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8 Players on each side, 3 substitute allowed (11 players team). It will be played by Tennis Ball. 6 o ers each side. !a" o# $ o ers per bowler. Ball has to pitch ahead o# the center line otherwise it will be considered as %& B'((. %& B'(() and *I+, will not be counted as o##icial ball and 1 run will be scored by the opponent team. Byes and (e- Byes are allowed. * .eepers are allowed to chan-e anytime. Ball -oin- directly outside the Bo" without inter#erence by opponent team will be considered as &/T. Ball -oin- outside the B&/%+01 '0,' will be scored 2 0uns. Ball -oin- outside the $+ '0,' will be scored $ 0uns. Ball -oin- outside the 1+ '0,' will be scored 1 0un. In case o# Tie, )uper & er will be played. The %on ) has to stand completely inside the )T/!P B&3.

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