Awareness Is Everything

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Since my retreat with Dan in Boston in March, many insights have continued to blossom as the Natural State reveals

its many facets spontaneously. All of this is due to the profound Awareness that Dans approach to Mahamudra opens up to us all. found especially significant the practice of alternating between the event perspective and the vantage point of Awareness. !ventually the dualistic polarities of the mind begin to collapse and one finds oneself in a condition of non"dual Awareness. #eep up the practice$by diligently doing so, your success will be assured. thought it might be useful to share some more of my writing on this topic that have shared with some of my friends. hope there may be something interesting or even perhaps helpful to others on this path$ Awareness is !verything. %hatever you e&perience, perceptions, feelings or thoughts, you are always aware of that e&perience by definition. Awareness is always part of every e&perience. Awareness and the e&perience are not two separate things. The experience is Awareness manifesting as that experience. 'he e&perience is the Awareness of it. %e are nothing but the unfolding events of e&perience as Awareness unfolding. %e are everything in that everything is Awareness being everything. Appearing to be a separate self is Awareness being that e&perience of separate self"hood. There is no separate Awareness that is viewing the experience as the experience is itself Awareness. (ou cannot separate the waves from the ocean. !&periences are waves of Awareness and one cannot separate the Awareness from the event as the event is itself Awareness )event"ing*. n whatever we say, do or thin+, all of these e&periences are ,ust Awareness manifesting as those thoughts, words or actions without any separation between the Awareness of and the e&pression or action. n such a dimension how can we not be free in each diverse moment- 'here is no personal Awareness as my Awareness or your Awareness. %ho is there to be liberated- 'here is however, the e&perience of the thoughts )my Awareness* and )your Awareness*$ but these are also e&periences of a non"personal and universal Awareness appearing as those thoughts of )mine* and )yours*. n this way the entire ocean is present in the smallest wave. .ust noticing and being aware as our practice, is Awareness arising as that practice. n such a practice Awareness has nothing to gain. n our not practicing being aware, Awareness has not been diminished. All e&periences are e/ually Awareness appearing as those e&periences. Awareness is not more present in some e&periences and less in others. No matter the si0e and shape of the wave, all waves are still e/ually the ocean. Metta, .ac+son

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