Course Work

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Course Work Nursing 500 Theoretical Foundation Nursing Practice (3) - This course examined nurse theorists their

theories and how they have influenced nursing practice through the decades and how they continue to influence our practice today. Students discuss and reflect on these theories and implement them in to their clinical practice. Nursing 503 Advanced Nursing Health Policy and Health System (3) - In this course nurses learn how to develop ways to influence healthcare policy to better care for patients. The advanced practice nurse learns about political climates, implications of healthcare policy and how they can influence such policy. They also learn how to think in systems. The use of micro, meso and macrosystem concepts further enhance the ability of the advanced practice nurse. 531 Family Theory-(2)- Focused on family theories and family health assessment, risk stratification for family inherited diseases and opportunities for the advanced practice nurse to positively influence health promotion and disease prevention across the lifespan of families and to also educate the community as well on the illnesses that most affect the area in which they live. Nursing 555 Clinical Pharmacology (3) - This course teaches comprehensive drug management and disease management through pharmacological interventions. Certification for NYS prescriber course contact hours required. Nursing 560 Research Methods (3)- This course dealt with quantitative and qualitative research methods. The research process was studied and followed design, measurement, data collection, analysis and ethical consideration and care were all followed and a research topic was chosen and a course long proposal was submitted at the end of the semester. Nursing 566 /567 Advanced Practice Lecture and Clinical (5)- The lecture portion of this class focused on obtaining comprehensive health history, review of systems, and performing physical assessments with special lectures on suturing, x-rays, and electrocardiograms. The clinical portion of the class allowed the advanced practice nurse to practice all these skills in addition to pap smears, prostate exams and comprehensive physical exams. 570 Clinical Pathophysiology (3) The study of disease with some review of anatomy and physiology of systems. 572 Family Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (3) - the study of health promotion and disease prevention through use of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Guidelines. Nursing 580 Beginning Clinical- (2) Primary Care Clinical focused on health promotion, gathering information, health histories and performing physical exams with oversight of preceptor 5.5 hours per week per credit hour. I performed 169 hours at New Hartford ACP from 1/13-5/13.

Nursing 652 Family Primary Health Care I (3)- Theory , background, pathophysiology for advance practice nurse to be able to care for families with a variety of ailments dealing with ENT complaints, as well as head, neck, skin, respiratory, immunological and hematological complaints in primary care. Nursing 670 Intermediate Clinical (3)- This clinical experience was both primary care and OBGYN together the OB experience was at Oneida Clinic and during this 50 hours of clinical I was involved in doing prenatal screening exams, diet education, family planning education, postpartum exams, speculum exams assisted with non - stress tests and various other tests. My primary care clinical again took place at the New Hartford Adirondack Community of Physicians with Kathleen Sanger FNP and Tina Cuda FNP for a total of 239.35 hours. The intermediate clinical experience is meant to allow the advanced level nurse expand their knowledge base and deal more with problem focused encounters and start to become more independent with their development of assessment and plan. Nursing 668 Family Primary Care II (3)-Theory, background and pathophysiology for advance practice nurse to be able to care for families with a variety of ailments including but not limited to cardiology, pulmonology, renal, gastrointestinal, neuromuscular, and psychiatry, the advance practice nurse will also be instructed on in office emergencies, cultural competencies and child abuse. Nursing 680 Advanced Practice Nursing Clinical- 150 hours of this clinical will be in specialty clinical. I have chosen orthopedics and cardiology for my specialty. I have been able to see a variety of orthopedic problems from Scoliosis to club foot to fractures of wrists, and leg bones to tears of ACL tendon and patella tendons. I have participated in cardiology rounds and consultations at Saint Lukes Hospital with CNY Cardiology and have been instructed on pacemaker reading and ICD devices. This primary care rotation focuses on improvement of all skills and really becoming comfortable with the processes of advanced practice nursing while still collaborating with preceptor for guidance when needed. The total clinical hours for this semester are 330. These hours are currently being completed at The Adirondack Community of Physicians New Hartford office. Nursing 692 Culminating Seminar- This course will allow the student to develop goals toward the profession projects include developing a portfolio, presentation of projects related to professional issues such as legal and regulatory, license issues in preparation for graduation. In addition a comprehensive examination is required to pass.

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