Upper Power Exercise Reps

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Upper Power Exercise Chest Rows Pull-ups Biceps Triceps Seated Military Press Lateral Raises Calf Press

Lower Power Exercise Face Pulls Majors Abs Farmers Walks Leg Extensions + Lying Hammy Curls Seated Calf Raise (25s) Upper Hypertrophy Exercise Warm-up Rows Chest Pulldowns Biceps Triceps DB Presses Lateral Raises Calf Press Lower Hypertrophy Exercise Seated Calves *Back Squats Romanian Deads Hamstring Curls Leg Extension + Seated Hammy Curls Abs Rear Delt Flyes Reps 4x12 5/3/1 3x30s 10x10 3xF Reps 5/3/1 + 3x5 3x5 + 3x5 3x5 2x5 + 2x5 3x12 + 3x12 Hepburn method 5x10 5x5

Reps 3x10 3x10 + 3x10 3x10 + 3x10 3x10 3x10 + 3x10 3x12 + 3x12 100 reps 4x20 5x10

Reps 3 dropsets 3x10 5/3/1 3x10 + 3x10 3x15 5x10

incline bench, weighted dips pendlay rows, DB rows hammer curls, DB curls overhead extensions, rope pushdowns

Front Squats, Rack Pulls 5 sets of dragon flag negatives, 3 sets of side bends

Straight-arm pulldowns, cable flyes seated cable, DB Hammer Strength Incline, Incline DB DB Spiders, cable reverse curls overhead extensions, rope pushdowns

*or pistol squats standing, seated 5 controlled, 5 fast, 5 controlled 5 sets of dragon flag negatives, 3 sets leg raises

Shoulders/Arms Exercise High Pulls Spider Hammers Rope Pushdowns Spider Curls OH Triceps Extension Dips Reverse 21s 21s

Reps 5-8x3 3x8 3x10 3x5 3x15 3x5 2-3 sets 2-4 sets

or 50 total reps or 100 total reps (both grips)

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