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Guide To
Your first step in
joining the new
media revolution.

Robert J. Safuto
Beginners Guide To Podcasting

This very basic guide is intended to give beginning podcasters information on how to get started.
It is barely possible to provide all the information necessary to excel at podcasting in just a few
pages so I recommend that you dedicate some time each week to searching out new resources
and tips on how to improve in the medium.

Table of Contents
Overview ...............................................................................................................................................3
Getting Started.......................................................................................................................................3
Audio Tools ...........................................................................................................................................3
Video Tools ............................................................................................................................................4
Media Formats.......................................................................................................................................5
Recording and Editing Tips ...................................................................................................................5
Media, RSS and Presence......................................................................................................................5
Branding Your Podcast ..........................................................................................................................9
Promoting Your Podcast ........................................................................................................................9
Monetizing Your Podcast ....................................................................................................................10
Podcast Statistics .................................................................................................................................12
The Legalities Of Podcasting ..............................................................................................................12
The Podcasting Community ................................................................................................................13
Additional Resources ..........................................................................................................................14
About Awakened Voice .......................................................................................................................16

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Beginners Guide To Podcasting

The technology of podcasting allows you to publish rich media (audio or video) that people can
consume on the web and subscribe to in order to get automatic updates. Think of podcasting as a digital
video recorder (DVR) for the web. As a podcaster you make content available that people can get how
they want, when they want. All anyone really needs to consume podcasts are a computer and an
Internet (preferably high speed) connection.

Getting Started
For those at the beginning of the podcasting journey there are two very important decisions to make.
1. What will be the theme of your podcast? I recommend that you pick something you are
passionate and knowledgeable about.
2. In what format will you distribute your podcast? This choice depends on your theme and also
the technology you are comfortable with. Some themes work best with video but if you are
comfortable with audio tools then maybe you should start with audio. Either way, plan on
investing time to learn the tools to help create the media for your podcasts in the format you
settle on.
Cost may be a factor in getting started as well. I recommend that you get started with the most basic
equipment possible. In the beginning, podcasting is about creating content and getting familiar with the
process. If you have large debts for equipment hanging over your head you will be stressing about the
wrong things.
I also recommend that you think of a unique name for your podcast and secure a domain (or domains)
that reflect that name. Domains are very inexpensive these days, costing on average less than $10 per
year, so there's no reason you shouldn't stake your claim on a domain name that can represent your
podcast. Two very popular sites where you can search for and register domains are GoDaddy and

Audio Tools
If you choose an audio format then you'll want to know about some of the basic tools you can use to
record and edit audio. We're going to focus on a totally computer based setup for the purposes of this
Audacity is a very popular and free recording and editing program that works well on both Windows

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machines, Macs and Linux.

Garage Band is very popular with Mac users. It is simple, powerful and is only available on the Mac as
part of the iLife software suite.
Magix Podcast Maker e-Version is a very basic, two-track audio recording program designed for
Windows computers. The software costs $19.99 but comes with a 30-day free trial.
The Cyber Acoustics USB Headset provides a basic and reliable microphone interface to your
computer at a very reasonable price of around $30.
The M-Audio Preamp and Audio Interface provides you with a more advanced interface that can
simplify recording on your computer for under $200.
Portable Devices
The Samson Zoom H2 – Handy Recorder lets you record on the go in a very small package. This
recorder can be had for around $200.
The Belkin TuneTalk Stereo turns the 2nd generation iPod Nano and 5th generation iPod video into a
stereo audio recorder.
The iRiver E Series media players are ultra portable devices that also include audio recording
The iPhone has a built in voice recorder and you can also purchase 3rd party iPhone apps like Recorder
for iPhone that simplify the recording process.

Video Tools
There are many different types of tools available to record and edit video. These tools range from very
basic to professional tools costing thousands of dollars. These are just a few choices that make sense
for the beginning podcaster.
Windows Movie Maker for Windows XP and Vista is a free video editing tool that works only on
Windows based machines.
Apple iMovie software is made specifically for Macs and is bundled with Apple's iLife software suite
which is priced at less than $100.
Magix Movie Edit Pro is a Windows based video editing suite that packs very good features at a very
reasonable price around $90.

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QuickTime Pro is a $30 program that allows Windows or Mac users to convert a variety of video
formats into the iPod or iPhone video format.
Flip digital video camcorders are extremely portable allow you to shoot basic video and are very cost
effective at under $200.
Kodak has introduced a line of digital video recorders priced under $200 that shoot video comparable
to the quality of the Flip camcorders.
Creative sells a flash video camcorder called the Creative Vado HD that can record good quality video
at a price around $200.

Media Formats
Beginners should know some important information about formats for media.
Audio podcasts are almost always encoded in MP3 format. MP3 format plays on all audio players and
has the best balance between compression (meaning smaller file sizes) and quality.
Video podcasts are typically distributed in a QuickTime (usually with an M4V extension) format in
order to achieve compatibility with iTunes, the Video iPod and Apple TV. Many video podcasts also
offer a Flash option (think YouTube) for viewing videos in the browser. This is typically achieved by
uploading to a service such as YouTube or that will encode files to flash on their servers and
provide an embed code so you can place the video on other sites.

Recording and Editing Tips

Beginners should exercise lots of patience when recording and editing media for the first time. Plan
several dry runs. Make the episodes short. And make the goal to become comfortable with the
recording process and familiar with the tools you are using.
You may not like the finished product the first time around. That's okay. Take it as a learning
experience and commit yourself to doing better next time.

Media, RSS and Presence

At some point you will be ready to let loose with the very first episode of your podcast. When you are
ready there are a few things you will need in place in order to be ready.
1. You will need a host on the web that will store the media for your podcast episodes
2. You will need a place to act as the home page for your show

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3. You will need an RSS feed that is compatible with podcasting and iTunes

Media Hosts
Until a few years ago most web hosting providers offered general storage for media and web pages. In
recent years many specialty providers have popped up specifically for media (and some just for
podcasting) at free or reasonable prices. Here are a few that might meet your needs:
Audio Only
TalkShoe provides a free service that allows you to record audio podcasts over the phone or upload pre-
recorded audio. Media hosting is supported by ads inserted into media files. Accounts support podcast
RSS feeds.
BlogTalkRadio is very similar to TalkShoe, offering free audio hosting for shows that you can record
over the phone. People can listen live and shows are archived as podcasts for later consumption.
Podcaster News allows producers of short form audio shows to enjoy free media hosting and
publishing of full featured podcast feeds.
Video Only provides a free service that allows you to upload videos up to 100MB in size. Their service will
also transcode your video to Flash and provides a player to embed the video in other sites. Accounts
also support iTunes compliant podcast RSS feeds. also offers pro accounts that add extra
features for a small monthly fee.
Audio or Video
LibSyn is a paid service that provides media hosting, a web presence and an iTunes compliant podcast
feed at low prices. You can upload audio or video from the browser or via their web based interface.
Mevio offers free audio and video hosting as well as a web presence and podcast RSS feed. Hosting
costs are covered by the insertion of ads before and after the media.
PodOmatic offers free hosting of audio and video hosting with presence and podcast RSS feeds. Free
hosting is supported by advertising.
The Internet Archive is a free hosting service that supports audio or video uploads from the browser.
They do not support podcast RSS feeds or a web presence so you would use another presence and
simply link to the files.
Utterli is a free service that allows you to record and publish audio, video, text or images from your cell
phone. Podcasting is supported for all audio posts and you have the option of cross publishing posts to

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other blogs or social networks.

Blubrry is a podcasting community that also offers media hosting, a web presence and RSS publishing
with iTunes compliant feeds.
Presence Providers
These are services that specialize in letting you publish a website or blog very quickly and easily. They
don't host media and may not support creation of a podcast RSS feed. and Blogger are very popular services. Both offer a free hosted website/blog service. offers more advanced comment features and spam protection than Blogger. More
recently WordPress,com has begun hosting embedded flash video for an additional fee of about $60 per
TypePad is a paid service with many features that offers a web presence starting at $4.95 per month.
Ning offers a hosted community site that can be used as the basis for setting up your own social
network around your podcast. Ning sites include community features like membership profiles and
friending. They also include some hosting for audio, video and photos. A basic site is free but includes
advertising. For additional fees you can remove advertising, increase traffic limits and customize the
design of your site.
RSS Feed Providers
A few service providers exist in order to help you create or enhance RSS feeds that support podcasting.
Feed For All is a desktop based program for Windows and Mac computers. Priced at $39.95 this tool
allows you to create, manage and upload iTunes compliant podcast feeds to a web server.
FeedBurner is a free service that will enhance an existing feed to support podcasting and inclusion in
the iTunes directory. FeedBurner requires that you start with an existing RSS feed as they do not create
feeds from scratch. In addition to podcast enhancements FeedBurner also offers statistics on the
number of people subscribed to your feed.
IceRocket RSS Builder is a free tool that allows you to create RSS feeds on the web. While not podcast
compliant, you can use IceRocket in conjuction with FeedBurner to create a full featured podcast feed.
DirCaster is a free script that allows one to very easily start Podcasting MP3 files from their web host.
This allows original content creators to easily create a feed that is also fully iTunes compliant!
Publishing Tips
Some media hosts allow you to upload your files directly from the web browser. Others require you to
upload media to your account via File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FileZilla is a free software tool for

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Windows based computers that will allow you to upload files to your media host from the desktop.
FireFTP is a free add-on for the Firefox web browser that functions as a full featured FTP client.
Hosting Your Own Site
Web hosting technology has advanced enough in recent years to allow even web beginners to host their
own sites. When I say “host your own” I mean that you open an account with a web hosting company
like GoDaddy, Dreamhost or Rackspace to name a few. That account gives you an empty space where
you can add your own free content management system such as WordPress, Drupal or Joomla. You can
then use one of those systems to set up your own site which can act as the web presence and main RSS
feed generator for your podcast.
Some web hosts offer “one-click” installations that greatly simplify the process of starting a site using
one of the content management systems (CMS) mentioned above. There’s no doubt that hosting your
own site will require more effort and time on your part but the upside of the scenario is a strong one.
You will have more control over your web presence. And you will learn a valuable skill (managing
dynamic, media driven websites) that you can use to your benefit in the future. Be sure to take some
time to learn if you decide to go this route. Trying to get your head wrapped around your own
WordPress install while on a deadline to get your first podcast episode published is never a good idea.
The WordPress PowerPress Combination
If you decide that you would like to host your own web presence for your podcast then allow me to
recommend a combination of programs that will make your life easier. If you happen to decide on
WordPress for your CMS then you should use a free plugin for WordPress called PowerPress.
PowerPress adds a wide variety of features, most importantly iTunes compliant RSS feed creation that
can turn your website into a powerful portal for your podcast. As an added bonus PowerPress also
integrates nicely with Blubrry’s fee-based podcast media hosting and free media statistics service.
A Word About Website and Media Hosting
In general it’s not a good idea to host your website and the media for your podcast on the same site. It’s
true that you can easily upload audio or video to a WordPress installation and link to that media to
serve it to your podcast audience. That approach may cause you a few problems though. If your
podcast becomes even mildly popular the performance of your site (like the time it takes to load a page)
will slow down at times when people are downloading the media. You also may run into the bandwidth
limits imposed by your hosting provider if your files are larger than a few megabytes and they start
getting downloaded thousands of times. For those two reasons alone I always host my podcast media
on a site that is optimized to do so, then link back to the media from my website. PowerPress, which I
mentioned in the previous paragraph, supports linking back to media hosted on other services.

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Either Libsyn or Blubrry are good choices for a media hosting of audio or video. I highly recommend for video hosting for two primary reasons. has a free level of service that will meet the
needs of most beginning podcasters. also will encode your video to a flash format and provides
a very nice embeddable video player that you can use on other sites.

Branding Your Podcast

I recommend that you take a few moments to consider the branding for your podcast. You may not
think of your podcast as a professional endeavor now, but if your show gets popular you just might
want to have strong branding that can support a unique presence and advertising.
The basic components for your brand are:
1. The name of your show. Think of a name for your podcast prior to launch. Do searches on
Google for the exact proposed name of your show to see if anyone has the same or a very
similar name. It’s usually best to avoid very similar show names.
2. The domain for your show. Even if you have a service providing you a domain (like for example) you should always have a unique domain for your
show. At the very least you can forward the unique domain to the service you are using.
3. Your show image or cover art. Every podcast should have a 300x300 image that represents the
show. Many directories, especially iTunes, will use this image to link to your show. A good
image can help your show to stand out from others. If you are in need of a good image editing
program, Windows users should consider a free program called can assist
you with creating and editing images for your podcast. A really good free (and cross-platform)
program for images is GIMP, which stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program.

Promoting Your Podcast

A lot of work goes into your podcast prior to publishing your first episode. Once you have published
your first episode we have no doubt that you will want to tell people about it. After all, podcasting is
about making connections with people.
Here are some basic tips for helping you to promote your podcast and start gaining an audience:
1. Tell family and friends. These are people most likely to share your interests or at least have an
interest in what you're doing. So let them know and encourage them to spread the word.
2. Go to places on the web where your topics are important. Let's say you create a travel podcast.
Head over to a popular travel forum and announce your show there. Remember, this isn't about
the fact that it’s a podcast. This is about the type of content you are creating and that content

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should appeal to anyone who is looking for information on the topics you are covering.
3. Submit your podcast to iTunes. iTunes is the largest directory for podcasts and it has an
audience of 60 million people who go there to search out digital content. Being listed there will
increase the chances of someone finding your show.
4. Join a community of podcasters. Many podcast producers are fans of the medium and may just
be possible audience members. They can also help you spread the word. The Blubrry podcast
community is a place where you can make connections. You can also find communities at
Podcast Pickle and Podcast Alley and among others. If you produce a video
podcast also consider submitting to the Miro Guide, which specializes in video podcasts but
also offers and audio podcast guide as well.
5. Create a show promo and share it. Podcast Promos provides podcast producers a place to list
and share their promos for their podcasts. Take some time to record a short (30 second to a
minute) promo for your show and ask other podcasts to play it.
6. Explore a content community. Content sharing sites like Digg, Delicious and FriendFeed have
large audiences and are good places to find people with similar interests and share your content.

Monetizing Your Podcast

The day may arrive when you decide that you want to make some money from your podcast. There are
several ways that you can accomplish the goal of earning a few dollars from your passion.
1. Pay per click ads on your website. If the primary presence for your podcast has a good amount
of traffic you may be able to make money through pay-per-click ad programs. These types of
programs require you to insert a snippet of html code on your website. That code will deliver
linked text ads (and in some cases images) based on the content in your page. Find out more
about this type of monetization via Google AdSense or AdBrite.
2. Podcast sponsorship arrangements. These types of agreements involve a sponsor paying a fee
to be mentioned in the media and sometimes represented via links or banner ads on the podcast
website. Sponsors will either pay a fee per thousand downloads (known as CPM) or will pay for
certain actions (known as CPA) by your podcast audience. As an independent media producer
you are free to search for sponsors for your podcast. If you would like some help, a number of
service providers including Blubrry, PodTrac and Mevio connect podcasters with sponsors.
3. Affiliate programs. These types of programs allow you to choose from a wide array of
advertisers who are seeking to promote their products and services via the internet. Affiliate
deals will require your audience to take action before you can be paid. Payments vary based on

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the affiliate. You can seek out some affiliate opportunities by checking out Amazon Associates,
Commission Junction and Apple's iTunes Affiliate program among others. The Dreamhost
Rewards program allows you to earn up to $97 for each new hosting customer you refer to their
4. Audience donations. You can ask for donations during your podcast episodes and have links on
your website that take people to the appropriate payment service. Services like PayPal and
Google Checkout make it easy for anyone to accept payments from their audience.
5. Premium content sales. If the content you are producing is valuable enough to your audience
you may be able to convince them to pay for it. The mechanics of protecting and selling digital
content can be technologically difficult for the average publisher. Services like and
the Dreamhost Files Forever program make it easier for publishers to protect and sell their
digital content.
Podcast Advertising Tips
The process of obtaining and managing podcast advertising deals can sometimes be a complex one.
Here is a list of some basic tips to help you make your podcast one that is advertising and sponsorship
1. Know your audience. Do the best you can to know your audience size along with some general
demographic information.
2. Publish on a consistent schedule. Shows that have a track record of keeping a regular schedule
are more attractive to advertisers than those published whenever. A consistent schedule tells the
potential sponsor that you are very likely to deliver your audience.
3. Maintain a current media kit. This kit provides lots of information about your show to people
who might want to sponsor you. Include in your media kit:
1. Unique show branding like a header image or show photos
2. Description of your show and the kinds of content you feature
3. Information about the podcast producers and hosts
4. Vital statistics such as number of episodes, publishing schedule and estimated audience size
5. Basic demographic information on the audience including ages and geographic locations
6. Links to and quotes from reviews or press related to the podcast
7. Information about the types of advertising you are seeking for the podcast
8. Contact information including the name and phone number of the appropriate individual
4. Prepare your audience for advertising. Feel free to let your audience know that you are seeking
sponsorship. Someone in the audience may want to sponsor you! Get feedback on the types of
advertising they might like to have in your podcast.

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Podcast Statistics
Even if you don't have an interest in advertising it is likely that you will want to know how many
people are consuming the content that you are publishing. Unlike most web based publishing, the key
statistic for podcasting is the number of downloads per episode.
If you use a media hosting service then it is likely that the service provides some measure of downloads
for each media file that you post. Paid services are likely to provide more detailed statistics than free
services. LibSyn and provide very good statistics for each file that you post. is free
and only provides a raw number of downloads for each file. Blubrry and Podtrac each offer detailed
metrics that you can access regardless of your media host.
Here is a list of a few different types of statistics beyond total downloads that might be of interest to
 Unique Downloads – Some services will keep track of the number of downloads from a
particular computer (using the IP address) and filter out multiple requests. These numbers are
not exact but can help to provide a more realistic number of downloads.
 Referring Sites – If your media is embedded or linked from other sites then this statistic will
help you to know how much traffic is being directed to your media by those sites.
 Geographic Location – This statistic shows you the locations (like countries or cities) where
your episode downloads are originating from.
Listen to audio of a discussion on podcast statistics that took place at PodCamp Philadelphia in
September 2007.

The Legalities Of Podcasting

I recommend that you take some time to review the
Podcasting Legal Guide. The guide provides general
information on the legal issues related to publishing
new media to the web.
The details of your situation are fact dependent. So
if you have a specific issue that you need answers
on it is best to have a one-on-one consult with an

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The Podcasting Community

At some point during your adventure into the world of podcasting you will probably want to connect
with people who share your passion for the medium. Whether your connection is purely social, purely
business oriented or a mixture of both you can connect with many people who share your interest in
Online Community
The quickest way to get started in the podcast community is to do it online.
There are several podcasting groups here. The Podcasting Group has over
400 members and is open to new members. The Podcast Group has over
1,000 members and is open as well. There is also a Blogger & Podcaster
Magazine group with over 300 members.
Well known as a photo sharing site, many podcasters choose to upload photos
related to their shows or podcasting events around the globe. The quickest way
to get into the mix is to search for a podcasting group. Or you can look for
photos tagged with the word 'podcasting'.

Twitter has become a very popular spot for podcasters to connect and
provide frequent updates on their shows. Search for podcasting on
Twitter to find users who are interested in the topic.

Perhaps the first community of podcasters to gather online, Podcast

Alley still has a very vibrant forum section with many new discussions
occurring about podcasting each day.

In-Person Community
Many people are surprised by the breadth of in-person community events that occur in the world of
podcasting. This is an online medium after all. It is also a medium of communication. Sometimes face-
to-face communication is the best communication of all. is a place where people connect online with the intention of getting
together in person. This was one of the first places on the web where podcasters
arranged in-person connections via local meetups. There are currently podcasting

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meetups in over thirty U.S. cities and three countries around the globe. If you don't see a meetup group
in your area then you can organize one yourself.

PodCamp events are un-conferences that are all about podcasting.

Un-conferences differ from traditional conferences because
participants are the ones who set the agenda. Learning sessions at
Podcamp events are about group discussion rather than a few voices
talking at you. These events usually occur on weekends and at little or no cost to participants. There
always seem to be PodCamp events in the planning stages, so check the website for an upcoming event
near you.

The Blog World and New Media Expo is a yearly event that brings
together new media makers from around the globe. The event is a
traditional conference event with hourly sessions and an exhibit hall floor. While the exhibit hall is free,
a pass to the sessions will cost you at least $299.

Additional Resources
Print Books On Podcasting
Podcasting: The Do It Yourself Guide by Todd Cochrane.
Podcasting Solutions: The Complete Guide to Podcasting by Michael W. Goeghegan and Dan Klass.
How To Do Everything With Podcasting by Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz.
Expert Podcasting Practices For Dummies by Evo Terra, Tee Morris and Ryan Williams.

Hardware Retailers
B&H Photo and Video Sweetwater Music Musician's Friend Radio Shack

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Web Resources
The Podcaster's Checklist by Donna Papacosta Explanation of Podcasting by Grunt Media
Podcasting on Wikipedia PodcastFAQ by RawVoice
Podcast Statistics Discussion from Podcamp Philly 2007
The Podcast Academy by Gigavox Media

Video Tutorials
The Awakened Voice Learning Center offers video tutorials on the following topics related to
 Subscribing To Podcasts With iTunes
 Submitting A Podcast To iTunes
 Libsyn Hosting Service Tour
 RSS Publishing With FeedBurner
 PodPress Podcasting Plugin For Wordpress
 Blubrry Podcast Community Tour

Technical Information
Official iTunes Podcast Specification
RSS 2.0 Specification

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About Awakened Voice

Awakened Voice founder Robert Safuto is an expert on new media and Web2.0.
He has been blogging since 1999 and podcasting since February 2005. Robert
is a very strong resource on how to get the most out of tools (especially
WordPress and Drupal) and services that allow people to publish rich media
content and build communities on the web.

You can find out much more about Robert and explore his online media
portfolio at

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