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77) Gately eu) rire ry oe Pea ras vs Sime (naa) Civil Services Exam. 10 (4th Rank), Solved Papers ® Uttar Pradesh PCS: (Pre:) Exameiit) » Allahabad Bank PO® Exam iit © Corporation Bank:PO" Exam: fas Ca ® BarodalRajasitian Gramini Officers\Exam' © UGG:NET, JRE Examey ® UP GIC Lecturer ScreeningiExamen Pe Cee eee) Ld Beret a NTS Editorial | News and Events Nation this Month World this Manth giumat New | National and International Updates Economic Scenario Current Affairs: Sports World Memorable Points Science and Technology Career News: {. Employment and Career News 2 Forthcoming Competitive Examinations Civil Services Exam. : Its the Time to put you in the Mind of a Poastive Person World Panorama did ae Bangladesh Relations ; New Partner i (i) Indo-Nepal Relations : Delicate Balance Personality Development Mind your Body Language _ Inspiring Youth ; Interviews M1 Ravi Dhawan Topper—tivil Services 2010 (6th Rank) Abbiram G. Sankar Topper—Civil Services 2010 (4th Rank} Pommola Sunil Kumar “Topper—Civil Services 2010 (18th Rank Articles: Notes on History Civil Sorvices (Mains) Exam.—The Great sophers: Kant and Rosteau “History Article Land Revenue Syste Dynasty Indian Defence Articie j From DHavijay ta Divyuastra Steate Start: The New Operational Doctrin: Indian Acmy international Scenario Artic ; Syrian Unrest and Volatile Middle East Sociological Article | Social Exclusion and Political Viokerwe in'North~ East + Backbone of Mughal yy Cald vat thet » Political Article India-Atrien Ties: An Emerging Strong Partnership Constitutional Article 5 Fundamental Rights Career Article B SSB. For Three Wings of the Armed Funces What ? How ? and Why ? Vivica Compendium Countries of the World : Ata Glance Pakistan Economic Terminology Important Bank Terminology _ Annual Report 2010-14 O Progress in Statistice and Programme Implomenta- Hon Ata Glance Role of Indian Extensis Highlights _ Profile : International Organisation South Asian Associution fur Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Current Questionnaice Trade and Industry Question Papers Optional Papers. UGC-NET/JRF Bens, 21710 - Secislagy P. Government Inter College Lecturer Screening Bxam., 1009 Sociology and General Studies Othor Papers Uttar Pradesh RCS. (I'te.} Exam, 2011 __ Studies § Allahabad Bank P.O, Exar, 2011 - Geneeal Aware- ioultural Research, Education and in. Enhancing Foodgraine Prostuction ‘General 29 Corporation Bank JM), Bxam., 2011 -Genteral Aware- ness on Socio-Economic Developments Allahabad Bank 7.0, Exam, 2011 : Reasoning Ability 0 Baroda-Rajasthan Geari 2011 Numerical Ability Your Pages: Essay Contest Dicbate Contest Comventric Quix Test Your Knuwledge Results Annual Specia Bank Gllicess Exam, The Vio K ipiviors wemmcatod in Praboyia Carbon ave Paes Gi he atic d codsbalbe & Go" wooaseaily watocl hoes al The pulliohar ore ool Oetaber! 2011s Years taste 64 Oetober 2011 EDITOR Mahendra Jain REGISTERED OFFICE 2N1-A, Swesdeshi Bima Nagat Agra-232 002 ADMINISTRATIVE AND EDITORIAL OFFICE 1 State Bank Coiory Opp. vin Cheina Kendra AgraMathura Bye pees, Agra-28? DOS Tel - 2531101 2530986. 05353 Fete | $0562) 4091570, 4055390 Website. | rum pearoup.n E-mail = cites: publisher pegreups. in ‘Customar Cars | cared pagroupin BRANGH OFFICES Beth 4845, Ansan Road se yexgen), New- Deni Tel 23251844, 73251856 Mystorapad 184118, AR, Compiew (Near Sundarsioh Park. Adjacent lo Manses Enclave Gute), Bagh Ligampally, Hysetabmad-<4 Tel 66759330 Dear Readers, dt gives ue immense pleasure and = great sense of satisfaction in presenting to you the Ootober lesue of your favourite magazine ‘Pratiyogita Darpan’. It is due to painstaking efforts of our worthy authors and staff that this issue has been made 0 useful for various competitive examinations as well as for general reading. If you go through tt antelligently and with proper understanding, it will goo Jong way in bringing desired success to you in any competitive examination for which it is meant, ‘Our readers regularly send us thelr demands and needs and know about any change in the pattern of competitive examinations. We make all possible effarta to incorporate them in future issues of the magazine Our readers alac enrich the magazine with their wise suggestions and contributions. This has made the magazine eo ussful and have endeared tt ta all. ‘This sue Of the Magazine containg a number of core articles on important world events contributed by noted. authors. Some of tha Important and representative articles are: Indo-Bangladesh Relations : Nev Partnership, Indo-Mepal Relations ; Delicate Balance, India-Afviea Ties : An Emerging Strong Partnership ete. ‘The most important dection of the magazine contains & juimber of question papers selneted from various competitive: examinations. These are fully aclved with relevant hints and short but to the point explanations, All elforts are made to maintain the unique quality of the magazine in giving error-free solutions. Ibhaa made this magarine unparalleled in its field and endeared to all its readers. It is commonly believed thay an mtelligent stody and practios of these papers will be highly useful in solving questions in any future exarnination, The column ‘Compendium’ in the magazine has been widely appreciated and acclaimed as very useful for trusted help. *Pratiyogita Darpan’ gives you the best guidance and reading matarial, You ean make its best use and get bright sucess in any competitive examination ‘Read Pratiyogita Darpan regularly and intelligently. I gives you the power to master your career and shape your’ destiny. ‘With best wishes for your briliant success and bright future, Singeraly yours, MAHENDRA SAIN «Editor ‘hl righin eserves past ths Mlagtane muy be repo, hers w tetra stem tr irmmmeniied! bm ony mney any meant, Blecin nike Mechanical, Vhnbscomying. Roceading ur viherwist, wthout the prior weien permission af the poker. Whe every etal as beer rind be ensure accuracy’ the tnfurtial it Published in the edits ceither. publisher nut any <€.ts employees anerpLany cespucsty ler any oor st ‘eri, Aeticks thas ann be sed ant retuned us de audhuny -aecasegparied by a felt addressed aind salkciende siamped envedipe, Barer fupimibility is takin tee any fre it delay cn soiurning the euteria Pracvegita Dhirpan awcuns ro wepunaibiny ie sterner ar pisces ‘ain the mb ae ey lain ade ont advtint taro palighoe i antag PIVOctober/20 11/578 The concept of knowledge pre-sapposes the existence af's evistenee im ar ince of all Knoateige. IF is therein 3 or her sovial satus, caste, creed, religion or. ieepenariow fine tag We nL apes Heli Jo lear froin everwone, Fo fy which consists of individuals, Kuraledge bas no aid tutabitad by wa indiedveal 1¢ means that arly iretividnads sepersctely ov 0s part of soctety are ready 10 Jearu frou every individual irrespective nie fas and hirmeidity shout be one's cviteienend if ene warts. to-toern, If brils te Heer conclusion thant me shotdd vegard everybody as our friewd nnd teeciwr aitd fear lessons of life from Hem. Internet iy the iaagest wumber oF possitle tna spirit af turenility wilt unfold treasteres of knw in ways snare than one. THerefiee, Whe A monkey meditates for about a couple of seconds, before he takes a heap ora jumps He meditates to arsesn whether he would be able to reach. the other side; or fall down. in between. IE we learn this thing from tho monkey, we will think well fo go for an action and there would be almost no changes to falter midway of 20. give up the efforts without com pletion of the task we have under- taken, Let us remember our days when we were students of the primary classes, As gond students we: were taught to remember and emulate the crow and the dug. Cro taught us the lesson of incessant eftorts til he picked up the piece of bread of the bone avhich he wanted to have, Srimad Bhagwadgita also taught us the sane lesson, though in a difierent language—We should bow down before the teacher and respectfully put questions to understand our lescon, A certain bird sitting on the bank of a pond, pointedly walts for a fash ta come up. As spon-as the fish appears on the surface, it grabs it, Likewise, we showld attend our lasses with one-pointed attention, and grab successfully whatever canes gut of ont teacher's south. In the same way, the dog taught us not to go into deep slumber, and be alert an the first knock, very animal and bind give us a lesson of lite. This és well illustrated in the stories of the Panchtantra If We look around we will see that the vegetable kingdom ond the mineral kingdom, too, have given lessons of lite. The fruit-laden trees srem asking us th be meck ana carry our learning with eyes er heads down. The river taught us to go on our way without any pause or ‘without waiting for any one: We sould do well to bear the sung: of the brook— T chatter chatter as 1 How t join the brimming river. In the same way, rather ina more concrete way, every man has something to teach, or a lesson to give. in case we cure to have it Goswami Tulsi Das has written that everything in the universe—both living and noo-lving—is made by God of good and bad qualities Ir ix for the persons possessing the faculty of discrimination to pick wp the ood qualities just as the goose picks up the milk from or the mixture af milk and water, and leaves aside the water- But out of our sense of vanity we hardly dase. And there is reason tor it. Man is born as an individual. As such, be or she has. his or her idige syncrasies, which act like angulari- tics, Self-conscigusness develops va ‘The result is that the individual comes into conflict with Swhomspever he comes inte contact. This makes bim create unconscivusly- opponents or enemies. He remai coalined 20 the shell of ‘I-ness’ and is not able to learn what other persons have to give. The man of wisdom, fries to make his angularities round and thus makes smouth the going among other persons. He hears them, looks up for what they have to give. Thus, he: enriches his store of know- fertge. Thus, the wise individual finds 8 teacher in. everything and in every man/woman. Ie is rightly suid that no ene is your triend or enemy, everyune is your teacher. Besides vanity, there are other psychalugical reasons also: cam és + Earle yon Buvivlestge Hrrosegh fiends because of which most of us do av! try to learn things. from othe porsons: Muck scolding and erieicisw teceived in childbood develops sense of depression and guilt in the individual, He or she begins thinking that he or she is an idiot and i incapable of learniny, things. At times unfavourable tamily conditians give fi in the child, fo sense insecurity, So, there are factors mone than one, which cover an individual with a blanket of inferiority or got develop interinrity complex, whick combined with the false sense of vanity, holds back the individual fram mixing with peaple and making friends, who may give him or he whatever ond things they possess ‘The great lesson of ite taught by those who were successful in life | that one should try to meet ¢he ohe person at his level. Never think he [s eke me or he should become as arn, Try to feel that Lam fike him, and make him or her my friends [nus overcome my vanity, and sake fiw at her feel that Lam like you. Then try to search for the teacher in thi person before you, Collect the pearl: of knawledge and enrich your ston of knuwledge. ‘This process woule give you much information anc knowledge without efforts, and you will be surprises! to sex its favourable effects on your studies and ultimanch you are bound to be benefited in the xaminatioa, A wond of caution. Dk not Inok at friendship asa means o} exploiting @ persan fer economic a financial gains. fF you make him o hee feel like your teacher, Ris or le sense of vanity will be satisfied, and be or she would deers it on honour bi give you the best in him or her. = ~ ESSAY COMPETITIO. \ Topic =: Character is Destiny Last Daté ; October 25, 2011 ! Prizes 1 Ist: Ro 1,200/-; 2nd: Rs, 800/ Sed Ry 600/- DEBATE COMPETITION | Topic Ina True Demveracy, the People are| Supreme, Not Parliament Last Date : October 25. 2011 ach (For 2 best entries} | Riles and Regulations : © Torheipalion is open by students and campebitacs city ‘@ Chily une complete and consolidated entry on essay ur debate cum potitiast will Be acrepted [row ce partieapat 5 ii aeen iat a Cea ceed nell ot imple, intelligible but forceful language. . ae and Debates should he written in uve bana aid | shold be duly signed bythe candidate: Pranted and urigned eres wall nat be arceptnd, © lerolwane dotails are ts be acvidod at all costs (2 The Basa Dahate should natexcoedl a woe limit of 1500 8 the Essay! Debate accompanied by a pasoport sized iplotingeap emus Bre Sent by ail ce cries 4 Theselection committee will devide best entries and they will be awarded. he winnees in Exay Contest sill alse receive an apeard settificate jha Darpan [hw prizenvinwingesteies the furthcoming:fssues of Pratipogita © A certificate sictild invariably be given tinder the: seripts il Ahecitect that this bs my oniglaal work andl fe unpublished selyowhere’. MEMORY RETENTION CONTEST Win Attractive Prizes + Fe jes aeneaiig ot wars ieee bce ton Secvies Exams. SSC Combined Exaovination, Banking Service Exane, Indian Insurance Cocperation’s Administrative Ovhiners ‘Beam, Forsst Service: Sub-Inepretie, Mindi Translator, MLB.A.,| (CPMT, CBSE, B. Bd.Emirance ExamRaihvay et. ? if Yeo ! thet eaten ik toe ae What jem have jast Uy di ts tr send bs he. questions dress he eect ned nck alee ee ecee ol IAL FOGs cane De Sa bickiccel theater one il jose ibe pelo sheets prime nie fuel res oie Ii The th ines ar cpemte sebaswill gen ‘Goieek anclvicn vill get RL 600, OO mrad 250 aed pecively | ERD ad thas 75 carteel arnorien Will natehaserné any pitta sa By Ordinary Post tT 540 By Registered Post = 770 Two Years By Ordinary Post = g7o By Registered Post = 1420 @® Please send your membership fee by Mone Order or Bank Draft only. Cheques will not b accepted, @ Write your address. clearly; alsa inform th month (from which month to which month) ft which you-are intending to be our customer. ® Old customers should invariably write the ‘customer number, @ Money Order or Bank Draft only in the nam of ‘Pratiyogits Darpan’ will be accepted. Order Form I want to become a yearlytwo yearly regular ou tomer. Please send my copy of the magazine ¢ the following address : Name Address. Pin Cade E | am sending Money OrderBank Draft § As. podeedeaecs ne terpoeceeia see PRATIVOGITA DARPAN INA, Swadesh Bima Nagar, AGRA-2 Phone : a053838, 2590968, 2537101 Fant = (0b62) 2053330, A064 re India’s First Private Plane Nears Test © Himay cost Bs, 18 crore, _* Sieg tities fees mites ie Inslia’s first indigenously designed civil aircraft made outside of the public sector is nearing its finish line ond the first one could be tested by Diwali this year Developed jointly by the National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) and Mahindr Aerospace, the NM5-as the aircraft is called—could cost anywhere between $ 50,000 and $ 400,000 & 1-8 crore}—roughly the price of jusury car Ferrari, A prototype of the five-seater plane is in the final stage of testing, "We are very clase to launching and flying NMB and if everything goes well that could happen in. less than six weeks. At this time we have handed it (plane) over to engineers and flight-testing.” said Hemant Luthra, director, Mahindra Group. “Now it is beyond ux mana- gers and it now depends on the confidence of the test pilot.” Mahindra Aerospace is a 50-50 venture between Mehindeas and NAL, and production is expected at its Bangalore tacility after the plane ts tested. The NAL has already developed India's tirst civil aircraft, Sares, which had its first flight in 2004. The Indian Air Eoree is keen to use the airceatt which has been bogged down by delays The cost of development of NMS is around $ 10 tot 15 million (© 45-68 crore), which is considered Jow by industry standards. The joint venture expects to sell anywhere around 75 to 100 planes per annum five years atter the start of commercial production. Taking Wings Finally ? A prototype ot the five-senter plane bs an the final stage uf esting Features af NMS Covevall Femgth: 30 fe, ristanice range » 1300 hn Empty weight : 45 kg Uses -Can be used fur cargu, medical evacuation, air Lai, ig and toes, -Spilut plus 4 Cost: T LG crore to Te crore @ The manufacturing is expected iy) start in one plant by 2014 a provall waited A Pronwtype of the Pine PD October/201 1/581 Mahindra Aerospace, which recently acquired two Australian firms, is also looking to manufacture cight and ten seater aircrait—dubbed GAS and GAID—in its Bangalore tucility expected to be operational by 2012. However, the manutacturing is expected to start in ‘Bangalore plant only by Wid as some approvals remain tw be taken. Alo the company is Looking to export the elgivt astd ten seater planes to China India Questions NSG’s Role, Wants it to Fully Honour their Commitments eens special: arin At oeceived from the peau The central government in August said that ‘the special exemption” india received fram the Nuclear Suppliers Group's (NSG) export rules in Septermber 2008 involved “reciprocal comunitments and actions by both sides” —and that the country’s nuclear parmers must fulhy honour their commitments in this regard Tot Wo accepLany preconditions fur kanster of ENR. | @ Indi | items and technllogy. 1 No question of Endia joining the NPT ax a smut | Providing the first formal Indian response to the NSG's recent decision to ban the sale of enrichment and reprocessing {ENR} technology to-countries that have not signed the Nuclear Non-proliteration Treaty (NPT), India's External Affairs Minister $. M. Krishna the 2008 exemption “remains the basis and overarching framework that governs. cooperation in civil nuck matters between India and the NSG “The issue is the full implementation of that understanding” he reiterated, “This is what we expect and our majer partners are committed £0." Special Status It may be recalled that at its plenary session in Jure this year, the NSG adopted restrictive new rules for ENR exparts, including the NPT criterion. India, Israel and Pakistan have not signed the treaty, while Nogth Korea withdrew seven years back. Mc. Krishna said that the NSG's 2008 exemption accorded a special status to India, “It was granted knawing full well chat India was nat a signatory tu Hse NPT. He stremed that India would not accept any pre- condition for transfer of ENR items and technology and there was no question of it joining the NPT as a non nuclear weapon state, “Reagan la the natural onder of truth: but imagination jg the organ of maaning.” Me. Kristina look heart from the stateenonts issued by the LS., France and Russia in the aftermath nf the NSK's 2011 plenary which sought to assure India that the 2008 exemption would not be affected by the new rules. In clusely matching clarifications, the US. and France daritied that the new ENR transfer rules ‘du not detract’ Gnm the 00K exemption, with Bars going a step further and adding that even futere guidelines would in no way detract from that exemption. On its part, Russia has said the new NSG rules ‘do not affect in anyway’ the 2004 decision to “untceese nuclear cooperation’ with nein The Minister also angued that India wos not overly anxious tt-access overseas ENR technology because it had ‘full mastery’ over the entire nuclear fuel cycle. Any transter af ENR technolagy from abroad would be an additionality th accelerate India’s three stage civil nuclear energy programme, he sai Concems The government came out with the statement following concerns expressect by Parlivmentarians about the implications of the June NSG decision on India’s existing agreements with other countrics on civil miclear cooperation. Mr. Krishoa maintained that the goverament had remained true to its objectives from the time it actively set about ending India’s exclusion trom world muclear trade five years ago. In this respect as far as India is concerned the ‘averarching framework’ for its future civil quclear cooperation with ather countries was the NSG's ‘clean exemption in 2008 under whieh the 46 countries had agreed to “transter all technologics which arc consistent with their national law." Emphasising again the reciprocal nature of the cammitments the NSG and India made, Mr, Krishna ssid, "We expect all NSG members to honour their evenmit- ments as reflected in the 2008 NSG Statement and our bilateral cooperation agreements,” Meanwhile the Communist Party af India (Marxist) on August 11, 2017] accused Prime Minister Manmohan, Singh of misleading the nation on clean waiver for import of enrichment and reprocessing (ENR} technology Speaking in Parliament on August 11, CPIMI leader Batudeb Acharia said that the latest decision of the Nuclear Suppliers Group {NSC} went against Dr. Sieygh’s promise in Parliament that India would get a clean waiver for import of ENR technology and equipment. “The Prime Minister, time and again assured the Hause that the waiver granted by the U.S. was full and eom- plete. But the US. has clearly barred enrichment and reprocessing (ENR) technology transter to India,” The crux of the matler is that India's Civil Nuclear Agreement with the United States of America appears to be running into rough weather in the light of the tact that once there is change in power in America installing Barack Obama as President, the assurances given by his predecessor George W_ Bush seem to be foundering an the rork of backtracking by the new regime. PDAQctober!201 S82. “ry pray of lokcing fa té-tall the truth ‘That's she funniest joke in National Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture Launched ional Initiative on Climate Resilient Agricul INICRA] project was launched at Vadavathu ge, Erumapatti block, Namakkal district necenthy. ICRA has been promoted in the XI five-year plar by ICAR cunstituent unit Central Research Institute to Dey-Land Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad, This project is being implemented in 100 districts i and four districts in Tamil Nadu. At Namakka istrict, the Krishi Vigyan Kendra is the project imple menting agency fur the programme. Aim The project aims at enhancing the resilience o agrieuliuze theough development and application o improved production and risk management technologies The following technological interventions were Inaugurated at the village Vodavathur : @ Inaugueation of manua rated weather statioe to record daily rainfall, minimum and maxirmur temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. @ Stocking of fish fry in temporary water ponds ‘Artificial insemination centre for ows ond bultaloes Improved water harvesting structure at Sengutta public pond. @ Portray nursery for hybrid vegetable seed multi plication, Custorn hiring of farm machineries anc implements. @ Distribution of drought resilient Sorghum (0-30 Groundnut (TMV13), Green gram (VBN-3), Black gram {Co-8), Red geam (Co-7), Vegetable cow pee seed (Arka suman}, Bush type Lab Lab stec (CoGb14), Oniva seed {Co-6), Turmeric seed rhizort (AL ppy supreme’) Fodder Slips @ Distribution of fodder slips (Co-4}, Multi cut fodder sorghum, Hedgelucerne, Fodder tree plants wiz Agathi, Subabul and Glyricidia. @ = Distribution of backyard chicks (Namakkal, chicker- 1, Ascel cross), large White Yorkshire piglets, Khakk ramphell ducks, Nandanam-t Turkeys. Baer Teli cherry cross rams, NARI Swarna cross Teifichern rams and eves and carp fingerlings. During the inaugural speech, Dr. S Ayyappan Secretary (DARE) and Director General, (CAR high lighted the importance of water conservation and adug tion of aew technolagies tue improving the productivity and profitability of the farmers through the group approoch ‘Centre Plans Health Card for Free Medicare ‘Wiorking lowands its aim of providing free healthear to all, the central government is planning national healt workd.” Ske ee Ee | Mactan Rei | Sees ete ees Cae flusranine acces to 2 package of essential primary, sccondary and tertiary healtheare fully funded by the Cenme The proposal, finalized by a high-pawered expect panel of the Planning Commission, talks of covering both in-patient and GFD services free of cast with cashless ‘The health package will focus on the most common and high-Impact healthcare requirements. While the Centee will bear the cust of services offered under the national health package. state governments can aackt more services at their own cost The health services can be availed thrmugh pubtic sectur and contracted private facilities, including non- government organisations aad non-profit agencies, Service providers, be it public or private, who accept the health card will not provide any services to those willing, fo pay additional fre either out-of-pocket or through their privately purchased insurance policies. ‘This is being done to keep away those who can pay uyavail health serviers. For services outside the national health package, people will have to pay from their pocket or through their insurance policy, These services can be made avail- able at facilities which da not accept national health card. The expert group has called for universatization of healthcare. suggesting thet public spending on health be raised from around 14% of GOP m at feast 255 by the end of 12th five-year plan (2012-17) and at least 3° by QO to achieve the objective of healthcare iow all Justifying the hike in public spending on health, the panel said, “Enhancing public expenditure, by reducing, private outol-pocket expenditure. is likely te have direct ieppact on poverty eduction." Arguing that use of insurance companies to purchase healtheare on behalf of the government will oot be very fruitful, the panel suggested integrating all government- funded insuranoe schemes with universal healhcare and replacement of all health insuearwce cards by NHEC cards. The panel said technical and other capacitics deve: loped by labour ministry for management of the Roshtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana should become the core vf the universal healthcare operations and could be transferred to the health ministry. The panel suggested focussing on extensive and high quality primary care network and argued that this would result in fewer secondary and tertiary facilities being needed, Food Safety and Standards Act takes Effect from August 5, 2011 Initiating a new era in food satety, the Food Satety and Standards Act. 206 came into force across the country trom August 5, 2001 making it at par with the international standards, It will ensure improved quality uf foud fur the consumers and censure misleading chsitks and advertisements by those in food business. PR October!201 1/584 Wiss oii anid eeienaa wes 4a ties woes ENE en ee cen eee ee eee eS eee APSSAL), established under the overarching legislation, ‘will lay down Scienor based standards for food items and regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and wholesome fou for buman consumption. As many as 22 States and Union Ferritories now have Food Commissioners in place as required under the Act, while seven are experted to do sd bby the Gime it is enforced. The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 which comes into efleet five years alter it was passed in Paslia ment, subsumes varios Central Acts like Prevention of Food Adulteration Act of 1954, Pruit Products Order ot 1955, Meat Food Products Onder of 1973, Vegetable: Oil Products (Control) Order of 1947, Edible Oils Packaging {Regulation} Order of 1988, Solvent Extracted Oil, De- ‘Oiled Meal and Edible Flour (Control) Order of 1967. Milk and Milk Products Order of 1992 and also any order issued under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 relating te food. It will ensure prevention of fraudulent deceptive or unfair trade practices which may mislead on harm the consumer, and unsate, contaminated or sub- standard fod ‘VN, Gaur, Chiet Executive Officer of FSSAI said that the Food Safety and Standards Authority will (broadly frame regulations to lay down the standards and guidelines for food items and specify an appropriate system of enforcing various standards. It will specity mechanism for accreditation of certified badics engaged in certification of food safety management system for food businesses, and procedures. tor accredition 0 laboratories. ‘The FSSAL set up in 2008, will collect and collate data regarding food consumption, incidence and pre- valence of bivlogical risk, residues of various contami nants in food products, identification of emerging risks and introduction of rapid alert system, The data will help in the implementation uf the proposed Food Security Bill and also contribute to the development of intemational technical standards for food, sanitary and plyyto-sanitary standards, While the FSSAI will be based in New Delhi, the states will have a Food Safety Commissioner, and the 80M whe will be the designated office at the district leve to issue licenses along with the Food Sulety Ofticers (Food Inspectors) who have been trained tar their new roles, According to Mr. Gaur, while defining the roles of food business operators and regulator (FSSAl), the Ac has provision far compounding offences (except fo1 which punishment is prescribed), adjudication and trials in Appellate Tribunals and special courts, including summary trials The time limit for prosecutions has also been fived, The trinl has to start within # year from the date ol commission of offence, As of now, more than one lakh cases related ty food standard offences are pending, in ‘various courts across the coxnitry. ‘The four major food-testiay lnborowries have been taken over by the Authority and it is in the process: a 4 never utople* Lipiaiecetbacnas erecnelioaan tr santa eeiade al abd declare Hai dence Day speech, mentioned universalisation of secon- ary education Mr, Sibal said aa interministerial group was thinking of putting a blanket ban on all forms of child labour. The Child Labour (Prohibition and. Regulation) Act, 1986, prolibits engaging children below 1 in all occupations barring agriculture. Even in that sector, they could work only where tractors and threshing and harvesting machines are used. They cannot cut chaff or handle pesticides and insecticides, The Tinves of India has sted 10 steps te eliminate nt public life. In the-cuntext of Anna Hixzare's anti- corruption movement these points may be highly relevant and doverve consideration by the powers that be in a spirit of Renuine concern for the eradication wf the malaise that is ‘aking inte the sitale of cur nascent deatocrary W Steps To Curb Corruption The Times of India believes that a strong anthowsruptian Jaw and a mechanism with: the seetit maker it work ate enucial if eurrupstiony is be Flieetively fought. Te that extent, 2 strung, Lukpal it a must. Huwever, the Lokpal i ih pug arcend in iéself, but ann of manip means be a end, me ‘of thers mutually exclusive of the other, Here are 10 ether fmeaiwres thet ahuuld help sedans cutruptive 1. Eleetiun reforms, including state-tunding. 2A resonable andl transparent tae structure, becked by clean and dearenforcement. 3. Liberal and cuntempurary laws that citizens can ‘understand and rexpect 4 Reduce the rule ot the stake an pienple’s fives te Ue absolutely essential se ay to menimice the soup bar harassment, 5. Roll back discretivaary puverts of ministers and bureau ras 6, Give the publie sect genuine autoeoeny. Introduce awoepinyg police selurms and stringer judeiat seconartebility 8. Pay gout. and PSU ulfieers, judges and policemen markeLindexed salaries commensurate with their Fespeensibilgy 9. Blocklist currapt tusinessanen. Transparency and stricter scrutiny sof govt. weadere/ orders, including auction jssle of publicanwned ssscts Finally, and this is for every one of as;Fet’s try and say’ no te bribes. Stealth Frigate INS Satpura Commissioned Mazagon Dock Limited, a Gavernment of India Schedule-A Miniratna Category-l ceetified company has achieved another great teat HM, om August 20, 2011 PD ec toler' 2011/58 wan anes a toad ecsiatlanas. all evidenie af ruth coe Ee as eR EAP ee ae ker eos marvel of nous Workmanship, technology, innove tion and passion Satpura is a state-of-the-art warship and embedie: many firsts. Features like COD propulsion, Tota Atmosphere Control System, Integrated Machinery Control System, ATM based integrated ship wide Dats Network and Modu- lar accommodation mipled with low RCS, IR, Noise and ELFE signatures herald a paradigm shift in indigenous efforts in the design and construction af surface combatants for the Indian Navy. Ht is equipped with state-ué-theart weapons and sensors, enabling he to perturm multiple roles and act as a potent combat platiorm, In the last $0 years, Mazagon Duck Limited ha: grown from a small ship repair yard on India's wes coast into India's most advanced shipbuilding company integrating high technology equipment/ systems on a common platform ft is the backbone af war shipbuilding in the country and provides musele through productior ‘of sophisticated world-class Stealth Frigates, Destroyers and Submarines, With the commissioning ot Satpir MDL continues its quest in securing our Nation by building world-class warships for the Indian Navy Comneisvioning af Stealth Frigate INS Satpurt Five Companies Granted Maharatna Status The government on August 14, 2011 said that out ui the seven Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) which had applied for the coveted maharatna tag, tive companies were granted the status, providing them greater financial and operational au tanorny ‘The five state-owned units which were accorded the status were | ONGC, NTPC, KOC, SAIL and CIL. It wa: revealed by the Minister of heavy industrics and public enterprises Praful Patel in a written reply to the Luk Sabha. BHEL and GAIL are the two other PSUs which had applied tor the status, the Minister stated. To be eligible for the grant of the maharatna status the company should have an average turnover of owe F 25,000 crore, average annual net worth of more thar © 15,000 crore and average anawal net profit of over 5,000 crore during the lact three years, Patel said, Besides, it should be @ navratna firm, should be listed un the Indian stock exchange with minimur prescribed public shureholding under the Sebi regula tiprs.and have global presence, the minister added: ‘The government had intradneed the moharnéna status for CPSEs in February 2010. The proposals for grant uf the maharaina tag to CPSEs are required to by ‘anly fruzn th Te a aes nee ae dea ote eh Mee a Bans ee Ree geese forwarded it to the department uf public enterprises (Dre), No Time for Reforms ? Trust Deficit Corporate India pets aver policy paralysis, crisis of governance.! eter anssctaai ne pee erart Pa geomet rust ene reals 2hoNy re caine loch af seen aie pase sper India, Bangladesh Sign Joint Border Maps in Dhaka India and Bangladesh on August 20, 2011 signed joint border maps, finalising the 4,154 km-lang, frontier between the neighbours ‘The long standing border related diseord between the two nativas was settled through the signing of the maps Bangladesh High Commissioner in New Delhi Tariq Ahmad Karim and Indian High Commissioner in Dhaka Rajeet Mitter signed some of the 1,149 maps for five sectors of the 4,156 km border. Kamal Uddin Ahmed, leader of the Bangladesh India Joint Boundary Working Group (BWG) said the Bangladesh Prime Minister and his Indian counterpart would sign on the back page of the maps during Indian PM. Dr. Manmohan Singh's visit t0 Bangladesh in September, ‘The signing was seen as a historic event: In 1952, the then Pakistan government initiated the preparation of the map and the effort cuntinued tll 1960 In 1967, a joint India-Pakistan survey was cortducted, but without much progress, After Bangladesh's indepen dence from Pakistan in 1871, an effort wos made in 1986. ‘This also did not work. The final success was seen after hwo countrins undertook a joint move recently. A strip map is an unsealed drawing of a route to include critical points along the border. It wsually incor porates distances, roadside features and town facilities an a simple flip-over style map. PIVMOkcteber/2m 1/589 one thuusonds gathered at Ramlila Maidan to support attivies Annt Hazare’s demand jor a xtrung Lokpal, the Supreme Court adyveated active participation of cittcere in affairs of the emuntry, saying democracy cannist werk unless people pussul and shave thelr views Desertbing democracy aa “a gowrencwent by the peuple vio open discussion,” a bendy headed by justice Mubuundkain Sharma quoted a 1984 SC judgement. "The demwcratic form ‘of government itself demands its citizens an active and intelligent posticipatien in the affaiss uf dhe eumeminity.”™ ‘The bonch rejectee! UP gevermment’s decision net to alkow screening of Prakash [has file Anrakelany, saying it any democratic society theee were bound 2 be divergent views and twas fur the state guvemmmeat cuncemed bo maintain Law and wedee situation. “Public discusdon with people's participation is a baste feature ond 2 rational process of democracy, distinguishes if trom ather forms uf puvernment, Demseracy -can nether work nar peusper unless pesiple aie thet views," E ssid, quottig trum the SC yerdict in 5. Rangarajan Vs, P Jagitvan Ram and Another “Public discusteon an ssaunes relating tiv adomunistration hae positive value,” the bench said. "In a democracy il is not nectesary that everyune should ving the same wong.” The court seiected the Mayawati Gavemunent’s conten: tion that seservation was a elienty ssw, which could have an sdverse etlect om lowe and onder sitwalion, The ueder sanse am August 19, the day Fiacare reached Ramlila Maidan. “Freedom uf expressisin is the rule and it is genevally takem fue grant the bench, which alur included justice A R Dawe, said, Water Jet Past Attack Craft ‘Commissioned UNS Karuva to strengthen Navy's eoaglal anit Coastal patrolling, anti-pirate, anti-amuggling, searcl ie See pecs ias Wythe Hany ga ol a on August 25, 2011 with the commissioning of a water je fast attack eratt (WIFAC) INS Karuva at the naval base it Vishakhapatnaen. Bullies’ Navy : Commnanat Ale Mortal K. | Commmining-ineChint of lhe Easter Admizal Anup Singh, comes-awt #f INS-Karwea atler com missinaing it at the naval base to Vishakchapataam on Augus ‘iscelatieans ape mete dimeieoue feeo of ieubh than liee™ SS INS Karava, last of the 1 suck vestels built by the Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE} of Kntkata with 90 per cent indigenous content, was commissioned by Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Fueces Cummand Air Marsteal K. |. Mathews Incidentally, it was for the first-time than Ai officer was commissioning a naval ship, as noted by Flag Qfficer Commanding-in-Chiet of the Eastern Naval Command Anup Singh Operational Conteal The ship would be under INS Kadamba at Karwar under the operational control of the western Naval Command and deployed alang the Konkan coast and Lakshadweep. Air Marshal Mathews said coastal xecurity was becoming important and 26/11 made the Navy grow stronger, The Navy was performing its huge taske successfully and INS Keruva would improve its peviarmance. ‘The Navy's etiorts at indigenisation were reflected in INS Karnva, he noted and hoped INS Karuva would pertonm better ‘as i¢ has.a soul ofan airman.’ Seamless Protection Force Viee-Admical Anup Singh said commixsinaing of 4S Karuva indicated that the Navy was becoming, a builders’ Navy from a buyers’ Navy. Calling this ship and other fast attack ceatts (PACs) as greyhounds, he said they would proviele seamless protection in the forward line Anna Hazare Ends Fast After Parliament Adopts Resolution Backing his Demands Anticormption crusader Anna Hazare on August 28, M11 broke his #2 days fast on the Jan Lokpa! Bill issue in Ramlila Maidan (New Delhi, At 1079 a.m. om a jam- packed Ramlila Maidan the '4-year-pld activistendes is 288 houre long, fast 5 which he began on August 16, 2011. He was offered tender eocunut walter by rwo litte girk imran (a Dalit) and tkrah {4 Muslim}. Earlier, on Aug. 27, 2011, in a deve lopment that helped A end the impasse on For Mure Strugeles : Anticer the Lokpal sswe, ccusoder Anna Hazare [realy his Fast government. and by sipping tender comnut water and Oppesition reached honey atieeed by childcea a the agreement under Namllla Maidan ln New Delhi on which — Parliament “wr! #52011 arlopted a resolution incorporating the three demands of Team Annu with a voice vote. PDYOctober!201 1/5 tian The tumaround came when BJP heard Team Anna amember Arvind Kejriwalannounce atthe Ramlila Maidan that the government had conveyed to them the opposi tion's reluctance ta vote an a resolution in Parliament on the Lokpal |G Lower Burcaueraey be covered by Jan Lola Bill a Citizens Chases he Approved By Pacament When the BJP insisted that in the changed circums- tances, a resolution should be maved and put te a voice vote, the goverment aged to it, Some young mi and MPs from the Congress alse insisted on a resoluti and vote as they felt ‘Team Anna would not settle for anything tess Ie wus then decided that the xesolution would be moved by Mr, Mukherjee. ‘The wording of the resplution ‘was worked out with fhe oppesition The resolution mentioned all the three demands of Anna Hazare, namely Citizens’ Charter, lokayuktas in the states and including inwer bureaucracy under Lokpal's ambit. The resolution states that the House agrees “in principle” on these issues. [t was put to a voice vote in ‘both Houses, Aiter breaking his fast Hazare declared that he had only suspended his fast and not ended it. Hazare had informed the government that he veas agreeable te ever a letter from the Prime Minister stating the sense of the House once the debate got over. PM's letter reached Annaji through Vilasrao Deshmukh informing of the adoption of the resolution by a voice vote, a News ina Nutshell IRCON-Sri Lanka Pact An agmement tor supply and installation of an $865 signalling and telecommunication system for railway nelwerk in Northern Provinee of Sri Lanka was signed between IRCON {Indian Railway Construction Companyiand Sri Lanka Railways Line af Credit tril ‘This projects « pare niin Line of Credit of $409 which has heen extended by India at conces sional terms. The ceedit line has been extended at an interest rate of LIBOR plus 05 per eat with LIBOR capped at 3 per cent. The xepayment period is 20 years ‘with a five years enoraterium. The proposed contract will cover the Anuradhapura- Kankasanthurai and Medawarhchiya-Tallai Mannar sections, covering a route length of 341 km and 28 stabons we art in urder not to die of the croth” Food Crisis Intensifying in Africa, Thanks to Soaring Prices [Shortages and near-histarie prices far staples have snagaified the impact of the drought A volatile global food supply is deepe jumanitarian catastrophe in the Horn of Al orld Bank warns in a report ing the ea. the Shortages and near historic prices for staples such as om, wheat and sugar have magnified the impact of the frought now ravaging the Hoen of Airiea, the Food Priew Watch report said, “While the emer: sency in the Horn of Mrica was triggered y profonged drou- Jhts, especially in reas struggling with conflict and internal lisplacement such as omalia, food pe hat are near the ccord high levels een jn 308 also reielemar te A consignment ef foad aid’ at a aid ina statement, “Maesilishu market More than 12 million people are in urgent need ot umanitarian assistance in the Horn of Africa, the report aid. In some arces of Somalia, more than 40 per cent H children under tive are suffering from acute malnu- Tition. The report has warmed that production of biatuet= prcifically America’s production of ethnal-was contei- yuting to rising food prices. In global terms, food prices in July were ont average ‘3 per cent higher than a year ago, the report warned “urn, or maize, has risen by 84 per cent; sugar 62 per cent nd wheat $8 per cent. But the priee rises were particularly seven in Africa “yen prices doubled in Kampala, Mogadishu and Kigali wer the last year, the repuet said Sorghum prices have inceeased moce than fourfold, AG per cent, over last year in parts of Somalia, the report aid. It blamed the soaring poor local harvests as vell as shrinking global food stocks. WOctober!201 1/5912 Myntlos! explanations ave thon Ihe report said corm storks were at thelr lowest level since the 1970s creating. a situation in which “even sma shiorttalls ids can have an amplified effects a prices.” the report warmed, S. production of com ethanol—which the repo said rase by eight per cent in the firet three manths of thi year—was also eating intu supplies. “Another factor that adds to the po pressure on the price of maize is the production of bicfuels,” the report said, ial upwar ersion into th also connected rising fou prices to the use of fond craps for energy Some prices bad fallen back slightly since La ed. the volatility still left th mast vulnerable populations, in the Horn of Afric: dangerously exposed. istently high food prices and low food stoch that we're still in the danger zone,” the bank’ Robert Zoellick, said in a statement interviews [THE RIDDLE SOLVED | mais “This: bow ‘comprehensively covers, the entire subject of interviews taking care sat taptics The hon Interviews including Proparation, Body Laon in au mlerview and the stew ily Ey mistales that bi rivecs Ak candidates often lia Ma commil in an interview. ie Fm Code Bai ~ By:Sanjay Dosa) EE UPKAR PRAKASHAN 211 A, msdeshi ims eqs AGRA-P60 O12 epovmeszmapne PABST 2806 285140 Fac EDN een Tl. Benal -comi be deap: the truth ip that they ane not even alu Nepal's Prime Minister thatansth Khanal resigned on August 14, 2001 in accurdance with the five-puinl agreement signed among the lop poblical parties in May 2081. He subruitied his revignatiea to the Presadent. He wan in alflee koe ality mace than Gren mints In early August, he hast declared that he would resign by August 13, if there was nut conerele progress in the peace puscess, specitically the integratioa find rehabilitatian of Mauist combatants. Henwever, during, the previous tw werks there was litle headway im peace regulations There wae tricreasesd pressure sin Mr Nepal's Prisme Khanal te quit, rum leaders of his: wn Minister Pralarath pany, the Cummainist Party wi Nepal khan (Unified Marxit Leninist), whe were upset with him for swearing in new Maaiet Ministers against the party Ata central comimitee meeting the foraver Prime Minister Madhav Nepal, seniur leader K.P, CHi and even clewe aids uf Mfr, Khanal asked: hin fo pat in his papers. Both the Nepeli Congress (NC) and the Mavsists have aimed leadership uf the nest gevemment Within the SC, the farmer Prime Minister, Sher Tohadur Deuba, has been working lu muster suppurt ij be the party's offical candidate, challenging parliamentary party loader Ram Chandra Posadel ‘The Mowists have: proposed Br. Raturany Bhattarai as their candidate to head a notional unity government, but this may’ nat apply i. majoeity government is forsee Mr. Khanat's resignation comes two weeks helore the tore of the Cunstituent Assembly was going te expire on August 31. The parties have been unable tw make progress: on ‘rompleting the fundamental tasks the peace progress” and pimparing a dealt Caiitutien ax per the five point agreement Belgium Crosses over 14 Months Without Government Belgium's quarrelling politicians returned to the regotiating table on August 16, 2011 with acting Prime ister Yves Leterme kicking off a round of mectings on controversial reforms that have left the western European country without government for about 14 moaths, King Albert Il had in July ordered a three-week break nthe talks, part of the eights attempt tp cnd the Belgian solitical crisis, noting the great fatigue felt by the regotiaturs A itt between he Dutch speaking Flanders ane French speaking Wallania egions has hampe- ed the — political regotiations ever ince. the last elec ions in June 2010, vinning Belgium a Guinness World Recued for going the ongest without a government in times of peace, October’ 2011/92 Piller speaking sa TH Rupe Minister Vwes Leterme Aaigtiss 14 “One may sometim tell-a lie. but-the grisnsee that accomoantes tb delle the 4rath Reforms are seen as a pr government. In late July, leading French-speaking politician Eliv Di Rupa managed ta secure a deal with the heads of seven other parties on how to proceed with discussions over a sefnem package he has drafted landers’ biggest party, the N-VA, was exchided from the talks after its hardline leader, Bast De Wever, rejected Mr. Iii Rupo's idea outright Faster than a Missile + An artist's renufition of the Faleon, Hypersnic Techniligy Vehiele 2 (HEV-2), an unmanned, rockel-launched, manocuverable aircraft that can glide Uungh the Barth's atinexpiene ata lup speed of 24,584) kenph The TS Thofomee Adwancest Research Prujcts Agency launched it stop a rocket on ANuguat 11, 2001 from Vandenbey ir Foner: Bawe, but lost contact with it after the vehicie succeastully separated from the povsler and onlered the missten's glide phase. The pruket developed jointly with the Pentugen has the ‘capobilily tt reach anywhere in the ‘world in tess than 0) minutes. 1 wild (ake less than 12 nines lo fly trae New York ti Lis Aipetes, a jaumney which tokes a nor jet more than flue hours, Thy US nnibilary hipes that the success of thy missisn would enable is stdike lerrurists ar nague states anywhere in the world in sheet reaction tiene. The Fateun HETV-2, ta cxst $.208 million, has the potential of carrying 4 payluad 453 kg, including a muctear bumb. he pruject is scheduled w be cumipleted by 2005. 4 similar vehicle wan Lauiichest last yrar and returned nine Uhinubes if eliaka bediore runiaet wats preter Lak China to Step up Role in Sri Lanka Projects China will extend increasing support to infrastructure projects in Sri Lanka and will also back the country’s efforts to promoie reconciliation without any external interference, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao told the visiting Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa in talks in Beijing on August 11, 2011. Mr. Wee said that Chiaa was also ready to promote communication between the two countries with regard to infrastructure pro jects and expand two way trade and invest- ment The Chinese PM. said that the ever deepening coopera- ton between both the countries was promo- fing regional. pea and development, Mr. Rajapaksa was an State visit te Beijing and Sheuzhen, His visit come ats time of particular significance tor the with SH Lankan Rajapakea in unt Beijing go August eeeeith Sri Lanka seeking crucial inese support against international pressure, in the woke of a United Nations report accusing the government of war crimes. Mr. Rajapaksa told Mr, Wen that Sri Lanka appeecia- eed China's valuable long-term support “We als appreciate very much the understanding, hown by China on the pressure of the post-contlict period, ans the support extended to heal the wounds af or", be told Xinhua is) an interview (On August 11, Me. Rajapaksa was wonorary doctorate by Beijing Foreign Studies University Ho addressed students af the university's Sri Lanka shidy Centre, where 17 Chinese students are learning the sinbala langage paferred an China’s First Aircraft Carrier Sets out for Sea Trial ‘China's first aircraft carrier set out on 2 low-profile atrial on August 10, 2011, its first journey under the Shines: flag. The vessel set sail from the port of Dalian, hich narrowly escaped tropical storm Muifa on August 3, 2011, Military sources said that the trial was in line with he eartier's refitting schedule and sould nut be long ane. Refitting work will continue after the + sort ‘The People’s Liberation Army (PLA] Navy behemoth + a former Soviet Navy aircraft carrier that hos been fully titted for its new rule as a platform for research and raining. soviet Ship The ship, formerly named Varyag, is an Adrtival kusnetso class aircraft carrier that is 3065 metres long ind 37 metres wile, with w displacement of S400 metric sane ‘Construction of the wessel was started by the Soviet Linton in 1985, It was completed in 1992 except for its lectronie companents. After the Seviet Union broke up in 1991, Ukraine took over the ship. In 1998, the vessel wast sought by & Mucag casing company. Sinée March 2002, it sel returns to Noiunkiwied sicral carer Toit Bisitan partwn Aujiat 10. Chinese quvemment sold sea trals “would nol ake a tong | time”, indicalsons were the vessel watuld be ready fo opera: + tian (1 a kew avant. The Warship ' Bull ss the Von by Soviet Unian, wos bomght os an | smpty shell by a private Chinese company’ frven Ukraine in + 1951, China has put in madem engines, armaments, sexs, | reinfuroes Might dock The tmptication Induction sam aircraft carrier is indication of China's resnlve uf raising a blue water navy thal can pruject pawn in | part of the world, AN navies in the regiam, including Tindall ned 29 robin atrabegy’ ‘ Visa-vis India 1 ‘No cushpariton. The 67.000-leriser is ealimated te be abe | y cary ver thioe dszen aiscraft. INS Viraat displaces 29,000 lume, can’t carry more dhan a squads of tighter; Soreikar, | a0 ton den. PP Octeber! 209 1/593 ch is bewusifil: withows- daub: ‘China aircraft carrier takes to the seas CAKrtewten == The Chinese Defence Ministry responded slowly t speculation about China having an airctaft carrier despit Widespread disseminatiut of snapshots of the ship, O July 27, the Ministry confirmed China's aircraét carrie programme, while emphasising that the carrier was ont inteaded for scientific research, experiment and training. Currently; the Linited States; the U.K, France, Russi Spain, ltaly, India, Brazil and Thailand operate the 2 achive servi craftearriers. World Rallies to Tame Financial Crisis ‘The G-20 vowed to bolster stability and the Europes Central Bank went shopping tor eurozone bonds o August 8, 2011 tp stem a debt crisis gone global bu economists raised doubts and battered markets wer knucked back down. UPKAR’S |.**, Intelligence Bureau. ASSISTANT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICER Recruitment Exam, By: Dr. Lal &Jan Code 48S Price : 2255! This book contains serie Previous Year's Solveil litefigene® turca Assistant Paper “General Know- ledge/General Awareness English Language ee Reasoning Mathe- ET ‘nvatical Aptitude & Letter Writing, Comprehension, Precis Writing, Essays UPKAR PRAKASHAN, AGRA-2 Wtnste, Saou usin saree" @ Eunipean Central Sank buys up debt @ Majee priblenis remain, war analysts. (2-20), G-7 vow ko bolster stability, Finance Ministees arid central bankers from: the Sraup of 20 industrialised and emerging economics slodged “ta take all necessary initiatives in a coundinated vay ly support financial stability and tu foster stronger conamic geowth in a spirit of coaperation and cua- idence.” What is the Crisis ? fits 9 debt crisis i the European Union aed is taking. 3 heavy tull day after day. Weak and overkeveraged ecumvnies such a6 Greece, Portugal and Spaincand now Ttaly, are finding i tough to repay their debt and many are on the verge -dotrult, Stramgac economias like Germany are being sucked in to bail out the weaker ores. fi the process, financial markets arrows the globe are getting nightmares as these are integrated and big banks are involved. In the EU, where sorrereign debes have increased sharply duc ai bank hallits, a crisix of cosfidence has-conerged, thientening Hx very existerior as well as is eurconey, the Bans ‘Thoir statement came atter Asian stack enarkets sosted substantial losses while European trade saw promising goins disappear by mid day with August 5's inprecedented U.S, ratings down-geade adding to the sic mix A sharply worded editorial in the Chinese People's Daily—the mouth piece of China's Communist Party— id that western nations threatened global prosperity by ghuring, their responsibility to the rest of the warld ‘The G-20 stressed that members would maintain nse contact in coming weeks “and cooperate as appr sate, ready to take action to ensure financial stability ind Fiquisdity in financial markets," Eartler, the Group of Seven (G-?) industrialised coun- ries—Britain, Canada. France, Germany, Haly, Japan and he Linited States-made a similar commitment. Sentiment on major European financial markets picked up briefly as a result and crucially as the ECB ought eueozone government bonds, taking the pressure iff Italy and Spain but the feel-good factor faded fast Eemomists warned that ever: the long-awaited ECB niervention was ne “silver bullet’ and that big obstacles emained to stabilising strained public finances and outing adequate eurozone defence mechanisms in place julekly. The G-7 and (20 statements came after a whirlwind fweekerid conferencecalls and contacts between political caders and officiakk who feared a debacle on the markets fF rathing was done. The moves weee part of a glubal respunse made idditivoally necessary by Standard and Poor's taking the ristorie step of cubting its US. credit rating ty AAI from hie top notch triple-A, As Europe struggles with its problems, global markets Iso wont kauw how Washington will reduce Hs mare an $14-trillion debt without choking off econumic ecawery since a modest U.S. debt deal left Congress sruised and bitter Spanish Duchess gives up Fortune to Marry Spain's 18th duchess of Albo Maria Silva is one af the Fichest women in Spain, owns dozen castles whose wall are bung with works of Gaya, Velazquez and Titian and i a distant relative of King, James Il, Weston Churchill and Diana, Princess of wales. New, however, the 18th Duchess of Alba is giving away her immense personal fortune in ‘onder to be free to marry a minor civil servant. According to Guiness World Records, Marka del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Vietoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz, James Stuart y-de Silva, born in Madrid's Palacto de Lira, has more fitles than any noble on earth, being a duchess seven Himes over, @ countess 39 times and a marques 2 As head of the S34-yearold House _ Spitin’s 1th of Alba, her privileges include nor Sschvoso! Alba Masia silva having te knee! before the Pape and the right ta ride on horse back into Seville cathedeal But the childeen of the duchess 85, have until new blocked her plans to marry Altonse Diez, 24 years. her junior, The duchess and Diez, # civil servant in the depertment of social scourity who also runs a PR business have been close friends far a number uf years Her six children who, as she likes to point out, are al divorced, were all borne tram her first marriage to Pedra Luis Martinez de trujay Artazcor, son of the Duke of Sotomayor, who died in 1972 ‘The duchess's personal wealth is estimated ai between cure 600 million and euro 35 billion, S&P Downgrades Debt Rating of U.S. for the First Time Hnvestors may demand higher interest rates from Government) As per New York Times News Serving, Standard and Poor's removed the US. government fruin its list of risk free borrowers for the first time on August 5, 2011, a downgrade thar is freighted with symbolic significance but carries tew clear financial implications, ‘The company, une of the three major agencies that offer advice te investors in debt securities, said tt was cutting its rating of long-term federal debt to AA (Phas), ‘one notch below the top grade of AAA, It described the decision as a judgement about the nation’s leaders writing thet “the gulf between the political parties” had reduced its confidence in the gavernment’s ability ta manage its finances "The downgrade reflects our view that the effec: tiveness, stability, and predictability of American policy making and political institutions have weakened at a Une ‘of ongoing fiscal and economic challenge,” the company said ina statement, Obama Administration Reacts The Obama administeation reacted voting that the company had made a significant mathematical mistake in a document that it provided tu he Treasury Department on August 5, 2011 over stating ihe federal debt by about § 2 trillioe. The downgrade i could bead investers to demand hig! interest rates from the iederal_ government and other borrowers, h indignation raising costs for governments, busi 4 Demotian =n AMC nels sticker messes and home roids “Suandant and Poor's down buyers, Buk. many aues US: credit ralige In Thais analysts say that the Basar: New York, om Ang, 3 impact Could be moaclest, ia pare because the oiler rates agencies, Moody's and Fitch, have decided not to downgrade the government at this time The announcement came after markets closed for the weekend, but there was no evidence of any immediate Jisruption. A spokesman dor the Federal Reserve said the Jecision would not alfeet the ability af banks to borrow money by pledging government debt as collateral, a statement that.could set the tone for the reaction ef the proader market. S&!' had prepared investors for the downgrade sncguncement with a series of warnings this year that it would act if Congress did not agree to increase th government's borrowing limit and adept # long-term plan jor reducing its debts by at least $ 4 trillion over the next invade. In the first week of August, President Barack Obama signed into law a congressional compromise that raisedt ling but reduced the debt by at least $ 21 On August 5, S&I notified the Treasury that it planned to issue the downgrade atter the markets closed, and sent the Department a copy of the announcement, which is a standard procedu A Treasury stafl member noticed the $ 2 trillion mistake within the hour, according tg a Department sificial. ‘he Treasury called the company and explained ihe problem. About an hour later, the company conceded the problem but did not indicate how it planned to pro- coed, the afticial said, Hours later, S&P issued a revised release with new numbers but the same conchasion S&P warned that the government still needed to make progress in paying its debts to avoid further downgrades: “The downgrade reflects uur opinion that the fiscal onsolidition plan that Congress and the administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would pe necessary to stabilise the government's medium-term debt dynamics,” it said. U.S. hits back at S&P over downgrading The U.S. administration on August 7, hit back at Standard and Poor's, which had stripped the government ot its top credit rating. The agency's flawed analysis of rating put its own credibitity and integrity at risk, it said Legendary investor Warren Buffett barked the government, arguing that the downgrade fom AAA did not make any sense The ‘AAA! rating is the highest possible cating and the world’s largest ecanamy had been enjoying this top notch rating ever since the agencies began assigning sovereign credit rating to the eountry However, S&P jn the first werk of August end stripped the US. ot this rating, downgrading it a notch o ‘AAS, While terming the efforts being taken to he: country’s searing debt levels as inadequate. tuekl Reacting to the unprecedented downgrade, the U.S. ‘Trescury Department issued a detailed ctarement on its website, questioning the credibility and integrity of S&P and terming as misleading and flawed the agency's analysis for the sction. S&P, however, defended its action through media interactions Ind Reaction Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukbesjec on August Sallayed fears of panic in the wake of the downgrading ot the U.S. rating and asserted that India would post the ‘same growth rate in current fiscal as in the previows year and grow as an investment destination regardless of the negative global sentiment. New Surkar's Liters Question Bank on ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (Useful for Various Competitive Exams.) 3 shish Di UPKAR PRAKASHAN, AGRA - 2 E-mail : carei@upkarin Website : Hopes for Restoration of Democracy in Myanmar Revived : Dialogue between Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar President Hopes tor restoration of democracy were revived oa. August 19, 2011 when there was a meeting between the Myanmar President Thein Sein and the pro-democracy activist and Nobel Peace prize winner Aung San Sum Kyi It is tu be noted that Myonmar's government invited democracy icon Ms, Sau Kyi to a aneeting on August 18, A011 with the President, state eun television reported, in her highest contact with the new, nominally civilian government since her release trom house arrest in November, 2010 Ms. Suu Kyi and President Thein Sein held “frank and frien- diy discussions’ to ind ways and means af cooperation’ The meeting bas: ted nearly one hour and nitwant, 3 government told the res. It may be men tioned that the 6 Sums! year old Nobel Peace Prize winner has sepeatediy called (or political dialogue with che government sine hee releaie from seven years af howee arrest If Ms. Suu Kyi’s opposttion party reaches an accom modation with the government, it cuuld serve as a reason for Wester naliuns te lift political and economic embargoes that have hindered development Nyan Win, the spokesman tor Ms. Sun Kyi's Nation League tor Democracy party told the Associated Press that Ms, Sanu Kyi's meeting, “could be the first step toward national reconciliation” Highew Contact Aung San Suu Kyi with Myanmar Pigeldent Thain Sein in Naypyitave on iM Me, Thein Sein took power in March after an election that critics dismissed as a sham te create a not sally civilian government while entrenching the country’s military rulers. The new government is led by retired military figures, and the Canstitution ensures the military retains dominance. FAO Conference on East Africa Famine A-conierence focussing on the eutditiens uf faery East Africa was hela in Rome in the third woek of August The Agriculture Minister of droughthit Kenya appealed, on August 18, far seeds, irrigation plans and infrastructure to avord a repetition of famine and food crises in the Homa ot Africa every twayears Sally Koagei and other delegates at an emergers roileteice in Rome voiced what they anid ies 9 feed fo look beyond the starving populations, immediate needs and focus un longterm solutions fur the region. “Wis really very important that the world focus now on how te avoid get another famine” Kesgei told the Pr beta hee N11 120K, Si a a ac delegates gathered by the U.N. a culture Organisation (FAC) Tens of thousands of people are feared te have died in the famine, caused by war in Somalia and drought in the Hom of Mfrica—Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritmea and Somalia. More than 12. million people in the region need oad aid, aecotding to the Linited Nations. Kosgei said that moctings with several delegations from all over the world aver the past months haw: left her with the impression that “long-term solutions we haw put on the table have not been taken seriously by thase we have met.” "They seem to be more focussed on what is to be stone now, which is important,” she said. “but what to do to avoid a repetition of this every two years to us is very seruclal." ‘Whe Kenyan official called tor drought-resistant crops to be spread.acrss the mgion,smatl irrigation plans to be implemented to help small scate farmers, 60 per cent ot all farmers in the area, and infrastructure to allow for quicker iransportation of foods across the region, Even those who survive the famine may be unable to support themselves or their families, as their animals are dead and their crop prospects dire, officials said. ‘Opening the second FAO conference on the famine in East Africa in less than a month, the agency's Director- General, Jacques Dirt, said that “what we are witeessing now is the unfortunate result of thoer decades of under- investment in agriculture and rural development”, Given modern technology, resuurces and expertise, the said, it was ‘inadanissible’ that sorne 12 million people would be exposed to the risk of starvation. He called for building irrigation systems and providing feed and nutritional supplements to livestock, fertilizers and Seeds well intu:the spring rainy season uf 2012, Bhattarai New Prime Minister of Nepal Nepal's Logislature Parliament sit August 28 lected Babaram “Bhattarai curnently View Prevent of the Unie Communist Party of Nepal (Mauist, the new Prime ‘Minister. The Mauiste were supported by the United Demo ératic Madhesi Front AUDME) an alliance of five Madhesi parties In the Ineuac af 534 MPs, 575, member Hee, ted. in the etee around. +40 corn in favour of Bhattarai, helping him ts secuse simple majority The other candi- date, Nepali Congress wy Food and Agri- Nine Unity /Nepal'y newly elected Prhriw Musizber Mitirass Whatlayal Arightth being greeted by Unified Comenunist Party of Nepal (Magist} incl Parliamentary. chairman Pushpa Kamal [abal Party leader Bam ‘Prachanda’ in Kathmandu on Chandra Poudel, “gut Avisust 24 235 voses The NC was supported by thee Communist Party of Nepal (Unlied Marxist Leninist) An slumuues of Dells Jawahar Lol Nehru University, Dr, Bhatharsi has bees in the left mwyement fur thee decades, The ruling party de-tacts candidate in Singapure’s intial election scraped hy vietury after a dramatic ree unt Bn August 28 2001 ane quickly acknowledged that Sing wanted o bigger vince in govecinacsL Three munths after the opposition claimed a bistwsic breakthrough in pailias mentary polls, the former Deputy Prime Minister, Tony Tan, wes lected President ‘with a margin of just 7,269 veikes ol if 21 milli Ballots eat The 7 year old banker took just over AB per cent of the vote, well beliwr the 6) Newlywlected per cent garnered by the ruling People’s Singgapaine Presi- Active Pasty (PAP) in geeveral elections in Hem Tony Tan May, when the pariy had ity worst op August 2% ghowingof 52 years in power, ALa news cmierence un August 28, Mr Tan said Singaporeans had boosie more sucal and this cusild make guverning “a bit more dliffiault! buat be alses welcumnd the divelopment breast is jrort i a mokumnkg demise. “Singaporeans are more vocal, they want to make their views knewn.” said Mr. Tan, why also maught to veach aut 10 those who did nit Vote tar him. think that's pice thing, we should havea diverstty of views in Singapore. It antiches ow society, it makes Singopore more vibrant.” Mir. Tan recognised that “there has been tmuch change in the political Landscape in the past dew munths", adding that he thaught civil waciety bad influenced these developments. “Woe niceel ts work tungothes,” he said Asia-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Conferenci in Chiang Mai, Thailand Parliamentarians from six Asia Pacific countries on Vugust 21, 2011 committed themselves to fostering dia- ogneand mobilising fellow legislaturs to accelerate alloca: ion of Otticial Development Assistance (ODA) for sexual ad reproductive health rights-related programmes and nsuring concrete action through high level adwacary and cgular monitoring ancl review of policy and legislation. @ Concern at likely decline in ODA trom European Suunities hil bey eruncinie showdaven, © Upheavals in ullrich Wost Asia ale resulted in rrdivcod funding ine doveloping ennui, tatement of Commitment A state of commitment adupted at the Regional Yarliamentarians consultation oa Emerging Economies nd Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights also greed to create an oversight mechanism on ODA within espoceive Parliaments. It ageced to continuausty improve ind strengthen parliamentary capacity tor accountability nd budget mechanism to ensure full realisation of sexual nd reproductive health rights. Despite the current conumic crisis the participants pledged to carry out thelr omumitments and actively mumitur the progress, ‘The two-day cvasultation, oxganised by the Asian mum of Parliamentarians on Population and Develop- nentand the Eurupesn Parliamentary Ferunt, on August D expressed concer over the possibility of a sharp focline in the ODA as a result of the global economic OP Abst eden 1 ROT ‘aiieciaiabais Sa a a slow-down particularly in European countries, which were due major ODA donors: Political instability in the oil- rich West Asian countries and natural disasters tao had diminished funding for developing countries, And, the sector of sexual and reproductive health rights would be the worst-hie in thes process. arliamentarians from Thailand, India, Indonesia, ia, the Philippines and Vietnam attended the necting. India was represented by four MPs under the aegis af the Indian Association of Parliamentarians for Population and Development, The statement said the partiamentarians would work tor increasing resources tor sexwal and reproductive health and rights information and services, including, education, counselling, matemal lwealth and family plan ning in national development budgets, specifically in the aligeations meant for education aru health. Mobilising, support for legislation, regulation amd funding for comprehensive reproductive health services including acceptable and aftardable family planaing, complete care tor safe pregnancy, delivery and post-partum period or a safe abortion where it is legal—wos another commitment agreed upon, Importantly, they sought to support deve: lopment of collaborative partnership between their respective govgenments and non-governmental organiza- tions and divil society in matters of sesual and reproduc tive heal th and 1 fs. The parliamentarians called for a broader ane’ more strategic approach to South South cooperation for sexual and reproductive health rights by drawing on resources OFFICE ASSISTANT RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION © By : Dr Lal & Gupia Code No. 1547 Price : % 255/- Previous Years’ Solved Papers = @ General Awareness = @ Reasoning © @ Numerical AbiliLy - @General English + LGovde No, 2078 - _UPKAR PRAKASHAN, AGRA -2 © Esmuil : care@upkarin Website: wecupkar in = Pe ne a ere Ot ee ict ne ea ensuring that the voices of women and young, people were heard and represented in identitring opportunities and formulating: pulicies and prograrnmes that support population and developrent-nlated issues, Fall of Libya: Events at a Glance [king of Africa, Col Gaddall, goes missing as Tripoli falls} He had exalted himself as the ‘brother feader’ of Libya, the king of Africa and even the king of kings of Adrien. Cn August 22.2011 he was the autocrat who could nast be fount For all his bluster and: bombast over the past four decades as Libya’s quirky ruler, Col. Muammar Gaddafi was mysteriously and comspicumusly absent as forocs of the six-month old Libyan rebellion encircled what they belicved to be his ultimate Tripoli hide out, the Bab al- Azizya compound It may be mentioned that he is wanted by the rebels and the International Criminal Court whieh issued a warrant for his arrest in June, Rumours swirled in Libya and eteewhere that he may have secretly slipped out of Tripoli before the rebel movement's surprisingly speedy invasion of the city over the Weekend. South Africa's faeeign ministry on August publicly refuted speculation that it had sent an rt CONFLICT rrcarced oie PARTING THE TOW RED: Line clone Beeps cn ut 2 Fy ih 201 Vere Maret 86 [Nope een tenet seoha terdat courte uses bees Dacre pla fe a eid be amend» Daeg b 34 Red gneranend he soe ot areata ove rat bp Ca Fe 20 1 Brea Gomloce Vay 1 ato scones raw eeu mea ks (eum sae faba, wad Geeeal ict Fb ir i PDAQctober!201 1/598. dapat 5 iinet te hacath Sirret Tages 81 Te rare amare ‘Kagem a1 Rekets eer ‘ghar. wes ina barre found the sruth,’ bat rat! Pine CO TeR Areca Th cee PS ATR. vba te I Roar Machabane, South Atrica’s foreign minister, told reporters in Johannesburg that the government had sent airerat only toevacuate the staff of its embase Rumours aver the weekend that Gaddafi may have fled to asylum in Venezuela also proved tale. Abdel Moneim Al-Houni, the Libyan representative in Egypt whe procdaimed his allegiance ty the rebels Aug, 22, told reporters in Caire that the rebels in Tripoli admittedly do nat have a firm grasp on Gaddafl’s whereabouts. Haw- ever, he said, "We believe that his family, his children and grandchildren are there and we expect him to be there with them,” He added that there were reports the colonel may have fled te Mediterranean city of Surt, his tribal home, where suppoet for hin is said tw be strong, The box given gives an eye-view of the events teadding, to the fall of the dictator Sri Lanka s State of Emergency After 28 Years ‘Sri Lanka on August 25, 2011 announced the titting of the state of emergency imposed 28 years age to confront the threat fram the Tamil Tigers. The island nation has been under a state of eme: gency sinee 1983, when the LTTE under its fate com: mander Velupillal Prabhakaran was pos- ing @ threat to the country's government and forces The announcement of the of the draconian nws cam facing intense international pressure to end the arbitrary laws with human rights groups accusing authorities of misusing, i to crack down on dissent, The Parliament extended the state-of emergency every month and it was continued despite the end of the wor in 20K. Sti Lankan President Rajapaksa said there had been not a single act of terrorism in the island since the wae with the LTTE ended in May 2009. Emergency regulations allowed the ty forces to detain @ person whem they “believe may commit atiences,” for up tu one year as a preventive measure. The laws were fret introduced in 1971 after an insurrection byy the Marxists to topple the then government, but was abolished in 1977, In 1943, the regulations ithdrawal Sti Lanka is aime to be re-impesed with the steppin up of the by the LTTE. In 194, the regulations were limited to the north and eastern districts where the LTTE were running their parallel administration wwe found a trath’ HARYANA Body Set up for Promotion of Innovations ‘The Haryana Government has constituted « Haryana State Innavation Council headed by State Chief Secretary Urvashi Gulati for promotion of innwrations An official epokesman said on August 18, 2011 that theother members are Deep Kapuria, Chairman, Hi-tech iears; Jitender Mehta, Managing, Director, Cmax Autos: Jayat Davar, Viee-Chainman and Managing. Director, Sandhur Technulogies, Arvind Kapur, Managing Director, tien Auts Industries; Krishaet Goyal, CMD Mndern Daities; Anil Gupta, Exccutive Chairman, National Ine vation Foundation, Ahmedabad) Vice-Chaneellors of Guru Jambbeshwar University of Science and Technology, Hixar, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Deenhandha Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Bhagwat Dayal Sharma PGIMS, Robtak. Bhagat Pheol Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa, Kurukshetra Liniversity. Kura- kshetra, and Maharshi C nand Liniwersity, Rohtak, and Director, 11M, Rohtak. The Financial Commissioner and Principal Secectary, Seience and Technology would be the Member Seeretary The Council would identity and reward talent in innovation, encourage young taleat in colleges, univer sities, medium and smallscale industries and K&L insti- tutes in the State besides tacilitatiag linkage or networks among all the educational and knowledge institutions at all levels. It would als encourage annavations in gover nance and public service delivery, RAJASTHAN Award for REIL Rajasthan Electronics and Instruments Limited (REIL) has bagged the mural e-governance award of e-World Forum-2011 for developing an automatic system tor collection of milk Union Minister of State for Cormerce and Industry jyotiraditya Scincia gave away the award to REIL Mana- ging Director A. K. Jain at a function in New Delhi on August 3. 2001. REIL is a /Mini Ratna’ public sector undermking under the Union Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enlerprises with a track record of professional manage- meat and profitable gperations aver tho past thee decades. ‘The company is engaged in taking electronics, PDAOctober!20 11/599 “Many adoctrine te lite a window pane We gee information teclmology and renewable enengy to th villoges, 132 crore Sanctioned for Health Project The Rajasthan Government has sanctioned Rs, 13 ‘crore: for the second phase: of the World Bank spor-sare Health System Development Project to take up work relating to drag hi cand supply chain managemen Upkeep of equipment, computerisation of distriet hosp tals and establishment of bums, trauma and rehabilitatio centres. The World Bank has approved a procurement pla tor nine district hospitals while tenders have been calle tor six districts under the National Rural Health Mission. Rajasthan gets Rs. 210 crore for Agriculture Four new Centrally-sponsored schemes worth Rs, 2 crore launched in the agriculture sector in Rajasthan hy year are expected to augment farm productioa an iacilitate introduction of modern agricultural practice and statecaf the-art technology. An initiative for mair tenance of soil health has also been dovetailed with thes schemes. | Bi Upxar's Gateway to... TTA © General Ability Test | Basic Engineering § Specialization Communication “Instruments and Measurements. © Control Systems «Micropmeessors » Comput By : Ashish Oinit & Meyend Sravestava | We4aR S20 kASHe DIVA owners Bia Nags, HEMT | sen leat JACCOTOINE (0 an OFClal Pepease Mere OM ek HH, the schemes pertain to development of rain-fed egions, quality improvement in pulses’ crops, optimum itilisation of irrigation Waters through sprinkler systems ind nutrition security. The release stated. that Re 35 crane had been anctioned for implementation af the rain-fed area deve- opment programme in 15 districts of the State. An wesletaled ladder develgmnent peogrmate hat alse een started ata cost of Rs. 45 crore, For the craps of pulses, a echeme launched with an vutlay of Rs 43°22 crore will introduce new technical and nahagement practices with the emphasis on proservation i nutritive elements. Rs, 47-68 crore will be spent oma vutrition security programme, About 5,000 water structures will be constructed jcross the State during the cureent financial year tor Iiptimum utilisation of ircigation waters through sprinkler ysterns, The release said Rs. 119 exore had been sane~ joned tor the purpose, Besides, Rs. 40 crore would be pent on the construction of 8,000 farm ponds, The release pointed out thot both production and roductivity of pulses in the State were the highest in 010-11 in comparison with the average corresponding igures during the previous five years. The production ouched 32-23 lakh tonnes in the year, while the pro- juctivity was measured at 684 ky per hectare, registering n 8? per cunt increase over the previous five years. TAMIL NADU Tamil Nadu New Government Presents its First Budget The All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Karhagam sovermment’s fist budget presented on August 4, 3/11 in Assembly unveiled new schemes and developmen wet totalling Rs, 8,900 crore. “Aman the new measres were free fistribution. uf electric fan, mixie and srinder (Rs, 1,250 crore), solar-powered green house scheme (Rs. 1,080 crore), Mega ‘City Development fon (Re, 500 crore) and cach dole for dents of 1th standard and higher scoondary classes (Rs. 3 crure} Watched by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa and hee ‘abinet colleagues, Finance Minister ©, Pancerselvam ielivered his maiden budget speech that lasted three rours. As he rese fo present the budget, members of the Sravida Munnetra kazhagam, led by deputy leader M. K stalin, staged a walkout. Giving the big picture of the budget, the Finance Minister said, "We focussed attention more on fulfilling vur electoral promises... We have alse eliminated the srevious year's revenue delicit of Rs. 2,720 cron: and sencrated 2 marginal revenue surplus of Rs 17287 crome n this bud get.” Amid thumping of desks, he said the budget size, for he first time, exceeded Rs. 1 lakh crore Though the DWOctober!201 160) Jayatalithaa growih rare Or ine primary amd seconmary Sectors In ne st three years of the Tth Plan period {since 2007-2008 + disappointing and below the national average, the economic growth in the State was propelled by the servie sector, "We are well aware that service sector-led growth may not be sustainable in the long run. Therefare, we wil make the primary and manutacturing sectors the anaie drivers for achieving higher geawth.” ‘The Minister said that the capacity addition in powe sector this year was expected to be 3,280 megawatt It hac been proposed to take up pawer generation projects 0 S800 MW at a cost of Rs. 22.800 crute, either under ty State sector ur through joint ventuce UTTAR PRADESH Supplementary Budget Presented in UP Assembly An clection-oriented Supplementary Budget to grants totalling Rs. 1.87492 crore was presented in th Uttar Pradesh Assembly on August ¥, 2011 with the maxi mum financial demands being made for Chiei Ministe Mayawati’s flagship schemes and ece-garden named atte: Dalit icons. Priority has been accorded to Bundelkhand with « whopping Rs. 340 crore requisitioned for implemeatatior of special schemes in this backward region of the State ‘The Supplementary Budget was tabled by Financ Minister Lalji Verma, Reinforcing the possibility of th current session being the last of the 15h Vidhan Sabha is the financial requirement of Rs, 2433 crore made far th upcoming Assernbly elections. The polls are to be hel before May 2012 and the possibility of their being hek earlier is nat ruled out in pofitical cixches, ‘The budget als mentions an additional requiremen of Rs. 235 crore tor laying down CC roads and culver drains under the Kanshi Ram Integrated Developmen Scheme Urban Dalit Bastis. Another Rs. 200 crore i seeded fhe giving inteeest-iroe loans under the Kansh Ram Lirban Developascat Scheme While Re. 718 crore is needed for laying CC rand and drains and building community centres in Ambedka villages, an additional Re, 100 crore is sought for cons tructing new approach ruads under dhe Ambedkar Grae Sabha Vikas Yojana. Over Rs. 400 crore is sought fe implementation of the Savitribal Phule Balika Shi ksh: Madad Yojana launched by Ms, Mayawati to cater tt educational needs of poor girls, Another Rs. 25 crore is sought foe implementing the Soviteibai Phule sehesus i tie Arabi-Rarsi madrasas in the State, With the next Kumbh Mela due in Allahabad, demand of Rs, 100 crore has been placed for itand Rs, 3 crore has been sought for National Ganga River Basi Authority programmes, Rs. 236 crore dar implementing Jawaharlal Nehru National Lirban Renewal Mission work and Rs, 150 crore for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rure Employment Guarantee Scheme, = “Beballien withoaus trath la Like pring in 4 bleak, azld dagers” National & International ACRONYMS ERIDA—Central Research Institute for Dry Land \gticultun COSC —Chiets of Staff Committee. FSSAl—Pood Safety and Standards Authority of redin, NIHTEC—Natinnal Health Entitlement Card. NICRA—National Tnit \griculture APPOINTMENTS/ELECTION M.A, Sikandar M1 A. Sikandar, on deputation from Delhi University us taken uver as Director of National Book Trust (India). In addition to teaching, Mr. Sikandar has also had ative experience at Delhi a number of training rammes on varsity administration, reservation in sevice and serviow matters for officers and other stall of he University kandar's current rescarch interest is in univer: ive on Climate Resilient Protessor Mahesh Rangrajan has tken over as the ew Director of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Libeary in New Delhi. He ss on deputation from Delht iversity where he is a professor in Medeen Indian Listory. Mr. Rangrajan has taught at several places including, “ornell University and has been a visiting professor at ur University. He has also weitten and edited wal books, most recently having co-edited two volumes of India’s Environmental Hishary. tahit Nandan Air India got a new Chairman-cum-Managing Firector (CML), with the wermment on August 12, 2017 onnally notifying the appointment of Rubit Nandan, ax Jttar Pradesh Cadre IAS Otficer af 1982 batch, to the post Mr. Nandan, a joint secretary in the Civil Aviation, dinistry replaces senior LAS officer Arvind Jadhav, who us been given the marching onters and repatriated to his arent cadre in Karnatakss, Mr. Jadhav’s three-year term waste end in May 2012, sat his failure on all parameters and lacklustre pert DVOcteber! 201 L001 ‘A ijae la a Toe? UPDATES mance only hurried his exit from the airline whieh find itself deep in huge financiat loss, Sadanand Gowda Bhartiya Janata Party leader Di, V.Sadananda Gowd was on August 4, 2011 swom in as the 26th Chief Miniete cof Karnataka at the Glass House of the Raj Bhavan & (Govermor H.R Bhardwaj. Mr. Gowda is the second leader fromthe coastal region & become Chief Minister after Vecrappa Mei Ik may be. recalled that his predecessor | BS. Yeddyurappa had tendered his Sasdamanda: Gow hiel Minister ¢ UPKAR'S HARYANA PIGLET ICY TEAM, Price : € 360/- @ Constitution of r ‘ontains > India @ Indian Penal - Code # Code of Civil Procedure @ Code of Criminal Procedure @ Indian Evidence Act @ Indian Contract Act ® Hindu Law @ Muslim Law @ The ‘Specific Relief Act @ The Indian Partner- ship Act @ The Limitation Act @ The Ragis- tration Act @ Sale of Goods Act @ The Punjab Courts Act @ National-International Code No. 329 UPKAR PRAKASHAN, AGRA-282 002 @E.mail zcoreiupkor in —w Website : www.upkarsn Appointment of Governors K. Rosaiah and athers The former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister K Rosaiah, 78 and two 83-year ald Congress veterans are among the four new gubernational appointments made ny President Pratibha Patil on August 26. Jharkhand Governor M.O.H. Farogk has been shifted to Kerala. Mr, Rosoiah replaces Barnala as Tamil Nadu Ciover nar, Former Chief Minister of Littar Pradesh Ram Naresh Yadaw has been appointed Governor of Madhya Pradesh, The former Kerala Assembly Speaker, Vakhom Pursha- haman has been made Governor of Mizoram. Syed Ahmad a tor Maharashize Minister has been appointed Jharkhand Govemer ‘The former Maharashtra Governor K. Samkaranara- yan has been asked ta discharge the function of Governor af Goa for the sest af his term. Chandra Mohan Prasad Justice Chandra Mohan Prasad, a retired judge ot the Patna High Court has taken over as Bihor's seventh Lokayukla. He was sworn in at Raj Bhavan in Patna on August 25, 2011 by Governor Debanand Kenwar. Justice Prasad retired from the Patna High Court in February this year. He replaces RN. Prasad whose tenure pupired om August 24, 2041 PERSONS IN THE NEWS Nar Bahadur Bhandari ‘The former Chief Minister of Sikkim, Nar Bahadur Bhandari, convicted ia a decades ald coreuption case, oi August 10. surrendicred to the Sikkim High Court Mr, Bhandari, President of the State unit of the congress, was sent to the Rougyek jail and later hospitalised due iw cardisc complications Sentence Commuted Two days after the High Court | upheld his conviction by a lower court, Bhandari surrendered to the court of justice §. P. Wangdi. His sentence was commuted from-six months to ane month, He was convicted ky the trial court on October’ 25; 200K in a case, tiled under the Prevention of Corruption Act, relating tea rural water supply scheme undertaken Juring his tirst term as Chiet Minister between 1979 and 1a Bhandari, who was Chief Minister thrice, told journalists at the court that he was ready to go to jail for he penple-of Sikkim He said that he would return to politics atter serving, tis prison ers, Deven Sharma Another Tharkhand boy rattles the world. About four moniths after M.S, Bhoni’s team won the Cricket World Cup tor India, another man trom Jharkhand has mow PD/Octaber/201 L602 Nar Bahadur ‘Bhandari Analysing Global Risk Education Bom in) 1955, Deven Sharma did his sewoling from, emehedper and gredustion froin BIT, Ranchic masters degrae {frum University of Wisconsin and ductoral degree in | marsigement from Chuo State University in 1057. ==5 Ca 1965-prevent—After working with Dresser Industries and Andersuin Swvathelyde, he jotted Bowe, Allen and Hamiltun. in 1988: moved tu ‘Tle Metraw- Hill Cow in 2002, the parent at S&P: was executive VP at S&P fam 20067 and became President in. 20M? ly ala Crist Chala, shaken up the world. On Auge: Standard and Poor's, led by Jharkhand born Geven Sharma, struck off the ‘AAA’ rating of the US considered the Gold standard in the world af tinanee, for the first time singe 191. On August 5, S&P officials told Barack Obama's trea sury department that the rating majer’s analysts have some tw a decision that the Li, 8. nu longer deserves to be among the best rated countries in the world. ‘Mter six hours and a flurry of emaits, phone calls and conforenecs brhween top officials in the Obama adminis tration and Sharma’steam of number-crunchers, the work {got to know of the unpeecedented move—something, thal Was in the air fora few months but which appeared mors like a distant possibility ‘The US" county rating was downgraded one noteh 1 ‘AA-plus’. And suddenly the 57-year ald Sharma was ir ihe spallight, hailed by a select few, but criticized by several in the financial world, Sharma tok aver as the President of Sal? in August 2082, fast when the sub- pits crisis was getting out of hand, and rating, agencies were picked as one of the perpetraturs of the melntown for their flawed ratings models af housing loans. Cnver thx last four years as the head of ane af the foremost ratin; agencies in the world, Sharma hus fseed several Us ‘Congressional grillings, but has negotiated most of thos with much elan, people wha have followed him say. In recent interview, Sharma admitted that over the Last fox ‘years, comments made by US lawrnakers have changed t appreciation from criticism, No wonder the veteran of several testimonies in the US Congress has been able to stand up to the globa criticism from all quarters for their critical dectsion. Since August, Sharma, alang with Dawid Beers, bil top likttenant on the ratings side, have stead Are alongside S&P"s analysts and defended the controversial and unprecedented decision saying that such step wa: necessary and it was done fur the benefit of investors, He resigned less than three woeks after his company found itwelt at the receiving end of the Obama adminis tration’s ire following its down grade af the United States ermdit rating trom AAA w AAG 4 rise makea the heart young w@ain and wipes out the years.” DEATHS Shammi Kapoor ‘Volesam actor Shameni Kapoor, the darwin star of the 1950s and 1960s who revolutionized the image af Hindi itm herdes with his carefree and flamboyant personality died on August 14, 2011, He was 79: Shammi (Shamsher Raj Kapoor) us the second of three soes born to the conic Prithviraj Kapoor, His equally versatile actor brothers were the late Raj Kapoor and Shashi Kapoor, whe is ling. Shammi joined the cinema world in 1988 as a junior artist tor 150 month, His debut came in 1953 with Jeevan proti, The tall, athletic and green-cyed hero had his share of struggle before making; it big And his recipe for the success was his makeover as a lambayant yet lovable lover boy and an uninhibited style of dancing. ‘Thanks ta the freshness and style, Sharun! managed o deliver big hits like An Ever im Paris, Chine Town, Kersiomeir Ki Kali, fonevetr and fu justice Kanta Kumari Bhatnagar Justice Karta Kumari Bhatnagar, former Chief Justioe ithe Madeas High Court and the first chairperson af the Qajasthan State Human Rights Commission, died in Udaipur following a cardiac arrest late on August 13, 2011. She war 81 Justice Bhatnagar was a Judge of the Rajasthan High Pourt befure her elevation as the Chick Justice of the Madras High Court in June 1992, She earlier served the subordinate judiciary in Rajasthan since 1968 and was istrict and Sessions Judge ia Ajmer and Jaipur matt) apt Justice Bhatnagar had a brief tenure at the State Tuman Rights Commission, as she resigned in Au 2000 after working without salary and affice tor five months, PC. Alexander Padinjarcthalakal Cherian Alexander passed away on Sugust 10, 2011 at the Madras Medical Mission hospital n Chennat, He was 90 In a remarkable career spanning ix decades, B.C. Alexander wor at jifferent times Principal Secretary ta isters, Indira Gandhi and n High Commission dom, Governor of a Tamil Nadu and later, of Maharashtra, a \ United Nations civil servant and even a ———** Rajya Sabha MP. The only jab that "CO Alerter sluded him was that of President of India in 2002 because he Congress opposed his nomination for the post i Hh SIP led government PPObetober! 201 1a “White Wouse Nancy Wake sstralian Nancy Wake, who as a spy became one of lies’ must decorated service women for her role in the French resistance during World War IT, has died in Landon, officials said. She was $e ‘Code named ‘The White Mouse! by estapo during the war, Ms, Wake don August 7 in a London nursing home, said Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Trained by British intelligence in espionage and sabotage. Ms. Wake helped to arm and lead 2,000 resistance U fighters in weakening German defences Nancy Woke — betere the D-Day invasion in the last months of the war. While distributing weapons, money and cade Books in Nazi-oecupied Prance, she evaded capture many times and reached the top of the Gestapo's wanted list, according to her biographer, Peter Fitz Simans, They called her the la Souris Blanche,’ ‘the White Mouse,’ because every time they had her comered.. she was gone agsin,” said Mr. FitrSimens ance decorated her with its highest miliary hanoue, the Legion d’Honneur, as well as three Croix de Guerre and the Medaille de la Resistance Romesh Jayasinghe The former Sri Lankan Foreign Secsetary. Cheysantha Romesh Jayasinghe, who implemented Sri Lanka's post war diplomatic oftarts aimed at winning friends across the globe, passed away in Calombo on August 8, 2011, He was 56 the CURRENT EVENTS ROUND-UP... National, International, Micra Hews, Economy, | Science, Space and Techeology, Sports, Environment and 1) Much More, Tlost Updated Packaye for UPSC, tia Civil Services| 5 ane Other Competitive Erams. . BRATIYOGITA DARPAN 2S; Seamssberatnx aishczezone SME “8 loving heart jn the hodinning of all knowledge" Mr, Jayasinghe, @ senior Foreign Service officer was appointed as Foreign Secretary by President Mahinda Rajapaksa in Cctnber 2008, a position in which he contiaued till his appointment as an Advisor te the President in March 2011. He was also at the forefront of back channel effurts ta douse the impact ot the United Nations report on Accountability on Sri Lanka prepared by the panel of expects appointed by the U.N. Secretary-General. Mr. Jayasinghe Ioavineht had served ax High Commissioner to India in New Delhi and as Ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Union priar to his app- ointment a8 Fo Eminent Marxist historian and Indologist Ram Saran Sharma, known for his trenchant observations on institu: tions in ancient Indian society and his report on the Bihar- Bengal boundary dispute, passed away on August 21, 2011. He was 92 Dr. Sharma was a tireless fighter against communalism of all hucs A-stalwart amoag the Delhi Group of Historians, the much feted Dr, Sharma graced the faculty at universities in Patna, New Delhi and Toronto where he taught coarse in Ancient and Early Medieval Indian History in an eventful career spanning for decades Dr. Sharma was the founding Chairman of the Indian Council of Historical Research (HCHIR) in 1972 and he served as President of the Indian, History Congress in 1975, He was a recipient of the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru Award in 198 and was earlier awarded the Camp- bell KMemarial Gald Medal by the Bumbay Asiatic Suckety in 1987. Shiv Kumar Verma The founder member of the Nehru Hockey Society, Shiy Kumar Verma, died in New Delhion August 23, 2011. He: was 88. Associated with the activities of the Nehru Hockey ty for 47 years, Verma, who later became the honorary secretary and administrator ot the society was instrumental in ensuring the inclusion af junior, sub- junior and champion colleges tournaments, ‘He ensured that the Nehru hockey tournament for men wat held every fear trom its ietception int 1581 ‘The secretary of the Nehru Hockey Society, Kukoo Walia admired the remarkable enthusiasm af Verma in making a significant contribution for the game without getting anything in cetum Diversifying from hockey, Verma alsu served as the secretary nf the Korfball Federation of India, in one spell M. K, Pandhe In the passing away on August 20 of veteran trade uniunist and CPI(M} Polit Bureau member Madhukar Kashinath Pandha, the party has inst one of its foremos) leaders who worked for the weltare of the working clas for more than seven decades. He was BA, Much belive he received doctorate trom the prestigious Ciokbak Institute of Polities and Economies, Mr Pancihe entered public life by becoming the serretary of the Sholapur Student Union in 1933, In the same year, he joined the Communist Party of Indi and rose to become the secretary of the MLK. Pande Albindia Trade Union Congress (ATTUC) After the Communist Party split, Mr. Pandhe jainec the CPI(M), He had the unique distinction of being one the prime leaders of its trade union, Centre of Indiar Trade Unions, se and Jater as its President till last year. At the time of hi death he was its Vice-President, Prabhakar Naidu N.S. Probhakar Naidu, a doyen among aeronautics engineers and among the first batch of aeronautics engineers to graduate trom the Madras Institute o Technology (MIT) in 1952, passed away in Seattle, Unitec States on August 7, 2011, He was 83, He was a distinguished technecrat, who created innovative concepts that contributed to advanced aireratt design. ff performance, safety ond reliability. Its a matter of great pride for MIT and India that one of their sons could achieve so much in one hfe time. Prabhakar Naidu worked with renowned and reputed aircraft manu facturers such as Handley Page in England in building th Herald passenger airceaft structures, Beverly air tighter and Buccancer naval jet fighters. He flight tested the wel Keun Folland Canat jet fighters In Canada, Prabhakar Naidu worked with De Hlavil and Aircratt, building the performance manual for among others for DH Twin otter and Buffalo, In the US. he worked with Bocing is Seattle, and generated the FAA approved performance Flight Manuals for dhe famous flert of B727, B73? and B77. He returned to India to teach Aircraft Design anc Production at the MET and successfully flight tested th first ‘eail plane’ designed in India by a team of student arid stalf of the MIT. ng as its general secretary for a derad NS. Drabhakar Nats RESIGNATION Japanese Premier Naoto Kan Resigns Jopanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan on August 24 stepped down as President of the ruling party, paving thi wary for the selection of the disastershit nation’s sixth new Premier in five years. Mr, Kan’s resignation comes after nearly 15 turbulent months in power during which his vesponse tu the March 11 earthquake, sunaimi and resulting nuclear plant scci-dent drew fierce criticism and sent his approval ratings: plummoting. Mr. Kan said : “Once a new leader is elected, | will resige: promptly as Prime Minister und my cabinet will resign. AWARDS AND HONOURS National Sports Awards Winners Declared : Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Awards 2021 for Gagan Narang The Gavernment of ladia-officially declared the list of the winners of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Rataa Award, Arun Awards, Dhyan Chand Awards and Bronacharya Awards for the year 2011 in August 2011. The highest sports award of ladia Rajiv Gandhi Khel Rata Award fur 2011 has been conferred on shooter Gagan Narang. The complete list of the awardees is given in the box National Sports Awards are given yyear to recugeize and reward A. Rajiv Gandhi ‘Khel Ratna ‘Award. oth Shiri Gagan Narang Shouting B. Arjuna Awards-2011 L Shri Rahul Banerjee Archery Mu. Precja Steedhaan Atlsleties Shri Vikas Gowda Athletics Mis Jwala Gutta Badminton Shri M. Sazanioy Singh Bowing ‘Shri Zahee= Khan Cricket Shri Sunil Chwetra Footbell ‘hii Ashish Kuenar Gymnastics | Rajpal Singh Frockey (Ment | Shri Rakesh Kumar Reatdai (Men) Ms. Tejevwiri Bar V. Kabaddi (Wemen! “Ms. Tejarwini Ravindra Sawant Shouting erdhonwal Vokram Khade Swimming Tennis ' r Wolloyball i Shisi Ravande Singh Wrestling ‘Naib SubedarKatulu Ravikumar Weightilting ‘Mis, Wangkhem Sandhyarani Devi Wushu Pras antha Kavamaka ‘Swisnming Pazalympics C. Dromacharya Awards-2011 1. Shri dnukurthi Veokmmestwvara Rav Bowing 2 Shri Devender Kumar Rathore: Gymnastics 3 Shri Ramphat Wrestling i 4 Dr. Kunal Roy Ashsietivs” ff i Hockey" i * Life Time Achievement D. Dhyan Chand Award-2011 1 Slr Shabir a Football Sov ironing, Wrestling, excellence in sports. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Rama Awan given for spectacular performance in the year unde consideration; Arjuna Aswaed is given for consistently outstanding performance tor three consecutive years preceding the year of award; Dranacharya Award to producing medal winners at prestigious internatiena sports events in the past three years and Dhyan Chane Aveard for life time contribution to sports development. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Reta Award is given to only orw sportsperson ima year. Arjuna Award is joven to not max than 15, Dhyan Chand Award to mot more than 3 anc Dronacharya Award to not more than 5 persons Apart from a medal and a citation, Rajiv Gandhi Khe Ratna Awardee will recelve a cash prize uf Rs. 7-5 lakh Agjuna, Dronacharya and Dhyan Chand Awardees wil recrive statuettes, citations and cash prise of Rs. 5 lak! each Sahitya Akademi Award given to Kashmir Author Noted Kashmiri writer and poet Gulam Nabi Aatish' book Noo Kelitsho Mertsia has bagged the prestigiow Sahitya Akademi Award in the children's literature cuitegory. The atvard will be conferred on Mc. Aatisds, antthar © over 30 books, in Kolkata on Children’s Day: The award comprises a cash prize of Rs. 52,000, ; citation and a robe of honour Niro Kelitshat Meritafen ¢Santerleing Mew) is likely to be translated in over 12 languages. | GupKar's ie SSG Stenographers (Grade ‘C’& ‘D’) Examination Including Previons Year's Solved Papers By: De Lal & Jain Code 423 Price: 7 19%= r NaIMVRCALUTES I pe) eta rear ssates ‘S56 ry eee eaaapeeael Stenograp Reasonii er po ma (Siaie c's Sy Eneryday Selene | “i Tangoage and ‘Comprehension PETITES Code 1145 7 195/- UPKAR PRAKASHAN, AGRA $ {ls sahitya Akadem! Awards for Untidrens Lite- ature Announced Sahitya Akadem) Awards for Childrens's Literature ete announced on August 16,2011 by its President Sunil iangopadhyay in Thrissur. Six novels, tier collections Hf shart staries, seven baoks of poetry and one book of olk tales ond plays in 24 Indian languages have been elected far the 2071 Kendra Sahitya Akaderni Awards toe *hildren’s Literature. Five writers have been chosen tor the Akademi’s Bala ahitya Puraskar for lifotime contribution 1 children’s iterature : Sailen Ghosh (Bengali, Shysin Dutt Pacag |, Ramesh Parekh (Gujarati), Hankrishna Devsire Hindi) and Maheswar Mohanty (Oriya). The winners of the awards for poetry include Gh, Wabi Aatash {Kashmiri}, Snehalata Rai (Nepali), Darshan ingh Asht (Punjabi), Abhira) Rajendra Mishra (Sanskrit). juhum Hembram (Santeli, Mob Thengappa {Tamil} and \asil Ascer Dehlavi (Urdu). ‘The short-story writers selected are Maheswar Nar- ary (Bors), Mayanath Jha (Maithili), Dileep Prabhavatkar Marathi}, Harish 8. Sharma (Rajasthani) and M.. Bhoupal teddy (Telugn) Nowelists selected tor the awards are Bandita Phukan Assamese}, Siddhartha Sarma (English), Hundraj Balwant Sindhi}, N. Dsoura (Kannada), Gajanan Jog (Konkani) nd K. Pappootty (Malayalam). Shantibaln Devi (Manipuri) has been chosen for her 00K of folk tales and plays The awards, each comprising a prize purse of 35. 50,000 and a capper plaque, will be presented in Jovember. Books published between anwary 1, 2005 and Jrcember 31, 209 were considered for the awards, AM Shahryar Honoured ‘The Aligarh Alunani Association, New York Tristate, ISA, conferred the Sir Syed lifetime achievement award in noted Urdu poet Prné. AMK Shabiryar for his outstand- ng contribution to Urey longuage and literature The award ceremony was held at his residence useing, o his ill-ealth AML vice-chancellor Prof. P. Ko Abdul Azis and Nawab Ibne Saeed Khan of Chhatari presented him a cash rrige of €1 lakh atong with a citation and a memento, Members of the-executive committe \lumni Association Dr. Neorul Flasen Khan and Avi awhney also graced the award ceremony. It may be mentioned that Shabryar, 75. is a distin: niished alumaus of the Aligarh Mustim University, Prot thahryar has received several prestigious awards, inchud- ng the nanpewth award, the highest literary award of the cMAntry. alice Medals for 32 CISF Men Thirty-two Central Industrial Socnrity Force officers nd persunnel have been awarded police medals tor listinguished and meritorious service on the Indepen- lence Day August 15, 2011 The President's Police Medal for Distinguished ervice has been conferred an CISF Inspector General 5. B wing, Deputy Inspector General ¥[vi. Josepn and Lieputy Commandant Ravinder Kumar Sharma The Police Medal for Meritoriows Service has been awarded to Senior Commandants Ajay Kumar and Shu- valoke Sarkar, Commandants Prakash Kumar, Suryakant Khanderaa Adqule and Bliim Sain Vashisht Ajay Bamar U.K. Dutta Deputy Commandants K. Korappan, Modimattem Kurian Joy and Gautam Nandi Purkaysatha, AC Vinay Kumar Sharma, Inspectors E. Thanigachatam, R, Bala- shonmugam, Hari Kesh Meena, Manish Sharma, Mukul Kumar Sinha, Sanjay Mehta, Q. Rajendran and Biplal Kumar Saha, Sub-tnspectors Nalawade |.8., Rajendra Singh and Ganesh Chandra Mohanty, ASI Salila Bihari Dasmahapatra, Head Constebles Dipak Chandra Deka, Lal Singh Bisht, 5. Chinnayan, Jagat Ram, Appojt Aruna- chalam, Birma Rom Bishsoi asd Ram Sundar Mishra, and Ujjal Kumar Outta, Independence Day Awards given to RPF Per- sonnel On the occasion of Independence Day August 15, 2011. Railway Protection Fores and Railway Protection Special Force otficers and personnel have been awarded by the President's Police Medal for Distinguished Service ase Police Medal far Meritorious Service ‘The President's Police Medal for Distinguished Ser- vices awarders are S. Balasubramaniam and T. K. Chatto padhyay while awardees of the Police Medal for Merite- Tous Service ate Brahm Parkash Dutta, Ashok Kumar Sahoo, M.Chenchaiah, Sher Siagh Beniwal, Ramkaran, B. Adhimoolam, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Anil Kumar Misha, Rakesh Kumar Tiwari, Indra Raj Yadav. Abhinandan Singh Senger, Amun Kumar Pandey, Bijender Singh Shekhawat, P Nagarajan. Dulal Chandra Roy and Kamal Singh President's Medal given to Home Guards Four personnel of the Dethi Home Guards have been awarded the President's Medal for Distinguished and Meritorious Service on this Independence Day, Ved Prakash Kaushik (Instructor, Civil Detenee, Delhi Home Guards} has been awarded the medal tor distin- guished service. Girwar Singh (Instructor, Civil Detence), Kiran Pal Singh (Junior District Statt Oiticer HO) and Dalip Kurnar éjunior Instructor, Haw.) have been awarded for meritorious service. CBUOMicers Awarded tor Merita: ‘Twenty-four Central Bureau of Investigation officials have been awarded the President's ice Medal for Distinguished Service and Police Medal for Meritorious Service on the aecasion af Independence Day August 15, mt US DEVICE Ramon Rajacom = Somraj Thakur Tyagi Mahesls Kumar Senjay Kumar Awarded : The CHI officers aworded by the President on independency Day include ASI BP. Bagchi, AST Ram Rajarine Tyagi, OS! Samzaj Thakue, SO Mahesh ‘Kumar and Substrepector Sanjay Kamar The President's Police Medals for Distinguished Service have beea awarded tw five ufficials—Additianal Superintendent of Police 8. Bagchi, ASP Raman Rajaram Tyagi, DSP Som Rij Thakur, Assistant Sub-Inspector Ram Nagar and head constable Jagdish Chand The President's Police Medal for Distinguished Ser- view has been conferred on Additional SP Padma Kumar, Additional SP Nagendea Prasad, Depury $f C8. Moni, Mabesh Kumar M Rohit Srivastava, Mahesh Kumar, Inspectors tool Mohammad Ansari, TW. Joy, Bharat Singh, $1 Sanjay Kumar, ASIs Cyprin Samad and Nawal Kishore Gupte, head eanstables Jeevan Chand Joshi and Mirmalject Singh, Raghuvinder Singh and Munshi Lal, and constables Laxmi Chand, 1 B. Sreenivasan and Sanjay Kumar Blvatt Forbes' 100 Most Powerful Women : Sonia € ndhi and Indra Nooyi Figure among Top en Forbes magazine's list of the 100 most powerful Women in the world was released ia August 2011, and a politician is back at the top of it German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been ranked the most powerful woman in the world, according to the Forbes has called Merkel the European Union's undisputed leader, She was at the top of the fist from 2008 to 2009, Merkel was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in Woshington im June 2011, but despite the string of international accolades, Merkel tates a deop in popularity among voters and her party in Germany Secretary of Stole Hillary Clinton came in second on this year’s list, and Brazilian President Dilma Rousse tok the shied shat Indian National Congress President Smt. Sonic Gandhi has been ranked seventh most powerhy| in the list Another woman, Indra Nooyi has been ranked 4th most powerful woman, according to the magazine. Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard came in at number 23 in the ranking. Other notable Australians include billionaire mining tycoon Gina Rinehart who has boen ranked at number 19 and Westpac CEO Gait Kelly who i at number 32 The other prominent names whe made tu the Forbes magazine's most powerful women this yeat include Argentina's President Christina Fernandez (ranked 17th}, Beyonce Knowles-entertainer (ranked 18th Aung San Suu Kyi—Goneral Secretary Nation League fur Demacracy, Myanmar (ranked 26th) Angelina Jolie Actress (ranked 3th), Sarah Palin (ranked 24th), Quoen Rania Al Abdullah—fordan (ranked 53th), J. K. Rawling {ranked 61st}, Yingluck Shinawatea—Prime Minister of Thailand {ranked 59th}, and Margaret General WHO—tranked 68th} among others. xt ol ie ee FECAUSE (TS THE ONLY INSTITUTE WHICH GOT 450 MARKS DIRECT QUESTIONS IN GS MAINS 2010 FROM (TS NOTES + Vey coerpast end a tha port wnt nats 2 Seorifie @ log cal provamatian of avery toni o> Erg lesus Tope se reperly atuctu red Bast conarage of Curent Atadrs Sciance & Techeoicgy} + Couertisel Arees are ipoetad wrth nary rent -cument ers > Erlenaive coverage of govern meet pudde-tone reports. Yoene, Fanning, Karikecars EPAN, World Focus Meinstrcn a 2 pena Toews on newer wl 8 prazeotatbe ska > GurSeeil say ales am now completely revized & uodled Sy ALT JAIN TAR AF SOCIO 39) i ‘== Geaprapty noes are compreely revised by SE Tapers 2010 > Comletly veined & epcil ed OS hier by Expt Tara ot I pit OUR ‘STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS ww erackl@S com CALL: 0921-7070707 SMS “CRACK” tm 56677 Category : Pofitics Angela Merkel | Hillary Clinton | Dilma Roseett Chaneetlor | Seéretary uf State President Rank: 1 Rank: 3 Age :57 Age: 63 Country : Germany Country : Brazil Category’: Potts Indira Maoh Sheryl Pepsico inlbverg, | Melinda Gates Chie Executive | COO, Farebouk | Coloander, Cochiair, Bill and Melinda ‘Gates Foundation Rank: 5 Rank :5 Ages al Country + U5 [Category : Busines Sanis Gandhi President, Indian National Cangress Party Rank :7 Age: Gt Country Managing Director, Inteznativnal Monetary Fund Rank :9 Ivente Rosenfeld (CBO, Kraft Foods i a, Rank: 10) Age Countey = United States Categary : Rusiness a Sage Se Oe ee, Argentina’s footballer Lionel Messi has been voted the winaer of the inaugueal UEFA Best Player in. Europ Award in Monaco in August 2011, The EC Barcelon tonward finished abrad of Xa lernandez and Christians Ronaldo ina pall of spurts joumalists representing each o the EFA member associations rivhelming, wiener, collected his peiz 'A Champions League group stage draw at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco, ‘The Argentinian [i imtemational scored 53 gaals in 2010, including 12 im th UEFA Champions League, where he finished as the top seorer for the third season in succession His final European goal of the season was Barcelona's Lionel Messi secund in their 3-1 final detéat of Manchester United Fe their third title in six years, while Messi alse helped hi club toa third suecessive Liga title ‘The award replaces the UEFA Club Footballer of th Year award claimed in 2010 by FC Internazionale Milano’ so Milito, a year alter Messi wor the prize. Tha award formed part of the UEFA Club Football Award which also included prizes tor best goalkeeper, defe midfielder, forward and coach and had been presented ir Monaco overy August since 19% The UEPA Best Pi out of an initiatise has the intention of ile in Europe Award was borr FA President Michel Pla’ wing the spirit of the old Europea Footballer af the Year award. Far the new avard, player were judged by their peeformances during the 2010/1 campaign in all competitions CONSTITUTION/JUSTI Birth Date in School C rtificate Valid Enough ‘The Supreme Court has held that in determining, the age of an accused to find out whether he is a juvenile © not, a hyper technical approach should not be adapted by the trial courts, Instead they should treat the date of bicll in the school leaving certifieate as valid proof, a Bench o Justices P, Sathasivam and 8. § Chauhan said. "If two views may be possible on the same evidence the court should Jean in favour of holding the occused t borderline cases," the Hench said. Sathasivam pointe: he matriculation or equivalen cortifieates, nil in the absence whore. thy diate of bisth cate from the school first athended art in the absence whereof. the birth ecetitieate given by corporation or a municipal authority or a panchayat.” _ A Ta ACS EP PEM SM ERE ae Muzatfarnagar in Uttar Pradesh was arraigned as an accused ina murder case on June 4, 3007. His mother submitted an application before the Juvenile Justice Board that her soe had not attained she age of 18 on the date ot commission of the alleged offence and the Board declared ikim a juvenile However on appeal fom the victim's wife, the sessions court reversed the Board's order and this was confirmed by the Allahabad High Court. The present appeal is directed against the High Court onder. Allowing the appeal, the Bench said : "We are satisfied dhat the entry relating tu date uf birth in the mark. sheet is valid proof for determination of age of an aceused, The school leaving certificate is also s vatid proot in determining the age. Accordingly, the appellant was a juvenile on the date of occurrence un June 4, 2007 as alleged in the FIR.” While setting aside the trial court's onder, the Bench declared the appellant to be a juvenile. Students have Right to Examine Answersheets under RTI: Supreme Court ‘The Supreme Court an August 9, 2011 allowed the disclosure, under the Right to Iniormation Act, of answer- sheets of any examination conducted by any ageney in India A Bench of Justices R, ¥. Roveendran and A. K. Patnaik gave this ruling, upholding. o Calewtta High Court order permitting students to inspect and photocopy their ansiversheets in any educational ue professional examina tion, ‘The Bench said that evaluated scripts would come jormation’ ond reiterated the duty of the public authority to-allow maximum disclosure as envisaged by the RTI. Explaining the scape of the fice: Gary relationship of the agency halding the examination, the Bench held that bodies conducting examinations could not retain evaluated answersheets in any fidueiary capacity and contended that they would not disclose the ‘The exemption under Section 8(1} of the RTI Act would not apply to disclosure of answersheets, The Bench wes disposing of appeals filed by the Central Board ot Secondary Education, the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, the West Bengal Council for Higher Education, the University of Catcutto, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the West Bengal Central School Servier Commission and the Assam Public Service fhe Human Rights Law Network {HRLN} filed an intervention application, on behalf of the applicants, the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) and Jain Operation for Social Help (OSE), They argued that such disclosure would open the floodgates for intormation-seckers and the magnitude of such demands would be overwhelming, Tf answer scripts were made available to each cxaminee, it would open the floodgates and lead unworkable situation ‘The Supreme Court, however, rejected these argu- ments. Welcoming the judgement, the National Campaign for People’s Right to Information, said ; “The NCPRI believes this ruling would positively affect the transpa- Comenission, Si Be aa adie antes threes ne a ee Se country including examinations conducted by schou boards, wniversities and public service commnissiaets.” This euling would also help bring about mud needed cefoem in the examination system, the NCPEL sai ima staternent, ADVENTURE/EXPEDITION Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner : First to Scale 1 Peaks Without Oxygen Austrian climber Gerlinde Kaltonbrunner becarse th first wornan to conquer all 4,000 metre summits withou artificial oxygen ont August 23, 2011, when she reaches the top of the K2 Ms, Kattenbrunnor, 40 is the third Woman only to climb all 14 highest summits but the firgt ts de sn without artificial oxygen. brat Lal: pide hehe She had already attempted the AST -metre K2, on the border between ‘China and Pakistan, six times before but had to turn back each time before the summit edie Kaltenbranne This victory marks the end of Ms, Kaltonbrunner’ 4.000-metre-summit race that began in May 148 with he escalation of Cho Oyu on the border between Nepal are ‘Tibet The first person to scale the worfd’s 14 highest peak in 1986 was the Italian Reinhold Messner Jharkhand Women Scale Saser Kangri IV Binita Soren and Sheclarani Mahato, who hail tron Jharkhand, have become the first women mountaineers t climb Mt, Saser Kangri IV in the Eastern Karakoran Range of Himalayas in Ladakh Civilian Expedition In the second civilian expedition to the 24,331 1 peak out of the four ascents recorded se far, Binita (24 and Sheelarani (18), apaet from 29-year-old Meghil Mabuto, scaled the highest citadel of the Eastern Karake ramon August & ‘The expedition, sponsored by the Tata Steel Found, tion beeween July 10 and August 21, is considered to b one of the toughest in India. The proximity of the peak t the sensitive Sischen glacier and Chinese territory hu ensured that very few have ventured tor the mountain, DISCOVERY River found 13,000 ft beneath the Amazon Scientists led by an Indian origin research haw discovered a huge underground river which, they believe is flowing some 13,000 ft beagath the mighty Amaze river in Bra The researchers at Brazil's National Observator (BNO) believe the subterranean river is about 6,000 kn Baa aa el ra es tit ong, about the same Length a6 the Amazon on the surtace (he finding came trom stustying temperature variations at Inactive gil wells drilled in the 1970s by Brazit's state: un oi] company Petrobras, the Daily Mail reported The researchers have named the river “Hanza’ eam supervisor Valiya Hamza, an Indian-origin s vho has boon studying the reson for aver toxr dec hr ed the river originates from the region of \ere and reaches the sea at Faz du Amazonas, flowing heougit the basias of Solimoes, Amazena and Marajo. The findings were presented recently at a mecting of he Brazitian Geophysical Society in Rig de Janeio. EDUCATION UGC gives Nod to M. Phil, Ph.D. by Open Universities after entist Now Open Universities may be permitted to conduct 4. Phil. Ph.D. programmes through distant education node. But there is a tidier—that they will do so etrictly as ser the provisions of the UGC regulations, This was decided ata mecting of UGC members hel cently. For instance : for Ph.0., the principal guideshould be vom within the Open University with a joint wher rer necessary, trom elsewhere. However, a joint 1 ould not have more than two candidates under his uuporvisioe. The 11-point criteria laid down by the Standing Committee on M.Phil. / PhD. regulations should be stric tly adhered nm The regulations are, how with regard te arcade: imic, administrative and — infrastructural requirements tw be tultilled Th Phil PhD. prageam- mes, id that amendments req regulations will be made accordingly and steps necessary for their notification may be taken soon Interestingly, Lucknow University does not allow degree college teachers ty supervise Ph.D. students, omand degree college teachers had been makin, several years, Other state universities like Kanpur Liniversity however, allow degree college teachers ts undertake the "LU is doi high time that the state government should step in,” say Maulendu Mishra, former LUACTA Presideat. injustice with college teachers and it's Mis. Roopa I. P. Scored 380 Marks (202+178) ‘Ms. Sowmya V. Scored 370 Marks (197+173) in Anthropology in LAS 2010 MORE THAN 1150 SELECTIONS IN IAS SINCE 1986 ANTHRO #y VAID SIR (Practising Anthropologist, Teaching Since 1985) NK. Vaid ; Who Cares for Tribal Development. : Economy & Social Relations. N, Hasnain : Indian Anthropology. : Tribal India, Bhattacharya : An Outline of Indain Prehistory. Upadhyay & Pandey : Anthropological Thought, MN. Srinivas : Caste In Moder India & Other Essays. Exclusive Batches & Test Series For IAS 2012 Starling Oct 1 & Dec 1 Only 40 Seats CLASSES IN RAJENDER NAGAR & DR. MUKHERJEE NAGAR Please Read Ember & Ember Before Joining Classes For Details Please Contact Vam’s ICS ‘AG NT, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi 110088 Ph: 0-83113357737, 0-0990946748, 011-27471544 Please Seok An Appaintment Before Visting in Person October! MV élt PAC T 'S/MoL AEPC Signs MoU with Russian Union in Moscow ‘The Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) of India recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs ot Texti- jes and Light Industry in Muscow. This Mol! with Rus- sian textile entrepreneurs is @ step towards developing bilateral conperation in the textile and clothing industries. ARCHAEOLOGY Russian Prime Minister Putin Manages to Discover Two Ancient Jars Dating Back to the Sixth Century, Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin pulled on a wet suit an August 10, 2011 and went scuba diving at the site of a Greck nin, Me, Putin only attempting his third scubs diving— had discavered two ancient jars dating back tu the sixth penning arin Taig Sleehge Mhadike alld a eapedition in te acharslagical exiavation of an ancient Southern Russian. Cek swrt on the barnan Penna coast near Ukraine. Spas! 1 The report said that Mr Putis had descended tive metres and was simply lucky tn have discovered the hwo objects in full presence of the media because the water was 80 clear “The head af the expedition said they are fram the sixth century AD," Intertax quoted Mr. Putin as saying This would date them to the time of the carly Byzantine era “Whoa the ships wore being loaded at de: port, the lars would often break and then they would get tossed overbaurd,” Russia's de-facto leader explained Mr. Putin's expedition took him to the Krasnodar region's Taman Peninsula—home to the Phanagoria colony founded by the Groeks sume 2.500 years ago and invaded by the ancient Rus in the 10th century. A former Soviet intelligence officer, Mr, Putin rose to the presidency in 2000 on the back of a caretully cultivated image that mixed nationalist rhetoric with an arbion mar image that set hirs apart trem other Russian leaders. He has flown # fighter jet inte Chechnya and descent ded to the bottom of Lake Baikal in a special deepsea vessel, Russian media have pullished photos of Me. Put wearing his judo black belt and stripped to bis waist art a hunting trip. WOMEN MATTER First Woman to Ren UK Warship A British naval officer is all set to become the firs Woman in the 5-year history of the Royal Nawy tc command a frontline warship, a media report said. Lieutenant Com: iam manier Sarah West, o, will take control bf HMS Portland and its mostly: make crew of 188. After promo tion ta a 65,000 pounds a year com- mander, she is ready to take her ship to war anywhere in the warld, Women have previously commanded only small non fighting, Navy ships such as fishery protection vessels But naval top bras said Lt. Car West hud seen tough competition fram male officers to win the role on meri due tw her “leadership, confidence, moral courage, sound judgement and exceptional skills.” Lt. Cdr West was raised in at University of Hertfordshire. HEALTH From Cold to HIV, this Drug can Fight any Viral Infection : A Path Breaking Research In what might be the greatest medical discovery sinc: penigillia, scientists have developed a benad-spertrum drugwhich Hey claim cor cure everything trom the exe mon cold tobi toalmostany other virus one ean think of Acteam of researchers at the Massachusetts Instinute of Technology {MIT] in the US created the drug, known by the acronym DRACO, which homes in an infected cell and makes them seli-destructive Its bit lixt inchides human chinovireses—the bugs that cause colds in adults and in children—tiu, polio, a stomach bug and deadly dengue tever. But DRACO is also expected (0 zap measles cold sores, rabigs and even HIV—and could be on pharmacy shelves in a decade, the Baily Mail reported, Lead researcher Mike Ricéer said, “It's certainly possible that there's some virus that we aren't able to treat butwe haven't faund it yet" In lab tests, DRACO killed 15 viruses. ‘The drug also saved the lives of mice given a dose o flu that would have killed Hem. FOOD SAFETY Consumers get Powers to Act against Adulte- rators: Consumers will now have the power to take adul terators of tnd products to task as the first time in the history af food inspection in India, buyers have been empowered to take samples, get those tested and lod ge complaints for prosecution of accused. SHUR Reciont = Sarah West inculnstrire and studied PDOctuber/201 1612 "As exon go kindle fire with snow, as sock So quanch She “re of love with words. Buyers have been erty tested and lodge complaints The move forms part of the tra stem where eight sete of regulations governed ved products tn a new regime which provides a unitied aw to regulate the cntire range of tood products in the market ‘Tho Food Safety and Standards Act passed by Pad nent in 2006 is in operation across India from August § the Lav took time to roll as standards for implementation vere being developed In its present form the Act sill For the first time cover vutraceuticals, the term used to describe food products vith medical and health benefits to peu All nutrition supplements, health and functional vods, which dieticians and fitness trainers routinely minister to people, will aleo be regulated and their afety mandated PLACES IN THE NEWS jaipur ‘The 1th Notional Children se organised from December 2 ‘of Rajasthan. The theme and Resources Save for th annie ‘The Asian Super Model 2011 Vanning (China) this year. lrwill be ¢ Ramlila Maidan (Dethi) Ramlila Maidan in New Delhi cantinued to grab the lic and media attention across the cauntey tor mare ana werk where anti-corruption cruxader Anna Hazare long with thousanels of his supporters sat on indefinite as st BOI demanding, from the government to sass his Jan Lokpal Bill in Pa rliest North Carolina ne struck outer Banks of North Carolina ist 2011 cutting a path of jestruction that stretched from the auter Banks of North © Congress 1 in Jaipur—the Fs congress a's biggest pageant. lament at the Join No. J IES oe 2010 eer rt Pete art rer October’ 011/612 Institute For Economies | ALL INDIA SELECTION 18, 5 FROM KALINGA IAS [I i TES TEST SERIES : 16th OCT. NEXT MAINS BATCH : 7th NOV SL CVE WES baci ylorjer ear etna chase chen gk phe period that killed at least nine people and cause unprecedented shutdown of the tansit system in Wa ington, Philadelphia and New York. Daegu (South Korea) ‘The 13th World Championship in Athletics arganisec by the International Association af Athletics Federation: (South Korea) in August ptember 2011. BOOKS AND AUTHOR 1. The Financial Inelus imperative and Sustain able Approaches —By Deepali Pant Joshi Cambridg Universi Tess, New Delhi 2. Gociological Traditions, Methods and Perspective in the Sucialogy of India —By TN. Madar ‘Sage Publications India Lid., New Delhi 3. Last Man in Tower. By Arvind Ad Arvind Adiga's new novel ju _gteedy and dispossessed in an unscttlin 4. The Man Who Never Died : The Life, Times, and Legacy of Joe Hill, American Labour leon. By William Adler, US.A 5. The Valley of Marks—By Tarun Tepat Fourth Estat 6. The Beautiful and the Damned : Life in New Indi —By Siddharth IMPORTANT DAYS National Days taposes the lives wf th Octuber 2 Gandhi Jayan! Octuber 8 Air Force Day Ortaber 10 National Poet Day International Days Qetober 5 World Teacher Da October 16 October 24 World Food Day United Nations (UN} Day a ECONOMICS ESRIUASUMIUA AROS ULMER ST aA ‘ RBI-Gr-B:CSAT-1 & II +Prelims/Mains | Prelims 2012 i* Regular Class Exclusive 1 i i*Postal Guidance | LEcueMe Mu yal | | i i i UAT S renee ns 77, Old Rajender Ngr, Market, New Dehi-1 10060 | Ph. : 011-24510818, 09313684458 pe ee RBI's Annual Report 2010-11 Reserve Bank india released ite Annual Report 2010-11 cowering the assessment of the macroeconomic performance during 2010-11 and the praspects for 011-1 In the assessment ter 2010-11, RBI hightighted that the Indian eco homy retumed toa high growth path However, challenges emerged as investment activity slowed, fiseal consolidation was led by eyelical and one-otf tactore, leaving its custainabi: lity in question and inflation remai ned sticky om the back af new pres- sures, Salient points included in asses- sment for 2010-11 are @ In-response; cumulative mone: lary tightening by raising opera- tional policy rates by 475 bps since mid-March 2010 bas been fone of the sharpest around the world. The policy was fightened aggressively as high inflation would have brought down growth by itwetf ® fiscal deficit ratios in 2010-11 turned out to be better than envisaged in the Union Budget ®@ The gross NPA ratio of schedu- led commercial banks which increased marginally to 2-52 per cent by end-June 2011 still rema: ins low, @ The rate of earnings on foreign currency assets and gold dipped to 1-7 per cent in 2016-11 from 2.09 pet cont in 2009-10, @ The surplus transferable to the government dipped 30 per cont to 715,009 crore for the financial yeor ended June 2011, @ Total expenditure rose by 4 per cont to TH,655-2 crore for 1010-11 fromm © RAL erone in. 2008-10. @ Overall growth of the economy in 2010-11 is estimated at 85 per cont PDQetober!201 1/614 While retaining — economic growth estimates for 2011-12 at @ per cent, RBI cautioned about emerging: downward risks emanating trom the uncertain global environment and domestic inflationary pressures, Qn global factors RBI says thet high oil and commodity prices, even alter ion, remains high and could adversely impact growth According to RBI downside risks to the industrial growth im 201 1- 12 may arise from falling, business confidence, but robustness of the services sector would continue to support the growth process. There is avery strong structural dimension to services sector growth in India, In view of RBI the investment may remain soft in the near term, while private consumption may decelerat In face of moderating demand, exp- enditure- Switching from government eansumption expenditures to public investments would help. RBI has projected high inflation during the fiest half of the current feancial year, and expects it ta came down to seven per ceat by March 2012. According tw RBI, an incomplete pass-through of high global commo- ddity prices and the persistence of high. inflating are likely to keep inflation elevated in the near term. Asa result, Inflation may start falling, sometime in the third quarter of 2011-12 PMEAC’s Economic Outlook 2011-12 Cuts GDP Estimate to 8.2% for 2011-12 nomic Advisory Council (PMEAC) in its *Beonomic Outlook— 2011-42", relea- sed on August 1, 2011, lowered its eeunamie growth projection bse 2011- 12 to #2 per cent, trom 9 per cent pogued earlier. Despite the reductive in projected growth’ rate, PMEAC treated it as high and respectable, given the current world situation According to the council, the global economic and financial condition i unlikely to improve which will not allow India to sustain the high growth ia exports as wimessed in the first quarter of 2011-12, PMEAC highlighted that whobe- sale price-hosed indlation would remain high at percent till October 2011 and thereafter, it would case to 65 per cent by the end af Macch 2012. The industry sector is estimated to grow FA] per cent during 2011-12 against 79 per cent in 2010-13, Agri- culture and allied sector is pegged at 3 per cent, down fram 66% recorded in 2010-11, Services are projected to grow ot 10 per cent compared. to #4 percent projected eartier PMEAC extended hope that RBI will continue its tough” monetary policy till inflation comes dawn to safe none PMEAC's Projections © Cut down GOP gre for 2014-12, frogn HTS 108-35, 9 Manutartacing rector preth projec “Hort redweed to 75 fren 9°. @ Industry growth projection cutdanny ter 7-1) Frown 9-25 4 Servicns projected to. grew al LP ‘cumpared 444% projected earlier © Agriculture and allied sect growth pegged at 3%, down fram GaSe recurs| dd in the previous yeas. © Inflation vewuld romain high a 4% till Qetuber 2011 but projected tease donwn ta 6.58% by Mocch-eeud 2012. ® FDI influ paujected at 35 billion dollar in 2014-12. © FTI projected to remain at 1 bilan dollar in 2011-12. © RBI ao continue mugh monetary pe lkey till the inflation eurning, te xabe pone © Challenging jub to maintain 86% fiscal desc barge “Bofore 1 met mar hustand, fd neuer fallen im dave. Tid stepped in its few tlmes* Economic Outlook for 2017-12 _sceording to PH's Economie Advisory Counell GOP for Q1 of 2011-12 Dips to 7-7 per cent ‘The countey‘s Gross: Domestic ‘roduct (GDF) growth fell down to MT per cent in the first three 1 of the current financial year X is against B® per cent in the ponding period last year. Onl nth of 39) per cent in 1 of 2011- ' against of 2-4 per cent growth in ame period of 2010-11, Industry oe, including mining and qi Manufacturing and elec rom 96 per cent between the said seriod. Service sector too, slowed Quarterly Estimate of GDP at Factor Cost in Q1 (April-june) of 2011-12 (at 2004-05 Prices) fi Change Sectors | Gmoat | ati Agrcaliare | 240 38 Industry sa 66 Serviers war E89 DP za) 2m down with 88 per cent growth from 10-07 por cent of last year. Construction has been the key factor tor the disappoint GDP in Q1 of B1-12. The e of the construction activities has been registered at just 1-2 per cont as aguinst 7? percent of last year in the first quarter period. Manufacturing growth fell to 7-2 percent trism 106 percent a year ago and mining to 1-8 per cent from 74 per Besides, agriculture sectar. trade, hotels, transport and communic: services grew 128 per cent against just F2-1 per centa year ago, Damodaran Committee Submits Report on Reforms in Banking Services Ds reforms daran Committee banking set mitted its report to Reserve Hank of India. The retorms in banking servi ces, suggested by the committer are as tollotes . ws has sub- ‘There shuld be no restriction of maintaining minimum balance in the account for obtaining facili- ties of cheque book and ATM card Fixed deposits should not saute matically be renewed without written permission /request of the depositor ‘The present limit of insurance over of €1 Iakh for deposits in to 5 lakh, Home loan custoers should not be penalised on closing their maunt beture maturity period it they succeed in getting home loan ata lower interest rate trom some other bank or financial institution, [ZU AMBITION W INSTITUTE (NY SCTE Es HT HS \,_ Our Journey... 1500 + Results / BATCHES BEGIN JUDICIAL SERVICES 16:30 ‘SEPTEMBER, Writing Skill Development Programme, AMBITION EDUGARE PYT. LI CIVIL SERVICES Balch Full: Aadrnlesion Dati BTES40656, GIVIL SERVICES LAW MAINS TD. oh Vee Baa iiezes-sura abe aca eseenezrr papi + aioalimenEAMERTOR CSN Seer 9 Web inpia‘s No. 1 SCCM Ti traitsy| ‘Book your seat immediately by paying (er etL Tne omcetiom Gem (Admission Open ; Limited Seats) Batch Begins 1 2 ‘SEPT. By 4 TESTS ae ES pling) Kear Magi, Debi dt § All documents kept against gran- ting home loans shoutd be retur. ned tothe custsmer within 15 days from the date of full pay- ment of loan ® A common free call center mum- ber should be mage for the cum plaints against oll banks from wwhere the phone call be diverted lo concerned bank. ® Each branch of a bank should have a separate counter carmar: ked for attending to senior citi- zens/ physically challenged cus tomers, who should be givea pri ority over other customers at that ‘Special counter ® Senior-citizens are at present offered an additional interest of up to 1% on all tised deposits. The same benefit of additional interest should be offered tothem con their savings deposits also @ The penalty, if levied on with drawal af deposits before matu- should nat be applied to senior citizens! physically chal- lenged customers, swho should be giver the normal rate of interest applicable for the period for which the deposit hae rum. with out any deductions RBI Paves Way for Corporate India to Enter Banking Sector Reserve Bank of India has opened he door for Corporate India to enter manking, sector but stiff conditions: nave been applied to shut door on val estate companies and brokerage ms. As per RBIs declaration, the private groups or entities with a liversitied ownership and sound credentials having a successful track RBI's Key Guidelines for Corporate India to Enter Banking Sectar Eniitios wiih a suocosstad track reeved af'at east 10 years tigi, Minimum capital requirement 7 S0-crove, against the existing © M00 cree ‘Aggregate forcign sharchulding in new bank not tivexcced 494% for first 3 years. Only groupe wwned and canralied iy mcident Indians cligibe. licensing, New banks tu be set up thieagh whl upsrative hulding cumpanies registered as NEC Avieast 25% branches crust bein unbenkenf rural areas New hank must Kid on stuck exchanges within 2-yeary al record of 10 years would now be allowed to apply for a banking licence, ‘The central bank is considering issuing banking licence for the first time ince 2004 Such groups or entities cannot have more than 10 per cent oF more assets oF income from meal estate. and capital market activities, According tu RBL the new banks can be set up oaly through a wholly owned, non-operative holding com pany, or NOHE, that will contro! the bank and other financial service companies tn the group. The NOHE, which will be registered ax a non bank tinance company with the RBI ill include all financial arms of the founding group. While the minimum capital required to set up new banks has been fixed at 500 crom, the RET has also seta cap of 49 per cent for foreign holding for the first five years as against the current poems of Al per cent, Banks will have to seek prior RBI approval tor raising paid-up capital beyond € 1,000 crore for every block af T 500 crvee. Whi laying down the detailed ry Friteria, the RBE has also made cleat the licences will be otfered selectively after the final guidelines are framed and cerlain amendments are made in the Banking Regulations Act, 149. India Signed Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement with Lithuania ‘ernment of India on july 26, 2001 signed an Agreement and Trotecol for Avoidance of Double owned “nun Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital {DTAA) with Government of Lithwania in New Dethi. Lithuania is the first Baltic country with which OTAA has been- Signed by India ‘The Agreement further: incor porates provisions for effective exchange of information between tax authorities of the twe countries line with latest international standord, including exchange of banking intor- mation and supplying of infocmativer without recourse to domestic interest Further, the Agreement provides tar sharing of infurmation to other agen cies with the conseat of supplying state. “The Agreement alsohas an asticle on assistance in collectinn of taxes This article also includes provision for taking measures of conservancy, The Agreement incorporates anti- abuse (limitation of benetits) provi- sions toerisure that the benefits of the Agreement are availed of by the gen: vine residents of the feo countries The Agreement will provide tax stability to the residents of India and Lithuania and will tacilitae mutual econumic cooperation between the two countries. [t will also stimulate the flow of investment, technvkagy and services betweea India and Lit- busania, India’s Rank Falls to 14th in Attracting FOI: UNCTAD UNCTAD's report entitled ‘World Investment Report 2011” indicates that India’s rank in the world in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has deslined from Sth in 2004 to 14th im 2010; According tothe report, the total inflow of FIDL into India during 2003 was'$ 36 Bill- ign Which declined ta § 25 billion in 2010, UNCTAD's report highlights that the other Asien developing coun. nies are establishing new milestones in attracting foreign sirect investment but India’s scenario became disappo- inting beeause FDI intlow in India during the year 2010 declined by 31 per cent as compared to the year 2009 According tu the UNCTALYs report, the total FDI size in the world during the year 2010 was of angund $ 1240 billion which is about § per cent more than that of 2009 figure USA with $ 228 billion FDI inflow got first rank, followed By Chrina with $ 106 billion FEM inflow. Hong Kor ($6 billion} and Belgium ($62 bil- lion} have been placed-at third and fourth ranks in the list. India’s Bilateral Economic Relation Agreements with Malaysia and Japan Become Effective ‘To promote the bilateral econo- mic and commercial relations Ind had signed agreements with Malaysia ind Japan in February 2011. These agreements have become effective now. The Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) with Malaysia has been effective ince July 1, 2011. As per the CECA with Malaysia, both the nations will co-operate to promote trade in goods, trade in services, investments and other economic couperution as a single undertaking, Besides, India had alsa signed the Comprehensive Economie Pa nership Agreement (CEPA) with Japan on February 16, 2001 and this CEPA has become effective since August 1, 2011, This agreement with Japan put a focus on measures requ red fur a comprehensive expansian of With the implementation af these agreements, itis expected that India's merchandise trade will get a boast on the one hand while mutual coopers: tion in service trade ot India with Malaysia and Japan will also be pro- moted on the other. India professio~ nals like Doctors, Engineers, Charte~ red, Accountants ete, will now get the ¥ to provide their services in Malaysia and Japan, India and South Africa Set § 15 billion Trade Target by 2014 ‘At the end of India-South Atri CEGs Forum, India and South Al have decided to increase bilateral trade to $15. n by 2014 from $ 1064 billie, This was the econd ame ing of the forum, The first une wos held in Johannesburg last year, where five sector-specific working groups were created to ensure seamless trade and business transaction between beth countries The forum is headed by Ratan Tata from India and Patrice Motsepe from South Airica, The minister said both sides would also be holding bilateral meetings to have a Prefer ential Trade Agreement (PTA) with the South Africa Custams Union Under a PTA, both conntries will reduce their tariffs on a particular number of products from the level they maintain with countries that ar no members to the agreement. How: ever, unlike Free Trade Agreements (FTA), PTA docs not slash or eli- ininate duties from a large number of tariff lines. Urban-Rural Population Statistics of Census 2011 Released Government released Census 201 data related to urban-rural popu. lation on July 15, 2011. As per telea- sed statistics, out of country’s tatal population of 121 crore, 37-7 crore population reside in urban areas while the remaining 833 crore papulation belongs to rural areas, Thus) 31-16 per cent population of the country is urban based while she 68:84 per cent population is rural based. As per 2001 Census, urban and rural popnlation percentage wore 27H por coat and 7219 per cent respectively. During the perind 2001-2011, urban popula ed from 26-61 crore tw 377] crore while rural population went up trom 7426 crore tw 8331 crore. Thus during the decade 2001 2011, urban population size incre: by 10 crore while the rural popul Sion went up by (6 crore, During 2001-2011, rural population and tion inerea trade in goods, services, investment {SACU} comprising Botswana, urban population registered 1218 per flows and other areas of césnomié Lesothe, Namibia, South Africa, and cent and 31-8 per cent growth respec relations between the twa countries, Swaziland tively Classic L EWS CANDIDATES. STUDENTS, SUBJECTS OFFERED : OPTIONAL: 3 ACADEMY. SHAPING TALENT WE HAVE DOME REVOLUTION IN THIS INDUSTRY BY OPENLY ADIVERTISING FEE CONCESSIONS FOR DESERVING, BACKWARD & NO OTHER INSTITUTE IS OFFERING FEE CONCESSIONS TO THESE SECTIONS OF SOGIETT OUR MOTTO IS 79 CONTRIBUTE SOMETHING TO SOGIEFY AND THE NATION. 100% FEE CONCESSIONS Hl WE ARE VERY. CONFIDENT ABOUT OUR QUALITY AND CHALLENGE THATANYONE CAN CHECK ITOLT, GENERAL STUDIES :PRE/MAINS & CSAT. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, POLITICAL SCIENCE. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, SOCIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY IN fim & ENGLISH MEDIUM, ONLY 9 SEATS LEFT FOR AVAILING FREE COACHING FOR PT - 2012 CLASSIC IAS ACADEMY UG-33 & 34, Ansal Chamber-, Bhikaji Cama Place, M.D.-65 Ph. : 32323293, 32323294 Mob. : 9310034050, 9310034060 Web : www.classictasacademy.coin Emait, READY BEEN GIVEN TO VARIGUS SCHOLAR, aN Pheraher/2001 ett According to rural-urban popula Hon data of Census 2011, Tamil Nadu has the maximum urban population (48:55) in the country followed by iKerala(47-72%), Maharashtra (523%) and Gujarat (42-58%), India’s 20th Rank in Merchandise Trade and 16th in Service Trade in the World: WTO According te WTO's latest report entitled! ‘World Trade Report 2011’, India hes improved ats rank both in merchandise trade and service trade jin the world during 2010, As per WTO's statistics, India’s exparts of merchandise goods and services stood at $ 216 billion and § 110 billion respectively in 2010 which placed India at 20th rank in merchandise exports and at 10th rank in service exports in the global list af the year 2010, In 2004 these ranks were 22nd and 12th respectively. Report high- Tights that India registered 31 per cent growth in merchandise exports du- ‘ring 2010 which raised India’s share in global cxports from 12% to Las. Service exports hare of India at global front was 265: in 2004 which became 3.0%) in 210 According to the repart, China, America and Germany got the first, second and third ranks respectively jin merchandise exports during 2010 while in service exports, The first three ranks went lo America, Ger- many and Britain respectively: India Slips Down to 4th || Rank in World Steel Production Accord to the latest data released by World Steel Association, PD Oeiober! 201 U46is LATION Ainslie residence Ha was iil vam man any aan dea tense om Grice coduction of crude steel in India ing 2010 stood at 68-3 million tonne against 635 million tonne of 2009, Despite the ? per cent increase in production of crude stecl, India's rank in crude steel production in the world has slipped down from 3rd to Ath in 2010, As per 2010 statistics, the top five nations of crude steel produc tion in the World are = China (626-7 million tonne), Japan (10%6 million tonne), (80-5 million tonne), India (683 million tonne) and Russia {40:0 million tonne}. in the year 3068 the top five steel producing nations were | China (S776 million tonne}, Japan (87-5 million tonne), India (685 milion tonne), Russia (600 million tonne} and USA (42 million tonne). ‘Thus USA improved its rank from fitth to third by pushing down India from third place to fourth one. The present capacity of India in crude steel production is 80 million tonne which is projected to be 9% million tonne by end-March 2012 and 120 million tonne by end-March 2013, Governmentiatgets to ease this capa- city te 150 million tonne by 207 KVIC to Get 7 55,000 crore During 12th Plan Period Khadi ond Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has come forward with a proposal of total inflow of € 55,000 crore towards the country's khadi and village industries suring the 13th Five Year Plas (2012- 17). This includes © 15,000 crore of plannned outlay tv be provided by the centre and 40,000 ctore of bank eredit to khadi and village industries during the plan, The proposed out- flow of funds during 2012-17 would be three times of funds flow during the ongoing Vth Five Year Plan “Srlandokin te-bowe without bie win (2007-12) wherein the total funds are estimated at T 15,000 crore As per the projections of KWIC $7 milhon additional employment opportunities during the 12th plar will be created in the khadi and village industries. At present the total employment generation stands at million, inehuding 11 million in villas dustrics alone. KVIC has also made a plan % setup 550 Khadi and 475. villag industry cluster seross the enuntey during 12th plan (2012-17) with 3 total investment of £1,000 crore. Ir the current ongoing 11th plan, 5 khadi and 50 village industry cluster: are being developed with an ir ment of € 70 crore. 12th plan propo sals of KVIC also includes the setting up of four national institutes in Ltt Pradesh, West Beagal and Mahara shtra with a total investment of 725¢ crore As per KVIC sources, KVIC's production hus gone up in the las four years. Khadi units in the last fou years have produced goods worth 3.1 crore while village industries have produced goods warth 91,000 crue. Tax to GDP Ratio Declines to 1473 per cent ‘Country's tax to GDP ratio de ned to seven years low of M73 pe cent in 2010-11, The total tax nevenue increased 17-5 per cont te 11-6 lakh crore in 3010-11, compared to 7-9 pet cent growth registered in 2009-10 Despite this increased growth in tay revenue colection, the tax to GDF ratio fell down which shows the combined effect of economic growth and inflation. According to the dat released by the Finance Ministry, thu direct tax ta GOP ratio was 548 per cent in 2010-11 as per budget estima. tes which is four years low level while the indirect tax to GDP eatic was $25 per cont against 9-15 per cen evel obtained in 2009-10, ‘The union government tax-GDI ratia, alter devolution of tax-funds tc states, was at an eight-year Inw of 6 percent in 2010-11, Within this cate gory, the direct wx-GDF ratio was 376 per cent and the indieect tax GDP ratio was 342 per cent Direct Tax Collection Scénaria (Aprit-July 2000) ‘Gross direct tax collections ducing the: four month sof 200-12 (Le, April-July ONT periad} slid at F 192542 crore while tl was T 1MG668 ercire during, the xame perkid ot 010-11. Hence it shares 256% grewth in gross direct tax collections daring, Apritluly 2011 period from the correspanding, periud o( 2010, During the same Poviand, the ditect tax refund went-up frwin TI] crore tn T SRO crow, showing, an increase of 183-18 per cent bat im net direct tax cullection front, the ligute slipped! down [nan &Stel? enone fe T 78087 crave which indicales anegalive growth of BLL percent during April-July 2018 against the same period af the pear NiO Direct Tax Collection/Refund fin Crore) Apebaly: met | 2042 | % Change ‘Grass Biroat Tax Collection wees | 13a hes Net Dimet Tax Cotlectian BSF 7697 -enl ‘Tax Refund 1h S88 1st18 rene) Sones & {Tax Revenue) 11-year low of 5:13 per cent ‘Year ‘All India Level It is also insportant to note that 2 158 ater the beginning, of WAT reggime in $5408 aks the states from April 2005, their rect tax-GDP ratio rose to 5 Bb ae to | ir can citing Bats oa 8) pe eee Aare: centa year ago. In 2006-07 it rose to auras APS 5.98 per cent but after thatit has been an Hea steadily coming down 2009-10RE 1308 Hae fae 72th Plan to Target 9% Growth :Montek Singh Oo states side, the tax-GDP eatio Ahluwalia sal a [2-year low of 525 per cent within which the direct tix-GDP ratio yeas just 012 per cent during 2010-11, Planning Cammission Deputy Chairman Mr. Moniek Singh Ahlu- wala has extended the view that the roming 12th plan (2012-17) would target an average annual growth rate af ¥ per cont, though this would require many tnugh decisions by the centre and a big role By the state governments, It may be recalled tha ina presentation betore Prime W ter (who is also Chairman of Plane Commissine) in April 2011, te Plan- ning Commission had suggested a growth rate of 845 per cent with a strong rider that firm policy measures nord ta be taken te achieve am annual peowth cal of even 9 per cent. Planning Commission has also put on average growth target for ture 4 per cent per year in p paper. Land, energy. water scarcity, health and eduration are some of the key iscuce on which facus have been sade in the approach paper af the 121 plan. Qn energy front, approach paper of the 12th plan has advocated rs energy production growth significan- tly to achieve # per cent average ann ual growth in the next 12th five year plan Mr. Abliwalia alse preseints the view that resources to meet the tar- ts of the 1th plan would be a ker iseue and both the centre and the sta- tes are expected to-raise their planned expenditure as percentage of GDP to meet the targets of the 12th plan ‘Safest & maont Markstetehing, pth ophy li recently published result leas Ieen an exe ‘secuned oplingall. 11 requires is time far prepar. laself highly Outshining Results in Philosophy Mains- 2010 PHILOSOPHY Concise Syllabus, Logical in natere. interesting i owal subject as a hand thereby malking suring end providing additional tine fur ather pupers. | © No need of acatemic becxgrount bf the subject Manageable a Hogh success ratio Ruenika Diwakar' Sean Deter mi firme (BO cay Pr * Complete. Update Matera © Glessary of Comman ochical Tere: PT Gonyevty GIP: 40 Days Class Start : September 28, 2071 MAINS : Fub.Ad, & Philosophy (Csi br nena Wn at pena mr Mats 211) paneer caay 1 GE) Froch Batch for Civil Sorvicos Examination 2072 |!" VeNoH e ‘Admissions Qpen i 10 October Glasses Commence 1 17" October e Gs £1204 Gu zas | Masi ea | rameeet=an Philosophy: 208+9170= 376 | Couns Philosophy : 220+ 1992419 Pub.Admin.: 482+ tg » 26 | _‘temtahie_ LRAT 2580, Paidser Lav Kiger Ca waged tls 7H, es Fle, Ch aie: Hag Final Tort : 1200 DE ed ae oe iat LET ay eri: Philosophy Paychotogy: 187 +124= 201 te 192 Insorview Rank ‘Taking the success note of Tech- nology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TOFS) in its previous regime, the government is going to extend the restructured TUS in the coming 1th plan perted (2082-17) ‘Originally, the restructured TUES with a total subsisty cap of € 1,972 crore ends on March 31, 2012. In the 12th Plan period, hawever, the guv- emment plans to allocate an overall T1540 crore spread across five years, almost double of F 4,000 crare origi- ally approved toe the 11th Five-Year plan TUF subsidy scheme for sett ing up a state-of-the art technology for the growth of textile industry, war introduced rst in 199% to catalyse investnents-in all the sub-sectors of textiles and jute industry by way of five per cent interest reimbursement. The scheme was initially approved from April 1999: ta Maech 11, 3004 si it was extended in 20K The: Shenk yeas. discontinued ‘on June 24, 2010. Investments under TURS had gained notable mamentem in the past three years. Sino: its inecption 11 yoars ago, the government released a otal subsidy to the tune of £11,196 crore of which {8,683 crore: was dis- bursed in the last three years. TURS has catalysed investments off 2,08,.000) crore during its uperational fife span of over 11 years. [ees atic] © Foreign tourists number regis- ters growth af 22.2% in 2010 As per the latest data released by the Ministry of Tourism, the number af foreign tourists visit ing India during 2010 registered! 2-2 per cent growth, During 2010, total 174 lakh fore tourists visited India while this number was 144 Lakh im 2009, It may alsu be recalled that the number ut toreign tourist in 2009 PR Orinher/201 Vea had registered negative growth ot] peroentand thus year 2010 appeared asa favourable year for Indian tourism industry During, 2010, mavimurs 51 lakh foreign tourists visited Mabssra- shtra while Tamil Nadu and Dethi stood at second and third place with 28 lakh and 19 lakh foreign tourists respectively. Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan sould attract 17 fakh and 13 lakh foreign tourists respectively during 2010. Other important states in foreign tourists number ave: West Bengal (12 takh), Kerala (66 lakh), Bihar (6-4 lakh), Himachal Pradesh (4-5 lakh) and Goa (al lakh). The cumulative contribution of these 10 States in attracting forcign tourists stood at 803 per cent ADE ta provide $254 million loans Asian Development Bank (ADE) has decided to provide two loans worth § 251-55 million, including a grant for improving rural power supply in Madhya Pra- desh. The ADB and the Union goverament had signed an agree- ment, under which the Manila~ based ADB would provide ao $200 million loan for power distribution in rural Madhya Prodesh. ADB will also help in providing. reliable 44-hour elec- Wwicity 10 rural households that would stimulate business, emp- loyment and education, The investment programme is aimed at benefitting over 26 million househalds and would provide new power connections to 13 million homes, Centre's public debt rose by 54% ab end of QU in 211-12 According to a repart on public debt management released by the finance ministry, the Centre's public debt rose by 59 per cent to © 314 lakh crore as on the end of first quarter of this Hinan- cial_year against [29-76 lakh crore in the previous quarter ‘The debt had tisen 3-2 per cent in the fourth: quarter of last finan- I year sequentially. Internal debe constituted 903 per cent.of pubhe debt, marginally higher than 49-7 per cent at end o fourth quarter of fast financia year. GDP projections at 6:1" in 2011. I by CMIE The Centre for Monitering Indi an Eronamy (CMIE) has revisec its real GLP forecast for FY12 downwards—irom 86 to #1 per cent. The forecasts tor all mags sectors have been scaled dowr by CMIE in its monthly review ‘The reason for the scaling dowr differs from sector to sector. Noe of the major sectors have seen a upward revision in their tore casts, RBIs surplus profit dipped by 20% AS per the official announcemen of RBI, country’s central bank transterable surplas dipped by 20 per cent to £15,009 crore fo: the year ended June 2011. This the second time ina row that th central bank has reported a drog in its surplus which is transter teal to the government. REI's Cen tral board approved this transfe to T LROUY crore for 2010-17 against € 18,759 crore for the yeo ended une 30. 2010. In 2009-18 RBI's surplus had dipped by 25 per cent tot 18,759 crore trom €25,754 crore in 2008-09, Th reasoa behind, this RBI's suyplu: probt fall is the low yield or international assets, bonds anc deposits in an enviroament mar ked by overhang of liquidity The Hguidity was pumped by governments in developed nat ions to revive evanomic growth after the global financial syste ‘was hit by financial crisis in 2008 7 lakh jobs created in organises sector India’s organised sector creates ‘ver seven lakh jobs in the firs six months of the year 2011 anc is expected to generate moze than 369 Inkh employment by September 2011. According. t the survey report of staffing services firm Ma Foi Randstad health care sector alone creates Blears Btiew-aruls-icu icon’ tank lee ih Peni eren * 1,15,000 jobs in the tiret halt of 201 According to the survey report an employment trends, the organised seetae in India created 7.04.80) jobs between WM] and June 2911 and 3,68,200 more jobs are expected tobe created by September 2011 India receives $ Idd bn FDL in Q1 of 211-12 As per the official data given by the Linkan Ministry af Commerce and Industry, India has received S1344 billion foreign direct investment (FDI) during the first quarter of Ihe current financial year, Ia 200-10 and 201-11 India received total FL equity inflows of § Billion and § 19-42 billion, respectivel India to be $5+6 billion econo my by 2020 India will become a $5-6 trillion economy by 202), according to research firm Dun and Bradst- reet, which his predicted o three- fold jump in the country’s GDP from $1-7 trilfion last financial yearon the back of rapid invest- ment and growing consumer expenditure. As per the projected figure of the research firm, the ize of the Indian economy will expand more than three-fold by the financial year 2020. July 2011 exparts soar by 81:8% India’s exports in July 2011 regis red a record height with a growth of 8b per cont for tse first Hime to reach $ 24-30 billion. Country's imports also jumped 51-5 per cent to reach $404 billion against $ 25-88 billion in the year-ago period. ‘This record jump in exports could appear due to phenomenal. perfurmance by engineering products During the four months peeed of 2011-12 ie, April-fuly 2001, country’s total merchandise ex: ports stood at $ 1083 billion year- on-yeur registering a growth of 34 per cent. Cumulative imports reached $151 billion during April-fuly 2011 period showing Detaber/201 1/621 “} can live without money, but | cant India’s Foreign Trade, om x ADIT (in ts Dota dition) Jes naa sulaziasi Re) asl al) as 90 949572 ia OO. pry root adj mhage See CEE an increase of 40 per cent over the same period of 3010-11. India’s infra sector mests $2°% af Funding Target in 11th plan About 82 percent of the planned £0 lakh crore Investment in intrastructure sector in the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12) has bern achieved during the first three years, As per the official declara- tion of Minister of State for Plan- ning the investments worth 7 20.56,150 crore were targeted for infrastructure sector during 2007-12, of which —10,65,828 estore of 51-83 per cent was anti- cipated as investment during the first three years. Investment in power sevior during the 2007-10 period stand at €5,54,185 crore outof the total target off 6,66,525 crore during the 1th Man India’s average GDP. geowth duting 1990-2010 sted at 6.6% ‘As per the government declara tion in Parliament, the country's Gross Domestic Product regis- tered an annual average growth of 66 percent between 1990 and 2010, Based on the data of world development indicators, the GOP of India at 2000 prices increased trom $270-5 billion in 199) to § 971-5 billion im 2010 registering an annual average growth rate af JRILNEW BATCHES AVAILABLE Jil f= FR ek ae ontc vee sia PTUGRAPHIG 6:6 per cent in real terms, Gov ernment also declares that there is no indication of any contrac- tion in weelth in the country du- sing the period 1990-2010, Continued on Page 742 janats Yen pres vc PO/ CLERK / CSAT ‘Examination Sekacoan [> crcerinncnd 8 Dedinnes Facalins prea, Ved Resear we Pr bin eal ‘Cut Tecrrtaues Teg Erion meat Conn Lu tony bearers art, Bada nana tO] foAe Rarierd 'Ope Meare Aba chat, Robi, ehtanaas he 27a an, NIRS 7, (iat Fier, Caja gr nda ew Des Sseabe 3SAS408 (ey aSNeSSaRee Pies 5sn4201%5,souseonaae ve witha CRICKET Zimbabwe Wins ODI Series Against Bangladesh Bangladesh thrashed Zimbabwe oy YB nuns in the fifth and final Orw- Jay International in Bulawayo an \uguet 21, 2011. But Zimbabwe won he series 3-2 Zimbabwe chasing Bangladesh's 253 for six, was dismissed for 140 in he 3h over. Malcolm Waller top scored for Zimbabwe with 51 while Vusi ‘ibenda (34) and Harniltan Maca- idza (28) were the others who hipped in. with usetu} seores, lier, Shakib was the top scorer with 79. He faced 71 balls in a knock hat included five boundaries and a six ‘The U-year-old Bangladesh skipper shared a crucial sixth wicket stand of 107 with Mahrwudullah, who wars unbeaten on 60 from 67 balls. Award for Amla Hashim Amla has been named as South Africa's Sports Star of the Year at an awards function recently. The 2Kyearold tok the award, a brand new Lexus [I and 250,000 in & rash Haste aunts England Wins Test Match Series Against India India’s nearly 20 months reige 5 world’s number one side in test ticket formally came to an end when the ICC presented the Test Cham pionship Mace to the Andrew Strauss- led England in recognition of theiz Reliance Test Championship Ranking as on August 22, 2001 Team Matches Pavtity Rating, 1 | Gngland ” 18 1 2. | South Africa a 24a us & | Indi 2 a un? 4 | Si Lanka a 2485 Tos & | Austratia r 202 100 6 | Pekistan B 22 a P| West Indies 8 a9 eo 8. | New Zealand 6 1488 7” 8 | Bangladeste 2 38 8 Reliance ODI Championship Ranking as on Augest 23, 2011 Team Matches Paviats Rating 1 | Australia = aaa 130 2 | Sci Lanka B sar ne 3, | Inia 0 3518 ur 4. | South Attica 9 na ie 5. | England ey 2858 16 6 | Pakistan 8 36H. 100 7. | New Zealand Zz 199 0 & | West Indies » 475 7% 9. | Bangladesh Bo 18 ea 10. | Zimbabwe 24 ava a6 Tt, | Ireland "i ei) 2 12_| Nederlands Zz 7 5 PPMOctaber/ 200 L622 “Sryth giamda, even new status as the sumero uno side in the tive days tormat on August 23 2011 in London Strauss seceived the trophy after his team completed a 4-0 whitewash of India on the tifth day of the fourth ang final test Sachin Tendulkar fell nine runs short af his 100th international fundred as India lost the final Test by am innings and cight rans-and the series 4.0 India made it te lunch without losing a wicket but Tendulltr's wicket Was the second of seven to fal in the second session tor 21 runs, Stranded on ¥% hundreds since he hit 111 against South: Africa al the World Cup in Mareh, the Little Master stood distraught at the wick after being given [bw to Tim Bresnan trudging, off and tking with him India's hopes of saving the match Graeme Swann tuok six whekels 46 England compreheasively beat the side it hay deposed at the top al the rankings with a seventh inning: victory in 13 tests It is very sad to note that the Indian team which came into the series as the Workd No, 1 Test side slipped to No. 3 position by the end of it Australia Wins ODI Series Against Sri Lanka Australia secured the one-day sories against Sri Lenka with a five wicket win ia Colombo as August 21 211 The Australian team with gril and firmness aimed to win game four t Ibe eelfsustarnad." ind took an unassailable 3-1 series ead in the five-game tournament, Xavier Doherty claimed a carver- est G28 in a man-ol-the match lisplay, sparking a collapse that Brett Australian team with trophy ee completed with his fourwicket aul as Sti Lanka lost 8-37 to be all ut for 182 in front of a stunned O00 crowd at the Premadasa stadium, Despite hvu quick wickets by accman Lasith Malinga (2-14) ut the tart of Australia’s chase and at three: wicket spui lebutont Seekkuge Prasanna (3 hann: Marsh's composed 70 was the wdrock as the tourists reached the arget with 22 owers rer timately Australia suc inching the series. sachin and Zaheer im ICC lest Team of the Year ning and ded in Two Indian cricketers Sachin jendulkor and Zaheer Khun have ta place in International Cricket ‘ouncil (100) Test Team at the year vhich was chosen by a speci ppointed selection panel headed by Vest Indian legend Clive Lluyd on August 26, 2011. Four countries are represented in he 12 man-line up. It may be notes were that Sachin Tendulkar has macke he side far the third year in. a row— ving appeared in the ICC Woeld fest Team of the year in 2008 and W110. ICC Test Team of the Year Mlastair Cook (Eng), Hashan. Arla Sih), Jonathan ‘Trott (Enj), Sachin fendulkar (Ineiab, K. Sangakkara SL, wicketkeeper/ captain), A. B. de fillies (SA), Jacques Kallis (SA), stuart Broad (Eng). Eng), Dale Steyn James Anderson (Eng). 12th man: Zaheer chan (india) So FOOTBALL es Brazil Clinches U-20 World Cup A hattrick from Qsear lifted Brazil to a 3-2 extratime triumph over Portugal in August 2011 in the final of the Under-20 World Cup in Bogota, Colombia, After opening the scoring in the Gfth minute, Oscar struck a second half equalizer that sent the match to extra-time after hull time saw the teams deadlocked ar Younes Chaoze Beazitian players cele- rate after beating Partugal the FLEA 21 Under-20 World Cup final in Bogota, Colombia Oscar got the winner in the 111th minute. loiting a ball frum the right that arched aver Portugal keeper Mika and gave Brazil a titth under-20 World Cup title after their runner-up finish two years ago, Although Brazil started the favourites over a Por- tuguese team seeking a third under- 20 crown, the match was tightly contested throughout. scar broke through in the fifth ‘with 9 tree kick into the comer tha ranght Mika aapping Ib was the first goal surrendered by Portugal in the tournament Brazil's equolizer came in the 78th minute when Mike blocked shot by Dudu, only tor Oscar to turn and slot the ball home, The result avenged the result of the 198% final, when Portugal beat Brazil 09 penalties, Bar ultimately Brazil emer ged winner. Earlier Mexico beat France 3-1 ia the third-place playotf, Pele Named Ambassadar for 214 World Cup Braril’s.a britant football player, Pele has been named as the henorary a i re te ambassador tor the 2014 World Cup Football tu be heli in Brazil, Pel accepted the invi- tation from Beazil’s President Dilma Rousself. Pele's role will be callying Brozillions around delayed efiorts at getting ready for the tournament, He fale will also be promoting Brazil's pre parations abroad at faathall events Clinches UEFA Barcelona Super Cup Spanish football club Barcelon. defeated Portuguese FC Porte ur August 26, 2011 in Monaco in the UEFA European Super Cup, « tre ditional cu n to the Cham pions League: season, where two fears battle 1t out to bse called the best in Europe. Barcelona’s star Lionel Messi scored the first goal in the firer halt a 38th minute, while the new comer erse Fabregas, wha just this month was bought from English Footbal Club Arsenal scored the second gow atthe 87h minute, Barcelona team with UEEA Super Cay Teapey This win was che 1th trophy under Barcelona Coach Fep Guar diola and the 7éth tor PC Barcelona taking them ahead of Real Madrid i terms of cups per season, a histori day for Barca fans. Bhaichung Bhutia takes Re- tirement from [International Football haichung Bhutia announced hi retirement from International Fos ball on August 24 2011 in New Delh but said that he would continue t% play for his clot Bhaichung Bhatia (Sikkim United) a ries © ning scored 2 goals in 107 international appearances spread over 16 years, Bhutia enjoyed respect and a miratioa of his colleagues and fans The decision to retire was pro- mpted by constant injuries in the past year. He was picked ioe the upcom- ys tour of England, but a calf-amsele injury has grounded him, He was the most valuable player in the 28 APC Challenge Cup beld in Delhi. He singled out the 6-1 defeat to lapan in the 2006 World Cup qualifier a5 the mast forgettable moment of his playing career. Murray Clinches Cincinnati Open Men’s Title Britain's Andy Murray wan the Cincinnati Open an August 22, 2011 in Cincinnati, He defeated Serbia's Sovak Djokovic who retires, injured It was the just the second defeat this year for Djokovic whose victories this Australian Qpen, and Wimbledon Champianships. Pa i a? Andy Murray (Left with Tokowic Murray was already in control and leading 6-4, 3-0 when Djokowic, who had received treatment to his right shoul#er at the end of the first set, called it quits, Somdev will Lead in Davis Cup Somdey Dewvarman will epear- head India’s singles challenge at the Davis Cup World Group playotis against Japan in Tokyo from Sep tember Loe18 The fouremember team announced by the All India Tennis Association has Rehan Bspanna as SS ee ee en a the other singles player, Leander Parcs and Mahesh Bhupathi will team up for the doubles tie of the five-match rubber with SP Misra as the non: playing captain, Karan Rastogi and Vishnu Vardhan have been named reserves, Ramkumar Wins Maiden Tithe Seventeen-year-olt Ramkumar Ramanathan, who is training at Sanchez-y Shershah must have affected an all Sar ork ta an Pd AEA: ee es Ss around improvement in the eoonamie condition of his subjects Land Revenue System Before Akbar The revenue administration under the first two mughal rulers Babur and Humaywn continued to operate as it was under the Sultan af Delhi, After the establishment of the Mughal empire in Indio, territories divided into tie parts (i) Khadsa or the crown land (ii) the Jagins fenjaryer! By some nobles who collected the local revenues out of which they sent a portion to the central exchequer and kept the rest tor themselves), Akbar les to introduce any change in land system ag his oun position remained unstable through out his life-time. It was Shershah Suri, who intervened Between Humayun and Akbar. who provided an excellent land revenue system, Shershah Suri was an experienced and imaginative son of the suil who establishiad direct contact of the state with the cultivators and carried owt land revenwe reforms at the grass roots first of all, he ordered! the measurements of the lands according tu a unilormr standard. The cultivable Land was divided into three categories (a) Good (6) Middling (c) had, The average of these three was taken to determine the produce of the land per bigha Akbar's Revenue System It is quite said that the Shershaty Suri was the forerunner of Akbar in the field of land revenue system Sheeshah laid down the main prine! ples which were followed later oct in the time.ot Akbar. Shershah's system as adopted by Akbar with the necessary attractions, Akbar made elfor's lo improvemeat en the revenue system set up by Shershah. In this he got the assistance from experts like Muffar Khan, Itimad Khan and Raja Todar Mal. During Akbar’s reign total revenue was according to the Ain, amounted to 383 kroms of dams, the land revenue alone: (fron the: 12 subhas in 1575-80) was Rs, 90,744,000. Different systems obtained in different parts of the country before Akbar’s conquest Bolure the appointment of Todar Mal, Akbar carried out a number of experiments with a view to evolving uta rational system of land revenue callection which should not only be enduring but also benefit the peasants as well as the state. ‘Abdul Mazid Aso Khan: wes appointed as the Diwan (Finance Minister) by Akbar. He brought abuut nu change. In 1563 AD he was replaced by Aitmad Khan, He separated the Khalisa Lands (the Lands of the emperor) from the Jagirdari lands) Muzatfar Khan wos appuinted in 156 In place of Aitmad Khon, He appointed ten senior Qanungos and got prepared an exti mate of the total revenne which was called Hal-L-Haeil, The estimate was nut entirely correct. and brought about no useful result. In 1568, Sibiab- ud-din Ahmad Khan replaced hi the Diwan, suught an improvement in the method of preparing the rent- rolls by the introduction of nasy ur Kankut system, According to this method a rough estimate of the pro: duce was made by the government officials ‘Thus, in 1570-71, Muzatiar Khan Turbati, assisted by Raja Todar Mal, prepared a revised assessment of the Jand revenue, “based on estimates framed by the local ganungees and checked by ten superior qaaungoes at headquarters.” Agter Gujarat had been conquered, Todar Mal effected there a regular survey of the land, and the assessment was marke “with reference to the area and quality of the Land.” In 1573, Todar Mal maste his famous systematic survey of all the Lands in Gujarat, which become the basis of his later reforms known as Tudar Mal’s Bandubast.' “There ig no name ia medieval history.’ as a mere mia ee lie A wk iat Important revenue reforms were inteoduces In 1582’, when Todar Mal was appointed the “Diwand-Ashraf’, Hitherto assessments were fixed annually on the basis of production and statistics of current prices, and the demands of the state thus varied from year tm year. It-called tor settle mnent of new mites for conversion of land revenue in to cash. Todar Mal continued a detailed process which iwolved pre stages for fle perma- nent settlement of the agrarian problem to the full satistaction of the state as well as the peasants, these stages were: (i) The measurement of Land, (ii) The classification of land, (ii) Asvessment of the Government demand in kind, (iv) Conversion of the government demand in to cash {i} The Mode of colfection of the land revenue. The briet survey of Raja Todar Mal's land reverme system was as follows :() The Ain-l-Dabsola “len years’ land revenue settlement. (ii) the Zabti system-popularly known alter its founder Raja Todar Mal, became operative in 1582. It was also known as the Royatwari system 1. relation with the cultivators directly, Significant features of Todar Mal’s Dahsala system : Dabsala (ten years measurement of land) system was introduced by Teslar Mal sn 1582 and it was declared as permanent Historians have expressed different upinions regarding this system. Lane pool rightly says that, “there is no name in medieval history more renowned in India to:the present day than that of Tedar Mal and the reasun is that nothing in Akbar’s reforms touched the welfare of the peuple than the great tinical reconstruction at the revenue system.” Abul Fazl praises the Raja for his courage, bravery, loyalty, honesty and tree- dom fram avarice. To quote him, “In fullness of courage, absence of rice, in the performance of service, in diligence and in kill, he was a man who is seldom seen or rather he was incomparable." He wax probally the best and the ablest officer in the service of Akbar, However, the maja> rity of them agree on the folowing features of this system. 1. The measurement of Land: 4) Prior to the introduction of Dahsala, Gaz-LSikandari was used for che purpose of measurement but a ar Akbar introduced Gaz-I-ahi in 1586- 87 AD, (ii) So far, a rope was used for the measurement of land but Raja Tadar Mal Introduced bamboos for this purpose which were joined together with the help of iron rings. (iii) One unit of land wis called bigha which was 60 x 60 yards i 3400 How to Achieve Magnetic Personality D> Personality Promotion: Make Yourself International Scenario Articla Syrian Unrest and Volatile Middle East —Dr. Amresh Chandra Syria continues its crackdown in the second werk of August on pro: demuctacy activists despite protests from US and Arals states. Syrian guvernment has been deting Arab isolation and mounting international anger for the last few months. The wave of Arab unrest that started with the Tunisian revolution of January 2011 reached Syria in mid-March, when residents of 2 Asind annances am amnesty for political priswnars but the opposition deneaanens ik ax tox bitte, tem Leto" June 10; Security foroes oval tr President Bashar al-Assad of Syria dhoved lo-crush opposition in the volalile town of Tier al- Shaughour in the countries restive nosthwest. June 17 : Tens of thousands uf protesters poured into the stseets if Damascus's suburbs and thiee uf Syria's five largest cities, ina weekly duny ul defiance against President Bashar al-Assad © June 20: In his first adsense in ten months, Presiden Basha al-Assad prumined wet hy vs to precwud feu aehiat fie eallod sabottor, bat nifered a national dialogue that he said contd bring change In rhetone at tent, he ciféred a path for change, even ifthe speech licked specifies and delivered somewhat vague desdlives, @ July 4 Biggest demonstraticn since the Syrian uprising began, fens of thuusinds ul proteders gathered in Hasnay a city in cenlral Sysia from which the military and vecurity fusces withdrew in late June. The scenes uf proieste’s pouring Enis a central square in Hama ieemed to maek a new étage in an uprising @ July 6 : The city of Hanna has emerged as a potent challenga is Prnsidant Bashar al-Ansod. Tens af thousands of Syrians parsed ile square that his emerged as a focus a defiance it Hama, Syria's tou tithing city @ July 12: Thr Came administration, after weeks af urging Syria lo eaery uul demucratic reforms and end 4 beutal crackdown, tuumed decisively agains President Asia, saying thal he has lust fegslimacy and that it has ne inierest in Mr. Assad keeping, hhis gripe un power. July 24 :Syrin’s Cabines pawed a draft law alleswing tee formation «politcal parties te work. alemgside the tuling: Baath Party, ut President Bashar al-Awad, a step in’ a bevios of promised: changes that antigewernmont jrrotestcrs have dismissed as superficial anid uses @ July 31 Syrian military and security ferces-sirmed Hama and other restive cities belnre dawn, killing af least PS people in what appeared ty mark the fiereest crarkeruen vel by the grveenment in the four-month old uprising, Lenay. eeeeee 888 @ Aug? hutbeds uf the aniiquvermenc uprising, Risla, an important ally wf Syria, signaled mew sapepsirt adtion, Hal isithdlew ile ambbonsadur to Damascus, ond the hip United Nalions righis official waned Wwottehing! thee devekapnert @ Aug. 3 Ignuring global condemnation, Syria ordered its mililaryte shan Hama aller three days of shelling. In New York, the Security Council breke its protracted impasse uver responding tu the blowdy aepeessioa, isssiing, ibs first deminciation uf the ‘viulence since the uprising began and putting the anus on Peexident Bashar al-Assd’s cegime. © Aug. 6: The Syrian maliiary forces that julled inte the robelliows city af Hama occupied Ux extra square killed emote thant 1K) peuple in a sinighe day: Miitary horees further teghtened their wegen the Gly of Hama, © Aug.7 The Sysian military detied paowing imemational sundemnation and initiamnd an attack un another city, Deir al-Zour ineastem Syria, deploying deoens of tanks and armored vehicles. Dosrens of peuple werr killed and thousands had fle al-Zuni, like the besieged sity of Hanta, has been the scene uf mass protest, with hundreds uf thassends demonsteating in the streets. The two cities have been the mwel defiant during the fiveamonth upstsing @ Ang. 12% Dotying growing iniemational condemnation, Syxan security forces continue tele bloody crackdown ony anti- government protesters orress the country. The US Serretary of Stabe has urged atl countries ta eutsheie politiral and cevewanie lies with Syria. Hillary Clintan's comments came os large anti-government paiiests continued, despite «harsh army ‘crackalonen. \yrla's diphimiatic izolation deepened in the aftesmath of the intense military assaulvan the city af Hama and other possible Security Council Syria thal ‘the world is maar he tr dnae ThA TicEe. Taare ae aa ee es al et ee at up t. 50,000 rockets and missiles, including some 40 to 50 Fateh-110 iles capable of reach Axiv and mast of Israel, and 10 Scud-1 missiles. “Syria's determined support of Hirbollah’s military build-up, particularly the steady supply of longer-range rockets and the intro- duction of guided missites could change the military balance. The Hariri Case Intricate the Problem Further Alse looming is potential new trouble in Lebanon, where a United Nations-becked intematioaal tribunal is expected to indict members of Hizbollah in the death of Mr. Hariri Hizbollal and its allies—including igh-ranking Syrian officials —have warned that an indictment could set off civil conflict, The United States withdrew its ambassador in 2005 after Me, Hariri was killed in a car bombing in Beirut ules with 22 others. Syria wan widely accused of having orchestrated the killing, though it has vehemently denied involvement. The Bush adininistra- tion imposed economié sanctions on Syria, as part of a broader effort to isulate the government of President Bashar al-Assad The curcent chill is « significant change from the situation a few years ago, when Mr. al-Assad showed signs of wanting warmer relations with the West than his father, Hafez al-Assad, had ever pursued. President Niculas Sarkory of France bed the way with a visit in September 2008. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who was said to be furious at the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, wel- comed him warmly in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, in March 200% And Prime Minster Eud Olmert of Israel hinted at a revival of talks on the Golan Heights —a prospect that faded when Mr. Olmert wax succeeded hy the more conservative Benjamin Netanyahu How Different Syrian Crisis has been ? Had pratests in Syria follawed a patlern similar to Egypt's—where a strong youth movement, with peiar experience of protests, rapidly took control af the symbolic centre of Cairo and reached ut to other Protesters throughout the country or Tunisia’s—where nots ia under- privileged provinces quickly were echoed in the capital thanks to a relatively vibrant civil society—the regime mright have met an identical fate. As experienced broad cross- section of society was deeply dis- satisfied, and even the security services were frustrated with the status quo, ‘The power structure, largely hollowed out, was poised to collapse. Arguably, the regime's greatest strength lay in the fact that the Syrian peaple did nat realize baw ‘weak it was. The Syrian uprising took an altogether different path. Demo- nstrators at first tentatively pushed the limits, progressively raised their demands and only gradually expanded the protest movement to most towns and cities across the country. This in turn created a dynamic that ditfered markedly from the Egyptian and Tunisian prece- dents, The regime seized: upon the relatively small number af protester to argue that it retained legitimacy the eyes of the silent majority; took advantage of their concentration ia the: puirince ie deans tea as isolated phenamena and as a threat to vested interests in the capital; exploited sectarian fault lines to stoke popular fears and rally security services that are predominantly from. the Allawite minority; and took advantage of the radicalization of some elements of the protest move- ment to disparage it as a whole. Finally, the relatively slow pace of events gave the regime time to adjust, shifting, from all-out repression ta somewhat more suphisticated (albeit still brutal) means of control and fram outright political denial tm a belated refurm process In so deing, the regime conso- Lidates a minimal base of support among, those Syrians who feared the consequences of ite collapse. Yet, the protest simultaneously and steadily grew, largely a sesult of the autho- rities’ mix of uninhibited brutality, sectarian manipulation, crude pro- paganda and grudging concessions, all of which convinced many othe: that no fundamental change would oceur as long as the regime survived. Predominantly socie-econom! grievances became outright political demands that soon boiled down to toppling the existing power structure. For the most part, this shift was of the regime's own making, as it engaged in a slow-mation suicide, Today it faces a daunting dual legacy that might well provoke its demise: its long-standing domestic mismanage- ment, for which there are ne quick fixes, and it more recent gross mishandling of the ensuing unrest, which has precipitated 2 deep crisis ot confidence, International Community's Role and Response Unlike in Tunisia and Egypt, where events were too sudden and unexperted to invulve significant international involvement, the Syrian crisis had every reason to draw in outside players. Besides the fact that the uprising has now lasted for months, Damascus stands at the crossroads of several critical strat issuet: the Arab-Israeli conflict; the struggle over Iran's regional influence; the inter-Arab cold war; Turkey's emerging role; and, more generally, the balance of power in a region that, arguably tor the first time in its contemporary history, is devoid of any clear organizing paradise. For Israel and the U.S, in parti- cular, the stakes are huge. The regime's collapse would significantly hurt its allies, whether Lran, Hizbollah or Hamas, possibly auguring a pro- found shift in the regional strategic balance of power far more significant than a policy of sanctions or pressure inst Tehran could possibly bring about. Popular seatiment almost certainly would cemain — pro- Palestinian, anti-Israeli and probably anti-American, but the ripple effects across the region would be vast, The effect on Hizboltah arguably would be most visible and immediate. Iran might well continue to supply the resistance movement with arins by air or by sea, but the flow inevitably would be curtailed, making it more difficult for Hizbollaly to sustain its current military posture, deter an Israeli attack or restock in the event of an actual armed confrontation Although it enjoyed broad and genuine popular backing within Syria, where the need to resist pe cvived Israeli and U.S. hegemony is widely shared Hizboflah’s blanket ay Adorsement of the regime when it racked dawn on its own: population onsiderably lessens the adds that uture rogime would provide the ame level of support. Yet, despite nese considerations and although the egime feorn the outset claimed it was a foreign conspiracy, what is tiking is how little international ressure there has been France and EU, which had been ¢ the forefront of engagement with ria, quickly gave up on the regime md pushed for EL sanctions on rian officials inv gencral and Assad 8 particular. President Nicolas arkozy’s taste for flashy beadership, be recont embarrassment caused by race's Belated and less than nthusiastic reactions to the Tunisi ad Egyptian revolutions, the super nature of Franco-Syrian rela- jons—a partnership that produced ow political or cconaric dividends, od widespread frustration among pme French officials at a rappraches nent that was enticely dinected tram he Elysée—all contributed tu the udden volte-lace. Other EL? govera- nents slowly follewed in France's cotsteps, ‘The Arab League issucd a meck latement condemning repression sly belatedly: in June, 2 selatively moderate comment by its secretary eneral, which expressed concern at he ‘great tumult’ in Syria, stood out uiliciently to draw a strong rejoinder rom Damascus On August 9, 2011 yrian President Bashar al-Assad aced renewed pressure to end his avernment’s deadly five-month rackdawn against protesters hrec Arab countries withdrew their mbassadors trom Damascus and ‘urkey said it was preparing to send ‘decisive’ message tu its neighbour. audi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain realled their envoys; a day ater wrinn troops backed by tanks killed nore than TC people in assaults an pwns across the country, The Arab gue and the Gulf Couperation ‘vuncil condemned Assud’s policies, rging him to meet demands for alitical change, ‘Turkey, a country that has ssumed a pivotal cule in Bashar's nternational strategy, adopted an neremental approach, As the crisis roke aut, it came out strangly in favour of reform, gave the regime the benefit of the doubt and sent technical delegations as tate as the end of April, But, iredging its bets, it alsn was relatively quick tn engage the opposition. Turkey expressed impationce at the slow pace of reforms, criticized Assad’s third speech as insuificient, yet appeared to tolerate extensive Syrian military operations against alleged armed groups along the hander, Still, here is Tittle doubt that Amkara's patience is running short; ever the pragmatic aetor, i will know i and when to shift stances, as it did in the Libyan Israel and the U.S, Some of the more curious and intriguing reactions came (rom Israel and the US. At the outset, neither appeared eager to support or push for the regime's downfall, despite the potentially extensive strategic payoff involved In part, this reflected a beliet that its sollapse was highly unlikely and thus that they would have to cantinue to live with Bashar anyway, feracl, tor all its complaints, also had became used tw stability on its Syrian border which, many officials are quick to remark, has been the most stable and quiet of all its Arab borders since 1973, What is more, a eegime collapse could have unpredictable consequen- ces, potentially leading ty a civil war and the targeting of Syria's many minority groups, and Christians included—regional instability, spill- over inte fragile neighbouring coun tries and, possibly, a takeover by 2 more militant Islamist current that might adopt an openty belligerent attitude toward Israel, Overall, the 5, saw reason to tread cautiously, all the mare so since it felt that a more openly hostile attitude could well play into regime hands, allowing: it to invoke an international conspiracy and mobilise domestic support on an agenda Until recently, the administration had refrained from declaring Assad ‘illegitimate’, a move many within ‘ian opposition and protest movement urged it to take, In response ta the attack by regime supporters against the US, embussy, that changed. On 11 Juty, Secretary of Stare Hillary Clinton was the first to state that Bashar hid “lost legitimacy’ that was followed the next day by President Obama who asserted; "You're secing President Asesad lose legitimacy in the eyes af his peaple” Syria undoubtedly presents a conun- drum for the intemational commu- ty. Tools are limited, Military inter- vention would be exteemely risky and given the potential tar civil war in Syria and an expanded contlict region-wide highly inadvisable Besides, the protracted Libyan con Hlict coming atop the Iraqi experience slearly has diminished any appetite for another military adveamee. Sanctions have been imposed and. wisely, have remained relatively narrowly focused on regime-affiliatedt persons; going beyond that would theeaten te harm ordinary civilians, an outcome that almost certainly would be counterproductive, as nessed in Iraq AUN Security Couneil resulu- tion denouncing regime practices potentially could inereaee pressure on the regime and accentuate its isola tion) however, it would be essentially ‘of symbolic value and, in any event, cettorts to that end deployed by France aad the Lik, with US barking, have been stymied. Stark splits remain between members who argue that the Security Counc cannot sit idly by and those who pssert that NATO has far exereded its mandate under Security Council Resolution 1973 authorising the use of foroe ia Libyes and voice concern that a Syria resolution could be a first step toward a similar escalation. In this pursuit UN. Security Council on Sth August 2011 has condemned the Syrian government for its deadly crackdown on protes- ters, Ins the first clear condemnation ued by the Security Council, which includes longstanding allies of Syria auch as Russia, The statement wes adopted aver the fears of some members that any action could lead to Libya-style intervention. It eames as the Syrian army attacks Hama, a centre of opposition protest, with reports of much loss of lite In Summation : disorder in Syria could spread beyond its borders— either naturally, or by dint of regime efforts, he: tug, of war betwever reyirme nd protesters has taken on the ppearance of o prolanged stalemate The protest movement has grow but has hud ditticuley th critical threshold-—namely, reaching, Damascus. The regime has scteled into pattern of continued repression and the promise af reform that, it hopes, might help it gradually regain control, but its loss of credibility and the degree of popular opposition make its victory highly unlikely. Stil, thot both sides are encountering ifticn! wn the status o-can Jong be sustained erossi next, does not mi The economy Is experiencing, a sever crisis; as discussed, its collapse could well precipitate the regime's Alternatively, the power structure might crumble from within, as the security services reack the conclusion that they must detend what can be detended—Allawite villages where their families already have sought refuge rather than what ronnet—a power structure that offers demise fockar oe fealshc prospect that will prevail, Hand when this momet arnives and the regime falls, Syrians will have ne option but to start almost enticely from scratch. A weak and demoralised army, whose the current crisis hax carned it ng respect, cannot constitute the bad bong of an emerging stale. The police are notoriously corrupt and unpopular, as is the justice system x a whole, Elected members of Parlia ment are wholly unrepresentative Much of the opposition in exile will remain distrusted by those whe stayed in: Within Syria there are ne pre-existing, fully-tledged political parties. Ethnic and sectarian fault lines run deep in a highly divided society. With powerful and, 0 far, determined security services, teeble state inst le sacial structures, a stark conteas: with Egypt and Tunisi where weak regimes consisted with felatively strong states in terme of their institutions and relatively strong societies in terme of their degree of cohesion and organisation. Reacting, to this reality, many ebservers have Comchincesd Cat ceil war ns Gee iret likely outcome in the event of the regime's fall We are at a dangerous cross- roads. The geupolitical implications are far-reaching. Syria has borders with Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq, It spreads across the valley of the Euphrates; it is at the exosseaads of major wate ways and pipeline routes. So any solution diplomatic or mili requires great deal ot balancing on many frosts. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad loves the aft-quoted dictum attributed to former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger that there can be no war without Egypt and no peace without Syria the Middle East. Now, NATO is planning a military campaign against Syria to help overthrow the regime af President Bashar al-Assad with a sreaching. goal of preparing a phead for an attack on. Lean definitely immense seruiny and decp pondering because disorder in Syria could spread beyond its borders—either naturally, er by dint of regime eins, UPKAR’S RBI OFrIcrRs GRADE ‘B EXAMINATION (For Phase: Code No, 443 It Contains _® Previous Years’ Solved Papers General Awareness e English Language | © Quantitative Aptitude k ® Test of Reasoning By : Dy Lal & Jain Price : 7 350/- Exam, Date 18 Dew, 2 Rs. 75 pr eC es LLL Ft & ts 76h" UPKAR PRAKASHAN, AGRA~282002 | fe Website : sw upharin ) @ E-mail exw upkaria PPeeisher!201 eee small are pha. Upkar Prakashan, AGRA-2 @ Website : wunuphar ee ela dh Social Exclusion and Political Violence in North-East —Dr. Dhanabir Laishram In India many scholars are aiking about inclusive ccanemic growth without studying social exclusion, The term ‘social exclusion’ is of relatively recent origin and comes across so often in the con tem~ porary political discourse, But Lenoir, writing about a quarter ot a century ago, is given credit of authorship of the expression, The notion has, however, already made substantial inroads inte the discus sions and writings on poverty and deprivation, There is 4 large and tapidly growing literature on the subject, A good numbers of pioncer- ing investigators as William Petty Gregory King, Francois Quesaay, Antione Lavoisier, Joseph Louis Lugrance and others are working fur illuminating and insightful intro- duction to the literature, Even scholars are confined to stu concept in Aristotelian perspective and Adam Smith’s views (mainly wa poverty, and capability deprivation) The concept of “Social exclu: in social science literature is also of recent origin. Social exclusion is a complex and avultidimensional eon- cupt having social, cultural, political and economic ratmifications, These dimensions are interwaven. The rela- tions of social exclusion can. be differentiated in several ways. One can tilk of systemic or constitutive exclusion which is inbuilt in hierar chical social system, It excludes certain communities front interaction and access to social resources through socal, polities) andeconomic arrange- ments, In the discussion of diversity of exelusion, it is particularly important to recognise the diverse ways in which speial exclusion ean cause deprivation and poverty; some examples are inequality and rela. tivaal povery. Labour market exclusions, credit market evelusians, gender-related inequality, health care and food and: povesty. PO Getaber!201 L660 exclusion and. Instead of coming tp epistemo- logy, we Rave better to come in practical reason. The challenge of practical reason gocs beyond that into. policy implications of that under- stinding, The question there takes the form of asking how fo improve policymaking, in hight of the uader- standing generated by studies of social exclusion, As far as practical reason of social exclusion is concerned, we have needed to address the tve basic issues, First, the world in which we live is not w stationary one; it is changing—often quite rapidly. Here is better tovcite Sen that the forces of ‘globalisation’ are bringing new gronps of peuple into ecanom sucial and cultural contact with cack other. Aceording to him “Globalisa- fiom is both a threat (especially to traditional ways of earning and living) and an enormous opportunity {especially in providing new ways of being prosperous and altluent)", The lity af people to use the po prospects depends on their not being, exeluded from the effective oppar- tunities that globalisation offers such as new patterns of exchange, new goods fa produce, new skills to develop, new techniques of produc: tion te use, and soon", Second, while exclusion is one route to capability tuilure and poverry what may be called ‘unfavourable inclusion’ can also be a considerable danger. Indeed, many problems of steprivation arise trom unfavourable terms. of i n and adverse porticipation, rather than what can be sensibly seen primarily as a case of exclusion as suey, For example, when there are reasons to complain about ‘exploitative’ conditions of employ- ment, of of deeply ‘unequal’ terme of social participation, the immediate focus is met on exclusion at all, but om the favourable nature vf the inehu- sions invel include ‘exclusion from equitable inclusion’ or even ‘exclusion from hus “exelusion’ can cptable arrangements of inchs sion’, Social exdusion not only gene ates tension, vialence and disruption but also perpetuates Inequality are deprivation in Society. Overcoming ‘exclusion’ constitutes the most che mentary pre-requisite for the building of a democratic society, This concers is the centre of out Constitution Indian Constitution provides equality to all citizens irrespective o caste, creed, region and gender. | also directs the State to take varivu: measures to remowe the dilferen forms of discrimination, inequality and thereby help to eradicate socia exclusion, Without attaining thi abjective, an integrated and Unitec Nation cannot be built om a sounc footing, The potentialities and limita tions of such protective measure need ty be studied carefully. by shor Wwe have democratic institution with out democratic polities. Suck: deme cratic deticits Create more and more political violence in India including our North-East ‘So in this paper. my propositier 4 that the genesis of political Vinlenes is social exclusion and fragile state People of North-East aretalking abou periphery from the centre and ever one could find periphery within the periphery in the region, It creates voluminous uf internal contradiction as S| Him character, But both the Governments dida’t try to eccupy the middle space by providing social economic and political justice instead they have been using carrot and stich measures in order to suppress the political aspiration of the masses Therefore still the question raised by the people that what the people entitle to and what they receive. The answer should not be the politics © peace without goad space of politica and economic accurmodation. Another issue is the relationstj between economic incentive and political incentives. Many economi “lf don't care to belemg 40 club that sceects people Hke me as members.” ERs Pea rae See ee ee economic incentives (which the mar- ked system provides} while ignoring political incentives dishich democratic system could guarantee), However, econumic inceatives, important as they are, are not sarbstitute for politi- incentives, and the Iacuna of the absense of an adequate system of political incentives cannot be filled the operation af economic induc ment. Se we are tacing the problem at economic growth without social oquity. That means one may address the issue of gous! governance, which was not in our mind from the time that ciforts began to develop the emuntry (India), No ene cuuld ignore the importance of good governance to the study of social exclusion and political violene It is not right assumption to vilify our people as he is naturally inattentive and always indifferent from the political system. The main reasoa 1s that (f they can’t get both the values (political and economic values}, they are compelled to indif: ferent at any cust, But these are not their faults. These are because of an inaumerable number of the mst dreadéul mistakes have been made by our ruling elites since more than last ity years of our independence, ‘These are important factors for coming up political viglenoe in the region So it is imperative to see some I viglenee in North Violence and it's Political Measures Many of che conilicts in the post Cold War are intrast conflicts or internal in nature, rather than inte state. This was witnessed in Samal Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Liberia and even in North-East India Rece events indicate that this trend may continue. There has also been a cuncomitant change in the nature of threat which often Is a diverse set uf actors including non-state actors and militias increasingly involved in a conflict, The best example in India is North-East. This is due-to the recogni- tion that in the absence of a long-term effort aimed at sustainable political, cconomic and social reconstruction, the conflicts ane generally to continue Another important issue is the imposition of new mation state to the bid socie 40, MOCern States are increasingly using vielen! methods berause they want to bring about political integration of the country as well as to hasten the process of economic development. The state is an institution of society and its prime function is to bring about social and political inte gration of the people. Ancient and medieval states allowed to co-exis- tence of multiple autonomous po cal authorities. The modern state wants to establish its total authority over people and the territory under its jurisdiction. In every staie, there exist distinet cultural and ethnic adesine of every state cul groups and it authority to amalgamate thes tural groups into a single political unit under a single central authority. Historically, this proves has, with a very tew exceptions, been one of the extreme. viglenee which has varied from the physical murder of whole sectinns of cultural minorities tu thelr forced deportions, their force reli- gious and cultural conversion and large scale population transters. Thi violence has been exercised by st on their ows citizens oF those it claims are its citizens and violence has been emplayed as an instrument of policy, The purpose of this policy was to extend state's political authority upon those who for oae reason or another do not accept its authority as legitimate. People take necou ree to violence ae a last resort, they decide to use violeace ut vielen! methods when they think that their survival as a community is at stake and unless they fight against it, they will have to have suffered no end. Normally, people exhaust legally availoble avenues to get their grievances redressed. But if the logal methods to deliver goods, people take to states of North-East are late-comers into the mainstream of India. The regiun is periphery end marginalized one, The Gol and its successive governments neglect the reglon since independence of India (19M), So the crux of the problem is people have democratic institutions but there is no democratic politics, Peoples are crying re-cesigaing and re-defining ee. Pace ee emerging, conflict or pol is associated with te-invention of their own constitutions. The centre of all these arguments is related. with democratic deficits During the last decades befure batkaniration of Assam, North-East has experienced crucial transtorme: tion in various domains of its political existence. Many! movements wert launched to eliminate King’s right The formation of state as a part o Indian Union, active participation of people for changing monarchy te people representative: government, have brought significant changes in the attitude of the masses as political actors with participant — political culture; Hut the government response of spoon feeding of both economy and political status creates accumu: lated discontentment to the masses. Even it is treated just like colonies Su there is contradiction in between oppressor and oppressed people by conceiving the set of ideas 46. in the process of recolonisation and decal fisation The question of identity asso ciated with territory demanded by each of the ethnic army in North-East is architected by the Gol, In the early days of India’s Independence, the option given by the Government ta all the princely independent states that either merges to India ot Pakistan or remains 23 Independent country, For merger the Government directed to menge as group for North, East states. $0 the formation of Purborchal states and Eastern Border Frontiers were declared because far the formation of state there should be large population and territory. But these were reacted by the people mainly from Manipur. During that Kime Manipur was independent aad having constitutional monarchy. That means the relationship between India and Manipur is just bke fread and friend. For Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh were separated from Assam and born by India as its poms, the stats, So, each of the ethnic group tied to launch cross border ethnicisation with territories, The same formula was applied by Phigo and still that is being applied by other ethnic groups Coadinned on Page 675 Eick aariabdhedin dc ik tee aie” ictibseih “Rca dtoes “team Gabba tee) cin cree oar chin ial as India-Africa Ties : An Emerging Strong Partnership —C.P. Chandan India's relation with Africa is act aaly about tade, investment and exploitation uf the continent's rich entaped mineral wealth, but also it has. a strong political content. The ties emphasize allround growth in infra- structure, human resource develup- ment, expansion uf agriculture and capacity building to lay strong, fous fone of future prosperi The Prime Minister of India Dr Manmohan Singh has unveiled a slew af initiatives to help African mations build local capabilities, continuing the Indian strategy of treading, sotthy on a continent where there is a scramble fier natural resources, Open- ing the second two-day India-Africa summit in the Ethinpian capital of Adidis Ababa on May 24, be pledged 2 $5 billion fine of credit for develop ment Initiatives and an additional $700 million fer education and skill Jevelopment in Atrea, The $5 billion credit line will be for three years. India also announced a decision to establish an India-Africa Virtual University which would help meet ome of the demands in Atriea for higher studies in Indian institutions. Gttering to increase the number of raining positions for Africa, the Prime Minister said, 22,009 African students would benetit trom India scholarships over the next three years. As for infrastructure, Dr. Singh announced $ 300 million Indian support tor the development of a new railway line from landlocked Ethiopia 10 Djibouti, linking Addis Ababo with dhe port uf Djibouti, The last time train ran from Addis Ababa to the Red Sea port nation was in 2007 A eubstantial chunk of the credit line $200 million—will be to support the development of « new Ethio-Dyiboutl railway line linking Addis Ababa and the port of Djibouti, Many African countries “have vast stretches of unutilized agricul- meal land, but dhe population does ED healers 201 Like? not get enough to eat. The Indian Goverment and entrepreneurs are trying ta remove this deficiency with New Delhi providing farming machinery and expertise and private cultivation purposes. As the Second Summit's hast and Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi tld Prime Minister Dr, Singh: that his country has 3 million hectares of unutilized Jand which it wants to lease out for growing food, An Indian investor hod already been given a lease at 300,000 hectares. in Gambela provinoe to grow maize. Indian companies were welcome to develop this land and, avail of the facilities. His dis- missed talk of Indian companies ‘land grabbing’ in his country as misinére- med as everything was transparent Me sought larger Indian investment to develop the country. In 200 ut the first India-Adrica Summit in New Delhi India had announced a § 5-4 billion fine of credit, But much of it remains uautilised. Indis-Africa trade, which is about $45 billlon naw, bs expecied to reach $75 billion by 2015. Among the major grape with operations in Atrica ane mobile phane service provider Airtel. the Tata group, the Essar group, Reliance Industries, BHEL and sot ware training company NIIT, Other companies such as Bharti, Tatw International, Pun) Lloyd, Jindal and Karturi Global, amoag others have now begun building upsn their investment plans. business Libya Issue in Declaration The issue of Libya was discussed during the IndiasAtrico summit I where India completely backed the efforts taken by the African Union to deal with the situation peevailing in North Africa. India had carlier said, imposition of no-ily zone over Libya should be resorted to only atter the reports by the African Union repre ative and UN Security General's enway on the round situation, The Government had then strongly come down on the French decision to strikes. The declaration egorically condemned the use of force in Libya and asked the warring, sides to abide by UNSC resolutions. Taking note of the UNSC resolutior 1970 and 1973 on Libya, the declara tion siresied that efforts to implarnent them should be within the spirit and Jotters of those resolutions, Tine Prime Minister of ladia has already expressed strony reservations against intervention by toveign forces to oust the Libyan strongman, While India fully supported he S3-nation African Union position on Libya and called for a political rather than a military solution through dialogue, the AU supported India's bid for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council, AU chairman and co-chair man of the India-Africa Summit, Teadoru Obiang Ngnuema Mhasogo pledged support for India’s bid for a permanent seat in tho UNSC Historical Background India-Airica relation dates back to ancient times. During the period ef European colonialism these links were strengthened as both cegions shared colonial masters, After India got independence in 1847. the first Prime Minister PL Jawaharlal Nehru had supported the struggle in Africa, which was supple mented by the Non-Aligned Move: ment during the Cold War. Pt, Nehru had also observed that though separated by the Indian oean, Africa is ina sense our next door neighbour. India's growing relations with Atrica are a reflection of changes. in its foreign policy since tise mid-1905. Over the last decade or more India has been pursuing a policy of engaging all regions @f the workd, It has wooed the countries of East Asia with its ‘Look East’ policy, establi- shed diplomatic relations with Israel, anti-colualal ermine Madame nice aia hale A ait a a ca ia tee aa entered into a strategic dialogue with the United States, reworked its rela- tons with China and has also endeavoured to re-establish linkages with South American countries. As part of its current foreiga policy approuch, India has also started looking at building relations with African countries The First India-Africa Forum Summit, April 8-9, 2008 The first India-Africa Forum Summit held at New Delhion April 8, 2008 in which representative from India and 14 African countries Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, the Demo: cratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Senegal. Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Zambia and South Attica. Of these, 10 African countries were represented by their heads af state, as well as by the current and future chairs of the African Union Commission. Two documents were signed in the summit—the Delhi Declaration and the Africatndia Framework fer Cooperation. ‘The former identified areas of common interest to India and Africa, inclucling United Nations relorm, climate change, food and security, pandemirs, coopera tion at the World ‘Frade Organisation (WTO) and international terrorism, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh spoke: at the opening of th summit and noted that the summ marked a “new chapter in the long history of civilisational contacts, friendship and cooperation between India and Africa", Dr. Singh pledged to provide over $ 500 million in development grants to Africa over the next 54 years, as well as to double India’s line of credit tu the region to $ 54 billion. Singh also nnounced a Duty Free Tariff Pre ference Scheme for Least Developed Countries, under which India had to provide prefezential market access tor exports from 50) of the world’s least developed countrics, including 34 countries in Africa, The scheme had tu cover 4% of India’s total tarifi lines. He also proposed the establish- ment of am India-Africa Volunte Corps to address development issues in beth regions, and doubling student scholarships for African students ie India, Trade The trade relation with Africa has immense potential and the 18 heads of state who attended the Second India-Afriea summit on May 24 agreed that more should be dene to boost trade and commerce exchanges. Trade between India and Africa in 2010 was over $ 46 billion and is expected to reach $ 70 billion by 2015. But some participants feel that a higher target was feasible. ‘The basket of exports is now being diversified with Africa exporting minerals, hydrocarbons, copper ore, precigas aad semi-precious stanes, cotter, coconut and nuts ete. India, the world’s longest of cough dia monde, sources mast of what it requires from Africa, South Africa and Mauritius among others are main investors to, India, While Mauritius is the largest offshore investor in India, South Airica accounts (ur two-thirds of Africa's exports to India, Qre and metals continue to dominate India’s imports from Atrica, although uranium may emenge as an increas~ ingly important resource from the region, as India expands its elvilian nuclear programme. Besides, given that imports account for more than two- thirds of India's oll consumption and that its energy demands are expected to double by 2030, acconding to the International Energy Agency, India is looking to Aftica to meet its growing, energy consumption needs. Recently, India completed « $200 million pipeline project that links Khartours and Port Sudan on the Red sea. Itis also negotiating with Chad, Niger and Angola. Recently, ina strategic move to acquire down- stream assets abroad, Reliance industries acquired a majority stake in the managerent and control of an East Africa based oil retail distri- bution compeny, Gulf Atries Petro- feum Corporation (GAPCO), GAPOO ‘owns storage depots all over East and Central Africa and operates terminals in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. the fact India exports constitute a wide variety of products including cotton, iron, steel nuclear reactors, machi- nery, mechanical appliances ete. Insta has committed itself to a duty-free preterential tariff scheme tor 4 least developed countries, of which 33 are in Africa African trade with India is $ 660 million, which is peanuts compared to overall trade. Mr. Zenwi was less concerned about the contents of the peanuts than about the fact that these re peanuts. He said, “It is a capacity for trade that we lack and this is what India is helping Ethiopia to develop thvough its investments" Cumulative Indian investments in Africa are around $ 9 billion and are expected to rise dramatically in the coming years. The Second India-Africa Forum Summit, May 24-25, 2010 ‘The Second AfricaIndia Forum Summit took place in Addis Ababs— the capital of Ethiopia—from May 24-25, 2011 which was co-chaired by Indian Prime Minister Tir, Manmohan Singh, Chair of African Univa Jean Ping and President of Equatorial Guinea, ‘Teodoro Obiang Ngnucma Mhasogo. Representatives of 15 African countries—Algeria, Burundi Chad. Egypt. Ethiopia, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Namibia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Swaziland. This surncnit is also known as Addis Ababa deelarativn in wich 32-point declaration adopted, Africa and India agreed to com: tinue their cooperation in the follow. ling area = 41) Economic — Coaperation— Both Africa and India reiterated the mutual desire to expand economic cooperatiua and trade and invost- ment linkages between them. Reco nizing that trade and investment between Africa and India have increased, Africa and India agreed te take further measures to continue to create a positive ambience for such enhanond flows. Adriea has also ettes: tively utilized concessional financial flows from India to Africa. tor supporting the development of its infrastructuie, industry and secviers. 4a) Agriculture—Both the eoun- tries reaffirmed their commitment to cooperate for increasing agricultural output and achieving the Millennium Development Goal of halving. the suffer trem hunger and malnutrition by 2015. (b} Trade, Industry and Invest ment—Both Africa and India recognized that enhanced trade and economic Linkages would further epatribute to sustainable growth and economic development in both Atrira and India and welcomed the contr. bution by Indie ts build value addi- tion and processing facilities in Africa. Africa valued private investment and financial tows on a conerssional basis, which have been received {rom India and wishes te enhance their usage for building its infrastructure and enhancing the capacity of Africa tn increase ifs exports {o) Small and Medium Enter- prises (SMEs)—Africa is moving towards eapid industrialization Small, medium and micro enterprises affer significant avenues tor support ing industriaiization, generating cinployment and enhancing tacal capacities. Institutional support for the development of SMEs in Atriea will be provided through the voca tional training centres offered by Inia (d) Finanee—India has made a commitment to provide financial assistance for African countries in the true spirit of South-South Coopera- tian. Besides the gramts for esta- blishiny capacity buslelin, in Africa, there was an institutions mportent commitment far concessional lines of credit to support the economic deve- lopment of African courmaies end for vegional integration fe) Regional Integration—Both the countrics reiterated the impor- tance uf the Regional Economic Com- munities in Africa and their contri~ ution to eeenomic integration within themselves and in Africa, India has: an important engagement with dhe Regional Eeonomic Communities of Africa as part of ite multi-tiered cooperation (2) Political Cooperation—Both Africa and India agreed te intensify political cooperation. Their commen endeavour will be by continue # strive for peace and secu harmonigus policies will allow the fructification of the cahanced agenda of cooperation currently agreed upon, la) Peace and Security—Alrica and India agreed to continue there lose eonperatin, inctuding through regular consultations at the United Nations, at the Alrican Union and in New Delhi. Both will wark towards an early operationalisation of the African’ Standby Force through special training, programmes. fb) Civil Society and Gover- nance—Africa and India recognized the importance of democratic pover- nuance and of promoting and protecting human rights. They aleo recognized the importanar of decen: tralization, the promotion of local government and the need to streng- then the institutions of parliamentary democracy and elections. 13) Cooperation in Seience, Technology, Research and Develop- ment—Atrica and India agreed to intensity cooperation Science and Technology, Information and Com munication Technology. {4) Coaperation in Social Deve- lopment and Capacity Building the successtil utilization of the ITE programme offered by India has bee 2 manifestation of the South-South Cooperation that effectively exists between Africa and India, India is committed to their enhancement Africa has beon appreciative of the 21 mew capacity building institutions whtteh India is in the prucess of establishing in Africa in diverse sectors. India alsy remains committed te further enbancement of this approach of building African capa- sin Attica, Both countries will continue to work together to increase exchanges in education, health, water and sani- tation, culture and sports and poverty eradication through innovative new programmes as well ax cammit themselves to ctfestive implemen tation of programmes agreed upon earlioe in the Action Plan far the Framework of Cooperation, (5) Cooperation in Health, Cul- lure and Sports—Airica and India reaffirmed their commitment to enhanoe collaboration ia the Helds of health, culture and sports, (6) Cooperation in Tourism—As neighbours across the Indian Ocean, Africa and India are in favour of pro between the countries of Adriew and India and tu increase the level of popular exchanges connectivity remain important areas which could provide economic beng fits and also contribute to enbance mutual understanding, Arica and India thervtore, agree to strengthen partnership with the private sector especially, travel agencies, hotels, airlines and othey turism celated establishments, as well as dhe media, and take other necessary steps that ‘will enable harmonization of policies and nosms in turism with a view te advancing tourism development between the twa sides. Tourism and (7) Cooperation in Infrastruc- ture, Energy and Environment Both Africa ond India reiterated their commitment to focus an ts intea- Structure, energy and environment, particularly in the context of sustain able development as important areas of cooperation. They dedicate themselves tu fulfilling programmes established under the Action Plan and tn look at enhaaced engagement in areas such as the continental NEPAD-Identified infrastructure projects and PIA, particularly with regard to increasing financial flows fo these: sectors. This will provide & better environment for greater invest ment in these sectors, They ageoed ta cooperate in the area of environment, including desertification and support for Atrica’s Great Green Wall project. (8) Couperations in the Area of ‘Media and Communications—A‘rica and India agreed to promute a larger number of visits between African and. Indian editors and journalists, acade- mirians, scholars and civil society representatives, ca that clocor inter action envisaged in this Feamowork for Enhanced Cooperation can be ably diseeminated. In this respect. consideration will be giver to the training of African media personnel with w view to Capacity building and improving, their skills Without prejudice to India's on going and future programmes at dhe Bilateral, REC and other levels, it was agreed te jointly revise, within a period of six months, the Joint Flan at Action to fuily reflect the Mfrica-Indi Framework for Enhanced Cuoper tion. ss SE Fundamental Rights —Arunoday Bajpai We cannot imagine a demneratic polity without granting and imple- menting certain fundamental rights to citizens. Since India gat indepon- dence frum the long repressive colo- nial rule.gur Constitution-makers hid deep taith in the liberties and rights of people, The British Rule, if any- thing. was based on the denial of certain basic liberties and freedums to Indians. ‘Therefore, it was logical that the demand for fundamental rights was even raised during the British rule in India. The first Constitution prepared bylindians, known as Nehru Report, 1928, made the provisions for certain hindamental rights to citizens, ‘The idea of fundamental rights was reiterated in the resolution passed by the Congress durins, its Karachi Session held in 1930 However, the British government was reluctant to grant those rights to Indians which they themselves cherished at home. Alter independence, the Consti- tution makers attached duc impor: tance to fundamental rights, as a Separate committee was constituted to prepare the draft of the fundaeontal rights provision, The Fundamental Rights of American Constitutinn also inspired Indian Constitution makers. Ht should be noted that the first ten amendments in the US Constitution were made to incorporate funda- mental rights. The (5 Constitution is the first written Constitution in the warld which hod made provisions fue the fundamental rights. The Indian Constitution envise- ges tee kinds of rights to Indian citizens. Non justiciable rights and justiciable rights, Non-justiciable rights cannot be enforced by the courts and they are included under the directive principles of state policy in part IV of the Constitution. They basically include social and economic hts, On the uther hand, justiciable es can be enforced by courts and included in part Wl of the Constitution. These are basically civil are Fights and are known as fundamental Rights The Constitution is the funde- mental law of lind. Since these rights are guaranteed by the fundamental law of land, they are known: as fundamental rights, The fundamental rights are mentioned in part Ml (Arts—12-38) of the Constitutlon. tn the original Constitution, there were seven fundamental rights, but the right to property was taken away as fundamental right and was eedesigna- tee as legal right under Article 300 A of the Constitution. Another major change in the fundameatal rights was made by 6th Constitution Amend ment Act, 2002, which inserted right tyedueation te children from 6 years to M4 years of age under Article 21-A, However the necessary law tor implementing this right was passed by Pardiament in May 2010. Types of Fundamental Rights Article 12 of the Constitution. defines the state far the purpese of Fundamental Rights, Acoordingly, state includes all central, state and local public authorities, Article 13 prohibits the state fram enacting laws or making executive orders against the fundamental rights. It should be noted that this article Was interpreted by the Supreme Court to acquire the power of judicial review with respect tp the entire Constituthon. (1) Right to Equality (Article 14- 1Bl-According to Article 14 every person shall have ‘equality before Law’ and equal protection of law. The phrase equality before law taken from British Constitution denotes that all persons chould be equal under the provisions af law. The second notion, ‘equal protection’ af law is derived from the US. Constitution, that every person in similar eondi- tions should be given equal treatment when law if implemented by public authorities Article 15. prohibits discrimina. tion on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth in general and in aecess to public places. Hi ever, state is empowered to make special provisions in favour ol children, women and other backward classes, Article 16 prescribes that state shall not discriminate on the ground af religion, race, sex, caste, place of birth or descent in granting public empluyment But it is provided under Article 16fd) that state may provide reser vation in public services in favour of other backward classes, SC/5Ts The 77th Constitution Amend. ment, 1995 provided for the reserva: tion in promotion also. Similarty, Bist Constitution Amendment, 200L provides for the filling of backlog vacancies of reserved category in future also, Article 17 prohibits untouch. ability and Article 18 abolishes all titles except military and educational titles. No title shall be atwarded by the Indian State. (2) Right to Freedom (Anticte 19 22}—There are six freedoms listed under this eategory (Article 18) : fo) Freedom of speech and expres- sign. However, the Parliament can impose reasunable restriction ‘on this freedom on the grounds ‘of sovereignty and integrity o! lndia, friendly relations. with other countries, security of state public order, morality, contemp! of the court and incitement t ‘offense. (6) Freedom to ascemble peacefully without Arms, {c) Freedom to form Associations Parliament can impose reasen able restriction on these tu tree dom on the ground of soverci gnty and integrity uf India, public order ard morality c) Freedom to reside and settle in, any part of the country. ‘The Parliament can impose reasonable restriction an these hwo frcedoms an the ground of protection of interests. of general public or the interests of any scheduled tribe. Freedom tw practise any pro- fession oe trade The Parliament i empowered ta lay down by law certain tech- nical qualification for a particular tracle b profession Article 20 grants protection to fizens in case of conviction tor sfences. Accordingly. ne person shall 1 convictrd for the offence, which vas mot offence under the law at the ime of committing af such offence. i person shull be prosecuted more han once for the same offence, And 10 person shall be forced te give thes against himself Article 21 declares that no person hall be deprived of his personal iberty and lite except under the rrocedure established by law. Article 71 A added by 86th “onstitution Amendment, 2002 gives ight to free and compulsory educa: ion ty children frum & years to 15 ‘ears af age. Article 22 grants protection in ages of arbitrary arrest. ‘hus, any scrsan arrested shail have the right to snow the ground of such arrest and ave the night to engage the lawyers i his choice. Ag arrested person shall be sroduced before the nearest magis rate within: 24 hours of his arrest, The provisions of Article 2 shall 1ot be applicable to enemy aliens ard he arrest made under the preventive Ictention, Preventive detention neans arresting 9 person in the ppeehension that he may commit a time. Under preventive detention a serson can be detained fora period of ; munths, However, an axlvisory ward headed by a High Court Judge nay extend the period of three nonths. (3) Right Against Exploitation Articles 23-24)—Arricle 23 prahibits forced labour and begar in any form. However, state, in the public interes, may force citizens jer compulsory public service Article 24 prohibits employment af children below the age of 1 years in the dangerous work. It should be nated that this Article docs peabibits child labour in all eases. If prohibits child labour only in dangerous industries. There is separate law of Parliament which prohibits child labour of all categories. (Uy Right to Freedam of Religion (Article 25-28)—Article 25 grants every person to practise, profess and propagate any religions faith of his choice. Two canditions are imposed on this right First, it should not go against public order, health and morality. Secund, the state has the right to central the economic and uther non-religious activities assocla- ted with the practice of religion. According to article 26, ev persun has the right to establish religious institutions, manage the alfaies of such institution, acquire the property in the name at such instite- fons and manage such property as per the provisions of lave Article 27 declares that aa person, shall be torerd tu pay any religious kas Article 28 provides that no reli gious instructions shall be provided in the educational institutions owned and aided by the state. Also, ni ps son will be forced te attend a religious prayer in state fundest educational institution. And ifthe peeson is minor, the consent of his parents is required to attend such prayer. (8) Cultural and Educational Rights of Minorities (Article 29-30— Articke 29 prescribes that any section of citizens living in Indis shall have the right to preserve its distinct language, script or culture, It alsa provides that na citizen shall be denied admission to any educational weitution, funded by the state wn the grounds ot reli language Article 30 provides that all minorities, whether based on ret or language, shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their chuiee. Also, the jon, race caste or state shall not discriminate against such institutions while giving aid to educational institutions (o) Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32)—The right to Constitutional remedies that every person shall have the right to move the court for the protection af his fundamental rights. Because af the importance of this article, Dr. B.R Ambedkar has termed it as the ‘Sou! of the Comstinution’. The Supreme Court has been given the power to issue tive types of writs (orders) to entorce these Tights These writes ate Habeas corps, Mar dames, Cuu-warrante, Prohibition and Certiorary. Under the writ. of Habeas Corpus, the court issues order to release the person, who is illegally detained, This is the only writ whieh ean be issued against private persons also. The writ of mandamus means giving order to public authority ta do the work, for which he is responsible under fav The writ of Quo-warranto is issued against a person, who hax gained a public office but is pat cligible for such office 1f the person is nat found eligible far such office, he has to vacate that post, The writs of prohibition and certinrary both are issued by higher courts to lower court, if the latter has violated its jurisdiction and has entertained a case. H the case is deckded by the lower court, the weit of eertigrary issued to quash the decision of the court, If the case is still pending in the lower court, the higher court may issue the: welt of prohibition to stop the further proceedings in that case and transter the case to the competent court [should be noted that in case af violation of fundamental rights an affected person may directly move cither Supreme Court or any High Conrt However, in case af writ jurisdiction, dhe powers of High Courts ant more wide than these of Supreme Court, because the Supreme Court can issue writs only for the enforcement of fundamental rights, whereas High Courts may issue these writs not only for the enforcement of fundamental rights but atso tor the enforcement of ather rights: Present Status of Right to Property The right to property as given in Article 31 was remaved as a fund: mental right by the 4th Constitution Amendment, 1978. The basic reason to remove this right was the it was hampering the socialist and welfare policies of the State, By the same amendment the Right to propercy was placed in Article 300 A and was given the status of a legal right. There sre two differences between a fundamental right and kegal right— 1. In case of violation of a funds mental right, the affected persan may directly move either High Court or Supreme Court, bat in case of violation of a legal tight, the affected person will have te follow the ordinary judicial pro cedure. 2. A fundamental right cannot be limited by a law of legislature but a iegal right may be limited by a law enacted by the legista- ture. Ht should be further nate though the fundamental property has been removed, yet two types of property still enjay the status ofa fundamental right. These types of property are: 1. The property owned by minority educational institution (Article 30) The land owned by a person within ceiling limits and under his personal cultivation (Article SIA) The Relationship Between the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy, The questions of priority of Directive Principles of state policy over the Fundamental Rights has become a matter of controversy and debate. The relationship between the nwo as given in the Constitution may be explained under the following pssints— 1, Before the Amendment superiority of Fundamental Rights aver Directive Principles was maintained. This Was because in the original Consti- tution, the fundamental rights are justiciable while directive principles of State palicy are not justiciable PDOctober!20 11/667 2 The 24th Amendment provided that if State passes any law for the implementation of any direc: tive principles given in Article it can not be declared itlegal on the grounds of violation of fundamental rights given in Articles 14 and 19, 3, The 42nd Constitution Amend iment, 1976, further enhanced the scape af earlier provision. I provided that if the State passes any inw tor the implementation of any of the directive principte, it cannot be dectared vaid on the ground that it violates the Fundamental Rights given in Articles 14 and 19, Other Provisions ‘There are certain other provi- sions relevant to fundamental rights- 1. The fundamental rights given in Article 15, 16, 19 and 29 are avail- able ta Indian citizens, while other fundamental rights are available to Gtizens and fon- Stizens both, 2. ‘The state may restrict the avail- ability of certain fundamental rights to persons employed of armed foroes of security of State or in’ intelligence work of the State; 4. The Parliament may relax the operation of fundamental rights during the entorcement oi Martial law in ony part of the country 4. Fundamental Rights given in Article 20 and 21 econnot be suspended even during National Emengency, whereas other rights may be suspended during such emergency by the Peesident 5. Only Parliament, not the State Legislatures, has the power to enact jaws for the implementa tion of fundamental rights. Can Parliament Amend the Fundamental Rights ? Till 1967, it was the generally held opinion of the Supreme Court that Parliament has the power to amend the fundamental rights ss well a8 other parts of the Constitution. However, in the Golak Nath case, 1967, the Supreme Court held that the Parliament cannot amend the pro- ‘visions ot Fundamental Rights, ofall veur In order to overcome this limita. tion imposed by the 1967 judgement of Supreme Court, the Parhament amended Article 368 wide 2th Amendment Act, 1971 and provided that the Parflament has the pawer tc amend the provisions of Fuadamen- tal Rights by following the procedure jgiven in Article 368 The matter did mot rest here. fn another judgement, (Keshwanand Bharti Case 1973) the court Inetd that the Varliament dove not have the power fo amend the ‘Basic Structure of the Constitution, However, court did not elabirate as to what is included in the Basic Structure. ta 1978, the Parliament amended the provisions of Fundamental Rights and remowed the Right to property from the list af these right by 4th Amendient Act. Since then, the Supreme Court has ot deelared this amensiment as null and void so far. I means that the Supreme Court docs not consider Fundamental Rights as part of the ‘Basic Structure’ of the Constitution. Therefare, the Parlia: ment has the power t amend te provisions of Fundamental Rights Caer with UPKAR PRAKASHAN, AGRA-2 © E-sail cared upkarin © Website : wwwepkar in rai painted edlve Shem.” — (SO SSB: For Three Wings of the Armed Forces What ? How ? and Why? —J.B. Mall, Psycholagist Activation Stage Now you a in Action Based on THEORY OF GROUP DYNAMICS OR « | ee TEORY OF GROUP DEVELOPMENT BEF {AVIOUR ) J YOU REQUIRE A GROUP FOR THE GRANT GF RECOGNITION OF LEADER AND LEADERSHIP BOTH LEADER AND LEADERSHIP, BOTH ARE THE ONLY PARAMETERS FOR THE SELECTION / RECOMMENDATION OF AN OFFICER IN DEFENCE CADRE Situations are created in such a way that geoup has no alternative or left with nv option except to throw its leader up Explanation Leadership and leader bath only emerge under the emergent cendition, problematic and in a situational crisis 7DWOetober! 201 1/668 THE URGENCY, REQUIREMENT AND THE EMERGENT CALL OF REACTION 1 NAVY AIR FORCE ‘The Reaction Time for ‘The Reaction Time tar the ‘The Reaction Time tne the Navy is one Hour Air Foce is. one Minute Army is 24 Hours T pene a ee ae rp ae a r This girtare displays Navy operation Fights Plane Army. operation Now indicating and displ The theory of Group Dysnmics or the Theory of group development behaviour on which the entire GTO ‘Group Testing Oificer) series uf testing Rests or based— Now explanation of aforesaid tour stages these The Fist Stage ‘The Secund Stage Basic Series | (ay tb) Optional L Cumpulsiey (Group Discussion) p Planning Exercise) salside Moy ite outdiner aad indi both Purely lone rr he Bhied Stage Now explanation of these afaresaid four stages—Interactional, intermisxing, interact the support of the gesture, bedy language, facial index, eye contact, emotional reactions and finally your sentiments which constitute your OLB's (Offives's Like Behaviour) which finally portrays, displays or proects your OLQs {Officer Like uallties). How 6.7.0, Praceeds—He starts from the 10 candidates in basic series and stoys for his observation till it finishes meee aN rata oh ‘The Aim of the Basic Series— The idea, aim and purpose to conduct the basic series is tx draw, inhail the basic impression aver all the indivi- duals as well as an the group The gruup members remain in their full strengéh in the entire basic series, The Confirmatory Series—io the confirmatory series he breaks the group ia two parts and consequently comes to five while dividing the group in two parts. and continues 4ill he finishes the confirmatury series, Task Puroly suka Task The Aim af Confirmatory Series—The idea, aim and purpose of continmatery series is 4g contirm his observations which he has already drawn from the basic series, ‘The Final series—in the basic series, he (he means GTO, Group Testing Officer) starts trom 10 (10 would hereby mean @ full group) and remains with tea, continues and Bnishes the task with the whole group. Under the confirmatory series he breaks the group in two parts and o tury peries Purely vat i} eT} duc Tae || eaten May it beet 6 Gamer (este) —|serci The strength of the three Yechniques, Means Puyche Techaiqioe, Techmiqne and the Interview Technigh a Bayche Technique This becfuigqis is pewerlul in factor Tins hak iss sural Sedjustiet that Dynan Fisk that es Eat | ‘inbetactes, Task (Command Task) comes to five. But in the final series again he gues to 10 (thet means he again and finally comes w the full group The Aim of the Final Series The idea, purpose and the aim to conduct the tinal series is to reach to the final conclusion um those obser- vation which he has deawn from the basic scries, further has confirmed from the cunfirmatary series. On the basis of the ideas drawn feom basic and confirmatory series, he reaches at the conchision in the final series. Purely au dour Task Final Series Fool pe Patra dese Tsk: aa Conclusive Series RT. What is the Group Testing— Genileman, as such this is mot the group testing. But ie is of the indivi- dual while he is placed in the group, How he observes (He means G.T.O, the group testing officer!— He starts from tea (Ten means the whale group but in the exceptional case it becomes eleven), When it becomes twelve then it becomes two small group of six and six indivi- duals, In the basic series. he omes to five, in confirmatory series, again he comes to three: in command Task und he comes ty une in the individual obstacle and in lecturette and he nally goes back to 10 in she final series that is final group task which is con-elusively knows as conclusive series bik har ie NR ans GEO. Tecinique I wery poswerful in factor TV y and Factur Sr inleligence facture Ind that is social adjustment, But it fean.abe find mot faclsic Wet that is facta ieadership Tnieniee Techulque Fecfinically —iwiwn’ as peneiriatived cunversation, is only powerful in ctu st that im tactor intelligence ond mre in fractuie Vllrd that is facta Icadeeship Stams of these Three Tech- miques—The tests conducted in the S6B differ in themselves but the techniques is same. And all th technique is looking for su The idea uf the system is to seo that uhe Oltloers Like Qualities manifested jin you art moving towards the suit- ability or net, When thes: three tech niques are bolancely applied then dhey constitute the scientific and fool- proof system. Selection depends an three com ponents: Selection System does m Depend anly on Possession (D It is mandatory requirement the system that every asplrant of Ss should possess the 15 OLQ's (Officers Like Qualities) whether he inherits it trom the heredity or he should adapt it from the environ- ment, (Environment is aot available in case of Teibaks only. Whereas Guvt is making, required efforts to provide the environment while making them aware about life and living. Projection of 15 OG in response to the situational testing condition, eb beh Teddilad (2) Projection of OLQ’s as per the demand, requirement of the situational testing conditians—this is the obtervational technique having 1 natural merge and combination of other two techniques iz, ‘Thought Process and content of words. Thought Process is undertaken by the Psyehologistor stientist and the content words are examined! evaluated by the interviewing officer, Therefore, an individual with full sincerity and matural fare with likeable or acceptable behavioural pattern should sive hundred percent to respond. the situational testing conditions. This process af vespond- ing should contain the sound inter- play and homogeneous mix of all the fifteen qualities that too with the optimum, acceptable and adaptable behavioural pattera. This said beha- vioural pattern requires admissible, acceptable, an optimum and reason able gesture and body language with the movement of facial index white maintaining the eye contact equally with all the individuals, (3) Projection must be noti- ciable—Aspirants shoul projert these qualities in such a noticeable way that the assessars must be able to notice them, rank ther, tate them and finally they should grade them. While projecting; these qualities the aspirants should keep in their mind that while projecting or displaying these qualities no exctss body langu- age, gesture, facial index and eye contact shyuld be used. And mo one should be ridiculed either by any oF the body language, gesture or eye contact. Finally, no impression ma yement should be exeated nar there should be any kind of play or display af favourism of distayourism either during or after the testing hours How G.T.O. Series of testing becomes the strongest technique— Tests in SSB ditfer themselves butt the three techniques are having, equal importance and independent in their nature of functioning. But the G10 technique somehow becomes im- portant and powerful because of its observational nature and its tune timing. Because of its nature and functioning it carries the thought process, content of words and action altagether The psychological technique is designed on thought process which is conducted purely in written form, therefore this technique draws the inferences hence it becomes the inferential technique. The second tecluniqus és bused on action. Tits technique strases the aliserve Hiow om alt the weitividwals om atipfere sitvuitional testing, These stftuntiomal fest lings lirue Povte designed analytically and scientifically by b on syetent Haat vender fh sures. The ward di find af presstire would rear pressiire af fest, tine, resources, ule cand aly the pressein of efficient rerfnemances that foo under the com petitine eavinmment and furtier win and tin first competition. Since this techmique evaluates practically that too eye to eve, and every action an individual is observed that too individually and with a group, in a half group, there- fore, this technique becomes obser- valional technique. In the practical sense it reflects more practicability and makes every one believable, hence it becomes powerful because of its nature, technique and fune- lining. The third techn muing officer's technique the interview technigu a personalised conrzersation, Sin hosed om the candidate's developmental history and his secioeconemie haek- ground qhiich hier wowreamts the tering ie to go ck Fs pst devds to gather and eunlunte the past ‘on fa the present present oatlue arnt he goes to die future planning: to vrench to Fs prrvaictione oa, SSB is based on forecasting system. And furecasting can be only based on past, fee wot and predictive value theretore, this technique again becomes the inferential technique Let me example the predictive value as under—Your grandfather gives € 100 to-your father. Your father makes it € 200. In return, your father gives £200 to you and you make it to F400 oF F800 or F400 oT 500 then your predictive value is acceptable. Consequently if you make your stay at € 300 itself neither down nar up, then you will be questioned why 7 how ? and whae? i unduckily you are down that is below © 200, then your personality profile will come under doubt and you will be quizzed by the interviewing officer. evhiele an The scientific designing is based ov the busis of quantum of oppor tunities made available to your grandfather, your tather and finally to you. And the quantum of develop ment made Vs the quantum of oppor tunities made available ta you. And the development made by you. This is the only science of the predictive val “In SSB if you have basic know: ledge of general awareness / current affairs meaning thereby what is happening ?, how itis happening ? and why itis happening ? And along with, if you are honest, trainable, flexible, confessing, result oriented and finally adaptable then avbody will fail you.” fa Theaght Prices [-4[ Comtents uf Word Action TT Observational—Hence W become Hie strongest lechnigue GTO’s Appearance and Intea- duction, How ?—"Gentlemen, | am Col, R Rawat, your G.T.G. Iwill be with you for two days, tor G.T.O. I and G.1.0. 2 day. Now we are here for the group disewssion ie, GD 1 and G.D. 2. For the first G.D. you will hawe hwo topics, Qut of two yuu have to choose one by majority consent First one will be uf your choice. In second G.D. you will not have any choice and the topic will be given by me. The time of GD, will be 20 minutes, This time gentlemen is not mandatory it can be decreased and further inereased depending on your performances and the level of your group pestormances.” 1st G.D.—The figure spells that the discussion Is under operation far GD, Second GD, (Compulsory One}—Having finished the first G.D. STEN or Twa eceay PAseT LACH OnS arid 1 sincere caution to make the second 5D. more healthy G.T-O. plunges in be second G.D. This time second choice of the candicate does not exist and the topic is given by the GTO. on this topic the group dees nut nave any choice therefore this G.0. ecomes the compulsory and man- fatory one. Time, nutes anil instruc ion every thing is the sane Difference between first and the jecond G.D.—(Between Optional ind Compulsory ane}—instructioes, witions, place, candidates and time chedule every thing will remain the me. The only difference is the sature-of the topic. ‘The nature af tpic § the encouraging topic which will elate with such an issue on which y one will became camfortable to ak and shate his wiews ‘The purpuse of the system and he aim of the GTO. is to explore mr speaking nat to stop your peaking. By this way and for this TO, facilitates himself to know the worth, lewel and the degree of per jormanees nf each candidate to lerentiate between below average, wwerage and above average. And gain between below common, common and the above common. Between trader and led and finally petween achiever and net achiever, Healthy G.D. (Peaceful/normal 6.D.}— During the course of pengros- Jive discussion when the candidates are and share with each other. De vot tight nor encourage fighting and sven when no symptom of ricliculing, eg pulling, is spotted either by voice, gesture or the body language then he GD. becomes the healthy G0. Healthy G.D. also consists of adapt ible, mativational attitude with full f cooperation. Finally, the healthy JD. reaches te its fallow when one or all and all for one attitude is ntermixed and interchanged within he group members for the anain- ment oof the group aitn, During the course of discussion when noone overpowers ior uscs ny excessive body language nor ters any unporliomentary words. Mare importantly when reasonable promativnal attitude is applied to epcon nege allow the weakens ty came up then GD. becomes the healthy D. il Excessive G.DGD. being hijacked by two or three members, using extta body language coupled with unparliamentary wonds}— ‘Varying individual differences, due to tite influence of sacie-econo- mic background, regional differen- ferences in bringing-up and the influence of environmen- Lal pressure and ego, becomes the cause of an excessive G.D. Because af these influences whether know- ‘ingly or unknowingly when some candidates start overpowering others either by force, excessive body language or unparlimantary words then this G.D. becomes the excessive GD. Having observed the situational incidents either G.1,O. terminates the C.D. being an excessive une. Or it it ix not much excessive then he stups the GD. makes the grup members understand, warns them, reminds about the healthy G.D. and. allows discussion to be commenced. This happens with a severe warming not to repeat like cartier one Formation of Sub-Group under the graup—According to the testing conditions the discussion should range and be carried on between all the members uf the group, When out of ten members while 2 te three members start discussing one to one or simultanepusly other 3 to. mem bers separately start discussing ane to ‘one then this separation or discussion inspite of cevating healtiyy and harm niows G.D. gives birth for the forma- Hon of sub-group under the group. The principle of GD. and the theory of Group Dynamics which easily known as the (Theory of Group Development Behaviour) docs not funder this kind of G0 remaining members are clutched under a particular dilemma and they ane not able to finalise wher is in the discussion, which is the raup ane to whom to follow, share and contri- bute. This situation arises because sub-group has been formed undes the group ne Et To stop this G.D., GT. again plunges under the existing situation, Stops the GD. and warns that, “Gentlemen, stop it and the forma tion of sub-group under the group is not allowed under the principle oF G.D, “Please commence your diseus- Sion ina single group, ACitis » group group only nat by the Consequences of formation of sub-group under the group—Gontle men, every mistake, error ar wang doing has got a degree. Gentiemen, the word degree is very important The word degree in the contest of SB would here by mean the optimum, acceptable and reasonable pertor- mances which naturally reflects the trainability, flexibility, obedience, adaptability and finally the sense of ibility. Gentlemen when sub- group is formed then the degree of acceptance is vanishes! and symp toms of the atoresaid qualities docs not have their existence. Can- sequently, whatever GTO. would like to evaluate fussess, gets himselt failed to do so rather when he finds that he is not able to render the professional justice ta his profession and at the saine time to fe wroup for that he is deployed then he stops the G.D,, issues severe warning not to repeat the formation ty Sul-Group under the Group pe : Indian Polity and : ‘Constitution When any House of Partisme {Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha) is adjourned without naming & day dor reassembly it is knows as Adjournment Sine die * A governor, though he remains jin office at the pleasure of the President is an integral part af —State Legislature k Which article of the Constitution of India explicitly confer the power of judicial review on a High Court? Article 13 and Article 226 # The highest law officer in the state is —Advocate General f Which orvele of Constimtion declares that the couneil of ministers is collectively responsi ble to state legistative assembly ? —Article 164 ¢ The Chairman of Rajya Sabha car be removed trom his office only if heis romaved from —The office of Viee-President «Ihe parliamentary form of government as prevalent in India emphasises the interdependence between —The Legislative and Executive Organs « ‘The Constitution of India dea swith the organisation, compnsi- tion, duration, officers, proce- dures, privileges, power of the Parliament under —Article 79 to 122 in Pant ¥ ‘The last session vf the existing Lok Sabha after a new Lok Sabha has been elected is ealled Lame ducle session x ‘The main duty of the Speaker Pro-tem of Lok Sabha is —to adininister aath to the new members i ied stems lu a all * * GMPENDIum Indian National Who founded Avushilan Samiti in 1907 in Dhaka ? —Barinder Ghosh and Bhupendra Nath Dutt Sarojini Naidu was elected Cony- ress President at —its Kanpur Session in 1925 In 1918 who founded Abmeda- bad Textile Labour Association ? —Mahatma Gandhi In 1842, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. sent Cripps Mission to India The demand officially made by the Congress fur a Constituent Assembly to fame the Constitu- tien of India was accepted in principle by the British Govern ment in what is known as —Augusl Offer of 140 By which act of British India, was the Govemor General em powered tissue Ordinance ? —Indian Couneils Act, 1861 In 1915-16 the Home Rule League Movement was launched under the feacership af —Annie Besant and Bal Gangadhar * Tilak In 1952, Poona Pact was signed between —Gandhiji and Dr, BR, Ambedkar Indian Dyaschy was started by Which movement was started by: Mahatma Gandhi on March 13, 19307 Civil Disobedience Movement Who presided aver the Karachi session of Indian National Congress in 1931? Sardar Vallabhbhaj Patel emai d: ee History and Culture + of India ' The Asiatic Society of Bengal was setup in 7R4 in Calcutta by —Sir William Jones Mughal emperor Akbar the great established mansab system in the year —AD 1565 Who the incharge of Alauddin’s Khili’s market con- trol system 7 —Shahan-e-Mandi The department named Diwan-e- Amir-Kobi related to agriculture was established by —Muhammad Bin Taghlaq The Sabha and Samiti have beet called two daughters of Prajapati in was —The Atharvaveda ‘The easter most out post of Indus Valley Civilization (Alamgirpur) was excavated by —Y. D, Sharma Who founded —Ramkrishna Mission in 1896 7 ‘Swami Vivekanand The Ryatwari Settlement was primaeily introduced by the British Goverment in Madras and Bombay Akbarnama and Ain-e-Akbari have been written: by —Abul Faxl Dadra and Nagar Haveli was liberated from Portuguese male in —The year 1954 Dhamma which Ashoka the Great tried to instil as the sovering principle and enforced inevery sphere at life was —a code dar maral and virtuous life | Economic Affairs of India * National Food for Work Pro- gramme aimed at intensifying the generation of supplementary wage employment was launched — November 2004 *¢ The major six sectors of Bharat Nirman Yojana are —Irrigation, Roads, Housing, Water Supply, Electrification and Rural Communication # The three important gold fields in India are —Kolar Gold Field, Hutti Gold Field and Ramgiri Gold Field # The Money Order System in Inclia was introduced in the year —1880 Growth with Equity and Distr Dutive Justice was determined as the main goal of —The Ninth Five Year Plan # Inthe world, in terms ot Railay Network system India rinks —Second + In India, the term Black Revolu- Ho —Self-dependence in the produc- tin of petroleum crude oil + National Rural [Health Mission was launched in associated with April 2005 # The idea of Ecmomic Justice as enshrined in the Preamble to the ‘Constitution at India denotes non-discrimination between people on the basis of economic factors # The most important breed of wool producing sheep in the world is Merino + India’s first Marine National Park is located in. The Gulf of Mannar Bi i ions Teo PAT ATA _ Singreni Coal fields is located in —Godavari Valley Seasonal movement of people and their herds trom valley to mountain and vice-versa is knownas —Transhumance Sear isa famous coal field in —Germany located. at the c uf river Euphrates —Baghdad The Hwang Ho River river falls inte —Yellow Sea Yokohama and Kobe are the main centres of ship building, industry in —Japan Which of the eek dormations in India is the richest in fossil ecomtent ? Gondwana Pochampat irrigation project lies on Types a a Asif Ali Zardari Pakistan President : Birameral Parliament or Majlis-e- Shoora (10D seat Senate. 342 seat National Assembly) incial High Courts, Federal Islamic (or Shari'a) Coure, Party (PPP), Pakistan Mustim League-Nawaz (MLN), Awami National Party (ANP), Pakistan Muslim League (PML), Muttshid Majlis-e-Amal (umbrella group) (MMA), and Muttahida ~ Qaumi Movement (MOM). + Universal at 18 24 provin « (Punjab, Sindh, Balo- chistan, and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwoe Uormerly known as the North-West Frontier Provinces or NWEP}; alse the Federally Administered Tribal Aveas (composed of 7 tribal agenc Bajaur, Mohmand, Khyber, Kurram, Orakzai, North Waziristan, and South Waziristan) and the Pakistani occupied portion of de Jammu and Kashimir region 2 BP + Pakistant Rupee (PER) Per Capita GDP 5 2,000 (year ending 2009, purchasing, power parity) + Arable land, natural gas, limited oi, substantial hydropower potential. eval, iron are, copper, salt, limestone. Cotton, Rice, Sugarcane, ‘ruits, Vegetables, Milk, Bort, Mutton. Textiles and. apparel, food processing pharmaceuticals, cone- mruction materials, shrimp, tertitizer, and paper products + Exports 1% 17-87 biltion; Smports : § 28-41 billion Brief History Pakistan, along with parss of western India, contains the archaeological remains of an urban civilization dating bork 4,500 years. Alexander the Great's eenpice included the Indus Valley in 326 B.C. His successaes founded the lndo-Greek kingdom of Bactria based in what is today Afghanistan and extending to Peshawar, Following, the rise-of the Contral Asian Kuehan Empire in later centuries, the Buddhist culture of Afghanistan and Pakistan, centered on the city of Tasila just West of Islamabad, experienced a cultural renaissance known as the Gandhara perivd The arrival of Muslim traders in Sindh also intro: duced Islam ty Pakistan in the ath century. The collapse of the Mughal Empire in the 18th century provided an opportunity tor the English East India Company toextenct its control over much of the subcontinent. The Sikh adventurer, Ranjit Singh, carved out « dominion that extended from Kabul to Srinagar and Lahore, encom- passing much of the northern area of modern Pakistan. British rule replaced the Sikhs in the first half of the 19th century. [na decision that had far-reaching consequences, the British permisted the Hinde Maharaja of Kashrnie, a Sikh appointee, to continue in power. Pakistan emerged from an extended period of agit Bon by sections among Musium in the subcontinent to express their national identity free from British colonial domination as well as domination by what they perceived asa Hindu-controlied Indian National Congress. Certain separatist Mustim leaders formed the All-India Muslim League in 1906, Initially, the League adopted the same objective as the Congress—self-government for India Within the British Empirc—but Congress and he League were unable to agree On @ formula that would ensure the protection of Muslim rekgivws, economic, and political rights The idea of # separate Muslim state in British India first emerged in the 1930s. Gn March 23, 1940, Muham- mad Alt Jinnah, leader of the Muslim League, formally endored the ‘Lahore Resolution’, calling tor the-creation of an independent state in regions where Muslims cons: tituted a majority. At the end of World War I the Linited Kingdom moved with increasing urgency to grant India independence. The Congress Harry and the Muslim League, however, could not agree on the terms for 2 Constitution of establishing an interim government. In June 1947, the British Government declared that it would bestow full dominion status upon two successor states— India and Pakisten, formed from areas in the subcontinent in which Muslims were the majority population. Under this arrangement, the various princely states consid freely join either India or Pakistan. On August i4, 1947, Pakistan, comprising West Pakistan with the provinces of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and the North-West Frontier Provinee (now Khyber-Paldvanhwa}, and Bast Pakistan with the province of Bengal, became independent, East Pakistan later became the nation of Bangladesh in 1971 The prominent leaders! personalities of Pakistan who have been at the helm of atiairs of Pakistan since she got separated from India in 1947 include Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Liagat Ali Khan, Iskander Mirza, Mohammad Ayub Khan, Genera) Agha, Mohammed. Yahya Khan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq, Benazir Bhutto, Nawar Sharif and Pervez Musharraf. At present Asit Ali Zardari is the President of Pakistan while Yusut Raza Gilani is the Prime Minister. Government and the Constitution The President is chesen for a S-year term by an Tonal 3. Cooley +L Summer 5. Durkheirn Codes : (a a) eh) @a 2 3 ft (B) 4 3 2 1 ms 2 1 4 m4 1 3 2% When a girl of the higher caste marries a boy of the lower caste, the system is known a=— {A) Levirate (8) Amuloma (C) Sorarate (BD) Pratilome In the matriarchal family the position of a Woman is recng- nised to be supreme in all matters. Which of the folle characteristic? (A) Descentis reckoned through mother (B) Marriage velations are not permanent gis ne 16 7 (C) Wite lives in the house of her husband (D} Property is inheritable by the fornales Who has given the concept of atomistic family 7 (A) Murdick (8) Zimmerman (C} Durkheim {D) Warner Match Lis (Rules of Restric- tion) with List-I (Name of Rule} and select the correct answer using the code given below the Tist- List-l One. should seek a spouse Irom outside one's descent group. Women of the higher caste cannot matry men of lower caste One should marry only within one’s caste group. The men of lrigher easte could) marry women of lower caste. Listell Pratiloma Exogumy Anuloma Endogamy Codes: (a) tay 4 B) 2 ia mm 2 Match List with List-ll and select the correct answer fram fal tb) (cy id) te the codes given below: List-l ‘ Authors) fe) Peter Worsley db) WOW, Rostow: {Andre Gunder Frank (@) Reinhard Bendix List-E ‘Baaks) 1, The Stages of Economic Growth 2 Under development or Revolution a w. ‘The Third World Nation Building and Citizen- ship: Studies of Our Chang- ing Social Order 5. Asian Drama Cades: fay fb) fc) td (A) 1 2 5 3 es 1 2 4 ya 3 2 2 Oe 12 5 There is a lot of difference bet- ween ancient ond modern bureaucracies. Which factor among the following does not denote this difference ? (A) Greater specialization of functions {B) Vastness of modern bureau- cracy {C) Dominant aspect af society {D) Hierarchy of cammand The ‘looking glass self” means that we lear who we are— (A) By seit feeting (8) By-an act of imitation {C). By other people's experience with us {D) By imaging ourselves to be someone else The ‘super ego’ according te Freud represents the part of an individual's personality that was created — (A) Through socialization during the formative years {B} Through socialization in the eld age (C) Through socialization pro- cess which occurs throughout one's lite (D) None of the above |. Which one of the following Is not a junctional utility of social stratification ? (A) Ithelps in peavicing oppor- tunities {B} It develops a spirit of strug- le (C)_ It helps in. deciding respon sibility of everyone in’ the society (DP) te helps in identifying unsuitable persons in society m2 2, R Which of the following: theories makes us believe that caste system is not of human but of divine origin? (A) Racial thoony (B) Political theary {€) Occupational theory {D) Traditional theory Which one of the following is an essential clement of the social class 7 Feeling, of (A) Equality among the mem- bers.of a class {B) Superiority against those who are at the lower ladder of status AC} inferiority. against those who are at the higher ladder of status Assam {D) Manali Tamil Nadu Which one of the following Indian States has recently signed 2 $230 million agreement with the World Bank ? (A) Bihar (8) Kerala (C) Maharashtra (D) Tamil Nadu According to the World Bank's Global Development Finance Report 21110 the correct descend- Ing order of the world’s. tive most indebted countries is— (A) Russia, Brazil, Turkey, India (8) Russia, China, Turkey, Brazil, India (C) Russia, China, Brazil, India, Turkey (D) Russie, Brazil, India, China, Turkey In February 2011 India Interristi onal Youth Film Festival war held in (A) Hyderabad (8) Kolkata (C) Mumbai {D) New Beth At the 43rd Okear Awards the best film award was won by (A) Black Swan (B) ‘The Fighter a 7a. 74 4C) The King's Specch (D) ‘The Social Network “The foundation stone of the third Indian Research Centre in “Antarctica was laid by the name ol tA) Sarswatit {3} Bharti (C) Anweshan 4D) Yamneted The author of the book “The Emperor of All Maladies = A Biography of Cancer’, for which 2011 Pulitzer Prize has been aiwarded, is— (A) Farid Zakariya (8) Gecta Anand AC) Jhumpa Cabin {D) Siddhartha Mukherjee Who among the following film ctor was given Mother ‘Teresa Award in March 2011 ? 4A) Prem Chapea {B) Rajesh Khanna 4C) Shammi Kapoor {D) Shatraghon Sinha in February 201 rade Agreement v 4A) Australia 4B} Indonesia éC) Japan (D) South Korea India has recently signed Com prehensive Eeonumic Coopera tion Ageeement with— 4A) Indonesi {B) Malaysia {C) Saudi Arabia {0) Vietnam Which one of the following districts of Uttar Pradesty has the highest literacy rate as per the Provisional figures of 2011 Census ? (A) Gautambuddhs Nagar (B) Ghaziabad 4C) Kanpur Nagar {D) Lucknow ‘Thumei Singer belongs w©— (A) Banaras Gharana (8) Agr Gharana {C) Kirana Gharana {D) Lucknow Gharana Girija Devi 75. 76. 78. Match List-l with ListIl and select the correct answer from the code given below — List] (District) fa). Jotaun @) Kanpur Dehat fe) Sant Ravides Nagar (a), Kushinagar List-I1 (Heaitgwarterst 1. Akbarpur 2 Navgarh (Bhadohi) 3. Padrauna 4 Oral Codes fa) tb) te (a) (Ay 4 1 2 2 (By 4 3 2 1 «2 1 3 4 (DB) 2 1 ¥ The first Woman General See- retary of SAARC, elected in January 2017, cames from— (A) Banglades (B} Sri Lanka (C) Maldives {(D) Bhutan The 18th Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhawana Award has been given to— (A) Shabana Azmi (8) Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 4C) Javed Akhtar (D) None of the above Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Agri- cultural University it located at (A) Faizabad (B} Meerut{Modipuram) {C) Kanpur 2) Jhansi Match List with Listil and select the correct a the code iven below Listel iCity) fa) Lucknow (b} Varanasi fe) Kanpur (d} Agra List-ll (Aerodrome) 1. Babotpur 2. Khveria 3 Amousi 4. Chakeri ab. at. a2 83 a. RB, fa) tb) te td) 1A) 4 3 1 2 (Bp 2 1 ‘ a )3 2 1 4 (D) 3 1 4 2 ‘The official bird of Uttar Peadest (A) Peacock (8) Samos (C) Parrot (0) Cuckoo The most popular religtous magazine ‘Kalyan’ is published ie (A) Mathura {B) Rishikesh (C) Gorakhpur (D) Varanasi Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? (A) Vrindavan: Mathura Mandir (8) LK. Temple + Lucknow (C) Vishwanath ; Varanasi Mandir (D) Devipawsa = Tulsipar Mandir Which one ot the following state- ments regarding Uttar Pradesh, accordiag, to the provisional figures of 2011 Census is not correct ? (A) It accounts for 16-5 per cent of the country’s population, (8) It has the largest umber of children in the country. (€) Ite decadal growth rate t= i (DD) tes sex ratio is 908, Famous Charkula dance is assn- ciated with— 4A) Avadh {B) Bundelkhand (C) Brij Bhumi (1) Rohitkhendl In ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 the ‘man of the tournament’ was— (A) Kumar Sangalkkaara (B). Sachin Tendulkar fC) Tilakratne Dilshan {D) ‘Yuyra Singh the winner of All England Badminton Championship, 2011, Mon’s Singles Title, was Br. 91 92 93. a. {A Chon fin 95, (B) Lee Chong Wei (C} Lee Yong Dae (D) Lin Daw The winner of Australian Open 2011, Men's Singles, was 6 4A) Andy Murray {B} David Ferrer AC} Nowak Djokovie (D} Roger Federer The Captain of the Indian Hockey Team for Azlan Shah Cup Hockey Tournament, 2011, war (A) Arjun Flalappa (B) Rajesh Kumar (C} Rajpal Singh 97, (D) Shivendsa Singh Farrulkhabad is known for {A} Carpet weavings {B) Glassware (C} Perfume manufacture (D} Hand printing, In which of the folowing cups Uttar Pradesh is not the Largest producer in India? fA) Potato {DB} Rice AC} Sugarcane 98 (D) Wheat 98. “Stanley Cup’ is assuciated awith- (4) Badminton {B) Basketball C) Gott ADI Teo Hockey ‘The ‘Laureus World Sportsman ‘of the Year’ award for 2010 was given to— (A) Lionel Messi (B). Ratacl Nadal (C} Ronatde {D} Sachin Tenstulkior Smussh’ is associated with which ‘of the following sports ? (A) Boxing —(B) Wrestling AC) Football (5) Valleylall Bule Chaudhary is well-known in which of the following sport 9 disciplines ? 4M) Swimming {B) Hockey AC} Football AD) Archery 100, 101 ‘Tejaswini Sawant is the first Indian woman to be crowned World Champian in— 1A} Adhletics (B) Boxing 4C) Shooting (6) Wresiling ‘The correct descending order ot the four svinners of the highest number of gold medals in the Uth National Games 2011 &— {A} Services, Manipur, Haryana, Maharashtra (8). Services, Haryana, Manipur, Maharashera iC} Services, Manipur, Mahara shtra, Haryana 4D} Services, Haryana, Mahara: htra, Manipur In the 40h National Games, 2011 Which State won the tearm litle in Badminton in Men's Section 7 (AY Andina Pradesh (8) Kerala iC) Maharashtra (D} Tamil Nadu. Which one of the following will come next in the series given below ? LXE MTP NPN OLR fay PV (Bi TPV (Cy PIV iD) Pw If COMPUTER is coded as RPUVONPC, the code for MEDICINE will be (A) MFEDIIOE 1B) MEEDIOE (C) BOJDEIEM (2) BORYEFM Introducing a girl Mohan seid, “Her mother is theanly daughter of my mother-in-law.” How is Moshan related to tht spel ? {A} Brother (8) Father (©) Husband: (D} Uncle The following series has a wrong number 112 8} 2e4 78S Im 1585 ‘The wrong number ie— {AY 65 (B) 264 (C) 95 tb} 1590 Govind is 3. years older than his wite Shyama and tour times as old as his son Raghu. If Raghw becomes 15 years old after 4 years, what is the present age of Shyama? 13, 14. 15. 106. 107. 108, 1b. (A) SD years. (B} 51 years {C) 48 years 4D) 45 years Ten years ago Ram's age was half of Moti’s age. If the ratio of their present ages is 3:4. what is tie total of their present ages ? (ay 5 (B} 28 cy 32 35 Sonu bought a watch with 30 per iscount on the labelled He sold it with 20 per cant profit on che labelled price. Approximately, what was his percentage of profit an the price hebought ? (AY 0 {8} 65 «c) 70 «D) 85 ‘The surface area of a cube is 384 i? ts volurse will be— (A) 512m (B) 516m9 iC) 1032m* ¢) 216m? ‘There are four prime numbers ‘The product of tinst three ix 585 and the product of the laet three is 1001, Firet and the last num- bers are respectively — (A) 5,11 {B}.5,13 C7 «D) 7.13 If the number 1X 5X O1 is divisible by 11, then X is equal to (Ay 2 18 Bre (a) 3 Avinash spent £ of his income for a month on reat ond 24h of the remainder on other expenses, The balance of € 180 he put in his savings account, How much was his income for the month ? (Ay ©1200 (B} E1400 (C) T1600 | (D) 71.800 ‘The author of ‘Green Develop ment is— (A) M1. Bradshaw (8) M. Nicolson (C) RAE Whittokar (D} WM, Adams ‘The miseing number in the following series : 0,4, 18, 48, ?, 180 is— (A) 8 {By 68. iC) «Dy 100 Se en 1L 113, m4. 115, 16, nF 118, Manas started a business invest- ing € 42,000. After 7 months, ‘Kamal joined him with a capital of © 50,000. At the end of the ‘year, the total profit was 30,160, What is Kamal's share in the protis? 4A) T 10,000 (BH) T 20,160 4) © 10160 (Db) 8,000 ‘The author of ‘Nuclear Reactor Time Born is— 4A) CoC. Park 4B) EP Odum iC) § Polasky {D) Takashi Hirose ‘The World Water Conservation Day is observed on— 4A) February 28 {B) Match 22 tC} June 5 {D) July 1 the Periyar Game Sanctuary is renowned by— tA) Lionas: {B) Spotted deers (C) Tigers {D) Wild Blephants Which one of the following eities has the largest slum population 7 4A) Bangalore (B) Chennai 4C) Delhi {D) Surat Which ane of the following is the most urbanized country of West Asin? 4A) Israel {B) Kuwait tC) Qatar (D) Saudi Arabia Which of the following countries suffer from the acid rains ? 1. Canada 2 France 3 Norway 4. Germany Select the correct answer from the codes given below | Codes : tA) land 2 (8) Land 3 AC) Zand 3 (D) Band4 ‘The World Tiger Summit 2010 was held at— 1A) Bangkok {B) Nairobi 4G) New Dethi {D) Petersburg Ty. 120, ae] 122. 13, . According to the provisions figures of 2011 Census the lowves sex ratio’ in India is found in (A) Chanefigarh (B) Daman and Diu (C) Dadea and Noger Haveli (D} Haryana Which one of the followin; States of India has cecorsied th maximum increase in literac rate during 2001-11 ? (A) Bihar (B) Gujarat (C} Rajasthan (D) Utter Pradesh As per the provisional figures « 2011 Census the second mos populous State of India is— (A) Andhyo Pradesh (B) Bihar (0) Maharashtra (D) West Bengal Which of the following stat ments are corteet according t the provisional figures of Censu of India 2011 7 Use the code given below to select the core answer— 1, ‘The lowest population i found in Lakshadweep. ‘Chandigarh has the highes population density. 3. Arunachal Pradesh has th lowest population density. 4. Dadra and Nagar Haveli ha the highest decadal growed cof population. Codes (A) band 2 (8) 1, 2and 5 (Ch 23and4 (D} 1, Fand 4 According Ww the provisions figures of Census 2011 arrany the following districts of Utea Pradesh in descending order « their population size and selec the correct answer iram th codes given below 1 Allahabad 2. Azamgath 3. Ghaziabad 4 Lucknow Codes: (ALAR OLE R2 (Ch23t4 (74123 Tf Bucdhe hed delivered maximum 2h. 32, sermons at— (A) Vaishali (B) Sravasti (€) Kaushambi {D) Rajgriha ‘Vhe first Gupta euler who issued nine was— 4AL Srigupta (B) Chandragupta 1 4€) Samudragupta (0) Chandragupta tI ‘The Prince who was reepensible for the death at his father was— {AL Ajatasatra (8) Chandapradyoea {C) Prasenjit {D) Udaysna Who among the following was the earliest Suti Saint to have settled at Ajmer ? (A) Sheikh Mainuddin Chisth {B) Sheikh Qutbuddin Bakhti- yar Qaki, {€). Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya (D) Sheikh Salim Chisti ‘With which Mughal Gerierat did Shivajt sign the famous “Treaty of Purandhar in 1665 A.D. ? 4A] Jaswant Singh {B) Jai Singh 4C) Shaishta Khan {D) Diler Khan During the 13th and 1th Cen turies A.D. the Indian peasants did not cultivate— (A) Wheat {B} Barley (C) Rice {D) Maize The writer of Mababhasya ‘Patanjali’ was a contemporary af {A) Chandéagupta Maurya (8B) Ashoka (C) Pushyamitra Sunga {D) Chandraguptat Gautama Buddha had attained Mahaparinibban in the State of— (Ay Anga (8) Magadha (C) Malla {D) Vatsa Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? Se 433, TH. 135. 136, 437, 128, (A) Ajmer Quuwalal- Istam (8) Jounpur : Atala Mosque (€) Malwa > Jahar Mahal {D] Gulbarga + Jama Masjid Consider the following state- ments and select the cunrect answer from the codes given. bel — 1. Vikram Somvat began in 58 BC 2 Saka Samvet began in 78 AD 3. Gupta era began in 319 AD. 4 The era of Muslim rule in India began in 1392 AD. Codes: (A) Tand2 — (B) Band 4 (C) 1,2and 3 (D) 1,2, Janda Which one ef the iollowing rulers extablished embossics in foreign countries on madern lines ? fA) Haider Ali {B) Mir Qasim (C) Shah Alam {D) Tipu Sultan Who among the following was the one to have escaped being hanged in the “Kakori Con- spiracy Case" ? (A) Ashfaqultah Khan (8) Rajendea Lahiri (©) Ram Prasad Bismnil {D) Chandea Shekhar Azad Who among the following attended all the three Round Table Conferences ? (A) Jawaharlal Nehru {B) BR. Ambedkar (©) Vallabh Bhai Patel (1D) Rajendea Prasad Which Sultan ef Delhi imposed Jaziya on the Braheins also ? (A) Batban (8) Firoz Tughlag (C) Allauddia Khilji {D) Mohammad bin Tughiag Who among the following was the founder of Agea ? (A) Bathan {B) Bahlol Lodhi (©) Sikandar Lodhi {D) Firoz Tughlag 139, 140. ui. 142. ua. it Ws The only session of the Indian National Congress which wa: addressed by Mahatma Cand Was held at— (A) Amravati (B) Belgaum (C} Karachi (0) Nagpur Whoamang the futlawing leader cof the Revolution of 1857 bau the real name of Ram Chandni Pandurang * (A) Kunwar Singh {B} Nana Saheb (C) ative Tope (D) Mangal Pandey Who among, the following, led the agitation against the Partition ‘of Bestgal (1905) ? (A) Surendranath Banerjee (B) ©. Ras (C} Ashutosh Mukherjee (O81 Rabindra Nath Tagore Who among the followin, leaders excaped from the prisor and organized undergroune activities during the ‘Quit Indit Movement" ? (A) 1.8. Keiplané (8) Ram Manohar Lobia (C) Achyat Patwardhan (0) Jai Prekash Narayan Arrange the following in th chronological order and selee the correct answer fram: th codes given below— 1. The August Otter 2. The Cabinet Mission Plan 2. The Cripps Mission Plan 4. The Wavell Plan Codes = (ADL 243 (BP 43,21 (C) 34,2 (DY 3412 After returning from Sout! Africa, Gandhiji launched his first successful Satyagraha in— {A} Champaran {B) Chauri-Chaure (C) Bardoli (0) Dandi Who among the following hae led the Swadeshi Movement is Delhi ? (A) Balgangadhar Tilak. (B) Ajie Singhs {C) Lala Lajpat Rai {D} Syed Haider 14h. Who among: the following: had moved the Non. couperation resolution in the Nagpur session of the Indian Natinnal Congeess. in 19207 (A) C.R, Das (B) Annie Besant (C) BC Pal (D} Madan Mohan Malviya 147, Which one ot the following pairs is correctly matched ? (A) Durga Das —The life of Mahatma Gandhi (8). Louis Fischer nia From Curzon te Nehru and Alter (C) Prank Moraes Jawahar Lal Nel {A Biography) {D} Maulana Abul Kalam Azad —India Divided 18. Which one of the following pairs is mat conrectly matched ? {A} James Watt ; Steam Engine (B) A.GBell : Telephone (C) |. L.Baird : Television (D} J. Perkins: Penicillin 149. Who among the following had started “Mitra Mela’ Association ? (A) Shyangi Krishna Verma {B) Vinayek Damodar Savarkar (€) Lata Hardayal (D) Sohan Singh Bhakna 150, The statement "Tam a socialist and a republican and am ne believer in Kings and Princes” is associated with— (A) Narendra Dev (B) Achyut Panvardhan (C) Jai Prakash Narayan {D) Jawahar Lal Nehru ~» Answers with Hints ™! rr. PROetober 01 bid hed fe] Test Your Knowledge Answers with Hints Andhra Pradesh ple esis te ete Environmental Studies ( For Glasses I-V) [According to the Syliaius | By: Dr. Shyam Anand. Guekans Cade No. 1725 EA70/- UPKAR PRAKASHAN ch = weteite wa pat Solved Paper ALLAHABAD BANK PROBATIONARY OFFICERS EXAM., 2011 (Held on 17-4-2011) General Awareness (Based on Memory) of the following is/are the objectivels) of Free Trade Agree: ment, India has done with many countries ? 1. To pride support ay entree preneurs for setting up new prajects in tiny /S5I sector 3. For undertaking expansion of business 4A. Tu support technology up- gradation, (A) Only Tand 2 4B) Only Zand 3 (C) AMA, 2and3 9) Only and 3 None of these 2 Which of the Following organiza- tions issue the rules of global trade? (A) World Bank (By World Trade Onganisation {C) Foreign Exchange Dealers! Assocation {D) Directorate General and (E} None of these 3. One single staternent that depicts the nancial position of a bank pr business enterprise at a given point of time is called— (A) Sat i product details (8) Reconciliatinn Stateme AC) Balance Sheet (0) Quarterly rerums submitted to RBI (8) Trading and marutacturing secount 4 Banks borrow money fram the RBI on which of the allowing rates? (A) Reverse Repo Rate {B} Repo Rate (C) SLR (a) CRR {E) Savings Rate 5. The Reverse mortgage scheme launched tn sive benetit to which of the following groups of woah 2 fA) Gove. eenployees {B) Senine Citizens (C) Unemptoyed youth (D) War widows {E) Nase of these Whatdoes the letter “M’ depict in the ten SME as used in the financial world * (A) Maximum (8) Mediuen {C) Mercantile (D) Mun {E) Ministry One of the major challeages banking industry is facing these days is deliberate efforts of some people to bring mancy earned though illegal activities in circulation. Which of the follow- ing acts is passed ty prevent this activity 7 (A) Payment & Settlements Act {B) Banking Regulation Act (C) Negotiable Instrument Act (D) Narcr and Psychotropic Substance Act {E) Prevention of Money taun- dering Act Which of the folinwing orga- nizations provides guarantec to the exporters ? fA) Exim Bank {B) Export Credit Guarante Corporation IC} Director General Foreign Trade {D) Reserve Bank of India {E) Registrar of companies Which of the following terms is not used in Banking World ? W, u 13 4 AC) Financial Status 1D) Discount i) What is the full form of IRR as used in banking finasesal sectors? Absolute rere 4A) Internal Rate of Return {B}_ Intemnal Revaluation Reserve 4C) Investment Reserve Ratio 1D) Internal Risk Return {BE} Noneot the above Which of the following arganisa- tions provides credit history of thse burrosvees 3 4A) CIBIL (8) ARCIL 4C) SEE (DI) RBI 4) COIL Banks need Ligui which af the following objectives of banking 1. feet deposit withdrawal 2 Fund loan demands 3. Maintain public cuntidence fA) Only 1 4B) Only 2 4) Only 4D) Only 1and 2 4E) Only2 and 3 According to latest Economic Survey, which of the following secturs will provide largest share to Indian economy in the days to come? 4A) Agriculture 4B) lndustey AC) Services {D) Exports {E} None of these Which one cf the following group represents key industries ? 1, Crude vil, elect 2 Petroleum refining and finished steel 3. Cementand coal NPCs group T 15. 1B. 1% {B) Only group 2 {©} Only groupe Land 2 (D) Only group 3 XE) All groupe 1,2 and 3 Which one of the following is covered in the list of services For service tax purposes ? 1. Insturance/frealth services 2. Hotel accommodation /air travel services 3. Money — changers /legal services Only 1 Only 2 Only Both Vand 3 AIL, Zand 3 co) (By cr Dy © . Which of the fallowing agencies is providing, Unique Identity ‘Cards to all Indian Residents 7 {A} Election Commission of Ischia (B} Ministry Foreign Attairs AC} Gort. of Maharashtra (D} Border Secutiry Force {E) None al these Vikram Pandit is associated with which of the tolfowing banks 7 (AY Yes Bank {B} ICICT Bank, (C} Citigroup (Dy HSBC (B) State Bank of India Banks snake irequeat changes in, their product profile including, introduction of new products ete This is called (A) Product Controt {B) Product enfancemont (C} Product marketing, {D}_ Product enrichment {EB} None of these Banking and financial servloes, all over the world, are regulated usually by Monetary Authority ‘of the Jand. Who controls this function in ladia? (A) Ministry of Finance ‘ey Seer (C} RBI (D) IRDA {E) FEDAL 21 2. As per guidelines of the RBI, banks are ta provide appropriate banking facilities to habitations having population in cocess of 2000 by which year ? tA) 201 B) 2012 {C) 15D) 2016 4B) None of these Which one ot the following is the target fixed for maintaining fiscal sieticit in the Union Budge af India ? AL 416 percent of total bud ger 1B) 4-6 percentofGOP AC) 4 per cont af tutal budget {D) 36 pereent of GOP 4E) None of these FIMMDA staniis for— AA) Foreign lavestenent Markets & Derivatives Market Assucia- tion (B) Fixed Income — Money Markets and Derivatives Asso- lation AC) Fixed Income and Money Market Development Associa tice. {D) Floating Income and Money Markets Derivative Assets 4B} None of these On which one of the following icsues, a group of top business leaders and other eminent citizens have expressed their coneem to the Gove. of Inia ? 4A) Corporate Govemance {0} Fiscal deticit AC) Inflation 40) Governance det 4B) None of these Nobel Laureate Muhenamed ‘Yunus belongs to which one of the fallewing countries 7 4A) Sri Lanka 4B) Pakistan 4C) Maldives 4D) Bangladesh 4£) None of these Who is the author of the book “Darkness At Noon’? 4a) ¥.5. Naipaul 4B) Chetan Bhagat 4) Arthur Koestler 4D) Vikram Seth 46} None of these 26, 2B 29 3. For which one of the following purposes, Mega Pood Parks scheme was introduced by. the Government of India? {A} To provide better price to harmers {B} To tinprove the productivity ob food crops (©) To control the prices of food items {D) ‘To avoid wastage of fruits and vegetables stored for export {E) None of these . Which of the following terms ts nut used in banking? (A) Debit Cand (8) Credie Card (C) Kisan Cand {D) ELISA Test IE) None of these Which of the following is the reason, owing te which Govern ment charges export duty on same expuet items ? (A) It is to get benetit of high international prices {B} To improve the tax callec: tion targets (C) It is as per international practices {PD} To ensure the smooth availability of the items in India 1E) None of these Pipavaw Port is located ie which of the following States ? 1A) Odisha {B) Andhra Pradesh (C) ‘Tamil Nadu iD) (Ey Which of the totlowing is fare the objectiveis) of our monetary policy? 1. Anchorintlation expstatios 2 Actively manage liquidity 2 Maintain interest rate regime consistent with price output and financial stability Only 1 All, Zand 3 Both 1 and 3 Only 2 None of these Gujarat West Hengal ta) (B) a) ib) (Ey a1. W ith which one of the tollowing: fields was Pandit Bhimsen Joshi associated ? (Ay Dance (8) Music (C) Short-story writing (D) Nowels (E})_ None of these For whieh of the tollowing pur- pose: has constituted a Working Group with Shri Deepak Mohanty as Chairman ? (4) Deregulation of primary markets (B) Deregulation of secondary markets {C) Deregulation of Bank Rates (D) Integduction of Base Rabe (E) None of these Who is Kapil Sibal ? (A) Coal Minister of India (B) Civil Aviation Minister of Ind (C) Telecom Minister of India (D) Boonomic Advisor te Prime Minister of India 4B) None of these Which of the following will set up core banking infrastructure for mural banks ? (A) SIDBL (B) IBA iC) RBI (2) Sar (E) NABARD Colanel Muaumar al Gaddati is Savings associated with which one of the Following countries 7 1A) Libya (8) Beharin {C) Yemen (LB) Tunisia (E) None of these What is Gross Dlomestic Product ? 4A) [ts the cost of production of all final goods and services made in the country (B)_ It is the cost of services made within the borders of a country ina year AC) [tis the market value of all final gaode and services made in the country (D) [tis the market value af all final goods and services made within the borders of a country 3h 4a, Which of the following metals is used for generation of Nuclear Power? tA) {B) Gold (C) Uranium (PD) Copper (E) Barium In which one uf the following States, India’s first Islamie Bank is proposed tu be set up? (A) Kerala (B) Tamil Nadu (C) Odisha (0) Bihar (E) None of these iver In which one of the following States, Niyamygiri Bauxite Mining Project is proposed to be set? (A) Odisha (B) harkhand (C) West Bengal (0) Bihar (E} Chhatisgarke Which of the following terms is not used in Esanomics ? (A) Demand and Supply (8) Ad Valoram Tax (C) Break even (D) HIV positive (E} Cost benetit analysis: . For which one ef the following reasons Finance Minister denied entry of NRI funds for infra bonds * (A) It will bring in liquidity in the country (B) NRIs can withdraw their funds ony time (C)_ Iewill bring interest burden on the country (D) Ircomld fead to losses at the time of redemption because of fluctuations in the Indian Curreney {E} None of these What is “financial inclusion’ ? 1, Easy acerss to bank accounts for safe parkiag of savings 2. Availability of cheap credits through appropriately desi gned loans for poor and low inceme households and small entrepreneurs 3. Availability of basie finan- cial products like insutance more rt) 45. db a. (A) Only T (B) Only 2 fC} Daly s (D) Both tand 2 (H) ALT, 2and 3 According ta the Securities anc Insurance Laws (Amendiment Bill 2010, who amongst ow following will be Vice-Chairmac of joint commission to resolve differences amongst the financia regulators ? (A) Finance Minsiter, GOL (B) Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission (©) SEBI Chairman (D) Chateman, Central Vigilanes Commission (E) RBI, Gowermor Which of the toll used in Economics ? (A) Keynesian, {B) Adsorption (C) Affinity Mazrix (D) Gene Flow (BE) None of these Which one of the following is the directive given to the Govt, o: India in the Financial Stability Report submitted to it ? (A) Pocus on financial consis teney {B) To reduce fiscal deficit (C) To ensure GLP growth (D) To reduce revenue deficit (B) None of these ving, terms i In which one of the following States, Jangi-Thopon anc Thopon-Pawarl Power Project are proposed tobe set up? (A) Fe BEL? (C).UP, ¢D) Manipur (E) Meghalaya Which one of the following is the proposal under the — Fooe Socurity Law ? (A) To pravide 25 ky of food grains to ration card holders (B} Te provide 25 ky of food grains to targeted beneficiaries (C) To provide 35 kg of food grains to ration card holders (D) Te provide 35 ky of food grains to targeted beneficiaries () None of these 18. Which one of the tollowing are 53. 51 key policy rates used by RBI to influence interest rates ? 1. Bank Rate//the Repo Rute 2. Reverse Repo Rate 3. CRRISLR (AY Only 1 {B) Only 2 (C} All1, 2and 3 (D) aly 3 (EB) Both Tand 3 For giving cooking gas connec- tign to poor iamihes, which of the following ome time subver- tive din rupees) will be provided by the Planning Commission ? (A) C500 (Dy F600 (cyt 350 gD) £1000 (2) T1400 Which one of the following rates signal the RBI's long term aut- Jook on interest rates ? (A) Repo Rate AB) Reverse Repo Rate AC} Bank Rate (D) SLR (E} CRE What do you understand by “Para Banking’ services ? (A) Eligible financial services rendered by banks (B). Utility services provided by banks (C) Services provided through business correspondents (D} Services provided to armed fore personne! 4B) None of these For which ene at the tollowing reason, the Steel Ministry wants complete ban on export of iron ore trom India ? (A) The price of ino are exports isnot competitive {B) The iron ore exports do not provide any value addition to exports (C). The prices of lron ore are high and as such the exports of the ore should be banned {D) Tron ore is a non-renewable respurce like coal and petroleum products, hence it should be preserved {E} None of these 57. What isa cross Border Exchange 7 {A) Trading of foreign currency in India (8) Trading of Indian rupee in exchange of ather currencies! goods (C) Hawala Indian Rupee {D) Unauthorized remittance of Indian Rupee {E) None of these What is Cartosat-28 ? {A) It is an advanced remote sensing statellite built by ERO (B) It is a warhead developed by DRDO (C)_ It is an educational project launched by UGC {D) le an advanced computer developed by ITT Kanpur {E) None of these transactions in For which one of the following, reasons RBI has decided to undertake mid-quarter policy reviews ? 1, To realign its policies To take steps and ensure smooth flow of erestit To provide guidance to the eeonomy fA) Only 1 {B} Only 2 4C) Only 3 {D) All1, Zana 3 (E} None of these Which one of the following is the objective of Financial Stability and Development Council ? {A} To-oddress inter-regulatory issues only (B) To focus on financial lite racy only (C) To focus on financial inclu siva only {D) Only (Aj and (3) {E} ALLA) 8) and (C1 For which one of the following, reasons has the Manning Cam- mission decidect to convert itselt into a system Reforms Commis: siva? fA) It is to make people to people contact (B) ft is to understand problems ot people the ol is to review the imple- mentation of its poticies (D) Ht is aimed at changing ecungmic profile of the country (E) None of these Which one ot the iellowing sectors in India has attracted highest amount of Foreign Direct Investment during 2008-10? (A). Mamutocturing (B) Construction AC) Wholesale and Retail Trade (D} Financial Insurance, Real Estate (E) Civil Aviation Which of the following is/are a renewable saurce of energy ? 1. Wind 2 Solar 3. Thermal (AY Only 1 ) PRTQ (E) GIRL 13. (A) GUF {B) OQRN €} KMNL {b) UWXT {E) CEFB. Directions 4. 14-18) Read cack of the following stutements carefully and answer the questions— 14, Which of the following expres: sions will be trae if the giver expression A > B= C< DE’ js definitely tue ? (AL AzC | (B)Eot (C) DeB (DB) A>D {E) Nene is true TS. Tthe expressions B= |< H>Z', ‘We’ and 'E > P’ are true, which of the following conclusions will be defirtitely false ? (APF<¥ 9 (B)¥>E (Fen (D) pet (E) All are true 16. Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark in the given expression in order ta make the expressions 'K =H! as wells 'M >’ definitely true? Hal=]?Kel (aoe ()« (D) Either (E) = 17 In which of the following expres sions will the expression “T= S' be definitely false? (A) PoQeR=8 (A) S Some papers are boards, No boards is a card Conclusions : No cand is a paper. Hl. Some papers are cards Conclusions : 1 All cards being papers is a possibility. T. All boards being papers is a possibility Directions. 27-32) Study the following information to answer the given questions — ‘Ten people are sitting in two parallel raws containing five people each, in such a way that there is ‘an equal distance between adjacent persons, Inv row ~ IP, Q, RS and T are seated and all of therm arc facing South. In row - 2A, B,C, Dand Bare seated and all of them are facing North. Therefare, in the given seating arrangement each member seated ina row lars another member of the other row. D sits third to the left of A, P faces immediate neighbour of DLR sits second tw the right of FS sits second to the deft of (. 8 and E are immediate neighbours of each other E does not face F, a, How many persans are seated between Q and 1? (A) None (8) One (C) Two (D) Three (£) Cannotbe determined 28. Four of the following five are alike ina certain way and thus form a group, Which as the one that does mat belong to that group? (aR (Bs (1. wy {E) A 29. Who amongst the following re- present the people sitting exacthy in the middle of the rows 7 (a? (85,0 (C) SA (Dy ALR {E) BB 30. Which of the following is true regarding B? {Al A and C are immediate neighbours of B (B) B sits at ane of the extreme vende of the: line (C) Qiaces B (D} Tis. an immediate neighbour ‘of the person facing B (E) 0 sits te the immediate left ofB 31, Four of the following five are alike in a cextain way and thus form a group, Which is the one that dees not belong to hat group 7 fA) T-E -@BPQ-C tc) §-B «@D) R-A &) P-D 2. Who amongst the following taces 5? fA, A B) B oc (Bb we) OE Directions —{Q. 23-38) Study the vilowing information to answer the jiven questions— In a certain code her idea has. merit’ is written as ‘fo la bu no’ ‘merit ist has been displayed’ is whiten ‘jo ke la sina’ and ‘her name lisplayed there! is Written as ‘ya si “zo, “name in merit list’ is written iS 'na ya go ke’, 4. What cloes ‘ke! stand far ? fA) been: {B} has (C) merit (D) name KE} list 4. What is the code fue “idea! > 4A) fo Br la «c) bu (D) na SE} Eitherbu orna Whieh of the following represents name has been displayed’ ? tA) yalakesi (B) josiyala {C) sijokena @) bu yo ke la (E} yast joze %. What docs‘zo' stand for? 4A) there {8} displayed tC) name D>) her {E} Cannot be determined 7. Which of the following may represent ‘her name is there’? 4A) 20 ya go wo {B) bu yazago {C) soya bu ke (2) ya za wo bu {E} wo go roya M4. What is the code foe “in” ? 4A) na 4B} yt tC) go (D) ke {E} Cannot be determined Directions —{Q. 39-45) Study the ollowing information ta ansiver the siven questions: A word ond number arrangement nachine when given an input line of vonds and numbers rearranges chem following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input ancl rearrangement Input) sum 28 have 19-9648 luck, nice 78 cope Step I have sum 28 19 48 luck rice 7H cope 3 Step 1 > luck have cum 28 19 48 Tice rope 6 78 Step TEL < nice luck have sum 2819 rope 96 7848 Step T¥> rope nice luck have sum 1996 78 48 28 Step Vo: sum rope nice luck have se TR 2a And Step ¥ is the last step of the rearrangement As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of dhe follwing que: the appropriate steps for the input given below Input 49 last zen 16 82 yer can vast ce A rc 33 aim 87 54 How many steps would be Reeded to complete the arrange- ment? tA) IV iv tM Dy Vil (E) None of these Which Step number would be the follawing output? wast last can aim zen 16 yet 33 87 Aa A tA) HL (B) (ec) wry (E} There will be ag such step Which of the following would be the Sirp 1? (A) aimed can zen 16 yet vast 33 34.87 2 (B) vost last can aim zen 16 yet S87 RE Ly (C) zen 48 last 16 BD yetean vast 3 aim 54 67 (D) aim 49 last zen a2 yet can vast 33 8? S416 (B) Now of these In Step ¥ which of the following word /number would be on the th position (fren the: elghst) ? tA) BF (8) 16 (cy 33 (Dy zen {E} aim Whieh af the following would be the final ureangement ? (A) ven yet vast last can aim 16 3340 Sd AD BF {B} aim can last vast yet zen 16 3349 54.82.57 (C}. aim can last vast yet een 87 a2 5449.35 96 (D) zen yet vast Last can aim 87 BZ SE 49 33 16 KE) None of these Directions 4Q. 44-50) Study the following information earchully and answer the given questions Eight friends, Meenal, Rumia, Shikha, Al, eter, Marleen, Ketast axl Bhazat are silling around a square table in such. way that four of them sit at tour corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides, The ones who sit at the four corners face the centre while those who sit the middle of the sicics tace outside. Bhavat sits second tw the right of Shikha. Bharat does not sit at any of the corners. Mcenal sits third to the tof Peter Peter is not an imme- diate neighbour of Shikha, Rumia and Ketan are immediate neighbours of each other but Rumia does not sit at any of the corners of the table. Harleen ix neither an immediate neighbour of Peter nor Shikha, 44 a7 Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that daes mat belong tn that group? 4A) Peter (B} Rumia XE} Harlees (03) Shikhs (E} Bharat Who sits thied to the lett of Ali? (A) Bharat (8) Rummia (C) Shikha (D0) Petes AE} Cannot be determined What js the pasition of Peter with respect tu Meenal ? (A) Tobmmediate lett (B] Secund to the lett (C} Third to the jeft {D) Third tn the right (E) Second to the right Who amongst the following: sits second to the right of Ketan ? (A) Shikha(B} Ali (€) Bharat () Harleen (E} Meenal BOWho amongst the following, represoat the immediate neigh- hours of Harleen ? (A) Mecnal, Ketan (B) Bharat, Rumi (C} Bharat, Moenal (D) Ali, Ruria (E} Ali, Ketan 19. Who amongst the following sit/s exactly between Peter and AH? (A) Only Bharat (B) Ketan and Rumia (C) Only Harleen (D) Harloen and Meenal (E} No one sits between Peter and Ali Si. Who amongst the following js an immediate neighbour af Meenal? (A) Rumia (8) Al (©) Ketan (D) Harleen (E) Shika, Directions 4. 51-85) Each ot the questions below consists oF a question and two Statements mm bered Vand I given below it, You have te decide whether the data provided in the statements ane sutfi- cient to answer the question. Reed both the statements and sive ams- wer. (A) If the data in Statement 1 alone are sufficient to ams- Wer the question, while the data in Statement I alone are not sufficient fy answer the question, lf the data in Statement I alone are sutticient to ans- Wer the question, while the data in Statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question, Uf the data in Statement | alone of in Statement I alone ane sufficient to answer the question, It the data in both Statements | and I are sutficient to anewer question, If the data in both the Statements Land Ul together ane necessary to answer the question, «By cy the nat the {b} (Ey 51. How jis ‘letter’ written in the code language ? 55. 56 ‘please write a letter’ is swritters as “7218", “reeoived a Greek letter’ ie written as "7513" MH. ‘write in Englich please’ is written as "2004 aitd ‘a letter s Written a8 ‘S71 Among A, B,C, D and Ey seated ina straight line, facing North, who sits exactly in the middle af the line ? L. Acsits third to left of D. B sits fo the immodiate right of C I Bsite second to right of AE is not an immediate ne! bour of B. in Greek A six storey building (consisting ofan unoccupied ground floor and five floors on top of the ground flour aumberod 1, 2, 3,4 and-5) houses different people wz. A, B,C, Dand E. Who lives con the third flor ? LC lives un an even numbered floor. A lives immediately above D. & ives immediately above A. E dors not live on the topmost floor. UD lives onan odd numbered: Boor. A and Bare immediate neighbours of each other. Similarly, Cand E are immediate neighbours: of each other, C does not live pean odd numbered Hor Are all the four friends Abhay, Kavita, Prashant and Yosir whe are sitting around a circular table facing the centre ? L second to left of Abhay faces the Yasir sits to the centre, immediate right of Abhay as ax Kavita, I. Prashant sits third to the right of Kavita, Abhay sits to immediate right of Prashant as well as Yasir, lc R the granddaughter of C ? 1 The only sister of A is the mother af R's brother, fb ILC, the tsothor of A has any ne grandson, 8. Read the following information and five statements given below it carefully and answer the questions which follow. Excerpt from a research report - “Average lite expectancy in Suntherr part of India is tar more than that ir Westera India. While the average life of a native of South India is 82 years tie average life of a native of Western India is only 74 years! Based on the above dact the proposal that the above shudy makes is thar if an Individual maves tram Western India to South India, his /dve life expectancy would immediately increase by cight years. Which of the following’ state ments would weaken the above mentioned study's propusal that people belonging to Wester parts 0 India shewld move to South India tc increase their life expectancy ? (A) The average life expectancy vf population liviag Easter part of the country is also less than the population living in South India, Nearly 80“ of the popula- Hon én Southorn [adia has minimum age of 83 yours, Higher life expectancy” ir Souther India can be asey bed to the genctic makeup the population belonging, t that ares (D} The average lite expectancy of South India is comparable to the best averages in the world, Migher lite expectancy i Souther India canbe attri buted to better environ mental conditions and bette healthcare facilities, Directions—{Q} 57-60) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow— Fortunately, more and more countries are shifting heir focus away trom industrial development tc control of climate change these days, {a) ‘The countries which focus more an controlling, climate change than industrial deve lopment are only the riches ones which can afford te concentrate on areas othe: than industrial develop. ment (Ei {h) Many countries had once prioritized industrial deve lopment which proved ta be 7, 8 hanntul to environment in the longer san Some experts are af the view that cliunate change is not as alarming an issue as made to be because it natural phenomenon and has been oscurring regularly throughout the history of earth. id) It climate change continues at the present rate, it would bring in large scale destruc tion to human habitation in a very short tire Industrial development one of the biggest but defini tely nat the only. reason behind global warming, Which of the staements num- bered fa), ¢b}, fo) and (d) men tioned above would weaken the argument for the need of a shift away from industrial develop- ment 9 that of controllin: oli change ? (Ay {ab (B} (b) Ch fe) 1D) (a) AE} Bosh tb) ond (at) Which of the statements. num: bered (a), fb), fe}, (@} andl fe} can be an assumedinferred from the facts /information given in the statement ? (An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted anc an inference something which is not directly tated but can be Infereed from given facts. | (cy teh th tA) fe} (BH fe} (Cy a) «Dy {by (E) Either (a) or fa} Which af the follnwing can be interred trom statement fe) if itis considered to be true with regard tothe given information ? (A) Nations also need to focus en sources other than those generated duc to industrial development (B) Other sources of pollution have more adverse effects ax som pared te these to industrial development AC} Unlike older Gines; indus- trial development has ceased to be a reason behind ylobal warm ing these days wil a Rae a el ba 63 68 fiyguares in the ans the second fi (D) ff industrial development stops, global warming would automatically come tu an ene! {E} If sources other than. indus- trial development are identified and controlied, global warming will end completety Which of the statements aum- bered (a). tb) fe], id) and fey mentioned above represents a reason behind curtailing, indus- trial development by some af the eountries ? {A} Either fe) or (e) By (d) cc) (cd (D) Either fa} or fe} {E) (a) Directions 4. 61-70} In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures on the right should come after the problem figures on the left, if the sequence were continued ? Problem Figures Answer Figures v a ar = a [ie | oo] 2 0 alo ale elo = 4 (By 2 ar) a ys) af ef ule] af uf oe colo slo als lu 2 ale =[z 0 @ © 95 [66 [be [v2 Jer «fee [cw jew ez ise [rc jso feo e jor |re |re 2 iz jo le eo ao lo 2 vaictlioacelcouteleactz once! [coawoleacos|ce (A) By =>. 75 = te [st ¢ alo cle ala cle alla ole wale ale als ols a] le -|2 5 (Ad iB) F # (Ay (E) FSCS a eye ae] TST Tas ee Pala] «]o 5 eave zolu ecla a ele uel [pe alec ale cals acla cz “w 8 © OF Directlons—471-75) The socond figure in the first unit of the problem figures bears a certain relationship to the first figure. Similarly one of the figures bears the same relati fe in the second unit of the problem figures, You are therefore ship to either the first or tur-locate the figuee which would fi¢in the place uf the question-mark (%) Answer Figures ao =a] 7 7.) @ Jone M4 la owlu vo! jo=al jT oa le wulaecal le ot Ie =o 1A) meine 2 ee Solved Paper BARODA-RAJASTHAN GRAMIN BANK OFFICERS EXAM., 2011 (Held on 13-3-2011) Numerical Ability Directions{Q. 1-5) What should come in phice of question nark (2) in the following, questions ? 1, AM 6646-11-71 = > (A) 563 {By 242 AC) 3a? (D) 476 (6) None of these 2 34a B5+25—=7 (Ad 1048 (By 128-2 (Cc) 1156 «D) 108-4 4E) None of these 3) RG =? (a) 29 (8) 26 icy 19 «Dy 16 4B) None of these A 1925 « 4 P= DP (Ay 15 {B) 1? iy 12 (Dy) {E) None of these 5. WS of 255 + Ph of 05 = 1248 (ay 2 (B) 24 Ch 18 4D) 15 4B) None of these Directions—(Q. 6-10) What approximate value should come in place of the question-mark (2) in the following questions 7 (Note: You are nat expected to calculate tire exact value.) 6 GHP =? (ay 470 (Bp 530 (Cy 650 xD) 500 (E) 620 7. 33-DONG, of 509-990 = 2 (ay 135 (B) 185 ey 170 «D) 100 {B} 140 Bo 1ZAe 2-214 112222—7 (A) 4000, (B} 4455 (€} S000) 5558 (Ey 4553 We (Based on Memory} 919999.» 25402 «13-996 = 7 4A) 495 (B) 525 (cr 450 «D) 515 (EF 0 S003 = 17-998 + 65-4010 = 7 (A) 575; 4B) 600 «550 (DY 650 (Ey 500 Directions—4{@. 11-15) What should come in place of the question mark (71 in the following number series ? WA 25410185 90965 (ae By 75 6 Dy 55 (E} None of these 12 4512.30 180805 ? 1A) 4836, {B) 324 IC) Bede {D} 4030 {BE} None of these 13, 8108 1253 302 ? 363 (A) 51 {B) 327 (C) 3B {D) Nt {EB} None of these 14 A O07 18M 108? 1H 118 (AD 1 (8) 136 (cy) 134 (D) 6 {E] None of these 15 315.4075 124188? (A) 255 (8) 218 (cy 43 (D) 25 {E} None of these 16. What would be the cost of laying, a carpet on a flor whick hy length and breadth in the respec tive ratio of 32:21 and where its perimeter ig 212 feet, if the cost per square foot of laying the carpetis £257 (A) T6720 (B) 7520 (C) T7390 (12) Cannot be determined (E) None of these 17. 18, 19 2 ‘The simple interest accrues on an amountat the end ot five years 0 12-5 pe.p.a. 7 1,575. What is the amount? 4A) 22,050 (3) F 2.550 e) $2250 fb) F520 {E} None of these A 260 metre long train crosses a plationm thrice its length in 80 seconds. What is the speed of the train in kin / howe ? (A) 52-4 (By 468 (Cy 384 {D) Cannot be determined {E} None of these If the cost of 8 erasers and 5 sharpeners is © 31, what will be the cost nf 24 erasers and. 10 sharpeners? tay © 62 (By P84 key € 78 {D}_ Cannot be determined {E) None of these In how many different ways ean the letters of the word ‘PRETTY’ be arranged ? 4A) 120 (3) 36 (C} Sed «D) 720 (E} None of these A boat while travelling upstream covers a distance of 18 km at the speed of 3 kin/‘hr, whereas while travelling downstream it covers the same distance at a speed of 9 kin hr, What is the speed of the ‘boat in still waters ? 4A) Skin ihe {B} S km/hr < 7kinihe {D} Cannot be determined {6} None af these BP Whats ai ares oF a circle whose ah sircumférence is 132 cm ? (AL 1562 {B) 1386

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