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Group 1 Question1: True Question2: content, language and learning skills Question3: Question4: Reading Skills because learner

work with documents and other sources in order to acquire knowledge in the content subject Question5: it means that in a CLIL classroom it shouldnt be characterized by using the foreing language exclusively but also using the mother tongue and mother tongue materials when it is necessary. It would provide and promote a multiperspectival, contrastive and integrated view of contents.

Group 2 Question1: using routine activities and discourse; displaying language and content throughout the classroom; building student confidence to experiment with language and content; using classroom learning centres; guiding Access to authentic learning materials and environment; increasing student language awareness. Question2: the content Question3: building on a students existing knowledge, skills, attitudes, experience and interests; repacking information in user-friendly ways, responding to different learning styles; challenging students to take another step forward and not just coast in comfort Question4: High Order Thinking Question5: involving parents and the local community, authorities and employers

Group 3 Question1: to encourage students to use CLIL language and a to program a properly lengh of the activities Question2: students learn to read and write specific texts best by learning to do so in authentic contexts for authentic purposes Question3: their mother language and the target language Question4: Its vocabulary knowledge Question5: gathering information from informational books, participating in discussions and acquiring specialized vocabulary

Group 4 Question1 Question2 Question3 Question4 Question5

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