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In this research paper Im going to tell you about the history of soccer.

The first paragraph is about the history of soccer. The second paragraph is about world cup history. The third and final paragraph is about the history of womens soccer. The history of soccer started around the second century BC, In China. It was during the Han Dynasty that people dribbled leather balls and kick into small nets. lso !omans and "reeks used to play soccer for fun. The growth of modern soccer started in #ngland. In the medie$al times people got so fond of playing the competition got wild. There were incidents of $iolence during the game. %ing #dward III banned soccer in &'() because there were so many incidents. lso in &*+* they banned soccer. Thats the history of soccer. The international soccer ,-I- ., federation international football association, came into e/istence in &01*. The aim of the organi2ation was to host championship matches between professional leagues from different nations. The original idea did not work in the winter and summer 3lympics. The original gold trophy had the name of 4ules !imets. There were a total of &' teams in the first world cup in &0'1. The host was 5ruguay. The first champion was 5ruguay and the runner up was rgentina. The first womens world cup was held in China in &00&. The 56 womens team won the first championship in women soccer history. #$er since &0'1, the world has witnessed only se$en different winners in the &( tournaments held so far. This was the history of world cup soccer. The upcoming world cup is in Bra2il, so stay tuned. The history of womens soccer started in #urope. 6ome people mention casual competition in 6cotland and parts of #ngland. The matches were between married and unmarried women during the late &0 th century. By the +1th century you could see women playing seriously in different parts of "reat Britain, -rance and Canada. In &0+&, the central body of the game set a ban on women for playing soccer for an incredible period of )1 years. By the time the ban was lifted, almost ') countries had their national woman teams. 6ince then women soccer has been growing7 That the history of womens soccer.

The sport soccer is a wonderful game to play. 8eople play soccer all o$er the world. Im writing this because it interesting knowing the history of soccer. I hope you like reading about this topic and I really like writing about soccer. I hope this writing was $ery useful or $ery helpful.

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