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Conner Skuse

Seeking a part time job to finance future education.

Charlotte High School September 2010-present

Math: lgebra ! " !! #eometr$ Science: %iolog$ &ild 'ife (oolog$ )arth Science !ntroduction to Chemistr$ and *h$sics )nglish: )nglish +-11 Composition ,ther: Consumers- )ducation *s$cholog$ &eb .esign Marketing Computer #raphic .esign

%ook Club 200/-*resent Choir 2000-2010

Work Experience:
ugust 2011-Ma$ 2011 2edd$ %ear .a$ Care Super3isor: Stace$ Schriner Ma$ 2011-present &end$-s 'ansing 6d. Charlotte7 M! 89911 :;10<;81-0819 Super3isor: mber Combs Duties: *reparing meals Cleaning43acuuming Chaperoning da$care outings Duties: Making and preparing sand5iches Making and portioning fries 6unning a register Collecting mone$ Counting out change

References Available Upon Request

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