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Instructor: Ashley Patterson Lesson Title: Questioning a Story Curriculum Area: Literacy Standards Connection:

Grade Level: 2nd Date: 09/18/13 Estimated Time: 30 minutes

1. [RL.2.1] Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. Learning Objective: When given a retelling worksheet, students will correctly record about the details of the book, Not Norman by Kelly Bennett. Kid Friendly Objective: Today, we are going to learn about some key details found in stories: characters, setting, and problem, using questions that have who, where, and what. Evaluation of Learning Objective: After reading and discussing as a whole group, Not Norman by Kelly Bennett, students will complete a retelling worksheet independently. I will be looking for students to correctly record and recall the details of the story that we talk about specifically: characters, setting, and problem. Engagement: The teacher and the students will be sitting at a round table together. Yesterday we learned about all the key details that are found in stories. Today we are going to be learning about only three key details found in stories: characters, setting, and problem. The best way to find out what those details are, are by asking questions with who, where, and why. I have a song for us to sing together today that I made up! First I will sing it, then we can sing together! The song is to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus. The Characters are the people, are the people ,are the people/The Characters are the people/Thats why we say WHO The Setting is where the story takes place, the story takes place, the story takes place/Thats why we say WHERE The Problem is what happens, what happens, what happens/The problem is what happens/Thats why we say WHAT

Design for Learning: Teaching: Today we are going to keep it very simple! We are only going to learn about three details that are important to remember when reading or listening to a story. We are going to be thinking about three questions that go hand and hand with these details. First we are going to talk about the characters. What are characters? Teacher waits for response. When we ask about characters, are we asking who,what, or where? Teacher waits for reply. When we ask about characters we are asking who was in the story or who the story is about. Who are some characters in your favorite books? Lets read some of book that you should all check out later called, Wheres the Big Bad Wolf? By Eileen Christelow. As I read, listen to who the characters are! The teacher will read a page or two and stop and ask students to pick out the characters. What are we talking about when we ask about where something takes place in the story? Response. We are talking about the setting! From what I just read where was the story taking place? When we talk about setting we ask WHERE questions, like, where did the story take place? And our third detail for the day, the problem of the story. What problem was happening in the part of the story we read a little bit of? Students respond. When we ask about the problem, we ask WHAT questions. I have three post its now, I am writing who, where, and what, on my mini orange board I want for you all to work together to tell me which one goes on character, setting, and problem. Then we are going to read a story and use the big orange story board! Opportunity for Practice: I am going to be reading Not Norman by Kelly Bennett and then we are going to use the orange board! Teacher will read and question using who, what, and where questions. To be able to post our information to the board, you must be talking with the group and interacting. You already know all the answers to what we are talking about, because all the answers came from the book! I want to have you all give me details when you give me answers, too. So if I know that Norman is a character in the book, its because I know that we said that a character is a person or animal who is in a story. The teacher will ask the following questions and talk about each key question word that is associated to it. When we talk about the characters or people r animals in a book we are talking about what types of questions? WHO, WHERE ,or WHAT? The student should respond with WHO. So, who was in or talked about in our story? Who was our story about? As the students talk and respond, the teacher will record the answers on post its. For students who are interacting they will be able to stick the post its to the board. Where did the story take place? Students respond and stick notes. What was the problem in the story? Students respond. Assessment: Okay, now that we have found the details together and we have discussed them, I want you to show me how great you are at re-telling this same story one more time, but now on your own. The same questions and details we did as a group you will re-tell me on this sheet. The teacher will have the sheet in her hand and be showing it to the students as she explains. Work

independently and make sure to put your name at the top. Using your pencil fill out this sheet. When you are done we will look it over together. The teacher will hand the sheets to the students. The teacher will stay at the head of the table, be looking over the students work, and be available for questions. Closure: You all did great today! Can you tell me what we learned today? Who were the characters? Where did the story take place? When I ask where, what am I talking about? The setting, characters, or problem? Lets keep working at being able to ask about important details and learning more about the key details of the stories we read.

Differentiation Strategies: For Student J, the teacher will accommodate by: -Have the student close to the teacher -Shorten work amount/time, if needed -Have the directions read aloud about the expectations for the retelling worksheet For Student K, the teacher will accommodate by: -Require extended time to complete assignments -Assist reading assignments -Break work into chunks

Materials and Resources: Not Norman by Kelly Bennett Modified with Questions Retelling Worksheet (per student) Retelling Chart (Large and Mini) Post its Dark Marker


This lesson was fantastic! I feel like I have learned so much from this re-teaching experience. I came into today prepared, ready to be flexible, and confident in my abilities as a teacher. I wanted to be creative, lively, and organized. I felt like I had a whole new perspective and was comfortable in my own skin. I only had two of the five students this time around, but they were both very different then the last time that we met last week. I felt very calm and at peace the whole lesson, which really set the learning environment tone. I used varied flections in my voice in reading to the students to keep the students engaged during the lesson. I used a video clip and made up my own song for this lesson and it went so well! I have improved from last year at addressing different learning styles. I made some very intentional choices in what books I used for my lesson. I was pleased that real-world connections were made during the lesson and had teachable moments during the lesson. Along with connections, I also promoted thinking during the lesson by asking questions and expecting detailed responses. I was more encouraging this time around and was better at modeling what I expected of the students. I made frequent checks through out the lesson and because there wasnt as much material I believe the repetition really helped the information become understood/learned. The overall communication of this lesson was clearer and more effective for guiding my instruction. It was also age appropriate, meaning that it was not above their heads when I was speaking to them. If I was to teach this group more, looking at my data I found that I would have to re-teach the concept of problem in a story. I found that they would still need to be working on their sentence structure and grammar concepts as well.

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