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CE 332: Transportation Engineering Lab Objectives of the course 1.

Familiarize students with the required knowledge in highway engineering 2. Familiarize students with properties of different materials used in Highways 3. To develop interest in highway engineering in students 4. To develop an a ility to apply pra!ti!al knowledge in their future profession ". #repare students to use their skills for teamwork $. %n!ul!ating in students the ne!essity of systemati! up gradation of skills Learning outcomes of the course &fter !ompleting the !ourse the student !an' 1. (pe!ify requirements for the (oil) aggregate) depending on the type of pavement layer 2. %nterpret the test results of the #avement materials 3. +hoose the type of ingredients for #avement layers of spe!ified requirements 4. ,esign -!al!ulate. the !omposition of /ituminous mi* ". #rovide guidan!e for e*e!ution of #avement !onstru!tion itumen and ituminous mi*

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