8-24-12 Newsletter

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Sonyas Pre-K Class August 24th, 2012

Important Dates
- Septem er -rd ./a or %a!01 23 S(433/
&e sure to check out our class we site1 http://mssonyasprekclass.wee ly.com

Classroom News
We had a great first week of school! Were getting in the hang of school routines and learning how to work with our peers and teachers! Math: We have spent Septem er focusing on color recognition, anal!"ing data, sorting, and classif!ing# We make math a part of an! activit! we can, ut we especiall! loved incorporating it through the ooks $he %eep &lue Sea ! Audre! Wood and %og's (olorful %a! ! )mma %odd# Literacy:

#"am $th Sarah %&th

*re+, has een working on identif!ing their first names, the names of their friends, and the letters that make up their names#

Literacy 'ip: Reading with your child 20 minutes (minimum) every day has great benefits! Math 'ip: pbskids online has great math games for your child to enjoy! 5s# Son!a 6ohnson 5iller )lementar! s7ohnson8miller#k12#mo#us msson!aspre+kclass#wee l!#com

209 2orth (entral Avenue, 5iller, 53 :;909


(hat (ere Learnin)


*re+, e<perimented with mi<ing primar! colors to make new colors# We used various mediums, such as water=food coloring and paint to e<plore.

lassroom Routines ! "rocedures + #ow to play with others

+ $sing materials properly and safely + Recogni%ing our names + &nowing the names of our classmates

Pre-K !*cket +illers ,-eryone carries an in-isi le *cket. !*cket .illers help to .ill their .rien"s *ckets

y makin) them .eel )oo" insi"e/ Pre-K painte" their own *ckets an" rainstorme" all

0ther In.ormation 1ere

We are a nut-free classroom! 'o ensure the safety of the children( for all future birthdays) please bring snacks that do not contain nuts (i*e* fruit plates( granola bars( pret%els( etc*)* 'his also helps us to raise a healthy generation! Year-Long Portfolios. 'hroughout the year( we are going to be compiling our work! +t the end of the year you will receive a binder of it all!

the "i..erent ways they can e *cket .illers at home an" at school

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