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Biography: Royals Arthur Dirty blond (straight) hair brown eyes 58 200 lb (muscle to body fat: 10:3) From

From London, England Age: 25 Gwenevere Long blonde wavy hair Green eyes 55 134 lb ratio 4:2 From Holland, Netherlands 24

Arthur's attire

Gwens attire

Knights Lancelot Brown straight Green eyes 60 From Ireland 204 lb (12:2) 25

Giles (squire, Lancelots nephew) Brown hair brown eyes 53 From Ireland 184 lb (8:4) 19

Nobility Lady Elizabeth Claire (Married to Lord Terric)

Blond curly/wavy hair Blue eyes 50 From Ireland 137 lb 1:2 23

Lord Terric (Married to Lady Elizabeth Claire) Brown hair Hazel eyes 62 From Ireland 156 lb 8:4 24 Merchants Gilbert blond hair green eyes 57 From Norway 200 lb 2:8 32

Peasants Helen Brown hair Blue eyes 52 From Norway 134 lb 4:6 28 Clergy Pope Paul VI Brown hair brown eyes 58 From Italy 132 lb 4:8 52

The Battle for Gwenevere

Storyline: Arthur is on his daily rounds to check his kingdom capacity and the stumbles across Lancelot and they instantly hit it off and arthur feels that he can trust Lancelot so he brings him to his castle and makes him his personal knight. Lancelot meets Gwenevere Arthurs fiancee but he starts getting these strong feelings for her regardless of the fact that she is Arthurs fiancee. While Gwenevere has mixed feelings as to who she feels the most strongly for. So the battle begins for her hand. The goal of the game is to play as either Arthur or Lancelot. If you play as Lancelot, you must conquer all of Arthurs kingdom. If you play as Arthur you have to try and stop Lancelot from taking over your kingdom. Setting: 6th century London

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