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Hermiones Hyphens Rules: The hyphen ( - ) is used for multiple purposes. 1.

Hyphenate two modifiers before a noun when they behave as one unit. This rule does not apply when the first modifier ends in ly. 2. Hyphenate numbers between 21 and 99 when they are written out. 3. se a hyphen to !onne!t the syllables of a word that is bro"en into two printed lines. #. se a hyphen when !onne!tin$ a prefi% that ends in the same vowel with whi!h the word it pre!edes be$ins (unless it is so !ommon that it is a sin$le word li"e cooperate. Examples: 1. Hermione &ran$er was a strai$ht-' student. (he had an overly full s!hool s!hedule. 2. Hermione was so e%!ited about be$innin$ s!hool at Ho$warts) she read thirty-two boo"s before !lasses even be$an* 3. Hermione loved her adventurous friends. #. (he re-entered the library) e%!ited to have a +uiet pla!e to study. Exercise: Place the hyphens in the correct place. 1. Hermione was a mu$$le born wit!h. 2. (he re!eived her letter from Ho$warts on the twenty fourth day of ,ar!h when she was eleven. 3. (ome may have a!!used Hermione of bein$ a "now it all. #. -n her first year at Ho$warts) Hermione en!ountered a $iant three headed do$. .. Hermione had always loved to study) and she was de termined to $et $ood $rades in all of her !lasses.

/. (he !ould sometimes be ultra ar$umentative but only when she "new she was ri$ht. 0. Hermione had twenty three boo"s about runes alone. 1. (he tried to de emphasi2e the fa!t that 3umbledore did seem to leave Harry without mu!h information to use. 9. 's a $ift) 3umbledore left Her mione a !hildren4s boo". 15. Hermione4s li$ht brown hair was +uite bushy.

Answer Key: 1. Hermione was a mu$$le-born wit!h. 2. (he re!eived her letter from Ho$warts on the twenty-fourth day of ,ar!h when she was eleven. 3. (ome may have a!!used Hermione of bein$ a "now-it-all. #. -n her first year at Ho$warts) Hermione en!ountered a $iant three-headed do$. .. Hermione had always loved to study) and she was determined to $et $ood $rades in all of her !lasses. /. (he !ould sometimes be ultra-ar$umentative but only when she "new she was ri$ht. 0. Hermione had twenty-three boo"s about runes alone. 1. (he tried to de-emphasi2e the fa!t that 3umbledore did seem to leave Harry without mu!h information to use. 9. 's a $ift) 3umbledore left Hermione a !hildren4s boo". 15. Hermione4s li$ht-brown hair was +uite bushy.

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