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Employee Handbook 2014-2015

Calypso- Calzada del Valle 401, C.P. 66220 San Pedro Garza Garca, Nuevo Len, Mxico Tel: +52(81) 8362-1689 Fax: +52(81) 83799078

Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................. INTRODUCTION. PRIVACY POLICY.. HUMAN RESOURCES.. I. MISSION................. II. VISION ..... III. CONDUCT CODE 1. Behavior Expectations... 2. Conflict Of Interest.. 3. Dishonor... 4. Religion 5. Physical Fighting. 6. Inappropriate demonstrations of affection.. 7. Use of Social Media............................................................. 8. Electronic Devices.. 9. Weapons.. 10. Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs.. IV. DRESS CODE.. 1. Waiters dress code 2. Chefs dress code V. ATTENDANCE. 1. Time Schedules.. 2. Tardiness. 3. Absences. 4. Maternity Leave.. VI. SALARY 1. Salary Payment.. 2. Deductions... 3. Christmas Bonus VII. VACATIONS AND HOLIDAYS.. VIII. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13


This handbook provides information regarding the professional rights and responsibilities of employees at Calypso: Panini and Caf Employees are responsible for being familiar with the content of this document as well as with publications regarding the companys mission statement, philosophy and values. A copy of this handbook can be accessed through Calypso Portal in the Human Resources Section. Employees who are new to the company are encouraged to take the time to read the handbook. Employees who have been with us are asked to skim through the handbook. Feel free to request orientation and explanation about the contents of this handbook to the Human Resources Department.

Calypso values the privacy of every individual and we only collect the personal data we require to do business.

Human Resources Management is an important asset to our business. It provides expertise in: Managing change and facilitating training and development Recruitment, selection and employee relations Pensions and benefits Communicating with employees.


To revolutionize the concept of a conventional cafeteria. Create a social environment in which youths can hang out while enjoying delicious desserts. Ensure that everyone who visits Calypso stays with the desire to return.

Coffee Shop with excellent service that has an impact on San Pedro because it is an authentic meeting place. Calypso has an exquisite menu that all customers enjoy.




1. Behavior Expectations
Employees are expected to abide by the Conduct Code: Demonstrate respect and courtesy for others. Behave in a responsible manner. Arrive and leave the workplace grounds at the designated times. Be well groomed and dress appropriately according to dress code. Respect the rights and privileges of customers and employees. Respect the property of others, including the coffee shops property and facilities. Leave dangerous or inappropriate objects at home. Use acceptable language and gestures

2. Conflict of Interest
Our personal activities and interests must not conflict with our responsibilities at this company. Calypso employees shall not engage in any other activity that could interfere with their effectiveness.

3. Dishonor
Calypso does not take part in corrupt business practices of any kind. This includes business dealings that are illegal, immoral or incompatible with our ethical standards.

4. Religion
Calypso is not religiously oriented. Our company promotes an environment of tolerance towards diversity. Pestering employees or costumers regarding or ethnicity will not be tolerated.

5. Physical Fighting
Fighting with colleagues or clients will be severely sanctioned.


6. Inappropriate demonstrations of affection

Affective actions towards a co-worker or client are against Calypsos policies.

7. Use of Social Media

Employees are free to use any type of social media for personal matters, but must abstain from publishing the following: Information that is confidential from Calypso (recipes, new releases, upcoming promotions, company strategies, etc.) Calypsos logo without permission Inappropriate comments, pictures or videos related to the company.

8. Electronic Devices
Use electronic devices such as games, iPods, cellular phones, personal paging devices, etc. during working hours are strictly prohibited Calypso will not be responsible for loss or damage of electronic devices

9. Weapons
Possession or use of weapons or items apparently capable of producing bodily harm is not allowed

10. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs

The inappropriate use or consumption of drugs or alcohol by Calypso employees while performing labor duties is not tolerated since it interferes with the quality of work and/or the provision of a safe workplace.




1. Waiters Dress Code

Waiters must wear the assigned uniform at all times. Nails: must be clean and short. Coloring is not allowed for males. Hair: must be groomed and combed. Extreme coloring is banned Accessories: earrings are not permitted for males Make-Up: prohibited for male employees. Excess in females in also forbidden.

2. Chefs Dress Code

Chefs must wear the assigned uniform at all times. They must meet the hygiene measures that are specifically mentioned by the manager. Nails: must be clean and short. Coloring is not allowed for males. Hair: must be groomed and combed. Extreme coloring is banned Accessories: earrings are not permitted for males Make-Up: prohibited for male employees. Excess in females in also forbidden.


V. attendance


1. Time Schedules
Employees have the right to leave at the predefined time and will have one break scheduled. Employees who stay extra hours under petition of managing staff will be paid an additional amount.

2. Tardiness
Employees must arrive punctually at the time prompted. If employees fail to comply with this policy, they will receive a warning. Five warnings will cause the employee to lose his/her job.

3. Absences
The Mexican Labor Law identifies two types of absences from work. Justified: has been authorized by IMSS and a permit was granted. Unjustified: are those for which permission has not been granted. Unjustified absences will be discounted from monthly salary.

4. Maternity Leave
In case of pregnancy, female employees have the right to be absent 3 months prior giving birth and 3 months after with a 15% deduction of their regular salary. Their job position cannot be taken away as long as the employee meets these conditions.




1. Salary Payment
For security reasons, salaries are paid through a Payroll Card (debit). Calypso opens a debit card account at the bank BANORTE for each employee and makes a deposit in the account the 15th of every month.

2. Christmas Bonus
All employees receive a Christmas bonus on the 15th of December. The Christmas bonus is proportional to the time worked during the year. A person that has been employed for a complete fiscal calendar year (January-December) will be eligible for 15 days of base salary. Employees that have worked for 10 uninterrupted years or more are eligible to 30 days of base salary.

3. Deductions
Compulsory deductions are made for the Mexican Income Tax (ISPT), and Social Security System (IMSS). Payment deductions will also be made for absences, tardiness and for any equipment, tools or materials not returned.


VII. Vacations and Holidays

Each employee will be granted 7 days of summer vacation. The only holidays during the fiscal year are shown in the official holiday calendar that will be handed to you.

VIII. Cleaning and Maintenance

All employees are responsible of keeping the workplace clean.


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