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Name: DeFilippo

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Topic/Title: Contraction Surgery

Grade Level: 2

1a. STANDARD: ELA-Literacy.L.2.2.c- Use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives.

1b. ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS SWUT a contraction is a combination of two or more words with an apostrophe that makes the words smaller to write.


2a. STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2b. TEACHER CONTENT KNOWLEDGE (necessary prior knowledge) SWBAT take two words and make them a contraction. TW need to know how to break words apart and make them into contractions 3. ASSESSMENT Informal- TW ask students to give a thumbs up, to the side, or down signal to see how well they understand the topic/segment of the lesson if I feel like the students are confused or falling behind. TW walk around the room and observe how well the students are working/answering questions. TW use a checklist to see how well the students are working and answering question. TW monitor what they write in their closing activity. Formal-. TW collect their completed words thy made during surgery. If students dont understand how contractions are formed a smal l group will be made to practice this concept during recess. 4. ADAPTATIONS AND ACCOMMODATIONS CB and KC are sitting in groups that have students who are strong readers and overall strong students. CB and KC are pulled out of class for reading with a reading enrichment program. KC will get peer help from OC if necessary if she falls behind in a task. DP is an ELL student. DP will get a longer wait time when picked on to answer questions. DP gets pulled out of class to go to an integrating into a new environment class specifically for ELL students. Rock Star Role Model: If students are talking to each other, not paying attention, or talking while the teacher is talking they will receive a tally mark. This means that they will have to mark the chart they have on their desk with a sharpie. If they receive three tallies in one day they will need to go to the thinking place for fifteen minutes and a note will go home that needs to be signed and returned. If they receive more t han 3 tallies in one day they will need to go to the thinking place for the rest of the day and a note will go home that needs to be signed and returned. If a student did not receive a tally for a whole week they will get a positive note home on Friday. Students can also earn the letters to FUN FRIDAY, which is located on the white board, if they have an exceptional behavior at any point during the day. PROCEDURE AND PRACTICE TEACHERS ROLE WHAT ARE STUDENTS DOING? Questions to Ask MATERIALS I have who has 1 STARTER/ANTICIPATORY SET (5 min.) TW pass out cards to participate in I have who has SW participate in I have who has cards 2. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIAL (Guided Instruction/Procedure/Exploration) (5 min.) TW show a short clip of Call me Maybe By Carlee Rae Jepsen that highlights and defines the contractions in the song.


SW watch the clip and write down the contractions they see/hear. Sw then break those contractions apart. ?v=fMlIF_Yvx bs

3. GUIDED PRACTICE/EXPLORATION/ACTIVITY (5 min.) 1. TW will tell the class that they will be performing contraction surgery and that these poor contractions just want to become whole again and they need your help! 2. TW tell the class that contractions start as two words before they go into surgery. Then, our classroom doctors will surgically remove the part of the word that we do not need in our contraction. After surgery, our contractions need a bandage to help him/her heal! And of course, after he/she heals, there is a scar left behind. For our contraction friend, this is their apostrophe! 3. Teacher and Students will fill out a short worksheet on making contractions and how to break them apart. 4. TW model how a contraction surgery will be completed with Band-Aids.

1. SW listen to the assignment.

2. SW complete the worksheet.

Worksheet labeled Contraction Surgery

3. SW ask questions about the contraction surgery.

Word strip Band-Aids

4. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (25 min.) SW complete their surgery. TW have a mini award ceremony for the class and pass out Dr.___________ badges to the class and tell them they have graduated from nurses to doctors and they have their first surgery today. TW have students get their materials for surgery (a mask, gloves and a BandAid, contraction, construction paper) and meet with their fellow doctors.

Surgical masks Surgical gloves Band-Aids Word strips Scissors Record sheet

5. CLOSING (5 min.) Closure Activity: Whip Around- TW tell students to say one contraction.

SW say one contraction.


HOMEWORK/FOLLOW UP ACTIVITY (if appropriate). Worksheet labeled: Monster Contractions

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