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Corte Certo

System for the optimization of rectangular part cuts Operation example 1 - Introduction
This text presents an example of Corte Certo operation, using saple project number 50000, installed along with the program.

2 - Operation sequence
2.0 - Choose a project to be calculated
- n the maim window, clic! the "Cut# button - $elect project 50000

2.% & 'cti(ate cut Calculation

- Clic! the "$tart# button - )ait until calculation is done.

2.2 & *iew results

n this window, all cut maps generated can be (iewed, along with detailed information on +uantit,, ,ield, etc. t is also possible to print the cut maps and reports on material waste from here.

3 - Congratulations!
-ou ha(e just calculated and (iewed ,our first project using Corte Certo. - To modif, or to create new projects, use the "/rojects# button - To change the a(ailable sheets for cut, use the "0esources# button This example uses onl, a small part of the s,stem1s features. 'll the possible functions can be found in the Operation 2uide 3press the "4%# !e,5, whose reading is essential to full, learning to utili6e the product.
Corte Certo Cop,right 7 %889... 200:. 'll the reser(ed rights.

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