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TELEPHONE: 818.261.4223 E M A I L : M A R Y C E L E N TA N O @ G M A I L .



W E B S I T E : W W W. M A R Y C E L E N TA N O . C O M

Education Professional Experience

The Art Institute of California - Los Angeles Bachelor of Science, Graphic Design, June 2010 DECEMBER 2012 - PRESENT Kuapay Graphic Designer JULY 2010 - DECEMBER 2012 Tough Guppy Productions Graphic Designer FREELANCE Mark Evans, Director of Photography Business Cards Amanda Rowan, Photographer Flyers and Photo Retouching Assistance Zachary Stitzer, Financial Advisor Photo Retouching Infinite Communications Brochure Design


Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Dreamweaver (Basic Knowledge) Strong Typography Skills Strong Photo Retouching Skills Experience with Print, UI, and UX design. Deans Honor Roll: Fall 2007 - Winter 2010 Presidents Honor Roll: Winter 2008 American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Member 2009 - Present Available upon request.

Honors Affiliations References

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