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Installation & configuration of Solution enabler

Through out our lab session we require a few software’s to be installed in

our hosts, which are maintained in our dump server.

Dump server details

IP address:
Resource location: /install

To install solution enabler into the host:

a) mount to dump server
# mount /mnt
# cd /mnt
# ls
# cd public
# ls
# cp se6520_s.tar.Z /tmp
# cd /tmp
# uncompress se6520_s.tar.Z
# tar –xf se6520_s.tar
Once the packages are extracted install solution enabler by running the
script file with –install option
# ./ –install
Follow the default options during installation. After the installation is
completed reboot the system with the following command
# shutdown –y –g0 –i6
b) Once the system is in multi-user mode we need to check for FC
connectivity between the host and storage by following command
# luxadm –e port
Found path to 1 HBA ports
Once u see the connectivity list the hbaport information
#fcinfo hba-port
c2: 10000000c93dbc21
#syminq hba
Now check the configured devices with cfgadm command
# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 disk connected configured unknown
c1 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
c2 fc-fabric connected unconfigured unknown

Now configure the controller fc-fabric type c2

#cfgadm -c configure c2

Now we need to discovery the devices which updates the symapi

# symcfg discover
To list the devices
# symcfg list

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