Mahana Lesson Plan 10

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Lesson Plan Outline

Class being taught: 3 grade Sponsor Teacher :Mrs. Tina Erickson


Prepared on : To be used on :
Materials - paper #pencil #snow an $picture%

Pre-Assessment The teacher will ask the students to bring out their paper and pencil. The teacher will then ask the students to listen carefully because she will just read the directions twice. The teacher will ask the students what they get and she will show the original picture to class. The teacher will then discuss the i portance of listening to the directions and following the . The teacher will ask the to write what they ha!e learned in their learner"s journal.

Course Objective Teach the students how to follow directions carefully in the target language. Lesson Objective(s) The student will learn how to follow directions in the target language and will learn how to focus when teacher is gi!ing directions. Overview Housekeeping ec!nolog" Component E&plain why it is i portant role call and announce ent o!erhead projector to follow directions carefully. of the upco ing e!ent #E&plain the i portance of paying closer attention when the teacher is gi!ing directions in the target language. #eview$%evelopment& an' ime Teacher will gi!e the directions to the students three ti es and ake sure to announce that they ha!e to listen and a!oid unnecessary noise. The teacher will read the following directions to students: 'raw a large circle in the iddle of your paper but at the botto .

'raw another circle( a little bit s aller( on top of your circle. 'raw another e!en s aller on top of the second circle. Then draw two s all circles inside the top circle that are ne&t to each other. Color the in with your pencil so that they are co pletely black.

)nder the two circles draw a triangle that is pointed to the right. Then draw fi!e dots that ake a half circle shape under the triangle.

*ow draw a s+uare on top of the circle. ,fter that( draw two straight lines co ing fro either side of the iddle circle that are about - inch or . c

long. ,nd then draw two s+uares in the ##Then show the the original pictures. iddle circle( one on top of the other. /hat do you get0

The teacher will then discuss why it is i portant to listen to directions and ask the students what did they learn fro this task. The teacher will ask the students to write what they ha!e learned in their learner"s journal. P!ilosop!ical (usti)ication Teach the students how to follow directions carefully in the target language in a fun way. *el)-evaluation The students enjoyed following the directions in the target language. They ha!e learned to focus and follow the directions carefully. 1t would be better if the teacher will use words that shows directions such as hori2ontal( !ertical( parallel( etc( in order for the to beco e fa iliar with these ter s.

Assignment$Practice #/rite to their learner"s journal what they ha!e learned and try to apply it ne&t class. *ummar" The class enjoyed co pleting the task. The class learned to focus and listen to the directions gi!en by their teacher. Contingenc" Plan #3a!e the listen to a procedure of how to ake non# bake cookies and ha!e the do it in class to see if listened carefully.

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