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Lesson Plan Outline

Class being taught: 3 grade Sponsor Teacher :Mrs. Tina Erickson


Prepared on : To be used on :

Pre-Assessment Materials The teacher will play a bingo game as a way of re iewing their -self!made bingo cards with spelling and meaning. The teacher will distribute her self!made bingo spelling words on it. cards and "elly beans. The teacher will then say the first word and let the !"elly beans students mark their card. She will continue saying different spelling words until someone says #ingo$ The teacher will ask the student to pronounce each word and ask if the students remember the meaning of the words on his%her bingo game. &s a reward' the teacher can ask the student to eat their "elly beans. Course Objective (e iew spelling words and their meanings in the target language. Lesson Objective(s) The students will learn correct spelling and will also learn their meaning in the target language. Overview Housekeeping ec!nolog" Component E)plain why it is important role call and announcement o erhead pro"ector to learn correct spelling. of the upcoming e ent !E)plain why it is important to remember the meaning of spelling words in the target language. #eview$%evelopment& an' ime Prepare the room in ad ance by setting the tables and chairs. The teacher will then distribute the self!made bingo cards with spelling words on it. The teacher will also distribute "elly beans. The teacher will then begin to say the words one after the other until someone shout #ingo$ The teacher will ask that students to read the spelling words and ask him%her if she remembers the meaning. The "elly beans will ser e as a reward when the students remember all the meaning s of the spelling words in her bingo card. The teacher will continue until she finish the allotted time for the task. Assignment$Practice P!ilosop!ical (usti)ication !*rite the spelling words in the ,elp the students re iew their spelling words and its meaning in the learner+s "ournal with the meaning target language in an en"oyable way. on it. *ummar" *el)-evaluation The class en"oyed re iewing The students en"oyed the #ingo game. They also remember spelling words with their meanings in the target language. -t would be better if the teacher used meanings in an en"oyable way. marbles instead of "elly beans because the students were distracted by They remember the meanings and "elly beans. the way the words are spelled. Contingenc" Plan !Show them spelling words. .et them identify if it is correctly spelled or not. -f not' ask then to gi e you the right spelling.

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