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Objectives for Christopher Shanahan 8th Grade, 2011-2012

English: A variety of literat re !ill be read and st died, incl din" #any historical fiction boo$s% Spellin"% Gra##ar% &oetry% 'ritin" s$ills% Al"ebra 1 (atin 1

Math: Latin:

History and Geography: Old 'orld and A#erica )edieval *istory +i#eline% )ap and "lobe s$ills% Geo"raphical ter#inolo"y% ,ield trips to appreciate and nderstand the people and "eo"raphy of &ennsylvania and A#erica Science: -iolo"y% Che#istry% &hysics% .elated e/peri#ents% ,ield trips%

Health, Safety and Fire Safety: Christopher !ill contin e to revie! %basic health #aintenance, %proper n trition, %dan"ers of s bstance ab se, %increase $no!led"e of first aid% %dental care, %dan"ers and prevention of fire, %$itchen and "eneral ho#e safety, etc%

Music and Art Contin e to learn violin and i#prove the sin"in" s$ills% 0/plore classical # sic and st dy co#posers% 1#prove basic dra!in" s$ills, Craft ,ield trips to # se #s% Physical Education %S!i##in" %-i$e ridin" %Other active o tdoor and indoor play %+ae 2!an 3o

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