&rly i,'lied6 !he &uthoritie) h&d &lre&dy h&d to t&ke notice of the &-&rene) through the out)'okenne)) of 0eter &nd 3ohn, &nd they were 'ro/&/ly 1ery gl&d of the o''ortunity to cur/ the growing influence of the)e di)tur/ing ele,ent in the city6 !heir h&r)hne)) in de&ling with Ste'hen )ee,) due to their deter,in&tion to ,&ke &n e2&,'le of hi,6 !he out/re&k &g&in)t the &-&rene) which followed Ste'hen8) e2ecution doe) not &''e&r to h&1e /een &uthori-ed /y the CouncilA S&ul, hi,)elf, )ee,) to h&1e /een the in)tig&tor of the &tt&ck6 $t w&) he, who I/re&thing out thre&tening &nd )l&ughter &g&in)t the di)ci'le) of the Lord, went unto the high 'rie)t, &nd de)ired of hi, letter) to D&,&)cu) to the )yn&gogue), th&t if he found &ny of Pthe +&y,8 whether they were ,en or wo,en, he ,ight /ring the, /ound to 3eru)&le,6J; !he &-&rene Act), reflected in the Clementine -e%o+nitions, )how) hi, /re&king u' & di)'ut&tion /etween the &'o)tle) &nd the chief 'rie)t) like & ,&d,&n, inciting e1eryone to ,urder, )houting, I+h&t do yeM +hy do ye he)it&teM @e )luggi)h &nd inertL +hy do we not l&y h&nd) u'on the,, &nd 'ull &ll the)e fellow) to 'iece)6J +hen he h&d )&id thi), he fir)t, )ei-ing & /r&nd, )et the e2&,'le of ),iting6% !he )&,e &ccount goe) on to rel&te th&t S&ul e1en &tt&cked 3&,e), the /rother of 3e)u), hurling hi, down the te,'le )te'), &nd le&1ing hi, for de&d. &nd th&t he )et out for D&,&)cu) /ec&u)e he /elie1ed th&t 0eter h&d fled there6 $n f&ct, howe1er, the &-&rine le&der h&d t&ken refuge in 3ericho6 Howe1er c&u)ed, the riot te,'or&rily )c&ttered the 3eru)&le, co,,unity, with 'rofound re)ult) on the de1elo',ent of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity. the di)ci'le) th&t were )c&ttered &/ro&d Iwent e1erywhere 're&ching the word6J ot only were new &dherent) g&ined fro, &,ong the S&,&rit&n) &nd 'ro1inci&l 3ew), /ut cont&ct ,u)t &l)o h&1e /een ,&de with ,&ny who h&d co,e under the 'er)on&l influence of 3e)u) during hi) ,ini)try6 !he re)'on)e g&1e the &'o)tle) & new 1i)ion6 !hey )ent 0eter &nd 3ohn to


1; S&,&ri&6 !he re)ult w&) th&t ,& 1ery )hort ti,e /r&nche) of the '&rent co,,unity h&d )'rung u' Ithroughout &ll 3ud&e& &nd *&lilee &nd S&,&ri&,J &nd we find 0eter '&ying the, &n offici&l 1i)it, no dou/t to org&ni-e the co,,unitie) &) well &) to encour&ge the, in their f&ith6 Other di)ci'le) h&d gone &) f&r &) 0henice, Cy'ru) &nd Antioch, 're&ching to the 3ew) of the Di)'er)ion6 !o ,eet thi) further de1elo',ent S&ul, now &n &rdent &dherent of the f&ith he h&d l&tely 'er)ecuted, w&) c&lled fro, !&r)u) /y B&rn&/u) &nd in)t&lled &t Antioch, where the &-&rene) fir)t /eg&n to /e c&lled Chri)ti&noi EChri)ti&n)F, the *reek rendering of >e))i&ni)t)6 So i,'re))i1e h&d the &-&rene '&rty now /eco,e th&t the ci1il &uthoritie) 5oined h&nd with the religiou) in & /el&ted effort to )u''re)) the ,o1e,ent6 3&,e), the )on of 4e/edee, one of the ,o)t &cti1e ,e,/er) of the 3eru)&le, co,,unity, w&) )ei-ed /y order of <ing Herod Agri''&, &nd /ehe&ded, while 0eter w&) i,'ri)oned, /ut 'ro1identi&lly e)c&'ed6 A touching incident connected with the de&th of 3&,e) i) recorded /y Cle,ent of 9o,e6 He rel&te), Ith&t the ,&n who led hi, to the 5udg,ent )e&t, )eeing hi, /e&ring hi) te)ti,ony to the f&ith, &nd ,o1ed /y the f&ct, confe))ed hi,)elf & Chri)ti&n6 Both, therefore, were led &w&y to die, on their w&y, he entre&ted 3&,e) to /e forgi1en of hi,, &nd 3&,e), con)idering & little, re'lied, P0e&ce /e with thee,8 &nd ki))ed hi,. &nd then /oth were /ehe&ded &t the )&,e ti,e6J6 $t now /ec&,e e1ident to the &'o)tle) &nd elder) th&t & ,ore el&/or&te org&ni-&tion w&) nece))&ry if the )c&ttered co,,unitie) of /elie1er) were to /e ke't together6 !he ,o1e,ent w&) in e1ery w&y & 3ewi)h one, &nd it) le&der) were clo)ely identified with 3ewi)h &ff&ir)6 !here w&) no )'lit with the Syn&gogue, &nd it w&) only n&tur&l th&t the go1ern,ent of the co,,unitie) )hould /e conducted on current line)6 !hi) reBuired the e)t&/li)h,ent of loc&l )yn&gogue) with their offici&l), 're)ident, de&con), 'recentor &nd te&cher), three of who, would for, & tri/un&l for the 5udg,ent of c&)e) concerning ,oney ,&tter), theft), lo))e), i,,or&lity, &d,i))ion of 'ro)elyte), etc6 !hi) loc&l council in turn would /e re)'on)i/le to the higher court in 3eru)&le,, to which gr&1er ch&rge) &nd c&)e) would /e referred6 !he org&ni-&tion &l)o 'ro1ided for itiner&nt te&cher) )ent out fro, the centr&l &uthority, who)e duty it w&) to e2hort &nd e2'ound the true doctrine, &nd &l)o to collect due) for the ,&inten&nce of the org&ni-&tion6 +e g&ther th&t thi) )y)te, w&) &do'ted /y the &-&rene), the le&der)hi' of the 1i)iting te&cher) /eing gi1en to 0eter, while 1% 3&,e) the /rother of 3e)u) w&) elected &)i, or 're)ident of the )u're,e Council, /oth on &ccount of hi) kin)hi' to the >e))i&h &nd hi) noted 'iety6 A) Schweit-er rightly 'oint outA ?or the Chri)ti&n) of the churche) in A)i& ,inor &nd *reece, the Church &t 3eru)&le, w&) &n &uthority, in the )&,e )en)e &nd to the )&,e e2tent &) the S&nhedrin w&) for the Syn&gogue) of the De&)'or&6 !he collection which they ,&de for it w&) not )o ,uch & gift )ent to the 'oor &) & le1y co,'&r&/le with the !e,'le t&2 of the 3ewi)h 'ro)elyte), which they '&id to it6D So,e tr&ce) of wh&t ,u)t h&1e /een 'rior to the di)&)trou) w&r of A6D6 6D#D( & 1ery 'owerful &nd )y)te,&tic org&ni-&tion )till ,eet) u) & little l&ter in the .eda%he, & ,&nu&l for the conduct of & Chri)ti&n co,,unity, &nd the ch&rge of 0eter in the Clementine -e%o+nitions to o/)er1e the gre&te)t c&ution, th&t you /elie1e no te&cher unle)) he /ring fro, 3eru)&le, the te)ti,oni&l of 3&,e) the Lord8) /rother, or of who)oe1er ,&y co,e


&fter hi,6 ?or no one, unle)) he h&) gone u' thither &nd there h&) /een &''ro1ed &) & fit &nd f&ithful te&cher for 're&ching the word of the >e))i&h, unle)), $ )&y, he /ring) & te)ti,oni&l thence, i) /y &ny ,e&n) to /e recei1ed67 3&,e) i) )tyled Ithe /i)ho' of /i)ho'), who rule) 3eru)&le,, the holy Church of the He/rew, &nd the churche) e1erywhere e2cellently founded /y the 'ro1idence of *od6J9 3 An e1ent now occurred which w&) to h&1e f&r#re&ching con)eBuence) for the future6 !he Antioch co,,unity decided to )end out & tri&l ,i))ion to A)i& >inor with the o/5ect of re&ching the 3ew) of tho)e region) &nd, if 'o))i/le, the *entile) &l)o6 !he Antioch eccle)i& it)elf )ee,) fro, the fir)t to h&1e included & nu,/er of 'ro)elyte) fro, he&theni),, &nd the intention to e1&ngeli-e tho)e of their own /lood i) &) intelligi/le &) it i) credit&/le6 S&ul, )hortly &fterw&rd) known &) 0&ul, &nd B&rn&/&) were )et &'&rt for thi) enter'ri)e, which h&d & 'recedent in the 'r&ctice of the 0h&ri)ee)6 !hey )t&rted out /y w&y of Seleuci&, &nd then )et )&il for Cy'ru)6 !r&1elling &cro)) the i)l&nd they &g&in )et )&il fro, 0&'ho), &nd 'roceeded 1i& 0erg& in 0&,'hyli&, 0i)idi&n Antioch &nd $coniu,, to Ly)tr& &nd Der/e, ,eeting with ,&ny &d1enture), &nd recei1ing &n unlooked#for re)'on)e to their 're&ching on the '&rt of the *entile)6 !he)e *entile) were &,ong tho)e &lre&dy &ttr&cted to 3u# 16 d&i),6 Around e1ery 3ewi)h proseu%he, or wor)hi''ing center, in the 9o,&n 'ro1ince), were to /e found ,&ny *entile) &ttend&nt on & te&ching which i,'re))ed the, /y it) )i,'licity of theology &nd e,'h&)i) on 'er)on&l holine))6 !o die,, the >e))i&nic ,e))&ge, which 'ro,i)ed 'er)on&l )&l1&tion &nd $,,edi&te rece'tion into the fellow)hi' of f&ith without circu,ci)ion &nd other re)tricti1e rite), w&) dou/ly welco,e6 0&ul &nd B&rn&/&) were therefore &/le to return to Antioch well )&ti)fied with their )ucce))6 IAnd when they were co,e, &nd h&d g&thered the co,,unity together, they rehe&r)ed &ll th&t *od h&d done with the,, &nd how he h&d o'ened the door of f&ith unto the *entile)6J1( !he con1er)ion of the *entile), howe1er, 're)ented &n &cute 'ro/le,6 +h&t w&) to /e the )t&tu) of the)e con1ert)M +ere they to /e reg&rded &) I'ro)elyte) of righteou)ne))J Efull 'ro)elyte)F, )u/5ect in &ll re)'ect) to the l&w) of $)r&el, or &) I'ro)elyte) of the g&teJ Eh&lf 'ro)elyte)F, )u/5ect only to the 'ri,&ry o&hic l&w)M O'inion w&) di1ided, &nd feeling r&n high6 Being of )uch & gr&1e ch&r&cter the Bue)tion w&) referred to 3eru)&le,6 !hither 0&ul &nd B&rn&/&), with )o,e other, re'&ired6 !he )u're,e Council w&) i,,edi&tely con1ened, 're)ided o1er /y 3&,e), &nd the whole ,&tter w&) thr&)hed out6 After he&ring the &rgu,ent) on /oth )ide), the 0re)ident g&1e 5udg,ent to the effect th&t Ethe e1idence in &ccord&nce with the Scri'ture) w&rr&nted the conclu)ion th&t *od w&) c&lling out fro, &,ong the *entile) & 'eo'le for Hi) &,e, who, without /eco,ing 3ew), were to )h&re with the, &ll the 'ri1ilege) of the co1en&nt) of 'ro,i)e611 By thi) deci)ion /elie1ing *entile) were &d,itted to &n &))oci&te# ,e,/er)hi' of the Hou)e of $)r&el, )u/5ect only to the o&hic l&w), which )&ti)fied &ll '&rtie)6 $t w&) nece))&ry, )&id the &-&rene), th&t the *entile) )hould /e c&lled into the roo, of tho)e who re,&ined un/elie1ing, )o th&t the nu,/er ,ight /e filled u' which h&) /een )hown to A/r&h&,612 $t w&) &greed th&t the two org&ni-&tion) )hould /e ke't di)tinct, though clo)ely &llied to one &nother6 3&,e), 0eter &nd 3ohn g&1e to 0&ul &nd B&rn&/&) the right h&nd of fellow)hi'. th&t the


l&tter )hould l&/or &,ong the *entile), while the for,er went to the 3ew)613 !he finding) of the Council were e,/odied in the hi)toric letter which /ec&,e the ch&rter of *entile Chri)ti&nity6 !he &'o)tle) &nd elder) &nd /rethren )end greeting) unto the /rethren which &re of the *entile) in Antioch &nd Syri& &nd Cilici&A 1D ?or&),uch &) we h&1e he&rd th&t cert&in which went out fro, u) h&1e trou/led you with word), )u/1erting your )oul), )&ying, Be circu,ci)ed &nd kee' the L&wA to who, we g&1e no co,,&nd,ent. it )ee,ed good unto u), /eing &))e,/led with one &ccord, to )end cho)en ,en unto you with our /elo1ed B&rn&/&) &nd 0&ul, ,en who h&1e h&-&rded their li1e) for the n&,e of the Lord 3e)u) the >e))i&h6 +e h&1e )ent, therefore, 3ud&) &nd Sil&), who )h&ll &l)o tell you the )&,e thing /y word6 ?or it )ee,ed good to the Holy S'irit &nd to u), to l&y u'on you no gre&ter /urden th&n the)e e))enti&l thing). th&t ye &/)t&in fro, ,e&t offered to idol), &nd fro, /lood, &nd fro, thing) )tr&ngled, &nd fro, fornic&tionA fro, which if ye kee' your)el1e), ye )h&ll do well6 ?&re ye well61; !hu) h&''ily ended thi) cri)i) in 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n hi)tory6 !he decree w&) deli1ered to the co,,unity &t Antioch, I&nd when they h&d re&d ii, they re5oiced for the con)ol&tion6J Shortly &fterw&rd), 0&ul &nd Sil&) )et out on & )econd ,i))ion&ry 5ourney, confir,ing the *entile /elie1er) in their f&ith &nd gi1ing the, co'ie) of the decree to kee'6


17 Ch&'ter $$ 1 Aff&ir) $n 3ud&e& now /eg&n to &))u,e &n o,inou) &''e&r&nce6 0olitic&l &nd econo,ic condition) h&d /een growing )te&dily wor)e6 Soon the ,uttering) of the co,ing )tor, were he&rd. ,uttering) of &n en)l&1ed 'eo'le )tr&ining &t it) /ond)6 !he dre&d her&ld of the c&t&cly), w&) the g&unt )'ectre of w&nt6 !he 'e&)&ntry, &lre&dy gro&ning under the co,/ined tyr&nny of the ci1il &nd religiou) &uthoritie), were dri1en to the 1erge of ,&dne)) /y & gre&t f&,ine which )we't the country in the reign of Cl&udiu) C&e)&r6 $t i) on record th&t the co,,unity &t Antioch contri/uted &ccording to their ,e&n) to the relief of their /rethren in 3eru)&le,,1% &nd 3o)e'hu) tell) of the generou) hel' gi1en to the )t&r1ing citi-en) /y Helen&6 Gueen of the Adi&/ene, & con1ert to 3ud&i),616 $n thi) de)'er&te )itu&tion the t&2#yielded we&lth of the S&dduce&n chief 'rie)t) &nd Herodi&n), like th&t of the high Church dignit&rie) &nd no/ility /efore the ?rench re1olution, /ec&,e &n e1er incre&)ing )ource of /itterne)) to the )uffering 'o'ul&ce, c&lling forth the denunci&tion) of &ll right6 thinking ,en6 0&triot), 4e&lot) &nd &-&rene), ,&de co,,on c&u)e &g&in)t the o''re))or)6 !here i) )o,e e1idence to )how th&t 3&,e) the /rother of 3e)u) w&) ,&de unoffici&l le&der of & united 'eo'le8) '&rty6 !he title gi1en hi,6 Oblias, which "u)e/iu) render), I0rotection of the 0eo'leJ Eperio%he to laoF, the tenor of hi) "'i)tle, the f&ct th&t hi) influence w&) )o fe&red /y the high 'rie)tly '&rty th&t they illeg&lly 'ut hi, to de&th, &nd th&t thi) c&u)ed )uch & 'o'ul&r outcry th&t the re)'on)i/le high 'rie)t w&) de'o)ed &nd the re1olt &cceler&ted, &ll 'oint to thi) conclu)ion6 "i)ler goe) )o f&r &) to )ugge)t th&t the tr&dition th&t 3&,e) wore the di&de, EpetalonF of the High 0rie)t &nd h&d the right of entry into the )&nctu&ry ,&y /e con)trued to ,e&n th&t the /rother of 3e)u) w&) in f&ct elected /y the 'eo'le to thi) holy office in o''o)ition to the offici&l high 'rie)t An&ni&)61D !he e1idence offered on thi) 'oint though intere)ting i) f&r fro, conclu)i1e6 $t doe), howe1er, )&y ,uch for the growth &nd 'ower of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity, &nd f&r ,ore th&n eccle)i&)tic&l &nd l&y hi)tori&n) h&1e e1er &llowed, th&t & /rother of 3e)u) &nd he&d of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n co,,unitie), )hould /e cho)en &) the ,outh'iece &nd ho'e of loy&l $)r&el K & 'ro'het of the re1olt6 !he record) of thi) 'eriod of 3ewi)h hi)tory &re )c&ttered &nd 19 fr&g,ent&ry6 ot fro, the /i&)ed )t&te,ent) of 3o)e'hu) &lone, /ut fro, the ew !e)t&,ent, the !&l,ud, &nd the conte,'or&ry 3ewi)h &'oc&ly'tic writing), ,u)t the 'icture or the gre&t )truggle for freedo, &nd righteou)ne)) /e dr&wn K & )truggle in which 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity 'l&yed & not igno/le, though hitherto unrecogni-ed, '&rt6 A) for the high 'rie)t An&ni&) Ethe youngerF, write) 3o)e'hu), he incre&)ed in credit e1ery d&y666for he w&) & gre&t ,oney ,&ker666He &l)o h&d )er1&nt) who were 1ery wicked, who 5oined the,)el1e) to the 'o'ul&r /ullie), &nd went to the thre)hing# floor), &nd took &w&y, /y force, the tithe) th&t /elonged to the 'rie)t), &nd did not refr&in fro, /e&ting )uch &) would not gi1e the)e tithe) to the,6 And the chief 'rie)t) &cted in the )&,e ,&nner &) the )er1&nt) of An&ni&), without &nyone /eing &/le to 're1ent the,6 +ith the re)ult th&t 'rie)t) who were of old &ccu)to,ed to /e )u''orted with tho)e tithe), died of )t&r1&tion617


!he !&l,ud h&) e1en 're)er1ed the 'eo'le8) crie), with which they /e)ieged the high 'rie)t8) '&l&ceA Down with the Boethu)i&n)L Down with their /ludgeon)L Down with the H&n&nite)L Down with their 1i'er hi))ing)L Down with the C&ntherite)L Down with the li/el)L Down with the f&,ily of $)h,&el /en 0h&/iL Down with their /low) with the fi)tL !hey the,)el1e) &re high 'rie)t), !heir Son) &re tre&)urer), !heir )on)#in#l&w &re c&'t&in) of the te,'le, And their )er1&nt) )trike the 'eo'le with )t&1e)619 A) the ,i)ery of the 'eo'le incre&)ed, )o ,uch the /righter /urnt the fl&,e of >e))i&nic ho'e6 On e1ery h&nd 'ortent) were )een, ru,or) were he&rd, f&l)e 'ro'het) &nd f&l)e >e))i&h) /eg&n to ,&ke their &''e&r&nce, deluding the )ufferer) with e2tr&1&g&nt 'ro,i)e)6 C&lcul&tion) of the length of the tri/ul&tion were e&gerly re&d. 'ro'hecie) of )tu'endou) ,ir&cle) &/out to t&ke 'l&ce i,'licitly /elie1ed6 So,e there were who /etook the,)el1e) to 'r&yer &nd f&)ting h&t *od ,ight re,e,/er Hi) 'eo'le, other) who looked to the )trength of heir own right h&nd for deli1er&nce6 Of the for,er were the no/le 96 2( 4&dok &nd 3&,e) the 3u)t, of the l&tter were "le&-&r /&r Din&i &nd the de)cend&nt) of 3ud&) of *&lilee6 +e ,&y i,&gine the &-&rene) of 3eru)&le, dee'ly ,o1ed &nd their own f&ith gre&tly )trengthened /y &ll th&t w&) t&king 'l&ce, going &/out with redou/led -e&l, w&rning &nd e2horting6 Other) ,ight )'ecul&te they new6 3e)u) w&) &/out to de)cend fro, he&1en &t the he&d of the &ngelic ho)t) to t&ke 1enge&nce on the ene,ie) &nd )et u' hi) gloriou) kingdo,6 !hou)&nd) of recruit) r&llied to the )t&nd&rd of the >e))i&h including & gre&t co,'&ny of the unfortun&te 'rie)t)6 !hrough the h&n of tr&dition &nd cry'tic i,&gery the o''o)ing force) &re di,ly )een K >ich&el &nd hi) &ngel) /&ttling with the Dr&gon &nd hi) &ngel). & &-&rene#4e&lot &lli&nce, the follower) of >o)e) &nd the L&,/, & re,n&nt of $)r&el Pwhich kee' the co,,&nd,ent) of *od &nd h&1e the te)ti,ony of the >e))i&h 3e)u)J with)t&nding the Be&)t, the 'ower of 9o,e, &nd the ?&l)e 0ro'het, the &'o)t&te 3ewi)h high 'rie)thood 2 De)'ite i,'ri)on,ent, /&ni)h,ent &nd e2ecution of le&der) the I'&rty of li/ertyJ continued to g&in ground, &nd the l&ter 0rocur&tor) Antoniu) ?eli2 &nd 0orciu) ?e)tu) found the )itu&tion ,ore &nd ,ore difficult to control6 +hole the ,ore 'e&ce&/le of the &-&rene) &nd 4e&lot) were content to ful,in&te &g&in)t the o''re))or), cert&in 1iolent ele,ent) could not /e re)tr&ined fro, t&king the l&w into their own h&nd)6 ?eli2 )ucceeded in c&'turing "le&-&r /&r Din&i /y & trick &nd )ending hi, to C&e)&r, /ut other took hi) 'l&ce, &nd )oon 3eru)&le, &woke to & new terror, the Sic&rii, & de)'er&te le&gue of d&gger,en, who did not )to' &t ,urdering the 'ro#9o,&n chief 'rie)t) &nd we&lthy citi-en) e1en within the )&cred 'recinct) of the te,'le6 $t i) 'ro/&/le th&t it


w&) &t thi) ti,e th&t the &-&rene) &))u,ed the de)ign&tion of "/ionite), )ignifying the contr&)t /etween the,)el1e) &nd the &1&riciou) &'o)t&te) &nd cl&i,ing th&t they were the true heir) of the >e))i&nic kingdo,6 !he writing) of the &uthor of the A'oc&ly')e of B&ruch &nd 3&,e)8 e'i)tle, which cert&inly reflect thi) 'eriod, c&n h&1e done little to c&l, the '&))ion) th&t were &rou)ed, in )'ite of the l&tter8) 'le& for '&tience6 And there &re curiou) 'oint) of re)e,/l&nce which further &rgue )o,e &))oci&tion /etween the 4e&lot) &nd the &-&rene)6 $t ,u)t h&1e /een e2ceedingly difficult of the follower) of 3e)u) not to /e c&ught u' in the gener&l e2cite,ent &nd c&rried &w&y /y the ,ore ,ilit&nt re1olution&rie)6 !&ke for in)t&nce the follow# 21 ing '&))&ge)A B&ruch ?or th&t ti,e will &ri)e which /ring) &ffliction. for it will co,e &nd '&)) /y with Buick 1ehe,ence, &nd it will /e tur/ulent co,ing in the he&t of indign&tion6 And it will co,e to '&)) in tho)e d&y) th&t &ll the inh&/it&nt) of the e&rth will /e ,o1ed one &g&in)t &nother, /ec&u)e they know not th&t ,y 5udg,ent h&) dr&wn nigh6 ?or there will not /e found ,&ny wi)e &t th&t ti,e, &nd the intelligent will /e /ut fewA ,oreo1er, e1en tho)e who know will ,o)t of &ll /e )ilent6 And there will /e ,&ny ru,or) &nd tiding) not & few, &nd the word) of 'ortent) will /e )hown, &nd 'ro,i)e) not & few will /e recounted, &nd )o,e of the, will 'ro1e idle, &nd )o,e of the, will /e confir,ed 6666 And whil)t they &re ,edit&ting the)e thing), then -e&l will &ri)e in tho)e of who, they thought not, &nd '&))ion will )ei-e hi, who i) 'e&ceful, &nd ,&ny will /e rou)ed in &nger to in5ure ,&ny, &nd they will rou)e u' &r,ie) in order to )hed /lood, &nd in the end they will 'eri)h together with the,6 And it will co,e to '&)) &t the )elf#)&,e ti,e, th&t & ch&nge of ti,e) will ,&nife)tly &''e&r to e1ery ,&n, /y re&)on of which in &ll tho)e ti,e) they were 'olluted &nd 'r&cti)ed o''re))ion, &nd w&lked e1ery ,&n in hi) own word), &nd re,e,/ered not the l&w of the >ighty One6 !herefore, & fire will con)u,e their thought), &nd in fl&,e will the ,edit&tion) of their 1ein) /e tried. for the 3udge will co,e &nd will not t&rry62( 3&,e) *o now, ye rich ,en, wee' &nd howl for your ,i)erie) th&t )h&ll co,e u'on you6 @our riche) &re corru'ted, &nd your g&r,ent) &re ,oth e&ten6 @our gold &nd )il1er &re c&nkered. &nd the ru)t of the, )h&ll /e & witne)) &g&in)t you, &nd )h&ll e&t your fle)h &) it were fire6 @e h&1e he&'ed tre&)ure together for the l&)t d&y)6 Behold the hire of the l&/orer) which h&1e re&'ed down your field), which i) of you ke't /&ck /y fr&ud, criethA &nd the crie) of the, which h&1e re&'ed &re entered into the e&r) of the Lord of Ho)t)6 @e h&1e li1ed in 'le&)ure on the e&rth, &nd /een w&ntonA ye h&1e nouri)hed your he&rt), &) in & d&y of )l&ughter6 @e h&1e conde,ned &nd killed the 5u)t. &nd he doth 22 not re)i)t you6 Be '&tient, therefore, /rethren, unto the co,ing of the Lord6 Behold, the hu)/&nd,&n w&iteth for the 'reciou) fruit of the e&rth, &nd /&th long '&tience for it, until he recei1e the e&rly &nd l&tter r&in6 Be ye &l)o '&tient. )t&/hi)h your


he&rt)A for the co,ing of the Lord dr&weth nigh6 *rudge not one &g&in)t &nother, /rethren, le)t ye /e conde,nedA /ehold, the 3udge )t&ndeth &t the door621 !he)e utter&nce) re&d &l,o)t like & co,,ent&ry on the word) of 3o)e'hu)A ow the &ff&ir) of the 3ew) grew wor)e &nd wor)e continu&lly6 ?or the country w&) &g&in full of /&nd) of ro//er), &nd of i,'o)tor) who deluded the ,ultitude Q6 E!he for,erF )lew /oth their own ene,ie) &nd tho)e who, other ,en w&nted the, to kill for ,oney, not only in other '&rt) of the city, /ut )o,e e1en in the te,'le it)elf, for they h&d the /oldne)) to ,urder ,en there, without thinking of the i,'iety of which they were guilty6 And thi) )ee,) to ,e the re&)on why *od, out of h&tred of the)e ,en8) wickedne)), re5ected our city, &nd no longer 5udged the te,'le )ufficiently 'ure for hi, to dwell therein, /ut /rought the 9o,&n) u'on u), &nd threw & fire u'on the city to 'urge it6 And i,'o)tor) &nd decei1er) urged the 'eo'le to follow the, into the wilderne)), &nd 'retended th&t they would e2hi/it ,&nife)t wonder) &nd )ign) th&t )hould /e 'erfor,ed /y the 'ro1idence of *od622 On the other h&nd, 'ro,i)e) of the 'le&)ure) of the >illenni&l <ingdo, were held out to the )tricken 'eo'le6 !he d&y) will co,e, in which 1ine) )h&ll grow, e&ch h&1ing ten thou)&nd )hoot), &nd on e&ch )hoot ten thou)&nd /r&nche), &nd on e&ch /r&nch, ten thou)&nd twig), &nd on e&ch twig ten thou)&nd clu)ter), &nd on e&ch clu)ter ten thou)&nd gr&'e), &nd e&ch gr&'e when 're))ed )h&ll yield fi1e &nd twenty ,e&)ure) of wine623 $t c&nnot /e fortuitou) th&t )uch & 'ro,i)e of &/und&nce )hould /e Buoted /y 0&'i&) &) & )&ying of 3e)u), &nd &g&in in the Apo%alypse of Baru%h62; +e c&n h&rdly f&il to conclude th&t the 4e&lot# &-&rene) &nd the 4e&lot#0h&ri)ee) were dr&wn together during the )truggle /y & co,,on &i, &nd not 1ery di1ergent e2'ect&tion)6 $n f&ct, the only re&l di)tinction w&) the &-&rene eBu&tion, the >e))i&h i) 3e)u)6 But while thi) di)tinction w&) not of gre&t ,o,ent to the /older )ort of 23 4e&lot), it w&) of enor,ou) i,'ort&nce to the '&rticul&ri)t 0h&ri)ee) &tid to the S&dducee)A &ccording to Old 9u))i&n 1er)ion of 3o)e'hu) it w&) the )u/5ect of &n in)cri'tion )et in the !e,'le /&lu)tr&de, &nd it w&) the c&u)e of the de&th of 3&,e) the 3u)t6 3 !he 3ude&n )ky w&) he&1ily o1erc&)t with thundercloud)6 !he &t,o)'here w&) electric6 !he fir)t hot dro') th&t were to rele&)e the 'ent u' fury of the ele,ent) c&,e /lood red fro, the ,&ngled /ody of the 1ener&/le 0re)ident of the &-&rene)6 Hi) ,&rtyrdo, )ign&li-ed the end of ,oder&te coun)el)6 A) ?e)tu) w&) now de&d K write) 3o)e'hu) K &nd Al/inu) Ethe new 'rocur&torF w&) )till on the ro&d, )o he Ethe high 'rie)t An&ni&)F &))e,/led the S&nhedrin of 5udge), &nd /rought /efore the, the /rother of 3e)u), who w&) c&lled Chri)t, who)e n&,e w&) 3&,e), &nd )o,e other), &nd h&1ing &ccu)ed the, &) /re&ker) of the L&w, he deli1ered the, o1er to /e )toned6 But tho)e who )ee,ed the ,o)t ,oder&te of the citi-en), &nd )trict in the o/)er1&nce of the L&w, di)liked wh&t w&) done. &nd )ecretly )ent to <ing Agri''&, /e)eeching hi, to /id An&ni&) to &ct )o no ,ore, for wh&t he h&d &lre&dy done w&) not done rightly62%

A ,ore el&/or&te &ccount of the de&th of 3&,e) i) gi1en /y the )econd#century 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n hi)tori&n Hege)i''u)A A) there were ,&ny therefore of the ruler) th&t /elie1ed, there &ro)e & tu,ult &,ong the 3ew), Scri/e) &nd 0h&ri)ee), )&ying th&t there w&) d&nger, th&t the 'eo'le would now e2'ect 3e)u) &) the >e))i&h6 !hey c&,e together therefore, &nd )&id to 3&,e), +e entre&t thee, re)tr&in the 'eo'le, who &re led &)tr&y &fter 3e)u), &) if he were the >e))i&h6 +e entre&t thee to 'er)u&de &ll th&t &re co,ing to the fe&)t of the 0&))o1er rightly concerning 3e)u). for we &ll h&1e confidence in thee6 ?or we &nd &ll the 'eo'le /e&r thee witne)) th&t thou &rt 5u)t, &nd thou re)'ecte)t not 'er)on)6 0er)u&de, therefore, the 'eo'le not to /e led &)tr&y /y 3e)u), for we &nd &ll the 'eo'le h&1e gre&t confidence in thee6 St&nd therefore u'on & 'inn&cle of the te,'le, th&t thou ,&ye)t /e con)'icuou) on high, &nd thy word) ,&y /e e&)ily he&rd /y &ll the 'eo'le. for &ll the tri/e) h&1e co,e together on &ccount of the 0&))o1er with )o,e of the *entile) &l)o6 2; !he)e Scri/e) &nd 0h&ri)ee) therefore 'l&ced 3&,e) on & 'inn&cle of the te,'le, &nd cried out to hi,6 O thou 5u)t one, who, we ought &ll to /elie1e, )ince the 'eo'le &re led &)tr&y &fter 3e)u) th&t w&) crucified, decl&re to u) wh&t i) the door of )&l1&tion6 And he &n)wered with & loud 1oice, +hy &)k ye ,e concerning 3e)u) the Son of >&nM He i) now )itting in the he&1en) on the right h&nd of *re&t 0ower, &nd i) &/out to co,e &g&in on the cloud) of he&1en6 And &) ,&ny were confir,ed, &nd gloried in thi) te)ti,ony of 3&,e), &nd cried, Ho)&nn& to the )on of D&1id, the)e )&,e 'rie)t) &nd 0h&ri)ee) )&id to one &nother, +e h&1e erred in &ffording )uch te)ti,ony to 3e)u), /ut let u) go u' &nd c&)t hi, down, th&t they ,&y dre&d to /elie1e in hi,6 And they cried out6 OhL OhL the 3u)t hi,)elf i) decei1ed, &nd they fulfilled th&t which i) written in $)&i&h, Let u) t&ke &w&y the 5u)t, /ec&u)e he i) offen)i1e to u). wherefore, they )h&ll e&t the fruit of their doing)6 *oing u', therefore, they c&)t down the 3u)t one, )&ying to one &nother, let u) )tone 3&,e) the 3u)t6 And they /eg&n to )tone hi,, &) he did not die i,,edi&tely when c&)t down. /ut turning round he knelt down )&ying, $ /e)eech thee, ( Lord *od &nd ?&ther, forgi1e the,, for they know not wh&t they do6 !hu) they were )toning hi,, when one of the 'rie)t) of the )on) of 9ech&/, & de)cend&nt of the 9ech&/ite) )'oken of /y 3ere,i&h the 'ro'het, cried out, )&ying, Ce&)eL +h&t &re you doingM !he 3u)t i) 'r&ying for you6 But one of the,, & fuller, /e&t out the /r&in) of the 3u)t with the clu/ th&t he u)ed to /e&t out clothe)6 !hu) he )uffered ,&rtyrdo,, &nd they /uried hi, on the )'ot, where hi) to,/)tone )till re,&in), clo)e /y the !e,'le6 He /ec&,e & f&ithful witne)), /oth to the 3ew) &nd *reek), th&t 3e)u) i) the >e))i&h626 9e&ding /etween the line) of the)e &ccount) of the de&th of 3&,e), then i) & )trong )u)'icion of & 're,edit&ted con)'ir&cy to de)troy thi) i,'ort&nt 'er)on&lity if hi) te)ti,ony )hould 'ro1e un)&ti)f&ctory, &nd to do )o in & w&y th&t would &''e&r to /e &ccident&l6 !hi) l&)t &ct of tre&chery on the '&rt of An&ni&) &nd hi) '&rti)&n), howe1er, &lien&ted the )y,'&thie) of tho)e who )till 1ener&ted the chief 'rie)t) on &ccount of their )&cred office6 !he ,urdered )&int w&) )'eedily &1enged. for in the e&rly d&y) of the w&r with 9o,e An&ni&) &nd


2% ,o)t of the other chief 'rie)t) were )l&in /y the $du,e&n) who, the -e&lot) h&d /rought into 3eru)&le,, &nd their /odie) were c&)t out without /uri&l6


26 Ch&'ter $$$ 1 At thi) )t&ge of &ff&ir) in 3ud&e& it i) nece))&ry to digre)) & little, only howe1er, to record circu,)t&nce) of &nother kind, /ut eBu&lly unh&''y, el)ewhere6 After the Council of 3eru)&le,, 0&ul h&d )et out with Sil&) on & )econd ,i))ion&ry 5ourney, cre&ting new Chri)ti&n center) in 0hrygi&, *&l&ti&, >&cedoni& &nd Ach&i&, under the ter,) of &gree,ent re&ched &t the Council6 But &fter the l&')e of )o,e ye&r) )tr&nge t&le) /eg&n to filter through to 3eru)&le,6 0&ul, c&rried &w&y /y the )ucce)) of hi) 're&ching to the *entile), h&d /egun to ,&gnify hi) office6 He h&d decl&red th&t Ithe 5u)t )h&ll li1e /y f&ith,J &nd th&t I/y the deed) of the L&w )h&ll no fle)h /e 5u)tified62D He /&de hi) con1ert) not to /e Ient&ngled &g&in with the yoke of /ond&ge6J He w&) re'orted to h&1e )&id, IBehold, $ 0&ul )&y unto you, th&t if ye /e circu,ci)ed, the >e))i&h )h&ll 'rofit you nothing6J27 He w&) further Buoted, /ut without found&tion to h&1e t&ught, ILet u) do e1il th&t good ,&y co,e6J29 All thi) )ee,ed /&d enough, /ut )oon other ,e))&ge) /eg&n to &rri1e telling of the un/ridled licentiou)ne)) which h&d /roken out &,ong the *entile Chri)ti&n)6 !o do 0&ul 5u)tice, the une2'ected liter&lne)) with which hi) word) h&d /een t&ken, )hocked hi, i,,e&)ur&/le6 !he "'i)tle) of St6 0&ulKwrite) S6 B&ring *ould K e2hi/it hi, gr&''ling with thi) terri/le e1il, crying out in &ngui)h &g&in)t the d&ily growing )c&nd&l), in)i)ting th&t hi) con1ert) )hould le&1e off their Irioting &nd drunkenne)), ch&,/ering &nd w&ntonne)), )trife &nd en1ying.J th&t their /odie) were te,'le) of the )'irit of *od, not to /e defiled with i,'urity. th&t it w&) in 1&in to decei1e the,)el1e) /y /o&)ting their f&ith &nd &''e&ling to the freedo, of *r&ce63( On recei't of the )&d new) of the condition) 're1&iling in the *entile co,,unitie), & circul&r letter w&) i))ued /y the le&der) of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity in the n&,e of 0eter, &) one well#known to the A)i&tic Chri)ti&n)6 !hi) letter it i) unnece))&ry to Buote &t length, /ut the *entile Chri)ti&n) &re )trongly w&rned &g&in)t Itho)e who h&1e for)&ken the right w&y, &nd &re gone &)tr&y, following the w&y of B&l&&, the )on of Beor, who I&llure through the lu)t of the fle)h, through ,uch w&ntonne)), tho)e th&t were cle&n e)c&'ed fro, the, who li1e in error,J who Iwhile they 2D 'ro,i)e the, li/erty, they the,)el1e) &re the )er1&nt) of corru'tion6J31 Henceforth, /y the /ulk of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), 0&ul w&) &n&the,&ti-ed &) & &'o)t&te fro, the L&w,32 &nd hi) w&y &nd their) l&y e1er &'&rt6 2 !he )tr&in of the)e e1ent) told on the &'o)tle of the *entile)6 ?eeling hi) hel'le))ne)), he, who h&d for )o long /een inde'endent, turned like & tired child to it) ,other, &nd ,&de &ll h&)te to 3eru)&le,6 !&king le&1e of the "'he)i&n elder) &t >iletu), he )et )&il for 0&le)tine &nd l&nded &t !yre6 +hen he re&ched 3eru)&le,, &nd the &'o)tle) )&w the we&ry figure, they h&d nothing in their he&rt) /ut )y,'&thy, &nd )&id to hi,A !hou )ee)t, /rother, how ,&ny ,yri&d) of 3ew) there &re which /elie1e. &nd they &re &ll -e&lou) of the L&wA &nd they &re infor,ed of thee th&t thou te&che)t &ll the 3ew) which &re

&,ong the *entile) to for)&ke >o)e), )&ying th&t they ought not to circu,ci)e their children, neither to w&lk &fter the cu)to,)6 +h&t i) it therefore, the ,ultitude ,u)t need) co,e together for they will he&r th&t thou &re co,e6 Do therefore thi) th&t we )&y to theeA we h&1e four ,en which h&1e & 1ow u'on the,. the, t&ke &nd 'urify thy)elf with the,6 !h&t &ll ,&y know th&t tho)e thing), whereof they were infor,ed concerning thee &re nothing. /ut th&t thou thy)elf &l)o w&lke)t orderly, &nd kee'e)t the L&w633 0&ul willingly o/eyed, &nd w&) not hy'ocritic&l in )o doing, for though he h&d fought )trenuou)ly for *entile li/erty he h&d ne1er &d1oc&ted the gi1ing u' /y 3ew) of their &nce)tr&l cu)to,), &nd he hi,)elf re,&ined &n o/)er1&nt 3ew to the end of hi) life6 $n hi) l&)t recorded )'eech he could )&y with )incerity, I$ h&1e co,,itted nothing &g&in)t the 'eo'le or cu)to,) of our f&ther)6J3; $t i) unnece))&ry to l&/or thi) 'oint, /ut on &t le&)t two occ&)ion) 0&ul left hi) ,i))ion field to h&)ten to 3eru)&le, for &n i,'ending fe)ti1&l6 !hi) ti,e, &) the &'o)tle) h&d fore)een, while &t wor)hi' in the te,'le, he w&) recogni-ed /y cert&in 3ew) of A)i&, who &t once ,&de & cl&,or6 Such & di)tur/&nce in tho)e 1iolent d&y) w&) )ufficient to rou)e the whole city6 And &) they went &/out to kill 0&ul tiding) c&,e to the co,,&nder of the 9o,&n g&rri)on, e1er on the &lert, th&t &ll 3eru)&le, w&) in &n u'ro&r, who i,,edi&tely took )oldier) &nd centurion) &nd )ucceeded in )ecuring 0&ul &nd c&rrying hi, into the C&)tle of Antoni&, o1erlooking the te,'le &re&, under the i,'re))ion th&t he w&) &n 27 "gy'ti&n f&l)e 'ro'het who h&d l&tely /een ,&king ,i)chief6 3o)e'hu) record) of thi) ,&nA He w&) & che&t &nd i,'o)tor, &nd yet got credited &) & 'ro'het, &nd c&,e to 3ud&e&, &nd got together thirty thou)&nd deluded ,en, who, he led round fro, the wilderne)) to the ,ount, which w&) c&lled the >ount of Oli1e), &nd intended to /re&k into 3eru)&le, /y force fro, th&t 'l&ce. &nd if he could /ut once conBuer the 9o,&n g&rri)on &nd the 'eo'le, he intended to do,ineer o1er the, /y the &))i)t&nce of tho)e /odygu&rd) of hi) th&t were to /re&k into the city with hi,6 But ?eli2 're1ented hi) &tte,'t, &nd ,et hi, with hi) 9o,&n )oldier), &nd &ll the 'eo'le &))i)ted ?eli2 &g&in)t hi,, )o th&t, when it c&,e to & /&ttle, the "gy'ti&n r&n &w&y with & few other), /ut ,o)t of tho)e th&t were with hi, were either killed or t&ken &li1e. &nd the re)t of the ,ultitude di)'er)ed e1ery one to their own ho,e), &nd there conce&led the,)el1e)63% H&1ing ,&de known hi) identity to the 9o,&n co,,&nder, 0&ul w&) 're)ently /rought /efore the Council of the 0rie)t), 're)ided o1er /y the in)olent &nd high#h&nded An&ni&)6 H&rdly h&d he co,,enced hi) defence /efore thi) unworthy high 'rie)t, true to hi) ch&r&cter, ordered hi, to /e ),itten on the ,outh6 9e&li-ing th&t there would /e no 5u)tice fc hi, in )uch &n &))e,/ly, 0&ul &tte,'ted to cre&te & di1i)ion /etween the 0h&ri)ee &nd S&dducee ,e,/er) /y cl&i,ing to /e & 0h&ri)ee, &nd &''e&ling to hi) f&ith in the re)urrection, & doctrine which the S&dduce denied6 !he de)ired re)ult w&) o/t&ined, &nd the council /roke u' in di)order6 0&ul w&) t&ken /&ck under gu&rd into the Antoni&6 !he ne2t d&y 0&ul8) ne'hew /rought infor,&tion to the c&)tle of con)'ir&cy to &))&))in&te hi,, u'on he&ring which the 9o,&n co,,&nder deter,ined to )end 0&ul )ecretly to C&e)&r to ?eli2, &nd wrote the following letter in e2'l&n&tionA Cl&udi&) Ly)i&), unto the ,o)t e2cellent go1ernor ?eli2, greeting6


!hi) ,&n w&) t&ken of the 3ew) &nd )hould h&1e /een killed of the,6 !hen c&,e $ with &n &r,y, &nd re)cued hi,, h&1ing under)tood th&t he w&) & 9o,&n6 And when $ would h&1e known the c&u)e wherefore they &ccu)ed hi,, $ /rought hi, forth unto their council. who, $ 'ercei1ed to /e &ccu)ed of Bue)tion) of their l&w, /ut to h&1e nothing l&id to hi) ch&rge worthy of de&th or /ond)6 And when it w&) told ,e how th&t the 3ew) l&id w&it 29 for the ,&n, $ )ent )tr&ightw&y to thee, &nd g&1e co,,&nd,ent to hi) &ccu)er) &l)o to )&y /efore thee wh&t they h&d &g&in)t hi,6 ?&rewell $n due cour)e An&ni&) with )o,e of the elder) &rri1ed &t C&e)&re& /ringing with the, &n or&tor n&,ed !ertullu) to )t&te their c&)e /efore ?eli2, &ccu)ing 0&ul of /eing & ,o1er of )edition, &nd & ring#le&der of the )ect of the &-&rene)6 0&ul &/ly defended hi,)elf, /ut the c&)e w&) &d5ourned6 ?or the ne2t two ye&r) he w&) ke't in cu)tody &t C&e)&re& /ec&u)e he would not /ri/e ?eli2 to rele&)e hi,6 But &fter two ye&r) 0orciu) ?e)tu) )ucceeded ?eli2. I&nd ?eli2 willing to )how the 3ew) & 'le&)ure left 0&ul /ound6J36 !hi) &tte,'t to 'l&c&te the 3ewi)h &uthoritie), with who, ?eli2 w&) in /&d odor, w&) un)ucce))ful, &nd they )ent & de'ut&tion &fter hi, to &ccu)e hi, to ero6 ?ro, thi) he only e)c&'ed 'uni)h,ent through the influence of hi) /rother 0&ll&)6 o )ooner w&) ?e)tu) in)t&lled in hi) office th&n further re're)ent&tion) were ,&de &g&in)t 0&ul /y An&ni&) &nd hi) &dherent), u'on which 0&ul &''e&led to C&e)&r, to who, &ccordingly he w&) )ent not long &fter6 But /efore hi) l&)t 5ourney we)tw&rd, 0&ul h&d & uniBue o''ortunity of decl&ring hi) f&ith in the >e))i&h /efore no le)) & dignit&ry th&t Agri''& $$, the l&)t titul&r king of the 3ew), who with hi) )i)ter Berenice h&d co,e to CR)&re& to greet ?e)tu)6 A/out the )&,e ti,e th&t 0&ul &rri1ed in 9o,e, it would &''e&r th&t 0eter in the cour)e of hi) '&)tor&l 1i)it&tion) h&d co,e there &l)o6 !r&dition, &t &ny r&te, /ring) the)e two gre&t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) together /efore the curt&in f&ll) on their e1entful li1e)6 "&ch h&d contri/uted hi) )h&re tow&rd) )etting u' the kingdo, of *od &,ong ,en, &nd though often o''o)ed to one &nother in 'olicy, /oth were united in &n undying de1otion to the one who, they /elie1ed to /y *od8) >e))i&h6 !he A%ts of *eter and *aul touchingly record) their l&)t ,eetingA IAnd )eeing e&ch other they we't for 5oyA &nd long e,/r&cing e&ch other, they /edewed e&ch other with their te&r)6J $n the )&,e docu,ent the 9o,&n Chri)ti&n) decl&reA I+e h&1e /elie1ed &nd do /elie1e, th&t &) *od doe) not )e'&r&te the two gre&t light) which He h&) ,&de, )o He i) not to '&rt you fro, e&ch other, neither 0eter fro, 0&ul, nor 0&ul fro, 0eter6J !he two &'o)tle) &re /elie1ed to h&1e )uffered ,&rtyrdo, &/out the )&,e ti,e, 0eter /y crucifi2ion he&d downw&rd), &nd 0&ul /y /ehe&ding6 !hey h&d fought & good fight, they h&d fini)hed the cour)e, 3( they h&d ke't the f&ithA henceforth, there w&) l&id u' for the, & crown righteou)ne)), which the Lord, the righteou) 3udge, )h&ll gi1e the, &t th&t d&y6


31 Ch&'ter $: Hnder the ne2t two 'rocur&tor) of 3ud&e&, Al/inu) &nd *e))iu) ?loru), the cu' of $)r&el8) ,i)fortune) o1erflowed6 !he)e offici&l) ,&de co,,on c&u)e with the /rig&nd) who were o1errunning the country, recei1ing & )h&re of the )'oil) in return for offici&l 'rotection, )o th&t there were no /ound) )et to the n&tion8) ,i)erie). /ut the unh&''y 3ew), /eing un&/le to /e&r the de1&)t&tion) which the ro//er) ,&de &,ong the,, were &ll forced to le&1e their own h&/it&tion) &nd flee &w&y, &) if they could dwell /etter &nywhere el)e in the world &,ong foreigner)6 And why need $ )&y &ny ,ore K continue) 3o)e'hu) K for it w&) ?loru) who forced u) to t&ke u' &r,ie) &g&in)t the 9o,&n), &) we thought it /etter to /e de)troyed &t once th&n little /y little63D A,ong tho)e who now /eg&n to le&1e the Holy City until the indign&tion could /e o1er'&)t were the ,&5ority of the &-&rene) &nd the ,oder&te ,e,/er) of the 0h&ri)&ic '&rty6 !he for,er, under the le&der)hi' of $onEMF the )on of Cleo'h&), & cou)in of 3e)u) who h&d )ucceeded 3&,e), )ought refuge in the neigh/orhood of 0ell& in the Dec&'oli). the l&tter, EMFer 3och&n&n the )on of 4&kk&i, retired to @&1neh on the )e& co&)t6 +h&t i,'elled /oth '&rtie) to t&ke thi) cour)e w&) & /elief th&t the 'ro'hecie) concerning the L&)t D&y) were /eing fulfilled /efore their eye)6 Ancient Scri'ture) h&d 'refigured the de)truction of the te,'le Ethe holy hou)e /uilt of ced&r)F in the doo, of Le/&non6 IBehold the Lord, the Lord of Ho)t) )h&ll lo' the /ough with terrorA &nd the high one) EMFt&ture )h&ll /e hewn down, &nd the h&ughty one) )h&ll /e hu,/led, &nd EMF&non )h&ll f&ll /y & ,ighty one Q6 O'en thy door), O Le/&non, th&t the EMF ,&y de1out thy ced&r)6J37 $n &ddition, the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) h&d the EMFr w&rning) of the >e))i&h639 !hi) i) not the 'l&ce to de&l with )uch & contro1er)i&l Bue)tion, /ut to the EMFter there )ee,) to /e )trong e1idence th&t the &-&reth of the ew !e)t&,ent w&) not )itu&ted in we)tern *&lilee, /ut &cro)) the 3ord&n in the Dec&'oli), &nd th&t it i) for thi) re&)on th&t the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) took refuge there, where their de)cend&nt) re,&in to thi) d&y6 Soon, &ll too )oon, the wor)t fe&r) of the ,oder&te citi-en) were 5u)tified6 +&r with 9o,e w&) decl&red, &nd, &fter & te,'or&ry )et/&ck 9o,&n &r,), the force) of :e)'&)i&n like &nother o&hic flood, Swe't o1er the country6 *&lilee fell, then northern 3ud&e&, until on & d&y the 32 w&tcher on the w&ll) of 4ion could c&tch the glint of )unlight on the 9o,&n e&gle) in the )urrounding 1&lley6 !he )co'e of thi) hi)tory e2clude) & de)cri'tion of tho)e &wful ye&r)6 3ewi)h &gony which cul,in&ted in the de)truction of the !e,'le6 3ewi)h re,ini)cence) of the w&r re1e&l /y their confu)ed chronology, their 1iEMF &nd e2&gger&ted &ccount) of )l&ughter &nd )l&1ery, how terri/le w&) their i,'re))ion of the gh&)tly tr&gedy left on the n&tion&l con)ciou)ne))6 I?or )e1en ye&r),J it i) )&id, Ithe n&tion) of the world culti1&ted their 1iney&rd) with no other ,&nure th&n the /lood of $)r&el6;( $n light of the)e e1ent) the w&rning) of 3e)u) took on & conte,'or&ry coloring6 According to one e1&ngeli)t hi) 'ro'hecy h&d runA


And when ye )h&ll )ee 3eru)&le, co,'&))ed with &r,ie), then know th&t the de)ol&tion thereof i) nigh6 !hen let the, which &re in 3ud&e& flee to the ,ount&in). &nd let the, which &re in the ,id)t of it de'&rt out. &nd let not the, th&t &re in the countrie) enter thereinto6 ?or the)e /e the d&y) of 1enge&nce, th&t &ll thing) which &re written ,&y /e fulfilled6 But woe unto the, th&t &re with child, &nd to the, th&t gi1e )uck in tho)e d&y)M ?or there )h&ll /e gre&t di)tre)) in the l&nd, &nd wr&th u'on thi) 'eo'le6 And they )h&ll f&ll /y the edge of the )word, &nd )h&ll /e led &w&y c&'ti1e into &ll n&tion). &nd 3eru)&le, )h&ll /e trodden down of the *entile) until the ti,e) of the *entile) /e fulfilled6;1 !hi), howe1er, i) not the only 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n reference to w&r6 !he Book of 9e1el&tion, the inter'ret&tion of which i) )o di)'uted owing to the gener&l ignor&nce of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity, ,e))&ge fro, one of the &-&rene le&der), de'orted like ,&ny other) &fter the w&r, to the Chri)ti&n co,,unitie) in A)i& >inor, e2'l&ining the,, nece))&rily in cry'tic l&ngu&ge /ec&u)e of the 9o,&n &thoritie) the )t&te of &ff&ir) in 3ud&e&, &nd /idding the, hold f&)t to their f&ith the)e c&l&,itie) were )ign) of the Lord8) )'eedy return6 I!he)e )&ying) &re f&ithful &nd true,J he write), I&nd the Lord *od of the holy 'ro'het) h&th )ent hi) ,e))enger to )how unto hi) )er1&nt) the thing) which )hortly /e done6J How the )croll w&) ),uggled out of 0&t,o) &nd re&ched it) de)tin&tion tr&dition doe) not record. /ut it) content) &re illu,in&ting th&t no writer of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n hi)tory c&n &fford to neglect the,6;2 3ohn, the &uthor, e2'l&in) th&t while in e2ile on the i)l&nd of 0&t,o) 33 w&) co,,&nded in & 1i)ion to write & /ook &nd )end it to the )e1en )tr&tegic Chri)ti&n co,,unitie) of A)i&, n&rr&ting the cour)e of rede,'ti1e hi)tory, '&)t, 're)ent &nd future6 "&ch of the co,,unitie) to who, the 9e1el&tion i) )ent recei1e) & )e'&r&te &d,onition &cco,'&nied /y & w&rning to look for the re&l ,e&ning underlying the i,&gery6 IHe th&t /&th &n e&r, let hi, he&r wh&t the S'irit )&ith unto the churche)6J;3 !he fir)t '&rt of the 9e1el&tion follow) the )&,e line) &) the 'receding ch&'ter) of thi) work6 All th&t h&) tr&n)'ired )ince the A)cen)ion i) inco,'rehen)i/le &'&rt fro, the >e))i&h, who &lone c&n o'en the /ook of *od8) 'ur'o)e) Ech6 %F6 !he ,o)t )ignific&nt e1ent) th&t 'receded the w&r with 9o,e &re /riefly '&))ed in re1iew6 !he )eer refer) to the e&rly conBue)t) of the ?&ith, &nd then to the gener&l unre)t th&t 're1&iled in 0&le)tine6 He )'e&k) of the f&,ine in the reign of Cl&udiu) C&e)&r, &nd the ,i)ery &nd &n&rchy th&t followed in it) w&keA when De&th )t&lked &/ro&d, &nd ,en 'eri)hed /y the )word &nd hunger, &nd /y the r&1&ge) of the /rig&nd) Ethe wild /e&)t of the e&rthF, who h&d co,e out of their ,ount&in den)6 e2t co,e) &n &llu)ion to the 'er)ecution which the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) )uffered &t the h&nd) of the 3ewi)h &nd 9o,&n &uthoritie), &nd their cry to *od for 5u)tice in l&ngu&ge re,ini)cent of the "'i)tle of 3&,e), ending with the forceful de)cri'tion of the reign of terror under the 'rour&tor)hi' of *e))iu) ?loru) Ech6 6F6 !he 5udg,ent) &re now &/out to f&ll on 3eru)&le,, /ut not /efore the )er1&nt) of *od &re )e&led Ech6 DF6 A /rief &nd dr&,&tic '&u)e follow), &nd then the tru,'et) of 5udg,ent )ound, &nd the l&nd reel) under & deluge of h&il &nd fire &nd /lood Ech6 7F6 !here i) the cl&nk of c&1&lry, the tr&,' of &r,ie), &ll the deni-en) of the 'it &re let loo)e. ,&iled 9o,&n), long#h&ired ,ercen&rie), locu)t) &nd )cor'ion) in1&de the unh&''y country Ech6 9F6 !he )cene) in the detr&cted city &re de&lt with in ch&'ter 11. the l&)t witne))e) &re )l&in &nd their un/uried /odie) &re c&)t out. e&rthBu&ke) E&))&ult)F )h&tter the w&ll). 3eru)&le, i) to /e trodden down of the


*entile) for the 'ro'hetic 'eriod of & ti,e, ti,e), &nd & h&lf6 A) to the 're)ent, the )eer write) th&t the 0&le)tine&n 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) &re )&fe in the de)ert, h&1ing e)c&'ed the gener&l de)truction Ech6 12F6 >oreo1er, he )&y), 9o,e8) triu,'h i) to /e )hort#li1ed6 After the conBue)t of 0&le)tine I&ll the world wondered &t the Be&)tJ I+ho i) like unto the Be&)t E9o,eFMJ w&) the uni1er)&l cry6 I+ho i) &/le to ,&ke w&r with hi,MJ E13A3#;F !hen co,e) the 'ro'hecy, I$f &ny ,&n h&1e &n e&r, let hi, he&r6 He th&t le&deth into c&'ti1ity )h&ll go into c&'ti1ity. 3; he th&t killeth with the )word ,u)t /e killed with the )word6 Here i) the '&tience &nd f&ith of the )&int)J E13A9#1(F6 +ith thi) )u,,&ry of '&)t &nd 're)ent e1ent) the )eer goe) on to outline the future6 !he 9o,&n ",'ire i) &/out to feel the ,ighty h&nd of *od. /ut /efore the 1i&l) of wr&th &re 'oured out & l&)t o''ortunity of re'ent&nce i) to /e gi1en the n&tion)6 IAnd $ )&w &nother &ngel fly in the ,id)t of he&1en, h&1ing the e1erl&)ting go)'el to 'rocl&i, unto the, th&t dwell on the e&rth, &nd to e1ery n&tion, &nd kindred, &nd tongue, &nd 'eo'le, )&ying with & loud 1oice, ?e&r *od, &nd gi1e glory to hi, th&t ,&de he&1en &nd e&rth, &nd the )e&, &nd the fount&in) of w&ter)J E1;A6#DF6 !he i,&gery of the )ucceeding ch&'ter) run) &l,o)t '&r&llel to the 5udg,ent) on 3eru)&le,, only with &dded horror), illu)tr&ting the )&ying of 0eter, I?or the ti,e of 5udg,ent i) co,e th&t 5udg,ent ,u)t /egin &t the hou)e of *od. &nd if it fir)t /egin &t u), wh&t )h&ll /e the end of the, th&t o/ey not the go)'el of *odMJ;; A) in 3ud&e&, )o in the Di&)'or&, *od h&) f&ithful )er1&nt) Ith&t h&d gotten the 1ictory o1er the Be&)t, &nd o1er hi) i,&ge, &nd o1er hi) ,&rkJ E1%A2F6 !hey )t&nd on the )hore of the 9ed Se& of ?ire in which the &r,ie) of the neo#"gy'ti&n) E9o,&n)F &re 'eri)hing, &nd )ing the )ong of >o)e) &nd the L&,/ E1%A2#;F6 Ch&'ter 16 de)cri/e) the 5udg,ent) th&t &re to o1ert&ke 9o,e6 0e)tilence )trike) the &dherent) of the Be&)t. the w&ter) &re dyed cri,)on with the /lood of the )l&in. thou)&nd) 'eri)h /y fire &nd f&,ine. the e&)tern 'ower) ri)e in re1olt. f&l)e coun)ellor) urge on 9o,e &nd her &llie) to their doo, &t Ar,&geddon, where "&)t &nd +e)t ,eet in & ,utu&lly de)tructi1e conflict6 !he ch&'ter clo)e) with &n i,&ge of & Igre&t h&il out of he&1en, e1ery )tone &/out the weight of & t&lent,J & good in)t&nce of & )eer8) cry'tici), of which the ,e&ning h&) /een 're)er1ed6 $t h&''en) th&t 3o)e'hu), de)cri/ing the )iege of 3ot&'&t& /y :e)'&)i&n, )t&te), I!hen )i,ult&neou)ly the c&t&'ult) hurled l&nce) with & gre&t noi)e, &nd )tone) of the weight of & t&lent were thrown /y the engine) for hurling )tone)6J;% !he f&ll of 9o,e her)elf i) foretold under the figure of B&/ylon Ech)6 1D#17F6 At her o1erthrow, the h&llelu5&h) of the )&int) &re he&rd. the >e))i&h ride) forth &t the he&d of the &ngelic ho)t) to co,'lete the di)co,fiture of the ene,y. the >illenniu, i) u)hered in Ech)6 19# 2(F6 !he )eer, howe1er, h&) not fini)hed hi) ,e))&ge6 !here i) to /e & fin&l out/re&k of re/ellion /y the force) of e1il, in)t&ntly Buelled, &fter which follow) the L&)t 3udg,ent &nd the cre&tion of & new he&1en &nd & new e&rth. the new 3eru)&le, Iwho)e /uilder &nd ,&ker i) *odJ /eco,e) & 3% l&)ting h&/it&tion for the righteou) Ech)6 2(#22F6 Such in &ll too /rief co,'&)) i) thi) gre&t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n &'oc&ly')e, e,/odying the /elief of the f&ithful 3ewi)h follower) of the >e))i&h, which ner1ed the, in &ll their terri/le )uffering) of tho)e d&y)6 IHe which te)tifieth the)e thing) )&ith, Surely $ co,e Buickly6 A,en6 "1en )o,

co,e, Lord 3e)u)6J +ho )h&ll )&y th&t their f&ith in the i,,edi&te 5udg,ent of 9o,e, &nd the return of the >e))i&h in glory, w&) un5u)tifiedL H&d not 3e)u) hi,)elf, when on e&rth, )t&ted c&tegoric&llyA $,,edi&tely &fter the tri/ul&tion of tho)e d&y) )h&ll the )un /e d&rkened, &nd the ,oon )h&ll not gi1e her light, &nd the )t&r) )h&ll f&ll fro, he&1en, &nd the 'ower) of the he&1en) )h&ll /e )h&ken. &nd then )h&ll &''e&r the )ign of the Son of >&n in he&1enA &nd then )h&ll &ll the tri/e) of the e&rth ,ourn, &nd they )h&ll )ee the )on of >&n co,ing in the cloud) of he&1en with 'ower &nd gre&t glory6;6 Such w&) &l)o the f&ith of the non#Chri)ti&n 3ewi)h e2ile), /&)ed on the )tudy of the 'ro'hetic writing)6 After the f&t&l word) ILe/&non )h&ll f&ll /y & ,ighty oneJ did there not follow i,,edi&tely IAnd there )h&ll co,e forth & rod out of the )te, of 3e))eJM;D 'ro1ing th&t the >e))i&h would co,e )hortly &fter the de)truction of the te,'le6 &-&rene) &nd 0h&ri)ee h&d yet to le&rn th&t Ithe Lord i) not )l&ck concerning hi) 'ro,i)e), &) )o,e ,en count )l&ckne)). /ut i) long#)uffering to u)w&rd, not willing th&t &ny )hould 'eri)h, /ut th&t &ll )hould co,e to re'ent&nce6;7


36 Ch&'ter : 1 !he 'olitic&l cri)i) in 3ewi)h &ff&ir) engendered &,ong the Churche) of the ",'ire & coldne)) &nd &loofne)) tow&rd) the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), which, &fter the )econd 3ewi)h re1olt in the reign of H&dri&n, led to &l,o)t co,'lete )e'&r&tion6 !he 9o,&n Chri)ti&n) could not /e e2'ected to )y,'&thi-e with the n&tion&l &)'ir&tion) of the &-&rene)6 ?or the,, the de)truction of 3eru)&le, &nd the ce))&tion of the te,'le )er1ice) ,e&nt the end of the L&w6 $t c&,e to the, &) & h&''y rele&)e fro, the incu/u) of 3ud&i), &nd left the, free to de1elo' & Chri)ti&n 'hilo)o'hy of their own /etter )uited to the *entile te,'er&,ent6 But the old &-&rene co,,unity K to Buote B&ring *ould K the Church of 3&,e) &nd Si,eon, clinging tightly to it) old tr&dition), crouched in e2ile &t 0ell&, confounded /y the 9o,&n) in co,,on /&ni)h,ent with the 3ew6 !he gu&rd) thru)t /&ck &-&rene &nd 3ew &like with their )'e&r), when they 1entured to &''ro&ch the ruin) of their 'ro)tr&te city, the c&'it&l of their n&tion &nd of their f&ith6;9 $renRu) o/)er1e) of the)e 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n)A I!hey 'r&cti)e circu,ci)ion, 'er)e1ere in the o/)er1&nce of tho)e Cu)to,) which &re en5oined /y the L&w, &nd &re )o 3ud&ic in their ,ode of life th&t they e1en &dore 3eru)&le, &) if it were the hou)e of *od6J%( !heir Chri)tology w&) & )i,'le one6 !hey /elie1ed th&t 3e)u) w&) the n&tur&l )on of 3o)e'h &nd >&ry, elected to the high office of >e))i&h /y 1irtue of hi) holy life &nd D&1idic de)cent. th&t he h&d /een )o de)ign&ted &t hi) /&'ti), /y the entering in of the Holy S'irit, &nd the :oice which 'rocl&i,ed, I!hou &re ,y )on, thi) d&y h&1e $ /egotten thee6J !hey &l)o /elie1ed th&t &fter 'rocl&i,ing the kingdo, of *od, he l&id down hi) life for the )&l1&tion of $)r&el, w&) /uried, ro)e &g&in fro, the de&d, &)cended into He&1en, &nd would )hortly co,e &g&in to )et u' hi) kingdo,, &nd reign o1er the hou)e of 3&co/ fore1er6 !he *entile Chri)ti&n), on the other h&nd, were ignor&nt of the ,e&ning of the ter, I)on of *odJ in it) >e))i&nic )en)e, /ut were f&,ili&r with it) u)e in their ,ythologie) to )ignify one /egotten of & god in & )u'ern&tur&l )en)e6 !hu) 3u)tin >&rtyr write) in hi) First Apolo+y to the Gree sA And when we )&y &l)o th&t the Logo), who i) the fir)t/orn of *od, w&) 'roduced without )e2u&l union, &nd th&t he, 3e)u) 3D Chri)t, our !e&cher, w&) crucified &nd died, &nd ro)e &g&in, &rid &)cended in to He&1en, we 'ro'ound nothing different fro, wh&t you /elie1e reg&rding tho)e who, you e)tee, )on) of 3u'iter Q6 >oreo1er, the Son of *od, c&lled 3e)u), e1en if only & ,&n /y ordin&ry gener&tion, yet, on &ccount of hi) wi)do,, i) worthy to /e c&lled the )on of *od. for &ll writer) c&ll *od the ?&ther of ,en &nd god)6 And if we &))ert th&t the +ord of *od w&) /orn of *od in & 'eculi&r ,&nner, different hu, ordin&ry thing to you, who )&y th&t >ercury i) the &ngelic +ord of *od6 But if &nyone o/5ect th&t he w&) crucified, in thi) &l)o he i) co,'&r&/le to tho)e re'uted )on) of 3u'iter of your), who )uffered &) we h&1e now enu,er&ted6QAnd if we e1en &ffir, th&t he w&) /orn of & 1irgin, &cce't thi) in co,,on with wh&t you &cce't of 0er)eu)6 And in th&t we )&y th&t he ,&de whole the l&,e, the '&r&lytic, &nd tho)e /orn /lind, we )ee, to )&y wh&t i) 1ery )i,il&r to the deed) )&id to h&1e

/een done /y Ae)cul&'iu)6%1 !hu) /y the 're))ure of 'olitic&l circu,)t&nce) &nd r&ci&l &nti'&thie) 3ewi)h &nd *entile Chri)ti&nity drew &'&rt, e&ch following the '&th of it) inherited tendencie), &nd de1elo'ing it) /elief) &long the line) of it) own r&ci&l geniu)6 0&ul8) gre&t ide&l of 3ew &nd *entile /oth one in Chri)t could not then /e re&li-ed, /ec&u)e neither would &cknowledge the right of the other to reg&rd *od8) re1el&tion fro, the )t&nd'oint of hi) own ')ychology6 !he )e'&r&tion w&) not ,&de without )o,e /itterne)) /eing di)'l&yed6 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) ch&rged the *entile) with &'o)t&)y fro, the te&ching of 3e)u) &nd hi) di)ci'le)6 !hey )tre))ed their de)ign&tion of (bionim Ithe 'oor of the world, rich in f&ithJ &nd therefore the true heir) of the kingdo, of *od, in contr&)t to the co,'&r&ti1ely we&lthy /ut unf&ithful *entile Chri)ti&n)6 !ho)e, on the other h&nd, retorted th&t they did well to c&ll the,)el1e) "/ionite), )eeing th&t they held )uch 'oor o'inion) &/out the 'er)on of 3e)u), or 'erh&') it w&) their own intellect th&t w&) 'o1erty#)tricken, or e1en the L&w to which they &dhered.%2 &nd they Buoted $)&i&h %;A1, I9e5oice O /&rren th&t did)t not /e&r666for ,ore &re the children of the de)ol&te th&n the children of the ,&rried wife,J to 'ro1e th&t the con1ert) fro, &,ong the *entile) were /oth ,ore nu,erou) &nd truer th&n tho)e fro, &,ong the 3ew) &nd S&,&rit&n)6%3 Looking /&ck on the doctrin&l de1elo',ent of wh&t i) ter,ed the )u/#&'o)tolic &ge, the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n hi)tori&n Hege)i''u) wrote regretfullyA 37 !he Church continued until then &) & 'ure &nd uncorru't 1irgin. whil)t if there were &ny &t &ll th&t &tte,'ted to 'er1ert the )ound doctrine of the )&1ing go)'el, they were yet )kulking in d&rk retre&t). /ut when the )&cred choir of &'o)tle) /ec&,e e2tinct, &nd the gener&tion of tho)e th&t h&d /een 'ri1ileged to he&r their in)'ired wi)do, h&d '&))ed &w&y, then &l)o the co,/in&tion) of i,'iou) error &ro)e /y the fr&ud &nd delu)ion) of f&l)e te&cher)6 !he)e &l)o, &) there were none of the &'o)tle) left, henceforth &tte,'ted, without )h&,e, to 're&ch their f&l)e doctrine &g&in)t the true *o)'el6%; 2 A'&rt fro, doctrin&l i))ue), the )u/#&'o)tolic &ge found 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity in & uniBue 'o)ition, which h&) recei1ed /ut )c&nt recognition &t the h&nd) of eccle)i&)tic&l hi)tori&n)6 ?ro, the ti,e of the ,&rtyrdo, of 3&,e) the 3u)t, the &-&rene) h&d 'l&ced the go1ern,ent of their &ff&ir) in the h&nd) of the )ur1i1ing rel&ti1e) of the >e))i&h6 I!here &re, &l)o,J )&y) Hege)i''u), Itho)e th&t t&ke the le&d of the whole Church &) witne))e), e1en the kindred of our Lord6 And when 'rofound 'e&ce w&) e)t&/li)hed throughout the whole Church they continued to the d&y) of the ",'eror !r&5&n6J%% ot only were the)e De)'o)ynoi Eheir)F, &) they c&,e to /e c&lled, 1ener&ted /y re&)on of their rel&tion)hi' to the >e))i&h, /ut &l)o /ec&u)e of their D&1idic de)cent, on &ccount of which they )uffered freBuent 'er)ecution6 !hey were 5u)tly 'roud of their line&ge, &nd it i) due to the, th&t the gene&logy of 3e)u) &t the /eginning of >&tthew8) *o)'el w&) co,'iled6 >ention i) ,&de of thi) /y 3uliu) Afric&nu) in hi) f&,ou) letter to Ari)tide)A And the)e EDe)'o)ynoiF co,ing fro, &-&r& &nd <och&/&, 3ewi)h 1ill&ge), to the other '&rt) of the country, )et forth the &/o1e#n&,ed gene&logy, &) &ccur&tely &) 'o))i/le, fro, the /ook of Chronicle)6


"u)e/iu) record) )e1er&l 'er)ecution) of the 3ew) in the reign) of the ",'eror) :e)'&)i&n, Do,iti&n &nd !r&5&n, three of the)e in)tig&ted with the o/5ect of )ecuring &ny ,e,/er) of the hou)e of D&1id, who ,ight yet /e &li1e, &nd thu) o/1i&ting the ri)k of >e))i&nic in)urrection)6 $n the )econd 'er)ecution, under Do,iti&n, the two gr&nd)on) of 3ude the /rother of 3e)u), 3&,e) &nd 4ocher, were &rre)ted &nd /rought /efore the 39 e,'eror6 !heir interrog&tion /y Do,iti&n i) re'orted /y Hege)i''u), &n)???? follow)A He 'ut the Bue)tion, whether they were D&1id8) r&ce, &nd they confe))ed th&t they were6 He then &)ked the, wh&t 'ro'erty they h&d, or how ,uch ,oney they 'o))e))ed6 And /oth of the, &n)wered th&t they h&d /etween the, only nine thou)&nd den&rii, &nd thi) they h&d not in )il1er, /ut in the 1&lue of & 'iece of l&nd, cont&ining only thirty#nine &cre). fro, which they r&i)ed their t&2e) &nd )u''orted the,)el1e) /y their own l&/or6 !hen they &l)o /eg&n to )how their h&nd), e2hi/iting the h&rdne)) of their /odie), &nd the c&llo)ity for,ed /y ince))&nt l&/or on their h&nd), &) e1idence of their own l&/or6 +hen &)ked, &l)o, re)'ecting the >e))i&h &nd hi) <ingdo,, wh&t w&) it) n&ture, &nd when &nd where it w&) to &''e&r, they re'lied, th&t it w&) not & te,'or&l nor &n e&rthly kingdo,, /ut cele)ti&l &nd &ngelic. th&t it would &''e&r &t the end of the world, when co,ing in glory he would 5udge the li1ing &nd the de&d, &nd gi1e to e1eryone &ccording to hi) work)6 H'on which Do,iti&n, de)'i)ing the,, ,&de no re'ly. /ut tre&ting the, with conte,'t &) )i,'leton) co,,&nded the, to /e di),i))ed, &nd /y & decree ordered the 'er)ecution to ce&)e6%6 $n the third 'er)ecution, under !r&5&n, Si,on the )on of Cleo'h&), & cou)in of 3e)u) &nd )ucce))or to 3&,e) in the 're)idency of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n co,,unitie), fell & 1icti,. /etr&yed it would )ee, /y )o,e e1il di)'o)ed *entile Chri)ti&n )ect&rie)6 Hege)i''u) )t&te) th&t thi) 1ener&/le di)ci'le of the >e))i&h, re'uted to h&1e /een & hundred &nd twenty ye&r) old, w&) &ccu)ed &) & Chri)ti&n &nd &) & de)cend&nt of D&1id6 After he w&) tor,ented ,&ny d&y), he died & ,&rtyr with )uch fir,ne)) th&t &ll were &,&-ed, e1en the 'rocon)ul EAtticu)F hi,)elf, th&t & ,&n of & hundred &nd twenty ye&r) )hould /e&r )uch torture)6 He w&) &t l&)t ordered to /e crucified6%D !hu) 'eri)hed the )econd /i)ho' of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n flock, 'ro/&/ly the l&)t of tho)e who h&d )een &nd he&rd the >e))i&h, &nd who therefore h&d the /e)t ,e&n) of knowing the truth concerning hi) 'er)on &nd doctrine. & f&ct th&t ,u)t &lw&y) /e recogni-ed n de&ling with 'ri,iti1e 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n /elief)6 Another 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n, 3u)tu), & recent con1ert, /ut not of the kindred of 3e)u), )ucceeded Si,on in the 're)idency6 ?ro, thi) ti,e, circ& 11( ;( AD6, the go1ern,ent '&))ed fro, the rel&ti1e) of 3e)u), &nd it i) 'o))i/le fro, the nu,/er) gi1en th&t the 're)idency /ec&,e &n office of &nnu&l &''oint,ent6 Hntil the )econd 3ewi)h re1olt in 133 A6D6, thirteen 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n /i)ho') of 3eru)&le, &re ,entioned6 !heir n&,e) &re gi1en &) 3u)tu), 4&ccheu), !o/i&), Ben5&,in, 3ohn, >&tthi&), 0hili', Senec&, 3u)tu) $$, Le1i, "'hr&i,, 3o)e'h, &nd 3ud&)6%7


3 $n 133 A6D6 &nother di)&)trou) w&r /roke out in 0&le)tine6 A ch&nge in the 'olicy of H&dri&n, hitherto '&cific inw&rd) the conBuered 'eo'le, 'roduced &n intoler&/le )itu&tion fro, the 3ewi)h 'oint of 1iew6 Cruel edict) were 'ro,ulg&ted which outr&ged their dee'e)t religiou) feeling), &nd led the, to re1olt & )econd ti,e fro, 9o,&n rule under the le&der)hi' of B&r#<och/&, & ')eudo#>e))i&h6 $t would )ee, th&t the 3ew) were not wholly un're'&red for the )truggle, &nd /efore the re1olt could /e )u''re))ed, H&dri&n h&d to fetch hi) &/le)t gener&l, 3uliu) Se1eru), fro, Brit&in, to co,,&nd the 9o,&n force)6 !he 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), &lthough they )uffered &) ,uch &) their non#chri)ti&n /rethren fro, the 9o,&n 'er)ecution), refu)ed to 5oin the r&nk) of the new >e))i&h6 $f 3e)u) h&d not &t th&t ti,e re)tored the kingdo, to $)r&el, it w&) not in the 'ower of )uch & one &) B&r#<och/& to do )o6 Surely 3e)u) hi,)elf h&d )&id, I$ &, i co,e in ,y ?&ther8) n&,e, &nd ye recei1e ,e notA if &nother )h&ll co,e in hi) own n&,e, hi, ye will recei1e6J%9 B&r#<och/& found hi) gre&te)t ch&,'ion &,ong the 3ewi)h )&ge) in 9&//i Aki/&, who did not he)it&te to 'rocl&i, hi, &) the >e))i&h. /ut there were ,&ny &,ong the old 0h&ri)&ic '&rty who, eBu&lly with the &-&rene), refu)ed to &cknowledge hi,6 IAki/&,J )&id one of the,, Igr&)) will grow out of thy chin /efore >e))i&h co,e6J !he tr&dition), f&1or&/le &nd unf&1or&/le, re1e&l B&r#<och/& &) & /r&1e /ut utterly ruthle)) ,&n6 $t i) )&id th&t he co,,&nded &ll hi) )oldier) to cut off one of their finger) to 'ro1e their cour&ge, &nd he did not he)it&te to e2ecute hi) &ged uncle, 9&//i "le&-er of odei,, on the fli,)ie)t e1idence th&t he h&d 'l&yed tr&itor6 $n )triking contr&)t to the 'iou) &nd heroic 3ud&) >&cc&/&eu), B&r#<och/& could 'r&y /efore & /&ttle, I+e 'r&y thee, O Lord, gi1e no &))i)t&nce to the ene,y. u) thou need)t not hel'LJ Hi) 'er)ecution of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) i) in kee'ing with the re)t of hi) conduct6 *&lled /y their refu)&l to r&lly to hi) )t&nd&rd, he g&1e order) th&t if they would not deny 3e)u), &nd e2ecr&te hi) n&,e they were to /e ;1 tortured66( "Bu&lly, the 'rey of friend &nd foe, the 'light of the &-&rene) w&) indeed & de)'er&te one6 A) in the 're1iou) re1olt, the fortune) of w&r went fir)t in f&1or of the 3ew), /ut &fter & 'rolonged )truggle &nd he&1y lo))e) on /oth )ide), 9o,&n &r,) &g&in triu,'hed, &nd B&r#<och/& w&) )l&in while defending the )tronghold of Beth&r6 So gr&1e, howe1er, h&d /een the 9o,&n c&)u&ltie) in thi) l&)t 3ewi)h fight for freedo,, th&t H&dri&n, in re'orting to the Sen&te the ce))&tion of ho)tilitie), o,itted Ithe &r,yJ in the cu)to,&ry 'hr&)e, I$ &nd the &r,y &re well6J !he 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) h&d now nothing ,ore to fe&r fro, their di)illu)ioned n&tion, /ut their )uffering) were /y no ,e&n) ended6 Both Chri)ti&n &nd non#Chri)ti&n 3ew) were fugiti1e) fro, 9o,&n 1enge&nce, )h&ring the )&,e 'ri1&tion), hiding in c&1e) &nd ,ount&in f&)tne))e), enduring & co,,on /&ni)h,ent6 !he cruel edict) which h&d occ&)ioned the w&r were inten)ified. & 'lough w&) dr&wn o1er 3eru)&le, &nd & new city Aeli& C&'itolin& ro)e on it) ruin)A &ll 3ew) were for/idden to &''ro&ch their &ncient c&'it&l on '&in of de&th6 On the )ite of the te,'le &nother edifice w&) erected &nd dedic&ted to 3u'iter C&'itolinu)6 A )t&tue of H&dri&n ,&rked the )'ot where once the &lt&r of 3eho1&h h&d )tood. while o1er the Bethlehe, g&te & 'ig8) he&d w&) wrought in relief6 $n thi) '&g&n city, fro, which 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) were /&rred, the *entile Church con)tituted it)elf under & *entile /i)ho', >&rcu6

3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity ne1er reg&ined it) 'o)ition of &uthority in the &ff&ir) of the Church6 !he H&dri&nic w&r, which h&d wrung the de&th knell of 3ewi)h ho'e) of 'olitic&l inde'endence, h&d &l)o releg&ted the Church of the &'o)tle) to the r&nk of & heretic&l )ect6 Henceforth the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), while they o/)er1ed their &nce)tr&l cu)to,), were 'r&ctic&lly e2cluded fro, the C&tholic Church, &nd ,ight only &))oci&te with one &nother in their own co,,unitie) )c&ttered &/out Coele#Syri& &nd !r&n)5ord&ni&, of who, the new orthodo2y could &fterw&rd) )&y Ith&t while they will /e /oth 3ew) &nd Chri)ti&n), they &re neither 3ew) not Chri)ti&n)6J61 !he Syn&gogue too now 5oined h&nd) with the *entile Church in thi) 'olicy of e2clu)ion, &nd in order to 're1ent the &ttend&nce of &-&rene) &t 3ewi)h 'l&ce) of wor)hi' & cur)e &g&in)t )ect&rie) w&) in)erted in & '&rt of the d&ily ritu&l which e1ery 3ew w&) reBuired to re'e&t661 !hi) cur)e, co,'o)ed /y S&,uel the younger, e&rly in the )econd century, i) )till ret&ined in & ,odified for, in 3ewi)h liturgic&l u)&ge in the She,oneh ;2 ")reh E"ighteen Benediction)F6 Origin&lly, it i) /elie1ed to h&1e re&dA Let there /e no ho'e for the &'o)t&te), And let &ll the )ect&rie) 'eri)h &) in & ,o,ent6 Out of the &gony of their e2'erience, the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) ,ight well echo the word) of the &'o)tle 0&ulA I+e /oth hunger &nd thir)t, &nd &re n&ked, &nd &re /uffeted, &nd h&1e no cert&in dwelling 'l&ce. &nd l&/or, working with out h&nd). /eing re1iled, we /le)). /eing 'er)ecuted, we )uffer it. /eing def&,ed, we entre&t, we &re ,&de &) the refu)e of the world, the off)couring) of &ll thing), unto thi) d&y6 N;2S;3O


;3 Ch&'ter :$ 1 At thi) )t&ge in the hi)tory of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity, it i) nece))&ry to de1ote )o,e )'&ce to the ,ethod) of 'ro'&g&nd& e,'loyed in c&rrying the *o)'el /oth to 3ew) &nd *entile)6 !he world &) it w&) known to the geogr&'her) of the )econd century AD6 w&) ,uch ),&ller th&n it i) tod&y6 !he gre&t continent) of orth &nd South A,eric& &nd Au)tr&li&, l&rge tr&ct) of Afric&, A)i& &nd orthern "uro'e were )till terra in%o+nita' !he /order) of ci1ili-&tion were )oon '&))ed, &nd the tr&1eller) found the,)el1e) &,ong uncouth &nd unfriendly tri/e). it w&) indeed & 1enture of f&ith to /r&1e the unknown d&nger) which lurked on e1ery h&nd, c&lling for gre&t cour&ge &nd endur&nce &nd &n indo,it&/le )'irit in tho)e who )et their f&ce) tow&rd) the f&r hori-on6 !o undert&ke )uch &n enter'ri)e without &r,ed e)cort, or ,erch&ndi)e to 'urch&)e )&fe conduct, w&) to court di)&)ter &nd de&th6 @et the co,,&nd I*o &nd te&ch &ll n&tion),J w&) o/eyed to the letter /y the 3ewi)h di)ci'le)6 !heir only defen)i1e we&'on w&) the 'ro,i)e, ILo, $ &, with you &lw&y)J. their only ,erch&ndi)e w&) the /re&d &nd w&ter of life cont&ined in the )&cred He/rew )croll) which they /ore with the,6 Before they left 3ud&e& they h&d /een furni)hed with co'ie) of & ),&ll work, I& /ook of the word of *od, &nd & n&rr&ti1e of the ,ir&cle) &nd doctrine),J written in the He/rew tongue &nd, tr&dition )&y), co,'iled /y >&tthew66; >&ny )tr&nge &nd wonderful t&le) &re rel&ted concerning wh&t /efell the A'o)tle) in foreign l&nd), /ut e1en eli,in&ting & gre&t de&l th&t i) e,/roidery /y 'iou) h&nd), enough re,&in) to re1e&l the e2tent of their tr&1el) &nd the o/)t&cle) which they )ur,ounted6 >o)t of the, were c&lled u'on to l&y down their li1e) for their f&ith f&r fro, friend) &nd kindred, /ut no worthier ,onu,ent c&n /e erected to their ,e,ory th&n th&t Ithe w&ll) of the City of *od h&d twel1e found&tion), &rid in the, the n&,e) of the twel1e A'o)tle) of the L&,/6J6% $n e1ery 'l&ce where con1ert) were won, Chri)ti&n )yn&gogue) were e)t&/li)hed with n&ti1e '&)tor), &nd for the conduct of the)e *entile congreg&tion) the '&rent co,,unity in 0&le)tine i))ued & ,&nu&l of in)truction6 A 1er)ion of thi) 'reciou) docu,ent w&) found in the 3eru)&le, ,on&)tery &t Con)t&ntino'le &nd 'u/li)hed in 17736 $t i) written in *reek &nd /e&r) the title, The Tea%hin+ of the Twel"e Apostles' !he ,&nu&l o'en) with & de)cri'tion of the !wo +&y), of life &nd ;; de&th, &nd urge) the Chri)ti&n to kee' the co,,&nd,ent) of >o)e) &nd 3e)u) to the /e)t of hi) &/ility6 !hen follow) in)truction &/out /&'ti),, f&)ting &nd 'r&yer, &nd the cele/r&tion of th&nk)gi1ing &t the /eginning of the co,,un&l ,e&l6 Ad1ice i) gi1en &/out the rece'tion of &'o)tle), 'ro'het) &nd te&cher), &nd how to di)tingui)h /etween the true &nd the f&l)e6 A'o)tle) ,u)t not re,&in longer th&t two d&y)6 9e)ident 'ro'het) &re to recei1e the fir)t fruit) of &ll 'roduce6 !he w&yf&ring di)ci'le i) to /e c&red for, /ut if he decide) to )ettle he ,u)t e&rn hi) li1ing6 Other )ection) de&l with diet) of wor)hi' &nd the election of '&)tor) &nd de&con)6 !he *o)'el i) to /e the fin&l court of &''e&l in &ll ,&tter)6 !he Tea%hin+ clo)e) with &n &d,onition to /e re&dy for the >e))i&h8) return &nd & de)cri'tion of the )ign) of the end6 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n 'ro'&g&nd& &,ong the *entile) ,&y /e )u,,ed u' in the word), I!h&t they ,&y know thee the only true *od &nd 3e)u) Chri)t who, thou h&)t )ent6J66 !he ,ethod of &''ro&ch w&) l&rgely through 're&ching6 A 're5udice e2i)ted in 3ewi)h ,ind) &g&in)t co,,itting


the Scri'ture) to writing in &ny other th&n the )&cred tongue6 !he d&y on which the Old !e)t&,ent w&) rendered into *reek w&) )&id to /e &) e1il &) th&t on which the golden c&lf w&) ,&de6 0&nt&enu), 1i)iting the $ndie) l&te in the )econd century, re'orted, Ith&t he found hi) own &rri1&l &ntici'&ted /y )o,e 666 to who, B&rtholo,ew, one of the &'o)tle), h&d 're&ched, &nd h&d left the, the *o)'el of >&tthew in He/rew6J6D +ith the 'ro'&g&tion of the *o)'el &,ong the 3ew), the 'o)ition w&) Buite otherwi)e6 !hough 're&ching ,&inly in the for, of di)'ut&tion 'l&yed &n i,'ort&nt '&rt, the &''ro&ch w&) l&rgely through writing, &nd e1en the di)'ut&tion) centered round the inter'ret&tion of the )&cred )croll) &nd re)ol1ed the,)el1e) into & )e&rching of the Scri'ture) to )ee whether the)e thing) were )o667 !he )itu&tion ,&y /e)t /e )u,,&ri-ed in the word), I!he)e thing) &re written th&t ye ,ight /elie1e th&t 3e)u) i) >e))i&h6J69 0&ul e2're))ed the di)tinction in & )entenceA ISeeing it i) one *od which )h&ll 5u)tify the circu,ci)ion out of EekF their own f&ith, &nd uncircu,ci)ion through Edi&F &cBuired f&ith6JD( 2 !he ,ethod) of written 'ro'&g&nd& 'ro'&g&nd& e,'loyed in &'o)tolic ti,e) were not &lw&y) )uch &) would co,,end the,)el1e) tod&y6 0ole,ic writer) re&dily took &d1&nt&ge of the difficulty &nd e2'en)e of ,&nu)cri't 'roduction6 $f &n &uthor h&d en5oyed & re'ut&tion ;% &,ong & cert&in grou' of 'eo'le who, it w&) de)ired to influence, it w&) not thought iniBuitou) to )ecure & co'y of hi) work) &nd to in)ert in the,, either in the ,&rgin or in the /ody of the te2t the ide&) which it w&) intended to 'ro,ote6 Sect&rie) of &ll kind) freely inter'ol&ted one &nother8) docu,ent) &nd )o c&rried the w&r into the ene,y8) c&,'6 A ,&n who )'oke with &uthority, &nd who)e 'ronounce,ent) were /inding on & '&rticul&r '&rty, w&) ,&de to 1oice )enti,ent) which he ne1er owned &nd to )u''ort doctrine) to which, 'erh&'), he w&) co,'letely o''o)ed6 !hi) f&)hion of I')eudony,ou) 'ro'&g&nd&,J &) B&te c&ll) it, h&d fir)t /een )et /y *reek writer), /ut w&) l&ter &do'ted /y 3ewi)h &nd fin&lly /y Chri)ti&n &uthor)6 $n hi) introduction to the Si/ylline or&cle) B&te de&l) with 3ewi)h inter'ol&tion) in the)e intere)ting /ook)6 $n the third &nd )econd century B6C6 the 3ud&i), of the Di)'er)ion found it)elf in clo)e &nd ,&nifold cont&ct with Helleni),6 !o the Ale2&ndri&n 3ew the Hellenic world w&) /oth & friend &nd &n ene,y6 He w&) &ttr&cted, influenced, enriched /y it) wi)do,, it) 'oetry, it) hi)toryA he w&) ch&llenged &nd re'elled /y it) religion &nd E&'&rt fro, the kindred influence of Stoici),F /y it) ,or&l)6 !he 'ro/le, then &ro)e how & *reek#)'e&king 3ew could /e)t ,&int&in hi) 'l&ce in two world) )o )tr&ngely di1er)e &) tho)e of 4ion &nd Hell&)A how he could co,,end hi) own f&ith &nd 'r&ctice to the *reek) who)e intellectu&l life he )h&red, &nd u'hold their &uthority &nd 're)tige o1er &g&in)t the cult) &nd tr&dition) of Hell&)6 $n &n)wer to the)e 'ro/le,) there c&,e into /eing & con)ider&/le liter&ture in which the n&,e) of *reek &uthor) were u)ed with & freedo, which would now /e con)idered le)) th&n hone)t6 !he work) or fr&g,ent) )o 'roduced h&d one of two ,oti1e) &lw&y), &nd )o,eti,e) /othA the 'ro'&g&tion of the 3ewi)h f&ith &nd the enh&ncing of the credit &nd )t&tu) of 3ud&i),6 Hi)tory w&) re're)ented /y & ')eudo#Hec&t&eu), 'oetry /y )'uriou) 1er)e) &ttri/uted to Or'heu), Ho,er, He)iod, Ae)chylu),


So'hocle), 0hile,on, >en&nder6 Or'heu) w&) ,&de to rec&nt hi) 'olythei), &nd 'rocl&i, the one true *odA So'hocle) to foretell the end of the world /y fire &nd the future /le))edne)) of the righteou)6 All thi) w&) ,erely & forci/le entry u'on the herit&ge of the Hellene). the ,&5or 're,i)) underlying it w&) the genuine con1iction th&t ;6 the creed re1el&tion w&) in f&ct older &nd truer th&n the wi)do, &nd wor)hi' of the *reek)6 !he 3ewi)h Iforger)J dou/tle)) felt the,)el1e) to /e ,erely rewriting *reek liter&ture &) it ought to h&1e /een written6D1 A little l&ter the )&,e writer )t&te)A $t w&) the 3ew) of Ale2&ndri& who were the fir)t &fter Bero)u) to &do't &nd &,'lify the Si/ylline or&cle) for the 'ur'o)e of their own religion6 ?ro, &/out 16( B6C6 to the end of the fir)t century A6D6 they continued to utili-e the,, nor did they entirely ce&)e to do )o till two centurie) l&ter6 But the Si/ylline) were de)tined to '&)) &l,o)t entirely out of 3ewi)h h&nd)6 !hey were not ret&ined &,ong the &'ologetic we&'on) of 9&//inic &nd !&l,udic 3ud&i),. &nd if thi) w&) due in '&rt to the dee' cle&1&ge which di1ided 3ud&i), fro, Helleni), &fter the re1olt of B&r# Coch/&, it w&) in l&rge ,e&)ure due to the whole#he&rted &do'tion of the Si/yl /y Chri)ti&n &'ologi)t), &nd the &ddition) ,&de /y Chri)ti&n writer) to the Si/ylline liter&ture 666 the Chri)ti&n retouching of the or&cle) /eg&n &t &n e&rly d&te, 1ery 'o))i/ly in the fir)t century A6D6. &nd in the ,iddle of the )econd century Cel)u) w&) &/le to t&2 the Church with the deli/er&te forgery of )'uriou) or&cle)6D2 A )ingle e2&,'le of & Chri)ti&n or&cle in the Si/ylline) ,&y /e Buoted in illu)tr&tion of B&te8) re,&rk)6 $n Book :, 116 2%6#2%9 occur) the following '&))&geA And one chief ,&n )h&ll co,e &g&in fro, the )ky, who )tretched forth hi) h&nd) u'on the fruitful tree, the /e&t of the He/rew, who once )h&ll )t&y the )un in it) cour)e, c&lling u'on it with f&ir )'eech &nd holy li')6 !he l&)t word) &re & cry'tic &llu)ion to 3e)u), /y reference to 3o)hu& Ei6e6 3e)u)F the )on of un6 A,ong the /ook) ,o)t 'o'ul&r with the 3ew) &fter the w&r with 9o,e were the )e1er&l &'oc&ly')e) written in the n&,e) of &ncient worthie) of $)r&el, which 'ro'he)ied the re)tor&tion of the 3ewi)h 'eo'le &fter their )uffering), &nd 5udg,ent on their ene,ie)6 !he)e /ook) of con)ol&tion) cont&ined reference) to the >e))i&h &nd the >e))i&nic kingdo,, &nd thu) 'ro1ided the fine)t 'o))i/le ,ediu, for di))e,in&ting the Chri)ti&n doctrine6 Such writing) &) the Testaments of the Twel"e *atriar%hs &nd the Apo%alypse of (/ra /ec&,e the )u/5ect) of inter'ol&tion, &nd it i) ;D highly 'ro/&/le th&t the reference to 3e)u) in 3o)e'hu)8 Anti0uities w&) inter'ol&ted or &ltered /y 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n )cri/e)6 !he e2tent of thi) inter'ol&ti1e )y)te, ,&y /e g&thered fro, the f&ct th&t /y collecting &nd grou'ing the Chri)ti&n reference) in the)e writing) it i) &l,o)t 'o))i/le to con)truct & co,'lete *o)'el6 !he n&tur&l re)ult w&) th&t the 3ew) ce&)ed to re&d their &'oc&ly'tic /ook) &nd 'ut the, under & /&n6 A ty'ic&l e2&,'le of Chri)ti&n t&,'ering with the te2t ,&y /e


gi1en fro, the Testament of Ben1amin' !he inter'ol&ted '&))&ge i) enclo)ed in )Bu&re /r&cket)6 e1erthele)), the te,'le of *od )h&ll /e in your 'ortion, &nd the l&)t )h&ll /e ,ore gloriou) th&n the fir)t6 And the twel1e tri/e) )h&ll /e g&thered together there, &nd &ll )&l1&tion in ti,e 1i)it&tion of the only#/egotten 'ro'het NAnd he )h&ll enter into the te,'le, &nd there )h&ll the Lord /e tre&ted with outr&ge, &nd he )h&ll /e lifted u' &nd the S'irit of *od )h&ll '&)) on to the *entile) &) fire 'oured forth6 And he )h&ll &)cend fro, H&de) &nd )h&ll '&)) fro, e&rth into he&1en6 And $ know how lowly he )h&ll /e u'on e&rth, &nd how gloriou) in he&1en6 !hi) for, of 'ro'&g&nd& w&) not confined to the e2tr&c&nonic&l /ook)6 !he ,&rgin) of )croll) of the L&w &nd the 0ro'het) were utili-ed to )how the fulfill,ent) of the Scri'ture) in 3e)u)6 And in the c&)e of the *reek 1er)ion), 'ro'hecie) rel&ting to Chri)t were inter'ol&ted /y *entile Chri)ti&n) into the )&cred te2t it)elf. )o ,uch )o th&t unenlightened Chri)ti&n) were decei1ed into /elie1ing th&t the 3ew) h&d cut the, out of the He/rew co'ie)6 3u)tin >&rtyr, in hi) .ialo+ue with the #ew Trypho, f&ll) into thi) error, &nd &) he flouri)hed &/out 16( A6D6, the inter'ol&tion) ,u)t h&1e /een ,&de &l,o)t in the fir)t Bu&rter of the )econd century6 He )&y)A ?ro, the )t&te,ent), then, which "-r& ,&de in reference to the l&w of the 0&))o1er, they Ethe 3ew)F h&1e t&ken &w&y the followingA IAnd "-r& )&id to the 'eo'le, !hi) 0&))o1er i) our )&1ior &nd our refuge6 And if you h&1e under)tood, &nd you h&1e recei1ed it in your he&rt), th&t we )h&ll hu,/le hi, on & )t&nd&rd, &nd there&fter ho'e in hi,, then thi) 'l&ce )h&ll not /e for)&ken fore1er, )&ith the Lord of Ho)t)6 But if you will not /elie1e hi,, &nd will not he&rken to hi) word), you will /e the l&ughing#)tock to ;7 the n&tion)6J And fro, the )&ying) of 3ere,i&h they h&1e cutout the followingA I$ w&) like & l&,/ th&t i) /rought to the )l&ughterA they de1i)ed & de1ice &g&in)t ,e, )&ying, Co,e let u) l&y wood on hi) /re&d, &nd let u) /lot hi, out of the l&nd of the li1ing, th&t hi) n&,e /e re,e,/ered no ,ore6J666 the '&))&ge fro, the )&ying of 3ere,i&h i) )till written in )o,e co'ie) in the )yn&gogue) of the 3ew), for it w&) only & )hort ti,e )ince they were cut out 6666 And &g&in, fro, the )&ying) of the )&,e 3ere,i&h the)e h&1e /een cut outA I!he Lord *od re,e,/ered hi) de&d 'eo'le of $)r&el who l&y in the gr&1e). &nd He de)cended to 're&ch to the, hi) own )&l1&tion6J And fro, the ninety#fifth Eninety#)i2thF 0)&l, they h&1e t&ken &w&y thi) )hort )&ying of the word) of D&1idA I?ro, the wood6J ?or when the '&))&ge )&id, P!ell ye &,ong the n&tion), the Lord h&th reigned fro, the wood,J they h&1e left, P!ell ye &,ong the n&tion), the Lord h&th reigned6JD3 3u)tin w&) 'o))i/ly ,i)led /y the Testimony Boo , which the Chri)ti&n) h&d co,'iled, &nd which )trung together Bi/lic&l '&))&ge), with co,,ent), /elie1ed to rel&te to Chri)t, &) !endel H&rri) h&) )ugge)ted, &nd which did not &lw&y) gi1e the )ource of & Buot&tion, or only th&t of the 'ro'het who)e word) were u)ed to co,,ence & )u/5ect )ection. )o th&t & wrong &)cri'tion of &uthor)hi' could e&)ily /e ,&de, or e1en & Chri)ti&n co,,ent 'l&ced to the credit of &n Old !e)t&,ent &uthority6 $n connection with the foregoing, howe1er, cert&in '&))&ge) in the !&l,ud &re full of ,e&ning6

!he ,&rgin) of the /ook) of the >ini, E3ewi)h Sect&rie) including 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n)F they do not )&1e, /ut the)e &re /urnt in their 'l&ce, they &nd their ,e,ori&l) Ethe )&cred n&,e) in the te2tF6 96 3o)e the *&lile&n )&y), On & week#d&y one cut) out the ,e,ori&l) &nd hide) the, &nd /urn) the re)t6 96 !&r'hon e2cl&i,ed, >&y $ lo)e ,y )onL $f they co,e into ,y h&nd $ would /urn the, &nd their ,e,ori&l) &l)o6 $f the 'ur)uer were 'ur)uing ,e, $ would enter into & hou)e of idol&try, /ut $ would ne1er enter into their hou)e). for the idol&ter) do not &cknowledge *od &nd )'e&k f&l)ely concerning Hi,, /ut the)e do &cknowledge Hi, &nd )'e&k f&l)ely concerning Hi,6 And concerning the, the Scri'ture )&ith6 And /ehind the door &nd the door'o)t thou h&)t )et thy ,e,ori&l E$)&6 %DA7F ' 96 $)h,&el )&id, +here&) in order to ,&ke 'e&ce /etween & ,&n &nd hi) wife, *od )&y), Let ,y &,e which i) written in holine)) /e /lotted out ;9 in w&ter, how ,uch ,ore the /ook) of the >ini,, which 'ut en,ity &nd 5e&lou)y &nd )trife /etween $)r&el &nd their ?&ther in he&1en, )hould /e /lotted out &nd their ,e,ori&l) &l)o 6666 96 >eir c&lled in A"en2+ilyon6D; !he fir)t e2're))ion in the l&)t )entence Buoted ,e&n) I,&rgin of idol&tryJ &nd the )econd I,&rgin of iniBuityJ /oth &re & 'l&y on the word "1&ngelion E*o)'elF, &nd 'o))i/le refer to the inter'ol&ti1e )y)te, /y which the go)'el ,e))&ge w&) introduced into current 3ewi)h liter&ture6 $t ,u)t not /e thought, howe1er, th&t inter'ol&tion) &nd ,&rgin&li& were the only ,e&n) /y which 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) /rought the te&ching) of the >e))i&h /efore the notice of their uncon1erted /rethren6 Co'ie) of the *o)'el it)elf were circul&ted &,ong the,6 !hi) *o)'el indeed w&) not &ny of the four which /ec&,e c&nonic&l, /ut the He/rew *o)'el, &uthori-ed /y the &-&rene), &nd of which fr&g,ent) only now re,&in, &nd which, write) "u)e/iu), Ithey of the He/rew) th&t h&1e recei1ed Chri)t lo1e /eyond &ny otherJ &nd in f&ct, Ithey took ),&ll &ccount of the re)t6JD% !he origin&l ,&nu)cri't of thi) *o)'el w&) /elie1ed to h&1e /een 're)er1ed in the li/r&ry of 0&,'hilu) &t C&e)&re&, &nd 3ero,e cl&i,ed to h&1e tr&n)l&ted it into *reek &nd L&tin &t the end of the fourth century. it )ee,) to h&1e /een known in "uro'e down &t le&)t to the tenth century6 A reference in the !&l,ud, tr&ct&te $habbat, &nd &nother in 3u)tin8) .ialo+ue, )how th&t thi) *o)'el w&) well#known &,ong the 3ew) in the fir)t Bu&rter of the )econd century6 $n the for,er )ource & )&ying fro, the ("an+elion i) BuotedA I$ &, not co,e to t&ke &w&y fro, the L&w of >o)e), neither &, $ co,e to &dd to the L&w of >o)e)6JD6 $n the l&tter, !ry'ho the 3ew tell) 3u)tin, I$ &, &w&re th&t your 'rece't) in the )o#c&lled ("an+elion &re )o wonderful &nd )o gre&t, th&t $ )u)'ect no one c&n kee' the,. for $ h&1e c&refully re&d the,A !ry'ho8) word) ,ight h&1e /een echoed /y ,&ny & 3ew of hi) ti,e6 !he &cti1itie) of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) &,ong their 'eo'le were not li,ited to liter&ry work. they eng&ged in di)'ut&tion) with the r&//i), )o,eti,e) Buoted in the !&l,ud, &nd it i) noted th&t 96 "lie-er w&) gre&tly 'le&)ed with &n otherwi)e unknown )&ying of 3e)u) Buoted to hi, /y & cert&in 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n c&lled 3&co/ of <ef&r#Sech&n&y&6 But &/o1e &ll, they c&rried on their >&)ter8) ,ini)try of he&ling, &nd their )er1ice) in thi) connection were )o effecti1e, &nd therefore in de,&nd, th&t the r&//i) tried to 'ut & )to' to the,6 A) it w&) not &lw&y) 'olitic to u)e the n&,e of 3e)u) o'enly in the)e ,ini)tr&tion), they u)ed to Buote the te2t in "2odu) %(


1%A236 I$ &, the Lord th&t he&leth thee,J which /y nu,erology i) eBui1&lent to the n&,e 3e)u) in He/rew6 96 Aki/&, therefore, & gre&t o''onent of Chri)ti&nity, decl&red th&t Iwhoe1er u)e) thi) 1er)e &) & ch&r, h&) no )h&re in the life to co,e6J !hu), &t ho,e &nd &/ro&d, 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity w&) &cti1e in )'re&ding the gl&d tiding) /y e1ery &1&il&/le ch&nnel, &,ong rude )&1&ge) &nd le&rned theologi&n), &,ong 3ew) &nd *reek), B&r/&ri&n), Scythi&n), /ond &nd free6 ADD" DA !O CHA0!"9 :$ 16 9">A$ S O? 3"+$SH CH9$S!$A $!@ $ !H" !AL>HD Se1er&l reference) to the !&l,ud h&1e /een ,&de in illu)tr&tion of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n &cti1itie), &nd &) the 3ewi)h liter&ture gener&lly i) )o little known &nd h&rdly e1er utili-ed &) & )ource for Chri)ti&n hi)tory, )o,e further reference) &nd co,,ent) ,&y not /e out of 'l&ce6 !he n&ture of the ,&teri&l i) 1ery di1er)e, theology, he&ling &nd ,&gic&l 'r&ctice), &nd e1en hu,orou) re'&rtee, &ll find their 'l&ce in thi) &ncient liter&ture6 ot &ll the &llu)ion) to >ini, &nd >inut Eheretic) &nd their here)ie)F &re directed &g&in)t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), /ut tho)e which will /e Buoted, we /elie1e, &re )o6 !he ,o)t co,'lete collection of e2tr&ct) with "ngli)h tr&n)l&tion) i) cont&ined in !r&1er) Herford, Christianity in Talmud and Midrash, & work which i) now, unfortun&tely, out of 'rint6 -abbi (lie/er is suspe%ted of leanin+s to Christianity !he c&)e of 96 "lie-er Ec6 1(( A6D6F, who w&) &rre)ted for here)y, &nd they /rought hi, to the tri/un&l E/e,&F for 5udg,ent6 !he E9o,&nF go1ernor )&id to hi,, Doe) &n old ,&n like you occu'y hi,)elf with )uch ,&tter)M He re'lied, ?&ithful i) the 5udge concerning ,e6 !he go1ernor )u''o)ed th&t he referred to hi,)elf, /ut he w&) re&lly thinking of hi) ?&ther in he&1en6 S&id the go1ernor to hi,, Since you 'l&ce your)elf confidently in ,y h&nd), )o let it /e6 0erh&') the)e )ocietie) err concerning the)e thing)6 .imissus3 Behold, you &re rele&)ed6 +hen he h&d /een freed fro, the tri/un&l, he w&) trou/led /ec&u)e he h&d /een &rre)ted for here)y6 Hi) di)ci'le) c&,e in to con)ole hi,, /ut he would not t&ke co,fort6 96 Aki/& entered, &nd )&id to hi,, 9&//i, 'erh&') $ c&n e2'l&in the c&u)e of your grief6 He &n)wered, S&y on6 He )&id to hi,, 0o))i/ly, %1 one of the heretic) )'oke & heretic&l )&ying to you, &nd it 'le&)ed you6 He )&id, By he&1en, you h&1e re,inded ,eL Once $ w&) w&lking &long the u''er )treet of Se'hori), &nd $ ,et 3&co/ of the 1ill&ge of Sichnin, &nd he Buoted & heretic&l )&ying to ,e in the n&,e of 3e)u), &nd it 'le&)ed ,eDD A 1&ri&nt of the )tory gi1e) & te&ching of 3e)u) &/out 'urity in the te,'le6 !hi) '&))&ge) i) of the ut,o)t i,'ort&nce to Chri)ti&n &ntiBuitie)6 $t offer) )trong corro/or&ti1e e1idence of the 'er)ecution in)tig&ted &g&in)t the Chri)ti&n) in the e&rly '&rt of the reign of !r&5&n E97#11D A6D6F, to which Si,on the )on of Cleo'h&), 're)ident of the &-&rene), e1entu&lly fell & 1icti,, &nd which 'ro,'ted the f&,ou) letter of 0liny the @ounger to the e,'eror while *o1ernor of Bithyni&6 "lie-er w&) known to h&1e &))oci&ted with the &-&rene) in *&lilee, &nd &) the )tory )how), he &fterw&rd) recollected & con1er)&tion with & cert&in 3&co/ E3&,e)F, e1idently & well# known 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n, who i) ,entioned el)ewhere in the !&l,ud6 A) the r&//i i) de)cri/ed &)


&n old ,&n, &nd hi) ,e,ory w&) &t f&ult, hi) cont&ct with the &-&rene) 'ro/&/ly took 'l&ce ,&ny ye&r) 're1iou)ly which would c&rry our e2tern&l knowledge of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity /&ck to &/out A6D6 7(6 The Temptation of a Christian 4*hilosopher5 $,,& Sh&lo, w&) the wife of 96 "lie-er, &nd )i)ter of 9&//&, *&,&liel6 !here re)ided in her neigh/orhood & I'hilo)o'herJ who h&d & re'ut&tion for ne1er t&king & /ri/e6 She &nd her /rother )ought to )how hi, u'6 She )ent to hi, & l&,' of gold6 !hey then /rought & c&)e /efore hi,6 S&id )he to hi,, $ wi)h the 'ro'erty of the wo,en8) hou)e to /e di1ided with ,e6 He )&id to the,, Di1ide it6 !hey )&id to hi,, But for u) i) written, I+here there i) & )on, & d&ughter doe) not inherit6J He )&id to the,, fro, the d&y you were e2iled fro, your l&nd, the L&w of >o)e) i) in1&lid &nd the L&w of the *o)'el h&) /een )u/)tituted, &nd in th&t it i) written, IA )on &nd & d&ughter )h&ll inherit &like6J !he ne2t d&y he E96 *&,&lielF, in hi) turn, )ent & gift to hi, of & Ly/i&n &))6 He Ethe 'hilo)o'herF )&id to the,, $ h&1e looked further to the end of the /ook, &nd in it i) written, I$ &, not co,e to t&ke &w&y fro, the L&w of >o)e), &nd $ &, not co,e to &dd to the L&w of >o)e),J &nd in the l&tter i) cert&inly written, %2 I+here there i) & )on, & d&ughter doe) not inherit6J She )&id to hi, E,e&ninglyF, Let your light )hine &) & l&,'6 96 *&,&hiel )&id to her, !he &)) h&) co,e &nd trodden out the l&,'6D7 !he )tory d&te) fro, &/out 7( A6D6, &nd the 96 "lie-er, the hu)/&nd of $,,& Sh&lo,, i) the )&,e &) in the 're1iou) e2tr&ct6 Here we h&1e & 1ery 1&lu&/le witne)) to the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n *o)'el, tr&dition&lly co,'iled /y >&tthew6 !he Chri)ti&n I'hilo)o'herJ i) 'ro/&/ly & *entile, who h&d /eco,e & con1ert to & /ro&d for, of &-&reni),, or 'erh&') one like 3u)tin >&rtyr, who continued to we&r hi) 'hilo)o'her8) ro/e &fter hi) con1er)ion, &nd w&) well &cBu&inted with the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) &nd u)ed their *o)'el in & *reek tr&n)l&tion6 $t ,&y h&1e /een the )econd )ection de1oted to ,ir&cle) &nd doctrine) de)cri/ed in the A%ts of Barnabas, which the Chri)ti&n w&) u)ing &) hi) &uthority6 !he fir)t Buot&tion fro, it &/out the L&w of $nherit&nce i) otherwi)e unknown, /ut ,&y re)t on & )&ying of 3e)u) which )er1ed &) & /&)i) for the co,,unity of good) 'r&cti)ed /y the 'ri,iti1e co,,unitie)6 !he )econd Buot&tion, howe1er, i) 1ery clo)e to >&tthew %A1D6 !he l&dy8) hint, ILet your light )hine &) & l&,',J i) &l)o 1ery ne&r to >&tthew %A166 But wh&t &re we to ,&ke of the )neer I!he &)) h&) co,e &nd trodden out the l&,'JM !here i) cle&rly ,ore in it th&n & triu,'h&nt indic&tion th&t the 'hilo)o'her w&) corru't &fter &ll6 ?or elucid&tion of the e2're))ion we h&1e to turn to the )t&te,ent of 3u)tin >&rtyr th&t the 3ew), I)ent out cho)en ,en through &ll the l&nd to tell th&t the godle)) here)y of the Chri)ti&n) h&d )'rung u', &nd to 'u/li)h tho)e thing) which &ll they who knew u) not )'e&k &g&in)t u)6JD9 A,ong the )l&nder) 'ut forth one concerned the &))oci&tion of 3e)u) with the &)) on which he h&d ridden into 3eru)&le,6 A >idr&)h )'e&k) of, Ithe &)) of th&t wicked one6J !hi) the *reek) linked u' with &n old &nti#)e,itic li/el of the Ale2&ndri&n rhetorici&n), &nd concluded th&t the Chri)ti&n) indulged in &))#wor)hi'6 ILike ,&ny other),J !ertulli&n &ddre))e) the *reek), Iyou h&1e dre&,ed th&t &n &))8) he&d i) our god 666 he i) de'icted with the e&r) of &n &)), &nd with one


of hi) feet hoofed, holding in hi) h&nd) & /ook, &nd clothed in & tog&6J7( Here we h&1e the Chri)ti&n l&,'ooned &) &n &))#he&ded 'hilo)o'her with the *o)'el in hi) h&nd, &n illu,in&ting %3 co,,ent&ry on our '&))&ge6 But there i) ,ore to itA to 3ewi)h ,&lice i) &ttri/uted the )l&nder th&t the Chri)ti&n) held 'ro,i)cuou) intercour)e in their )ecret &))e,/lie), &nd which /rought &g&in)t the, the ch&rge of 1iciou)ne))6 3u)tin >&rtyr &llude) to Itho)e f&/ulou) &nd )h&,eful deed), the upsettin+ of the lamp, &nd 'ro,i)cuou) intercour)e &nd e&ting of hu,&n fle)h6J71 96 *&,&liel8) fin&l word i) thu) & )u,,ing u' of the whole )itu&tion, &) ,uch &) to )&y, I@ou )ee, how utterly corru't the)e Chri)ti&n) &re6J The !a/arenes pra%ti%e healin+ in the !ame of #esus A ,&n )h&ll h&1e no de&ling) with the heretic), nor /e cured /y the,, e1en for the )&ke of &n hour of life6 !here w&) the c&)e of /en D&,&, ne'hew of 96 $)h,&el, who, & )er'ent /it6 !here c&,e 3&co/, the heretic of the 1ill&ge of Sech&ny& to cure hi,, Ein the n&,e of 3e)u)F. /ut 96 $)h,&el would not &llow hi,6 Ben D&,& )&id to hi,, 96 $)h,&el, ,y /rother, do &llow hi,, th&t $ ,&y /e cured, &nd $ will 'roduce & te2t fro, the L&w to 'ro1e th&t thi) i) 'er,itted6 But h&rdly h&d he fini)hed hi) di)cour)e, when hi) )oul de'&rted, &nd he died672 !he gr&nd)on of 96 3o)hu& /6 Le1i h&d )o,ething )tuck in hi) thro&t6 !here c&,e & ,&n &nd whi)'ered to hi, in the n&,e of 3e)u), &nd he reco1ered6 +hen the he&ler c&,e out, 96 3o)hu& )&id to hi,, +h&t w&) it you whi)'ered to hi,M He )&id to hi,, A cert&in word6 He )&id to hi,, $t h&d /een /etter for hi, th&t he h&d died r&ther th&n th&t673 96 Aki/& )&id, He who re&d) in e2tern&l /ook), &nd he who whi)'er) o1er & wound, &nd )&y), I one of the di)e&)e) which $ )ent on "gy't will $ l&y on thee, $ &, the Lord thy He&lerJ E"26 1%A26F, h&) &ny )h&re in the world to co,e67; !he)e Buot&tion) confir, the e1idence th&t we h&1e fro, other )ource) th&t the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) 'r&cti)ed he&ling in the n&,e of 3e)u)6 $n 1iew of the fir)t e2tr&ct it i) intere)ting to note in the longer ending to >&rk8) *o)'el, th&t Ithe)e )ign) )h&ll follow the, th&t /elie1e. in my name )h&ll they c&)t out de1il). they )h&ll )'e&k with new tongue). they )h&ll t&ke u' )er'ent). &nd if they drink &ny de&dly thing it )h&ll not hint the,. they )h&ll l&y h&nd) on the )ick, &nd they )h&ll reco1er6J7% "'i'h&niu) infor,) u) th&t he w&) told /y the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n 3o)e'h th&t /efore hi) con1er)ion, %; when lying d&ngerou)ly ill, one of the elder), & )tudent of the L&w, whi)'ered in hi) e&r, IBelie1e th&t 3e)u) the )on of *od w&) crucified under 0ontiu) 0il&te, &nd th&t he will co,e &g&in to 5udge the li1ing &nd the de&d6J !hi) kind of thing w&) of freBuent occurrence, write) the Bi)ho' of Con)t&nti&, &nd ,ention) &nother 3ew, who told hi, th&t once when on the 'oint of de&th, he he&rd & whi)'er in hi) e&r fro, one of tho)e who )tood /y, th&t I3e)u) Chri)t who w&) crucified, the )on of *od, will here&fter 5udge thee6J76 By ,e&n) of their he&ling &rt, the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) were thu) &/le o'enly or )ecretly to re&ch &nd influence their /rethren6 >c eile h&) well e2'l&ined 96 Aki/&8) conde,n&tion of tho)e who whi)'er "26 1%A26, o1er wound)6 !he l&)t word), I$ &, the Lord th&t he&leth thee,J h&1e the nu,eric&l 1&lue of the n&,e 3e)u), &nd would /e u)ed /y cry'to#Chri)ti&n) &) & )u/)titute, when they d&red not 'ronounce the n&,e of 3e)u)

o'enly67D The !a/arene .ay On the e1e of the S&//&th they did not f&)t our of re)'ect to the S&//&th. )till le)) did they do )o on the S&//&th it)elf6 +hy did they not f&)t on the d&y &fter the S&//&thM 96 3oh&n&n )&y), Bec&u)e of the &-&rene)677 The !a/arenes worse than Gentiles *entile), &nd tho)e th&t kee' ),&ll c&ttle &nd tho)e th&t /reed the )&,e Ei6e6 3ewi)h f&r,er) of for/idden &ni,&l)F, &re neither hel'ed out Eof & 'itF nor c&)t into it6 !he heretic) &nd the &'o)t&te) &nd the infor,er) &re c&)t in &nd not hel'ed out679 !hi) '&))&ge i) & relic of the H&dri&nic 'er)ecution)6 !he &-&rene) h&d /eco,e & ,en&ce to the con)olid&tion of 3ud&i), in tho)e critic&l ti,e)6 !heir ,ilit&nt >e))i&ni), &nd conde,n&tion of the Or&l L&w )truck &t the 1ery found&tion) of the f&ith which the r&//i) were refor,ul&ting6 !hey &re cl&))ed with the &'o)t&te) &nd infor,er) who h&d )old the,)el1e) to 9o,e, &nd who did not )cru'le to /etr&y their /rethren who continued to 'r&cti)e their cu)to,) contr&ry to the i,'eri&l edict)6 $t i) only f&ir to )&y, howe1er, th&t the &-&rene) )uffered eBu&lly in thi) re)'ect6 -' Abahu and a #ewish Christian A cert&in heretic, who)e n&,e w&) S&)on E5oyF, )&id to 96 %% A/&hu, @ou will dr&w w&ter for ,e in the world to co,e, for it i) written E$)6 12A3F, +ith 1oy )h&ll ye dr&w w&ter fro, the well of )&l1&tion6 A/&hu )&id to hi,, $f it were written for 5oy, it would /e &) you )&yA /ut it i) written with 5oy. we )h&ll therefore ,&ke & w&ter)kin of your hide, &nd dr&w w&ter with th&t69( 26 Longer ?r&g,ent) of the *o)'el of the He/rew) $t would occu'y f&r too ,uch )'&ce to enter into & di)cu))ion concerning the d&te &nd &uthor)hi' of the Gospel of the Hebrews, &nd the )e1er&l te2t) which e1idently went under th&t n&,e6 Here it will )uffice to )&y th&t the )ur1i1ing fr&g,ent) h&1e co,e down to u) ,&inly fro, the Buot&tion) 're)er1ed in the writing) of 3ero,e &nd "'i'h&niu), &nd &) indic&ting 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n tr&dition reg&rding the life &nd te&ching of the >e))i&h, e2tr&ct) ,&y /e gi1en under the he&ding) of Hierono,i&n &nd "'i'h&ni&n te2t) re)'ecti1ely691 Hieronomian Text Behold, the ,other of the Lord &nd hi) /rethren )&id unto hi,A 3ohn the B&'ti)t /&'ti-eth unto the re,i))ion of )in). let u) go &nd /e /&'ti-ed of hi,6 But he )&id unto the,A wherein h&1e $ )inned, th&t $ )hould go &nd /e /&'ti-ed of hi,M unle)), 'er&d1enture, thi) 1ery thing th&t $ h&1e )&id i) E& )inF of ignor&nce692 And it c&,e to '&)) when the Lord w&) co,e u' out of the w&ter, the whole fount of the Holy )'irit de)cended &nd re)ted u'on hi,, &nd )&id unto hi,A >y )on, in &ll the 'ro'het) w&) $


w&iting for thee th&t thou )hould)t co,e, &nd $ ,ight re)t in thee6 ?or thou &rt ,y re)t, thou &rt ,y fir)t /egotten )on, th&t reigne)t fore1er693 $f thy /rother E)&ith he K 3e)u)F9; h&1e )inned /y & word &nd ,&de thee &,end), )e1en ti,e) in & d&y recei1e thou hi,6 Si,on, hi) di)ci'le )&id unto hi,A Se1en ti,e) in & d&yM the Lord &n)wered &nd )&id unto hi,A @e&, $ )&y unto thee, unto )e1enty ti,e) )e1en ti,e)6 ?or in the 'ro'het) &l)o, &fter they were &nointed /y the Holy )'irit, the word of )in w&) found6 !he )econd of the rich ,en )&id unto hi,A >&)ter, wh&t good thing c&n $ do &nd li1eM He )&id unto hi,A O ,&n, 'erfor, the l&w &nd the 'ro'het)6 He &n)wered hi,A $ h&1e ke't the,6 He )&id unto hi,A *o, )ell &ll th&t thou owne)t, &nd di)tri/ute it to the 'oor, &nd co,e, follow ,e6 But the rich ,&n /eg&n to )cr&tch hi) he&d, &nd it 'le&)ed hi, not6 %6 And the Lord )&id unto hi,A How )&ye)t thou, $ h&1e ke't the l&w &nd the 'ro'het)M ?or it i) written in the l&wA !hou )h&lt lo1e thy neigh/or &) thy)elf, &nd lo, ,&ny of thy /rethren, )on) of A/r&h&,, &re cl&d in filth, dying for hunger, &nd thine hou)e i) full of ,&ny good thing), &nd nought &t &ll goeth out of it unto the,6 And he turned &nd )&id unto Si,on hi) di)ci'le, who w&) )itting /y hi,A Si,on, )on of 3o&nn&, it i) e&)ier for & c&,el to enter in /y & needle8) eye, th&n for & rich ,&n to enter into the kingdo, of he&1en69% ow the Lord, when he h&d gi1en the linen cloth unto the )er1&nt of the 'rie)t, went unto 3&,e) &nd &''e&red to hi, Efor 3&,e) h&d )worn th&t he would not e&t /re&d fro, th&t hour wherein he h&d drunk the Lord8) cu' until he )hould )ee hi, ri)en &g&in fro, &,ong the, th&t )lee'F Q6 Bring ye, )&ith the Lord, & t&/le &nd /re&d6 And he took /re&d &nd /le))ed &nd /r&ke &nd g&1e unto 3&,e) the 3u)t, &nd )&id unto hi,A >y /rother, e&t thy /re&d, for the )on of >&n i) ri)en fro, &,ong the, th&t )lee'696 And when he E3e)u)F c&,e to 0eter &nd tho)e who were with 0eter, he )&id to the,A Lo, feel ,e &nd )ee th&t $ &, not & /odile)) )'irit6 And forthwith they touched hi, &nd /elie1ed69D (piphanian Text97 $t c&,e to '&)) in the d&y) of Herod the king of 3ud&e&, when C&i&'h&) w&) high 'rie)t, th&t there c&,e & cert&in ,&n 3ohn, /y n&,e, /&'ti-ing with the /&'ti), of re'ent&nce in the ri1er 3ord&n, who w&) )&id to /e of the line&ge of A&ron the 'rie)t, child of 4&ch&ri&) &nd "li-&/eth, &nd &ll went out unto hi,6 3ohn w&) /&'ti-ing, &nd there went out unto hi, 0h&ri)ee) &nd were /&'ti-ed, &nd &ll 3eru)&le,6 And 3ohn h&d r&i,ent of c&,el8) h&ir &nd & le&thern girdle &/out hi) loin)A &nd hi) ,e&t w&) wild honey, whereof the t&)te i) of ,&nn&, &) & c&ke di''ed in oil6 After the 'eo'le were /&'ti-ed, 3e)u) &l)o c&,e &nd w&) /&'ti-ed /y 3ohn. &nd &) he c&,e u' fro, the w&ter, the he&1en) were o'ened, &nd he )&w the Holy )'irit in the likene)) of & do1e th&t de)cended &nd entered into hi,A &nd & 1oice fro, he&1en )&yingA !hou &rt ,y /elo1ed Son, in thee $ &, well 'le&)edA &nd &g&inA !hi) d&y h&1e $ /egotten thee6 And )tr&ight#w&y there )hone &/out the 'l&ce & gre&t light, which, when 3ohn )&w it he )&ith unto hi,A +ho &rt thou, LordM And &g&in there w&) & 1oice fro, he&1en, )&ying unto hi,A thi) i) ,y /elo1ed )on in who, l&, well 'le&)ed6 And then 3ohn fell down /efore hi, &nd )&idA $ /e)eech thee, Lord, /&'ti-e

%D thou ,e6 But he 're1ented hi,, )&yingA Suffer it. for thu) it /eho1eth th&t &ll thing) )hould /e fulfilled6 !here w&) & cert&in ,&n n&,ed 3e)u), &nd he w&) &/out thirty ye&r) old, who cho)e u)6 And co,ing into C&'ern&u, he entered into the hou)e of Si,on who w&) )urn&,ed 0eter, &nd o'ened hi) ,outh &nd )&idA &) $ '&))ed /y the l&ke of !i/eri&), $ cho)e 3ohn &nd 3&,e), the )on) of 4e/edee, &nd Si,on &nd Andrew &nd !h&dd&eu) &nd Si,on the 4e&lot &nd 3ud&) the $)c&riot &nd thee, >&tthew, &) thou )&te)t &t the recei't of cu)to, $ c&lled, &nd thou followed)t ,e6 @ou, therefore, $ will to /e twel1e &'o)tle) for & te)ti,ony unto $)r&el6


%7 Ch&'ter :$$ 1 !he record) of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity tow&rd) the end of the )econd century &nd dining the third do not indic&te &ny i,'ro1e,ent in the rel&tion) with *entile Chri)ti&nity6 +ith /oth )ide) it w&) & 'eriod of h&rdening, of cry)t&lli-&tion6 !he *entile Church, or, &) we ,&y now c&ll it, the C&tholic Church, h&d c&noni-ed the four *o)'el) now cont&ined in the ew !e)t&,ent, while the &-&rene Church &) )toutly clung to their own He/rew *o)'el6 All the tr&dition) of the elder) &nd the re,ini)cence) of tho)e who h&d he&rd the, h&d /een g&thered u', &nd the /eginning) of & definite dog,&tic )t&te,ent of f&ith were in e1idence6 $n the 3ewi)h world, &l)o, the )&,e 'roce)) w&) going on6 !he ruling) of the e&rlier r&//inic&l &uthoritie) were /rought together in the collection known &) the >i)hn& Ere'etitionF with the !o)e'ht& E&ddition)F, &nd &ll '&rtie) tended to /eco,e ,ore rigid &nd le)) o'en to & friendly e2ch&nge of o'inion)6 Contro1er)y continued, /ut it w&) on & lower 'l&ne, &nd cruel &nd /itter re'ro&che) were freBuently e2ch&nged6 !he C&tholic f&ther) wrote tre&ti)e) A+ainst the #ews &nd co,'iled unf&ir Testimonia fro, the Old !e)t&,ent in )u''ort of the re5ection of the 3ewi)h 'eo'le &nd in 'roof th&t the Church w&) the new $)r&elA they &l)o u'/r&ided the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) with the 'o1erty of their Chri)ti&nity &nd their continued &dherence to 3ewi)h cu)to,)6 !he 3ew) retorted on their o''onent) /y in1enting or el&/or&ting )l&nderou) )torie) &/out 3e)u), which )u''lied u)eful we&'on) of offence to )uch noted '&g&n 'ole,ic&l writer) &) Cel)u)6 !he &-&rene) in their turn were denouncing the &'o)t&)y of the C&tholic), &nd 1ilifying 0&ul, )&ying th&t he w&) & *reek who h&d turned 3ew in ho'e of ,&rrying the high 'rie)t8) d&ughter. /ut /ec&u)e hi) )uit w&) re5ected, he wrote &g&in)t the S&//&th &nd Circu,ci)ion699 &tur&lly, the ,ore nu,erou) '&))&ge)#&t#&r,) were /etween the &-&rene) &nd the 9&//ini)t), &nd we &re fortun&te in h&1ing 're)er1ed to u) & nu,/er of the)e thing) in the !&l,ud &nd >idr&)hi, on the one h&nd, &nd 3ero,e8) writing) on the other6 !he Scri'ture) were r&n)&cked /y /oth f&ith) for )uit&/le we&'on), &nd the following Buot&tion) ,&y /e t&ken &) re're)ent&ti1e of their 'ole,ic&l e2ege)i)6 The -abbinists I$ will render 1enge&nce to ,ine &d1er)&rie)J EDt6 32A;1F, %9 the)e &re the Cuthin ES&,&rit&n)F 6666J &nd I$ will reco,'en)e the, th&t h&te ,e,J the)e &re the ,ini, E &-&rene)F. &nd thu) *od )&ith E0)6 139A21#22F IDo $ not h&te the, which h&te thee, O LordM $ h&te the, with & 'erfect h&tred. they h&1e /eco,e ,ine ene,ie)6JJ1(( "1erywhere th&t Ihy'ocri)yJ occur) in & 1er)e, the Scri'ture )'e&k) of ,inuth E &-&reni),F. &nd the co,,on ele,ent in the, &ll i) indic&ted /y $)&i&h 33A1;, I!he )inner) in 4ion &re &fr&id. tre,/ling h&th )ei-ed the hy'ocrite)6J1(1 The !a/arenes IAnd when they )h&ll )&y unto you, Seek unto the, th&t h&1e f&,ili&r )'irit), &nd unto wi-&rd) th&t 'ee', &nd th&t ,utterA )hould not & 'eo'le )eek unto their *odM for the li1ing


)hould they con)ult the de&dMJ E$)&i&h 7A19F6 !he &-&rene) e2'l&in thi) '&))&ge &) follow)A +hen the Scri/e) &nd 0h&ri)ee) )&y th&t you )hould he&rken unto the,, who do e1erything for their /elly8) )&ke, &nd who ,utter in their inc&nt&tion) &fter the f&)hion of wi-&rd) in order to decei1e you, &n)wer the, thu)A $) it no ,&r1el th&t you follow your tr&dition). e1ery n&tion con)ult) it) own idol)6 +e, therefore, need not con)ult your de&d &/out the li1ing thing) for *od h&) gi1en u) & ,&gic of our own, the L&w &nd !e)ti,ony of Scri'ture, which if you follow not you will ne1er h&1e the light, /ut the d&rkne)) will &lw&y) o''re)) you &) it '&))e) o1er your l&nd &nd your doctrine. &) &l)o tho)e who &re decei1ed /y you will )ee the,)el1e) in error, )uffering & hunger for the truth6 !hen )h&ll they fret the,)el1e) &nd /e &ngry &nd cur)e you, who, they thought of &) god) &nd king)6 And they )h&ll look tow&rd) he&1en &nd e&rth in 1&in, &nd )h&ll &/ide in d&rkne)) &nd /e un&/le to e)c&'e fro, your in)idiou)ne))61(2 I!h&t w&tch for iniBuity 6666 th&t ,&ke & ,&n &n offender for & wordJ E$)6 39A2(#21F6 !he &-&rene) te)tify &g&in)t the Scri/e) &nd 0h&ri)ee), wherein they f&il through their >i)hn&, who fir)t deluded the 'eo'le through their 1ery /&d tr&dition)A they w&tched d&y &nd night in order to decei1e the )i,'le, &nd c&u)ed ,en to )in through E>i)re're)entingF the word of *od, )o th&t they )hould deny the >e))i&h61(3 3ero,e gi1e) )e1er&l further e2tr&ct) fro, wh&t w&) e1idently & &-&# 6( rene !&rgu, on the 0ro'het), now unfortun&tely lo)t, which tho)e who &re intere)ted ,&y )ee in their 'l&ce6 But we ,&y note in connection with wh&t h&) /een )&id &/o1e in Ch&'ter 6 &/out the r&//inic&l 'l&y on the word ("an+elion, th&t the &-&rene) &l)o were not &1er)e to 'unning &t the e2'en)e of their o''onent). Hillel &nd Sh&,,&i, the founder) of the two f&,ou) 3ewi)h )chool) of thought, they de)ign&ted &) Hillul E'rof&neF &nd Sh&,,&h Ede1&)t&torF, /ec&u)e the)e in their o'inion h&d 'rof&ned the word of *od, &nd ,&de it of none effect6 But in )'ite of & cert&in &cri,oniou)ne)) in de/&te, the i,'re))ion ,&de /y the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) on their own n&tion w&) 1ery 'rofound6 !he influence of the He/rew *o)'el, e)'eci&lly, w&) difficult to re)i)t, co'ie) of it e1en finding their w&y into the 3ewi)h &rchi1e) &t the '&tri&rch&l center of !i/eri&), together with the &-&rene) A%ts of the Apostles, & different docu,ent to the c&nonic&l Act), &nd the He/rew Apo%alypse of #ohn'1(; $n &n &tte,'t to di)credit thi) i,'ort&nt witne)), &) the writer h&) el)ewhere )hown, the r&//i) 'u/li)hed & '&rody, the Toledot 6eshu Ethe gener&tion) of 3e)u)F, which took it) title, &) w&) cu)to,&ry in 3ewi)h u)&ge, fro, the o'ening word) of the He/rew *o)'el61(% !hi) work )&tiri-ing the *o)'el n&rr&ti1e, &nd '&rtly /&)ed on inde'endent tr&dition, h&) /ee & thorn in the )ide of the 3ewi)h 'eo'le e1er )ince it) co,'o)ition6 Secretly tr&n)cri/ed &g&in &nd &g&in down to ,odern ti,e), e,/elli)hed with f&nciful det&il) which held u' 3e)u) &nd hi) follower) to ridicule, it encour&ged the 3ew) to re)i)t the fiery 'er)ecution) of the C&tholic Church, while &t the )&,e ti,e the knowledge of it) e2i)tence only &dded fuel to the fl&,e) of fury th&t &))&iled the,6 Better for thou)&nd) of ,&rtyred He/rew) if it h&d ne1er /een written6 2 Of the conduct of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n &ff&ir) fro, 13% AD, until the conBue)t of 0&le)tine /y the >oh&,,ed&n) in the )e1enth century, we h&1e no ,e&n) of knowing6 +ho were their '&tri&rch) &nd gre&t ,enM Hi)tory i) )ilent6 +e le&rn fro, "'i'h&niu) th&t they h&d nu,erou) co,,unitie)


)c&ttered throughout Coele#Syri&, the H&ur&n, B&t&ne&, the Dec&'oli), &nd e1en &) f&r e&)t &) >e)o'ot&,i&61(6 !he e&)t 3ord&n l&nd )ee,), indeed, to h&1e /een their )'eci&l territory e1er )ince the de)truction of 3eru)&le,6 "'i'h&niu) i) &l)o witne)) th&t the &-&rene) continued to h&1e )yn&gogue) &nd elder), e2&ctly like the 3ew),1(D with who)e rite) their own re,&ined clo)ely &kin, &nd the !&l,ud refer) to their 61 'l&ce) of wor)hi' &) Beth i-r&'hi, & ter, of ety,ology6 !here i) e1idence th&t their 'erfor,&nce of circu,ci)ion &nd the weekly f&)t) were on different d&y) th&n w&) the cu)to, &,ong the r&//ini)t)6 !hi) w&) & re)ult of the growing religiou) &nt&goni), which ou)ted the, fro, the Syn&gogue &nd /rought the, in the end to re'udi&te e1en the n&,e of 3ew6 !heir co,,unitie) )u/)i)ted frug&lly /y &gricultur&l l&/or, &nd they li1ed in d&ily e2'ect&tion of the return of the >e))i&h to re)tore the kingdo, to $)r&el, in which for their con)t&ncy they would h&1e & ruling '&rt6 !ow&rd) the end of the )econd century we ,&rk the /eginning) of & /re&k in the r&nk)6 Origen )'e&k) of Ithe twofold )ect of "/ionite), who either &cknowledge with u) th&t 3e)u) w&) /orn of & 1irgin, or deny thi), &nd ,&int&in th&t he w&) /egotten like other hu,&n /eing)6J !o & )ection of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), '&rticul&rly in Syri&, where there w&) & clo)er cont&ct with the C&tholic Church, which h&d ,&de outc&)t) of the de)cend&nt) of the founder) of the gre&t churche) of Antioch &nd D&,&)cu), the 'o)ition w&) intoler&/le6 $n con)ider&tion of fr&tern&l rel&tion) e2tended to the,, they were 're'&red to &cce't )o,e of the dog,&) of the new orthodo2y6 Cert&in indi1idu&l 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) h&d &lre&dy &))oci&ted the,)el1e) with the do,in&nt Church, /ut grou' &ction w&) & new ,o1e6 !he 'h&)e w&) & ,o)t i,'ort&nt one, for it) gene)i) 'roduced &t Antioch the Gospel of Matthew &) we now h&1e it6 !he 'h&)e e2tended e1en further6 !he n&ti1e Syri&n Chri)ti&n) were willing to &llow the &ntiBuity of the &-&rene), &nd to &cce't the f&ct th&t they 'o))e))ed genuine inde'endent tr&dition) reg&rding the life of Chri)t, which they were &1id to le&rn &nd utili-e6 !he i,'&rting of thi) infor,&tion, chiefly concerning the childhood of 3e)u) &nd cert&in incident) connected with hi) crucifi2ion &nd 'o)t#re)urrection &''e&r&nce), led to & whole liter&ture of $nf&ncy &nd other )ection&l *o)'el n&rr&ti1e), cl&i,ing &uthority fro, origin&l He/rew )ource), which continued to /e ,ulti'lied &nd el&/or&ted for centurie)6 ?or one in)t&nce &,ong ,&ny, the 'rologue to the Gospel of !i%odemus h&) itA $ An&ni&), etc6, found the)e ,e,ori&l) written in He/rew, &nd /y the f&1or of *od h&1e tr&n)l&ted the, into *reek of the infor,&tion of &ll who c&ll u'on the n&,e of our Lord 3e)u) Chri)t6 One wonder) in re&ding )o,e &l the)e te2t) whether the &-&rene) h&d not /een 'r&cti)ing & little edifying leg#'ulling &t the e2'en)e of the 62 credulou) Syri&n)6 !r&ce), howe1er, of 1&lu&/le hi)toric&l f&ct) do re,&in in the old )yri&c *o)'el) &nd )&cred liter&ture of the "&)tern Church, which otherwi)e would h&1e /een irretrie1&/ly lo)t6 !he l&')e fro, the true f&ith of )o,e of their nu,/er w&) /ound to re&ct on the re)t of the &-&rene co,,unitie), who /ec&,e in con)eBuence ,ore rigid &nd e2clu)i1e, &nd in & )hort ti,e co,'letely lo)t touch with the gre&t /ody of /elie1er), finding con)ol&tion in)te&d with

cont&cting other /odie) of 3ewi)h )ect&rie) who h&d ,&de their &/ode in the region) which they inh&/ited6 !he re)ult&nt ,edley of /elief) will h&1e to /e con)idered in & l&ter ch&'ter6 !hree leg&cie), &t le&)t, they left to the Syri&c &nd *reek#)'e&king churche) /efore they withdrew into the /&ckground of Chri)ti&n &ff&ir), the Cle,entine 9o,&nce), the Odes of $olomon, &nd the *reek tr&n)l&tion of the Old !e)t&,ent /y Sy,,&chu)6 !he Cle,entine 9o,&nce), the Homilies &nd -e%o+nitions, t&ke &) their /&)i) the hi)tory of Cle,ent, & 9o,&n con1ert to 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity, &nd how he /ec&,e reunited to hi) '&rent) &nd /rother) fro, who, he h&d /een )e'&r&ted /y &n ill f&te6 He /eco,e) &tt&ched to 0eter, &nd follow) hi, in hi) 'ur)uit of &rid di)'ut&tion) with the &rch#ene,y, Si,on >&gu)6 O''ortunity i) gi1en in the nu,erou) di)cu))ion) &nd di&logue) of the n&rr&ti1e to re)t&te the true f&ith in o''o)ition to *reek &nd other here)ie) 'ut into the ,outh of Si,on, who )o,eti,e) /e&r) & )tr&nge likene)) to the &'o)tle 0&ul6 Other work) h&1e &l)o /een dr&wn u'on /y the co,'iler, including the &ncient *rea%hin+ of *eter &nd the As%ents of #ames' !he te&ching i) definitely 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n, &nd the *o)'el reference) introduce & nu,/er of unc&nonic&l )&ying) &nd tr&dition)6 !he Odes of $olomon, di)co1ered in & Syri&c te2t /y Dr6 36 9endel H&rri), con)i)t of & collection of forty#two hy,n)6 !here h&) /een ,uch )chol&rly contro1er)y o1er their &uthor)hi', /ut the writer fro, & clo)e )tudy con)ider) th&t there i) conclu)i1e e1idence th&t the collection re're)ent) & '&rt, &t le&)t, of the &-&rene hy,n#/ook6 A) )uch the work i) of enor,ou) i,'ort&nce, fir)t /ec&u)e it re1e&l) the ele1&ted ch&r&cter of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n theology, &nd ,&ke) 'l&in ,&ny o/)curitie) rel&ting to their /elief) &nd tr&dition), &nd )econd, /ec&u)e & Church with & hy,n&ry i) & li1ing church, &nd not & ,ori/und in)titution &) ,&ny would )u''o)e &-&reni), in the third century to h&1e /een6 !wo of the Ode) &re re'roduced here fro, Dr6 H&rri)8 tr&n)l&tion. in the )econd it i) the >e))i&h who i) )'e&king6 Ode 7 63 A) the h&nd ,o1e) o1er the h&r', &nd the )tring )'e&k, )o )'e&k) in ,y ,e,/er) the S'irit of the Lord, &nd $ )'e&k /y Hi) lo1e6 ?or it de)troy) wh&t i) foreign, &nd e1erything th&t i) /itterA for thu) it w&) fro, the /eginning &nd will /e to the end, th&t nothing )hould /e hi) &d1er)&ry, &nd nothing )hould )t&nd u' &g&in)t Hi,6 !he Lord h&) ,ulti'lied the knowledge of Hi,)elf, &nd i) -e&lou) th&t the)e thing) )hould /e known, which /y Hi) gr&ce h&1e /een gi1en to u)6 And the 'r&i)e of Hi) n&,e He g&1e u)A our )'irit) 'r&i)e Hi) Holy S'irit6 ?or there went forth & )tre&, &nd /ec&,e & ri1er gre&t &nd /ro&d. for it flooded &nd /roke u' e1erything &nd it /rought w&ter to the !e,'leA &nd the re)tr&iner) of the children of ,en were not &/le to re)tr&in it, nor the &rt) of tho)e who)e /u)ine)) it i) to re)tr&in w&ter). for it )'re&d o1er the f&ce of the whole e&rth, &nd filled e1erythingA &nd &ll the thir)ty u'on e&rth were gi1en to drink of it. &nd thir)t w&) relie1ed &nd BuenchedA for fro, the >o)t High the dr&ught w&) gi1en6 Ble))ed then &re the ,ini)ter) of th&t dr&ught who &re entru)ted with th&t w&ter of Hi)A they h&1e &))u&ged the dry li'), &nd the will th&t h&d f&inted they h&1e r&i)ed u'. &nd )oul) th&t were ne&r de'&rting they h&1e c&ught /&ck fro, de&thA &nd li,/) th&t h&d f&llen they )tr&ightened &nd )et u'A they g&1e )trength for their fee/lene)) &nd light to their eye)A for e1eryone knew the, in the Lord, &nd they li1ed /y the w&ter of life fore1er6 H&llelu5&h


Ode 87 $ re)ted on the S'irit of the LordA &nd the S'irit r&i)ed ,e on highA &nd ,&de ,e )t&nd on ,y feet in the height of the Lord, /efore Hi) 'erfection &nd Hi) glory, while $ w&) 'r&i)ing Hi, /y the co,'o)ition of Hi) )ong)6 !he S'irit /rought ,e forth /efore the f&ce of the LordA &nd &lthough & )on of ,&n, $ w&) n&,ed the $llu,in&te, the )on of *odA while $ 'r&i)ed &,ong the 'r&i)ing one), &nd gre&t w&) $ &,ong)t the ,ighty one)6 ?or &ccording to the gre&tne)) of the >o)t High, )o He ,&de ,eA &nd like Hi) own newne)) He renewed ,e. &nd He &nointed ,e fro, Hi) own 'erfectionA &nd $ /ec&,e one of hi) neigh/or). &nd ,y ,outh w&) o'ened, like & cloud of dew. &nd ,y he&rt 'oured out &) it were & gu)hing )tre&, of righteou)ne)), &nd ,y &cce)) to Hi, w&) in 'e&ceA &nd $ w&) e)t&/li)hed /y the )'irit of Hi) 6; go1ern,ent6 H&llelu5&h $n the )econd of the)e two hy,n), the &-&rene /elief of the &cBuired di1ine &ttri/ute) of the >e))i&h, who w&) /orn & ,&n &,ong)t ,en, i) cle&rly )een6 He w&) &nointed /y *od with the Holy S'irit &nd with 0owerA one &-&rene reference r&ther /e&utifully 'ut) it th&t the &nointing w&) with oil t&ken fro, the !ree of Life6 Sy,,&chu) &''e&r) to h&1e /een, like Cle,ent, & con1ert lo 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity, &nd ,&y h&1e /een of S&,&rit&n origin6 He flouri)hed tow&rd) the end of the )econd century6 Hi) o/5ect in undert&king & new tr&n)l&tion of the Old !e)t&,ent i) /elie1ed to h&1e /een to 'ro1ide & rendering in idio,&tic *reek6 free fro, )e,iti),)6 Hi) 1er)ion w&) one of tho)e e,/odied /y Origen in hi) Hexapla, &nd it) influence )till re,&in), &) it w&) l&rgely ,&de u)e of /y 3ero,e in hi) re1i)ion of the L&tin Bi/le6 "u)e/iu) ,ention) th&t in hi) own d&y Efourth centuryF there were Commentaries of Sy,,&chu) )till e2t&nt, in which it would )ee, th&t he critici-ed the *reek 1er)ion of >&tthew8) *o)'el, which h&d l&tely /een &cce'ted /y the *entile Church6 3 Hndou/tedly, the ,o)t out)t&nding n&,e &,ong 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) of thi) 'eriod w&) Hege)i''u), often c&lled the fir)t eccle)i&)tic&l hi)tori&n, Born in 0&le)tine &/out 1;( A6D6, he ke't clo)ely in touch with &ll )ection) of the Church, though he hi,)elf held to the &-&rene f&ith6 He tr&1elled widely throughout the we)t, &nd c&,e to 9o,e during the /i)ho'ric of Anicetu)6 Su/)eBuently, he wrote hi) Memoirs, in fi1e /ook), now unfortun&tely lo)t6 But fr&g,ent) h&1e /een 're)er1ed chiefly in "u)e/iu)8 Buot&tion), &nd ,&ny of the, h&1e &lre&dy /een dr&wn u'on in thi) hi)tory6 !hey )how hi, to h&1e /een & )edulou) collector of tr&dition) reg&rding the li1e) of the &'o)tle) &nd tho)e rel&ted to the,, &nd it i) to hi, th&t we owe ,uch of our knowledge of 'ri,iti1e Chri)ti&n hi)tory6 He i) re'orted /y "u)e/iu) to h&1e Buoted l&rgely fro, the Gospel of the Hebrews, which to hi,, &) to hi) co#religioni)t), w&) the fin&l &uthority on the life &nd te&ching of 3e)u)6 He i) &l)o )&id to h&1e )t&ted th&t cert&in /ook) of the Apo%rypha h&d /een forged during hi) own lifeti,e61(7 He w&) e1idently & li/er&l ,inded ,&n e1er re&dy to note the /e)t in the life of hi) fellow Chri)ti&n), &nd thi) ch&'ter ,&y fittingly clo)e with the only &uto/iogr&'hic&l fr&g,ent of hi) work which h&) )ur1i1ed6 !he Corinthi&n Church h&) continued in the true f&ith until 6%

0ri,u), now Bi)ho' of Corinth6 $ con1er)ed with hi, on ,y 1oy&ge to 9o,e, &nd )t&yed ,&ny d&y) with the Corinthi&n)6 during which ti,e we were refre)hed together with true doctrine6 Arri1ed in 9o,e, $ co,'o)ed the )ucce))ion Eof /i)ho')F until Anicetu), who)e de&con w&) "leutheru)6 After Anicetu) )ucceeded Soter, &nd &fterw&rd) "leutheru)6 But with e1ery )ucce))ion, &nd in e1ery city, th&t 're1&il) which the L&w &nd the 0ro'het) &nd the Lord en5oin61(9


66 Ch&'ter :$$$ 1 !he fourth century d&wned full of 'ro,i)e for the Chri)ti&n f&ith6 IAnd now & /right &nd )'lendid d&y,J write) "u)e/iu), Iwith no o1er)h&dowing cloud, irr&di&ted the churche) in the whole world with it) cele)ti&l light6J11( !he ,ir&cle h&d h&''ened6 !he ",'eror Con)t&ntine h&d )u/,itted to the gr&ce of /&'ti),6 But for tho)e who )till clung to the o/)er1&nce) of the L&w of >o)e), whether &-&rene of 0h&ri)ee, th&t d&y w&) one of d&rkne)) &nd gloo,6 !he er& of 'er)ecution /y 0&g&n 9o,&n) w&) '&))ing &w&y, only to /e )ucceeded /y the ,ore terri/le &nd 'rolonged 'er)ecution) /y Chri)ti&n 9o,&n)6 $ncited thereto /y & 1engeful &nd f&n&tic&l clergy, drunk with li/erty &nd 'ower6 Con)t&ntine co,,enced to 'ur)ue & 'olicy of cruel re)triction &g&in)t the 3ew), e,/odied in & )erie) of edict), which the 'o'ul&ce were not )low to con)true &) & 'olicy /ordering on e2tir'&tion6 +e de)ire to h&1e nothing in co,,on with thi) )o h&ted 'eo'le, for the 9edee,er h&) ,&rked out &nother '&th for u)6 !o thi) we will kee', &nd /e free fro, di)gr&ceful &))oci&tion with thi) 'eo'le6 So r&n the i,'eri&l will6 >&))&cre) /ec&,e freBuent, &nd /urning )yn&gogue) & Chri)ti&n recre&tion6 Hnder the)e condition), 0&le)tine gr&du&lly lo)t it) 3ewi)h 'o'ul&tion, which took refuge further e&)t in 0er)i& &nd >e)o'ot&,i& where there w&) & /etter 'ro)'ect of en5oying freedo, of con)cience6 !he r&//inic&l college) &t Sur& &nd 0u,/edith took o1er &uthority fro, tho)e of !i/eri&) &nd Se'hori)6 &nd &/&ndoned )yn&gogue) were rededic&ted to Chri)ti&n wor)hi'6 !he n&,e of &-&rene, for,erly honored /y e1ery follower of the >&n of &-&reth, w&) now wholly di)c&rded /y the C&tholic Church, &nd re)er1ed e2clu)i1ely for the Ihere)yJ of the f&ith which he h&d founded6 A few of the ?&ther) there were, like 3ero,e, who )till g&1e credit to the &ncient te)ti,ony of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n)6 He &))oci&ted with the, in Beroe& EAle''oF, &nd tr&n)l&ted their He/rew *o)'el into *reek &nd L&tin, )uffering the &ccu)&tion of, Ih&1ing forged & fifth *o)'el6J $t i) in l&rge '&rt due to hi) writing) th&t we owe our )lender knowledge of the &-&rene o'inion)6 $n the we)t, &t thi) ti,e, we ,&rk the /eginning of & new 'h&)e, which &fter the 1irtu&l di)ru'tion of the &-&rene "/ionite co,,unitie) w&) to 6D c&rry on the torch of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity through & )ucce))ion of indi1idu&l con1ert) to the C&tholic f&ith until their org&ni-&tion )hould &t length /e recon)tituted6 !he )cene i) 9o,e, &nd the occ&)ion & di)'ut&tion held /efore Con)t&ntine &nd the )&intly Gueen Helen& /etween the 3ew) &nd Chri)ti&n)6 Argu,ent h&d f&iled to /e con1incing to either )ide, &nd &t length, )o run) the legend, the 3ew) h&d recour)e to ,&gic6 !hey co,,&nded &n o2 to /e fetched, &nd the ineff&/le &,e of *od /eing whi)'ered into it) e&r /y S&,/re), the 3ewi)h le&der, it &t once fell de&d &t the e,'eror8) feet6 !he 3ew) were triu,'h&nt. /ut the f&,ou) wonder#working 0o'e Syl1e)ter w&) & ,&tch for the,6 +ould the 3ew) /elie1e if the o2 c&,e to life &g&in &t the n&,e of 3e)u)M !hey would6 Syl1e)ter r&i)ed hi) eye) to he&1en, &nd with & loud 1oice criedA I$f He /e the true *od who, $ 're&ch, in the n&,e of Chri)t, &ri)e, O o2,


&nd )t&nd u'on thy feetLJ !he o2 )'r&ng to life, &nd /eg&n to ,o1e &nd feed6 !he &)tounded 3ew) g&1e in &nd were &ll /&'ti-ed6 2 +e h&1e now to con)ider & new ty'e of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n, willing or unwilling con1ert to C&tholici),, h&1ing no rel&tion)hi' with the old &-&rene grou'), &nd in ,&ny c&)e) &) /igoted &nd intoler&nt in their &ttitude tow&rd) the, &nd the 3ewi)h 'eo'le &) were tho)e of *entile /irth6 Of thi) new ty'e, two were 'ro,inent in the fourth century, "'i'h&niu), Bi)ho' of Con)t&nti&, &nd Count 3o)e'h, &nd the l&)t i) our chief infor,&nt &/out the )econd6 "'i'h&niu) w&) /orn &/out 3(3 A6D6 in the 1ill&ge of Be-&nduc& in 0&le)tine6 He w&) of 3ewi)h '&rent&ge on /oth )ide)6 Hi) f&ther died when he w&) 1ery young, &nd hi) widowed ,other w&) not in good circu,)t&nce)6 A we&lthy 3ew, & friend of the f&,ily, &do'ted hi, &nd l&ter ,&rried hi, to hi) only d&ughter6 Al,o)t i,,edi&tely, howe1er, he ho)t hi) wife, &nd hi) f&ther#in#l&w dying )oon &fter /eBue&thed to hi, hi) e2ten)i1e 'ro'erty6 +hile on & 1i)it to )o,e of hi) 'o))e))ion) he w&) i,'re))ed with the ch&rity of & ,onk who, he ,et, &nd re)ol1ed to /eco,e & Chri)ti&n, &n e2&,'le th&t w&) followed /y hi) )i)ter6 After & cour)e of in)truction, /oth were recei1ed into the C&tholic Church6 "'i'h&niu)6 in hi) fer1or for hi) new#found f&ith, '&rted with hi) we&lth &nd /ec&,e & ,onk6 >&ny legend) )urround hi) l&ter life, due to the ethu)i&), of hi) two di)ci'le), 3ohn &nd 0oly/iu), /ut the following f&ct) 67 ,&y /e reg&rded &) f&irly well e)t&/li)hed6 On & 1i)it to "gy't he c&,e into cont&ct with cert&in Chri)ti&n *no)tic), &''&rently of &ntino,i&n tendencie), fro, who, he e)c&'ed in horror6 9eturned to 0&le)tine, he founded & ,on&)tery ne&r hi) n&ti1e 1ill&ge6 !he ne2t few ye&r) find hi, eng&ged in 1iolent contro1er)y with the )chool of Origen, '&rticul&rly in the 'er)on of 3ohn, Bi)ho' of 3eru)&le,6 A/out 367 he w&) ,&de Bi)ho' of Con)t&nti& in Cy'ru), where he /ec&,e widely known for hi) le&rning6 $n 372 he w&) )u,,oned to 9o,e /y the e,'eror to gi1e hi) o'inion in &n eccle)i&)tic&l di)'ute6 !he ye&r 39; found hi, &g&in in 3eru)&le,, where he /etr&yed )o,ething of hi) 3ewi)h origin in denouncing the u)e of i,&ge) which he found '&inted on & cloth in & Chri)ti&n church6 ISuch ,&teri&l,J he )&id, Iwould /e /etter e,'loyed for ch&rity th&n for cere,ony6J Soon &fter thi) he retired to Bethlehe,, fro, where he 5ourneyed once ,ore to Con)t&ntino'le in hi) old &ge to &ttend & )ynod con1ened to re'ri,&nd the f&,ou) 3ohn Chry)o)to, for )heltering )o,e "gy'ti&n ,onk) e2'elled for &do'ting Origen8) 1iew)6 "'i'h&niu), howe1er, did not w&it of the )ynod to )it, &nd died &t )e& on hi) w&y /&ck to Cy'ru) &t the &d1&nced &ge of & hundred ye&r)6 He w&) & )incere, though )o,ewh&t o1er#-e&lou) &nd i,'rudent church,&n, who followed the orthodo2y of hi) d&y with co,,end&/le loy&lty6 $t i) unfortun&te th&t he w&) out of )y,'&thy with hi) &-&rene /rethren, /ut thi) w&) 'ro/&/ly due to hi) e&rly con1er)ion &nd tr&ining in ,on&)tic circle), He ne1er &''e&r) to h&1e /een in direct cont&ct with either &-&rene) or "/ionite), who, he c&)tig&te) un,ercifully6 He h&d re&d the "/ionite te2t of the *o)'el in & *reek tr&n)l&tion, &nd hi) Buot&tion) fro, it 're)er1e wh&t little we know of it) content)6 "'i'h&niu)8 'rinci'&l work i) hi) 1olu,inou) *anarion, which h&) /een de)cri/ed &) &n encyclo'edi& of here)ie)6 $n it he co,/&t) ne&rly eighty Chri)ti&n &nd 3ewi)h )ect)6 !he


*anarion will &lw&y) re,&in one of the ,o)t 1&lu&/le 'o))e))ion) of Chri)ti&nity /ec&u)e of the ,&)) of ,&teri&l on 'ri,iti1e Chri)ti&n /elief) which it cont&in)A ,&ny of the tr&dition) recorded /y "'i'h&niu) h&1e co,e down to ,odern ti,e) e2clu)i1ely through hi) diligence6 He &l)o wrote & tre&ti)e on Bibli%al &ei+hts and Measures' !he Bi)ho' of Con)t&nti&, &) we h&1e )&id, i) our &uthority for the ro,&ntic hi)tory of &nother 3ewi)h con1ert, Count 3o)e'h, c&lled /y hi) for,er co#religioni)t), Ithe A'o)t&te6J He w&) & r&//inic&l )tudent of 69 !i/eri&), &tt&ched to the 'er)on of the 3ewi)h 0&tri&rch Hillel $$6 According to hi) own &ccount, he h&d witne))ed the 0&tri&rch8) de&th/ed confe))ion of f&ith in Chri)t6 !hrough the 5oint) of the door, he h&d )een hi, recei1e the )&cr&,ent fro, the Bi)ho' of !i/eri&), who h&d &ttended hi, &) 'hy)ici&n6 After Hillel8) de&th, 3o)e'h found &,ong hi) effect), He/rew te2t) of Matthew, #ohn &nd the A%ts of the apostles, which he re&d &nd w&) )trongly con1inced of the truth of Chri)ti&nity6 He did not, howe1er, ,&ke & 'u/lic confe))ion of hi) f&ith6 Other circu,)t&nce) in l&ter life incre&)ed hi) con1iction, &nd & )e1ere illne)) deter,ined hi, no longer to 'o)t'one hi) /&'ti),6 On hi) reco1ery hi) fe&r of the con)eBuence) of hi) &ct ,&de hi, )till del&y o'enly to &1ow hi,)elf & Chri)ti&n6 At thi) ti,e he w&) &''ointed offici&l collector of the '&tri&rch&l re1enue) in Cilici&, &nd he ,&de the &cBu&int&nce of & /i)ho' ne&r who)e hou)e he w&) )t&ying6 !he )u)'icion) of the 3ew) were &rou)ed, &nd they one d&y )ur'ri)ed hi, in the &ct of re&ding the *o)'el)6 !hey dr&gged hi, to the )yn&gogue, &nd would h&1e /e&ten hi, to de&th, h&d not the /i)ho' inter1ened6 +hen he w&) &/out to le&1e the city, &nother &tte,'t on hi) life w&) ,&de, &nd he w&) thrown into the ri1er Cydnu)6 Ag&in he e)c&'ed, &nd )oon &fter ,&de & 'u/lic confe))ion of hi) f&ith in 3e)u)6 Hi) intere)ting )tory c&,e to the e&r) of Con)t&ntine, who ,&de hi, & Co,e), or Count, of the 9o,&n ",'ire6 Little ,ore of Count 3o)e'h i) known, e2ce't th&t the e,'eror e,'loyed hi, on )e1er&l co,,i))ion), &nd th&t he de1oted hi) life to /uilding churche) in town) which h&d l&rge 3ewi)h 'o'ul&tion), &t !i/eri&), &-&reth &nd Se'hori) EDio C&e)&re&F6 $n)cri'tion) recording hi) found&tion )till re,&in6 He )heltered )o,e 'rie)t) fleeing fro, Ari&n 'er)ecution, &nd it w&) &/out thi) ti,e in hi) old &ge th&t "'i'h&niu) he&rd thi) )tory fro, hi) own li') while he w&) & gue)t in hi) hou)e6 "'i'h&niu) tell) u) in hi) *anarion of other 3ewi)h con1ert) to C&tholici),, /ut the &nti# 3ewi)h 'olicy of the Church, which ,&nife)ted it)elf e1er ,ore )trongly fro, thi) ti,e onw&rd), ,u)t h&1e tended )te&dily to decre&)e the nu,/er) of genuine con1er)ion) &nd ,&ke the n&,e of 3e)u) to /e h&ted /y hi) own 'eo'le6 !ho)e who did t&ke the )te' were the o/5ect) of /itter 3ewi)h 'er)ecution, )o ,uch )o th&t Con)t&ntine decreed de&th &t the )t&ke for tho)e guilty of I'ur)uing with )tone) &nd other 1iolenceJ the /&'ti-ed 3ew6 But if the outr&ged Syn&gogue could not 1ent it) /itter wr&th on tho)e who )ee,ed to h&1e gone o1er to the r&nk) of it) ene,ie), it could &nd did ende&1or to we&n fro, their Chri)ti&n f&ith D( newly con1erted '&g&n), /y 'ointing out the f&r#fetched Bi/lic&l e2ege)i) of the Church, e)'eci&lly in rel&tion to >e))i&nic '&))&ge)6 $n order to o/t&in their e1idence &t fir)t h&nd fro, the li') of Chri)ti&n 're&cher), 3ew) were e1en willing to co,e to church. )o th&t the Church of 3eru)&le, &t & )ynod h&d to co,'l&in of I3ewi)h )er'ent) &nd S&,&rit&n i,/ecile) li)tening to


)er,on) in church like wol1e) )urrounding the flock of Chri)t6J !he C&tholic Church6 with the whole of the 9o,&n ",'ire gi1en to it, &t le&)t in n&,e &) & Chri)ti&n territory, &nd /y no ,e&n) )ure of it) ground, worked it)elf u' into &n &cute )t&te of hy)teri& o1er &n i,&gined 3ewi)h 'eril6 "1en to the ,ore enlightened eccle)i&)tic, the 3ew w&) & 'er1erted /eing l&/oring ,y)teriou)ly &nd ,ercile))ly to re)tore '&g&n do,in&tion &nd under,ine the Church8) &uthority6 !he few c&)e) where 3ew) h&d )ucceeded in 'er)u&ding '&g&n) of the we&kne)) of the )t&te religion were ,&gnified into &n org&ni-ed effort to o1erthrow the Church6 !he hu,or of the )itu&tion, if hu,or it c&n /e c&lled which in1ol1e) the e2tre,e of hu,&n '&))ion), w&), th&t to &nyone who know) the 3ew) &t &ll well their gre&te)t &nd )elf# re&li-ed we&kne)) i) their in&/ility to co#o'er&te &nd &ct in concerted h&r,ony in &ny ,&5or 'olicy6 @et, &g&in &nd &g&in, down to our own d&y, the )c&re h&) /een r&i)ed of the e2i)tence of & )ini)ter &nd )ecret 3ewi)h world org&ni-&tion with &nti#Chri)ti&n o/5ect), which h&) )er1ed &) & u)eful /ogey to &uthority uncert&in of it) hold on the 'eo'le6 !he ,o)t c&)u&l )tudy of 3ewi)h hi)tory would )how the utter i,'o))i/ility of &ny )uch thre&t if on no other ground, on the ground of inherent 3ewi)h l&ck of )elf#co#ordin&tion, which e1en in ,odern 0&le)tine, with the ide&l o/5ect of the e)t&/li)h,ent of & 3ewi)h &tion&l Ho,e, h&) /rought )uch & l&rge ,e&)ure of fru)tr&tion through di)unity &nd di1ergent coun)el)6 A) in twentieth#century *er,&ny under &-i rule, the fourth#century Church &uthoritie) felt th&t i)ol&tion of their &dherent) fro, 3ewi)h influence w&) the /e)t 'olicy to &do't, &nd they )et to work with -e&l to /uild &g&in the ,iddle w&ll of '&rtition th&t h&d /een /roken down6 "&)t &nd +e)t Church Council) ,et &nd 'ro,ulg&ted )tr&nge decree) which in their ter,) throw &n intere)ting light on the good rel&tion) which ,u)t h&1e )u/)i)ted /etween ,&ny & Chri)ti&n co,,unity &nd it) 3ewi)h neigh/or)6 !he )o#c&lled Apostali% Canons decreedA $f &n clergy,&n )h&ll enter into & )yn&gogue of 3ew) of heretic) D1 Ei6e6 &-&rene)F to 'r&y, let hi, /e de'o)ed6 $f & l&y,&n do )o, let hi, /e e2co,,unic&ted6J111 $f &ny /i)ho', 're)/yter or de&con, or &ny one of the li)t of the clergy, kee') f&)t or fe)ti1&l with the 3ew), or recei1e) fro, the, &ny of the gift) of their fe&)t), &) unle&1ened /re&d, or &ny )uch thing), let hi, /e de'o)ed6 $f he /e & l&y,&n, let hi, he e2co,,unic&ted6112 $f &ny Chri)ti&n /ring) oil into & te,'le of the he&then, or into & )yn&gogue of the 3ew), or light) l&,'), let hi, /e e2co,,unic&ted6113 At "l1ir& E"li/ri)F ne&r *r&n&d& in S'&in, nineteen /i)ho'), thirty#)i2 're)/yter), &nd ,ore de&con), ,et in 32; A6D6 to en&ct, &,ong other ,&tter)A L&ndholder) &re to /e &d,oni)hed not to )uffer the fruit) which they recei1e fro, *od with the gi1ing of th&nk), to /e /le))ed /y the 3ew), le)t our /enediction /e rendered in1&lid &nd un'rofit&/le6 $f &nyone )h&ll 1enture to do )o &fter thi) interdiction, let hi, &ltogether /e e5ected fro, the Church611; $f &ny 'er)on, whether cleric&l or one of the f&ithful, )h&ll t&ke food with the 3ew), he i) to &/)t&in fro, our co,,union, th&t he ,&y le&rn to &,end611%

3 $t i) r&ther )ur'ri)ing to tr&ce &) one of the c&u)e) of Chri)ti&n 'er)ecution of the 3ew), the di)co1ery of the re&l or re'uted relic) of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n )&int) &nd of the S&1ior hi,)elf6 IAt th&t ti,e Ei6e6 fourth centuryF,J write) the Bi)ho' of S&r&go))& in 62( A6D6, I,&ny thing) c&,e to light which h&d not /een recorded, )uch &) the /&nd&ge) &nd the )hroud in which the /ody of our Lord w&) wr&''ed6J !he )&intly Gueen Helen& w&) her)elf led to the di)co1ery of the wood of the true Cro)) /y & 3ew, 3ud&), who i) )&id to h&1e /eco,e & Chri)ti&n6 !he 3ewi)h 9&//&n *&,&liel6 the te&cher of St6 0&ul, i) re'orted to h&1e directed the finding of the relic) of the ,&rtyr Ste'h&n, /y &''e&ring in 1i)ion to Luci&n of C&'h&rg&,&l&6 !he)e l&tter relic) were de)tined to 'l&y & '&rt in the con1er)ion of the 3ew) of >inorc&, to which i)l&nd they h&d /een /rought /y Oro)iu)6 Se1eru), Bi)ho' of >inorc&, h&) heft hi) own highly colored &ccount of the incident in & letter, fro, which we le&rn th&t freBuent D2 di)'ut&tion) took 'l&ce /etween the /i)ho' &nd 9&//i !heodore, he&d of the 3ewi)h co,,unity of the little town of >&gon&6 "1entu&lly the /i)ho' led hi) congreg&nt) to the )yn&gogue on & f&teful S&//&th on the 'le& th&t the 3ew) h&d )tored u' &r,) there6 A di)tur/&nce re)ulted in which the Chri)ti&n) /urnt down the )&cred edifice &nd /ore off the )croll) of the L&w in triu,'h6 !hree d&y) l&ter, the 3ew) g&thered together within the ruined w&ll) &nd their r&//i e2horted the, in &n eloBuent &ddre)) in 1indic&tion of the L&w to which the Chri)ti&n) li)tened with di),&y6 At l&)t they r&i)ed & )hout, I!heodore, /elie1e in Chri)tLJ which the unfortun&te 3ew) ,i)under)tood &) P!heodore /elie1e) in Chri)t6J &nd fled in de)'&ir fro, the )'ot6 !he r&//i yielded to the 'le&) ,&de to hi,, &nd w&) /&'ti-ed, &nd w&) followed )hortly &fterw&rd) /y ,o)t of hi) congreg&nt)6 !he triu,'h&nt /i)ho' w&) con1inced of the effic&cy of the /one) of Ste'hen &) directly re)'on)i/le of the 1ictory, &nd he 'oint) with 'ride to the ,ild ,ethod) /y which it w&) 'o))i/le to win the 3ew) to Chri)t6 $n Crete &l)o where were ,&ny con1er)ion), the outco,e of the &cti1itie) of & ')eudo# >e))i&h n&,e >o)e), who h&d 'ro,i)ed the 3ew) th&t like hi) f&,ou) n&,e)&ke, he would le&d the, dry)hod through the )e& to the 0ro,i)ed L&nd6 !he d&y of the e2'ected ,ir&cle &rri1ed, &nd crowd) of the deluded 3ew) &))e,/led on the )hore) of the >editerr&ne&n6 P!he i,'o)tor directed the, to throw the,)el1e) into the w&ter, which ,&ny doing were either drowned or 'icked u' /y Chri)ti&n 1e))el)6 +hen the re)t of the 3ew) turned to re1enge the,)el1e) on their 'ro'het, >o)e) h&d con1eniently di)&''e&red6 A) & re)ult, & nu,/er were willing to /e con1inced th&t in 3e)u) the true >e))i&h ,u)t h&1e &lre&dy co,e, &nd con)ented to /e /&'ti-ed6 ?ro, thi) ti,e, howe1er, until the ,odern 'eriod, the &''ro&ch to the 3ew) in "uro'e w&) le)) /y re&)on &nd ch&rity &nd ,ore /y co,'ul)ion, inti,id&tion &nd &cti1e 1iolence6 !heir continued e2i)tence out)ide the '&le of the Church w&) thought of &) &n in)ult to the S&1ior, which ,u)t /e wi'ed out /y the w&ter) of /&'ti), or their own /lood6116 ADD" DH> !O CHA0!"9 :$$ So,e 0rofe))ion of ?&ith 9eBuired of 3ewi)h Con1ert)11D From the Chur%h of Constantinople117 A) & 'reli,in&ry to hi) &cce't&nce &) & c&techu,en, & 3ew I,u)t confe))

D3 &nd denounce 1er/&lly, the whole He/rew 'eo'le, forthwith decl&re th&t with & whole he&rt &nd )incere f&ith he de)ire) to /e recei1ed &,ong the Chri)ti&n)6 !hen he ,u)t renounce o'enly in the church &ll 3ewi)h )u'er)tition, the 'rie)t )&ying, &nd he, or hi) )'on)or if he i) & child, re'lying in the)e word)A I$ renounce &ll cu)to,), rite), leg&li),), unle&1ened /re&d) &nd )&crifice of l&,/) of the He/rew), &nd &ll the other fe&)t) of the He/rew), )&crifice), 'r&yer), &)'er)ion), 'urific&tion), )&nctific&tion), &nd 'ro'iti&tion), &nd f&)t), &nd new ,oon), &nd S&//&th), &nd )u'er)tition), &nd hy,n) &nd ch&nt) &nd o/)er1&nce) &nd )yn&gogue), &nd the food &nd drink of the He/rew. in one word, $ renounce &/)olutely e1erything 3ewi)h, e1ery l&w, rite &nd cu)to,, &nd &/o1e &ll $ renounce Antichri)t, who, &ll the 3ew) &w&it in the figure &nd for, of Chri)t. &nd $ 5oin ,y)elf to the true Chri)t &nd *od6 &nd $ /elie1e in the ?&ther, the Son &nd the Holy S'irit, the Holy6 Con)u/)t&nti&l &nd $ndi1i)i/le !rinity, &nd the di)'en)&tion in the fle)h &nd the de)cent to ,en of the +ord of *od, of the one 'er)on of the Holy !rinity, &nd $ confe)) th&t he w&) truly ,&de ,&n, &nd $ /elie1e &nd 'rocl&i, th&t &fter the fle)h in 1ery truth, the Ble))ed :irgin >&ry /ore hi,, the Son of *od. &nd $ /elie1e in, recei1e, 1ener&te &nd e,/r&ce the &dor&/le Cro)) of Chri)t, &nd the holy i,&ge)A &nd thu), with ,y whole he&rt, &nd )oul, &nd with & true f&ith $ co,e to the Chri)ti&n ?&ith6 But if it /e with deceit &nd hy'ocri)y, &nd not with & )incere &nd 'erfect f&ith &nd & genuine lo1e of Chri)t, /ut with & 'retence to /e & Chri)ti&n th&t $ co,e, &nd if &fterw&rd) $ )h&ll wi)h to deny &nd return to 3ewi)h )u'er)tition, or )h&ll /e found e&ting with 3ew), or fe&)ting with the,, or )ecretly con1er)ing &nd conde,ning the Chri)ti&n religion in)te&d of o'enly confuting the, &nd conde,ning their 1&in f&ith, then let tine tre,/ling of C&in &nd the le'ro)y of *eh&-i cle&1e to ,e, &) well &) the leg&l 'uni)h,ent) to which $ &cknowledge ,y)elf li&/le6 And ,&y $ /e &n&the,& in the world to co,e, &nd ,&y ,y )oul /e )et down with S&t&n &nd the de1il)6J Of 9n%ertain (astern Ori+in, atta%hed to the Clementine -e%o+nitions I$t i) ,y de)ire tod&y to co,e fro, the He/rew to the Chri)ti&n f&ith6 $ h&1e not /een /rought /y &ny force, nece))ity, fe&r, &nnoy&nce or 'o1erty. nor /ec&u)e of & de/t, or of &n &ccu)&tion lodged &g&in)t ,e. nor for the )&ke of worldly honor), of &d1&nt&ge), of ,oney or 'ro'erty which h&) /een 'ro,i)ed ,e /y &nyone. nor for the )&ke of it) u)eful con)eBuence), D; nor to o/t&in hu,&n '&tron&ge. nor /ec&u)e of &ny Bu&rrel or di)'ute which $ h&1e h&d with 'eo'le of ,y own religion. nor for )ecret 'ur'o)e) of re1enge on the Chri)ti&n), /y & feigned &d,ir&tion for their l&w, nor /ec&u)e $ h&1e /een wronged /y the,A /ut $ h&1e /een /rought /y & wholehe&rted lo1e of Chri)t &nd of f&ith in Hi,6 $ renounce the whole wor)hi' of the He/rew, circu,ci)ion, &ll it) leg&li),), unle&1ened /re&d, 0&))o1er, the )&crificing of l&,/), the fe&)t) of +eek), 3u/ilee), !ru,'et), Atone,ent, !&/ern&cle), &nd &ll the other He/rew fe&)t), their )&crifice), 'r&yer), &)'er)ion), 'urific&tion), e2'i&tion), f&)t), S&//&th), new ,oon), food) &nd drink)6 And $ &/)olutely renounce e1ery cu)to, &nd in)titution of the 3ewi)h l&w)6 >oreo1er, $ 'l&ce under &n&the,& the here)ie) &,ong the 3ew), &nd the heretic) the,)el1e)6 $ &n&the,&ti-e the S&dducee), who &re c&lled 5u)t, who /l&)'he,e the Holy S'irit, who &tt&ck

the re)urrection of the de&d, &nd deny the e2i)tence of &ngel)6 $ &n&the,&ti-e the 0h&ri)ee), the )e'&r&te one), who f&)t on the )econd &nd fifth d&y), who 'retend to )e2u&l &/)tinence &t definite ti,e), &nd &fterw&rd) de)'i)e &ll continence, who foretell the future, &nd w&)te their ti,e on &)trology6 $ &n&the,&ti-e the &-&rene), the )tu//orn one), who deny th&t the l&w) of )&crifice) w&) gi1en /y >o)e), who &/)t&in fro, e&ting li1ing thing), &nd who ne1er offer )&crificeA $ &n&the,&ti-e the O))e&n), the /linde)t of &ll ,en, who u)e other )cri'ture) th&t the L&w, &nd re5ect ,o)t of the 'ro'het), &nd who /o&)t in & ,&n &) ,&)ter, one "l-&i, th&t i) Pthe hidden 1irtue,8 &nd who wor)hi', &) *od), two wo,en of hi) off)'ring6 >&rthoni) &nd >&rth&n&A $ &n&the,&ti-e the Herodi&n), who wor)hi' &) Chri)t & foreign king of the 3ew), Herod, who w&) e&ten of wor,)6 $ &n&the,&ti-e the He,ero/&'ti)t), who /elie1e &) do the 0h&ri)ee), /ut &l)o te&ch th&t & ,&n c&nnot /e )&1ed without d&ily w&)hing6 $ &n&the,&ti-e the )cri/e), or doctor) of the L&w, who &re not content to li1e &ccording to the L&w, /ut of their own free will 'erfor, ,ore th&n i) 're)cri/ed /y the L&w, &nd de1i)ing w&)hing of 1e))el) &nd cu') &nd 'l&tter) &nd other &rticle) of furniture, &nd freBuently w&)h their h&nd) &nd their feet. &nd who c&ll &ll the)e ,&ny tr&dition) they h&1e &dded to the L&w PDeutero)e),8 &) though they were & )econd )erie) of Di1ine L&w), &nd they f&l)ely &)cri/e the fir)t to >o)e), &nd the )econd to 9&//i Aki/&, &nd the third to Ann&) who i) &l)o c&lled 3ud&), &nd the fourth to the )un) of the H&),one&n), who e1en 1iol&ted the S&//&th in /&ttle6 !ogether with &ll the)e 3ewi)h here)ie) &nd here)i&rch), deutero)e) &nd D% gi1er) thereof, $ &n&the,&ti-e tho)e who cele/r&te the fe&)t of >ordec&i on the fir)t S&//&th of the Chri)ti&n f&)t, h&nging the effigy of H&,&n on & gi//et, &nd ,ingling the )ign of the cro)) therewith, &nd /urning &lt together, &nd )u/5ecting the Chri)ti&n) to e1ery kind of cur)e &nd &n&the,&6 $$6 !ogether with the &ncient), $ &n&the,&ti-e &l)o the Chief 9&//i) &nd new e1il doctor) of the 3ew), to wit, L&-&ru) the in1entor of the &/o,in&/le fe&)t which they c&ll >ono'od&ri&, &nd "li5&h who w&) no le)) i,'iou), &nd Ben5&,in, 4e/edee, A/r&h&,, Sy,/&tiu) &nd the re)t of the,6 ?urther, $ in1oke e1ery cur)e &nd &n&the,& on hi, who)e co,ing i) e2'ected /y the 3ew) &) the Chri)t or Anointed, /ut i) r&ther Anti#Chri)t, &nd $ renounce hi, &nd co,,it ,y)elf to the only true Chri)t &nd *od6 And $ /elie1e in the ?&ther, the Son &nd the Holy S'irit, the Holy con)u/)t&nti&l &nd $ndi1i)i/le !rinity. $ confe)) the $nc&rn&tion &nd the co,ing to ,&n of the one of the Holy !rinity, to wit, the only /egotten )on &nd +ord of *od, /egotten of the ?&ther /efore &ll the centurie), through +ho, &ll thing) were ,&de6 $ /elie1e Hi, to /e the >e))i&h foretold /y the L&w &nd the 'ro'het)A &nd $ &, con1inced th&t He h&) &lre&dy co,e into the world for the )&l1&tion of ,&nkind. th&t He w&) truly ,&de ,&n, &nd did not )urrender Hi) Di1inity, th&t he i) truly *od &nd truly ,&n, without confu)ion, ch&nge or &lter&tion, of one 'er)on &nd two n&ture)6 $ /elie1e th&t He )uffered &ll thing) of Hi) own will, &nd w&) crucified in the fle)h, while Hi) Di1inity re,&ined i,'&))&/le, &nd w&) /uried, &nd ro)e &g&in on the third d&y, &nd &)cended into he&1en, &nd )h&ll co,e &g&in in glory to 5udge /oth the li1ing &nd the de&d6 And $ /elie1e &nd 'rofe)) the Ble))ed :irgin >&ry, who /ore Hi, &ccording to the fle)h, &nd who re,&ined & 1irgin, to /e truly &nd &ctu&lly the >other of *od, &nd $ 1ener&te &nd honor her truly &) the >other of *od $nc&rn&te, &nd &) the L&dy &nd ,i)tre)) there/y of &ll cre&tion6 $ &, con1inced &nd confe)) &nd /elie1e th&t the /re&d &nd the wine which i) ,y)tic&lly


con)ecr&ted &,ong Chri)ti&n), &nd which they t&ke in their )&cred rite), i) the 1ery /ody &nd /lood of the Lord 3e)u) Chri)t, tr&n),uted /y Hi) Di1ine 'ower re&)on&/ly &nd in1i)i/ly, in Hi) own w&y /eyond &ll n&tur&l under)t&nding, &nd $ confe)) th&t in t&king the )&cr&,ent $ &, t&king Hi) 1ery /ody &nd /lood, to the g&ining of life etern&l &nd the inherit&nce of the <ingdo, of he&1en which /elong) to tho)e who recei1e the, in 'erfect f&ith6 ?in&lly, $ /eg for Chri)ti&n /&'ti),, out of & 'ure &nd & )'otle)) he&rt &nd ,ind, &nd & )incere f&ith, truly 'er)u&ded th&t it i) the true )'iritu&l D6 w&)hing, &nd regener&tion of the )oul &nd /ody6 $$$6 $ recei1e, honor &nd &cce't &) )y,/ol) &nd indic&tion) of their 'rototy'e), the 1ener&/le Cro)) of the true Chri)t &nd *od, no longer the in)tru,ent of de&th &nd cri,e, /ut of li/erty &nd etern&l life, &nd the )ign of 1ictory o1er de&th &nd S&t&n. likewi)e, $ recei1e the hitherto 1ener&ted i,&ge) of /oth the +ord of *od &ccording to the fle)h &,ong ,en, &nd likewi)e, of the ,o)t 'ure &nd ineff&/le >other of *od, of the holy &ngel), &nd fin&lly of &ll the )&int)6 $ honor &nd 1ener&te with the honor due to the, the /le))ed &ngel) &nd &ll the )&int), not only the '&tri&rch) &nd 'ro'het), /ut the &'o)tle), ,&rtyr), confe))or), doctor), )&int), &ll indeed who 'le&)ed Chri)t when lie c&,e, &) Hi) )er1&nt) &nd f&ithful follower)6 +herefore, with ,y whole he&rt &nd ,ind &nd with deli/er&te choice, $ co,e to the Chri)ti&n f&ith6 But if $ ,&ke thi) )t&te,ent f&l)ely &nd deceitfully, &nd not on the witne)) of ,y whole con1iction &nd in lo1e for the Chri)t who h&) &lre&dy co,e, /ut /ec&u)e of )o,e co,'ul)ion, nece))ity, fe&r, lo)), 'o1erty, de/t, &ccu)&tion /rought &g&in)t ,e, worldly honor, dignity of &ny kind, ,oney, 'ro,i)ed gift), or to )er1e )o,e end, or for hu,&n 'rotection, or /ec&u)e of di)'ute &nd Bu&rrel with )o,e of ,y own f&ith, or to re1enge ,y)elf thu) on the Chri)ti&n), feigning re)'ect for their l&w, or if $ 'retend to /eco,e & Chri)ti&n /ec&u)e of )o,e in5urie) )uffered fro, the,, &nd then re1ert to 3ud&i),, or /e found e&ting with the 3ew), or o/)er1ing their fe&)t) &nd f&)t), or )'e&king )ecretly with the,, or def&,ing the Chri)ti&n f&ith, or 1i)iting their )yn&gogue) or or&torie), or t&king the, tinder ,y 'rotecting6 &nd do not r&ther confute the )&id 3ew) &nd their &ct) o'enly, &nd re1ile their e,'ty f&ith, then ,&y there co,e u'on ,e &ll the cur)e) which >o)e) wrote in Deuteronony, &nd the tre,/ling of C&in, &nd the le'ro)y of *eh&-i, in &ddition to the 'en&ltie) /y l&w e)t&/li)hed, &nd ,&y $ /e without &ny ho'e of '&rdon, &nd in the &ge to co,e ,&y $ /e &n&the,& &nd dou/le &n&the,&, &nd ,&y ,y )oul /e )et down with S&t&n &nd hi) de,on)6J


DD Ch&'ter $C 1 $t h&) /een )&id th&t wh&t i) h&ted tong enough will in the end /eco,e h&teful, &nd thi) &'hori), i) )o f&r e2e,'lified in the hi)tory of the &-&rene) th&t h&1ing /een continu&lly tre&ted &) heretic), they did e1entu&lly /eco,e heretic&l6 Cut off fro, co,,union with their /rethren /y r&ce on one )ide, &nd f&ith on the other, their re)i)t&nce to *no)tic influence) w&) )te&dily worn down, &nd their doctrine) /ec&,e ,ore &nd ,ore di1ergent fro, the tr&dition which h&d )u''orted the, for ne&rly fi1e hundred ye&r)6 Alre&dy in the fourth century, the )e'&r&tion /etween the Syri&n &nd !r&n)5ord&ni&n 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) )ee,) to h&1e /eco,e &/)oluteA the for,er )uffering & )low e2tinction &nd in '&rt /eing &/)or/ed /y the *entile Syri&n Church, while the l&tter were well nigh )u/,erged /y the )tr&nge )ect) of the e&)tern de)ert)6 $n order to under)t&nd the c&u)e) of "/ionite# &-&rene di)ru'tion, one h&) to go & long w&y /&ck to the gene)i) of the H&)idic ,o1e,ent in the )econd century B6C6 At th&t ti,e there c&,e into e2i)tence & /ody of I'uri)t)J or I'ieti)t)J &) & 'rote)t &g&in)t the helleni-&tion which w&) under,ining 3ewi)h &llegi&nce to the &nce)tr&l /elief)6 After the >&cc&/e&n )truggle in which they &cti1ely '&rtici'&ted, they retired &ltogether fro, 'u/lic &ff&ir), &nd &/out B6C6 D2, were 5oined /y the 4&ddokite), who were /eing 'er)ecuted /y the 0h&ri)ee)6119 !he)e follower) of & cert&in 4&dok, or 'erh&') the righteou) 'rie)t of th&t n&,e in the reign of D&1id, were &nt&goni)tic to doctrine) inferred fro, the L&w &nd not i,'licit in it, &nd )o o''o)ed to the 0h&ri)ee inter'ret&tion) which re)ulted in the Or&l L&w6 $n the Buiet 'l&ce) of their choo)ing in the wilderne)) of "ngedi6 the H&)idic grou'), /etter known &) "))ene), de1elo'ed & kind of theo)o'hy in which & knowledge of &ngelic 'ower) 'l&yed & '&rt6 !hey 'r&cti)ed he&ling &nd l&id gre&t )tre)) on 'er)on&l 'urity, which de,&nded freBuent &/lution)6 $t i) & critic&l Bue)tion how f&r the ,o1e,ent he&ded /y 3ohn the B&'ti)t drew it) in)'ir&tion fro, thi) )ource6 &,e) /y which different grou') /ec&,e known, He,ero/&'ti)t), >&)/othe&n), etc6, &tte)t the ,&nner of life which they &do'ted6 $n the e&rly d&y) of Chri)ti&nity, &nother grou' /ec&,e 'ro,inent, follower) of & cert&in "l-&i or "lke)&i, )u''o)ed to ,e&n Ithe hidden 1irtue,J /ut who)e n&,e ,&y h&1e /een t&ken on the '&ttern of the 4&ddokite) fro, D7 the &ncient 3ewi)h high 'rie)t Hilki&h6 !he 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n refugee) fro, the o1erthrow of 3eru)&le, were thrown into clo)e 'ro2i,ity with the)e off)hoot) of 3ud&i),, &nd only the )trength of their con1iction) 're1ented &n e&rly &,&lg&,&tion with the 3ewi)h )ect&rie) with who, they h&d )o ,uch in co,,on6 !he "lke)e&n 'ro'&g&nd& )how) cle&r tr&ce) of infiltr&tion of &-&rene ide&), &nd "'i'h&niu) tell) u) the founder of thi) here)y w&) gre&tly honored /y the &-&rene) &nd "/ionite) who highly e)tee,ed hi) /ook612( !o ,&ny of the r&//inic&l 3ew), the tenet) of the e&)tern gno)tic) ,&de & )trong &''e&l6 !hey c&ught the, on the re&ction fro, the fru)tr&tion of their 'olitic&l ho'e)6 !he $ephar 6etsirah EBook of ?or,&tionF &nd the ,y)tic lore of the Mer ha+a0n Ethe He&1enly Ch&riotF /e&r witne)) to thi) influence, which in orthodo2 3ud&i), fin&lly led to <&//&li),6 *entile Chri)ti&nity &l)o )uffered fro, "gy'ti&n gno)tic )eduction), which &))u,ed & for,


&greeing re&dily with the new Chri)tology, &nd it took &ll the thunder of e,inent di1ine) like $ren&eu), Hi''olytu) &nd !ertulli&n to 1&nBui)h the intruder6 !he fir)t "'i)tle to !i,othy clo)e) with & w&rning &g&in)t I'rof&ne &nd 1&in /&//ling), &nd the &ntithe)e) of the *no)i), f&l)ely )o# c&lledA which )o,e 'rofe))ing h&1e erred concerning the f&ith6J121 !he doctrine of the 0&ir) &nd O''o)ite) E&ntithe)e)F, the )ucce))i1e e,&n&tion) fro, the *odhe&d, w&) & co,,on fe&ture of &ll the gno)tic )y)te,)6 According to the gre&te)t of the gno)tic), :&lentinu), there were fifteen of the)e6 $n the 3ewi)h for, of gno)tici),, the)e e,&n&tion) &re re're)ented /y the ten sephiroth, which tele)co'e out of e&ch other or /r&nch out fro, the !ree of Life6 +e find 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity &ffected with thi) doctrine, &nd the)e word) &re 'ut into the ,outh of 0eter in the Clementine Homilies) Hence therefore *od, te&ching ,en with re)'ect to the truth of e2i)ting thing), /eing hi,)elf One &nd )ole *od fro, the /eginning, h&1ing ,&de he&1en &nd e&rth, d&y &nd night, light &nd fire, )un &nd ,oon, life &nd de&th6 But ,&n &lone &,ong)t the)e he ,&de )elf#controlling, h&1ing & fitne)) to /e either righteou) or unrighteou)6 !o hi, &l)o he h&th 1&ried the figure) of co,/in&tion), 'l&cing /efore hi, ),&ll thing) fir)t, &nd gre&t one) &fterw&rd), )uch &) the world &nd eternity6 But the world th&t now i), i) te,'or&ryA th&t which )h&ll /e, i) etern&l6 ?ir)t i) ignor&nce, then knowledge6 So &l)o h&) he &rr&nged the le&der) of 'ro'hecy6 ?or, )ince the 're)ent world i) fe,&le, &) & ,other D9 /ringing forth the )oul) of her children, /ut the world to co,e i) ,&le, &) & f&ther recei1ing hi) children. therefore in thi) world there co,e & )ucce))ion of 'ro'het), &) /eing )on) of the world to co,e, &nd h&1ing & knowledge of ,en6 And if 'iou) ,en h&d under)tood thi) ,y)tery, they would ne1er h&1e gone &)tr&y6122 $n the )o#c&lled Gospel of the (+yptians, & gno)tic *o)'el, "gy't /eing the )'iritu&l ho,e of the ,y)terie), 3e)u) i) ,&de to )&y, I$ h&1e co,e to de)troy the work) of the wo,&nJ i6e6, the work) of thi) world6 !he )&,e *o)'el de1elo') the ide& of Chri)t tr&n)for,ing the 're)ent co),o), ty'ified /y & wo,&n, S&lo,e, into the ,&le world#to#co,e /y &n &ndrogynu) 'roce)) in which ,&le &nd fe,&le &re reunited in one /ody &) &t the /eginning of the cre&tion when *od ,&de ,&n ,&le &nd fe,&le6 !he doctrine re&ched full de1elo',ent in the So'hi& litcr&ture, erring +i)do,, )he who h&d to /e redee,ed /y the de)cent of Chri)t fro, on high &nd re)tored to her rightful 'l&ce in the cele)ti&l hier&rchy6 !he the,e w&) &n ele1&ted one &nd h&d & wide &''e&l, )o th&t it could 'roduce & worthy hy,nology of which the following e2&,'le ,&y /e BuotedA ?ir)t, there w&) >ind the gener&ti1e L&w of &ll6 Second to the fir)t/orn w&) liBuid Ch&o)6 !hird, )oul, through toil recei1ed the L&wA $n ,i)ery )he enter) the l&/yrinth of ill)6 &nd 3e)u) )&idA O ?&ther, $ will de)cend6 !hrough &eon) uni1er)&l will $ ,&ke & '&th, !hrough ,y)terie) &ll $8ll o'en u' & w&y, And for,) of god) will $ di)'l&y6 !he )ecret of the holy '&th $ will h&nd on,

And c&ll it *no)i)6 $n thi) hy,n the link with the 0&uline )chool c&n /e cle&rly )een6 Chri)t i) the he&d of the ChurchA &nd he i) the S&1ior of the /ody 6666 Chri)t lo1ed the Church, &nd g&1e hi,)elf for it 6666 th&t he ,ight 're)ent it 6Q not h&1ing )'ot or wrinkle, or &ny )uch thing 6666 ?or thi) c&u)e )h&ll & >&n EChri)t 3e)u)F le&1e hi) ?&ther E*odF &nd ,other EHoly S'iritF, &nd /e 5oined unto hi) wife Ethe ChurchF, &nd they two )h&ll /e one fle)h6 !hi) i) & gre&t ,y)teryA /ut $ )'e&k concerning Chri)t &nd the Church6123 $n the Gospel of the Hebrews' 3e)u) &l)o )'e&k) of die Holy S'irit &) hi) >other, &nd )&y)6 I>y ,y)terie) &re for ,e &nd the )on) of ,y hou)e6J !here grew u' &n e)oteric doctrine of the S&1ior re1e&led only 7( to the initi&ted, &nd of which n&tur&lly we now know 1ery little6 2 $n it) ,ore &)cetic &nd unworldly for,), *no)tici), w&) di)tingui)hed /y celi/&cy &nd 1eget&ri&ni),612; $n the C&tholic church through the te&ching of Cle,ent of Ale2&ndri& &nd the )chool of Origen, thi) g&1e ri)e to ,on&)tici),6 $t w&) the)e ide&) which 'eo'led the de)ert) of itri& &nd Scete with ,yri&d) of ,onk) wre)tling with their /odie), tho)e 'ri)on#hou)e) of the )oul, )truggling to die to the world of ,&tter, th&t their ethere&l )oul) ,ight )h&ke the,)el1e) free612% +e know little &/out celi/&cy &,ong the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), /ut 1eget&ri&ni), in ti,e /ec&,e &n e))enti&l of their f&ith, )o th&t they were e1en dri1en to &ltering their *o)'el to )u''ort their doctrine, o,itting locu)t) fro, the diet&ry of the B&'ti)t, &nd ch&nging the )&ying of 3e)u) to hi) di)ci'le) /efore the l&)t )u''er to, IH&1e $ de)ired to e&t thi) fle)h of the 0&))o1er with youMJ126 A )t&ge in the de1elo',ent of thi) 're5udice &g&in)t &ni,&l food i) found in the /elief th&t the )&crifici&l )y)te, h&d /een done &w&y in Chri)t, to /e re'l&ced /y th&nk)gi1ing Eeuch&ri)tF, &nd Scri'ture) )uch &) 0)&l, %(A13#1;, 69A31 were Buoted &) 'roof6 $t w&) )&id th&t /y the gr&ce of /&'ti), 3e)u) h&d e2tingui)hed the fire on the 'rie)t8) &lt&r, &nd he w&) ,&de to )&y in the corru'ted He/rew *o)'el, I$ c&,e to de)troy the )&crifice), &nd if ye ce&)e not fro, )&crificing, the wr&th of *od will not ce&)e fro, you6J $n &llu)ion to which, the r&//i) nickn&,ed 3e)u) Thodah Eth&nk)gi1ingF612D $t h&) /een nece))&ry to tre&t of *no)tici), &t )uch length /ec&u)e it i) directly due to it) )u/tle influence th&t the downf&ll of inde'endent 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity ,u)t /e &ttri/uted6 !he Chri)tology of the "/ionite) h&d /eco,e, in the fourth century, & curiou) /lend of old &nd new conce'tion)6 According to "'i'h&niu), they )&idA !h&t 3e)u) w&) /egotten of the )eed of ,&n, &nd w&) cho)en. &nd )o /y the choice he w&) c&lled )on of *od fro, the Chri)t th&t entered into hi, fro, &/o1e in the likene)) of & do1e6 And they deny th&t he w&) /egotten of *od the ?&ther, /ut )&y th&t he w&) cre&ted, &) one of the &rch&ngel), yet gre&ter, &nd th&t he i) the lord of &ngel) &nd of &ll thing) ,&de /y the Al,ighty6 !he Chri)t E&/o1eF, they )&y, i) & ,&nlike figure, in1i)i/le to ,en in gener&l6127


71 !hey &l)o )ee, to h&1e held th&t it w&) 'o))i/le for &ny of their nu,/er to &tt&in to Chri)thood /y le&ding & life of eBu&l )&nctity6 3 !here i) & dee' tr&gedy in the end of the once 'owerful &nd re)'ected Church of the A'o)tle)6 o )udden &nd ,erciful e2tinction w&) gr&nted to the &ncient co,,unitie) of 3ewi)h Belie1er). /ut & )how dec&y )et in which in the cour)e of ti,e reduced their nu,/er to & few fr&g,ent&ry grou') who h&d &l,o)t forgotten their own origin6 +e would like to know ,ore &/out tho)e clo)ing )cene), /ut the )ucce))i1e w&1e) of 0er)i&n &nd Ar&/ in1&)ion which )we't o1er Syri& &nd 0&le)tine ,&de e1en *entile Chri)ti&nity & hunted thing )o th&t the record) &re well nigh )ilent6 +e do he&r c&)u&lly th&t & 0er)i&n co,,&nder on one occ&)ion &)ked the By-&ntine gener&l, Beli)&riu), to 'o)t'one & /&ttle &) it would h&1e t&ken 'l&ce during the 0&))o1er, when the 3ew) &nd &-&rene) would not willingly fight.129 )o th&t e&rly in the )e1enth century the &-&rene) were )till f&irly nu,erou)6 !he 1ener&/le te2t of the He/rew *o)'el 're)er1ed in the 0&,'hili&n Li/r&ry &t Ce)&re& w&) it)elf reduced to &)he) in the )&ck of the city /y the >oh&,,ed&n) in A6D6 6%3, &nd &l,o)t the l&te)t tr&ce) of it &t 're)ent known &re & few ,&rgin&l re&ding) fro, Ithe 3ewi)hJ in the )o#c&lled 4ion grou' of ,&nu)cri't)6 A few of the &-&rene) ,&y h&1e 5oined the )t&nd&rd of the 0ro'het. for )o,e of the Chri)ti&n reference) in the <or&n &''e&r to re)t on 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n &'ocry'h&A /ut )uch reference) &) the Ar&/ writer) offer u) 'oint to the lingering on of i)ol&ted &nd eccentric grou')6 +e h&1e & )t&te,ent of the "n# &di, &/out the >ught&)il&, or I+&)her),J who in the tenth century )till re1erenced & 'ro'het c&lled Al#H&)ih, e1idently the old "lke)&i of the "/ionite) &nd He,ero/&'ti)t), &nd 'o))i/ly the &-&rene#>&nd&ite) of the "u'hr&te) 1&lley e1en tod&y 're)er1e 1e)tige) of the &ncient tr&dition)6 9ecently the writer h&) o/t&ined e1idence in 0&le)tine which ,&y identify with the &-&rene) &nother ),&ll grou' inh&/iting the !r&n)5ord&ni&n highl&nd) in the little 1ill&ge of "l#Hu)n6 !he)e Ar&/), &) they c&ll the,)el1e), kee' S&//&th &nd circu,ci)ion, &re 1eget&ri&n) &nd non#),oker), re5ect i,&ge wor)hi' &nd go1ern their li1e) /y the 'rece't) of the Ser,on on the >ount6 !hey look for Chri)t to return &nd reign for & thou)&nd ye&r)6 +ith the ri)e of $)l&,, the re&l work of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity in the "&)t 72 h&d fini)hed6 $t h&d left in 'o))e))ion &t le&)t & f&ith in which the Hnity of *od w&) & fund&,ent&l 'rinci'le &nd in which 3e)u) w&) recogni-ed &) & gre&t &nd true 'ro'het6 !he )tory i) told of the ",'eror Her&cliu), th&t /eing w&rned in & dre&, th&t hi) 'ower would /e de)troyed /y Ithe circu,ci)edJ he ordered the co,'ul)ory /&'ti), of &ll the 3ew) in hi) re&l,A he did not re&li-e th&t Ithe circu,ci)edJ were re&lly the Ar&/)613( ?ro, thi) ti,e the future of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity l&y in the +e)t until the ti,e) of the *entile) )hould /e fulfilled6


73 Ch&'ter C 1 !he hi)tory of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity fro, the )e1enth century to the re're)ent d&y i) 'rinci'&lly & record of indi1idu&l con1ert), who, )uch w&) the intoler&nce of the ti,e), )c&rcely d&re &cknowledge their 3ewi)h e2tr&ction for fe&r of 'er)ecution on the ground of )y,'&thy tow&rd) their for,er co#religioni)t)6 Bitter &ccu)&tion) h&1e /een /rought &g&in)t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) /y 3ewi)h writer), of f&n&tic&lly 'er)ecuting their /rethren, &nd it i) )&d to rel&te /ut hone)t to confe)) th&t in & gre&t ,&ny in)t&nce) the)e ch&rge) &re true6 +hen, howe1er, the religiou) &nd )oci&l condition) &re t&ken into con)ider&tion cert&in circu,)t&nce) &''e&r which e2'l&in ,&ny of the)e unh&''y occurrence), A l&rge nu,/er of )o#c&lled con1ert) were co,'ul)ory Chri)ti&n), who, the 3ew) cl&))ed &) Anusim, &) di)tingui)hed fro, Meshumadim A'o)t&te)F, who h&d /een /&'ti-ed in order to e)c&'e confi)c&tion of their good), if not the lo)) of their li1e), or h&d &do'ted the Chri)ti&n f&ith fro, ,oti1e) of )elf intere)t6 Such con1ert) h&d their e1ery &ction )crutini-ed /y & 1igil&nt &nd /igoted clergy e1er on the look out to di)co1er the le&)t )ign) of rel&')e into 3ud&i),. &nd i,,unity fro, e)'ion&ge w&) often only 'urch&)ed /y & -e&l for 3ewi)h con1er)ion &nd 'er)ecution of tho)e who re)i)ted the Chri)ti&n cl&i,)6 !he cri,e of 3ud&i-ing, which )o,eti,e) ,e&nt nothing ,ore th&n )&ying & word in f&1or of the 3ew), w&) 'uni)hed /y he&1y fine), confi)c&tion of 'ro'erty, lifelong i,'ri)on,ent, or de&th, &ccording to the heinou)ne)) of the offence6 !he in)tinct for )elf#'re)er1&tion ,&y thu) /e 'le&ded in e2tenu&tion of ,uch th&t 3ewi)h 'eo'le )uffered &t the h&nd) of Chri)ti&ni-ed 3ew)6 $n the c&)e of )incere 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), who ,u)t &lw&y) /e di)tingui)hed fro, Chri)ti&ni-ed 3ew), the re&l ,oti1e which &ni,&ted the, w&) the de)ire to o'en the eye) of their /rethren to the )&1ing truth th&t 3e)u) i) the >e))i&h6 !he effort) of the)e con1ert), howe1er, were too often fru)tr&ted /y the clergy )u''orting the,, who with gre&t -e&l /ut little under)t&nding went /eyond the gentler &rt) of 'er)u&)ion &nd de,on)tr&tion to u)e h&r)her ,ethod) to )often o/dur&te he&rt)6 >&ny & ,i))ion, which ,ight h&1e 'ro1ed )ucce))ful if the 3ewi)h con1ert) h&d /een left &lone to 're)ent their c&)e in their own w&y, w&) turned into & ,&))&cre /y eccle)i&)tic&l interference or 'o'ul&r ,&lice, to the gre&t )orrow of tho)e who were unwittingly re)'on)i/le6 $n the in)t&nce) of 7; definite f&n&tici), which h&1e to /e recorded, the h&r)h 'ole,ic) &nd /urning) of the !&l,ud, one ,u)t re,e,/er th&t /l&)'he,y w&) & ,uch ,ore grie1ou) )in in tho)e d&y), th&t the tor,ent of the d&,ned in hell w&) & re&lity th&t ,&de &ny 're)ent )uffering worth while if it could )ecure i,,unity, &nd th&t cruelty in word &nd &ct w&) le)) te,'ered /y )oci&l cu)to,6 !he 3ew) the,)el1e) were /y no ,e&n) guiltle)) of &ct) of 1iolence, though with ,ore e2cu)e, e)'eci&lly when go&ded to ,&dne)) /y 'er)ecution, &nd they freBuently /eh&1ed )o 1engefully tow&rd) con1ert) &) to /ring down retri/uti1e ,e&)ure) on their own he&d)6 One c&n only re&d with )h&,e )o,e of their 'enitenti&l 'r&yer) &nd their o/)cene li/el) on 3e)u) &nd hi) ,other which they wrote &nd )tudied in )ecret6 A) for tho)e ghoul) of 3ewi)h r&ce, ,ercifully few, who /&ttened on their 'eo'le8) ,i)ery, &nd u)ed Chri)ti&nity &) & clo&k to enrich the,)el1e) /y the )'oil&tion of their /rethren, no word) c&n

e2're)) their inf&,y, which i) &) ,uch & di)gr&ce to 3ud&i), &) it i) to 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity6 Con)idering the 'er)ecution) which the 3ew) in "uro'e endured &t Chri)ti&n h&nd), &nd the corru't )t&te of the Chri)ti&n religion, it i) & gre&t wonder th&t there were &ny )incere con1ert) &t &ll, in)te&d of the lo1e of Chri)t the 3ew )&w only undying h&tred6 !he ,ethod) which were e,'loyed in hi) &tte,'ted con1er)ion could not /ut confir, hi, in hi) dete)t&tion of )o /&r/&rou) & f&ith6 "1ery '&))ion w&) in &r,) &g&in)t the,6 !he ,on&rch) were in)tig&ted /y &1&rice. the no/ility /y the w&rlike )'irit gener&ted /y chi1&lry. the clergy /y /igotry. the 'eo'le /y &ll the)e concurrent ,oti1e)6 "&ch of the gre&t ch&nge) which were gr&du&lly t&king 'l&ce in the )t&te of the world )ee,ed to d&rken the condition of thi) unh&''y 'eo'le, till the outw&rd degr&d&tion worked inw&rd u'on their own ,ind)6 Confined to /&)e &nd )ordid occu'&tion), they contr&cted their thought) &nd feeling) to their )t&tion6 indi1idu&l &nd n&tion&l ch&r&cter ,u)t /e endowed with ,ore th&n ordin&ry gre&tne)) if it c&n long ,&int&in )elf#e)ti,&tion &fter it h&) tot&lly lo)t the e)tee, of ,&nkind. the de)'i)ed will u)u&lly /eco,e de)'ic&/le6131 !here i) & con)ider&/le ele,ent of truth in thi) )t&te,ent, though it i) )tr&ining the f&ct) to )ugge)t th&t the 3ew) e1er )unk into & )t&te of co,'lete degr&d&tion6 Sur'ri)ing &) it i) they were &/le to gi1e of their /e)t during the d&rk night of 'er)ecution, &nd their )weete)t 'oetry &nd ,o)t 'rofound 7% 'hilo)o'hy w&) 'enned under the &wful condition) of their e2i)tence6 One c&nnot hel' feeling to & cert&in e2tent th&t the church in de)iring 3ewi)h con1er)ion w&) not )o ,uch concerned th&t thi) 'eo'le ,ight )h&re in the /le))ing) of Chri)t, /ut th&t & )ore &nd e2cre)ence on the Chri)ti&n /ody 'olitic ,ight /e re,o1ed6 0o'ul&r )u'er)tition e1en h&d it th&t the 3ew w&) 'o))e))ed of &n offen)i1e odor, which di)&''e&red on hi) /&'ti),6 At the /e)t, 3ewi)h )ur1i1&l w&) & ch&llenge to Chri)ti&n )u're,&cy, &nd the w&r on 3ud&i), w&) & w&r on &n ene,y of the St&te6 !o e,'loy & ,odern A,eric&n e2're))ion, the 3ew w&) Chri)tendo,8) 0u/lic "ne,y o6 16 But the o/5ect of thi) hi)tory i) not to record the )uffering) of the 3ewi)h 'eo'le, which h&1e /een fully de&lt with /y ,&ny writer), yet in 5u)tice to tho)e who ,ight h&1e /een Chri)t8) /ut for Chri)tendo,, one c&nnot o,it in the cour)e of the n&rr&ti1e )o,e &ccount of Chri)ti&n ,ethod) of 'ro'&g&nd& &,ong the 3ew)6 One ,&y )&y indeed th&t & reference to the)e ,ethod) i) e))enti&l to the hi)tory. for the )tory of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity i) &l,o)t ine2tric&/ly intertwined with th&t of the 3ewi)h 'eo'le6 $t i) & curiou) kind of hi)tory with little of logic&l )eBuence. & )te''ing fro, century to century &nd fro, 'l&ce to 'l&ce through &ll the l&nd) of $)r&el8) di)'er)ion, e2&,ining the &rchi1e) for e1idence of 3ewi)h /elie1er) in 3e)u) Chri)t, &nd noting the '&rt they 'l&yed in their d&y &nd gener&tion6 Occ&)ion&lly one light) on & f&,ily or grou' th&t offer) & ,ore 'rotr&cted 'icture, & /e&con th&t /urn) & little longer th&n other) /efore it i) )w&llowed u' in the )urrounding d&rkne))6 @et & /e&con i) & )t&tic thing, &nd our ch&in of /elie1ing $)r&elite) i) ,&rching with the centurie), & 'roce))ion of torch/e&rer)6 ?or ,&ny hundred) of ye&r), long &nterior e1en to the f&teful f&ll of 3eru)&le, in A6D6 D(, & 3ewi)h 'o'ul&tion h&d /een /uilding u' in the gre&t we)tern 'enin)ul&r of S'&in6 !he country

h&d )uffered in the e&rly fifth century the ruthle)) in1&)ion of the /&r/&ri&n horde) th&t )we't &cro)) "uro'e, 1&nd&l), Al&ni &nd Sue1i, /ut /y A6D6 ;29 the two fir)t h&d retired to Afric& &nd the l&)t h&d /een entirely )u/dued /y the :i)igoth !heodoric in ;%66 Although no,in&lly the reoccu'&tion of S'&in w&) for the 9o,&n e,'eror, it w&) not long /efore the :i)igoth) h&d e)t&/li)hed & kingdo, free fro, &ny &llegi&nce to 9o,e6 3ewi)h non#re)i)t&nce to the in1&der) h&d 're)er1ed the, fro, )o,e of the wor)t )e1eritie) of the )truggle, &nd under the e&rlier :i)igothic king) who f&1ored the Ari&n inter'ret&tion of Chri)ti&nity they ,ulti'lied &nd 'ro)'ered6 A ch&nge 76 took 'l&ce with the &do'tion /y & l&ter king 9ec&red of the icene Creed, &nd it w&) in thi) reign th&t the fir)t l&w) &d1er)e to the 3ew) were '&))ed, A6D6 %796 But the)e decree) were &) nothing co,'&red with wh&t w&) to follow twenty#fi1e ye&r) l&ter6 $n)'ired /y the By-&ntine ",'eror, Her&cliu), the co,'ul)ory con1er)ion of &ll the 3ew) in the :i)igothic kingdo, w&) decreed /y <ing Si)e/ut in A6D6 61;6 !he 'rocl&,&tion, &) 're)er1ed in the S'&ni)h code Fuero #us+o, run) &) follow)A +here&) !ruth it)elf in)truct) u) to &)k, &nd to knock, &))uring u) th&t the kingdo, of he&1en )uffereth 1iolenceA it c&nnot /e dou/ted th&t who)oe1er f&il) to &''ro&ch it with &n &rdent de)ire, i) & de)'i)er of the 'roffered gr&ce6 +herefore, if &ny of tho)e 3ew) &) yet un/&'ti-ed, )h&ll del&y to /e hi,)elf /&'ti-ed, or neglect to )end hi) children &nd )l&1e) to the 'rie)t for /&'ti), while it i) offered, thu) &/iding without the gr&ce of /&'ti),, for the )'&ce of one ye&r fro, the i))ue of thi) decreeA e1ery )uch tr&n)gre))or, where1er found, )h&ll /e )tri''ed, &nd )h&ll )uffer one hundred l&)he), &) likewi)e the due 'en&lty of e2ileA hi) good) )h&ll /e forfeit to the king. &nd in order th&t hi) life ,&y /e the ,ore '&inful, if un&,ended6 )uch good) )h&ll /eco,e the 'er'etu&l 'ro'erty of tho)e on who, the king )h&ll /e)tow the,6 !he decree fell like & /o,/)hell on the 3ewi)h co,,unitie), &nd e1en & f&,ou) conte,'or&ry church,&n, St6 $)idore of Se1ille, felt th&t the king h&d e2ceeded hi) dutie)6 ISi)e/ut,J he wrote, I/y urging the 3ew) into Chri)ti&nity, h&d indeed P& -e&l for *od, /ut not &ccording to knowledge68 ?or he forci/ly co,'elled tho)e who, he )hould r&ther h&1e 'er)u&ded /y &rgu,ent) of the f&ith6J132 !he 'rote)t) of the 3ew) were in 1&in6 !he &uthor of the $he"et 6ehudah E!he Sce'ter of 3ud&hF h&) gi1en &n &rgu,ent 'ut forw&rd /y one of the le&rned re're)ent&ti1e)6 He thu) &ddre))ed the kingA $t i) written in our L&w, th&t $)r&el for,erly de)'i)ed the gre&t gift of *od, the l&nd flowing with ,ilk &nd honey6 $ &)k, O king, wh&t )hould /e the 'en&lty of tho)e who de)'i)e the gift of *odM !he king re'liedA I!h&t too i) wi)ely )t&ted in your l&w. the lo)) of wh&t they de)'i)e6 See then, O king,J )&id the r&//i, Ito wh&t thou h&)t )&id6 !hou h&)t offered u) in /&'ti), 7D & life e1erl&)ting6 Be then the 'en&lty for it) neglect the lo)) of th&t /le))ing6J But the king &n)wered, ICo,'ul)ion i) un5u)t in ,&tter) concerning the /ody, &nd th&t goodly l&nd rel&ted to the /ody. /ut in thing) )'iritu&l, it i) 'ro'er, 5u)t &) & child i) coerced in it)


le&rning6J !he whole)&le /&'ti), of the 3ew) followed6 So,e fleeing for refuge to the neigh/oring kingdo, of the ?r&nk), found to their horror &nd di)tre)) th&t & )i,il&r decree h&d /een en&cted there /y the reigning ,on&rch, <ing D&go/ert6 !hu) w&) /egun th&t 'erniciou) 'olicy which 'eo'led S'&in &nd 0ortug&l, e2ce't for the inter1&l of >oori)h rule, with cry'to#3ew) down to the 're)ent d&y6 Bound to Chri)ti&nity /y /&'ti),&l w&ter, their f&ith h&d not ,ore )u/)t&nce th&n w&ter6 Outw&rdly confor,ing to the rile) of the Church, they led & life of '&inful &nd fe&rful hy'ocri)y6 o le)) th&n 9(,((( 3ew) &re )&id to h&1e )u/,itted to Si)e/ut8) Chri)tening6 ineteen ye&r) l&ter, when the *othic throne w&) )ei-ed /y Si)en&nd with the hel' of the ?r&nk), there w&) & )hort re)'ite fro, co,'ul)ory con1er)ion6 At the fourth Council of !oledo it w&) decreedA Concerning 3ew), thi) holy )ynod h&) re)ol1ed to co,'el no one here&fter to &cce't our f&ith6 ?or *od h&) ,ercy on who, he will h&1e ,ercy, &nd who, he will, he h&rdenethA &nd )uch 'er)on) &re not )&1ed without con)ent, /ut willingly, th&t the &ttri/ute of 5u)tice ,&y /e ke't )ecure6 ?or &) ,&n /y hi) own freewill, in yielding to the )er'ent, did 'eri)h. )o when the gr&ce of *od doth c&ll, e&ch ,&n i) )&1ed in /elie1ing, /y the con1er)ion of hi) own ,ind6 !herefore, they &re not to /e urged /y con)tr&int, /ut 'er)u&ded through the free f&culty of the will into con1er)ion6 9e)'ecting tho)e &lre&dy forced into Chri)ti&nity, &) w&) done in the ti,e of the ,o)t religiou) 'rince Si)e/ut, )ince it i) e1ident th&t they h&1e /een '&rt&ker) in the Di1ine )&cr&,ent), h&1e recei1ed the gr&ce of /&'ti),, h&1e /een &nointed with the chri),, &nd h&1e recei1ed the /ody &nd /lood of our Lord, it i) right th&t the)e /e o/liged to ret&in the f&ith which, &lthough under co,'ul)ion &nd nece))ity, )till they h&1e undert&ken, le)t the n&,e of *od /e /l&)'he,ed, &nd the f&ith which they h&1e &))u,ed /e &ccounted worthle)) &nd de)'ic&/le6133 +e h&1e gi1en thi) C&non in full, /ut there &re other) of the )&,e 77 Council fro, which e2tr&ct) ,u)t /e Buoted, for it i) only in the 1ery word) of the)e old decree) th&t we c&n o/t&in & true hi)toric&l in)ight into the working) of the ,ind) of the cre&tor)6 >&ny who were for,erly e2&lted to the Chri)ti&n f&ith, &re now known not only in /l&)'he,y &g&in)t Chri)t to 'er'etr&te 3ewi)h rite), /ut h&1e e1en d&red to 'r&cti)e the &/o,in&tion of circu,ci)ionQ6 !r&n)gre))or) &fter thi) )ort, /eing &''rehended /y &uthority of the 'rel&te), )h&ll /e rec&lled to the true wor)hi' &ccording to Chri)ti&n doctrineA )o th&t tho)e who, their own will c&nnot &,end, ,&y /e coerced /y )&cerdot&l correction613; +e decree th&t the )on) &nd d&ughter) of 3ew) &re to /e )e'&r&ted fro, their '&rent), le)t they likewi)e /e in1ol1ed in their error)613% Let there /e no further co,,union of 3ew) who h&1e /een tr&n)ferred to the Chri)ti&n f&ith, with )uch &) &dhere to their &ncient rite). le)t 'erch&nce, /y ,ingling with the,, they /e )u/1erted6136 3ew) h&1ing Chri)ti&n wi1e), &re to /e &d,oni)hed /y the /i)ho' of their dioce)e, th&t if


they de)ire to &/ide with the,, they ,u)t /eco,e Chri)ti&n. &nd if, /eing )o &d,oni)hed, they refu)e to o/ey, they )h&ll /e )e'&r&ted613D 3ew) who were for,erly Chri)ti&n, /ut &re now denier) of the f&ith in Chri)t6 &re not to /e &d,itted in e1idence &t l&w, &lthough they decl&re the,)el1e) Chri)ti&n)6137 C&n te)ti,ony /e cle&rer &) to wh&t w&) the &i, of the)e en&ct,ent)M 3ud&i), &nd the 1ery n&,e of 3ew w&) &n &/o,in&tion, &nd ,u)t /e rooted out of &ny Chri)ti&n country6 +i1e) &re to /e )e'&r&ted fro, hu)/&nd), children fro, '&rent), /&'ti-ed 3ew fro, o/dur&te 3ew6 +h&t roo, w&) there here for true &cce't&nce of Chri)tM He&rt) /roken with grief6 >ind) tortured with )uffering6 $f Chri)t w&) inc&rn&te &nywhere, )urely it w&) in the )oul) of tho)e who )toutly re)i)ted hi,6 But 'erh&') it w&) not Chri)t, /ut &nother in the )h&'e of the outr&ged &-&rene6 One re,e,/er) Browning)8) '&))ion&te line)A I!houL if thou w&)t He6 who &t ,id#w&tch c&,e, By the )t&rlight, n&,ing & du/iou) n&,eL And if, too he&1y with )lee' ## too r&)h +ith fe&r ## O !hou, if th&t ,&rtyr#g&)h ?ell on !hee co,ing to t&ke thine own, 79 And we g&1e the Cro)), when we owed the !hrone ## I!hou &rt the 3udge6 +e &re /rui)ed thu)6 But, the 3udg,ent o1er, 5oin )ide) with u)L !hine too i) the c&u)eL &nd not ,ore !hine !h&n our), i) the work of the)e dog) &nd )wine, +ho)e life l&ugh) through &nd )'it) &t their creedL +ho ,&int&in !hee in word, &nd defy !hee in deedL I+e with)tood Chri)t thenL Be ,indful how At le&)t we with)t&nd B&r&/&) nowLJ139


9( Ch&'ter C$ 1 Another reign '&))ed, &nd & )i2th council )&t &t !oledo6 !here ,u)t /e no h&lf ,e&)ure thi) ti,e6 All 3ew), willy#nilly, ,u)t /e )we't into the kingdo, of *od6 !he infle2i/le 'erfidy of the 3ew) co,e) &t length to /e )u/dued /y 'iety &nd the di1ine gr&ce6 ?or /y in)'ir&tion of the >o)t High *od, our ,o)t e2cellent &nd Chri)ti&n 'rince EChintil&F, infl&,ed with &rdor for the f&ith, together with the clergy of hi) kingdo,, h&) re)ol1ed to er&dic&te to the utter,o)t their 're1&ric&tion &nd )u'er)tition, not )uffering the re)idence of &ny one in the l&nd, who i) not & C&tholic6 ?or which -e&l we render th&nk) to the Al,ighty <ing of He&1en th&t he h&) cre&ted & )oul )o illu)triou), &nd endued it with hi) wi)do,6 >&y he /e)tow u'on hi, & long life in thi) world, &nd glory e1erl&)ting in the future61;( 0ietyM Di1ine gr&ceM $n)'ir&tionM One c&n only echo the word) in ,ockery6 And wh&t i) the 'roduct of )uch wi)e &nd gr&ciou) coun)el)M A Chri)ti&ni-ed 3ewi)h 'o'ul&tion, cowed &nd de)'er&te, fro, which &ll the &ttri/ute) of ,&nhood h&1e f&llen &w&y, le&1ing & cringing cre&ture who, our eye) c&n only look u'on with 'ity6 @et /ec&u)e the)e 3ew) 'rofe)) )o,ehow the f&ith of Chri)t we ,u)t nu,/er the, in our )tory, &nd 're)ent thi) relic of the,, which )urely i) the )tr&nge)t &nd )&dde)t docu,ent one c&n find6 $t i) &n &ddre)) 're)ented to <ing 9ecce)uinth in A6D6 6%36 !o the ,o)t cle,ent &nd )erene, our lord the <ing 9ecce)uinth we He/rew) of !oledo &nd &ll S'&in, &) under )u/)cri/ed &nd )e&led6 +ell, indeed, &nd 5u)tly, do we re,e,/er to h&1e /een co,'elled to dr&w u' &n &gree,ent in the n&,e of the ,e,ory of <ing Chintil&, of the o/)er1&nce of the C&tholic f&ithA &nd thi) we did6 But for&),uch &) the 'erfidy of our o/)tin&cy, &nd the in1eter&cy of our &nce)tr&l error, h&1e i,'eded our true /elief in the Lord 3e)u) Chri)t6 &nd )incere &dhe)ion to the C&tholic f&ith ## we do now freely &nd cheerfully 1ow to your glory, for our)el1e), our wi1e), &nd our children, /y thi) our decl&r&tion, 91 th&t henceforw&rd we will ret&in no ,&rri&ge u)&ge) or o/)er1&nce) &g&in)t the rule) of the Church6 +e will not &))oci&te with the e1er#to#/e#e2ecr&ted co,'&ny of un/&'ti-ed 3ew)6 +e will not contr&ct ,&rri&ge) within the )i2th degree Eof con)&nguinityF &) we h&1e done6 +e will not contr&ct ,&rri&ge) with our own n&tion, neither our)el1e), nor our )on), nor our 'o)terityA /ut in e&ch )e2 will here&fter ,&rry only with Chri)ti&n)6 +e will not 'r&cti)e circu,ci)ion, or cele/r&te 0&))o1er, S&//&th, or other fe)ti1&l &ccording to 3ewi)h rite)6 +e will ,&ke no di)cri,in&tion of food, nor in &ny w&y o/)er1e the &/o,in&/le u)&ge), cu)to,), or con1er)&tion of 3ew)6 But with )incere f&ith, gr&teful ,ind, &nd full de1otion, will /elie1e in, confe)), &nd


&dore, Chri)t the Son of the Li1ing *od, &ccording to the e1&ngelic&l &nd &'o)tolic&l doctrine6 +e will truly kee', &nd )incerely e,/r&ce, &ll the u)&ge) of the holy Chri)ti&n religion, reg&rding holy d&y), ,&rri&ge &nd diet, &nd e1ery other o/)er1&nce, with no re)er1&tion, o/5ection, or f&l)e &rgu,ent on our '&rt, /y ,e&n) of which we ,ight here&fter 'r&cti)e wh&t we here/y renounce, or f&il to fulfil wh&t we here/y 'ro,i)e6 Concerning )wine8) fle)h, we thu) eng&ge our)el1e), th&t, &lthough on &ccount of long h&/it we &re not &/le to endure it, yet we will e&t without horror or di)gu)t, of )uch ,e&t) &) &re dre))ed &long with it6 And if, in &ny of the)e ,&tter) &fore)&id, we /e found tr&n)gre))or) in the le&)t degree. or )h&ll 're)u,e to &ct contr&ry to the Chri)ti&n f&ith. or )h&ll del&y to &cco,'li)h in word or deed )uch thing) &) &re &gree&/le to the C&tholic religion ## we )we&r /y the ?&ther, Son &nd Holy *ho)t, One in !rinity6 &nd the true *od, th&t e1ery )ingly tr&n)gre))or &,ong u) ,&y /e 'uni)hed with fire &nd )toningA or if the cle,ency of your glory )hould )'&re hi) life, /oth hi,)elf &nd &ll th&t 'ert&in) to hi, ,&y /e /e)towed in )l&1ery on who,)oe1er you ,&y 'le&)eA or wh&te1er el)e you ,&y co,,&nd to /e done with hi, or hi) good), )h&ll /e 'erfor,ed. not only /y 1irtue of your )o1ereign 'ower, /ut &l)o /y the r&tific&tion of thi) our )ole,n &gree,ent6 92 Done &t !oledo, 21)t of >&rch, in the )i2th ye&r of your glory6 $n the n&,e of *od6 0oor Chri)ti&ni-ed 3ew)6 Str&ining &t & gn&t &nd )w&llowing & c&,el. &cce'ting the whole icene Creed, /ut )till re5ecting the fle)h of )wineL 2 But *od c&n ,&ke e1en the wr&th of ,&n to 'r&i)e Hi,. &nd &t thi) 1ery ti,e & /oy w&) growing to ,&nhood of 3ewi)h /irth, who w&) to /eco,e 0ri,&te of &ll S'&in, &nd one of the )'iritu&l &nd intellectu&l light) of hi) &ge, I& ro)e &,ong thorn),J &) one of hi) /iogr&'her)6 $)idor de Be5&h, c&ll) hi,6 !he '&rent&ge of 3uli&n, Arch/i)ho' of !oledo, i) unknown, &nd e1en the e2&ct d&te of hi) /irth i) uncert&in. /ut it i) 'ro/&/le th&t he w&) the )on of one of Si)e/ut8) co,'ul)ory con1ert)6 He w&) educ&ted &t & religiou) in)titution in !oledo6 +e know little of hi) youth, e2ce't th&t there )'r&ng u' /etween hi,)elf &nd & fellow )tudent *udil&n, & )weet friend)hi'6 which de1elo'ed into & ,utu&l &)'ir&tion &fter holine))6 Both were inclined to &n &)cetic life, &nd de)ired to enter & ,on&)tery6 But thi) wi)h did not ,&teri&li-e, for in 6%6, 3uli&n w&) &''ointed Archde&con of the C&thedr&l of !oledo, &nd *udil&n /ec&,e & 'rie)t6 !heir friend)hi'6 howe1er, continued until *udil&n8) de&th in 6D96 Soon the f&,e of 3uli&n8) le&rning w&) )'re&d &/ro&d, &nd ere long he w&) de)ign&ted &) )ucce))or to the Arch/i)ho'ric, to which he w&) e1entu&lly &''ointed in 67(6 $n thi) c&'&city he &nointed "r1igio, <ing of S'&in, &nd 're)ided &t the twelfth Council of !oledo6 One wonder) how he ,u)t h&1e felt &t the in)i)tence of the ,e,/er) of th&t Council on further h&r)h en&ct,ent) &g&in)t the 3ew)6 He could not h&1e /een &ltogether & '&rty to the,, for hi) ch&rity of


,ind w&) well known6 Hi) )ucce))or in the )ee )'oke of hi, &) & ,&n who c&,e 1ery ne&r to the ide&l of & )er1&nt of Chri)t6 A) &n in)t&nce of 3uli&n8) friendly rel&tion) with the 3ew)6 one ,&y rel&te how he once )ent & co'y of hi) /ook on the future life to Bi)ho' $d&lu) of B&rcelon& /y the h&nd of & 3ewi)h &cBu&int&nce, n&,ed 9e)titutu), to the gr&1e di)'le&)ure of the reci'ient, who wrote to the &uthor ,&r1elling th&t )o orthodo2 &n &uthority could entru)t & )'iritu&l writing to I&n infidel &nd godle)) 3ew. &nd ,&ke &) it were &n &ni,&l & /e&rer of light6J 3uli&n w&) & ,&n of ,&ny /rilli&nt gift)6 Hi) Apolo+eti%um Fidei 93 e2're))ed hi) own inde'endent 1iew) on the !rinity to the 0o'e, &nd c&u)ed &nnoy&nce &t 9o,e6 A) &n hi)tori&n, hi) n&,e li1e) &) to the &uthor of the Historia -ebellionis *auli' But for our 'ur'o)e hi) work de)igned to con1ert the 3ew) i) of ,ore i,'ort&nce6 !he .e Comprobatione :tatis $ext; Contra #ud;os w&) written in 676 &t the reBue)t of <ing "r1igio, to co,/&t the 3ewi)h cl&i, th&t the >e))i&h w&) not to co,e until the )i2th ,illenniu, &fter the Cre&tion, &nd th&t therefore 3e)u) could not /e he6 3uli&n8) refut&tion of the 3ewi)h &rgu,ent re)ted on the chronology of the *reek Se'tu&gint 1er)ion of the Bi/le, which w&) dee,ed /y the Church to /e & 'urer te2t th&n th&t of the 3ew), the >&))oretic He/rew6 He c&nnot, howe1er, h&1e felt th&t hi) o''onent) would /e gre&tly influenced, for in hi) dedic&tion to the king, he re,&rk) th&t Iif the 3ew /e not i,'ro1ed /y the /ook, &t le&)t the Chri)ti&n ,&y deri1e )o,e /enefit fro, it6J @et hi) 'ro'hetic 'o)ition i) )trong enough6 IDo)t thou )eek the kingdo, of the 3ew)M he e2cl&i,)6 I!here i) noneL Seeke)t thou the &lt&r of the 3ew)M !here i) noneL Seeke)t thou the )&crifice of the 3ew)M $t i) no ,oreL Seeke)t thou the 'rie)thood of the 3ew)M $t no longer e2i)t)L "1erything i) gone of which D&niel of old 'ro'he)ied th&t it would ce&)e when the >o)t Holy w&) &nointedLJ Out of hi) he&rt he crie) to hi) own fle)h &nd /lood, 4<iam perdidisti, "iarn er+o se0uere, ut per "iam "enias ad salutem5 E!hou h&)t lo)t the w&y, therefore )eek the w&y, th&t /y it thou ,&ye)t co,e unto )&l1&tionF6 3uli&n of !oledo died on >&rch 6th, AD6 69(, full of ye&r) &nd honor, &nd ,ourned /y &ll S'&in6 3 $n "uro'e the Church held )uch undi)'uted 'o))e))ion of the religiou) field, th&t it w&) &/le to tyr&nni-e o1er the whole 'o'ul&tion fro, the king downw&rd), &nd to conduct it) ,i))ion&ry 'ro'&g&nd& with un,itig&ted )e1erity /&cked /y the )ecul&r &r,6 But in the "&)t the )t&te h&d not )o wholly deli1ered it)elf into eccle)i&)tic&l h&nd) e1en in Chri)ti&n countrie), &nd the e2i)tence of ri1&l religion) 'ro1ided & he&lthy co,'etition of )oul), which in '&rt toned down the 'hy)ic&l ,&nife)t&tion of odium theolo+i%um' Of )l&nder &nd 1itu'er&tion there w&) 'lenty. /ut h&rd word) /re&k no /one), &nd &'&rt fro, i)ol&ted in)t&nce) of &ggre))ion in the in)tru,ent) of w&rf&re were l&rgely the tongue &nd the 'en6 $t re,&in) for the &'o)tle) of $)l&, to ,&ke &n on)l&ught on o''o)ition in &ny 9; w&y co,'&r&/le to the ,ethod) of the +e)tern Church, &nd e1en )o the follower) of the C&,el# dri1er were le)) intoler&nt th&n the follower) of the C&r'enter, &nd &llowed & ,&n to ret&in hi) f&ith in th&t f&ith did not 'ro1oke &ct) of ho)tility to the do,in&nt regi,e6 !he &''ro&ch to the 3ew of the "&)tern Church w&) therefore through di)'ut&tion, )o /elo1ed of the orient&l ,ind. &nd when thi) 'r&ctice w&) followed in "uro'e, it w&) l&rgely &t the

in)tig&tion of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n)6 !he &ccount) of the)e di)'ut&tion) which h&1e /eco,e &1&il&/le to u) d&te &l,o)t entirely fro, the )e1enth century, /efore the o1erwhel,ing conBue)t) of $)l&,6 !here w&) the di)'ut&tion /etween Her/&nu) the 3ew &nd *regentiu), Arch/i)ho' of !e'hren in "thio'i&6 !he 1ictory of the Church in thi) c&)e w&) due to & ,ir&cle6 $t w&) &rgued /y the Arch/i)ho' th&t 3e)u) w&) yet &li1e, &nd the 3ew) therefore, )eeing & loo'hole for e)c&'e fro, the di)cu))ion, 'ro,i)ed to /elie1e in hi, if they )ee hi,6 !hrough the 'r&yer of the Arch/i)ho', the he&1en) &re o'ened with & cl&' of thunder, &nd the re1el&tion i) ,&de, )triking &ll the 3ew) with /lindne))6 Her/&nu)6 howe1er, e2cl&i,)A I+hen & ,&n /ehold) hi) *od, he recei1e) & /le))ing therefro,6 But we, when we /ehold your *od, recei1e e1il6 $f )uch &re the gift) He /e)tow) on tho)e who co,e to Hi,, cert&inly he doe) not )h&re the goodne)) of hi) ?&ther6J I$t i) your /l&)'he,ie) which h&1e /linded you,J re'lie) the Arch/i)ho'6 I$f He render) e1il for e1il, to who, &re you co,,itting u)MJ IAt the font you will recei1e your )ight6J IAnd if we &re /&'ti-ed &nd re,&in /lindMJ I$ will /&'ti-e one &nd he will )ee. if not, do not /elie1e6J Her/&nu) &gree)6 !he /&'ti-ed 3ew recei1e) hi) )ight &g&in, &nd Her/&nu) &nd &ll the other 3ew) follow hi) e2&,'le6 A )econd di)'ut&tion i) of ,ore intere)t to u) &) it took 'l&ce /etween 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) &nd their /rethren6 !he ti,e i) th&t of the ",'eror Her&cliu), when ,&ny 3ew) were forced into Chri)ti&nity6 One, 3&co/, h&d e)c&'ed /&'ti), /y 'retending to /e & Chri)ti&n, until he w&) found out /y &n e2cl&,&tion ,&de /y hi, when f&lling down & flight of )t&ir)6 He w&) then t&ken &nd /&'ti-ed, &nd took hi) f&ith in )uch e&rne)t, th&t he con1ened & )erie) of ,eeting) with other forci/ly /&'ti-ed 3ew), &nd re&)oned with the, th&t the religion they h&d &cBuired w&) indeed the true one6 !he ,eeting) &re interru'ted /y the intru)ion of &n un/&'ti-ed 3ew, who cre&te) & )en)&tion /y &tt&cking 3&co/8) ch&r&cter &) & for,er )coundrel, &nd /y cl&i,ing th&t the >e))i&h i) yet to co,eA he &l)o )t&te) th&t in &ny c&)e the con1ert) &re in error fro, h&1ing /een /&'ti-ed &t the 9% wrong )e&)on6 ?in&lly &fter )o,e tur/ulent g&thering), the 3ew i) )ilenced, &nd 3&co/ continue) hi) e2'o)ition without interru'tion to )uch effect th&t the 3ew i) con1inced &nd &)k) for /&'ti),6 He recei1e) it, &nd )et) out to win other 3ew) to Chri)t6 !here &re other di)'ut&tion) to which it i) not nece))&ry to refer here, /ut which ,&y /e )tudied in Dr6 0&rke)8 ,onu,ent&l work, fro, which the two e2&,'le) Buoted &/o1e h&1e /een t&ken61;1 ; !he conBue)t of S'&in /y the >oor) initi&ted & ti,e of 'e&ce for the 3ew), which they were not &g&in to en5oy for )e1er&l centurie)6 !he /re&th of the old#wi)e "&)t /lew )oftly &cro)) "uro'e6 /e&ring le&rning &nd enlighten,ent, &nd with wi)do, c&,e & ,e&)ure of toler&tion6 A golden &ge d&wned for 3ud&i),6 $n the new hu,&nit&ri&n &t,o)'here the re're))ed geniu) of the He/rew) /lo))o,ed &nd flowered, &nd 'roduced di)tingui)hed )chol&r), 'oet) &nd 'hy)ici&n)6 !o thi) )t&te of gener&l well#/eing the li/er&l C&rlo1ingni&n king) gre&tly contri/uted6 0e'in, Ch&rle,&gne &nd Loui) le De/onn&ire e&)ed the 3ewi)h /urden, )o th&t the 'o'ul&ce /eg&n to reg&rd the for,er outc&)t) &g&in &), Ithe only 'eo'le of *od6J Ch&rle,&gne cho)e &) one of hi) &,/&))&dor) to the f&,ou) C&li'h, H&roun &l 9&)hchid, & cert&in $)&&c, )o th&t I"uro'e &nd A)i&


/eheld the e2tr&ordin&ry )'ect&cle of & 3ew conducting the 'olitic&l corre)'ondence /etween the court) of Ai-#l&#Ch&'elle &nd B&ghd&d6J1;2 Loui), in turn, h&d &) hi) ,o)t confidenti&l &d1i)er 4edeki&h, & 3ewi)h 'hy)ici&n6 $t w&) in 1&in for )uch f&n&tic&l church,en &) Ago/&rd, Bi)ho' of Lyon)6 to 'rote)t &g&in)t the roy&l f&1or e2tended to &n I&ccur)edJ 'eo'le. he w&) only )nu//ed for hi) '&in)6 !he ti,e) were ,ore in )y,'&thy with the )chol&rly c&lligr&'her, Alcuin6 +e )ee the )&,e ,ildne)) ,&nife)ted to the 3ew) in "ngl&nd, where +illi&, 9ufu) )u,,oned & con1oc&tion of 3ewi)h r&//i) &nd Chri)ti&n /i)ho') &t London to &rgue their re)'ecti1e creed) /efore hi,, &nd )wore th&t if the 3ew) g&ined the 1ictory, then /y St6 Luke8) f&ce he would e,/r&ce 3ud&i),6 !he i))ue, howe1er, w&) indeci)i1e, in )'ite of & thunder)tor, &nd &n e&rthBu&ke, which the Chri)ti&n) con)trued &) & )ign fro, he&1en in their f&1or6 A further &ccount of <ing +illi&,8) rel&tion) with the 3ew) i) gi1en in Holing)hed8) Chroni%les, &nd illu)tr&te) 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity in thi) reign6 !he king /eing &t 9ho&n E9ouenF on & ti,e, there c&,e to hi, 96 di1er) 3ew) who inh&/ited th&t city, co,'l&ining th&t di1er) of th&t n&tion h&d renounced their 3ewi)h religion, &nd were /eco,e Chri)ti&n)A wherefore they /e)ought hi, th&t, for & cert&in )u, of ,oney which they offered to gi1e, it ,ight 'le&)e hi, to con)tr&in the, to &/5ure Chri)ti&nity, &nd to turn to the 3ewi)h L&w &g&in6 He w&) content to )&ti)fy their de)ire)6 And )o, recei1ing their ,oney, c&lled the, /efore hi,. &nd wh&t with thre&t), &nd 'utting the, otherwi)e in fe&r, he co,'elled di1er) of the, to for)&ke Chri)t, &nd to turn to their old error)6 Hereu'on, the f&ther of one Ste'hen, & 3ew con1erted to the Chri)ti&n f&ith, /eing )ore trou/led for th&t hi) )on w&) turned & Chri)ti&n E&nd he&ring wh&t the king h&d done in like ,&tter)F, 're)ented unto hi, )i2ty ,&rk) of )il1er condition&lly, th&t he )hould enforce hi) )on to return to hi) 3ewi)h religionA whereu'on the young ,&n w&) /rought /efore the king, unto who, the king )&idA ISirr&h, thy f&ther here co,'l&ineth th&t without hi) licen)e thou &rt /eco,e & Chri)ti&nA if thi) /e true, $ co,,&nd thee to return &g&in on the religion of thy n&tion, without &ny ,ore &do6J !o who, the young ,&n &n)weredA I@our gr&ce E&) $ gue))F doth /ut 5e)t6J +herewith the king /eing ,o1ed, )&idA I+h&tL thou dunghill kn&1e, )hould $ 5e)t with theeM *et thee hence Buickly &nd fulfil ,y co,,&nd,ent, or /y St6 Luke8) f&ce, $ )h&ll c&u)e thine eye) to /e 'lucked out of thine he&d6J !he young ,&n, nothing &/&)hed there&t, with & con)t&nt 1oice &n)weredA P!ruly $ will not do it. /ut know for cert&in th&t if you were & good Chri)ti&n, you would ne1er h&1e uttered )uch word). for it i) the '&rt of & Chri)ti&n to reduce the, &g&in to Chri)t which &re de'&rted fro, hi,, &nd not to )e'&r&te the, fro, hi, which re5oined to hi, /y f&ith6J !he king, herewith confounded, co,,&nded the 3ew to get hi, out of hi) )ight6 But the f&ther, 'ercei1ing th&t the king could not 'er)u&de hi) )on to for)&ke the Chri)ti&n f&ith, reBuired to h&1e hi) ,oney &g&in6 !o who, the king )&id, he h&d done )o ,uch &) he 'ro,i)ed to do. th&t w&), to 'er)u&de hi, )o f&r &) he ,ight At length when he would h&1e h&d the king de&l further in the ,&tter, the king, to )to' hi) ,outh, tendered /&ck to hi, the h&lf of hi) ,oney, &nd ke't the other hi,)elf6 All which incre&)ed the )u)'icion ,en h&d of hi) infidelity6 9D $n thi) &ge of re1i1&l of letter) in "uro'e, in which the 3ew) 'l&yed )o 'ro,inent & '&rt, it would /e )ur'ri)ing if there were no contri/ution fro, & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n6 or &re we di)&''ointed. for there flouri)hed &t Hue)c& in Ar&gon, newly reco1ered fro, the >oor), th&t

di)tingui)hed )er1&nt of Chri)t, >o)e) Se'h&rdi6 Born &t Hue)c& in 1(62, he w&) /&'ti-ed in hi) n&ti1e city on 3une 29th6 11(6, <ing Alfon)o $ of Ar&gon &nd :$ of C&)tile )t&nding godf&ther to hi,6 $t /eing St6 0eter8) D&y, &nd in honor of hi) roy&l )'on)or, >o)e) took the /&'ti),&l n&,e of 0etru) Alfon)i6 lie w&) ,&de 'hy)ici&n#in#ordin&ry to the kingA /ut it i) not on hi) ,edic&l )kill th&t hi) f&,e re)t), /ut &) the &uthor of the .is%iplina Cleri%alis, & work con)i)ting of & )erie) of ,or&l )torie), )o,e of the, of Ar&/i&n origin6 !he )torie) /ec&,e Buickly 'o'ul&r, &nd their influence ,&y /e tr&ced f&r &nd wide for gener&tion)6 !hey enriched th&t other f&,ou) ,edie1&l collection, the Gesta -omanorum. )e1er&l of the, were incor'or&ted /y Ch&ucer in hi) Cantrerbury Tales, &nd )o,e &re found &t the end of the gre&t 'rinter C&2ton8) tr&n)l&tion of :sops Fables &) thirteen &'ologue) of IAlfonce6J 0etru) Alfon)i &l)o wrote & contro1er)i&l work con)i)ting of twel1e Di&logue) /etween 0edro &nd >o)e, i6e6, hi,)elf /efore &nd &fter con1er)ion, in which he &tte,'ted 1ery lo1ingly &nd hu,&nely to influence hi) own 'eo'le tow&rd) Chri)t6 ?ro, the te2t it i) cle&r th&t he /elonged to the )chool of thought which inter'reted the 'ro'het) )'iritu&lly, &nd he /elie1ed th&t hi) n&tion h&d /een ,i)led through tre&ting the, %arnaliter, in & ,&teri&l )en)e6 Alfon)i died in 111(, &t the e&rly &ge of forty#eight, &nd w&) fortun&tely )'&red witne))ing )o,e of the )uffering) th&t were &g&in to f&ll on the 3ew) of S'&in6


97 Ch&'ter C$$ 1 !he er& of 'e&ce &nd toler&nce w&) &ll too )oon ended6 !he 1oice of & )tr&nge f&n&tic w&) he&rd in "uro'e, & 1oice which w&) to her&ld the r&'e6 torture &nd ,urder of thou)&nd) of $)r&elite)6 0eter the Her,it w&) c&lling ,en to the ?ir)t Cru)&de6 Surely one of the )tr&nge)t &no,&lie) in Chri)ti&n hi)tory w&) thi) )etting forth of thou)&nd) of Chri)ti&n) to deli1er the )e'ulchre of the 3ewi)h S&1ior with their h&nd) i,/ued with 3ewi)h /lood6 "1en the heroic knight *odfrey de Bouillon decl&red th&t he would &1enge the /lood of 3e)u) on th&t of the 3ew)6 A ,&dne)) )ei-ed the cite) of the 9hine6 !he &/o,in&l *er,&n) &nd ?rench ro)e u' &g&in)t the, Ethe 3ew)F, 'eo'le of & fierce counten&nce th&t h&1e no re)'ect to the 'er)on) of the &ged, neither h&1e they ,ercy u'on the young, &nd they )&idA ILet u) /e re1enged for our >e))i&h u'on the 3ew) th&t &re &,ong u), &nd let u) de)troy the, fro, /eing & n&tion, th&t the n&,e of $)r&el ,&y /e h&d no ,ore in re,e,/r&nceA )o )h&ll they ch&nge their glory &nd /e like unto u). then will we go to the "&)t6J So run) & 3ewi)h record6 !he /i)ho', "ngel/ert, who recei1ed &t hi) '&l&ce the wretched )ur1i1or) of the ,&))&cre of !re1e), greeted the, with the word)A I+retche), your )in) h&1e co,e u'on youA ye who h&1e /l&)'he,ed the Son of *od &nd c&lu,ni&ted hi) ,other6 !hi) i) the c&u)e of your 're)ent ,i)erie) K thi), if ye 'er)i)t in your o/dur&cy, will de)troy you /ody &nd )oul fore1er6J So,e in de)'&ir &cce'ted /&'ti), &) the 'rice of life, /ut ,o)t refu)ed to /e Idefiled /y the 'roud w&ter)6J ?&ther) r&ther killed their wi1e) &nd d&ughter), /rother )lew /rother6 B&rely h&d the fir)t te,'e)t of de)truction '&))ed o1er, th&n &nother )ucceeded it6 !he f&n&tic&l cry of He'L He'L K Hierosolyma est perdita E3eru)&le, i) lo)tF K r&ng &g&in through the l&nd6 96 3o)e'h /en 3o)hu& /en >eir record) in hi) Chroni%lesA !h&t ye&r E11;6F w&) &l)o unto the hou)e of 3&co/ & ti,e of )orrow &nd o''re))ion, of e,'tine)), de)ol&tion &nd de)tructionQ6 ?or the 'rie)t 9udol'h c&,e into the l&nd of A)hken&- E*er,&nyF to )e&rch out, &nd to ,&rk with the w&r' &nd the 99 woof Ethe red crucifor, cloth /&dge of the cru)&der)F tho)e which would 5oin the,)el1e) to go unto 3eru)&le,6 And he )'&ke f&l)ehood &g&in)t the 3ew), the re,n&nt which w&) left fro, the fir)t 'er)ecution6666 And in &ll 'l&ce) he '&))ed through, he )tirred u' the dog) in the,, )&yingA IA1enge ye our Lord8) 1enge&nce on hi) ene,ie) who &re /efore u)A &fter th&t we )h&ll go6J And when the 3ew) he&rd it 666 they cried unto the Lord, &nd )&idA IAl&), O LordL /ehold fifty ye&r), like the ye&r) of & 3u/ilee, h&1e not '&))ed /y, )ince our /lood w&) )'ilt like w&ter for the )&nctific&tion of !hy gre&t, ,ighty &nd fe&rful &,e, in the d&y of the gre&t )l&ughter6 $f !hou for)&ke u) fore1er, wh&t wilt !hou do for !hy gre&t &,eM +ilt !hou &''oint ,i)ery & )econd ti,eMJ And the Lord he&rd their cry, &nd re,e,/ered Hi) co1en&nt 666 And He )ent &fter thi) Beli&l, the A//ot, St6 Bern&rd of Cl&ir1&u2, & city which i) in !-&r'h&th E?r&nceF6 And he c&lled &l)o &fter

their ,&nner, )&yingA ICo,e, let u) to u' unto 4ion, to the )e'ulchre of their >e))i&h. /ut t&ke ye heed th&t ye )'e&k to the 3ew) neither good nor /&d. for whoe1er toucheth the, i) like &) if he touched the &''le of the eye of 3e)u)A for they &re hi) fle)h &nd hi) /oneQ6J And he took no r&n)o, of the 3ew), for he )'&ke good of $)r&el fro, hi) he&rt 6Q $f it h&d not /een for the co,'&))ion of the Lord in )ending thi) 'rie)t, there would h&1e none e)c&'ed nor re,&ined of the,, Ble))ed /e He who r&n)o,eth &nd deli1erethL A,en61;3 Bern&rd wrote ,&ny letter) in defence of the 3ew), in one of which the Arch/i)ho' of >&in-, he &)k)A IDoe) not the Church o/t&in & richer 1ictory o1er the 3ew) /y d&ily /ringing the, o1er fro, their error) &nd con1erting the,, th&n if /y the )word )he h&d de)troyed the, &ll &t & /lowMJ On through the Second &nd !hird Cru)&de) the tr&il of 3ewi)h ruin run), of which it i) needle)) further here to )'e&k6 $t i) ,ercy to record th&t only one 3ewi)h con1ert to Chri)ti&nity turned &g&in)t hi) /rethren in thi) ti,e of terror K ichol&) Donin of 0&ri)6 So f&r &) 3ud&i), w&) concerned he w&) & free# thinker, &l,o)t &) heinou) &n offence to the 3ew &) /eco,ing & Chri)ti&n, &nd he re5ected the Or&l L&w &) en)hrined in the !&l,ud6 ?or the ye&r) he l&y under & /&n of r&//inic&l e2co,,unic&tion 'ut u'on hi, /y the f&,ou) 96 3ehiel of 0&ri)6 During tho)e ye&r) he nur)ed hi) grie1&nce) &nd /eco,e incre&)ingly e,/ittered &g&in)t hi) co#religioni)t)6 At length he w&) 'er)u&ded to e,/r&ce 1(( Chri)ti&nity, &nd hi) ,oti1e in )o doing )ee,) to h&1e /een one of re1enge6 +e h&1e to de&l here with & w&r'ed )oul, not & true con1ert6 Donin8) &ction) &fter hi) Icon1er)ionJ )how only too cle&rly the )t&te of hi) ,ind6 Hi) h&r)h word) &re /elie1ed to h&1e in)tig&ted the cru)&der) to & ,&))&cre of the 3ew) in which 3,((( 'er)on) 'eri)hed, &nd )o,e %(( &cce'ted the &ltern&ti1e of /&'ti),6 He 5oined the ?r&nci)c&n order, &nd &) & ,onk he 'ur)ued hi) further de)ign to de)troy &ll co'ie) of the !&l,ud to which he h&d for )o long /een o''o)ed6 $t i) 'ro/&/le th&t thi) o/5ect w&) indeed hi) ,&in re&)on for &do'ting Chri)ti&nity6 $n A6D6 1237 he went to 9o,e, &nd there l&id ch&rge) of /l&)'he,y &g&in)t the !&l,ud /efore 0o'e *regory $C6 !he &ccu)&tion) were &cce'ted, &nd co'ie) of Donin8) indict,ent under thirty#fi1e he&d) were )ent to Church &uthoritie) with in)truction) th&t &ll co'ie) of the !&l,ud )hould /e )ei-ed forthwith, &nd if the ,&tter co,'l&ined of &''e&red, the /ook) were to /e /urned6 $n ?r&nce, Donin8) n&ti1e country, the order w&) c&rried out with gre&t ruthle))ne)), &nd the <ing, Loui) $C, e1en ordered Donin8) old ene,y, 96 3ehiel of 0&ri), together with three other), >o)e) of Coucy, 3ud&h /en D&1id of >elun, &nd S&,uel /en Solo,on of Ch&te&u#!hierry to ,eet hi, in & 'u/lic di)'ut&tion E12;(F6 +hen the &rgu,ent) on /oth )ide) h&d /een he&rd, Donin w&) held to h&1e 'ro1ed hi) c&)e, &nd no le)) th&n twenty#four w&gon#lo&d) of !&l,ud) &nd Co,,ent&rie) thereon were 'u/lic&lly /urnt6 !hi), /efore the &ge of 'rinting, w&) & terri/le /low to the 3ew). /ut the 1ener&/le 96 3ehiel, it i) )&id, continued hi) t&l,udic lecture), reciting hi) &uthoritie) fro, ,e,ory6 2 !he +e)tern Di)'ut&tion), which h&1e now to /e con)idered, were of & different order to tho)e held in e&)tern countrie) in th&t they were held /y co,,&nd of the )ecul&r &nd religiou)


&uthoritie), &nd the 3ew) were not 1olunt&ry '&rtici'&nt)6 A) & rule, we &re th&nkful to )&y, the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), who were the 'ri,e ,o1er) in the)e eng&ge,ent), were of & different Bu&lity to ichol&) Donin6 e1erthele)), the te,'er of the ti,e), &) we h&1e el)ewhere )t&ted, did not &lw&y) 'er,it of th&t ,ildne)) of de,e&nor &nd concili&tory )'irit which )hould h&1e /een /rought to the di)cu))ion of )&cred )u/5ect)6 +e c&nnot /l&,e the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n 'rot&goni)t) o1er,uch when we find the, l&cking in & toler&nce which w&) eBu&lly &/)ent fro, )o,e of the ,o)t )&inted Chri)ti&n) of their d&y, &) well &) fro, their 3ewi)h o''onent) 1(1 in de/&te6 Se1erity )ee,ed to go h&nd in h&nd with )weetne)), &nd h&r)hne)) with hu,&nity6 $t i) difficult to under)t&nd how the )&,e fount&in could )end out /oth /itter &nd )weet w&ter). /ut we ,u)t &cce't the f&ct, &nd not try to confu)e the i))ue /y reg&rding the circu,)t&nce) fro, our own ,ore enlightened 1iew'oint6 Of one )in, 'erh&'), the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) of ,edie1&l ti,e) were &) guilty &) )o,e of the, &re tod&y, the )in of &rrog&nce, &) if their )&fer )t&te /&cked /y the 'owerful &uthority of the Church g&1e the, the right to &ddre)) their own kin),&n in & derog&tory &nd conte,'tuou) w&y6 All the ,ore credit i) due to tho)e 3ewi)h r&//i) who were reBuired to &n)wer the, in the 're)ence of eccle)i&)tic&l &uthority with the knowledge th&t & too fr&nkne)) of )'eech ,ight /e 1i)ited on their he&d) in dire 'uni)h,ent, &nd th&t &t the le&)t they were fighting to ret&in the f&ith with which they were )&ti)fied &g&in)t & thre&t of co,'ul)ory con1er)ion6 Le)) th&n twenty#fi1e ye&r) el&')ed fro, the d&te of Donin8) di)'ute with 96 3ehiel /efore & )econd took 'l&ce, thi) ti,e /etween the con1ert 0&/lo Chri)ti&ni &nd the f&,ou) 96 &h,&nide) in the 're)ence of 3&,e) $ of Ar&gon &nd hi) court6 Chri)ti&ni h&iled fro, >ont'ellier in ?r&nce, &nd &fter hi) con1er)ion /ec&,e & ,onk of the Do,inic&n order6 He w&) in gre&t f&1or with hi) gener&l, 9&y,ond de 0eny&forte, &nd &fter &n &/orti1e ,i))ion&ry c&,'&ign &,ong the 3ew) of 0ro1ince, he de)ired to ,&ke & further effort in Ar&gon6 He felt th&t if the 're)ence of the 3ewi)h religiou) he&d) w&) &))ured, he would h&1e & /etter ch&nce of )ucce))6 9&y,ond de 0eny&forte, therefore, o/t&ined the con)ent of the king, &nd &h,&nide) &nd )o,e other) were )u,,oned to & 'u/lic di)'ut&tion &t B&rcelon&, held in the '&l&ce fro, 3uly 2( to 2;, 12636 !he ter,) of the de/&te were threefoldA N1O +hether the >e))i&h h&) &''e&red6 N2O +hether the >e))i&h &nnounced /y the 0ro'het) w&) to /e con)idered &) & god, or &) & ,&n /orn of hu,&n '&rent)6 N3O +hether the 3ew) or Chri)ti&n) &re in 'o))e))ion of the true f&ith6 Chri)ti&ni8) ,ethod w&) to c&rry the w&r into the ene,y8) c&,', &nd to &tte,'t to 'ro1e fro, the !&l,ud it)elf th&t Chri)ti&nity w&) true6 But he w&) no ,&tch for the )killed t&l,udi)t who o''o)ed hi,, &nd &h,&nide) co,'letely di)&r,ed the &tt&ck /y e2're))ing hi) own di)/elief in the H&gg&dic Eho,ileticF '&))&ge) in the !&l,ud on which Chri)ti&ni 1(2 relied6 !he r&//i w&) c&utioned /y the 3ew) &/out following u' the &tt&ck &) likely to le&d to trou/le, /ut intre'idly, with the king8) 'er,i))ion, he c&rried on, &nd cert&inly h&d the /etter of the di)cu))ion, &) & ty'ic&l '&))&ge on the !rinity )how)A

?r& 0&/lo &)ked ,e K wrote &h,&nide) ## whether $ /elie1ed in the !rinity6 $ )&id to hi,, I+h&t i) the !rinityM Do three gre&t hu,&n /odie) con)titute the Di1inityMJ I o6J IOr &re there three ethere&l /odie), )uch &) the )oul), or &re there three &ngel)MJ I o6J IOr i) &n o/5ect co,'o)ed of the four ele,ent)MJ I o6J I+h&t then in the !rinityMJ He )&idA I+i)do,, will &nd 'ower6J !hen $ )&idA I$ &l)o &cknowledge th&t *od i) wi)e &nd not fooli)h, th&t He h&) & will unch&nge&/le, &nd th&t He i) ,ighty &nd not we&k6 But the ter, Trinity i) decidedly erroneou). for wi)do, i) not &ccident&l in the Cre&tor, )ince He &nd Hi) wi)do, &re one, He &nd Hi) will &re one, He &nd Hi) 'ower &re one, )o th&t wi)do,, will &nd 'ower &re one6 >oreo1er, e1en were the)e thing) &ccident&l in Hi,, th&t which i) c&lled *od would not /e three /eing), /ut one Being with the)e three &ccident&l &ttri/ute)6J Our lord the king here Buoted &n &n&logy which the erring one) h&d t&ught hi,, )&ying, th&t there &re &l)o three thing) in wine, n&,ely, color, t&)te &nd /ouBuet, yet it i) )till one thing6 !hi) i) & decided error. for the redne)), the t&)te &nd the /ouBuet of the wine &re di)tinct e))ence), e&ch of the, 'otenti&lly )elf#e2i)tent. for there &re red, white, &nd other color), &nd the )&,e )t&te,ent hold) good with reg&rd to t&)te &nd /ouBuet6 !he redne)), the t&)te &nd the /ouBuet, ,oreo1er, &re not the wine it)elf, /ut the thing which fill) the 1e))el, &nd which i), therefore, & /ody with the three &ccident)6 ?ollowing thi) cour)e of &rgu,ent, there would /e four, )ince the enu,er&tion )hould include *od, Hi) wi)do,, Hi) will, &nd Hi) 'ower, &nd the)e &re four6 @ou would e1en h&1e to )'e&k of fi1e thing). for He li1e), &nd Hi) life i) &'&rt of Hi, 5u)t &) ,uch &) Hi) wi)do,6 !hu) the definition would /e K *od, li1ing, wi)e, endowed with will, &nd ,ighty. the Di1inity would therefore /e fi1e#fold in n&ture6 All thi), howe1er, i) &n e1ident error6 !hen ?r& 0&/lo &ro)e &nd )&id th&t he /elie1ed in the Hnity, which, none the le)), included the !rinity, &lthough thi) w&) &n e2ceedingly dee' ,y)tery, which e1ent the &ngel) &nd the 1(3 'rince) of he&1en could not co,'rehend6 $ &ro)e &rnd )&idA I$t i) e1ident th&t & 'er)on doe) not /elie1e wh&t he doe) not knowA therefore, the &ngel) do not /elie1e in the !rinity6J Hi) colle&gue) then /&de hi, /e )ilent61;; $n )'ite of &h,&nide)8 &/le re&)oning, the Do,inic&n) cl&i,ed the 1ictory, &nd &h,&nide) w&) forced in hi) own defence to 'u/li)h the 'roceeding)6 !he ,&tter did not re)t there, howe1er, for Chri)ti&ni, )ecuring & co'y of the work, ,&rked cert&in '&))&ge) &) /l&)'he,ou)6 A for,&l co,'l&int w&) ,&de to the king which re)ulted in die /urning of the '&,'hlet &nd & two#ye&r) e2ile of it) &uthor6 0&/lo Chri)ti&ni further o/t&ined & /ull fro, 0o'e Cle,ent $: E126;F for & cen)or)hi' of the !&l,ud, &nd hi,)elf )&t on the co,,i))ion &''ointed to e2'unge offending '&))&ge)6 On the )&,e co,,i))ion )&t 9&y,und >&rtini, &uthor of th&t well#known 'ole,ic&l work &g&in)t the 3ew) the *u+io Fidei E0oign&rd of ?&ithF6 Chri)ti&ni &l)o o/t&ined fro, Loui) $C of ?r&nce &n edict reBuiring 3ew) to we&r di)tingui)hing /&dge), which took the for, of & ),&ll cloth circlet6 "1en if hi) ,i)guided effort) re)ulted in )o,e &nnoy&nce &nd di)tre)) to hi) own 'eo'le, they l&id the found&tion) of & /etter Chri)ti&n &''reci&tion of 3ewi)h thought &nd /elief6 Another 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n, /ut f&r ,ore le&rned, who hel'ed to ,&ke 3ewi)h liter&ture /etter known, w&) A/ner of Burgo) E12D(#13;7F6 He gr&du&ted &) & 'hy)ici&n &t the e&rly &ge of


twenty#fi1e &nd h&d & t&)te for the 'eri'&tetic 'hilo)o'hy &nd &)trology6 Hi) con1er)ion c&u)ed Buite & )tir in the 3ud&eo#S'&ni)h co,,unitie), &nd curiou)ly in & He/rew e))&y =++eret ha2 Ge/erah E"'i)tle of ?&teF &ddre))ed to & 3ewi)h friend, he &tte,'ted in '&rt to 5u)tify hi) &ction on the ground of 'l&net&ry influence6 A/ner w&) & 'rolific writer, &nd &,ong hi) work) which h&1e /een 're)er1ed, either in He/rew or S'&ni)h6 &re the followingA Moreh T/ed% E!e&cher of 9ighteou)ne))F, Tshubot al2$epher Milhamot Adonai le2>imhi E9e'ly to <i,hi8) Book on the +&r) of the LordF6 La Con%ordia de las Leyes EH&r,ony of the L&w), i6e6, of >o)e) with the *o)'el)F6 Libro de las Tres Gra%ias EBook of the !hree *r&ce)F, &nd Minhat >enaot EOffering of 3e&lou)yF6 He w&) &''ointed S&cri)t&n of the >etro'olit&n Church of :&ll&dolid6 e&rly & century &fter the di)'ut&tion of B&rcelon&, &nother took 'l&ce &t Burgo), where the 'rot&goni)t) were on the one )ide & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n con1ert of A/ner of Burgo) &nd the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n 3ohn of :&ll&dolid, &nd on the other )ide, >o)e) h&Cohen of !orde)ill&)6 !he di)'ut&tion 1(; w&) held in the 're)ence of Arch/i)ho' *o,e- of !oledo6 3ohn of :&ll&dolid E/6 133%F &tte,'ted to de,on)tr&te fro, the Bi/le, the >e))i&h)hi' &nd Di1inity of 3e)u), the dog,& of the !rinity &nd other doctrine)6 He e,'loyed )o,e e2tr&ordin&ry ,ethod) of e2ege)i), cl&i,ing, for in)t&nce, th&t the clo)ed letter I,e,J in the He/rew word lmarebeh E$)&6 9A6F Iof the in%rease of hi) go1ern,ent &nd 'e&ce there )h&ll /e no endJ indic&ted the 'er'etu&l 1irginity of >&ry6 !he di)'ut&tion w&) & wind#u' to & 're&ching tour of the C&)tili&n 'ro1ince) under &n order gi1en /y <ing Henry of C&)tile, where/y 3ohn ho'ed to /e &/le to 'er)u&de hi) own 'eo'le of the truth of Chri)ti&nity if the 3ew) were co,'elled to li)ten to hi,6 He ,&de the ,i)t&ke, )o often re'e&ted, of /&)ing hi) &rgu,ent on 'etty 'oint) of her,eneutic) in)te&d of on the wider )wee' of the e1&ngelic&l ,e))&ge6 !he 3ewi)h r&//i) were e&)ily &/le to e1&de the re&l i))ue when it c&,e to & /&ttle of te2t) &nd the con)truction of word)6 By f&r the ,o)t i,'ort&nt of the di)'ut&tion) w&) th&t which occu'ied )i2ty#nine )e))ion), &nd l&)ted fro, ?e/ru&ry 1;13 to o1e,/er 1;1;6 $t w&) held &t !orto)& in Ar&gon, in the 're)ence of the &nti'o'e Benedict C$$$ E0edro de Lun&F &nd & l&rge g&thering of dignit&rie) /oth of the Church &nd Syn&gogue6 !he )ole,n con1oc&tion h&d /een con1ened to he&r the con1ert 3o)hu& /en 3o)e'h i/n :i1e) Al LorBui E*eroni,o de S&nt& ?eF6 Su''orting hi, w&) the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n Andre&) B&ltr&,, &fterw&rd) Bi)ho' of B&rcelon&6 On the 3ewi)h )ide, re&dy to &n)wer )uch Bue)tion) &) were 'ut to the,, were twenty#two Ethe 3ewi)h record) only gi1e )i2teen n&,e)F of the ,o)t di)tingui)hed r&//i) &nd )chol&r) of Ar&gon under the le&der)hi' of Don :id&l /en Ben1eni)t&6 Benedict welco,ed the, in the)e word)A >en of the honored He/rew r&ce, the 'eo'le who, *od )elected, though now c&)t off on &ccount of tr&n)gre))ion6 ?e&r nothing in thi) di)'ut&tion, when $ the 0o'e /id you /e of good cour&ge6 one )h&ll in5ure or ,ole)t you, /ut )'e&k freely &nd /oldly for your c&u)e, re're))ing &nd fe&ring nothing6 *eroni,o h&) /o&)ted to ,e hi) c&'&/ility of 'ro1ing, e1en fro, your !&l,ud, th&t >e))i&h i) co,e6 ?e&r not in di)'uting with hi,, /ut freely o'en your ,ind), /ec&u)e in & contro1er)y, /oth '&rtie) ought to en5oy &n eBu&l right of )'eech, &nd /e &ccounted of eBu&l )t&nding61;% $n 3o)hu& Al LorBui, Chri)ti&nity h&d & worthy 3ewi)h


1(% re're)ent&ti1e6 He w&) & ,&n of gre&t &tt&in,ent), & 'hy)ici&n &nd di&lectici&n of no ,e&n )kill6 Hi) con1er)ion c&,e &/out &) & re)ult of corre)'ondence with &nother gre&t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n, 0&ul of Burgo), of who, we )h&ll )'e&k 're)ently, &nd with wh&, he re,on)tr&ted for ch&nging hi) f&ith6 He de1oted hi) t&lent) &nd we&lth to con1incing hi) 'eo'le of their error), &nd recei1ed fro, the, the un,erited nickn&,e of Me+addef Ethe )l&ndererF fro, the initi&l) of hi) /&'ti),&l n&,e M?stro *croni,o de S&nt& Fe6 Hi) /e)t known work i) hi) *robationes !'T' ex <'T' per 0uas do%tinia Talmud improbitur, et di%itur liber %ontra errores #ud;orum' !he di)'ut&tion w&) c&rried on in & ,uch /etter )'irit6 $t h&d /een &greed /eforeh&nd th&t &ll di)'uted ,e&ning) were to /e )u/,itted to B&ltr&, for deci)ion, on &ccount of hi) &cknowledged He/rew &nd Ch&ldee )chol&r)hi'6 At the end, &ll /ut two of the 3ewi)h di)'ut&nt) )igned & decl&r&tion th&t they h&d /een f&irly /e&ten, &nd ,ore th&n fi1e thou)&nd 3ew) &cce'ted Chri)t &nd were /&'ti-ed6 !he 3ewi)h record) &re o,inou)ly )ilent &/out the re)ult6 !he)e di)cu))ion) h&d one 1ery i,'ort&nt outco,e6 $t w&) l&rgely due to the, th&t the 'r&ctice, c&rried on chiefly /y the Do,inic&n), of co,'elling &ttend&nce &t ,i))ion&ry ,eeting) origin&ted6 A decree of 3&,e) $$ of Ar&gon EDcc6 17, 129DF i) in the)e ter,)A +e &l)o de)ire &nd ord&in, th&t the /rethren of the Order of 0re&cher) Ethe Do,inic&n)F do offer the +ord of *od to the 3ew) &nd S&r&cen) of /oth )e2e), /y 're&ching, &rgu,ent), con1er)&tion, or decl&r&tion of the Chri)ti&n f&ith6 !he)e )h&ll &))e,/le &t their c&ll, &nd li)ten without interru'tion to the 're&ching6 Al)o, to &1oid the 'o))i/ility of their )u''re))ing the con1iction of the truth /y )tu//orn )ilence, they )h&ll re1erently &n)wer to the interrog&tion) or o/5ection) of the )&id /rethren. they )h&ll &l)o /e co,'elled, when de)ired, to gi1e &cce)) to their /ook) for the in1e)tig&tion of &ny ,&tter), th&t )o the truth ,&y /e the /etter )ifted /y & ,utu&l e2hi/ition &nd coll&tion of writing), &nd thu) /e /rought to ,ore o'en light6 +hether or no the 'r&ctice w&) & wi)e one i) difficult to 5udge &t thi) inter1&l of ti,e6 !he 3ew) could h&rdly /e e2'ected to ,&ke & 1olunt&ry &udience6 But thi) &t le&)t ,u)t /e )&id in f&1or of the ,ethod. it g&1e o''ortunity to the 3ewi)h religiou) le&der) to offer 'u/licly & cle&r )t&te,ent of their f&ith with full li/erty of )'eech, under )&fegu&rd), /efore 1(6 *entile eccle)i&)tic) who were dee'ly ignor&nt of 3ud&i),6 $t hel'ed to ,&ke '&tent to the ,o)t /igoted th&t the 3ew w&) & thinking )entient hu,&n /eing with & dee' religiou) con)ciou)ne)), &nd not & godle)) '&ri&h, who, to )l&y w&) & Chri)ti&n )er1ice6 $t )u/)tituted the &rgu,ent of re&)on for )tu'id cruelty &nd lu)t6 !he &ge of di)'ut&tion) ,&rk) & definite turning 'oint in the tre&t,ent of the 3ew), which w&) to he&d u' to hu,&ni),6 ?ro, th&t ti,e, ,&))&cre) gr&du&lly ce&)ed, &t le&)t in ci1ili-ed countrie), &nd the ghetto w&ll), if they i)ol&ted, &l)o 'rotected the )on of A/r&h&,6 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity, &l/eit unwittingly, h&d )&1ed $)r&el fro, )o,e of the ,ore terri/le &)'ect) of &nti#Se,iti),6


1(D Ch&'ter C$$$ 1 De)'ite the gener&l &nti'&thy to the 3ew) in the >iddle Age), ,&ny of the, were &llowed to hold high office) of )l&te, e)'eci&lly tho)e who h&d &cce'ted the Chri)ti&n f&ith6 either did the ,o)t no/le hou)e) di)d&in to gi1e their d&ughter) in ,&rri&ge to e,inent 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n)6 B&'ti), &''e&red to e2erci)e &n &l,o)t ,&gic&l 'ower in re,o1ing the )e,itic It&int,J )o th&t while the geniu) of the He/rew re,&ined &nd guided the 'olicie) of ,&ny '&rt) of "uro'e, the 3ewi)h fle)h &nd /lood which h&d inherited th&t geniu) underwent & ,et&,or'ho)i), &nd the )u''o)ed in5uriou) Bu&litie) were neutr&li-ed6 A) the con1er)ion) during thi) 'eriod, whether co,'ul)ory or re&l, were nu,erou), it c&,e &/out th&t in the 'rinci'&l 3ewi)h center), &nd e)'eci&lly in S'&in6 few of the '&trici&n f&,ilie) could )&y th&t they h&d not 3ewi)h /lood in their 1ein)6 A) l&te &) the eighteenth century in 0ortug&l, when <ing 3o)e'h $ thought of 'u/li)hing &n edict co,,&nding &ll who were of 3ewi)h de)cent to we&r & yellow c&', hi) ,ini)ter the >&rBui) de 0&,/&l 're)ented hi,)elf /efore the ,on&rch with three of the c&')6 I+h&t &re the)e forMJ inBuired the king6 IOne i) for your >&5e)ty, one for the *r&nd $nBui)itor, &nd one i) for ,y)elf6J w&) 0&,/&l8) re'ly6 !he 'ure Ary&n &nce)try de,&nded /y ,ode, *er,&ny, would 'r&ctic&lly e2clude the whole *er,&n 'o'ul&tion if tr&ced /&ck f&r enough6 !he ridiculou) )ide of the &-i inBui)ition i) e2'o)ed /y & )tory they tell6 Little 9ed 9iding Hood i) w&lking in the *runew&ld, when )he ,eet) the wolf6 I+here &re you goingMJ &)k) the wolf6 I!o look for ,y gr&nd,other,J re'lie) 9ed 9iding Hood6 IAhLJ )&y) the wolf, )lyly, Ithere &re ,&ny 'eo'le hooking for their gr&nd,other) the)e d&y)6J "1en the roy&l hou)e of the H&')/urg), tr&cing it) &nce)try through the Count) of A1entin to the 0ierleoni), would /e of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n origin6 $t i) in)tructi1e to follow the fortune) of two e,inent 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n f&,ilie), who ,&y /e t&ken &) re're)enting K the 0ierleoni) of $t&ly, 5u)t ,entioned, &nd the C&rth&gen&) of S'&in6 !he 0ierleoni f&,ily w&) founded in the ele1enth century /y one B&ruch, & we&lthy 3ewi)h /&nker of 9o,e6 On /eco,ing & Chri)ti&n, he l&tini-ed hi) n&,e to Benedictu) Chri)ti&nu) &nd ,&rried the d&ughter of & 9o,&n no/le,&n6 Hi) )on Leo de Benedicto Chri)ti&no /ec&,e & 'owerful figure in 9o,&n 'olitic&l life, &ffili&ting hi,)elf with the '&'&l 1(7 '&rty, &nd owning & c&)tle in !r&)te1ere6 Hi) e'it&'h Buoted /y B&roniu) under the ye&r A6D6 1111 )how) the e)tee, in which he w&) held6 $t i) notice&/le th&t the 3ewi)h )ide of hi) '&ternity i) o,itted in the e'it&'h, only hi) no/le 9o,&n ,other i) ,entioned61;6 Leo8) )on, 0etru) Leoni), fro, who, the f&,ily took it) n&,e of 0ierleoni, w&) e1en ,ore di)tingui)hed &nd &''e&r) to h&1e &tt&ined the r&nk of con)ul6 !hi) 0etru) Lconi) continued hi) f&ther8) 'olicy, controlling the $)ol& !i/erin& in &ddition to the c&)tle in !r&)te1ere, &nd h&1ing &nother c&)tle o''o)ite the !i/er /ridge ne&r the old the&ter of >&rcellu), which w&) included in the fortific&tion)6 He w&) the le&der of the '&'&l '&rty &nd the ,o)t f&ithful &nd 'owerful 'rotector of the 'o'e)6 Hr/&n $$ died in 0etru)8 c&)tle, &nd the l&tter defended the c&u)e of 0&)ch&l $$ &g&in)t the &nti'o'e) &nd the e,'eror6 +hen Henry : c&,e to 9o,e, 0etru) Leoni) w&) &t the he&d of the '&'&l leg&tion which effected & reconcili&tion /etween the 'o'e &nd the e,'eror, /ut 0&)ch&l8) &tte,'t to ,&ke the )on of 0etru) 'refect of the city c&u)ed & riot61;D 0etru) &))i)ted in the li/er&tion of 0o'e *el&)iu) $$, &nd took & 'ro,inent '&rt in the election

of C&li2tu) $$6 !he l&tter 'o'e )ignified hi) recognition of thi) )er1ice, /y &''ointing hi) )on 0etru) 0ierleoni, he&d of the '&'&l leg&tion to ?r&nce, &nd &fterw&rd) u)ing hi, for )e1er&l i,'ort&nt ,i))ion)6 0etru) died in 1127, h&1ing )een hi) )on cre&ted C&rdin&l 0ierleoni, &nd & d&ughter ,&rried to <ing 9oger of Sicily6 !wo ye&r) l&ter & re,&rk&/le e1ent h&''ened6 On the throne of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n, &'o)tle 0eter, )&t &nother 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n of the )&,e n&,e K 0etru), C&rdin&l 0ierleoni, h&d /een elected 'o'e &) An&cletu) $$6 !here w&) o''o)ition, for & ri1&l f&ction &t 9o,e h&d elected $nnocent $$6 An&cletu) w&) 1ilified /y hi) ene,ie), who e1en &ccu)ed hi, of ince)t6 !he Arch/i)ho' of 9&1enn& )tig,&ti-ed hi) tenure of office &), I#udai%; perifid; heresisJ Ethe here)y of 3ewi)h un/eliefFA /ut e1en )o )&intly & ,&n &) St Bern&rd of Cl&ir1&&u2, who u'held the cl&i,) of $nnocent, &nd w&) not unfriendly to the 3ew), did not re&li-e the irony of hi) re,&rk in &n e'i)tle to Loth&ir, th&t Ito the )h&,e of Chri)t, & ,&n of 3ewi)h origin w&) co,e to occu'y the ch&ir of St6 0eter6J De)'ite c&lu,in&tion, howe1er, An&cletu) re,&ined in office until hi) de&th in 11376 Afterw&rd) the 0ierleoni f&,ily ,&de 'e&ce with the ri1&l '&rty6 So ,&ny honor) he&'ed u'on it) ,e,/er) ,ight /e thought to h&1e )ufficed for &ny one f&,ilyA /ut further di)tinction w&) to follow, for & /rother of An&cletu), 3ord&n 0ierleoni, w&) elected Sen&tor, &nd & little 1(9 l&ter &) 0&triciu) /ec&,e in 11;; he&d of the 9o,&n 9e'u/lic6 So, for & ti,e in thi) 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n hou)e, 9o,e &nd 3eru)&le, were reconciled6 $n the )&,e century, &nother /rother, Leo 0ierleoni, w&) '&'&l deleg&te &t Sutir E11;2F together with & ne'hew, 0etru)6 Cenciu) 0ierleoni, )o,e ye&r) &fterw&rd), w&) )crini&riu) of the Church, &nd 3ohn 0ierlecni w&) &''ointed "lector /y 0o'e $nnocent $$$, &nd in thi) c&'&city cho)e *regory 0etri Leoni) 9&inerii &) Sen&tor, !he f&,ily continued to e2tend it) influence for ,&ny )u/)eBuent gener&tion)6 !he )econd f&,ily with which we &re concerned i) th&t of the C&rth&gen&) in S'&in, founded /y the cele/r&ted 9&//i Solo,on H&le1i, &fterw&rd) Bi)ho' 0&ul of Burgo)6 Solo,on H&le1i, )on of $)&&c H&le1i, w&) /orn &t Burgo) &/out 13%1, &nd /ec&,e one of the we&lthie)t ,en of th&t city, /e)ide) /eing dee'ly le&rned in the !&l,udic liter&ture6 He offici&ted &) 9&//i of Burgo) &nd w&) highly 'r&i)ed for hi) )chol&r)hi' &nd 'iety /y $)&&c /en She)het with who, he c&rried on & lengthy corre)'ondence61;7 A/&r/&nel &l)o, in hi) co,,ent&ry on $)&i&h 3;, c&ll) hi, & wi)e ,&n6 $n 13D6 he ,&rried, &nd hi) wife /ore hi, four )on) &nd one d&ughter6 +hen in hi) fortieth ye&r he /eg&n & )eriou) )tudy of the cl&i,) of Chri)ti&nity, /eing led thereto /y hi) intercour)e with Chri)ti&n) &nd the lo&n to hin /y & friend of !ho,&) ABuin&)8 tre&ti)e .e Le+ibus' He w&) induced to notice the >e))i&nic 'ro'hecie) in the Old !e)t&,ent, e)'eci&lly #eremiah 31, &nd fro, thi) 'oint he went on to re&d the ew !e)t&,ent, &nd '&rticul&rly the 0&uline "'i)tle)6 $t w&) the)e th&t fin&lly /rought &/out hi) con1er)ion, &) he &fterw&rd) )&id, I*aulus me ad findim %on"ertit6J On 3uly 21, 139(, Solo,on w&) 'u/licly /&'ti-ed in the C&thedr&l of Burgo), together with hi) ,other &nd children, &nd took the n&,e of 0&ul de S&nt& >&ri&A hi) /rother) 0edro Su&re&nd Al1&&r *&rci& were &l)o /&'ti-ed, /ut hi) wife 3o&nn&, who, he de&rly lo1ed, would not then /e con1inced, &nd he w&) forced for & ti,e to )e'&r&te fro, her6 She w&) reconciled l&ter, &nd when )he died in 1;2( w&) /uried in the Church of S6 0&/lo, /uilt /y her hu)/&nd6 ?orty ye&r) of &ge &) he w&), well 1er)ed in 'hilo)o'hy &nd theology6 0&ul did not di)d&in to


)it &,ong the young theologic&l )tudent) of 0&ri) to &cBuire hi) Doctor&te of Di1inity6 On one occ&)ion &t thi) ti,e, he w&) 'ri1ileged to 're&ch /efore 0edro de Lun&, &fterw&rd) 0o'e Benedict C$$$6 After 0&ri) c&,e & 1i)it to London, fro, which city he )ent to Don >eir Algu&de) & He/rew )&tire on the 3ewi)h fe&)t of 0uri,6 9eturned to hi) 11( n&ti1e l&nd, he w&) )oon &''ointed Archde&con of !re1ino &nd in 1;(2 w&) ,&de Bi)ho' of C&rthgen&, h&1ing /een for three ye&r) C&non of Se1ille6 He h&d not forgotten hi) own 'eo'le, &nd through hi) in)tru,ent&lity, ,&ny 3ew) were won for Chri)t, including the f&,ou) Dr6 3o)hu& Al#LorBui, &lre&dy ,entioned6 A) the S'&ni)h chronicle) )&y, I%opiosas frutos de %on"ersioneJ were gr&nted to hi,6 By thi) ti,e the f&,e of hi) le&rning &nd Chri)ti&n 'iety h&d re&ched the e&r) of <ing Henry $$$ of C&)tile, the in1&lid, who, on hi) de&th &''ointed 0&ul /y will <ee'er of the 9oy&l Se&l in )ucce))ion to Don 0edro Lo'e- de Ay&l&, &nd tutor of hi) inf&nt )on &nd )ucce))or, 3ohn $$A he w&) &l)o ,&de & ,e,/er of the Council of 9egency with the Gueen#>other Donn& C&t&lin& &nd the $nf&nte Don ?ern&ndo during the young king8) ,inority6 He continued in high f&1or &t court, &nd rendered i,'ort&nt )t&te )er1ice until hi) de&th6 $n 1;1;, the Arch/i)ho'ric of Burgo) fell 1&c&nt, &nd 0&ul w&) &''ointed to the )e&t6 $t w&) & gre&t d&y of re5oicing in the city of Burgo) when the new Bi)ho' c&,e with /ell) ringing to hi) '&l&ce in the 'l&ce of hi) /irth6 A,ong tho)e who &w&ited hi, there were hi) old ,other, >&ri&, &nd hi) now /elie1ing wife, 3o&nn&6 !he)e were not long )'&red to hi,, howe1er, for hi) ,other died in 1;16 &nd hi) wife in 1;2(6 He hi,)elf li1ed on until A'ril 29, 1;3%, &nd )&w with 'ride hi) )on Alfon)o ele1&ted to hi) own /i)ho'ric during hi) lifeti,e6 He died &t the &d1&nced &ge of eighty#three, &nd w&) /uried in the f&,ily 1&ult th&t he h&d /uilt6 !he )&intly ,&n left & te)t&,ent to hi) )on th&t )'e&k) well for the )incerity of hi) f&ith &nd hi) dee' de1otion to the )er1ice of Chri)t6 A) it i) the fulle)t 'er)on&l ,e,ori&l of &ny 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n of thi) 'eriod, we ,&y u)efully Buote & f&irly lengthy e2tr&ct6 +h&t would you ,o)t wi)h, ,y de&rly /elo1ed )on, th&t $ )hould le&1e &) & leg&cy to you &t ,y de&thM +h&t could /e /etter th&n to &dd to the knowledge you &lre&dy 'o))e)) of Holy Scri'ture, which will )trengthen your feet in the '&th of & well directed -e&l for Chri)ti&n truthM $t i) thi) which $ /e&r in ,y he&rt, of which $ ,&ke confe))ion with ,y li'), &nd concerning which $ under)t&nd the word) of the 'ro'het I!he f&ther )h&ll te&ch hi) children thy truth6J $ w&) not ,y)elf thu) t&ught in the d&y) of ,y youth, /ut w&) /rought u' in 3ewi)h /lindne)) &nd incredulity. while le&rning Holy Scri'ture fro, 111 un)&nctified te&cher), $ recei1ed erroneou) o'inion) fro, erring ,en, who cloud the 'ure letter of Scri'ture /y i,'ure in1ention), &) )uch te&cher) h&1e /een wont to do6 But when it 'le&)ed Hi, who)e ,ercie) &re infinite to c&ll ,e fro, d&rkne)) to light, &nd fro, the de'th of the 'it to the o'en &ir of he&1en, the )c&le) )ee,ed &) it were to f&ll fro, the eye) of ,y under)t&nding, &nd $ /eg&n to

re&d Holy Scri'ture with ,y ,ind in '&rt rele&)ed fro, the /ond) of 're5udice &nd un/elief6 $ /eg&n to )eek for truth, no longer tru)ting to the 'ower of ,y own intellect, /ut with & hu,/led )'irit, 'r&ying *od fro, the he&rt to ,&ke known to ,e wh&t ,ight /e for the )&l1&tion of ,y )oul6 D&y &nd night $ )ought hel' fro, Hi,, &nd thu) it c&,e to '&)) th&t ,y lo1e for the Chri)ti&n f&ith )o ,uch incre&)ed, th&t &t length $ w&) &/le o'enly to confe)) the /elief which ,y he&rt h&d &lre&dy recei1ed6 Afterw&rd), &) ti,e '&))ed on, $ de1oted ,y)elf yet ,ore to the )tudy of Holy Scri'ture, re&ding /oth the !e)t&,ent)6 he&ring the word) of li1ing te&cher), &nd con)ulting the writing) of holy ,en, our 'redece))or)A thu) $, who w&) for,erly & te&cher of error, &, /eco,e, /y the gr&ce of *od, & le&rner of truth, &nd h&1e continued to the gre&t &ge $ h&1e now &tt&ined6 $ c&n )&y in truth th&t &,id the 're))ure of worldly /u)ine)), &nd the c&re) of ,y /i)ho'ric, which h&1e occu'ied ,uch of ,y ti,e, there i) no con)ol&tion to /e co,'&red to th&t $ h&1e found in the conte,'l&tion of the "tern&l *od /y the )tudy of Hi) holy &nd )'otle)) word6 One circu,)t&nce, howe1er, $ c&nnot '&)) o1er in )ilence, th&t to u), the de)cend&nt) of Le1i, h&1e /een fulfilled the 'ro,i)e) written )o ,&ny hundred) of ye&r) &goA I+herefore there )h&ll not /e for the Le1ite & 'ortion or inherit&nce &,ong hi) /rethrenA the Lord Hi,)elf i) hi) inherit&nce, &) the Lord thy *od h&) )&id to hi,6J !ruly *od Hi,)elf i) our inherit&nce6 Chri)t i) our 'ortion, who h&) )&id of old ti,e th&t He )h&ll cle&n)e the )on) of Le1i &nd 'urify the,, &nd they )hould /e the Lord8), to 're)ent thi) offering, which He will not only look u'on, /ut &cce't &t our h&nd)6 $t i) u)eful &nd nece))&ry th&t you )hould know &lt the ,ercie) of ,y *od tow&rd) ,e, &nd & true &nd )incere ,e,ori&l of the, c&nnot /e t&2ed with 'ride6 !o you, in '&rticul&r6 $ &ddre)) the)e recollection), th&t wh&t you h&1e not )een with your eye) ,&y yet /e engr&1en on your ,e,ory &) co,ing fro, the li') of your f&ther, th&t in your turn you ,&y tell tho)e who &re younger th&n you, &nd they to their de)cend&nt), not to forget the 112 word) of the Lord nor ce&)e fro, the )tudy of Hi) Holy +ord6 L&?uente )&y) of 0&ul of Burgo), th&t he w&), Ithe ,o)t e,inent &nd the wi)e)t ,&n th&t S'&in 'roduced in the fifteenth century, &nd he ,&y &l)o /e reg&rded &) the ,o)t e,inent in the Church6J $t i) difficult to i,&gine th&t )uch & ,&n could /e &))oci&ted with the twenty#four h&r)h en&ct,ent) &g&in)t the 3ew) i))ued /y the Council of 9egency in 1;12 in the n&,e of the youthful <ing 3ohn, &nd one ,u)t look to the &rrog&nt /e&ring of )o,e of the loc&l 3ewi)h ,&gn&te) for e2tenu&ting circu,)t&nce)6 !h&t he lo1ed hi) own /rethren c&nnot /e dou/ted, &nd in hi) /e)t known work, .ialo+us *auli et $auli Contra #ud;os, si"e $%rutinium $%ripturarum he wroteA A) for the re,n&nt of $)r&el, which )h&ll re,&in &t the co,ing of Chri)t, we fir,ly /elie1e th&t when the delu)ion of Antichri)t h&) /een ,&de ,&nife)t, they will turn in truth to the >e))i&h, &nd for hi) )&ke endure ,uch 'er)ecution, continuing to the end )te&df&)t in the f&ith 6666 !hu) &t l&)t )h&ll the whole n&tion of $)r&el /e /rought to the f&ith in Chri)t6 He thu) )how) hi,)elf to h&1e h&d the )&,e ho'e &) hi) &'o)tolic n&,e)&ke, who, &l)o in

other re)'ect) he )o clo)ely re)e,/led, 0&ul i) further re,e,/ered for hi) Addenda to the *ostills of the Bible of icol&) de Lyr&6 0&ul of Burgo) w&) worthily followed /y hi) four )on)6 !he )econd, Don Alfon)o de C&rth&gen& E137%#1;%6F, fir)t )tudied l&w &nd 'hilo)o'hy, &nd w&) ,&de )ucce))i1ely De&con of S&nti&go &nd Sego1i&, Archde&con of Co,'o))tell&, &nd e1entu&lly &) we h&1e )een followed hi) f&ther &) Bi)ho' of Burgo)6 !ogether with thi) elder /rother Don *on-&lo *&rci& de S&nt& >&ri&, he re're)ented S'&in &t the Council of B&)le E1;31F, &nd w&) tre&ted with gre&t re)'ect for hi) le&rning6 He w&) )'oken of &) Ithe 5oy of S'&in &nd the delight of religion6J At one ti,e, 0o'e "ugeniu) $:, he&ring th&t he w&) &/out to '&y & 1i)it to 9o,e, re,&rked in full concl&1e Ith&t in the 're)ence of )uch & ,&n he felt &)h&,ed to /e )e&ted in the ch&ir of St6 0eter6J Don Alfon)o 'u/li)hed nu,erou) work) includingA A Chroni%le of the >in+s of $pain, & tre&ti)e on Chri)ti&n ,or&lity6 entitled =nstru%tion for >ni+hts and Memorials of <irtue, tr&n)l&tion) of )e1er&l /ook) of Senec& &nd Cicero into S'&ni)h, &nd & co,,ent&ry on the twenty#)i2th 0)&l,6 !he elde)t /rother, Don *on-&lo *&rci& de S&nt& >&ri& E13D9#1;;7F, w&) h&rdly le)) di)tingui)hed6 He w&) & )tudent /oth or the cl&))ic) &nd 113 of r&//inic&l liter&ture6 *on-&lo re're)ented Ar&gon &t the Council) of B&)le &nd Con)t&nce6 He w&) in turn Archde&con of Bri1ie)c&, Bi)ho' of A)torg&, Bi)ho' of 0l&centi&, &nd Bi)ho' of Siguen-&6 !he third )on, Al1&r *&rci& deS&nt& >&ri&, w&) for )o,e ti,e )ecret&ry to 3ohn $$ of C&)tile, &nd l&ter to 3ohn8) uncle, Don ?ern&ndo, on hi) /eco,ing <ing of Ar&gon6 He wrote the Chroni%les of #ohn == down to the ye&r 1;2(6 !he fourth )on, 0edro de C&rth&gen&, did not enter the Church, /ut i) known &) & no/le knight &nd cour&geou) )oldier6 At & tourn&,ent held in the 're)ence of <ing 3ohn of C&)tile, he won the 'ri-e in 5ou)ting with the flower of S'&ni)h chi1&lry6 He w&) one of the knight) who 'l&yed & 1&li&nt '&rt &t the /&ttle of *r&n&d&, 1;316 Don 0edro occu'ied the 'o)ition of ,e,/er of the ,unici'&lity Ethe Corte)F of Burgo), &nd &) l&te &) the eighteenth century, &ccording to D& Co)t&, the f&,ily, 'er'etu&ted through hi,, I)till 're)er1ed in S'&in the r&nk &nd high e)tee, which their &nce)tor) for,erly o/t&ined6J1;9 During the ci1il w&r which took 'l&ce in the reign of Henry $: of C&)tile, the C&rth&gen&) )ided with the :el&)co), Count) of H&ro, &g&in)t the >&nrico), Count) of !re1ino6 $n one of the )kir,i)he), Don Al1&r de C&rth&gen&, )on of Don 0edro, w&) killed6 Such in /rief i) the record of the)e two di)tingui)hed 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n f&,ilie) who f&ithfully )er1ed their d&y &nd gener&tion6 2 During thi) 'eriod, we he&r little of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) in the "&)tern Church, /ut undou/tedly there were & con)ider&/le nu,/er &,ong the e)tori&n) &nd 3&co/ite)6 One n&,e, howe1er, i) out)t&nding of & ,&n who w&) gre&tly honored /y hi) conte,'or&rie) &nd i) )till held in the highe)t e)tee,, *regory A/u8l ?&r&5, )urn&,ed B&r#He/r&eu), >&'hri&n E0ri,&teF of the "&)tern Church6


Born &t >eliten& in 1226, *regory w&) the )on of & 3ewi)h 'hy)ici&n n&,e A&ron, who )ee,) to h&1e e,/r&ced Chri)ti&nity6 $n hi) e&rly childhood he &lre&dy g&1e 'ro,i)e of gre&tne)), &nd /e)ide) ,&)tering the *reek, Syri&c &nd Ar&/ic l&ngu&ge), he &l)o )tudied 'hilo)o'hy, theology &nd ,edicine6 Hi) f&ther w&) in)tru,ent&l in curing & di)e&)e fro, which S&urn&1inu), & !&rt&r gener&l, w&) )uffering. &nd thi) led to the ,igr&tion of the f&,ily to Antioch6 Here *regory co,,enced the life of &n &nchorite, &nd w&) 1i)ited in hi) c&1e /y >&r $gn&tiu), 0&tri&rch of S&/&, 11; who w&) to /eco,e hi) gre&t friend &nd )u''orter6 $t w&) $gn&tiu) who ord&ined hi, Bi)ho' of *u/o), on Se'te,/er 1;, 12;6, when he w&) only twenty ye&r) of &ge6 After ,&ny other 'refer,ent), it w&) $gn&tiu) &g&in who cre&ted hi, >&'hri&n of the e&)tern Church with hi) )c&t &t !&grit on the !igri), &/out A6D6 12666 +6"6+6 C&rr in & )hort /iogr&'hy1%( write) of *regory th&tA During hi) forty ye&r)8 e'i)co'&te, he w&) ne1er known to h&1e recei1ed & f&rthing fro, &nyone6 +hen the f&ithful /rought 'ur)e) of ,oney to hi, &) & ,e&n) of e2're))ing their th&nk), he &lw&y) refu)ed to recei1e the,, &nd if they were left in hi) ch&,/er he would &lw&y) )&y to the fir)t of hi) di)ci'le) who h&''ened to co,eA I!&ke the)e thing) out of ,y )ight6J He 'o))e))ed the 3ewi)h whole#he&rtedne)) &nd lo1e of thoroughne)) in the di)ch&rge of hi) work6 He w&) & ,&n who)e religiou) -e&l w&) founded u'on con1iction which h&d only t&ken root in hi) )oul &fter the dee'e)t u'he&1&l) &nd fierce )truggle) with de)'&ir &nd un/elief6 He knew how to t&ckle the ,o)t delic&te )itu&tion) in the )'irit of the true gentle,&n6 He w&) 'o))e))ed of & )&1ing )en)e of hu,or &nd knew the i,'ort&nce of the occ&)ion&l rel&2&tion of the ,ind fro, the )tr&in i,'o)ed /y work &nd )tudy6 +hile hi) own ,ind w&) cle&r &nd re)olute on the ,&tter of the doctrine &nd di)ci'line of the church, theologic&l &nd eccle)i&)tic&l di)'ute) were hi) &/o,in&tion6 *regory w&) 1ery ,uch i,'re))ed with the w&y in which hi) life )ee,ed to h&1e /een ,&rked out in e2&ct 'eriod)6 I!he ye&r in which S&turn &nd 3u'iter were in con5unction in ABu&riu),J he wrote, Iw&) th&t in which $ w&) /orn6 Ag&in, twenty ye&r) l&ter, when they were in con5unction in Li/r&, $ w&) con)ecr&ted Bi)ho'6 After &nother twenty ye&r), when they were in con5unction in *e,ini, $ &tt&ined the r&nk of >&'hri&n, &nd &fter &nother twenty ye&r), when they &re &g&in in con5unction in ABu&riu), $ think ,y ti,e h&) co,e to de'&rt thi) life6J or w&) he ,i)t&ken, for he '&))ed &w&y on 3uly 3(, 12766 Hi) l&)t word) to hi) di)ci'le) wereA IA/ide in lo1e, &nd /e not )e'&r&ted fro, e&ch other, for when ye &re g&thered together in ch&rity, $ will /e in the ,id)t of you6J Hi) funer&l &t >&r&g& w&) on & 1&)t )c&le, &ll )ho') were clo)ed, &nd e1eryone 1ied with the other to '&y hi, & l&)t tri/ute6 !he )terling Bu&litie) of hi) ,ind h&1e /een 'er'etu&ted in & whole c&t&logue of )chol&rly work), of which 'erh&') the /e)t known &re hi) Syri&c Chronicle &nd hi) Syri&c *r&,,&r6


11% Ch&'ter C$: 1 Honor) did not &lw&y) rew&rd the 3ewi)h con1ert), &nd in )o,e countrie) they were de'ri1ed of &ll their 'o))e))ion) on /&'ti),6 !hi) w&) /ec&u)e &) Chri)ti&n), they ce&)ed to /e l&wful 'rey of the ruler6 !he te)t &t le&)t e)t&/li)hed the )incerity of their 'rofe))ion) of f&ith, /ut it freBuently left the, in the dire)t 'o1erty6 !he )itu&tion led in "ngl&nd to the e)t&/li)h,ent of th&t intere)ting in)titution the .omus Con"ersorum, or Con1ert) Ho,e6 !he fir)t of it) kind &''e&r) to h&1e /een /uilt in the neigh/orhood of Southw&rk /y 9ich&rd of Ber,ond)ey in 1213A it w&) known &) I!he Ho)'it&l of Con1ert)6J L&ter, there w&) & .omus /oth in O2ford &nd London founded /y Henry $$$, the for,er &/out 123; &nd the London hou)e )o,e two ye&r) e&rlier6 +ood ECity of O2fordF )'e&k) of the O2ford Do,u) &)A & 'l&ce for tho)e 3ew) &nd infidel) th&t were con1erted to the Chri)ti&n f&ith in O2on to re)ide in &nd h&1e )ufficient ,&inten&nce fro, the <ing &nd other 'iou) well#di)'o)ed 'eo'le6 $n & )hort ti,e &fter it w&) )o /rought &/out &nd no ),&ll nu,/er of the)e con1ert) h&d their &/ode in thi) 'l&ce &nd were t&ught &nd in)tructed in the doctrine of the church, &nd h&d &n orthodo2 &nd le&rned 'rie)t to go1ern the,6 >ention of the)e con1erted 'eo'le $ often find in record) )tiled /y the )ir#n&,e le %on"ers &nd, ,ore '&rticul&rly, in St ?ride)wyde8) regi)ter wherein in di1er) ch&rter) there /e the n&,e) of "1e con1er), "illi&, le con1er) &nd ichol&) le con1er) &nd Ail/ le con1er) &nd the like6 !he Ho,e w&) )itu&ted ne&r wh&t i) now Blue Bo&r Street6 Of f&r gre&ter i,'ort&nce &nd with & long &nd e1entful hi)tory w&) the London .omus' !he origin&l Ch&rter of Henry $$$ Etr&n)l&ted fro, the L&tinF run) &) follow)A !he king to the &rch/i)ho'), etc6, greeting6 Be it known th&t we, /y the in)titution of *od, &nd for the )&fety of our )oul, &nd of the )oul) of our 'redece))or) &nd of our heir), h&1e gr&nted, &nd /y thi) our ch&rter confir,ed for u) &nd for our heir) to the hou)e which we c&u)ed to /e /uilt in the )treet which i) c&lled ew Street, /etween the old &nd new te,'le of London, for the ,&inten&nce of the con1erted /rethren, &nd tho)e to /e con1erted fro, 3ud&i), to the C&tholic f&ith, &nd for the &id of the 116 ,&inten&nce of the)e /rethren th&t dwelt in the )&id hou)e, the hou)e) &nd l&nd) which /elonged to 3ohn Her/erton, in London, &nd &re in our 'o))e))ion &) forfeited Ee2ce't the g&rden which /elonged to the )&id 3ohn in the &fore)&id ew Street, &nd which we gr&nted for,erly /y our ch&rter to the 1ener&/le ?&ther 9udol'h, of Chiche)ter, our Ch&ncellorF, &nd &ll other forfeiture) which in our ti,e, /y felony, or fro, &ny other c&u)e, will f&ll to u) in our city6 or in the )u/ur/) of our city, London6 +herefore we wi)h, &nd fir,ly in5oin for u) &nd for our heir), th&t the &fore)&id hou)e h&1e &nd hold freely, &nd Buietly, &nd in 'e&ce, for the ,&inten&nce of the con1erted /rethren, &nd tho)e to /e con1erted fro, 3ud&i), to the C&tholic f&ith, in &id for the ,&inten&nce of the)e /rethren th&t dwell in the )&,e hou)e, the hou)e) &nd l&nd) which /elonged to 3ohn Her/erton, in London,

&nd &re in our 'o))e))ion, &) if our forfeiture Ee2ce't the g&rden which /elonged to the )&,e 3ohn in the &fore)&id )treet, ew Street &nd which for,erly /y our ch&rter we gr&nted to the 1ener&/le ?&ther 9udol'h, Bi)ho' of Chiche)ter, our Ch&ncellorF, &nd &ll other forfeiture) which in our ti,e, /y felony, or fro, wh&te1er other c&u)e), will f&ll to u) in our city, London, &) we h&1e /efore)&id, etc61%1 !he )treet in which the .omus w&) )itu&ted e1entu&lly /ec&,e Ch&ncery L&ne, &nd the /uilding it)elf fin&lly c&,e to /e u)ed &) & )torehou)e for the roll) of Ch&ncery, &nd it) ch&'el /ec&,e the 9oll) Ch&'el6 ?or & con)ider&/le 'eriod, fro, &/out 133(, the office of >&)ter of the 9oll) w&) co,/ined with w&rden)hi' of the 3ewi)h Con1ert)8 Ho,e, &nd in the)e c&'&citie) !ho,&) Cro,well, 1ic&r#gener&l of Henry :$$$, re)ided there6 H&d the .omus continued to function into the nineteenth century6 & 'rofe))ing 3ew, Sir *eorge 3e))el, ,&de >&)ter of the 9oll) in 17D3, would h&1e /een it) w&rden6 By thi) ti,e, howe1er, the /uilding) h&d /een de,oli)hed, &nd &n Act of 1791 re,o1ed the l&)t leg&l tr&ce) of it) function)6 During the long 'eriod of the Ho,e8) &cti1itie) nu,erou) 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) of /oth )e2e) were in,&te), &nd one, >&rtin, )on of Henry +ood)tock E1;13#1;67F li1ed there for fifty#fi1e ye&r)6 !wo wo,en, & ,other &nd her d&ughter ## 3o&nn& &nd Alice of D&rt,outh, who c&,e to the Ho,e in 1;(9, re,&ined for ne&rly &) long, forty &nd forty#fi1e ye&r) re)'ecti1ely6 !he nu,/er of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) who &1&iled the,)el1e) 11D of the 'rotection of the .omus fro, the d&te of it) found&tion r&n into )e1er&l hundred), &nd &,ong the ,ore intere)ting n&,e) ,entioned in the record) &re the followingA "li-&/eth, d&ughter of 9&//i >o)e) Iepis%opus #udaiorum,J 13396 9e,&ined )e1enteen ye&r) &nd ,&rried & London t&ilor n&,ed D&1id 0ole6 3ohn de S&nt& >&ri& E13D1#1;(%F6 0erh&') & rel&ti1e of the Bi)ho' of Burgo)6 &th&niel Efor,erly 3ehud&hF >end& E1%97#16(7F6 He h&iled fro, the B&r/&ry St&te), &nd w&) 'u/licly /&'ti-ed in London /y 3ohn ?o2e, &uthor of The Boo of Martyrs' 0hili' ?erdin&nd fro, 0ol&nd E1%97#16((F6 He h&d /een 'rofe))or of He/rew &t O2ford &nd C&,/ridge6 &nd l&ter of Leyden Hni1er)ity6 !he record) end in 16(7, though &) l&te &) 1D1D & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n of London 'etitioned <ing *eorge $ for & gr&nt fro, the fund) of .omus' ?ro, the ti,e of the e2'ul)ion of the 3ew) fro, "ngl&nd in 129( until their re)tor&tion /y the 0rotector Oli1er Cro,well, 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) were &/out the only 3ew) the citi-en) of London e1er )&w6 !he origin&l gr&nt to e&ch in,&te w&) 11S2 d6 for ,&le), eBu&l tod&y to &/out 2)6 6d6, &nd 1d for fe,&le)6 !he tot&l &nnu&l gr&nt fro, Henry $$$8) tre&)ury w&) &/out T;,(((, /ut thi) w&) not &lw&y) forthco,ing &nd the con1ert) were in gre&t di)tre))6 A )u''le,ent&ry inco,e w&) therefore gr&nted, r&i)ed /y & 'oll#t&2, c&lled the %he"a+e, on &ll uncon1erted 3ew) &/o1e the &ge of twel1e61%2 One 3ew, who ,ight h&1e /eco,e &n in,&te of the .omus, w&) forced to le&1e "ngl&nd with "dw&rd $8) /&ni)h,ent of the 3ew) K icol&) de Lyr& Eor icol&) of LynnF, who w&) to /eco,e the her&ld) of the 9efor,&tion6 I!i%olaus Lyrannus ex #ud;orum +enere An+lus,J write) B&le. /ut it i) only right to )t&te th&t hi) 3ewi)h /irth h&) /een conte)ted6 !here &re good ground), howe1er, for /elie1ing th&t he w&) & 3ew6 H&1ing /een educ&ted &t O2ford, he went to 0&ri),

where he w&) /&'ti-ed &nd 5oined the ?r&nci)c&n order &t :erneiul in 12916 L&ter he /ec&,e Doctor of !heology &nd t&ught &t the Sor/onne until 132%, when he w&) &''ointed 0ro1inci&l of the ?r&nci)c&n) in Burgundy6 +ell 1er)ed in !&l,udic&l liter&ture, he f&1ored the liter&l inter'ret&tion of Scri'ture &fter the ,ethod of the gre&t 3ewi)h co,,ent&tor 9&)hi6 ?or hi,, die intention of the &uthor w&) the ,o)t i,'ort&nt c&non of e2ege)i), &nd he )et hi,)elf in hi) chief work *ostill;, *erbetu;, si"e Bre"ia 117 Commentaria in 9ni"ersa Biblia to e2'l&in the Old &nd ew !e)t&,ent) on wh&t he held to /e the corrected 'rinci'le), not )'&ring in the cour)e of the work to c&)tig&te the &/u)e) 're1&iling in the Church6 !he)e co,,ent&rie) 'ro1ed of )uch )er1ice to >&rtin Luther, th&t 0flug, Bi)ho' of &u,/erg6 w&) ,o1ed to write the f&,ou) cou'letA =s Lyra non lyrasset, Lutherus non saltasset' Other writer), &fter icl&)8 de&th in 13;(, ,&dc &ddition) to the 0o)till), &,ong the,, &) we h&1e &lre&dy noted /eing the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n Bi)ho' 0&ul of Burgo)6 ichol&) &l)o wrote & work for hi) own /rethren entitled, .e Messia (1us0ue Ad"entu *r;terito6 !hu) /ehind the 9efor,&tion, &) /ehind &l,o)t e1ery )'iritu&l &nd 'olitic&l ,o1e,ent of note, one find) the 'er)on&lity of & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n6 2 Our hi)tory now h&lt) for & /rief )'&ce in it) 'rogre)) to w&tch the '&))&ge of & )tr&nge 'roce))ion &cro)) the f&ce of "uro'e fro, the C&uc&)i&n ,ount&in) to the Al')6 +hen "/ioniti), ce&)ed to /e &n &cti1e force in Chri)ti&n &ff&ir), it /eBue&thed, &t le&)t it) ,&ntle, to whoe1er would 'rote)t &g&in)t the trinit&ri&n conce't of the *entile Church6 Alre&dy in the l&te third century, 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity h&d co,,unic&ted )o,e of it) found&tion &nd &'o)tolic /elief) to the Syri&n Chri)ti&n)6 $n tho)e d&y) flouri)hed 0&ul of S&,o)&t&, 0&tri&rch of Antioch, &n&the,&ti-ed for hi) /elief th&t the ,&n Chri)t 3e)u) h&d &tt&ined to 'erfection through o/edience, &nd h&d won through to union with *od through )u/5ug&ting hi) own will to the will of *od6 0&ul wrote in hi) Treatise to $abinus th&t in fi2ity &nd re)olutene)) of ch&r&cter, 3e)u) likened hi,)elf to *od. &nd h&1ing ke't hi,)elf free fro, )in, w&) united to *od &nd w&) en&/led to gr&)' the 'ower to work wonder)6 !he)e ,ir&cle) )how th&t o1er &nd &/o1e the will, he 'o))e))ed one &nd the )&,e &cti1ity with *od. he thu) won the title of 9edee,er &nd S&1ior6666 By )truggle &nd h&rd work he o1erc&,e the )in) of our foref&ther)A he )ucceeded in 'erfecting hi,)elf &nd through hi) ,or&l e2cellence w&) united to *od, h&1ing &tt&ined to unity &nd identity of will &nd &cti1ity through &d1&nce) on the '&th of good work)Q6 !hu) he inherited the n&,e which i) &/o1e &ll n&,e), the 119 'ri-e of lo1e &nd &ffection 1ouch)&fed to hi, in gr&ce6666 +e do not &llot 'r&i)e to tho)e who o/ey ,erely in 1irtue of their n&ture. /ut to tho)e in good ,e&)ure who )u/,it /ec&u)e their &ttitude i) one of lo1e6 !hi) w&) 'erh&') the doctrine of the &'o)tle 0&ul, who held th&t I3e)u) w&) ,&de 'erfect

through the thing) th&t he )ufferedJA cert&inly it w&) th&t of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) of the third &nd fourth centurie), who /elie1ed th&t /y li1ing the Chri)t life &ll ,en could &tt&in to Chri)thood6 ?ro, 0&ul of S&,o)&t& the )ect of 0&ulici&n) took it) n&,e &nd ,&ny of it) tenet), &nd with )o,e *no)tic &d,i2ture, continued through )e1er&l centurie) in Ar,eni& to 'ro'&g&te it) iconocl&)tic &nd &do'tioni)t f&ith6 !he old 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) h&d found & 1oice with which they ,ight )till )'e&k through the ,outh) of ,en of &nother r&ce6 Out of the 0&ulici&n) c&,e the !honr&ke, 3o)e'hini)t), Bogo,il), C&th&r), Al/igen)i), &nd +&lden)e), &nd &ll their off#)hoot), ch&nging their n&,e) in their ,&nifold ,&nife)t&tion, /ut )c&rcely their /&)ic doctrine), &) the )tre&, of ,i))ion&rie) ,&de their w&y through Bulg&ri&, *o)ni& &nd Hung&ry, &long the C&r'&thi&n) to the Al') &nd 0yrenee)6 +e ,&y f&irly reg&rd the)e grou') &) '&rt of one ,o1e,ent, & 'rote)ting ,o1e,ent, 're)er1ing &li1e the ele,ent&l )'irit of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity until the C&tholic Church )hould /e re&dy &g&in to renew it) cont&ct with it) 3ewi)h &ntecedent)6 !heir >ey of Truth l&id e,'h&)i) on the /&'ti), of Chri)tA Ithen it w&) th&t he /ec&,e S&1ior of u) )inner), &nd w&) filled with godhe&d. then w&) he )e&led, &nointed, c&lled /y the :oice, &ddre))ed &) the Belo1ed One6J1%3 !hey denied the 're#e2i)tence of Chri)t, &tt&cked >&riol&try &nd !r&n)u/)t&nti&tion. their congreg&tion) were co,'o)ed of the Ielect,J &nd it w&) in the 'ower of &ny of their nu,/er to &tt&in to Chri)thood6 !he Bogo,il ,&nife)t&tion w&) chiefly in Bulg&ri& &nd Bo)ni& fro, the tenth to the thirteenth century, whence the )ect&rie) were &l)o known &) Bulg&ri& or Bougre) EBul+arorum h;resisF6 3ewi)h con1ert) were &,ong it) 'ro'&g&ndi)t), dr&wn l&rgely fro, the liter&li)t 3ewi)h )ect of <&r&ite)6 One, & cert&in 4&ch&ri&h of <ie1, )ucceeded in influencing with 3ewi)h 1iew) )o,e of the highe)t eccle)i&)tic) of 9u))i& &nd e1en the !-&r $1&n $$$6 !he con1er)ion of the kingdo, of the Ch&-&r) to 3ud&i), w&) &nother c&u)e th&t ,&de the )l&1ic 'eo'le) incline f&1or&/ly to 3ewi)h &nd Cri)to#3ewi)h doctrine6 A By-&ntine 3ewe)) S&r&h E!heodor&F e1en /ec&,e !-&rin& of Bulg&ri& E133%#13%%F &) the wife of $1&n 12( Ale2&nder6 She h&d 1olunt&rily e,/r&ced Chri)ti&nity, &nd &ccording to 0o''of, & Bulg&ri&n eccle)i&)tic&l hi)tori&n, her reign encour&ged /oth 3ew) &nd heretic) to 'rof&ne icon) &nd the euch&ri)t6 ?urther we)t the 'rote)ting ,o1e,ent ,&nife)ted it)elf & C&th&ri), e&rly in the ele1enth century, with he&dBu&rter) in the neigh/orhood of !oulou)e6 Here &) in Bo)ni& &nd Bulg&ri&, the )i,'licity &nd e&rne)tne)) of the li1e) of the )ect&rie) &''e&led to the 'eo'le in contr&)t to the 'o,' &nd worldline)) of the 're1&iling Church6 !he C&th&r) recogni-ed two order), the %redentes, the ordin&ry /elie1er, &nd the petfe%ti, the elect who &cted &) ,ini)ter)6 A %redens /ec&,e & perfe%tuis &fter undergoing the rite of con)ol&tion Econ)ol&,entu,F, when he w&) n&,ed 0eter, & co,,on 'r&ctice /oth in the e&)tern &nd we)tern /r&nche) of the ,o1e,ent)6 $n the rite of full initi&tion, the 0erfect Ewho &d,it) the no1ice like the >&)ter of the ?ree,&)on)8 lodgeF deli1er) &n &ddre)) c&lling hi, E&) in Ar,eni&F /y the n&,e 0eter, &nd e2'l&ining the &do'tion &nd indwelling of the S'irit in the elect6 He re'e&t) &nd co,,ent) on the Lord8) 0r&yer cl&u)e /y cl&u)e6 !hen co,e) the 9enounce,ent, not only of S&t&n &nd hi) kingdo, on e&rth, /ut of hi) /&/yloni)h church, it) ,&gic&l rite), c&rn&l /&'ti),, &nd the )ign of the cro)) i,'re))ed on the


forehe&d6 A true )'iritu&l /&'ti), follow), with & /ook of the *o)'el) l&id on the he&d /y the 0erfect8) h&nd)A &nd while '&))&ge) of Scri'ture &re recited, the newly &d,itted /rother recei1e) the &'o)tolic 'ower to /ind &nd loo)e61%; ?or )e1er&l centurie) the C&th&r) of Al/igen)e), &) they c&,e to /e c&lled fro, Al/i & fief of !oulou)e, c&rried on & lo)ing fight with the '&'&cy, &nd it i) worthy of notice th&t the in)titution which w&) 'ri,&rily re)'on)i/le for 3ewi)h tri/ul&tion &nd e2'ul)ion fro, S'&in &nd 0ortug&l K the $nBui)ition ## w&) c&lled into e2i)tence for the e2ter,in&tion of & here)y which owed it) origin to 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity6 +hen the ,&))&cre of 0ied,ont 'ut &n end to the 'rote)ting ,o1e,ent & new )'irit w&) &fl&,e in the Church6 >ilton8) 'r&yer w&) &lre&dy in cour)e of fulfill,ent IA1enge, O Lord6 !hy )l&ughtered )&int), who)e /one) Lie )c&ttered on the Al'ine ,ount&in) cold. "1en the, who ke't !hy truth )o 'ure of old, +hen &ll our f&ther) wor)hi''ed )tock) &nd )tone)6J


121 Ch&'ter C: !he fifteenth century in "uro'e witne))ed the &'otheo)i) of cleric&li),6 A dict&tor)hi' /y clergy, &l,o)t ,ore 'owerful th&n the 'o'e, do,in&ted the li1e) of king) &nd 'eo'le6 At the /e)t /igoted, &t the wor)t /rut&lly de/&)ed, the clergy )tood )olidly in the w&y of enlighten,ent &nd 'rogre))6 Sc&rcely )u/5ect to &ny l&w) /ut their own, they ,en&ced the )ecurity of e1ery )t&te &nd indi1idu&l6 "1ery ele,ent of o''o)ition w&) ruthle))ly tr&,'led down6 H&1ing )u''re))ed the C&th&r), they once ,ore turned their &ttention to unyielding 3ew)6 During the long cour)e of centurie), the clergy &cted u'on one unde1i&ting line of 'olicy, uninfluenced /y w&r), ch&nge of dyn&)ty, or 'er)on&l feeling), to dri1e the 3ew) into the /o)o, of the Church6 Since the ti,e of Si)e/ut the *oth, &ll direct co,'ul)ion in the ,&tter of /&'ti), h&d /een di)counten&nced /y '&'&l &uthority &nd gener&l )enti,ent6 But, notwith)t&nding the dict&te) of &/)tr&ct right &nd re&)on, /i)ho') &nd fri&r) h&d 'lundered &nd ,urdered )uch &) refu)ed to /e con1erted, while ci1il 'en&ltie) &nd re)triction) were likewi)e he&'ed u'on the recu)&nt)6 An e2e,'tion fro, &ll thi) ,ight /e 'urch&)ed /y enduring the )'rinkling of & few dro') of w&ter. yet thi) trifle in it)elf, w&) the Icru2 fideiJ to & 3ew, &) w&) the /urning of & few gr&in) of incen)e /efore & )en)ele)) idol to the 'ri,iti1e Chri)ti&n, with the &ltern&ti1e of the lion) of the &,'hithe&ter6 !he te,'t&tion w&) in e&ch c&)e inten)ely )educti1e, /ut the iniBuity of the S'&ni)h church,&n6 with hi) org&ni-ed $nBui)ition to 'reclude the 'o))i/ility of receding, w&) &ltogether un'&r&lleled in '&g&n 'er)ecution)6 Aw&re of the 1&ried unrighteou)ne)) of the ,e&n) e,'loyed to g&in their 'ro)elyte), the end, &ccording to their ,or&lity, 5u)tified the ,e&n), &nd ,urder, with e1ery other 1iol&tion of Chri)ti&nity, w&) eng&ged to )ecure the retention of their unl&wful )ei-ure)61%% !he Chri)ti&ni-ed 3ew) in S'&in, 0ortug&l, &nd their do,inion), h&d grown )o nu,erou) th&t they for,ed & di)tinct cl&)) /y the,)el1e) ## the ew Chri)ti&n), or ,ore '&rticul&rly, >&rr&no) Ed&,nnedF6 or >&llorc&, Chuet&)6 !he l&tter were the 'roduct) of & ,&)) con1er)ion effort in 1;3% &fter &n &nti#)e,itic u'ri)ing on &ccount of &n "&)tertide /lood li/el &ccu)&tion6 ot & )ingle un/&'ti-ed 3ew w&) lcft on the i)l&ndA /ut 122 de)'ite the $nBui)ition, the Chuet&) ne1er wholly lo)t the cogni-&nce of their 3ewi)h de)cent, &nd in 1932 the >&yor of 0&l,& &nd nine out of the thirty Councillor) were Chuet&), /e)ide) & con)ider&/le 'ercent&ge of the 'o'ul&tion, )o,e of who, cele/r&te the co,ing of the ?rid&y e1ening )er1ice)6 $t w&) the )u)'icion) of the clergy th&t ,&ny of the)e ew Chri)ti&n) )ecretly 'r&cti)ed 3ewi)h rite) while outw&rdly confor,ing to the ordin&nce) of the Church, )u)'icion) in ,&ny c&)e) fully 5u)tified, th&t led the, to c&ll in the &id of the $nBui)ition6 !he 'ri,e ,o1er) in the 'etition for $nBui)itori&l interference were tho)e trou/ler) of $)r&el, the Do,inic&n)6 !he dou/t) &nd fe&r) of ?erdin&nd &nd $)&/ell&, then occu'ying the throne of S'&in, were o1erco,e, &nd the Holy Office E& tr&1e)ty of holine))F w&) )et u' &t Se1ille in 1;73 with !ho,&) de !orBue,&d&, it need h&rdly /e )&id, & Do,inic&n, &) $nBui)itor#*ener&l6 !he &1owed o/5ect of the $nBui)ition w&) the 'urific&tion of the Church fro, here)y, /ut '&rticul&rly


fro, the 'erniciou) doctrine) of 3ud&i),6 !he ,ethod) e,'loyed in I),elling outJ the cry'to 3ew) would h&1e /een the wonder &nd en1y of the Afric&n witch#doctor) could they h&1e /een there to )ee it6 o one w&) )&fe fro, the highe)t in the l&nd to the lowe)t6 0rel&te) &nd 'rince) tre,/led for their )&fety, howe1er orthodo2 &nd irre'ro&ch&/le their f&ith6 >&ny of the no/le)t f&,ilie) were degr&ded /y /eholding )o,e one of their ,e,/er) we&ring the )&n#/enito, &) confe))ed &nd '&rdoned heretic)6 !hough their chief 1icti,) were )elected fro, tho)e who were )u)'ected of )ecret 3ud&i),, yet the )lighte)t t&int of 3ud&i), in the /lood E&nd &,ong the Ar&gone)e no/ility K the no/ility of &ll S'&in K thi) w&) /y no ,e&n) r&reF w&) )ufficient to e2cite )u)'icion, &nd, if 'o))i/le, the 1enge&nce of the $nBui)itor)61%6 Don Alfon)o6 )on of the <ing of Ar&gon, h&d ,&rried & Chri)ti&n 3ewe)), ")ther, d&ughter of A/i&th&r h&#<ohen of S&rr&go))&6 Her )i)ter Le&h w&) ,&rried to >&rtin S&nche-, & >&rr&no6 Secret denunci&tion) were encour&ged, &nd &t &ny ti,e the /l&ck#ro/ed officer) of the $nBui)ition ,ight )uddenly &''rehend & ,&n &nd h&le hi, /efore the dre&d tri/un&l6 !he re)ult) of )uch &n e2&,in&tion ,&y /e g&thered fro, the f&ct th&t &t Se1ille &lone in the cour)e of & )ingle ye&r, 27( 'er)on) were /urned &li1e, D9 were conde,ned to lifelong i,'ri)on,ent &nd 1D,((( recei1ed )entence) of 1&rying )e1erity6 At the /urning of 3ewi)h girl, 0hili' $$$ could not refr&in fro, )huddering6 !he $nBui)ition )&id th&t thi) cri,e 123 could only /e &toned for /y hi) /lood6 !he king w&) forthwith /led, &nd the /lood )ole,nly /urnt /y the e2ecutioner6 $n )o,e '&l&ce) they were not content with /urning the li1ing. their in)&ti&/le 1enge&nce w&rred on the de&d6 Se'ulchre) were /roken o'en, &nd the /odie) of )u)'ected 3ew), which h&d wickedly intruded the,)el1e) into con)ecr&ted ground /ut h&d long )lu,/ered in 'e&ce, &nd their )oul) gone to their &ccount, were torn u' &nd e2'o)ed to )h&,e &nd in)ult61%D One of the e&rlie)t decree) of the $nBui)ition 'ro1ided th&t no /i)ho' or other 'rie)t of 3ewi)h de)cent )hould h&1e & )e&t in the court6 !wenty#)e1en indic&tion) of )ecret 3ud&i), were dr&wn u', including the followingA K "2'ecting the >e))i&h. Ho'ing for 5u)tific&tion /y the L&w of >o)e). <ee'ing the S&//&th /y we&ring /etter clothe) or not lighting fire) on th&t d&y. O/)er1ing di)tinction of ,e&t). Cele/r&ting the 3ewi)h fe)ti1&l) or f&)ting on 3ewi)h f&)t#d&y). Showing 5oy on the ?&)t of ")ther. Or /ew&iling the de)truction of 3eru)&le, on Augu)t 9 E&/F. Singing ')&l,) in He/rew without &dding Gloria *atre Ethe Chri)ti&n do2ologyF. 0erfor,ing &ny 3ewi)h rite) )uch &) circu,ci)ion. 9et&ining 3ewi)h ,&rri&ge or /uri&l cu)to,). $nterring the de&d in 3ewi)h ce,eterie)6 3ud&h /en :irg&, 9&//i of Se1ille6 ty'ified the )t&te of &ff&ir) under the $nBui)ition /y 'l&cing in hi) window three do1e), e&ch /e&ring & He/rew in)cri'tion6 !he fir)t /ird which w&) de&d &nd 'lucked /ore the legend, I!he)e &re the detectedJ. the )econd which w&) 'lucked /ut &li1e c&rried the )t&te,ent, I!he)e &re the te,'ori)er)J. while the third do1e &li1e &nd fully fledged w&) de)cri/ed &) I!he /e)t of &ll6J By the)e /ird) the r&//i illu)tr&ted the lot of the ew Chri)ti&n con1icted of 3ud&i),, the 3ew who di))e,/led, &nd the loy&l 3ew6 ?or & ti,e indeed the un/&'ti-ed 3ew h&d the /e)t of it, for he could not /e ch&rged &) & rel&')ed Chri)ti&n. /ut the $nBui)ition did not long )uffer hi, to re,&in )ecure6 At *r&n&d&, newly reco1ered fro, the


>oor), &n edict w&) i))ued in 1;92 ordering the e2'ul)ion of &ll un/&'ti-ed 3ew) fro, S'&in in four ,onth) ti,e6 $t w&) u)ele)) for the 3ew) to 'rote)t, or for 9&//i A/r&/&nel on their /eh&lf to offer 3(,((( duc&t) for the 'ri1ilege of re,&ining in the country, which in )'ite of 'er)ecution they de&rly lo1ed6 !ho,&) de !orBue,&d& held u' & crucifi2 /efore ?erdin&nd &nd $)&/ell&, crying, IBehold Hi, who, 3ud&) )old for thirty 'iece) of )il1er6 Sell ye Hi, now for & higher 'rice, &nd render &n &ccount of your /&rg&in /efore *od,J Look they ,o1eL o co,r&de) ne&r /ut cur)e). 12; !e&r) gle&, in /e&rd) of ,en )ore with re1er)e)8 ?lower) fro, field) &/&ndoned, lo1ing nur)e) ?ondly deck the wo,en8) r&1en h&ir6 ?&ded, )centle)) flower) th&t )h&ll re,ind the, Of their 'reciou) ho,e) &nd gr&1e) /ehind the,. Old ,en cl&)'ing !or&h#)crolle, un/ind the, Lift the '&rch,ent fl&g) &nd )ilent le&d6 >ock not with thy light, O )un, our ,orrow8 Ce&)e not, ce&)e not, O ye )ong) of )orrow. ?ro, wh&t l&nd & refuge c&n we /orrow, +e&ry, thru)t#out, *od#for)&ken, weM1%7 @et ,&ny did find & refuge, in Afric&, in 0er)i&, in the Le1&nt6 L&rge nu,/er), including ,&ny ew Chri)ti&n), fled to the etherl&nd)6 D& Co)t& Buote) & 3ewi)h &uthor of A,)terd&, to the effect th&t, >&ny of the c&non), inBui)itor), &nd /i)ho') on S'&in &re of 3ewi)h de)cent. )o,e &re )till 3ew) &t he&rt, though, for the )&ke of te,'or&l &d1&nt&ge), they feign the,)el1e) to /e Chri)ti&n). )o,e of the)e &t ti,e) re'ent &nd le&1e the country &) /e)t they c&n6 $n thi) city of A,)terd&,6 &nd in other countrie), there &rc Augu)tine), ?r&nci)c&n), Do,inic&n), &nd 3e)uit), who h&1e c&)t off idol&try6 $n S'&in there &re & gre&t ,&ny di)tingui)hed /i)ho') &nd ,onk), who)e '&rent), /rother) &nd )i)ter), li1e in thi) town &nd el)ewhere, where they c&n 'rofe)) 3ud&i),61%9 +hen Chri)to'her Colu,/u) )et out on hi) 1oy&ge th&t led to the di)co1ery of the ew +orld6 there were /o&tlo&d) of 3ewi)h refugee) in the h&r/or, &nd there were 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) &,ong the ,e,/er) of hi) own crew6 But if the orth A,eric&n continent w&) to 'ro1e & /le))ing to thou)&nd) of & l&ter gener&tion of $)r&elite), it w&) long /efore thi) could /e true of South A,eric&6 So long &) there w&) &n $nBui)ition, )o long w&) the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n un)&fe in &ny C&tholic country6 A) recently &) the eighteenth century e,i))&rie) of the Holy Office in Br&-il &rre)ted &nd )ent to Li)/on & /&tch of citi-en) on the ch&rge of /eing cry't#3ew)6 $n the )&,e century in the 0ortugue)e c&'it&l &uto#d&#fc) continued to /e held, &nd )till l&rgely with the )&,e o/5ect, the detection &nd 'uni)h,ent 12%

of tho)e who )ecretly 'r&cti)ed 3ewi)h rite)6 On the occ&)ion of &n &uto#d&#fe, it w&) cu)to,&ry to 're&ch & )er,on to the )ufferer) in ho'e of ,o1ing the, to &n ele1enth#hour re'ent&nce6 A) & )'eci,en of the 'iou) )enti,ent) e2're))ed &t )uch & ti,e, the following e2tr&ct) &re t&ken fro, &n &ctu&l &ddre)) deli1ered to & con1icted co,'&ny of ew Chri)ti&n) /y the Arch/i)ho' of Cr&ng&nor &t Li)/on, Se'te,/er 6, 1D(%6 O degr&ded re,n&nt of 3ud&i),, unh&''y fr&g,ent) of the Syn&gogueL the l&)t )'oil of 3udR&L o''ro/riu, of the C&tholic)L &/horrence &nd l&ughing#)tock of your fellow 3ew)L it i) to you $ &ddre)) ,y)elf, ye ,i)guided ,enL @ou &re the &/horrence &nd l&ughing#)tock of the 3ew). for your ignor&nce i) )uch th&t you know not how to o/)er1e the 1ery L&w you 'rofe))6 @ou &re the o''ro/riu, of the C&tholic). for, /eing /orn within the '&le of the Church, your 1olunt&ry &'o)t&)y h&) /&ni)hed you fro, it) /o)o,6 @ou &re the l&)t )'oil of 3udR&. for K to our )h&,e ## your lot i) c&)t here in 0ortug&l to di)gr&ce &nd )c&nd&li-e u) in the o'inion of the whole world K in our Bu&rter of the glo/e &) well &) in your n&ti1e "&)t6 @ou &re the wretched fr&g,ent) of the Syn&gogue. for &ll it) for,er gre&tne)) i) co,e to &n end in your 're)ent ,i)ery6 ?in&lly, you &re & degr&ded re,n&nt of 3ud&i),, the wretched off#)hoot) of $)r&el, who, )ince the de)truction of your country, h&1e )'re&d throughout "uro'e to infect whole n&tion) /y your 're)ence 6666 How gre&tly do $ 'ity your degr&d&tion6 O children of $)r&elL How ,&ny te&r) of /lood do $ )hed through co,'&))ion for your ,i)fortune), conte,'l&ting wh&t you &re &t thi) d&y, &nd wh&t you for,erly were6 $n &ncient ti,e) the inheritor) of th&t &ffection which your continued o/)tin&ncy did not de)er1e. thi) d&y the o/5ect) of well#,erited &nger, which fulfill) in you & 5u)t retri/utionA thi) d&y the )c&ffold i) the the&ter of your contu,ely. for,erly your t&/ern&cle) were the /o&)t of your religion6 $n &ncient ti,e), the w&ter) held you in re)'ect, &nd no le)) the fl&,e). thi) d&y fire will feed on you, &nd your &)he), c&)t into the )e&, will find & to,/ in the w&ter) Q6 !hi) d&y, the &nni1er)&ry of your fe&)t of 0uri,, i) the d&y when you &re to &/5ure &nd ,&ke &tone,ent for your )in) in the yellow &nd )c&rlet color) of your 'enitenti&l dre))e) ##the e,# 126 /le,) of the fire which will con)u,e your dwelling 'l&ce), unle)) the)e dre))e) /e ch&nged for &nother color /efore /eing co,,itted to the fl&,e)6 $n for,er ti,e), on the d&y of Atone,ent for your )in), the )c&rlet thre&d th&t w&) /ound on the horn) of the go&t which w&) to /e )&crificed on th&t d&y w&) ch&nged into white, to )how th&t *od h&d '&rdoned your )in)6 $n for,er ti,e) your inherit&nce w&) the un&lien&/le 'ro'erty of your f&,ilie). now the 'u/lic tre&)ury i) your heir 6666 !ruly6 O children de&r to ,y )oul, the condition in which you &re &t the 're)ent d&y co,'&red with wh&t you were in ti,e) '&)t would )often & he&rt f&r ,ore o/dur&te th&n ,ine. for though we ,&y not /e of the )&,e /lood, we &re &ll your /rethren through the /lood of 3e)u) Chri)t who redee,ed you, &nd through the holy w&ter of /&'ti),, wherewith you h&1e /een )'rinkled 6666


@ou your)el1e) )ee how you &re di)'er)ed &ll o1er the world, &nd )c&ttered throughout e1ery l&nd. &nd either fro, nece))ity or inclin&tion hold your)el1e) &'&rt fro, one &nother, )o th&t e1en if you ,eet 'ri1&tely to 'erfor, the rite) of 3ud&i),, you &1oid e&ch other in 'u/lic, in order to decei1e tho)e who ch&rge you with /eing 3ew)6 @ou your)el1e) /ew&il your ,i)fortune), &nd co,'l&in to u) C&tholic) th&t your ene,ie) en)n&re you, &nd dr&w you )o )uddenly &nd indi)cri,in&tely into the ,e)he) of our Holy Office, th&t &ll of your line&ge &re e2'o)ed to the )&,e c&l&,ity. &nd &lthough you ,utu&lly 'rocl&i, your &ffliction) to one &nother, there i) no one who h&) the 'ower to re)cue you therefro, Q6 !he )er,on clo)e) with & 'r&yer of which the following &re the concluding line)A @ou c&lled to the, in kindne)), /ut they ,&de &n ungr&teful return for @our f&1or)6 Seek now to win the, to @ou /y ch&)ti)e,ent, howe1er little ch&)ti)e,ent h&) hitherto /enefited the,6 C&u)e the, to &cknowledge with 'erfect )incerity, th&t in their 're)ent ,i)er&/le )t&te they h&1e no other re,edy th&n to re'ent for the ti,e they h&1e lo)t in their f&l)e e2'ect&tion), /y /ew&iling their error), &/horring their )in), &/o,in&ting their )u'er)tition, &nd renouncing their contu,&cy. )o th&t, /eing regener&ted /y the w&ter) of their 'enitent cye), they ,&y /e /orn &g&in @our children, &) &lre&dy /y /&'ti), they h&1e /eco,e616( 12D +retched Chri)ti&ni-ed 3ew)L h&1ing to li)ten to thi) &nd ,uch ,ore of h&teful 'iety &nd crocodile te&r) while )t&nding on the /rink of & tortured entry into eternity6 "1en the /lood of &n i,'&rti&l hi)tori&n ,&y /oil &t )uch & horror6 Such w&) the 4Miseri%ordia et #ustitia5 K the ,ercy &nd 5u)tice K which the $nBui)ition 'roudly e,/l&-oned on it) /&nner, &nd which it did not ,ete out to the ew Chri)ti&n), ,&ny of who, were no dou/t )incere enough /elie1er) in Chri)t, yet could not &ltogether for)&ke their own 'eo'le nor the cu)to,) th&t ti,e h&d h&llowed6 And wh&t w&) there wrong in their )t&nd'ointM +e ,&y &)k tod&y6 @et we know th&t e1en now with &ll the li/er&lity of f&ith th&t h&) co,e with ,ore enlightened d&y), the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n who wi)hed to ret&in hi) n&tion&l &nd &nce)tr&l 'r&ctice), while utterly loy&l to hi) S&1or, i) looked u'on &)k&nce, &nd the genuinene)) of hi) Chri)ti&n con1iction) i) dou/ted6 But in the d&rker d&y), the ,ere f&ct of 3ewi)h origin w&), in it)elf, often )ufficient to c&ll down the 5e&lou) 1enge&nce of &n &'o)t&te Church6 *od )&1e u) fro, tri&l /y clergyL !he tr&gedy of it &ll h&) /een well )et forth /y $)r&el 4&ngwill in hi) 'oe, Moses and #esus' $n dre&, $ )&w two 3ew) th&t ,et /y ch&nce, One old, )tern#eyed, dee'#/rowed, yet g&rl&nded +ith li1ing light of lo1e &round hi) he&d, !he other young, with )weet )er&'hic gl&nce6 Around went on the !own8) )&t&nic d&nce, Hunger &#'i'ing while &t he&rt he /led6 Sh&lo, Aleche, E'e&ce /e with youF, ,ournfully e&ch )&id, or eyed the other )tr&ight, /ut looked &)k&nce6 Sudden fro, Church out rolled &n org&n hy,n, ?ro, Syn&gogue & loudly ch&unted &ir,


"&ch with it) 0ro'het8) high &ccl&i, in)tinct6 !hen for the fir)t ti,e ,et their eye), )wift#linked $n one )tr&nge, )ilent, 'iteou) g&-e, &nd di, +ith /itter te&r) of &goni-ed de)'&ir6


127 Ch&'ter C:$ 1 $n the fifteenth &nd )i2teenth centurie) the religion) &nd intellectu&l life of "uro'e w&) entirely ch&nged /y two gre&t ,o1e,ent), the 9efor,&tion &nd the 9en&i))&nce, who)e co,/ined effect led e1entu&lly to the e,&nci'&tion of the 3ewi)h 'eo'le6 !he ch&nge of &ttitude tow&rd) the 3ew w&) not, howe1er, con)'icuou)ly e1ident &t the fir)t6 ot until the nineteenth century did the force) of hu,&nity &nd enlighten,ent /ring &/out &ny re&l &,elior&tion of the 3ewi)h lot o1er &ny con)ider&/le '&rt of "uro'e6 But the fl&,e) gr&du&lly died down, &nd the r&ck &nd thu,/)crew ce&)ed to /e con)idered &) 'otent &rgu,ent) in the )er1ice of religion6 !he condition of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) under 9o,&n C&tholic do,in&tion h&) /een )ufficiently de)cri/ed. it re,&in) to /e )hown how they f&red under 0rote)t&nti),6 >&rtin Luther, the gre&t refor,er, in the e2'ect&tion th&t the 3ew) would gl&dly recei1e the Chri)ti&n f&ith in the 'urer for, which he &d1oc&ted, /eg&n /y e2tending to the, the ut,o)t toler&tion6 $n & /ook which he 'u/li)hed in 1%23, under the title .as #esus em Gerborene #ude Gewesen E!h&t 3e)u) w&) /orn & 3ewF he h&) & re,&rk&/le '&))&geA !ho)e fool) the '&'i)t)6 /i)ho'), )o'hi)t), ,onk), h&1e for,erly )o de&lt with the 3ew), th&t e1ery good Chri)ti&n would r&ther h&1e /een & 3ew6 And if $ h&d /een & 3ew, &nd )een )uch )tu'idity &nd )uch /lockhe&d) reign in the Chri)ti&n Church, $ would r&ther /e & 'ig th&n & Chri)ti&n6 !hey h&1e tre&ted the 3ew) &) if they were dog), not ,en, &nd &) if they were fit for nothing /ut to /e re1iled6 !hey &re /lood rel&tion) of our Lord. therefore, if we re)'ect fle)h &nd /lood, the 3ew) /elong to Chri)t ,ore th&n we6 $ /eg, therefore, ,y de&r 0&'i)t), if you /eco,e tired of &/u)ing ,e &) & heretic, th&t you /egin to re1ile ,e &) & 3ew6 !herefore, it i) ,y &d1ice th&t we )hould tre&t the, kindly. /ut now we dri1e the, /y force, tre&ting the, deceitfully or igno,iniou)ly, )&ying they ,u)t h&1e Chri)ti&n /lood to w&)h &w&y the 3ewi)h )t&in, &nd $ know not wh&t non)en)e6 Al)o we 'rohi/it the, fro, working &,ong)t u), fro, li1ing &nd h&1ing )oci&l intercour)e with u), forcing the,, if they would re,&in with u) to /e u)urer)6 129 But like >oh&,ed, finding th&t the 3ew) ,&de hu/ re)'on)e to hi) o1erture), Luther ch&nged hi) tune6 ?orgetful of hi) for,er coun)el), he 'u/li)hed twenty#one ye&r) l&ter &nother /ook entitled <on den #uden und ihren #u+en EOf the 3ew) &nd their Lie)F, in which he e2hi/it) none of hi) e&rlier friendline))6 He 1ent) hi) di)&''oint,ent in the utter&nceA IDou/t not, /elie1ed in Chri)t, th&t &fter the De1il you h&1e no ,ore /itter, 1eno,ou), 1iolent ene,y, th&n the re&l 3ew6 the 3ew in e&rne)t in hi) /elief6J He urge) hi) follower)A E1F Burn their )yn&gogue) &nd )chool). wh&t will not /urn, /ury with e&rth, th&t neither )tone nor ru//i)h re,&in6 E2F $n like ,&nner, /re&k into &nd de)troy their hou)e)6 E3F !&ke &w&y &ll their 'r&yer#/ook) &nd t&l,ud), in which &re nothing /ut godle))ne)), lie), cur)ing &nd )we&ring6 E;F ?or/id their r&//i) to te&ch on '&in of life &nd li,/6 E%F ?or/id the, to tr&1elA &) they &re neither lord) nor offici&l), nor ,erch&nt), they )hould )t&y &t ho,e6 E6F $nterdict &ll u)uryA we &re not their )u/5ect), /ut they our)6 EDF $n the h&nd) of &ll young 3ew) &nd 3ewe))e) )hould /e


'l&ced fl&il), &2e), ,&ttock), )'&de), di)t&ff), )'inning#wheel), &nd let the, get their li1elihood in the )we&t of their /row, &) )hould &ll the children of Ad&,6 A,ong other thing) Luther in hi) $%hem Hamphoras E!he $neff&/le &,eF &tt&cked the Toledoth #eshu, the 3ewi)h Life of 3e)u), P1luich &lre&dy for )e1er&l centurie) h&d /een & fruitful c&u)e of 3ewi)h 'er)ecution6 !rue, thi) &ncient work h&d /eco,e ,ore &nd ,ore li/elou) &nd )c&nd&lou) &) /itterne)) dict&ted further f&nciful e,/elli)h,ent). /ut only & 1ery li,ited nu,/er of 3ew) )et &ny )tore /y it6 By ,o)t it w&) e1en &t thi) ti,e reg&rded &) & 5e)t, & du/iou) &fter# dinner t&le for Chri)t,&) e1e, &nd tho)e who ret&iled it) )ordid det&il) only f&intly &))oci&ted the 'rinci'&l ch&r&cter with the 3e)u) of the Chri)ti&n)6 C&l1in, &nother of the refor,er), though he c&,e little into cont&ct with 3ew) w&) /y no ,e&n) toler&nt tow&rd) the,, though le)) 1ehe,ent th&n Luther6 Cert&inly the i,,edi&te re)ult of the 9efor,&tion w&) not to lighten the 3ewi)h /urden6 0rote)t&nt *er,&ny took u' the t&le of 'er)ecution in the )i2teenth century where C&tholic *er,&ny h&d left off in the fifteenth6 !he 3ew) were gi1en the &ltern&ti1e of /&'ti), &nd /&ni)h,ent in Berlin, were e2'elled fro, B&1&ri& in 1%%3, fro, Br&nden/urg in 1%D3, &nd in the tr&gedy of o''re))ion w&) 13( c&rried on through the en)uing centurie)6

0re5udice die) h&rd, /ut on the whole it ,&y /e )&id th&t the 'urer f&ith of the 0rote)t&nt) &nd their &/)tention fro, the ,ore 1iolent &nd cruel for,) of &nti#)e,iti), were ,ore conduci1e to &w&kening & )'irit of inBuiry in 3ewi)h ,ind) th&n h&d /een 'o))i/le under 9o,&n C&tholici),6 Since the )i2teenth century th&t )'irit of inBuiry h&) incre&)ed in direct 'ro'ortion to the toler&tion &nd lo1e )hown /y the Chri)ti&n to the 3ew6 Little /y little, &) the full right) of citi-en)hi' h&1e /een &ccorded hi,, &nd hi) eBu&lity in &ll th&t 'ert&in) to hu,&n intercour)e recogni-ed, hi) intere)t in the one who h&) effected thi) tr&n)for,&tion h&) &w&kened6 !he ,or&l i) not f&r to )eek6 A >e))i&h Iwho w&lketh &/out &) & ro&ring lion, )eeking who, he ,&y de1ourJ could not /e the 'ro,i)ed S&1ior of the Scri'ture)6 !he >e))i&h for who, $)r&el h&) /e)ought the He&1enly ?&ttier with &n2iou) te&r) I)h&ll not hurt or de)troy6J !he >&n of Sorrow) h&d &n &''e&l to the 0eo'le of Sorrow) infinitely gre&ter th&n the Chri)t of the $nBui)ition6 !he le))on h&d to /e le&rned in the /itter e2'erience) of e2ile &nd ,&rtyrdo,, /ut it h&d not /een in 1&in. for the 3ew of ,ore enlightened ti,e) could cl&)' the wounded h&nd), in te&rful under)t&nding if not yet in )incere re'ent&nce6 2 !he 9en&i))&nce &l)o h&d 'l&yed it) '&rt in o'ening the w&y for 3ewi)h &cce't&nce of Chri)t6 !he eccle)i&)tici), which h&d ke't the thought of "uro'e flowing in fi2ed ch&nnel) h&d /eco,e ,ore fle2i/le &nd &))i,il&ti1e6 $t i) un'le&)&nt to h&1e to record th&t & 3ewi)h con1ert to Chri)ti&nity w&) one of tho)e who &tte,'ted to )t&y the ,&rch of 'roce))6 3oh&nn 0hefferkorn E1;69#c6 1%21F will &lw&y) /e re,e,/ered &) the tool of the Do,inic&n) in their l&)t /id for 'owcr in *er,&ny6 3&co/ 1&n Hoog)tr&&tcn, 0rior of the Order in Cologne, where 0hefferkorn w&) /&'ti-ed in 1%(%, u)ed hi, in &tt&ck) &g&in)t the 3ew), &nd '&rticul&rly &g&in)t their liter&ture dee,ed ini,ic&l to Chri)ti&nity6 !he ",'eror >&2i,ili&n w&) induced to 'u/li)h &n edict of confi)c&tion &nd de)truction, &nd l&ter to &''oint of inBuiry to con)ider the &ccu)&tion) of 0hefferkorn6 A,ong tho)e who )&t on thi) co,,i))ion were :ictor of C&r/en, & ,ore


enlightened 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n, Hoog)tr&&ten &nd 3oh&nn 9euchlin6 9euchlin, the gre&t Hu,&ni)t, d&red to re'ort in f&1or of the 3ew) &nd the edict w&) )u)'endcd6 0fefferkorn w&) furiou)6 :ictor of C&r/cn retired fro, 'u/lic life &cknowledging hi) 131 di)like for religiou) contro1er)y6 !hen /eg&n & fierce intellectu&l /&ttle with 0fefferkorn &nd 9euchlin &) the 'rot&goni)t), which in1ol1ed the ,o)t le&rned )chol&r) of "uro'e6 !r&ct) &nd counter#tr&ct) were he&tedly co,'o)ed, .er Aun+enspie+el, .er Au+enspie+el' .er Brandspie+el, etc6 !he Do,inic&n) e1entu&lly g&ined & /&rren 1ictory in the '&'&l conde,n&tion of 9euchlin6 But the /etter )en)e of thinking ,en h&d /een &w&kened, &nd the Hu,&ni)t) h&d re&lly won the d&y6 !he outco,e of the )truggle w&) & new intere)t on the '&rt of *entile )chol&r) in the He/rew l&ngu&ge &nd liter&ture6 !he &ccu,ul&ted wi)do, of $)r&el /eg&n to /e l&id under contri/ution to enrich the world6 A l&rge '&rt of the 3ewi)h liter&ture of thi) 'eriod w&) de1oted to <&//&li)tic lore, &nd thi) w&) found )'eci&lly &ttr&cti1e6 9euchlin hi,)elf w&) ench&nted with the occult &nd 'hilo)o'hic&l )'ecul&tion) of thi) )y)te,, &nd in hi) w&ke followed Heinrich Corneliu) Agri''&, 0&r&cel)u), &nd 9o/ert ?ludd6 while on the e2'o)itory &nd lingui)tic )ide of He/rew le&rning )uch ,en &) the elder Bu2torf did yeo,&n )er1ice6 !he new intere)t in He/rew e1en 'roduced rendering) of the *o)'el into the )&cred tongue /y Se/&)ti&n >un)ter6 But if 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity )ee,ed to d&rken in the light with )uch & /lu)tering f&n&tic &) 0fefferkorn, it ,&de &,'le co,'en)&tion with ,&ny &nother con1ert who hel'ed in di))e,in&ting He/rew liter&ture &nd le&rning6 >ention ,&y /e ,&de of & few re're)ent&ti1e 'er)on&litie)6 !hree 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) were e,'loyed /y C&rdin&l Ci,ene) to &))i)t hi, in 're'&ring hi) f&,ou) Co,'luten)i&n 0olyglot Bi/le E1%1;#1%1DF6 !heir n&,e) &re 0&ul une- Corone), Alfon)o de 4&,or& &nd Alfon)o d8Alc&l&6 !he two for,er were /oth 'rofe))or) &t the Hni1er)ity of S&l&,&nc&6 Do,inico $ro)oli,it&no, & 9&//i of S&fed, /ec&,e f&,ed &) & doctor &nd w&) )u,,oned /y the Sult&n to /e court 'hy)ici&n &t Con)t&ntino'le6 After e,/r&cing Chri)ti&nity he t&ught He/rew &t 9o,e6 *io1&nni B&'ti)t& 3on&), &l)o & 0&le)tini&n fro, S&fed E1%77#1667F, c&,e to "uro'e &nd w&), for & ti,e, &))i)t&nt r&//i in H&,/urg6 He w&) con1erted in 0ol&nd in 162%6 !here&fter he went to $t&ly &nd w&) &''ointed 0rofe))or &t the Hni1er)ity of 0i)&, &nd l&ter one of the :&tic&n li/r&ri&n)6 He ,&de & He/rew tr&n)l&tion of the *o)'el) &nd co,'iled & Begre&#Ch&ldee le2iconA he i) noted for ,&ny other work)6 !wo gr&nd)on) of the f&,ou) He/rew gr&,,&ri&n, "li&) Le1it&6 /ec&,e Chri)ti&n), &nd were e,'loyed in e2'urg&ting &nd editing 3ewi)h 132 /ook)6 0&ul 9iccio, & *er,&n 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n of the fir)t h&lf of the )i2teenth century, /ec&,e 0rofe))or of 0hilo)o'hy in the Hni1er)ity of 0&1i&, )u/)eBuently he w&) 'hy)ici&n to >&2i,ili&n $6 He w&) & friend of "r&),u), &nd held & contro1er)y with "ck on &)trono,ic&l )u/5ect)6 He )ought the )'iritu&l welf&re of hi) 3ewi)h /rethren, &nd i,'&rted to Chri)ti&n) ,uch infor,&tion &/out 3ewi)h liter&ture6 Hi) /e)t known /ook i) hi) .e *osta Lu%is -' #osephi Ge%atilia


EAug)/urg 1616F, which i) & free tr&n)l&tion of & '&rt of the <&//&li)tic work $haare Orah /y 3o)e'h *ek&til&6 3ero,e 9iccio, 0&ul8) )on, )ent & co'y of the work to 9euchlin, who utili-ed it in the co,'o)ition of hi) .e Are Cabballisti%a' 9iccio rel&te) th&t he w&) ordered to 're'&re & L&tin tr&n)l&tion of the !&l,ud6 All th&t h&) co,e down of it &re the tr&n)l&tion) of the tr&ct&te) of Bere%hoth, $anhedrin, &nd Ma oth EAug)/urg 1%19F, which &re the e&rlie)t L&tin rendering) of the >i)hn&h known to /i/liogr&'her)6162 9iccio &l)o wrote &n introduction to the <&//&l&h which went through four edition)6 3oh&nne) $)&&c Le1it& *er,&nu), /&'ti-ed in 1%;6, w&) for & ti,e 0rofe))or of He/rew in London &nd )u/)eBuently in Cologne6 3ohn $,,&nuel !re,elliu) E1%1(#1%7(F w&)educ&ted &t the Hni1er)ity of 0&du&, &nd /ec&,e & Chri)ti&n through the influence of C&rdin&l 0ole6 !he following ye&r he g&1e hi) &llegi&nce to 0rote)&nti),, &nd )ettled down &) & He/rew te&cher &t Str&)/urg6 L&ter, &) & refugee fro, the religiou) w&r) in *er,&ny, he c&,e to "ngl&nd &nd found &)ylu, with Arch/i)ho' Cr&n,er &t L&,/eth 0&l&ce6 $n 1%;9 he /ec&,e 9egiu) 0rofe))or of He/rew &t C&,/ridge Hni1er)ity6 +hen Gueen >&ry c&,e to the throne he returned to *er,&ny, where for & ti,e he w&) 0rofe))or of Old !e)t&,ent &t Heidel/erg6 ?in&lly he re,o1ed to the College of Sed&n, where he re,&ined until hi) de&th6 He ,&de & L&tin tr&n)l&tion of the Bi/le fro, He/rew &nd Syri&c, which r&n into )e1er&l edition)6 He &l)o tr&n)l&ted into He/rew C&l1in8) C&techi), E0&ri), 1%%1F, &nd wrote & Syri&c &nd Ch&ldee gr&,,&r E0&ri)6 1%69F6 An intere)ting 'er)on&lity i) >&rk 9&'h&el, &n $t&li&n 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n of the fir)t h&lf of the )i2teenth century6 Henry :$$$ of "ngl&nd )ought hi) hel' in hi) ,&tri,oni&l difficultie), &nd he w&) &)ked to &d1i)e on the leg&lity of Henry8) le1ir&te ,&rri&ge to Gueen C&th&rine &ccording to 3ewi)h L&w6 He c&,e to "ngl&nd in 3&nu&ry, 1%%16 He u'held the leg&lity of the ,&rri&ge, /ut )ugge)ted th&t there would /e no wrong in the 133 king t&king & )econd wife during tile lifeti,e of the fir)t6 &tur&lly, )uch &d1ice w&) re5ected. of N)oMO 9&'h&el ch&nged hi) 1iew &nd now contended th&t the o/5ect of & le1ir&te ,&rri&ge w&) to continue the dece&)ed /rother8) line, &nd &) no ,&le heir h&d re)ulted fro, the union, the king could not h&1e h&d thi) intention, &nd the ,&rri&ge w&) therefore in1&lid6 Hi) o'inion w&) included with other) in the ,e,ori&l to 0&rli&,ent, &nd 9&'h&el w&) )uit&/ly rew&rded /y & gr&teful ,on&rch6 !he record of )i2teenth#century 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) of note would /e inco,'lete without )o,e &ccount of Dr6 9odrigo Lo'e-, 0hy)ici&n to Gueen "li-&/eth, &nd /elie1ed /y Sir Sidney Lee to /e the origin&l of Sh&ke)'e&re8) Shylock6 A 1ery full &nd &/le &ccount of hi, h&) /een written /y 96 Acker,&n,163 &nd /ec&u)e of the i,'ort&nt '&rt he 'l&yed in the &ff&ir) of hi) d&y, hi) )tory, &) well for it) dr&,&tic Bu&lity, i) worthy of )o,e det&iled con)ider&tion6 Lo'e- h&iled fro, 0ortug&l, &nd )ettled in "ngl&nd in 1%%9, ,o)t likely &) & refugee fro, the $nBui)ition6 He i) de)cri/ed in the cen)u) of foreigner) li1ing in "ngl&nd in 1%11 &) IDr6 Lo'u), & 'orting&le, hou)eholder, deni-en, who c&,e into thi) re&l, &/out twel1e ye&r) '&)t to get hi) li1ing /y 'hy)ike6J Hi) wife S&r&h &nd & /rother Lewi) &re &l)o ,entioned6 !he d&te of hi) con1er)ion to Chri)ti&nity i) unknown6 He )'eedily ro)e to e,inence in hi) 'rofe))ion &nd w&) elected & ,e,/er of the College of 0hy)ici&n). he w&) &l)o the fir)t ,&n to hold the &''oint,ent of hou)e 'hy)ici&n &t St B&rtholo,ew8) ho)'it&l6 A colle&gue, +illi&, Clowe), 'r&i)ed hi, &)


one who I)howed hi,)elf to /e /oth c&reful &nd 1ery )kilful, not only in hi) coun)el in dieting, 'urging &nd /leeding, /ut &l)o for hi) direction of Arceu)8 &'o-e,&6J Hi) f&,e &nd 'r&ctice grew r&'idly6 $n 1%D1 he &ttended Sir ?r&nci) +&l)ingh&,, the Gueen8) Secret&ry. in 1%D% hi) n&,e &''e&r) ne&r the he&d of the li)t of the chief London doctor) 'u/li)hed /y Stowe6 !en ye&r) l&ter he w&) & 'hy)ici&n to the "&rl of Leice)ter. then he w&) &tt&ched to the hou)ehold of the "&rl of "))e2. &nd fin&lly in 1%76 he w&) ,&de 'hy)ici&n to Gueen "li-&/eth, who in 1%79 gr&nted hi, the 1&lu&/le ,ono'oly of i,'orting )eed &nd )u,&ch into "ngl&nd6 !hrough hi) lucr&ti1e 'r&ctice Lo'e- r&'idly &,&))ed & fortune6 $n 1%93 he h&d & hou)e in Hol/orn gifted to hi, /y & gr&teful '&tient6 He h&d two d&ughter) li1ing &t ho,e &nd & )on &t +inche)ter6 &tur&lly there were ,&ny to en1y hi, hi) good fortune, e)'eci&lly &) he w&) & 3ew6 IHe i) none of the le&rnede)t or e2'erte)t 'hy)ici&n) in the 13; courtMJ wrote *&/riel H&r1ey, I/ut one th&t ,&keth & gre&t &ccount of hi,)elf &) the /e)t, &nd /y & kind of 3ewi)h 'r&ctice &) well with ye Bueen her)elf &) with )u, of ye gre&te)t Lord) &nd L&dye)6J But life &t court Buickly in1ol1ed the worthy doctor in the 're1&iling intrigue) &nd 'ro1ed hi) undoing6 Being fluent in the 0ortugue)e &nd S'&ni)h tongue), hi) )er1ice) &) &n inter'reter were in con)t&nt reBui)ition &t & ti,e when "))e2 h&d e)'ou)ed the c&u)e of Don Antonio, 'retender to the throne of 0ortug&l, &g&in)t 0hili' $$ of S'&in6 After &n &/orti1e e2'edition, howe1er, which "li-&/eth h&d unwillingly )ent to Li)/on, Don Antonio8) c&u)e lo)t f&1or &nd "))e2 re,&ined &) 'r&ctic&lly hi) only di)tingui)hed )u''orter6 Lo'e- h&d f&llen out with Don Antonio, &nd then for the wor)e Bu&rrelled with "))e2, who there&fter )et hi,)elf to co,'&)) hi) downf&ll6 !he doctor unwi)ely &llowed hi,)elf to /e dr&wn into the o''o)ite c&,' &nd /ec&,e &))oci&ted with the &gent) of 0hili'6 He w&) /y no ,e&n) '&rti&l to S'&in, &) i) e1idenced /y the f&ct th&t he offered hi) )er1ice) to +&l)ingh&,, who e,'loyed hi, to )'y on the S'&ni)h court6 $n thi) d&ngerou) 'o)ition he w&) t&king ,oney fro, 0hili' &nd o/t&ining hi) goodwill, while &ctu&lly )er1ing the intere)t) of "ngl&nd6 "))e2 )&w in thi) )itu&tion the o''ortunity which he reBuired, &nd )ought /y e1ery ,e&n) to o/t&in 'roof th&t Lo'e- w&) re&lly working for S'&in6 ")t/&n ?erreir&, & for,er )er1&nt to Don Antonio, who re)ided with Lo'e-, w&) &rre)ted &t "))e28) in)tig&tion, &nd l&ter Lo'e-8) hou)e w&) )e&rched, /ut Sir 9o/ert Cecil rel&ted to the Gueen Ith&t there w&) no ,&tter of ,&lice, for in the 'oor ,&n8) hou)e were found no kind of writ) of intelligence) of which he w&) &ccu)ed, or otherwi)e, th&t hold ,ight /e t&ken of hi,6J Dr6 Lo'e-, ,e&nwhile, h&d /een &rre)ted &nd w&) confined in "))e28) hou)e, with ?erreir& &nd other)6 By tor,enting the)e ,en with Bue)tion, "))e2 &t length forced the, into & f&l)e confe))ion of & con)'ir&cy &g&in)t the Gueen in which Dr6 Lo'e-6 in the '&y of S'&in6 w&) to h&1e /rought &/out her de&th /y 'oi)on6 "))e2 w&) triu,'h&nt, &nd unfortun&tely +&l)ingh&,, who could h&1e cle&red Lo'e- of the 're'o)terou) ch&rge, w&) de&d6 Lo'e- w&) /rought to tri&l &t the *uilh&l$ on ?e/ru&ry 27, 1%9;6 "))e2 're)ided &nd Coke, the Solicitor#*ener&l, 'ro)ecuted6 !he re)ult w&) ine1it&/le, in )'ite of the 'ri)oner8) )te&df&)t 'le& of innocence6 Coke e2cl&i,ed &g&in)t hi, &) Ithi) 'er5ured &nd ,urdering tr&itor &nd 3ewi)h doctor,J &nd he w&) conde,ned to /e h&nged, dr&wn &nd Bu&rtered &t !y/urn6 "li-&/eth )till )ee,) to h&1e /elie1ed hi, innocent, &nt$ del&yed three ,onth) /efore 13%


)igning the de&th w&rr&nt6 !he l&)t )cene w&) en&cted with &ll the /&r/&ric cruelty of the ti,e6 !he wretched doctor, when the )hout) of the huge crowd th&t h&d collected were )ilenced for & ,o,ent, w&) he&rd to cry out &g&in hi) innocence &nd th&t he lo1ed the Gueen &) well &) he lo1ed 3e)u) Chri)t, Iwhich e2're))ion,J C&,den write), Ico,ing fro, & 3ew, 'ut the )'ect&tor) into & 'le&)&nt fit of l&ughter6J 3 !hough ,&ny 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) ,ight ri)e to e,inence in their cho)en 'rofe))ion), the ,&5ority re,&ined &t the o''o)ite end of the )oci&l )c&le6 $n 1&in for Luther to urge th&t they /e ,&de to till &nd )ow. tenure of l&nd w&) for/idden the,, &nd often no &ltern&ti1e /ut to drift into /egg&ry, &nd 5oin the r&gged crew of gy')ie), ,endic&nt), &nd 1&g&/ond)6 who )w&r,ed o1er "uro'e &t thi) 'eriod6 !he )terling Bu&litie) of their r&ce degr&ded /y centurie) of 'er)ecution &nd ill#u)&ge into low cunning &nd 'l&u)i/ility, &nd their n&ti1e wit further )h&r'ened /y hunger, they &cBuired &n &'titude in wheedling & 'rec&riou) li1elihood out of & )i,'le &nd )u'er)titiou) 'e&)&ntry6 An "ngli)h tr&ct 'u/li)hed in 162% cont&in) the o/)er1&tionA IA )tore of 3ew) we h&1e in "ngl&nd, & few in Court. ,&ny in the city, ,ore in the Country6J !he tr&ct i) )ignific&ntly entitled The &anderin+ #ew Tellin+ Fortunes to (n+lishmen' ?ro, thi) )t&te,ent it will /e re,&rked th&t, contr&ry to ,odern condition), the ,&5ority of the 3ew) were loc&ted in the country &nd not in the town), where they )u/)i)ted /y fortune#telling, Bu&ckery, 'eddling &nd /eggingA >o)t of the)e 3ew) were &t le&)t no,in&lly Chri)ti&n6 $n *er,&ny6 &/out 1%(9, there w&) 'u/li)hed & curiou) work the Libre <a+atorumn EBook of :&g&/ond)F,16; & kind of who8) who of Begging Order), to the 1%27 edition of which Luther contri/uted & 0ref&ce6 One or two '&))&ge) &re worth BuotingA !he twenty#third ch&'ter i) &/out the :er&nerin)6 !he)e &re wo,en who )&y they &re /&'ti-ed 3ewe))e) &nd h&1e turned Chri)ti&n), &nd c&n tell 'eo'le whether their f&ther) or ,other) &re in hell or not, &nd /eg gown) &nd dre))e) &nd other thing), &nd h&1e &l)o f&l)e letter) &nd )e&l)6 =tem, /ew&re of the 'eddler) who )eek thee &t ho,e, for thou wilt /uy nothing good of the,, /e it )il1er, h&/erd&)hery, )'icery, or &ny other w&re)6 Bew&re, likewi)e, of the doctor) who tr&1el 136 u' &nd down the country, &nd offer theri&ck &nd root), &nd ,&ke ,uch &do &/out the,)el1e), &nd e)'eci&lly )o,e /lind doctor)6 One c&lled H&n) of Str&)/urg, h&) /een & 3ew, &nd w&) chri)tened &t Str&)/urg &t +hit)untide. ye&r) &go hi) eye) were /ored out &t +or,), /ut he i) now & 'hy)ici&n, &nd tell) fortune), &nd tr&1el) fro, 'l&ce to 'l&ce, &rid che&t) &nd defr&ud) e1ery/ody6 HowM $ need not )&y, $ could tell welt enough6 At the end of thi) f&)cin&ting &nd re1e&ling little 1olu,e there i) & :oc&/ul&ry of )i2teenth# century /egg&r8) )l&ng, of which Luther )&y) in thi) 0ref&ceA I!ruly, )uch Begg&r)8 C&nt h&) co,e fro, the 3ew), for ,&ny He/rew word) occur in the :oc&/ul&ry, &) &ny one who under)t&nd th&t l&ngu&ge ,&y 'ercei1e6J16% $n)t&nce) gi1en &re the followingA Adone, *od K He/rew, Adonai , the Lord


A%heln, to e&t K He/rew, A al Bet/am, &n egg K He/rew, Beyt/ah Boss or Bett, & hou)e K He/rew, Beth Bosshart, ,e&t K He/rew, Basar Bosshart2<et/er, & /utcher Bsaffor, & letter, & ci'her KHe/rew6 $epher Galle, & '&r)on KHe/rew, >ahal , & 'rie)t Gat/am, & child KHe/rew, Gatam, 'uny Gfare, & 1ill&ge KHe/rew, >far #oham, wine KHe/rew, 6ahyin Lehem, /re&d KHe/rew, Lehem $%ho%hern, to drink KHe/rew, $%ha%har $efel, din KHe/rew, $hafar, ,e&n !he )u/5ect i) undou/tedly worthy of & )'eci&l ,onogr&'h, &nd offer) &n intere)ting )idelight on the Chri)ti&ni-ed 3ew in conte,'or&ry )ociety6


13D Ch&'ter C:$$ 1 !he )e1enteenth century '&))ed &nd the o'ening dec&de) of the eighteenth without &ny not&/le n&,e /eing &dded to the roll of e,inent 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), though 1olunt&ry con1er)ion), re&l &nd &))u,ed, were nu,erou) /oth to C&tholici),, 0rote)t&nti),6 &nd to the Orthodo2 *reek Church6 e1erthele)), for hi)toric 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity, thi) 'eriod w&) one of the ,o)t re,&rk&/le )ince the triu,'h of the *entile Church in the fourth century6 !he tide which h&d c&rried Chri)ti&nity )te&dily further &w&y fro, the 3ewi)h &'o)tolic f&ith w&) now &t it) turn, &nd thou)&nd) not of the He/rew r&ce /eg&n to turn their eye) 4ionw&rd), liter&lly &nd )'iritu&lly6 De)'ite intoler&nce, which &g&in &nd &g&in re&red it) 5&gged /&rrier) &g&in)t the w&1e) which )we't in tow&rd) the 0&le)tini&n )hore), the 'roce)) could not /e )te,,ed6 $n 0ol&nd &nd !r&n)yl1&ni& the te&ching of ?&u)to So--ini ESocinu)F h&d g&ined & footing for &n energetic &ntitrinit&ri&ni),, which initi&ted the Hnit&ri&n ,o1e,ent, gr&nting to 3e)u) r&ther the courte)y title of *od th&n &ctu&l Deity, &nd )u/li,&ting the 'er)on&lity of the Holy S'irit into & )'iritu&l influence6 $n Brit&in6 the 'u/lic&tion of the Authori-ed :er)ion of the Bi/le /ec&,e the in)'ir&tion of 0urit&ni), &nd Bi/lic&l )'eech &nd no,encl&ture )o 'er,e&ted the n&tion&l life th&t it )ee,ed &) if the true 0eo'le of the Book were the inh&/it&nt) of the i)l&nd)6 $n Holl&nd the 9efor,&tion Church w&) no le)) &cti1e in 'ro,oting &n &l,o)t 3ewi)h do,e)tic life &nd f&ith6 $ndeed, &t one &nd the )&,e ti,e 3ewi)h ide&) were dee'ly influencing the two gre&t Chri)ti&n grou'), <&//&li), &,ong the C&tholic) &nd 0ro'hetici), &,ong the 0rote)t&nt)6 !he Old !e)t&,ent took & new hold on the religiou) con)ciou)ne))6 >en /eg&n to find in the L&w of >o)e) the di1inely &''ointed rule of conduct, &nd to )tudy the 0ro'het) for Light on the l&)t d&y)6 3ew &nd Chri)ti&n drew ne&rer together th&n they h&d done for ,&ny centurie) '&)t6 !he whole of Chri)tendo, w&) )tr&ngely unBuiet, filled with >e))i&nic e2'ect&tion) &nd fore/oding) of co,ing 3udg,ent6 A6D6 1666 w&) )et &) the cruci&l &'oc&ly'tic ye&r6 &nd there were no l&ck of '&,'hlet) 'redicting the ti,e of the end6 !he night )kie) were )e&rched for )ign) &nd 'ortent), &nd )tern '&)tor) '&inted lurid 'icture) of the l&)t d&y) for their tre,/ling flock)6 !he 3ew) the,)el1e) i,'re))ed /y the &ttitude of their 137 Chri)ti&n neigh/or), &nd /y their own ,y)tic&l )'ecul&tion), /eg&n to lift their he&d) in e2'ect&tion6 D&1id 9eu/eni, who h&d &rri1ed in "uro'e & century /efore with t&lk of & 3ewi)h kingdo, in the "&)t, h&d not /een forgotten6 Antonio de >onte)ino) w&) cl&i,ing th&t the orth#A,eric&n $ndi&n) were the lo)t !en !ri/e)6 >&n&))eh /en $)r&el w&) 'etitioning of the )ettle,ent of the 3ew) in "ngl&nd &nd Sweden on the ground th&t their re)tor&tion could not t&ke 'l&ce until they were co,'letely di)'er)ed throughout e1ery l&nd6 A) the &'oc&ly'tic ye&r drew ne&r, the ten)ion incre&)ed &,ong 3ew) &nd Chri)ti&n)6 !he n&tion&l con1er)ion of the 3ewi)h 'eo'le no longer &''e&red &) & di, &nd di)t&nt 'ro)'ect, )till le)) &) &n un&tt&in&/le go&l6 !he Dutch led the w&y in founding & 3ewi)h ,i))ion6 $n *er,&ny6 ")dr&) "d-&rd con)tituted hi,)elf &'o)tle to the 3ew), &nd w&) in)tru,ent&l during hi) long life in le&ding ,ore 3ew) to Chri)t th&n &ny other )ingle 'er)on6 He w&) followed /y 0rofe))or 3ohn Henry C&llen/erg &t the /eginning of the eighteenth century, &nd l&ter in 1D27 the f&,ou)


C&llen/erg =nstitutum #udai%um w&) founded6 9eineck in 1D13 decl&red6 I!he gener&l to'ic of con1er)&tion &nd di)cu))ion &t the 're)ent d&y i) &/out the con1er)ion of the 3ew)6J !here i) no Bue)tion th&t Cro,well w&) influenced in f&1or of >&n&))eh /en $)r&el8) 'etition for the re&d,i))ion of the 3ew) to "ngl&nd /y ho'e) of their con1er)ion6 Addre))ing &n &))e,/l&ge of clergy &nd ,erch&nt) in long g&llery &t +hiteh&ll, he )&idA I+&) it not, then, our duty in '&rticul&r to encour&ge the, to )ettle where they could /e t&ught the truth, &nd not to e2clude the, fro, the light, &nd le&1e the, &,ong f&l)e te&cher), '&'i)t), &nd idol&ter)MJ !here were ru,or) th&t the 3ew) h&d offered the 0rotector h&lf#&#,illion 'ound) for St6 0&ul8) C&thedr&l to /eco,e their )yn&gogue, &nd one writer )ugge)ted )ol1ing the $ri)h 'ro/le, /y ,&king th&t country o1er to the,6 !hen in di)t&nt S,yrn& & >e))i&h &''e&red K Sh&//&th&i 4e1i6 ot )ince B&r#<och/& h&d &ny cl&i,&nt to the throne of D&1id found )uch & following6 @et in 'er)on&lity, the two were 'ole) &)under6 B&r#<och/& w&) & w&rrior, 'ure &nd )i,'le6 Sh&//&th&i 4e1i w&) & ,y)tic6 & <&//&li)tic 1i)ion&ry6 @et e&ch w&) )uited to the 3ewi)h te,'er&,ent of hi) d&y6 Sh&//&th&i, /orn on the f&teful 9th of A/, did not &1ow hi,)elf o'enly &) the >e))i&h until he w&) forty ye&r) of &ge, &nd it would )ee, th&t he w&) r&ther co,'elled to the decl&r&tion /y the enthu)i&), of hi) di)ci'le)6 @et )o,e ye&r) /efore he h&d d&red to 'ronounce the 139 $neff&/le &,e of *od, which ,ight /e inter'reted &) &n indic&tion of hi) /elief th&t he w&) the 'ro,i)ed deli1erer6 So enwr&''ed w&) he in &n &t,o)'here of e2&lted ,y)tici),, howe1er, th&t thi) incident c&nnot /e urged &) 'roof th&t he ,&de &ny cl&i, on hi) own /eh&lf /efore he w&) dri1en to it6 But with &th&n of *&-& &) hi) energetic 'ro'het6 he did fin&lly 'rocl&i, hi,)elf, &nd the tiding) )'re&d )wiftly to the +e)t6 3ewi)h ,erch&nt) in A,)terd&, /eg&n to clo)e their /u)ine))e) 're'&r&tory to returning to the L&nd of $)r&el6 +hole co,,unitie) of 3ew) got re&dy to de'&rt6 0r&yer) for Iour Lord &nd <ing Sh&//&th&i 4e1iJ were re&d in orthodo2 )yn&gogue)6 >en &nd wo,en &nd e1en children fell into 'ro'hetic ec)t&)ie)6 And &lthough ,&ny r&//i) dou/ted &nd o''o)ed the ,o1e,ent the 3ewi)h 'eo'le would not /e /&ulked of their triu,'h, &nd re5oiced th&t the long night of )orrow w&) ne&rly ended6 Chri)ti&n) /eg&n to wonder wh&t the)e h&''ening) could 'ortend6 +&) Sh&//&th&i 4e1i the re&l Chri)tM +&) he the Antichri)tM !he wilde)t ru,or) g&ined currency6 !o the north of Scotl&nd & )hi' h&d /een )ighted with )&il) /l&-oned with the word), I!he !wel1e !ri/e) of $)r&el,J ,&nned with )&ilor) who )'oke only the He/rew tongue6 On the heel) of f&ncy followed terri/le re&lity6 166% w&) the 0l&gue @e&r, &nd in 1666 c&,e the gre&t fire of London6 How )hocking to the 3ew) w&) the tr&gic di)&''oint,ent when Sh&//&th&i, 're))ed to fulfill the 'rediction th&t he )hould t&ke the crown fro, the he&d of the !urki)h Sult&n, &rri1ed &t Con)t&ntino'le &nd w&) fir)t i,'ri)oned &nd l&ter on thre&t of de&th turned >u))ul,&n6 Long &fterw&rd) the 3ewi)h co,,unitie) were )till rent &nd torn /y contro1er)y /ec&u)e )o,e yet clung to the 1&in ho'e th&t in &n une2'l&ined ,ir&culou) ,&nner their hero would /e re)tored to the, &nd fulfill hi) de)tiny6 +hile in the e&r "&)t, the Don,eh )ect )till )ur1i1e), who)e ,e,/er) 'r&cti)e & f&ith h&lf >u)li, h&lf 3ewi)h, looking for the return of their >e))i&h, & '&le reflection of wh&t &-&reni), w&) in the e&rly Chri)ti&n centurie)6 2 A) h&d h&''ened on )i,il&r occ&)ion in the '&)t the re&ction /rought &/out /y the f&ilure of & >e))i&nic cl&i,&nt dro1e nu,/er) of 3ew) into the Church6 $t &l)o led to the for,&tion of ,&ny

/orderline )ect), '&rticul&rly in e&)tern "uro'e, which on the one h&nd di)c&rded ,uch of r&//inic&l dog,& &nd cere,oni&l. &nd on the other h&nd flirted with 1;( Chri)ti&nity in their ,y)tic&l >e))i&ni),6 Chief &,ong the)e new grou') were the ?r&nki)t)6 3&co/ ?r&nk w&) /orn in 0oldoli& &/out 1D26, the )on of one who w&) hi,)elf e2'elled for, the loc&l 3ewi)h co,,unity for /eing & $hebs Efollower of Sh&//&th&i 4e1iF6 A) & ,erch&nt he )'ent ,uch of hi) e&rly life in S&lonik& &nd S,yrn&, where the Sh&//&th&i&n influence w&) )till 1ery )trong6 A/out 1D%% ?r&nk returned to 0oldoli& &nd g&thered &/out hi, & /ody of loc&l )ect&rie) to who, he /eg&n to 'rocl&i, the re1el&tion) he h&d recei1ed fro, the She/)#,e))i&ni)t)6 $n 'l&ce of the !&l,ud, the )ect re1erenced the <&//&li)tic 4oh&r, &nd )tyled the,)el1e) 4oh&ri)t)6 $n their )ecret g&thering), the condition) 're1&iling in the 'ri,iti1e Corinthi&n Church were re'e&ted, where religiou) e2&lt&tion /ec&,e degr&ded /y licentiou)ne)). with the re)ult th&t the ?r&nki)t) were 'ut under & )e1ere /&n /y the )c&nd&li-ed r&//i), &nd e1ery effort w&) ,&de to e2'el the, fro, the Syn&gogue6 !he 'er)ecuted ?r&nki)t) )ought 'rotection fro, the Bi)ho' of <&,enet)#0odol)k on the ground of their re5ection of !&l,ud, &nd th&t the 4oh&r which w&) their &uthority recogni-ed the doctrine of & di1ine !rinity of which the >e))i&h w&) & ,e,/er6 !hey did not e2'l&in th&t for the, the >e))i&h w&) Sh&//&th&i 4e1i6 !he 'rotection w&) gr&nted, &nd &) long &) the /i)ho' li1ed the )ect re,&ined f&irly )ecure6 According to D& Co)t&, the ?r&nki)t tenet) were &) follow)A I!h&t no religion c&n 'o))i/ly e2i)t without the knowledge of *odA &ll other religion i) &n outw&rd )er1ice or work)A 'iety &nd the lo1e of *od &re the effect) of & 'rofound &cBu&int&nce with Hi) n&ture, &nd thi) ,u)t /e )ought in the )tudy of Hi) l&w, where it i) found &) within & kernel, fro, which it ,u)t /e deduced /y ,e&n) of tr&ditionA the doctrine of >o)e) &nd the 0ro'het) h&) &n inw&rd ,e&ning f&r dee'er th&n th&t of the letter, without which it i) only & de&d letter, &nd the )ource of error) &nd ,i)t&ke), the c&u)e of the d&ngerou) doctrine) of the !&l,ud. &ccording to the 'ure doctrine of the +ord of *od, there i) only one *od, the Cre&tor &nd 0re)er1er of &ll thing), /ut re1e&led in three 'er)on). *od h&) &''e&red fro, the /eginning u'on e&rth in hu,&n for,, /ut &fter the entr&nce of )in, He l&id &)ide thi) for,, &nd h&) )ince t&ken it &g&in of the e2'i&tion of )in6 A) for 3eru)&le,, it will ne1er /e re/uilt, &nd & terre)tri&l >e))i&h i) not to /e e2'ected6166 $n 1D%9 ?r&nk entered on & new )t&ge in hi) c&reer6 He cl&i,ed th&t hi) re1el&tion) )howed the nece))ity for hi,)elf &nd hi) follower) to &do't the 1;1 Chri)ti&n f&ith &) '&rt of the 'roce)) of re&li-ing the world >e))i&nic religion6 Accordingly, he &nd )o,e fi1e hundred ,e,/er) of the )ect were recei1ed into the Church /y /&'ti),6 ?r&nk, to who, Augu)tu) $$$ )tood godf&ther, recei1ed the /&'ti),&l n&,e of 3o)e'h6 L&ter, howe1er, when it w&) 'ercei1ed th&t the ?r&nki)t) were &) heretic&l &) Chri)ti&n) &) they h&d for,erly /een &) 3ew), 'roceeding) were t&ken &g&in)t the,, &nd ?r&nk hi,)elf w&) &rre)ted &nd confined in & ,on&)tery for thirteen ye&r)6 "1entu&lly he w&) rele&)ed through the &d1&nce of the 9u))i&n &r,ie), &nd &fter &n &d1enturou) c&reer died &t Offen/&ck in 1D916 Hi) d&ughter, who )ur1i1ed hi,, c&rried on the le&der)hi' of the )ect until 1716, when the ,e,/er) were )c&ttered &nd


,erged with the C&tholic Church6 !he ,o1e,ent i) noteworthy for the &tte,'t to co,/ine ,y)tic&l 3ud&i), with Chri)ti&nity6 !he ,y)tic) of &ll religion) h&1e & cert&in kin)hi' which en&/le) the, to dr&w ne&r to one &nother &nd )ink doctrin&l difference) in & co,,on )u'er,und&ne l&ngu&ge &nd conce'tion, &nd 3ewi)h ,y)tici), h&) /y f&r the clo)e)t tie) with ,y)tic&l Chri)ti&nity6 A) & re)ult, )ince the ?r&nki)t ,o1e,ent, ,&ny 3ewi)h con1ert) h&1e co,e fro, the r&nk) of the Ch&))idi, of 0ol&nd &nd *&lici&6 !he tendency of thi) ty'e of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n, n&tur&lly, i) &w&y fro, re&li)tic onconfor,ity &nd tow&rd) the High Church &nd 9o,&n Church which /e)t )&ti)fy their &)'ir&tion)6 At the 're)ent d&y & re1i1&l of Ch&))idic Chri)ti&nity, though in &n orthodo2 for,, h&) /een &tte,'ted /y Dr6 0&ul Le1ertoff, who ch&r&cteri)tic&lly h&) &))i)ted in tr&n)l&ting the 4oh&r into "ngli)h6 Hndou/tedly there i) & 'l&ce in the Chri)ti&n Church for the 3ewi)h ,y)tic, &nd hi) contri/ution c&n /e & 1&lu&/le one e1en if it ,u)t /e li,ited to the few who h&1e & c&'&city for )uch & tr&n)cendent&l f&ith6 3 $t h&) &lre&dy /een noted to wh&t &n unu)u&l e2tent the Chri)ti&n) of thi) 'eriod were concerned with the 3ewi)h 'ro/le,6 A,ong the /ook) which were written, &nd which )till h&1e )o,e re'ut&tion, not &lw&y) of & )&1ory ch&r&cter, were +&gen)eil8) Tela =+nea $atan;, "i)en,enger8) (ntde% tes #udenthum, Lightfoot8) Hor? Hebrai%; et Talmudi%;, & co,,ent&ry on the *o)'el) &nd )o,e of the "'i)tle) fro, 3ewi)h )ource), Surenhuy)iu)8 Mishna, B&rtlocci8) Bibliothe%a Ma+na -abbini%a, &nd B&)n&ge8) LHistoire et la -eli+ion des #uifs .epuis #esus Christ #us0ua 1;2 *resent' +h&t i) of '&rticul&r i,'ort&nce fro, the 'oint of 1iew of thi) hi)tory i) th&t thi) )chol&rly &cti1ity in the do,&in of He/rew le&,ing w&) directly 're'&ring the w&y of the re1i1&l of org&ni-ed 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity6 9e're)ent&ti1e of the ,ore enlightened &ttitude i) the )t&te,ent of Surenhuy)iu), Buoted with &''ro1&l /y C&non D&n/y616D He who de)ire) to /e & good &nd worthy di)ci'le of Chri)t ,u)t either fir)t /eco,e & 3ew, or fir)t le&rn thoroughly the l&ngu&ge &nd culture of the 3ew), &nd /eco,e >o)e)8 di)ci'le /efore he 5oin) the A'o)tle), in order th&t he ,&y /e &/le through >o)e) &nd the 0ro'het) to con1ince ,en th&t 3e)u) i) the >e))i&h6 Hnwelco,e &) con1er)ioni)t &ttention w&) to the 3ew, he w&) Buickly re)'on)i1e to & re&)on&/le Chri)ti&n &''ro&ch which re)'ected the ,erit) of 3ewi)h te&ching6 $n return he could gi1e & /le))ing to the f&ith which h&) cur)ed hi, for )o ,&ny centurie)6 !hu) 3&co/ ",den, the f&,ou) 3ewi)h contro1er)i&li)t of the eighteenth century, could writeA Chri)ti&nity h&) /een gi1en &) '&rt of the 3ewi)h religion /y A'o)tle) to the *entile worldA &nd it) ?ounder h&) e1en ,&de the ,or&l l&w) )tricter th&n &re tho)e cont&ined in the >o)&ic l&w6 !here &re, &ccordingly, ,&ny Chri)ti&n) of high Bu&litie) &nd e2cellent ,or&l) who kee' fro, h&tred &nd do h&r, to none, e1en to their ene,ie)6 +ould th&t Chri)ti&n) would &ll li1e in confor,ity with their 'rece't)L !hey &re not en5oined, like the $)r&elite), to o/)er1e the l&w) of >o)e)A nor do they )in if they &))oci&te other /eing) with *od in wor)hi''ing & trinit&ri&n *odhe&d6 !hey will recei1e rew&rd fro, *od for h&1ing 'ro'&g&ted & /elief in

Hi, &,ong n&tion) th&t ne1er he&rd Hi) n&,eA for IHe look) into the he&rt6J @e&, ,&ny Chri)ti&n) h&1e e1en gone forth to the re)cue of 3ew) &nd their liter&ture6167 Our highe)t tri/ute ,u)t /e re)er1ed for & *entile &uthor often f&l)ely de)cri/ed &) & freethinker when he )hould h&1e /een de)cri/ed &) &n &d1&nced thinker, for he w&) fully two hundred ye&r) /efore hi) ti,e6 $t w&) 3ohn !ol&nd, who, in hi) !a/arenus 'u/li)hed in the )econd dec&de of the eighteenth century, fir)t 'ercei1ed &nd )et forth the fund&,ent&l difference in the con)titution of 3ewi)h &nd *entile Chri)ti&nity6 $f hi) wi)e word) h&d recei1ed the &ttention th&t w&) their due, how ,uch of the )uffering would h&1e /een )'&red to hundred) of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) cut off for, their r&ci&l herit&ge /y the Church8) in)i)tence th&t /y &cce't&nce of 1;3 Chri)t they h&d ce&)ed in &ny )en)e to /e 3ew)6 +h&t &gonie) of )oul, wh&t /roken he&rt), h&1e re)ulted fro, the *entile fe&r of 3ud&i)ingL How ,&ny 3ewi)h ho,e) h&1e ,ourned & lo)t )on or d&ughter, /ec&u)e it w&) /elie1ed on Chri)ti&n &uthority th&t their con1erted child h&d /eco,e & +oyL !horny h&) /een the '&th of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n who de)ired to re,&in loy&l to hi) 'eo'le &nd to their *od#gi1en in)titution)6 9o,&ni), tortured hi) /ody, /ut 0rote)t&nti), tortured hi) )oul6 o wonder th&t there h&1e /een /&ck)lider), while )uch & 'er1er)ion of truth could )t&nd for Chri)ti&n doctrine, &nd 3ewi)h )oul) were hunted to de&th to the tune of I?ree fro, the L&w, O h&''y conditionLJ Con)ider&tion) of )'&ce unfortun&tely 're1ent &ny det&iled Buot&tion of !ol&nd8) clo)ely re&)oned &rgu,ent), /ut &t le&)t &n e2tr&ct fro, the 0ref&ce to hi) work ,u)t /e gi1en &) & ,e,ori&l of & Chri)ti&n ,&n of 1i)ion &nd of f&ith6 ?ro, the hi)tory of the &-&rene)6 &nd ,ore '&rticul&r fro, the e1ident word) of Scri'ture, $ infer in thi) di)cour)e & di)tinction of two )ort) of Chri)ti&n), 1i-6 tho)e fro, &,ong the 3ew), &nd tho)e fro, &,ong the *entile)A not only th&t in f&ct there w&) )uch & di)tinction Ewhich no/ody denie)F /ut likewi)e th&t of right it ought to h&1e /een )o Ewhich e1ery/ody denie)F &nd th&t it w&) )o de)igned in the Origin&l 0l&n of Chri)ti&nity6 $ ,e&n th&t the 3ew), though &))oci&ting with the con1erted *entile), &nd &cknowledging the, for /rethren, were )till to o/)er1e their own L&w throughout &ll gener&tion). &nd th&t the *entile), who /ec&,e )o f&r 3ew) &) to &cknowledge One *od, were not howe1er, to o/)er1e the 3ewi)h L&wA /ut th&t /oth of the, were to /e fore1er &fter united into one /ody or fellow)hi', &nd in th&t '&rt of Chri)ti&nity '&rticul&rly, which, /etter th&n &ll the 're'&r&ti1e 'urg&tion) of the 0hilo)o'her), reBuire) the )&nctific&tion of the )'irit, or the reno1&tion of the inw&rd ,&n. &nd wherein &lone the 3ew &nd the *entile, the Ci1ili-ed &nd the B&r/&ri&n, the ?ree,&n &nd the Bond)l&1e, &re &ll one in Chri)t, howe1er otherwi)e differing in their circu,)t&nce)6 $n co,'&ri)on of the ew Cre&ture, Circu,ci)ion &nd Hncircu,ci)ion &re &) nothingA which yet no ,ore t&ke) &w&y the di)tinction of the )e2e). )ince it i) likewi)e )&id in the )&,e )en)e, &nd in the )&,e 'l&ce, th&t in Chri)t there i) neither >&le or ?e,&le6 !hi) fellow)hi' in 0iety &nd :irtue i) the >y)tery th&t 0&ul rightly 1;;


)&y) w&) hid fro, &ll other &ge), till the ,&nife)t&tion of it /y 3e)u). &nd thi) union without unifor,ity, /etween 3ew &nd *entile, i) the &d,ir&/le "cono,y of the *o)'el6 ow, thi) *o)'el con)i)t) not in word) /ut in 1irtue. ti) inw&rd &nd )'iritu&l, &/)tr&cted fro, &ll for,&l &nd outw&rd 'erfor,&nce)A for the ,o)t e2&ct o/)er1&tion of e2tern&l), ,&y /e without one gr&in of religion6 All thi) i) ,ech&nic&lly done /y the hel' of & little /ook#cr&ft, where&) true religion i) inw&rd life &nd )'irit6 So th&t )o,ething el)e /e)ide) the Leg&l Ordin&nce), ,o)t of the, 'olitic&l, w&) nece))&ry to render & 3ew religiou)A e1en th&t ?&ith, which i) &n intern&l '&rtici'&tion of the di1ine n&ture, irr&di&ting the )oul. &nd e2tern&lly &''e&ring in /eneficence, 5u)tice, )&nctity, &nd tho)e other 1irtue) /y which we re)e,/le *od, who i) hi,)elf &ll *oodne))6 But the 3ew) gener&lly ,i)took the ,e&n) for the endA &) other, who /etter under)tood the end, would not only &/)urdly t&ke &w&y the n&,e)A /ut e1en tho)e other ci1il &nd n&tion&l rite) which were to continue &lw&y) in the 3ewi)h 9e'u/lic E&) $ '&rticul&rly 'ro1eF thu) confounding 'olitic&l with religiou) 'erfor,&nce)6 ?ro, thi) doctrine it follow) Eti) trueF th&t 3e)u) did not t&ke &w&y or c&ncel the 3ewi)h L&w, in &ny )en)e wh&t)oe1er, S&crifice) only e2ce'ted. /ut neither doe) thi) &ffect &ny of the *entile Chri)ti&n) now in the world, who h&1e nothing &t &ll to do with th&t L&w6 $t follow) indeed th&t the 3ew), whether /eco,ing Chri)ti&n) or not, &re fore1er /ound to the L&w of >o)e), &) now li,ited. &nd he th&t think) th&t they were &/)ol1ed fro, the o/)er1&tion of it /y 3e)u), or th&t 8ti) & f&ult in the, )till to &dhere to it, doe) err, not knowing the Scri'ture). &) did ,o)t of the con1ert) fro, the *entile), who g&1e their /&re n&,e) to Chri)t, /ut re)er1ed their $dol&trou) he&rt) for their n&ti1e )u'er)tition)6 !he)e did &l,o)t wholly )u/1ert the !rue Chri)ti&nity, which in the following !re&ti)e $ 1indic&te. dr&wing it out fro, under the ru//i)h of their endle)) di1i)ion, &nd cle&ring it fro, the &l,o)t i,'enetr&/le ,i)t) of their )o'hi)try6 So in1eter&te w&) their h&tred of the 3ew) Ethough inde/ted to the, for the *o)'elF th&t their o/)er1ing of &ny thing, howe1er re&)on&/le or nece))&ry6 w&) & )ufficient ,oti1e for the)e *entile con1ert) to re5ect it 6666 $ do here te&ch & 1ery different doctrine, 1;% ,ore con)on&nt E$ &, 'er)u&dedF to the ,ind of Chri)t &nd hi) A'o)tle), &nd i) ,ore &gree&/le to the L&w of n&ture &nd the dict&te) of Hu,&nity6169


1;6 Ch&'ter C:$$$ 1 !he intention of thi) hi)tory cle&rly e2clude) &ny det&iled &ccount of Chri)ti&n >i))ion) to 3ew), &nd & 1olu,inou) liter&ture &lre&dy e2i)t) on the )u/5ect 'u/li)hed /y the 1&riou) )ocietie) the,)el1e) &nd /y indi1idu&l) who were clo)ely connected with their &cti1itie)6 $t ,u)t /e cle&rly recogni-ed, howe1er, th&t the >i))ion) to the 3ew)6 ,&inly founded in the nineteenth century, '&1ed the w&y directly for the recon)titution of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity &) &n org&nic )'iritu&l co,,unity, not only /ec&u)e their high#)ouled effort) won thou)&nd) of 3ew) for Chri)t &nd )o 'ro1ided the li1ing ,&teri&l) for )uch & recon)titution, /ut /ec&u)e )o,e of the, )'on)ored &nd &))i)ted the fir)t he)it&nt )te') of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) to unite with one &nother in & cor'or&te e2i)tence6 !he de/t of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity to the ,odern 0rote)t&nt ,i))ion) i) indeed &n o1erwhel,ing one, &nd c&n only /e re'&id /y the ut,o)t ende&1or to re&li-e in function the 1i)ion of )o ,&ny )&intly *entile Chri)ti&n) of & n&tion&l 3ewi)h witne)) for 3e)u) the >e))i&h th&t in the d&rk hour of &l,o)t uni1er)&l un/elief would hold &loft the torch of f&ith, &nd fulfill the hi)toric ,i))ion of $)r&el to the world /y )howing forth the '&ttern of & kingdo, of 'rie)t) &nd & holy n&tion6 $n the conte,'l&tion of )uch & gloriou) 'ro)'ect it i) 'o))i/le to lo)e )ight of, &nd e1en to forget, the fe1er) &nd )tre))e) which h&1e ,&rked the 5ourney to the ,ount of 1i)ion, the /itterne))e) of /rethren &nd the o''o)ition of foe)6 +h&t we ,&y re,e,/er with gr&titude i), th&t de)'ite te,'or&ry )et/&ck) due to l&ck of under)t&nding, 5e&lou)ie), &nd & rigid &dherence to )ection&l for,ul&), there w&) & )te&dy )tri1ing &nd 'rogre)) tow&rd) the go&l6 $t could not /e e2'ected of the 3ewi)h 'eo'le th&t they would in &ny w&y counten&nce either the o/5ector ,ethod) of the Chri)ti&n 'ro'&g&nd&, which to the,, &nd not without re&)on, re're)ented & di)ru'ti1e force &i,ing &t the 'iece#,e&l de)truction of their r&ci&l integrity6 +e )&y, not without re&)on, /ec&u)e the IAll one in Chri)tJ '&rti)&n) in the Church continued to u)e the /e&utiful 0&uline conce'tion &) &n &2e to )e1er the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n wholly &nd co,'letely fro, hi) for,er co#rcligioni)t)6 !he 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) the,)el1e), e)'eci&lly the ,i))ion&rie), '&rtly in)'ired /y -e&l for their new f&ith &nd '&rtly /y fe&r th&t their )incerity would /e c&lled in Bue)tion, &) & rule h&1e /een out)'oken in denunci&tion) of 3ud&i),, )o th&t they h&1e /eco,e )tr&nger) to their /rethren &nd h&1e 1;D ce&)ed to /e &))oci&ted with &ny 3ewi)h intere)t), e1en of & non#religiou) ch&r&cter6 +hen not di)owned through 3ewi)h 're5udice they h&1e di)owned the,)el1e) through Chri)ti&n 're5udice6 !he ne&rer we &''ro&ch to our own ti,e) the ,ore difficult it /eco,e) to 1iew e1ent) &nd indi1idu&l) in & true hi)toric 'er)'ecti1e6 $t i) not only th&t we h&1e &,'le record) to contr&)t with the )c&nty relic) of '&)t &ge), or th&t & few n&,e) h&1e )welled to thou)&nd), /ut th&t the t&)k of deciding who &nd wh&t e1ent) &re re&lly )ignific&nt i) co,'lic&ted /y &ctu&l or )u''o)ed 'er)on&l /i&)6 $f our hi)tory h&d /een one of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) &nd not of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity, there would /e no difficulty, &) &ll th&t would /e reBuired would /e & rewriting of e2'&n)ion of Bern)tein8) $ome #ewish &itnesses for Christ' But our &i, /eing wh&t it i), & reference to the ,&5ority of 1ery e)ti,&/le 3ewi)h con1ert) of the nineteenth century, ,&ny of who, &tt&ined to


gre&t di)tinction for 'iety or le&rning, would /e entirely out of 'l&ceA they /elong to the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n roll of honor, &nd their n&,e), no dou/t, &re written in he&1en, /ut they h&1e contri/uted nothing to the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n ,o1e,ent6 !he n&,e) th&t will li1e in 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n hi)tory will /e tho)e of ,en who were not &lw&y) highly thought of /y their own gener&tion &nd who were freBuently di)tre))ed &nd di)cour&ged, /ut who /y their )te&df&)t &dherence to their r&ci&l o/lig&tion) &) 3ew) h&1e )ought to re)tore wh&t !ol&nd re&li-ed w&) the Origin&l 0l&n of Chri)ti&nity6 2 !he cl&rion c&ll to & new conce'tion of Chri)ti&n duty to the 3ew w&) )ounded /y C&llen/crg in 1D326 I+ill *od )&1e &ll ,&nkind, He doe) not e2clude the 3ew)6J !he Church w&) &w&kening to the *entile need of Chri)t in f&r off l&nd), /ut the A'o)tolic order I!o the 3ew fir)t,J h&d )o f&r touched few Chri)ti&n con)cience)6 >uller8) The Li+ht at ("entide, &nd *oldney8) (pistle to the #ews, Iwhere)oe1er )c&ttered &/ro&d u'on the f&ce of the whole e&rth,J were e2ce'tion&l tr&ct)6 $t h&d to w&it for 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) to 'le&d the c&u)e of their /rethren /efore &ny re&l &cti1e work w&) )t&rted6 3o)e'h S&,uel ?rey E1D11#173DF &nd 9idley Her)chell E17(D#176;F were the in)'irer) of the London Society &nd the Briti)h Society, re)'ecti1ely, for 0ro,oting Chri)ti&nity &,ong the 3ew)6 >&ny other )ocietie) were )u/)eBuently for,ed, &nd /y the end of the nineteenth century there were ne&rly & hundred &gencie) working &,ong the 3ew) in different '&rt) of the world6 !he re)ult) of their work i) )hown /y the f&ct 1;7 th&t &t le&)t & Bu&rter of & ,illion 3ew) were won for Chri)t during thi) century6 1D( Bu&lity negligi/le6 !wenty n&,e) only ,&y /e gi1en here &) re're)ent&ti1e61D1 or w&) their

<&rl 0&ul C&)'&ri E171;#1792F, 'rofe))or of theology &t Chri)ti&ni&6 0&ulu) C&))el E1721#1792F, *er,&n writer &nd 're&cher6 $)&&c D& Co)t& E1D79#176(F, Dutch hi)tori&n6 Ben5&,in Di)r&eli, Lord Be&con)field E17(;#1771F, Briti)h )t&te),&n &nd writer6 *eorge "/er) E/6 173DF6 *er,&n "gy'tologi)t6 Alfred "der)hei, E172%#1779F, "ngli)h theologi&n &nd writer6 ",in 0&)h& E17;(#1792F, Afric&n e2'lorer6 ?erdin&nd Chri)ti&n "w&ld E17(1#17D;F, *er,&n di1ine6 Chri)ti&n D&1id *in)/urg Eit 1721F, Briti)h theologi&n6 Bi)ho' $)&&c Hell,uth E172(#19(1F, C&n&di&n di1ine6 Sir +illi&, Her)chel E1D37#1722F, "ngli)h &)trono,er6 >o)e) >&rgoliouth E1717#1771F, 3ewi)h hi)tori&n6 <&rl >&r2 E1717#1773F, *er,&n )oci&li)t6 ?eli2 >endel))ohn#B&rtholdy E17(9#17;DF, *er,&n co,'o)er6 3oh&nn Augu)t +ilhel, e&nder E1D79#17%(F, 'rofe))or of eccle)i&)tic&l hi)tory, Berlin6 Sir ?r&nci) Cohen 0&lgr&1e E1D77#1761F, hi)tori&n6 Bi)ho' S&,uel $)&&c 3oh)e'h Schere)chew)ky E1731#19(6F, )inologi)t &nd di1ine6 Henry A6 Stern E172(#177%F, ,i))ion&ry &nd tr&1eller6 3o)e'h +olff E1D9%#1762F, ,i))ion&ry &nd tr&1eller6 Sir >o)e) Ci,ene) E/6 1D62F, "ngli)h high )heriff6


3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity doe) not /o&)t of nu,/er), &nd it i) only right to &dd th&t De le 9oi8) figure) include ,&ny thou)&nd) of 3ew) who were con1ert) of e2'ediency, e)'eci&lly in *er,&ny, where the 'rofe))ing 3ew h&d little ch&nce of &d1&nce,ent6 $t c&nnot /e )&id, howe1er, th&t 3ewi)h e,&nci'&tion, which took 'l&ce in )o ,&ny countrie) during the nineteenth century, ,&de the 3ew le)) willing to li)ten to the *o)'el ,e))&ge6 9&ther i) it )triking th&t when &ll co,'ul)ion &nd nece))ity for Chri)ti&n /&'ti), w&) re,o1ed there w&) &n incre&)e &nd not & di,inution of con1er)ion)6 !he )'irit th&t h&d )te&dily re)i)ted thre&t) &nd 'er)ecution) w&) re&dy to )urrender to lo1e6 1;9 3 One of the ,o)t )ignific&nt of Chri)ti&n ,i))ion&ry enter'ri)e) to the 3ew) in&ugur&ted during the nineteenth century w&) the He/rew Chri)ti&n !e)ti,ony to $)r&el founded in 1793 /y D&1id B&ron &nd C6A6 Schon/erger in the "&)t "nd of London6 !he)e two )&intly ,en were &n2iou) to i,'re)) the 3ew) with the f&ct th&t they did not re're)ent &ny '&rticul&r Church or )ect or '&rty, /ut th&t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) &) )uch were /e&ring te)ti,ony th&t they h&d found in 3e)u) of &-&reth their >e))i&h &nd S&1ior6 !heir &i, w&) not to con1ert 3ew) to & creed, /ut to /ring &) ,&ny &) 'o))i/le into li1ing rel&tion)hi' with *od, in Chri)t, &nd to te)tify to /oth 3ew) &nd *entile Chri)ti&n) th&t Chri)t &nd $)r&el &re in)e'&r&/le. th&t Chri)t i) )till to /e Ithe <ing of the 3ew),J &nd th&t the 3ewi)h n&tion i) in & 'eculi&r )en)e IHi) own6J D&1id B&ron once )t&tedA +h&t we continu&lly 're)) u'on the 3ew) i) th&t we /elie1e in Chri)t &) the Son of >&n &nd the Son of *od, not in spite of, but be%ause we are, #ews' +e /elie1e th&t 3e)u) i) the Di1ine <ing of our 'eo'le, the )u, &nd )u/)t&nce or our Scri'ture), the fulfiller of our L&w &nd our 0ro'het), the e,/odi,ent of &ll the 'ro,i)e) of our co1en&nt6 Our testimony is that of #ews to #ews' Such & 'o)ition would h&1e /een &n i,'o))i/le one e1en in the 're1iou) century6 !he e,&nci'&tion of the 3ew) &l)o /rought with it the e,&nci'&tion of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n6 o longer need he deny hi) r&ce, /ut could o'enly 'rocl&i, hi,)elf for wh&t he w&)6


1%( Ch&'ter C$C !wel1e we&ry centurie) h&d '&))ed )ince 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity lo)t it) cor'or&te e2i)tence, twel1e centurie) in which &ny )u)'icion of 3ewi)hne)) &ny con1ert w&) conde,ned &) Chri)ti&n &'o)t&)y &nd 'uni)hed with &ll the cruelty of the ti,e)6 Like & 'e&ceful 1ill&ge o1er which the tide of /&ttle h&) flowed &nd retre&ted, &nd the 1ill&ger) &re returning one /y one to their ruined ho,e)te&d) &nd de1&)t&ted field) to /uild &nd to 'l&n &g&in &nd to li1e together, )o 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity /eg&n &t fir)t he)it&tingly, /ut gr&du&lly with ,ore confidence, to reorg&ni-e &nd recon)truct6 @et thing) could not /e &) once they h&d /een6 !i,e) h&d ch&nged, )uffering h&d t&ught new le))on), it w&) not 'o))i/le or 'olitic to re/uild on the old 'l&n, to re)t&te the f&ith in Buite the )&,e ter,)6 e1erthele)), it w&) on the )&,e /&)i) th&t the found&tion) h&d to /e l&id, & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n /&)i), Buite di)tincti1e fro, th&t of the *entile Chri)ti&n, though in ,&ny re)'ect) &kin6 !here were tho)e who wi)hed to /uild on the 'l&n of the 'l&ce) of e2ile, or the '&ttern of the Chri)ti&n )ect) to which they h&d /eco,e &tt&ched6 !here were other) who h&d lo)t &ll de)ire for religiou) re'&tri&tion, &nd held &loof6 Other) &g&in denounced the work &) contr&ry to Di1ine intentionA the de)truction, they cl&i,ed, w&) 'roof th&t & co,,un&l 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity h&d /een done &w&y with, &nd th&t &))i,il&tion to the uni1er)&l Church w&) the de)ign of the 're)ent di)'en)&tion6 !he &rgu,ent) th&t h&1e /een u)ed, &nd &re )till /eing u)ed, &re not new, neither &rc they 5u)tifi&/le6 o dou/t they were e,'loyed /y the 3ew) of B&/ylon when the f&ithful re,n&nt )et out to return &nd /uild the w&ll) of 4ion6 !he gre&t work i) )till in it) inf&ncy, foreign influence) &re )till )trong, there &re ,&ny S&n/&ll&t) to i,'ede the work &nd to &tte,'t to /ring it to n&ught, the loy&l 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n ,u)t )till /e re&dy to '&u)e in hi) /uilding to defend hi) new found li/erty6 !he cry i) r&i)edA I+h&t do the)e fee/le 3ew)MJ $t will yet /e )een wh&t *od will do6 A 'ortent of the new er& for 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity w&) 1i)i/le in the con)ecr&tion to the newly#cre&ted Anglic&n See of 3eru)&le, of Bi)ho' >ich&el Solo,on Ale2&nder in 17;1, the fir)t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n Bi)ho' of 3eru)&le, )ince A6D6 13%6 Ale2&nder w&) /orn &t Schonl&nke in 0o)en in 1D996 &nd grew to ,&nhood in &n orthodo2 3ewi)h ho,e6 He c&,e to "ngl&nd in 172(, 1%1 /eing &t th&t ti,e wholly un&cBu&inted with Chri)ti&nity6 At Colche)ter, where he h&d )ettled &) & tutor, he h&''ened to )ee & h&nd/ill notifying the &nnu&l ,eeting of the London 3ew)8 Society, &nd thi) )o &rou)ed hi) curio)ity th&t he o/t&ined &nd re&d the ew !e)t&,ent6 L&ter he /ec&,e r&//i of the 3ewi)h congreg&tion &t orwich, &nd )u/)eBuently &t 0ly,outh6 where in 1721 he ,&rried & >i)) Le1y of th&t town6 !he in)tru,ent of hi) con1er)ion w&) the 9e16 B6B6 *olding, cur&te of Stonehou)e, to who, he g&1e le))on) in He/rew6 He w&) e1entu&lly /&'ti-ed in 172%, &nd it w&) hi) 5oy to di)co1er th&t hi) wife Buite unknown to hi, h&d /een & )ecret inBuirer6 After ordin&tion &) de&con, &nd then &) 'rie)t, he /ec&,e & ,i))ion&ry of the London 3ew)8 Society E172D#17;1F6 During '&rt of thi) ti,e he held the 'o)t of 0rofe))or of He/rew &nd 9&//inic&l Liter&ture in <ing8) College, London6 $n 17;(6 0rofe))or Ale2&nder8) n&,e &''e&red &t the he&d of & li)t of )i2ty 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) who h&d )u/)cri/ed to & for,&l I'rote)t of

Chri)ti&n 3ew) in "ngl&ndJ &g&in)t the Blood Li/el, th&t 3ew) u)ed Chri)ti&n /lood in their 0&))o1er rite)6 $n 17;1 <ing ?rederic +illi&, $: of 0ru))i&, de)iring to &,elior&te the condition of 0rote)t&nt) in the Holy L&nd, 'ro'o)ed to *re&t Brit&in, through Che1&lier Bun)en the e)t&/li)h,ent of & 5oint e'i)co'&l re're)ent&ti1e &t 3eru)&le,6 !he )ugge)tion w&) cordi&lly &cce'ted6 0&rli&,ent '&))ed & Bill to found &nd endow & Bi)ho'ric, which recei1ed Gueen :ictori&8) &))ent on Octo/er %, 17;16 !he offer of the Bi)ho'ric w&) ,&de, in the fir)t in)t&nce, to Dr6 >cC&ul, who declined it on the ground th&t & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n ought to occu'y the 'o)ition6 Ale2&nder w&) thereu'on )elected &nd con)ecr&ted &) fir)t Bi)ho' of the new )ee on Sund&y, o1e,/er D, 17;1, in L&,/eth 0&l&ce /y the Arch/i)ho' of C&nter/ury in the 're)ence of & di)tingui)hed co,'&ny6 !he ne2t ,orning the new Bi)ho' cele/r&ted Holy Co,,union in the "'i)co'&l 3ew)8 Ch&'el, &nd in the e1ening 're&ched hi) l&)t )er,on /efore hi) de'&rture fro, "ngl&nd6 'ro'hetic&lly &) it &fterw&rd) tr&n)'ired fro, the te2tA IAnd now, /ehold, $ go /ound in the )'irit unto 3eru)&le,6 not knowing the thing) th&t )h&ll /ef&ll ,c there6J 3eru)&le, w&) re&ched on 3&nu&ry 21, 17;2, &nd it w&) & d&y of gre&t re5oicing when the 3ewi)h Bi)ho' entered the city of hi) f&ther)6 $n confor,ity with in)truction) recei1ed fro, Con)t&ntino'le, 'rocl&,&tion w&) ,&de in the ,o)Bue) th&t, Ihe who touche) the Anglic&n Bi)ho' will /e reg&rded &) touching the &''le of 0&)h&8) eye6J $n hi) l&)t &nnu&l 1%2 letter, written in 17;% 5u)t /efore he )t&rted on the 5ourney to C&iro which re)ulted in hi) de&th, Bi)ho' Ale2&nder referred to th&t gre&t e1ent in hi) life6 He )'oke of th&t d&y &). ,uch to /e re,e,/ered, e1en when the re)ult), which h&1e &lre&dy followed in thi) )hort 'eriod, /e &lone t&ken into con)ider&tion. /ut & d&y which we tru)t will yet 'ro1e one of the ,o)t re,&rk&/le in the hi)tory of the Church, when the Lord I)h&ll /ind u' 4ion, &nd &''e&r in Hi) glory6J &nd when &ll, who now ,ourn for her, )eeing her de)ol&te &nd trodden down, )h&ll re5oice for 5oy with her. &nd when *od8) 'eo'le )h&ll /e delighted with the &/und&nce of her glory6 Hi) tr&gic de&th occurred it the de)ert &t 9&)#el#+&dy on the ro&d to "gy't, /y the ru'ture of & /lood 1e))el, on o1e,/er 26,17;%, &fter & /rief e'i)co'&te of only four ye&r)6 Hi) re,&in) were /rought /&ck to 3eru)&le, &nd interred in the "ngli)h ce,etery6 !he highe)t te)ti,ony to hi) life &nd e2&,'le w&) th&t cont&ined in & letter of condolence to >r)6 Ale2&nder, )igned /y thirty#one 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) of 3eru)&le,, who h&d &cknowledged their >e))i&h through the /i)ho'8) in)tru,ent&lity6 !he )ign&torie) )&idA e2t to your)elf &nd your de&r f&,ily, we con)ider our)el1e) the chief ,ourner). for we feel /oth collecti1ely &nd indi1idu&lly th&t we h&1e lo)t not only & true f&ther in Chri)t, /ut &l)o & lo1ing /rother &nd & ,o)t kind friend6 !he )u&1ity &nd /enignity of hi) ,&nner, which )o gre&tly ende&red hi, to &ll, &nd which g&ined hi, the highe)t &nd ,o)t entire fili&l confidence of e1ery one of u), tend ,uch to incre&)e the keen )en)e we feel of our lo))6 !he &ffection&te lo1e he /ore to $)r&el, which 'eculi&rly ch&r&cteri-ed hi,, could not f&il to render hi, /elo1ed /y e1ery one who h&d the 'ri1ilege of /eing &cBu&inted with hi,. while hi) e2&lted 'iety, &nd ,o)t e2e,'l&ry life &nd con1er)&tion, in)'ired the highe)t re1erenti&l e)tee,6


He w&) & /urning &nd )hining light. &nd when he w&) r&i)ed to the highe)t dignity in the Church, he conferred the ,o)t con)'icuou) honor on our whole n&tion, /ut e)'eci&lly on the little /&nd of 3ewi)h /elie1er)6 +ith hi, c&'ti1e, 3ud&h8) /righte)t e&rthly )t&r h&) )et, &nd the to' )tone h&) /een t&ken &w&y fro, the ri)ing He/rew Church61D2 1%3 2 $t w&) in London, in 0&le)tine 0l&ce, for )o ,&ny ye&r) &n o&)i) for w&ndering $)r&elite), th&t the fir)t e2clu)i1ely He/rew Chri)ti&n A))oci&tion w&) for,ed6 Here in the 3ew)8 Ch&'el on Se'te,/er 9, 17136 & grou' of forty#one 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) ,et together to con)titute the,)el1e) &n &))oci&tion c&lled Beni A"raham, Children of A/r&h&,, who undertook to ,eet for 'r&yer e1ery Sund&y ,orning &nd ?rid&y e1eningA to &ttend di1ine wor)hi' &t the ch&'el &nd to 1i)it d&ily, two /y two in rot&tion, &ny )ick ,e,/er, to 'r&y with hi, &nd re&d the Bi/le to hi,. &nd on Sund&y, &ll who could were to 1i)it the )ick one6 $n 173% the ,ini)try of thi) &))oci&tion w&) e2tended, &nd it w&) now known &) the e'i)co'&l 3ew)8 Ch&'el A/r&h&,ic Society, for 1i)iting &nd relie1ing 3ewi)h con1ert) &nd inBuirer)6 !wenty#fi1e ye&r) l&ter thi) Society8) /eneficent work w&) )till /eing c&rried on61D3 Another /ody which for ,&ny ye&r) )er1ed to unite 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) in & )'iritu&l fellow)hi' w&) the He/rew Chri)ti&n 0r&yer Hnion, founded in 1772 /y Dr6 H6A6 Stern6 $t) o/5ect) were the 'ro,otion of unity, 'iety &nd /rotherly feeling &,ong)t 3ewi)h con1ert), /y ,e&n) of ,utu&l 'r&yer &nd religiou) intercour)e6 0r&yer w&) offerred 'ri1&tely /y e&ch ,e,/er on S&turd&y, &nd there were gener&l ,eeting) for 'r&yer in London &t )t&ted )e&)on)6 Stern w&) the fir)t 0re)ident6 !he ,e,/er)hi' ro)e fro, 1;3 in 1773, to 6(( in 179(. &nd /r&nche) were for,ed in *er,&ny, orw&y, 9o,&ni&, 9u))i&, 0&le)tine &nd the Hnited St&te)61D; But while the)e ,o1e,ent) h&1e intere)t &) e2're))ing the need of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) for ,utu&l de'endence /oth in 'r&yer &nd ch&rity, they h&1e no cl&i, to /e reg&rded &) forerunner) of & re1i1ed 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity6 !he fir)t united )t&nd of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n), &) )uch, w&) ,&de in 1766 when Dr6 C6 Schw&rt-, ,ini)ter of !rinity Ch&'el, "dgw&re 9o&d, London, /uilt /y &nother 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n, 9idley Her)chell, for,ed & He/rew#Chri)ti&n Hnion6 !he o/5ect) &re )t&ted to h&1e /eenA 1 !o 'ro,ote & )oci&l &nd freBuent 'er)on&l intercour)e &,ong Chri)ti&n $)r&elite) /y ,eeting together &t )t&ted 'eriod)6 2 !o )tir u' &nd )ti,ul&te one &nother in the ende&1or of uniting with, &nd c&ring for, our /rethren6 3 !o )e&rch the Scri'ture) together rel&ting to $)r&el &nd $)r&el8) <ing6 !he o'ening 1er)e of 0)&l, 133 IBehold how good &nd how 'le&)&nt it i) for /rethren to dwell together in unity,J w&) t&ken &) the ,otto of the 1%; Hnion6 Dr6 Schw&rt- &l)o co,,enced to edit in 3&nu&ry 1766, the fir)t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n 'eriodic&l, The $%attered !ation'


!he gre&t forw&rd )te' w&) t&ken on A'ril 2%, 1766, when the following circul&r letter w&) i))ued to 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n)6 De&r Brother, $t h&) occurred to u) th&t it would /e de)ir&/le &nd 'rofit&/le th&t &) ,&ny $)r&elite) who /elie1e in 3e)u) &) c&n /e /rought together )hould ,eet in London on the 23rd of >&y6 Our o/5ect i) to /eco,e &cBu&inted with one &nother, &nd to /e /uilt u' in our holy f&ith6 !here &re )'eci&l tie) which /ind u) together &) de)cend&nt of A/r&h&,6 &nd we /elie1e th&t thi) conference for 'r&yer &nd con)ult&tion ,ight i))ue in & 'er,&nent union of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n /rethren in thi) l&nd6 +e do not co,e /efore you with &ny definite 'l&n for &ction, /ut would )i,'ly )&y th&t, &) there e2i)t) &n "1&ngelic&l &nd & 3ewi)h, &n He/rew#Chri)ti&n Alli&nce &l)o ,ight /e for,ed6 +e tru)t th&t you feel with u) the de)ir&/lene)) &nd i,'ort&nce of )uch & ,eeting, &nd th&t we ,&y reckon your 're)ence &nd on your 'r&yer)6 An e&rly re'ly, )ent to the &ddre)) of Dr6 Schw&rt-, would gre&tly o/lige6 +ith the 'r&yer th&t the Lord ,&y /le)) u) &ll6 De&r /rother, your) 1ery )incerely, A6D6 Her)chell H6 Lie/)tein >6 >&rgoiouth !6"6 eu,&n A6 0itow)ky 36 Steinh&rdt A6 S&'hir C6 Schw&rt!he 9e16 A6 >6 >eyer, Dr6 >6 Schulhof, &nd other /rethren, h&1e 'ro,i)ed to &ttend6 "ighty 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) ,et on the d&y &''ointed, &nd Dr6 Schw&rt- &fterw&rd) wroteA I+e ,&y /oldly )&y th&t )uch & g&thering of con1ened 3ew) e2clu)i1ely h&d not /een witne))ed )ince the e&rly d&y) of the Chri)ti&n Church6J 1%% On the ,otion of 9e16 A6 >6 >eyer, )econded /y Dr6 *in)/urg, Dr6 Schw&rt- took the ch&ir6 !he 9e16 A6 >6 >eyer introducing the )u/5ect of the de)ir&/ility of & He/rew#Chri)ti&n Alli&nce, )&idA Let u) not )&crifice our identity6 +hen we 'rofe)) Chri)t, we do not ce&)e to /e 3ew). 0&ul, &fter hi) con1er)ion, did not ce&)e to /e & 3ewA not only S&ul w&), /ut e1en 0&ul re,&ined, & He/rew of the He/rew)6 +e c&nnot &nd will not forget the l&nd of our f&ther), &nd it i) our de)ire to cheri)h feeling) of '&trioti),6666 A)


He/rew), &) Chri)ti&n), we feel tied together. &nd &) He/rew Chri)ti&n), we de)ire to /e &llied ,ore clo)ely to one &nother6 $t w&) un&ni,ou)ly re)ol1ed th&t & He/rew#Chri)ti&n Alli&nce /e for,ed6 !he 'roceeding) on thi) occ&)ion were in 'ri1&te. /ut the following ye&r & crowded 'u/lic ,eeting w&) held &t +illi)8 9oo,), <ing Street, St6 3&,e)8, on >&y 1;, 176D, under the 're)idency of Dr6 Schw&rt-, when, &,ong the re)olution) '&))ed w&) the followingA !h&t though the ,e,/er) of the Alli&nce /elong to different Churche), they &ll feel united in Chri)t, &nd they decl&re /efore their 3ewi)h /rethren th&t they h&1e found in 3e)u), the >e))i&h, to who, the L&w &nd 0ro'het) /e&r te)ti,ony, th&t they h&1e 'e&ce in Hi) /lood, &nd look for Hi) co,ing in glory &) the Ho'e of $)r&el6 $t i) e1ident fro, it) hi)tory, which h&) now re&ched the 0)&l,i)t8) )'&n of life, th&t the He/rew#Chri)ti&n Alli&nce re're)ented no te,'or&ry /ur)t of enthu)i&),, /ut w&) the outco,e of & re&l de)ire for cor'or&te witne)) for Chri)t &) 3ew), & de)ire th&t h&) only incre&)ed with the '&))ing of the ye&r)6 A,ong the di)tingui)hed 0re)ident) h&1e /een ,en like Dr6 9o)ed&ld, A&ron Bern)tein, Ben#Oliel, $)&&c Le1in)on, S&,uel Schor &nd "6 Bendor S&,uel6 $n 191%, the ,o1e,ent cro))ed the Atl&ntic &nd the He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce of A,eric& w&) founded under the 're)idency of the 9e16 S6 B6 9ohold6 3 !he 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n ,o1e,ent) which we h&1e /een con)idering were &))oci&tion) within the /ound) of the e)t&/li)hed churche)6 !he ,e,/er) owned &llegi&nce to one or other of the Chri)ti&n deno,in&tion)6 $t re,&ined for 3o)e'h 9&/inowit- in 1772 to found the fir)t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n co,,union in ,odern ti,e) which /elonged to no definite deno,in&tion, /ut w&) r&ther in the n&ture of & )yn&gogue of 3ewi)h /elie1er) in 3e)u)6 1%6 !he )tory of 9&/inowit- i) & re,&ik&/le one6 He ,&y without unf&ir co,'&ri)on /e de)cri/ed &) the Her-el of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity6 9&/inowit- w&) /orn &t 9e)in& on the Dnie)ter, Se'te,/er 23, 173D, the )on of D&1id /en "'hr&i,6 Owing to the e&rly de&th of hi) ,other, he w&) t&ken into the f&,ily of hi) ,&tern&l gr&ndf&ther, &th&n et&, where he re,&ined until he w&) ele1en ye&r) of &ge6 At the &ge of )i2, he could re'e&t the Song of Solo,on /y he&rt6 Hi) youth w&) )'ent in Ch&)idic circle), &nd he )howed gre&t 'ro,i)e of liter&ry &/ility6 At thirteen he w&) /etrothed, though he did not ,&rry until )i2 ye&r) l&ter6 $t w&) hi) future /rother#in#l&w, 3ehiel Her)hen)ohn ELichten)teinF who fir)t introduced hi, to the ew !e)t&,ent /y lending hi, & He/rew co'y, &t the )&,e ti,e re,&rking th&t 'erh&') 3e)u) of &-&reth w&) the true >e))i&h6 9&/inowit- w&) gre&tly )ur'ri)ed &t thi) )ugge)tion, /ut it) only &''&rent effect on hi, w&) to c&u)e hi, to le&1e the Ch&)idi, &nd e&rne)tly to )tudy the Bi/le6 He returned with hi) gr&ndf&ther to Orgeye1 &nd took u' l&w &) hi) 'rofe))ion )o th&t he could 'r&cti)e &) & )olicitor &,ong hi) own 'eo'le6 He took &n &cti1e intere)t in co,,un&l &ff&ir), &nd w&) & freBuent contri/utor to the 3ewi)h new)'&'er)A he &l)o g&1e lecture) &t <i)chineff in which he &d1oc&ted refor, &nd 'rogre))i1e ide&)6 $n 17D7 he wrote &n &rticle in the He/rew '&'er Habo er Or, in which he urged on the r&//i) to i,'ro1e the condition) of 9u))i&n 3ewry /y )'on)oring &gricultur&l tr&ining, &nd he hi,)elf )et &n e2&,'le /y 'utting hi) g&rden under culti1&tion6 Shortly &fterw&rd), when & w&1e of 'er)ecution /roke out, he went to 0&le)tine on &

,i))ion of inBuiry with & 1iew in e)t&/li)hing & 3ewi)h colony there6 !he He/rew ew !e)t&,ent gi1en to hi, ,&ny ye&r) /efore went with hi, &) & guide /ook6 +hen he re&ched 3eru)&le, &nd )&w the ,i)er&/le )t&te of the 3ewi)h inh&/it&nt), he w&) dee'ly de're))ed. /ut /efore he left the Holy City he &)cended the >ount of Oli1e)6 Sitting there &nd 1iewing the >o)Bue of O,&r, where for,erly the !e,'le )tood, hi) ,ind went /&ck o1er the tr&gic hi)tory of hi) 'eo'le6 +h&t w&) the ,e&ning of the &ge#old t&le of $)r&el8) )ufferingM $n & fl&)h the &n)wer c&,e to hi,A I!he key to the Holy L&nd i) in the h&nd) of our /rother 3e)u)6J ?illed with the glory of & gre&t 1i)ion, 9&/inowit- returned to <i)chineff, &nd with gre&t 'ower &nd enthu)i&), )et forth hi) /elief6 $n & )hort ti,e he h&d g&thered &round hi, nu,erou) &dherent) to hi) doctrine not only in <i)chineff, /ut in ,&ny other town) of Be))&r&/i&6 !he f&ith of the ,o1e,ent, which c&lled it)elf I$)r&elite) of the ew Co1en&nt,J w&) 1%D )et forth in thirteen &rticle) of f&ith on the ,odel of tho)e dr&wn u' /y >&i,onide)6 $n 177% 9&/inowit- took the deci)i1e )te' of /eing /&'ti-ed in Berlin. &nd &lthough thi) re)tricted hi) work to )o,e e2tent, owing to 3ewi)h 're5udice &g&in)t /&'ti),, hi) l&/or) continued un&/&ted6 He w&) in1ited to 5oin the Luther&n Church &nd &l)o the 9u))i&n Church6 /ut he w&) wholly loy&l to hi) 'eo'le &nd would not &ttend & 'l&ce of Chri)ti&n wor)hi' where & crucifi2 w&) di)'l&yed6 Su/)eBuently he /uilt & h&ll which /ec&,e & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n Syn&gogue6 A Chri)ti&n ,ini)ter, >r6 ?&/er, )&w hi) work &nd /rought /&ck thi) de)cri'tionA 9&/inowit- i) & 're&cher of the *o)'el in the )'irit of the 3ewi)h n&tion&lityA & 're&cher gifted, )o 1er)ed in the Scri'ture)6 )o dee'ly rooted in the Di1ine +ord of the ew Co1en&nt, &) the 3ewi)h n&tion h&) not 'o))e))ed )ince the d&y) of the A'o)tle)6 !hi) i) hi) gre&t i,'ort&nce6 Hi) )er,on) 'u/li)hed in He/rew, 9u))i&n6 &nd the 5&rgon E@iddi)hF, re&ch6 in ten thou)&nd) of co'ie), the ,&))e) of the 3ew) in "&)tern "uro'e6 !hey find e&ger re&der) in the ,o)t re,ote di)trict) of Si/eri&, &nd in the )ecluded 1&lley) of the C&r'&thi&n ,ount&in)6 !he writer of the)e line) h&) h&d 'er)on&l o''ortunitie) of )eeing the 'rofound influence of 9&/inowit-8) '&,'hlet) in *&lici& &nd Lithu&ni&6 3ewi)h &nt&goni)t) of the ,o1e,ent )'oke of 9&/inowii- &) the B&//ler, /ut it w&) notice&/le th&t the gener&l &ttitude tow&rd) the 'er)on of 3e)u) w&) ,uch i,'ro1ed6 A Co,,ittee in *re&t Brit&in w&) for,ed to )u''ort the work, /ut there were ,&ny Chri)ti&n) who looked &)k&nce &t thi) co,/in&tion of 3ud&i), &nd Chri)ti&nity &) if the hydrogen of the Old Co1en&nt &nd the o2ygen of the ew Co1en&nt did not n&tur&lly co,/ine to 'roduce the +&ter of Life6 !he old fe&r )till 'er)i)ted6 9&/inowil- died in 1799. /ut in Be))&r&/i& hi) n&,e &nd ,e,ory continue to /e honored, &nd & )te&dily incre&)ing 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n org&ni-&tion now incor'or&ted &) the He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce of Be))&r&/i& 'er'etu&te) hi) 'ioneer effort) to /ridge the gulf /etween Church &nd Syn&gogue &nd to /ring /&ck the Sc&ttered &tion to it) 'ro'er &llegi&nce6


1%7 Ch&'ter CC 1 !here could /e no dou/t th&t 9&/inowit- &nd hi) ,o1e,ent h&d c&u)ed & fluttering in Chri)ti&n circle)6 Here w&) no i,'o)ing of the Chri)ti&n f&ith on 3ew) fro, without, /ut &n &do'tion, or r&ther recl&,&tion, of Chri)ti&nity /y 3ew) fro, within6 !he churche) could )t&nd /y, /ut they could not '&rtici'&te in thi) do,e)tic ,&tter6 $t w&) cle&r th&t 3e)u) ,u)t /e )o,ething ,ore to the 3ew th&n he could /e to the *entile, for he w&) the leg&l <ing of $)r&el6 $t w&) like w&tching the growth of & roy&li)t '&rty within &n old#e)t&/li)hed re'u/lic6 !he )&,e )'irit which led !heodore Her-el to )eek the )olution of the 3ewi)h 'ro/le, in & re1i1ed 3ewi)h St&te h&d led 3o)e'h 9&/inowit- to )eek & )olution in & 3ewi)h di1inely controlled <ingdo,, with 3e)u) &) the )o1ereign6 $n /oth c&)e) it w&) the ,&nife)t&tion of &nti# )e,iti), th&t w&) the influenti&l c&u)e6 $t ,u)t /e re,e,/ered th&t the ew !e)t&,ent w&) & )e&led /ook to thou)&nd) of 3ew), &nd ne1er h&1ing re&d it they 5udged the /ook /y the deed) of tho)e who cl&i,ed to /e /ound /y it) te&ching6 $t w&) in de)'er&tion th&t they turned to it now to find the e2&ct &uthority which l&y /ehind the 'ogro,) &nd /lood#li/el)6 !he )itu&tion i) e2e,'lified /y the e2'erience of 9&//i $6 Lichten)tein, di)trict r&//i of !&'io#S-ele in Hung&ry6 $n & '&,'hlet c&lled #udenspie+el he wroteA $ u)ed to think th&t Chri)t w&) the 'l&gue &nd cur)e of the 3ew), the origin &nd 'ro,oter of our )orrow &nd 'er)ecution6 $n thi) con1iction $ grew to ye&r) of ,&nhood, &nd )till cheri)hing it $ /ec&,e old6 $ knew no difference /etween true, &nd ,erely no,in&l Chri)ti&nity. of the fount&in he&d of Chri)ti&nity it)elf $ knew nothing6 Str&ngely enough, it w&) the horri/le !i)-&#")-l&r /lood &ccu)&tion which fir)t drew ,e to re&d the ew !e)t&,ent6 !hi) tri&l /rought fro, their lurking# 'l&ce) &ll the ene,ie) of the 3ew), &nd once &g&in, &) in olden ti,e), the cry reechoed, IDe&th to the 3ewLJ !he fren-y w&) e2ce))i1e, &nd &,ong the ringle&der) were ,&ny who u)ed the n&,e of Chri)t &nd hi) doctrine &) & clo&k to co1er their &/o,in&/le doing)6 !he)e wicked 'r&ctice) of ,en, we&ring the n&,e of Chri)t only to further their e1il d&nger), &rou)ed the indign&tion of the true Chri)ti&n), who, with 'en on fire &nd w&rning 1oice), denounced the lying r&ge of the &nti# )e,ite)6 $n &rticle) written 1%9 /y the l&tter in defence of the 3ew), $ often ,et with '&))&ge) where Chri)t w&) )'oken of &) he who /ring) 5oy to ,&n, the 0rince of 0e&ce, &nd the 9edee,er, &nd hi) *o)'el w&) e2tolled &) & ,e))&ge of lo1e &nd life to &ll 'eo'le6 $ w&) )ur'ri)ed, &nd, )c&rcely tru)ting ,y eye), $ took & ew !e)t&,ent out of it) hidden corner. & /ook which )o,e forty ye&r) &go $ h&d in 1e2&tion t&ken fro, & 3ewi)h te&cher, &nd $ /eg&n to turn o1er it) le&1e) &nd to re&d6 How c&n $ e2're)) the i,'re))ion which $ then recei1edM ot the h&lf h&d /een told ,e of the gre&tne)), 'ower, &nd glory of thi) /ook6 for,erly & )e&led /ook to ,e6 All )ee,ed )o new to ,e, &nd yet it did ,e good like the )ight of &n old friend, who h&) l&id )ide hi) du)ty, tr&1el# worn g&r,ent), &nd &''e&r) in fe)t&l &ttire6 $n &nother '&,'hlet #udenthum und Christenthtum he )&y)A


A )udden glory, & light, fl&)hed through ,y )oul6 $ looked for thorn), &nd g&thered ro)e)A $ di)co1ered 'e&rl) in)te&d of 'e//le). in)te&d of h&tred, lo1e. in)te&d of 1enge&nce, forgi1ene)). in)te&d of /ond&ge, freedo,. in)te&d of 'ride, hu,ility. in)te&d of en,ity, concili&tion. in)te&d of de&th, lire, )&l1&tion, re)urrection, &nd he&1enly tre&)ure6 9&//i Lichten)tein /eg&n to Buote the ew !e)t&,ent fro, hi) 'ul'it to the )c&nd&l of )o,e of hi) congreg&nt), who &ccu)ed hi, to the chief r&//i of Bud&'e)t of heterodo2y6 !he outco,e w&) th&t 9&//i Lichten)tein &d,itted hi) f&ith in Chri)t, &nd h&d to re)ign hi) office6 Hi) 1oice could not /e )tilled, howe1er, &nd he went on 're&ching the &,&-ing truth th&t h&d /een re1e&led to hi,6 He would not /e /&'ti-ed, &nd re,&ined with the 3ewi)h co,,unity until hi) de&th &t the &d1&nced &ge of eighty#fi1e, on Octo/er 16, 19(96 Lichten)tein &nd 9&/inowit- were no i)ol&ted c&)e)A they h&d their conte,'or&rie) &nd their i,,edi&te )ucce))or). they were, indeed, re're)ent&ti1e of &n entirely new gener&tion of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) ,ore on the '&ttern of the origin&l &-&rene)6 !he 'o)ition of the)e ew Co1en&nt 3ew) r&i)ed &n &cute 'ro/le, in the Chri)ti&n Church6 !hey would not /e &/)or/ed, they would not /e &))i,il&ted6 !hey cl&i,ed the right &) 3ew) to ,&int&in the n&,e &nd cu)to,) of their r&ce6 !hey held th&t they h&d not for)&ken 3ud&i),, /ut crowned it with 3e)u), the chief corner )tone6 Hnder)t&nding Chri)ti&n) welco,ed &nd )y,'&thi-ed with the ,&nife)t&tionA it &n)wered to their own )cri'tur&l con1iction) th&t $)r&el 16( would return to it) &llegi&nce with re)ult&nt re1i1&l of true f&ith &,ong &ll /elie1er)6 !hey looked to the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) to 'rocl&i, & 'urer Chri)ti&nity, uninfluenced /y the doctrin&l contro1er)ie) which h&d rent the C&tholic Church6 Other), fe&rful th&t &n inde'endent re&ding of the ew !e)t&,ent /y the 3ew), untutored /y *entile tr&dition&l inter'ret&tion), would under,ine the )tructure of their f&ith, r&i)ed & loud cry of "/ioniti),6 $f 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity would not )u/,it to /e 'oured into their 'eculi&r deno,in&tion&l ,ould, they were deter,ined to wreck it /y /r&nding it &) & here)y6 !he li/erty which the &'o)tle 0&ul h&d won for the *entile) they were unwilling to gr&nt to the 3ew)6 A '&rticul&rly in)i)tent e1&ngelic&l grou' r&i)ed the )t&nd&rd of wh&t they c&lled Idi)'en)&tion&l truthJ in &n effort to 'ro1e th&t until the )econd &d1ent of 3e)u) it w&) i,'o))i/le for the 3ewi)h 'eo'le to /e con1erted, &nd therefore th&t &ny &tte,'t to found & )e'&r&te n&tion&l 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n co,,union w&) out)ide of the Di1ine 0l&n, &nd foredoo,ed to f&ilure6 On thi) P"/ioniteJ i))ue the /&ttle w&) 5oined6 !he old theology &''ortioned the Bi/lic&l /le))ing) to the Church &nd left the cur)e) to the 3ew)6 One c&nnot hel' feeling th&t ,uch of *entile Chri)ti&n &n2iety w&) now le)t the t&/le) )hould /e turned, &nd th&t 3&co/ would )o,ehow trick L&/&n out of hi) /irthright of the 0ro,i)ed L&nd &nd le&1e hi, only the /&rren >ount Seir6 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity would h&1e /oth the L&w &nd the 0ro,i)e) &nd *entile Chri)ti&nity would /e releg&ted to the 'o)ition of the 'oor rel&tion &cce'ting the )'iritu&l ch&rity of $)r&el6 One 1ery 1it&l &)'ect of the )itu&tion the *entile Chri)ti&n) entirely ignored, &nd th&t w&) the in5ury they were doing to the )i,'le enthu)i&)tic f&ith of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) /y e,/roiling the, in their doctrin&l contro1er)ie)6 >&ny & 3ewi)h con1ert entered the Church in the n&i1e /elief th&t &ll Chri)ti&n) were /rethren6 !hey h&d no 'rior knowledge of the )u/tler deno,in&tion&l di)tinction), &nd the di)co1ery w&) & gr&1e )hock to their ide&li),6 "1en wor)e,

they freBuently found th&t they were not w&nted in the Church, &nd were fro-en out /y ill# di)gui)ed di)like6 !he 3ewi)h te,'er&,ent, )o )u)ce'ti/le to &t,o)'heric feeling, wilted with the chill of Chri)ti&n &u)terity6 !he con1ert, who h&d d&red &ll for Chri)t8) )&ke, &nd e2'ected the w&r,th of hi) new /rethren to )ol&ce hi, for wh&t he h&d lo)t, w&) )u/5ected to the torture of & loneline)) which only the dee'e)t f&ith could )u''ort6 +ith & wry ),ile the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) touched the li,' h&nd of ch&rity, )huddering inw&rdly &t the cont&ct6 *l&dly do we &d,it th&t hi) /itter e2'erience w&) not 161 uni1er)&l6 !here were *entile Chri)ti&n) who were friend) of $)r&el in deed &) well &) in n&,e, &nd who 'oured the,)el1e) out in lo1e to /ring co,fort to the )tr&nger6 !he)e recei1ed their rew&rd in & 1ery '&))ion of gr&titude &nd re)'on)i1e &ffection6 A,ong the ,i)t&ke) of the Church in de&ling with 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) h&) /een & too re&dy &ction on the 'rinci'le th&t &ll con1ert) )hould of nece))ity /eco,e ,i))ion&rie) to their own 'eo'le, whether they were Bu&lified for thi) work or otherwi)e6 !he de)ire for witne)) i) &lw&y) )trong &,ong tho)e who h&1e found & gre&t truth, which &''e&r) to the, to gi1e for, &nd ,e&ning to ch&otic &nd ine2'lic&/le circu,)t&nce)A it )'ring) ,&inly fro, & high#)ouled &nd wholly good de)ire to )h&re the /le))ing) we en5oy with other) le)) fortun&te6 >i))ion&ry )er1ice often howe1er, work) & )u/tle ch&nge in ,oti1e &nd tr&n)for,) & /eneficent in)tinct into )o,ething th&t '&rt&ke) of )'iritu&l &rrog&nce &nd in ti,e /eco,e) & Buite indefen)i/le ,&ni& for 'ro)elyti),6 :ery few, &nd only tho)e who li1e in the clo)e)t cont&ct with *od, &re &/le to re)i)t thi) 'roce))6 How utterly true &re the word) of 0&ulA IAnd how )h&ll they 're&ch, e2ce't they /e )entMJ !he )itu&tion h&) /een '&rticul&rly difficult for tho)e 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) who)e for,er life h&) /een )'ent in enclo)ed 3ewi)h )urrounding)6 By &cce'ting Chri)t they h&1e not only /een c&)t out of their ho,e), /ut out of their 'l&ce) of e,'loy,ent6 So,e h&1e /een )chol&r) &nd knew no tr&de6 $n &ny c&)e, their 3ewi)hne)) ,&de eng&ge,ent /y & *entile e,'loyer difficult6 !he >i))ion door o'ened u' & w&y not only of kee'ing /ody &nd )oul together, /ut of e2're))ing de1otion to Chri)t in 'r&ctic&l )er1ice6 $t h&) only /een re&li-ed l&ter th&t )er1ice to Chri)t h&) /eco,e )er1itude to & Co,,ittee, &nd to /re&k &w&y ,e&nt untold h&rd)hi' not only to )elf /ut to wife &nd children, which f&,ily lo1e K )o )trong in the 3ew K d&re not conte,'l&te6 So,e >i))ion) h&1e /een wi)er th&n to in)i)t on the con1ert /eco,ing & ,i))ion&ry, when he h&) h&d no 1oc&tion, &nd they h&1e e)t&/li)hed tr&de tr&ining#)chool) &nd work)ho') with & 1iew to ,&king hi, )elf#)u''orting &nd inde'endent6 Such effort) &re &ll to the good, /ut the relief i) )till ),&ll, h&1ing no reg&rd to the growing nu,/er) of 3ew) who &re finding their )'iritu&l 'e&ce in following their >e))i&h6 $t i) 'l&in th&t the re&l )olution to the 'ro/le, c&n only co,e when 3ewi)h 're5udice h&) )ufficiently &/&ted, &nd the ,uch 1&unted 3ewi)h toler&nce i) no longer &n i,'re))i1e /ut Buite un)u/)t&nti&l &rgu,ent in contr&)ting Chri)ti&nity with 3ud&i),, /ut i) re&l &nd &nd ,&nly enough to gi1e li/erty of con)cience to 3ewi)h 162 Chri)ti&n) &nd )o to /&ni)h fore1er the '&in of the /roken f&,ily circle6 One know) th&t the root c&u)e i) the 3ewi)h fe&r of &))i,il&tion, which )ee) in the cutting off of the offending ,e,/er the only ,e&n) of )&fegu&rding the integrity of the r&ce6 +hen thi) fe&r i) re,o1ed /y the )u'erl&ti1e 3ewi)hne)) &tt&ched to 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity, then it i) to /e &ntici'&ted th&t & /etter )t&te of &ff&ir) will re)ult6

2 At & )erie) of ,i))ion&ry conference) fro, the clo)e of the nineteenth century to the out/re&k of the *re&t +&r in 191; the "/ionite the,e recurred &g&in &nd &g&in &nd w&) de&lt with &ccording to the con1iction) of the 1&riou) )'e&ker)6 >&rk 3ohn Le1y, & )turdy &d1oc&te of the loy&l 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n 'o)ition &nd founder of the Chri)ti&n 3ew)8 0&triotic Alli&nce, )ucceeded in /ringing the )u/5ect /efore the Briti)h He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce in the Pninetie). /ut hi) re)olution w&) It&/ledJ undou/tedly /ec&u)e of it) )u''o)ed d&nger to the )er1&nt) of the ,i))ion&ry )ocietie)6 Dr6 9o)ed&le, the 're)ident, &ctu&lly confe))ed to Le1y th&t I!he He/rew Chri)ti&n ,i))ion&rie) &re de'endent on the *entile Chri)ti&n) for )u''ort &nd they c&nnot &fford in 5u)tice to their f&,ilie) to ri)k the ch&rge of 3ud&i-ing6J "l)ewhere other) were r&i)ing the )t&nd&rd of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n inde'endence. in *&l&ti& there w&) Chri)ti&n !heodore LuckyA in H&,/urg 0&ulu) *run through the colu,n) of hi) ,&g&-ine (phratha, org&n of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n A))oci&tion, &nd &g&in in South Afric& 0hili' Cohen, who edited The Messiani% #ew for the 3ewi)h ,e))i&nic >o1e,ent6 Cohen gi1e) three cogent re&)on) for & ch&nge of &ttitude on the '&rt of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n)A 1 Dee' lo1e to our own n&tion, to it) hi)tory &nd it) tr&dition)6 2 A dee' con1iction th&t we who &re He/rew Chri)ti&n) c&n /e)t )er1e the c&u)e of Chri)t /y de,on)tr&ting to our 'eo'le th&t we )till /elong to the,6 3 !he con1iction th&t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity c&n only i,'re)) the 3ewi)h ,ind /y t&king on & di)tincti1ely 3ewi)h coloring6 Lucky in &n i,'&))ioned )'eech &t & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n Conference in St&ni)l&u in 19(3 )t&tedA $ do not de,&nd fro, ,y fellow#/elie1er) the co,'lete &nd 163 )trict o/)er1&nce of &ll 3ewi)h cu)to,) &t &ny 'rice6 Here i) & /rother who )&y), I+e li1e in e2ile &nd &re not our own ,&)ter), &nd though $ would like to kee' the entire cere,oni&l l&w, &nd &ll the ,ore /ec&u)e $ &, & di)ci'le of 3e)u), $ c&nnot do it6 $ &, & )oldier &nd ,u)t e&t /&rr&ck f&re6 $ ,u)t re)t on Sund&y &nd work on the S&//&th for the )&ke of /y d&ily /re&d6J +ell, he i) ,y /rother ne1erthele))6 $ do not 5udge hi) con)cience, nor i) he to let ,e /e & con)cience to hi, in the ,&tter of ,e&l), or of the S&//&th, &ll of which &re only & )h&dow of th&t of which we h&1e the )u/)t&nce in Chri)t6 On the other h&nd, &nother )&y), IBec&u)e $ /elie1e in Chri)t therefore $ gi1e u' the S&//&th6J +ell, he i) no le)) &cce't&/le to *od on th&t &ccount, &nd $ do not de)'i)e hi, for it nor conde,n hi,6 But $ &, )orry for hi,, &nd it hurt) ,e to the de'th of ,y he&rt /ec&u)e he too i) & child of $)r&el &nd )hould hel' u) to /uild u' the w&ll) of 3eru)&le,6 >&rk Le1y, in 19(D6 &ddre))ed &n &''e&l to the *ener&l A))e,/ly of the "'i)co'&l Church of the Hnited St&te), in which he 'le&ded for the re)tor&tion of the origin&l He/rew Chri)ti&n /r&nch of the Church, &nd for the 'u/lic 'rocl&,&tion of the Scri'tur&l truth6


!h&t the Church doe) not reBuire it) 3ewi)h ,e,/er) to for)&ke their own 'eo'le, /ut le&1e) the, in their Chri)t#gi1en li/erty to h&1e their children circu,ci)ed &ccording to *od8) co1en&nt with A/r&h&,, )hould they )o de)ire, &nd to o/)er1e &ll the other cu)to,) inherited fro, their f&ther), 'ro1ided it /e cle&rly under)tood th&t neither 3ew nor *entile c&n /e )&1ed through the work) of the L&w, /ut )olely through the )&crifice &nd &tone,ent of 3e)u) Chri)t, our Lord &nd S&1ior6 !he *ener&l A))e,/ly re)'onded with & re)olution in th&t )en)e, ret&ining the e2&ct word) th&t Le1y h&d u)ed6 either were there w&nting *entile Chri)ti&n) who fully &''reci&ted the need for the e)t&/li)h,ent of & re1i1ed 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n co,,union6 !h&t f&,ou) He/r&i)t, the l&te C&non B6 H6 Bo2, )&id &t the London >i))ion&ry Conference of 19(3A $ 1enture to /e)eech 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) to t&ke thi) Bue)tion into their 'r&yerful con)ider&tion6 $ know full well th&t ,&ny of the, &re &ffection&tely &tt&ched to *entile Chri)ti&n co,,unitie), &nd th&t it will /e f&irly difficult to find & co,,on 16; /&)i)6 But $ would &)k the, &t le&)t to )et thi) unity /efore the, &) their go&l6 And )hould & ho,ogeneou) He/rew Chri)ti&n Church /e for,ed centering round & liturgy which i) infor,ed with & cert&in &d&'t&tion to the n&tion&l &nd hi)toric 3ewi)h )'irit, ,&y tho)e who c&nnot gi1e their full &nd he&rty &llegi&nce to )uch & Church &t le&)t refr&in fro, 'utting hindr&nce) in the w&y of it) free de1elo',ent6 !he 9e16 !h6 Lindh&gen &t the $ntern&tion&l 3ewi)h >i))ion&ry Conference &t Stockhol, in 1911 rightly )t&tedA $t c&nnot /e denied th&t u' to now the rel&tion of the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) to their 'eo'le h&) /een f&r fro, &ltogether )&ti)f&ctory6 !he re'ro&che) which h&1e /een le1elled &g&in)t the, &nd &g&in)t the ,i))ion&rie) who work &,ong the, &re unfortun&tely only too well grounded6 $t i) Buite true th&t there &re 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) &nd ,i))ion&rie) to the 3ew) who ,&ke &n &ltogether 1iciou) u)e of 0&ul8) word to the *&l&ti&n), I!here i) neither 3ew nor *reek6J !he &'o)tle c&nnot h&1e ,e&nt the)e word) &) &d1oc&ting the &nnihil&tion of their n&tion&lity Q6 $t i) eBu&lly true th&t the *entile Church h&) hel'ed to e)tr&nge 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) fro, their own 'eo'le through c&lling the, I'ro)elyte)6J &n un)cri'tur&l ter, in direct o''o)ition to the 'ronounce,ent) of 0&ul in 9o,&n) 11, where he )'e&k) of the 3ew) &) the n&tur&l /r&nche), &nd the *entile) &) /r&nche) of & wild oli1e which h&d /een gr&fted on to the good tree &g&in)t &ll n&tur&l tendency6 $n thi) re)'ect & thorough#going ch&nge of 'olicy &nd 'r&ctice i) nece))&ry6 I$ &, 1erily & ,&n which &, & 3ew, & He/rew of the He/rew)J K there i) ,uch need for the)e word) to /e he&rd &nd )'oken once ,ore without )h&,e &,ong our 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n /rethren6 !h&t the ide&l of &n &utono,ou) 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n Church i) clo)ely connected with the)e &)'ir&tion reg&rding the right &ttitude of He/rew Chri)ti&n) to their 'eo'le i) )elf#e1ident6 So the )truggle went on, the '&ng) which her&lded the co,ing /irth of & new 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity6 !he f&ct th&t the i))ue w&) )o widely di)cu))ed, &nd th&t feeling r&n )o high, w&) in


it)elf )ufficient indic&tion th&t no ,ere &c&de,ic Bue)tion w&) /eing de&lt with, /ut th&t there w&) & definite Buickening, & )e'&r&te 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n con)ciou)ne)) w&) t&king for,6 16% !hen c&,e the +orld +&r, &nd for & ti,e the tri/ul&tion of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity w&) )u/,erged in the tri/ul&tion of the n&tion)6 @et the w&r it)elf w&) to /e linked with thi) )tr&nge hi)tory in the ,y)teriou) 'ur'o)e) of *od6


166 Ch&'ter CC$ 1 !here &re ,&ny e&rne)t Chri)ti&n) who con)ider th&t the ,o)t i,'ort&nt outco,e of the terri/le +orld +&r of 191;#1917 w&) the wre)ting of the Holy L&nd fro, the !urk) &nd the Briti)h B&lfour decl&r&tion gu&r&nteeing to the )c&ttered 3ewi)h 'eo'le & n&tion&l ho,e in 0&le)tine6 !he)e e1ent), wh&te1er ,&y /e the 1iew of the re&der on the )u/5ect of 'ro'hecy, were of the ut,o)t )ignific&nce to tho)e who /elie1ed th&t the &ge de)cri/ed in the Scri'ture) &) I!he !i,e) of the *entile)J w&) dr&wing to & clo)e6 Before the gre&t cul,in&tion it w&) nece))&ry for the 3ew) to /e g&thered /&ck to their own l&nd, where fin&lly they would re'ent&ntly &cce't 3e)u) &) their true >e))i&h &nd /eco,e & ,i))ion&ry n&tion to the whole world6 !he w&r w&) thu) reg&rded &) &n in)tru,ent for the c&rrying out of the di1ine 'l&n, &nother in)t&nce of *od ,&king the wr&th of ,&n to 'r&i)e Hi,6 Such &n inter'ret&tion of hi)toric h&''ening) i) of & 'iece with the whole )tory of the 3ew), in )o ,&ny re)'ect) uniBue6 &tion) h&1e ,&de hi)tory. /ut wh&t other n&tion h&) h&d it) hi)tory written for it in &d1&nce M Hn/elief ,&y )coff, /ut it c&nnot deny the ,y)teriou) ,&rch of the c&1&lc&de of *od6 !he 3ew )uffered in the w&r &) &cutely with e1ery /elligerent country, /ut e)'eci&lly in e&)tern "uro'e where the tide of /&ttle flowed /&ck &nd forth &cro)) their h&/it&tion), &nd they were reg&rded &) the legiti,&te )'oil of whiche1er &r,y w&) for the ti,e in occu'&tion6 @et the w&r /rought the, & ,e&)ure of freedo, in 'l&ce) where thi) h&d 're1iou)ly /een denied to the,6 9e1olution) )we't &w&y ghetto) &) well &) dyn&)tie)6 !here w&) & gre&t turning &w&y fro, the old w&y) &nd the old tr&dition)6 ?or )o,e 3ew) li/erty led to &thei)tic Co,,uni),, for other it led to no,in&l Chri)ti&nity6 +hen it /ec&,e 'o))i/le to g&ther reli&/le )t&ti)tic), it w&) found th&t 9D,((( 3ew) h&d 5oined the church in Hung&ry, 1D,((( in Au)tri&, 3%,((( in 0ol&nd, 6(,((( in 9u))i&, o1er 2(,((( in A,eric&, &nd ),&ller nu,/er) in other countrie)6 S'ont&neou) ,o1e,ent) of & dee'ly )'iritu&l ch&r&cter were to /e noted e2're))ing de1otion to 3e)u)6 /ut di)tinct fro, &ny ,i))ion&ry ende&1or K the ISeeker) &fter *od in 9u))i&,J the IChri)t# Belie1ing 3ew)J in Hung&ry6 !he )itu&tion w&) w&tched with the keene)t intere)t /y the 1&riou) 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n /odie)6 $t w&) cle&r th&t )o,e )te') ought to /e t&ken with & 1iew to guiding &nd coordin&ting the gre&tly incre&)ed /ody of 16D 3ewi)h Belie1er)6 !he initi&ti1e w&) t&ken /y the He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce of A,eric& Efounded in 191%F6 !hey )ugge)ted &) & 'reli,in&ry ,e&)ure the con1ening of &n $ntern&tion&l He/rew Chri)ti&n Conference6 >&rk 3ohn Le1y cro))ed the Atl&ntic )e1er&l ti,e) in the intere)t) of the 'ro'o)&l6 After 'rotr&cted di)cu))ion &nd corre)'ondence with the Briti)h He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce Efounded in 1766F, & 5oint letter of in1it&tion w&) )ent to He/rew Chri)ti&n) in &ll '&rt) of the world6 $n it) w&y, the letter w&) &) )ignific&nt &) th&t f&,ou) e'i)tle to the *entile /elie1er) i))ued /y the fir)t Council of 3eru)&le, EAct) 1%F6 $t w&) d&ted for >&rch, 192%, &nd re&d &) follow)A De&r /rethren in the Lord 3e)u) our >e))i&h, +e, ,e,/er) of the He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce) of *re&t Brit&in &nd A,eric& )end you he&rty greeting)6

Since the d&y) of the A'o)tle), He/rew Chri)ti&n) h&1e /een )c&ttered unit) in the di&)'or&, o)tr&ci-ed /y our un/elie1ing /rethren &nd lo)t &,ong the n&tion)6 +e /elie1e, howe1er, th&t the ti,e) of the *entile) &re king fulfilled &nd th&t the *od of our f&ther), &ccording to Hi) gr&ciou) 'ro,i)e, i) &/out to re)tore $)r&el to her &ncient herit&ge6 +e &l)o /elie1e th&t &) He/rew Chri)ti&n), though & re,n&nt we&k &nd ),&ll we h&1e & )h&re in the /uilding u' of Ithe !&/ern&cle of D&1id th&t i) f&llen down6J +e dee, it &n o''ortune ti,e to ,eet &nd confer together, )eeking Di1ine guid&nce /y 'r&yer &nd the +ord of *od6 +e h&1e therefore decided to hold D6:6 &n $ !"9 A!$O AL H"B9"+ CH9$S!$A CO ?"9" C" in London6 "ngl&nd, thi) ye&r fro, S&turd&y, Se'te,/er % to S&turd&y, Se'te,/er 12, &nd to thi) we he&rtily in1ite you6 >&ny li1ing in di)t&nt '&rt), ,&y/e 're1ented fro, 5oining u) /y the he&1y tr&1elling e2'en)e), /ut it i) ho'ed th&t the He/rew Chri)ti&n) of 1&riou) town) or countrie) ,&y /e willing to r&i)e the ,e&n) &nd )end deleg&te) to re're)ent the, &t the Conference. they will then /e &/le to t&ke /&ck & re'ort of the 'roceeding)6 !he He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce of London will, howe1er6 during the 'eriod of the Conference6 Se'te,/er %#12, gi1e the,)el1e) the 'le&)ure of 'ro1iding ho)'it&lity to &ll deleg&te) who will h&1e regi)tered /eforeh&nd &nd will h&1e recei1ed c&rd) &nd /&dge)6 !o )uch deleg&te) full '&rticul&r), together with the 167 'rogr&,,e, will /e )ent in due cour)e6 +ith cordi&l greeting), On /eh&lf of the He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce) of *re&t Brit&in &nd A,eric&, @our) in our Co,,on >&)ter, S&,uel Schor, *resident 3636 Lowe, Treasurer "6 Bendor S&,uel, Hon' $e%retary !he Conference duly ,et &t the +il)on >e,ori&l H&ll, $)lington6 the only )h&dow o1er the 'roceeding) /eing the &/)ence of !he 9e16 S&,uel Schor, owing to illne))6 9&rely c&n there h&1e /een witne))ed )uch & fer1ent g&thering6 "ighteen countrie) were re're)ented6 On the ro)tru, &re 'roudly di)'l&yed die Hnion 3&ck &nd the 3ewi)h ?l&g, while /etween the, hung the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n ,otto, IHow good &nd how 'le&)&nt it i) for /rethren to dwell together in unity6J $t w&) on Se'te,/er 7 th&t the hi)toric re)olution w&) c&rried un&ni,ou)lyA !h&t we He/rew Chri)ti&n) fro, different '&rt) of the world )t&nding for the "1&ngelic&l ?&ith now ,et in Conference, re#&ffir, our li1ing f&ith in the Lord 3e)u) Chri)t, &) our >e))i&h, &nd our onene)) in Hi,. &nd do here/y decl&re th&t we now for, our)el1e) into &n $ !"9 A!$O AL H"B9"+ CH9$S!$A ALL$A C"6


At the election of office#/e&rer) Sir Leon Le1in)on w&) honored with the fir)t 're)idency of the newly#for,ed Alli&nce, &nd the wi)do, of th&t choice /ec&,e &t once e1ident in hi) 're)identi&l &ddre)) which )howed &n i,,edi&te gr&)' of the gre&t t&)k to which he h&d /een c&lled &nd to which he dedic&ted hi) )er1ice6 !he fir)t duty which the "2ecuti1e Co,,ittee of the $6H6C6A6 h&d to undert&ke w&) to dr&w u' & Con)titution6 !he &i,) of the Alli&nce, &) )et forth in the co,'leted docu,ent, &re gi1en &) follow)A 1 !o fo)ter & )'irit of fellow)hi' &nd co#o'er&tion &,ong He/rew Chri)ti&n) throughout the world6 &F By the e)t&/li)h,ent of loc&l Alli&nce) where1er 'o))i/le6 /F By w&tching o1er the )'iritu&l de1elo',ent &nd gener&l welf&re of con1ert), &nd encour&ging the, to /e witne))e) for Chri)t &,ong $)r&el in e1ery )'here of life, 169 &nd thu) to )et u' &g&in under Di1ine guid&nce Ithe c&ndle)tickJ of witne)) within 3ewery6 2 !o 're)ent & untied witne)) on /eh&lf of Chri)t, not only to the 3ewi)h 'eo'le, /ut to the world6 3 !o inter'ret the )'irit of the 3ewi)h 'eo'le to the Chri)ti&n world, &nd the )'irit of the Chri)ti&n *o)'el to the 3ew)6 ; !o ,&ke it 'o))i/le for He/rew Chri)ti&n), who ,&y de)ire to do )o, to )h&re in the &cti1itie) of 4ioni),, &nd to cl&i, for the, eBu&l right) in ter,) of the B&lfour Decl&r&tion6 % !o &id Churche) &nd Societie) in their )election of He/rew Chri)ti&n c&ndid&te) offering the,)el1e) forth >ini)try, &nd )u''lying the, with infor,&tion reg&rding Con1ert) &) occ&)ion ,&y &ri)c6 6 !o identify He/rew Chri)ti&n) with the 3ewi)h 0eo'le in the defence of their 5u)t right) in countrie) in which the)e right) &re denied the,, &nd, when nece))&ry, to 'rote)t &g&in)t the )'irit of Anti#Se,iti),6 !he Con)titution 'ro1ided for the cre&tion of &tion&l Alli&nce) which )hould /e &ffili&ted to the $ntern&tion&l /ody, &nd under I,e,/er)hi'J o'ened the door for Chri)ti&n) not of 3ewi)h /irth to /eco,e &))oci&te ,e,/er), en5oying full right) e2ce't the 'ower of 1oting6 $t w&) &l)o ,&de Buite cle&r th&t the $6H6C6A6 would not co,e under the 5uri)diction of &ny Chri)ti&n deno,in&tion6 2 ?ro, 192% the hi)tory of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity /eco,e) in effect, the hi)tory of the $6H6C6A6 One of the i,,edi&te re)ult) of it) con)titution w&) th&t ,&ny )ecret 3ewi)h /elie1er) in 3e)u), including & nu,/er of r&//i), /eg&n to co,,unic&te with the "2ecuti1e6 $t w&) the /re&th of life to the, to le&rn of & 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n fellow)hi'6 !o )uch & /ody they could confide their in,o)t con1iction), where they h&d difficulty in &''ro&ching & >i))ion or & *entile Church6


+ithin two ye&r) &tion&l Alli&nce) h&d /een for,ed in twel1e different countrie) &nd h&d /een &ffili&ted with the $ntern&tion&l6 !he)e co,'ri)ed *re&t Brit&in6 A,eric& Eincluding C&n&d&F, *er,&ny6 9u))i&, 0ol&nd, L&t1i&6 Sweden, Den,&rk, Au)tri&, Hung&ry, Swit-erl&nd &nd 0&le)tine6 $n l&ter ye&r) the nu,/er h&) ri)en to eighteen /y the &ddition of Holl&nd, 9u,&ni&, @ugo)l&1i&, D&n-ig, 0ortug&l, &nd Au)tr&li&6 1D( At the Bud&'e)t &nd +&r)&w Conference) held under the &u)'ice) of the $ntern&tion&l >i))ion&ry Council in A'ril 192D, &ttended /y the 0re)ident &nd other ,e,/er) of the Alli&nce, it w&) 'ut on record th&t A !he Conference h&) le&rned with gre&t intere)t &nd )y,'&thy of the for,&tion &nd growth of the $6HC6A, &nd e2're))e) the ho'e th&t it ,&y )er1e in uniting Chri)ti&n 3ew) throughout the world in &n enriching )'iritu&l fellow)hi' &nd /eco,e & /le))ing for the 3ewi)h 'eo'le, &) &l)o of the Chri)ti&n Church6 !he $6H6C6A6 h&) held it) own $ntern&tion&l Conference e1ery three ye&r) )ince it) for,&tion, &nd &t the)e g&thering) )u/5ect) of the highe)t i,'ort&nce for the future of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity h&1e /een de&lt with6 A,ong the,, it h&) /een 'ro'o)ed to e)t&/li)h indu)tri&l &nd &gricultur&l colonie) of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) in 0ol&nd &nd 0&le)tine, &nd 'l&n) &re f&r &d1&nced tow&rd) 'utting the)e )che,e) into o'er&tion6 At the 1931 Conference & Co,,i))ion w&) )et u' to inBuire into the de)ir&/ility &nd 'r&ctic&/ility of for,ing & He/rew Chri)ti&n Church6 A) & re)ult of the finding) of thi) Co,,i))ion re'orted to the ne2t Conference, & ,o,entou) deci)ion w&) t&ken in the '&))ing of & re)olution6 I!h&t thi) Conference &''ro1e) the 'rinci'le of the e)t&/li)h,ent of & He/rew Chri)ti&n Church6J One of the ,o)t intere)ting e1ent) in the hi)tory of the Alli&nce h&''ened in 1933, when, during one of hi) 1i)it) to 0&le)tine the 0re)ident, Sir Leon Le1i)on, recei1ed in 3eru)&le, & de'ut&tion re're)enting the >&rr&no) of 0ortug&l, de)cend&nt) of the ,&ny thou)&nd) of 3ew) who were co,'elled to &cce't the Chri)ti&n f&ith in the d&y) of the $nBui)ition6 +ork w&) initi&ted &,ong the >&rr&no), &nd /efore long they for,ed the,)el1e) into & 0ortugue)e He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce6 +hen the terri/le ,&))&cre) of 3ew) /y Ar&/) in 0&le)tine took 'l&ce in 1929, the Alli&nce r&i)ed o1er T1,%(( &) & 9elief ?und to )uccor 3ewi)h f&,ilie), &nd on ,&ny occ&)ion) & 'rote)t h&) /een ,&de &g&in)t &nti#)e,itic 'ro'&g&nd&6 !he &cce))ion to 'ower of the &-i '&rty in *er,&ny initi&ted & /itter 'eriod of 3ewi)h 'er)ecution which )till continue)6 !he deli/er&te ou)ting of &ll *er,&n) with 3ewi)h /lood in their 1ein) fro, their e,'loy,ent 'roduced untold h&rd)hi' &nd )uffering6 Hundred) of thou)&nd), who were wholly di1orced fro, the Syn&gogue, &nd did not e1en know th&t they were of 3ewi)h e2tr&ction, were ruthle))ly 'en&li-ed, &nd their 'light cre&ted &n &cute 'ro/le, f&r the Alli&nce6 Org&ni-&tion) were Buickly 1D1 )et u' to &,elior&te the lot of the 3ewi)h )ufferer), /ut the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n) &nd non#Ary&n Chri)ti&n) were l&rgely denied relief fro, the)e )ource), &nd their 'itiful &''e&l) c&,e /efore the $6H6C6A6 Al,o)t e1ery other con)ider&tion h&d to /e &/&ndoned in &n effort to r&i)e fund) for *er,&n relief &nd to ende&1or to 'l&ce &) ,&ny &) 'o))i/le in e,'loy,ent in other countrie)6 But &ll th&t could /e done w&) like & dro' in the oce&n, &nd it h&) /eco,e cle&r th&t ,ore definite

&ction ,u)t yet /e t&ken if the )itu&tion, un'&r&lleled )ince the >iddle Age), i) not to de1elo' for the wor)e6 !he co,,on di)tre)) &t le&)t h&) h&d the effect of '&rti&lly /ridging the gulf /etween the non#Chri)ti&n &nd the Chri)ti&n 3ew6 $n 3ewi)h circle) it u)ed to /e &)ked f&cetiou)ly, I+here &nd wh&t &re the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n)MJ !od&y, the $6H6C6A6 i) the )ufficient &n)wer6 A ,e&)ure of &ctu&l co#o'er&tion h&) /een &chie1ed which &ugur) well for the future, &nd e1en in the Church the Alli&nce h&) /rought recognition th&t the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n h&) & )'eci&l 'o)ition to occu'y in the econo,y of the <ingdo, of *od6 B&)il >&thew) h&) )t&tedA ?ro, the Chri)ti&n )ide, we do not /elie1e it to /e in the 'ur'o)e of *od th&t the 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n )hould /e de'ri1ed of full o''ortunity of ,&king hi) &wn di)tincti1e r&ci&l &nd cultur&l contri/ution within the Chri)ti&n Church6 +e )hould not )eek in &ny w&y to det&ch hi, fro, hi) own herit&ge, &nd )hould gl&dly recei1e fro, th&t herit&ge &ll th&t will enrich our own f&ith61D% !he ch&nge in the condition of 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity which h&) t&ken 'l&ce within the l&)t century6 &nd '&rticul&rly within the l&)t dec&de, i) little )hort of ,ir&culou)6 One /y one the 'o)ition) lo)t in the &ge#old triu,'h of the *entile Church h&1e /een reg&ined6 A re1i1ed 3ewi)h Chri)ti&n inde'endent religiou) co,,union i) within ,e&)ur&/le di)t&nce of &chie1e,ent6 !he wheel h&) turned full circle6 !o wh&t 'ur'o)e i) &ll thi)M $t i) th&t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity with it) &ccu,ul&ted e2'erience) of hu,&n '&))ion) &nd Di1ine lo1e h&) & 'otent ,e))&ge to gi1e to & world crying &loud for light &nd truthM $) it th&t the)e '&tient follower) of the <ing >e))i&h h&1e & le&ding '&rt to 'l&y in the re)tor&tion of 'e&ce &nd intern&tion&l /rotherhood to & world )own with di))en)ion &nd di)tru)tM $) there &fter &ll )o,ething in the >o)&ic 1i)ion of I& kingdo, of 'rie)t) &nd & holy n&tion,J 'l&ying & ,edi&tori&l '&rt /etween the n&tion) &nd their *odM !ho)e who )eek &n &n)wer to the)e 1D2 Bue)tion) ,u)t go to the ?ount&in#he&d &nd to the word of Hi) re1el&tion6 Be&t /y /e&t 3ewi)h Chri)ti&nity h&) followed the ,u)ic of the gre&t 'ro'hetic )tr&in) in H&ndel8) >e))i&h, )te&df&)t in the ho'e th&t one d&y the H&llelu5&h Choru) will ring out, &nd ,ighty 1oice) &) of & gre&t ,ultitude, &) the 1oice of ,&ny w&ter), )h&ll cryA !he kingdo,) of thi) world &re /ec&,e the kingdo,) of our Lord &nd of Hi) >e))i&h. &nd He )h&ll reign for e1er &nd e1er61D6 Addendu, to Ch&'ter CC$ "2tr&ct) fro, Sir Leon Le1i)on8) Addre)) on /eing elected ?ir)t 0re)ident of the $ntern&tion&l He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce, Se'te,/er 9, 192%A >y de&r /rethren &nd )i)ter), $ &, dee'ly ,o1ed /y the gre&t honor you h&1e )een fit to confer on ,e6 $ c&n h&rdly find word) &deBu&tely to e2're)) ,y gr&titude to you6 $ know ,y )hortco,ing). $ know how onerou) &nd how gre&t i) the 'o)ition to which you h&1e elected ,e. &nd $ 'r&y *od, +ho &lone )ee) ,y he&rt, th&t He will direct ,e &nd you in the gre&t work th&t lie) /efore u)6 Brethren, you h&1e 'erh&') little ide& &t 're)ent of wh&t & /ody )uch &) we h&1e con)tituted c&n &nd will doA /ut, 'le&)e *od, if we e&ch &nd &ll of u) go /&ck to our own 'l&ce)


&) &,/&))&dor) of thi) gre&t Conference, deter,ined to org&ni-e, coordin&te, &nd unite the 1&riou) /elie1er) in Chri)t fro, &,ong)t the 3ew) into /odie), which )h&ll /e &ffili&ted to thi) $ntern&tion&l, )o th&t they ,&y there/y /e cheered &nd co,forted &nd )trengthened, you will find th&t in & few )hort ye&r) you will your)el1e) /e rew&rded /y *od in )eeing the /e&uty of unity &nd the gr&ndeur of lo1e when it 'er,e&te), &nd i) &llowed to work freely in the he&rt) of the follower) of Chri)t, who i) the 1ery e))ence of lo1e it)elf6 !o ,y colle&gue) $ would )&y, fir)t of &ll, th&t )o f&r &) $ &, concerned, $ c&n 'ro,i)e you th&t you )h&ll ne1er /e let down6 $ will &lw&y) /e &t your /eck &nd c&ll, doing ,y ut,o)t in &nything th&t you ,ight h&1e to )ugge)t, in )o f&r &) it i) going to &d1&nce the <ingdo, of *od &,ong)t the 3ew), or in &ny &))i)t&nce th&t $ ,ight /e &/le to render /y w&y of co,ing &nd /ringing cheer &nd co,fort &nd hel'A &nd $ do tru)t th&t, if you w&nt thi) $ntern&tion&l to /e & )ucce)), you will gi1e ,e &nd the $ntern&tion&l He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce your ut,o)t loy&lty6 $f the officer#/e&rer) )t&nd /y e&ch other, &nd &re 'er,e&ted with & gre&t de)ire &nd -e&l 1D3 for Chri)t &nd hi) <ingdo,, we )h&ll /e &/le to /ring life &nd co,fort &nd 5oy into the he&rt) of the )c&ttered ,e,/er) of our r&ce who &re /elie1er) in Chri)t, throughout the world6 +h&t &re we to work forM +h&t &re we to /e loy&l toM $ think th&t the /ody which h&) now co,e into /eing h&) & gre&t 1&riety of intere)t), in which, if we try to contri/ute &ll th&t i) /e)t &nd highe)t in u), we )h&ll find th&t we ,&y /eco,e & 'ower in the world &) well &) &,ong)t our own He/rew Chri)ti&n /rethren6 !o /e & 'ower in the world, we ,u)t try to h&1e & cle&r outlook, & Chri)tlike outlook6 +e ,u)t try &nd &1oid tho)e n&rrow, /igoted, 're5udiced feeling) &nd ide&) which would cur/ u) &nd di)tr&ct u) &nd hinder u) fro, going onw&rd &nd u'w&rd &nd on to 1ictory6 !herefore we ,u)t 'r&y K &nd when $ )&y 'r&y, $ ,e&n we ,u)t work &nd 'r&y ## if we &re to ,&ke it re&lly effecti1e, th&t we ,&y )ee e&ch thing in it) own 'ro'ortion, &) *od would h&1e itQ6 Our rel&tion)hi' to e&ch other ,u)t /e ,&int&ined in unity, /ec&u)e, &) $ )&id ye)terd&y, we &re & twice#de)'i)ed &nd twice#e2iled 'eo'le K e2iled &long with the 3ewi)h r&ce, &nd e2iled fro, the 3ewi)h r&ce /ec&u)e of our /elief. de)'i)ed like the 3ewi)h r&ce, /ut de)'i)ed /y the 3ewi)h r&ce /ec&u)e of our /elief6 !herefore, the gre&t need th&t we &ll h&1e i) 5u)t & w&r,# he&rted, dee' lo1e for one &nother th&t )h&ll )t&nd u) in )te&d of e1erything &nd ,&ke u' f&r &ll thing), /ec&u)e Chri)t h&) 'ro,i)ed to /le)) )uch in the c&u)e with hi) own lo1eQ6 !hen our rel&tion)hi' with the 3ew), &nd for the 3ew), with the Church K $ feel, /rethren, th&t &nti)e,iti), would h&1e /een three thou)&nd 'ercent ,ore )e1ere th&n it i) tod&y, h&d it not /een for the f&ct th&t )o,ething like three hundred to )i2 hundred ,i))ion&rie), He/rew Chri)ti&n ,i))ion&rie) or ,i))ion&rie) working &,ong the 3ew), &re going &/out in A,eric&, in *re&t Brit&in, in *er,&ny, e1erywhere, week in &nd week out, 're&ching &nd 'le&ding /efore Chri)ti&n 'eo'le the c&u)e of $)r&el6 &nd th&t 'ro'&g&nd& ,u)t ,&ke the 3ew) re&li-e wh&t it ,e&n)6666 +e &re going into churche), dr&wing#roo,), ch&'el), 'r&yer ,eeting), 'r&yer union), &nd conference) &nd 'l&ce) of &ll kind) &nd de)cri'tion) where Chri)ti&n 'eo'le ,eet, &nd we &re the one) who ,&ke 'eo'le re&li-e th&t & 3ew i) & hu,&n /eing like the,)el1e), th&t he h&) & )oul &nd &ffection) Q & ,&n who h&) got & ho,e &nd & ho,e life, &nd one fro, who, they c&n le&rn & good de&l if they try to )tudy hi,6666 +e c&n do ,uch /y )ending re're)ent&ti1e) fro, our $ntern&tion&l He/rew Chri)ti&n Alli&nce to the Church. we c&n ,ore effecti1ely c&ll the &ttention of the Chri)ti&n world

1D; th&n the 3ew) c&n, &nd we &re going to do it, &nd to )how the Chri)ti&n world th&t we /elie1e in 3e)u) Chri)t, &nd &re h&''y to lo1e &nd to )er1e hi, K &nd 5u)t &) h&''y to die for hi,6 @et th&t doe) not ,e&n /etr&ying our r&ce6 $t doe) not ,e&n for)&king our 3ewi)h /rethren. it ,e&n), on the contr&ry, th&t we &re 're'&red to do ,ore for their welf&re )'iritu&lly th&n &ll the 9&//i) 'ut together6 @ou ,&y feel th&t thi) i) r&ther &n e2&gger&ted re,&rk, /ut $ ,&ke it &d1i)edly, ,y /rethren, /ec&u)e, in ,y own e2'erience, $ know of He/rew Chri)ti&n ,i))ion&rie) &nd He/rew Chri)ti&n) here, there, &nd e1erywhere, who h&1e gone round for ye&r) &nd ye&r) on & )t&r1&tion w&ge, )o,e of the, h&1ing no '&y &nd )eeking no '&y, while other) h&1e h&d 5u)t enough to ,&int&in the,)el1e), yet who h&1e recei1ed )uch tre&t,ent th&t no 9&//i would e1ery re,&in & 9&//i f&r three d&y) if he h&d to 'ut with it6 Our ,i))ion&rie), in the n&,e of Chri)t &nd in the )trength of hi) lo1e, h&1e continued in )'ite of it &ll to thi) d&y 6666 +e h&1e got & gre&t lo1e /ec&u)e we h&1e got & gre&t Chri)t, & gre&t & gre&t S&1ior, & gre&t "2&,'le on the Cro)). &nd therefore we ,u)t, &nd we c&n, &) we h&1e the ,e&n) now, 'ut it to our 'eo'le th&t /y &cce'ting Chri)t, it i) & Bue)tion of I*od &nd ,y)elf,J not & Bue)tion of >y r&ce, &nd ,y 'eo'le6J $ think th&t we c&nnot /l&,e the 3ew) &ltogether6 !hey do not under)t&nd u)6 +h&t we ,u)t &i, &t now i) to let the, re&li-e th&t we /elong to no /&nd or c&'t&in )&1e 3e)u) Chri)t, who w&) & 3ew, who c&,e to the Hou)e of $)r&el, who, we h&1e di)co1ered, &nd who we lo1e &nd )er1e, &nd th&t we &re of their own fle)h &nd /lood, &) we co,e to the,6 $f we 'ut it to the, &right, we )h&ll get to the, in two w&y)6 +hen we co,e to 4ioni),, we )h&ll )how we h&1e & unity of )enti,ent th&t i) not confined to London &lone, /ut e2tend) throughout the world, &nd, /eing & co,,unity in)te&d of &n indi1idu&l, we )h&ll /e tre&ted &) co,,unity6 !hey &re not &)king the Chri)ti&n) of 0&le)tine th&t, &) & condition of /eing in 0&le)tine, they )h&ll fir)t /eco,e 3ew)6 !hey )&y they ,u)t fir)t &dhere to the 'rinci'le) of the Le&gue of &tion), th&t in 0&le)tine there i) to /e freedo, of con)cience6 +ell, th&t i) &ll we &)k ## freedo, of con)cience6 +e w&nt to hel' the, to /uild u' 0&le)tine, &nd they )hould gi1e u) the o''ortunityQ6 @ou &nd $ h&1e /een )'&red /y Al,ighty *od in & ,o)t wonderful w&y6 "1erything th&t re&)on tell) u) )hould h&1e 're)er1ed u) w&) not there to &id u). we )hould h&1e /een &nnihil&ted long &go, &nd our n&,e) )hould h&1e /een /ut & ,e,ory6 @ou &ndL h&1e /een 're)er1ed &nd our 1D% r&ce h&) /een 're)er1ed under *od for & gre&t c&u)e, &nd $ /elie1e we )h&ll )ee th&t gre&t c&u)e for which we &re 're)er1ed, co,ing ,ore l&rgely into our 1i)ion, &nd we )h&ll )er1e th&t c&u)e in *od8) own ti,e &nd w&y, /ut only if we &re )trong &nd re,e,/er th&t *od who work), ,e&n) to work through u)6 $f we re,e,/er th&t, $ &, confident we )h&ll )ucceed6


1D6 1 2 3 ; % 6 D 7 9 1( 11 12 13 1; 1% 16 1D The Messiah #esus, ''6 %39#%;( $trom' 6A%A "u)e/6 H"6 %A17 The #ewish Ba% +round of the Christian Litur+y' Act) 9A1#2 9ecog6 1AD(#D1 "u)e/, H6"6 2A9 >y)tici), of St6 0&ul '6 1%6 9ecog6 ;A3% "'6 Cle,, &d 3&c6 Act) 1;A2D Act) 1%A13#21 9ecog6 1A;2. 9o,6 9A1D#22 *&l6 2A7 Act) 1%A23#29 Act) 11A2D#29 AntiB6 2(, 2A% The Messiah #esus, 'o6 %;( ff6 Cf6 "'i'h&niu)6 H&er 29A;. D7, /&)ed on tr&dition) 're)er1ed in the Hypotyposeis of Cle,ent &nd the Hypomnemata of Hege)i''u)6 AntiB 2(, 9A2 0e)&ch %D& ;7A31#39 3&,e) %A1#9 AntiB6 2(, 7A%#6 $ren6 H&er %A33 B&r6 29A% AntiB6 2(69A1 $n "u)e/6 H6"6 2A23 9o,63A2( *&l6 %A1#2 9o,6 3A7 Lo)t &nd Ho)tile *o)'el)6 '6 29 2 0eter 2 $ren6 H&er6 1A26

17 19 2( 21 22 23 2; 2% 26 2D 27 29 3( 31 32

33 3; 3% 36 3D 37 39 ;( ;1 ;2 ;3 ;; ;% ;6 ;D ;7 ;9 %( %1 %1 %3 %; %% %6 %D %7 %9 6( 61 62 63 6; 6% 66 6D 67

Act) 21A2(#2; Act) 27A17 +&r) $$, 13A% Act) 23A26#3( AntiB6 2(, 11Al $)&i&h 1(A33#3;. 4ech6 11A1 >&tt6 2; *ittin %D& Luke 2lA2(#2; 9e16 22A6 9e16 1A9. 2A19 1 0et6 ;A1D +&r) 3, 9A3 >&tt6 2;A29#3( $)&6 1(A3;. 11A1 2 0et6 3A9 Lost and Hostile Gospels, '63% Ad"' Haer' 1A26 Chs' 21#23 !e)t6 .e *raes%r' 33 3u)tin6 @st Apo=' %3 (useb' H'(' 3A32 $/i/ $/i/ 3A2( $/i/ 3A32 $/i/6 ;A% 3ohn %A;3 3u)tin 1)t Apolo+y, 31 3ero,e (p' ad Au+' 3u)tin .ialo+ue%' Tryph' 96 $ Cor6 ;A11#13 A%ts of Barnabas 9e16 21A1; 3ohn 1DA3 (useb' H'(' %A9 Act) 1DA11

69 D( D1 D2 D3 D; D% D6 DD D7 D9 7( 71 72 73 7; 7% 76 7D 77 79 9( 91 92 93 9; 9% 96 9D 97 99 1(( 1(1 1(2 1(3 1(; 1(%

3ohn 2(A31 9o,6 3A3( $'*'C'>' ed6 ''6 17#19 Op' %it', 31#32 .ial' D2#D3 $habb,' 13&. 116/ H'(' 3A2%,2D Cf6 Mtt' %A1DA &nd )ee the &ddendu, to thi) ch&'ter6 T' Hull' 2A2; $habb6 116& .ial' %' Tryph' 1D Apol' 16 Apol' 26 Abod' Aar' 2D/ $habb' 1;/ $anh6 1(A1 >&rk 16A1D#17 *anar' 3( F'B'L' 1ol ;1, ''6 122#12; Tann' 2D/ Tos' Bab' Me/' 2A33 $u%%' ;7/ See 3&,e)6 Apo%ryphal !ew Testament 3er6 .ial' %' *ela+' 3A2 3er6 Cornm' in, =sa' 11A2 C' *ella+' $upra 0)6 Orig6 in >&tt6 3e-6 .e <ir' =llust6 2 $/i/6, 16 Cited in hi) *anarion "'i'h6 *anar' 3(A36 $ifra 1;(& Ber' B' ;7A6 3ero,e, Comm' in lo%' $/i/6 Scc "'i'h6 *anarion6 Cf6 >&tt6 1A1

1(6 1(D 1(7 1(9

*anar6 39AD l/i/ 3(A17 "u)e/6 H'(6 ;A22 $/i/ 1DD

11( H6(6 1(A1 111 Canon 6; 112 $/i/6 D( 113 $/i/6 D1 11; l/i/6 ;9 11% $/i/6 %( 116 Socr&t6 H'(6 DA37 11D Guoted fro, 0&rke) The Confli%t of the Chur%h and the $yna+o+ue, ''6 39D#;(( 117 A)&e,&ni, Cod' Lit6, $, '6 1(% 119 Cotton6 <' Ma%%' 32 12( *anar' B8 121 1 !i,6 6A2(#21 122 Clem' Hom @B 123 "'h66 %A23, 2%, 21, 31#32 12; 1 !i,6;A3 12% B&ring *ould, Lost and Hostile Gospels, '62316 126 "'i'h6 0&n&r6 3(A22 12D B6 S&nh6 ;3& 127 *anar' 3( 129 0&rke), Confli%t of Chur%h and $yna+o+ue, '6 26( 13( 0&rke), Conflict) of Church &nd Syn&+o+ue, '626% 131 >il,&n, Hist' of the #ews, :ol6 $$6 '629% 132 Chroni%le of the Goths' 133 Canon %D 13; Canon %9 13% Canon 6( 136 Canon 62 13D Canon 63

137 139 1;( 1;1 1;2 1;3 1;; 1;% 1;6

1;D 1;7 1;9 1%(



Canon 6; Holy Cross .ay Canon 3 See The Confli%t between the Chur%h and the $yna+o+ue, ''6 273#291 >il,&n, Hist' of the #ews, :ol6 2 '6 2DD !r&n)6 Bi&llo/lot-ky, :ol6 1, '' 11D# 119 Milhemet Hobah, '6 13& #'(' art' Trinity' ?inn6 $ephardim, ''6 3%6#363 Hic 5&cet in tu,ulo, 1ir 'er cunct& fideli) Sedi) &'o)tolie)e te,'ore Buo 1iguit, 9o,&e n&tu), o'u,, di1e), 'ro/i) et )&ti) &lto, S&nguine ,&te,o no/ilit&tu) er&t6 0ruden) et )&'ien), et coelo 'ene )u/ o,ni Agnitu) et cele/ri), )e,'er in ur/e ,&nen), :irgo ter )eni) fuer)t cu, )ole die/u) Gu&ndo )uu, 1it&e finier&t )'&&tiu,6 #'(' &rt' *ierleoni' -esponsa 173#192 =srael and the Gentiles, '6 32% $n hi) tr&n)l&tion of B&r#He/reu)8 Commentary on the Gospels, ''6 33# ;; ?or the origin&l L&tin )ee >&rgoliouth, The #ews in Great Britain, ''6 22;#22% ?or further det&il) of the Ho,e &nd it) in,&te), )ee '#'(' aare' .omus Conbersorum, /y 96 >ich&el Adler6

1%3 1%; 1%% 1%6 1%D 1%7 1%9 16( 161 162 163 16; 16% 166 16D 167 169 1D( 1D1

1D2 1D3 1D; 1D% 1D6

!r&n)6 ?6C6 Cony/e&re6 Bu))ell, -eli+ious Thou+ht and Heresy in the Middle A+es, '6 D13 ?inn6 $ephardim, ''6 37(#371 >il,&n, Hist, of the #ews, :ol6 $$, '6 399 >il,&n6 lo%' %it' '6 379 ?r&nkl, The (xpulsion from $pain, @CDE, tr&n)6 >6D6 Loui) =srael and the Gentiles, ''6 36D#7 >oc&tt&, The =n0uisition and #udaism A//ott, =srael in (urope, '622D Ber)tein, #ewish &itnesses for Christ The Conspira%y of Lope/ the #ew, #ewish Chron' $uppl' Se't6, 1929 "ng6 tr&n)6 /y 3ohn C&,den Hotten, '6 29 $/i/6, '6 ;D =srael and the Genties, ''6 %13#; The #ew and Christianity' '6 %7 D&n/y, op' %it' ''6 %9#6( !ol&nd, !a/arenus, ''6 i1#1ii De le 9oi, #ewish Baptisms in the !ineteenth Century' See further Bern)tein, $ome #ewish &itnesses for Christ, &nd 36"l &rt6 Con"erts to Christianity, Modern' ot &ll the)e were con1ert) of the ,i))ion)6 *idney, Bio+raphies of (minent Hebrew Christians, o6 $: History of the L'#'$', ''6 ;3, 16(, etc6 $/i/6 '6 ;2; The #ews and the &orld Ferment, '6 1%1 9e16 11A1%



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