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Washington University in StLouis ‘Mark S. Weighton Chancellor October 22, 2009 ‘The Honorable Richard M, Daley Mayor, City of Chicago 121 North La Salle Street Chicago, IL 60602 Dear Mayor Daley: Lwrite to express my most intense disappointment about an incident that occurred to a group of Washington University students on Saturday, October 17" in the City of Chicago. Six of our senior African-American students, Regis Murayi, Tboro Umana, Franklyn Pandolf-John, Nick Brooks, Blake Jones, and Chuka Chike-Obi, were denied access to a Chicago establishment known as Mother's Nightclub Original Bar. From the information these students have shared with me, it is clear that they were denied access based solely on the color of their skin, Enclosed is a copy of the detailed press release developed by our student leaders following the events of last weekend. As Chancellor, I have the privilege of interacting with some of the world’s most talented undergraduate students. Washington University students are bright, optimistic, and eager to tackle our world’s most pressing challenges. I can only imagine the humiliation and discouragement these six young students felt last weekend when they were turned away from this establishment because of their race. I am hopeful that this incident has not in any way damaged their perspective and their sense of self- esteem, but I doubt that is the case. Chicago is a great city and Chicagoans can take pride that one of their residents was the first African American to be elected President of the United States, but the experience of our students represents a setback for the City and reveals that we still have much work to do to achieve true racial equality in this country. I am deeply disappointed. I trust you will investigate this matter fully and take the steps necessary to ensure that similar incidents do not occur to future visitors to the City of Chicago. Jappreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your response. Sincerely yours, Mark 8, Wrighton MSW:se Enclosure ‘Washington University in St. Louis, Campus Box 1192, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63130-4899 (314) 935-5100, Fax: (314) 935-4744, wrighton@wustedu, www.wustedu

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