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Does the thought of going for an interview, make you break into a cold sweat?

Most people do badly at job interviews not because they are incompetent but simply because they are just plain nervous. Job interviews usually have two parts -- technical and H . !hile the technical interview deals with your knowledge in the field, H tests your personality and presence of mind. Here are a few tips on how to make a good impression at your job interview"

#onfidence is the most important aspect. $ou should appear confident, keep your wits about you and listen to every word of the %uestion. &ften, prospective employees usually don't even hear the %uestion properly in their nervousness. (umbling and stammering )if not a medical problem* will not work in your favour. !hile confidence is good, never appear over-confident. +his presents you as a pompous and bossy person, definitely not the %ualities of a team player. ,ever panic. -f you don't know the answer to a %uestion, try this old trick -ask the interviewer to repeat the %uestion. -t lets you hear the %uestion again, gives you time to think and eliminates any embarrassing pauses. +hinking on your feet is very important. -n a situation where three or four pairs of eyes are staring at you, it is easy to get intimidated. .ractice thinking on your feet by having mock interviews with friends. /uickwittedness is not something you can learn but mock interviews help you think faster than you otherwise would.

0inesh 1amtani, 0ivya .inge and 1rila2mi .ai have only recently started working and are fresh on the job market. Here are some tips they had on how tackle difficult interview %uestions" Q: Tell us about yourself. 3" +his is possibly the most common %uestion asked4 it is the answer to this %uestion that gives your prospective employer the supremely important first impression. Most people tend to talk about their family -- what their parents do for a living and what their siblings are doing at the moment. +his is ,&+ what the interviewer is interested in. +alk mostly about yourself -- your education, previous jobs, achievements, interests and strong points of your personality. &nce you're done, give a very brief description of your family. Q: What are your weaknesses? Or what would you like to change about yourself? 3" 3lthough being honest is always better, make sure that your answer does not project you in a bad light. 1aying things like 5bad at decision making5 or 5not punctual5 go against you. 3lways say things that can be converted into a positive.

(or instance" 5- am forgetful but - am now trying to get over my weakness by keeping reminders on my phone and writing what - might forget54 $ou could even say" 5- used to be disorganised but now - carry an electronic organiser to keep my phone numbers, deadlines etc5. ,ever say things like 5- don't see any weakness in myself5, you might just end up annoying the interviewer. Q: What are your strengths? 3" 1ome people might get carried away here and end up boasting. +he interviewer is looking for skills that will benefit the company, so base your answer on what the company might want. 6eing a good team player, leadership %ualities, analytical skills are among common virtues employers are looking for. ,ever lie about your virtues, it will catch up with you sooner or later. 3s always, honesty is the best policy. Q: What is the one thing you would like to change about your college/ previous office? 3" 3lways say things that are not too negative. #omplaining about your prior bosses or professors shows you in a bad light. +alk of things that are small but not inconse%uential. 1rila2mi, for instance, said that she wanted the library timings to be e2tended. Q: What would your prior boss/ professor have to say about you? 3" -t is good to be prepared for this %uestion. 3sk your professor or boss to write a recommendation letter for you if possible. +his is useful to present to the interviewer. 1tate what the person would say and then present the letter as proof. +his gives the impression of a well-prepared and confident person. Q: What do you know about our co pany? 3" Make sure you do your homework before you appear for an interview. ead up on the company's history, progress report and statistics. 3 small margin is permissible while stating figures but it is best avoided. Q: Why should ! hire you? 3" -t's a safe bet to say that you are the best person for the job. 6ut don't sound boastful or pompous. 6ase your claims with solid results, tell the interviewer why you stand out among all the others and give e2amples of your e2pertise. Q: "a e one thing you want to change about yourself. 3" Here, the interviewer will tempt you to sound negative. ,ever say that you are perfect but at the same time, touch upon you weaknesses in such a way that they seem insignificant. ,ame an incident in the past that you faltered in, then show that you have now improved.

Q: Where do you see yourself five years fro


3" -t's good to talk of your progress with respect to the company. +he interviewer needs to understand that you are not just job-hopping. +hings like you see yourself at a much higher post that the one you are applying for, will work in your favour. +ell them that you hope that this job will make you a better professional than you already are and you will also help the company to improve in the department you are going to be working. +hen go on to show by your e2amples what you are doing to reach your goals and objectives. Q: Do you think your #ualifications has the course taught you? ake you eligible for this $ob? What

3" +he interviewer probably knows all about your course pattern and has probably studied it himself7 herself. +here is no point in discussing it academically4 use a more behavioural approach. $our education has made your basics are clear, you have a strong foundation on which to build a career, it has not only taught you the technical aspects of the job you are about to take up but also made you a better professional are all good responses. Q: Would you call yourself a tea player?

3" +he obvious answer to this answer is yes. 6ut the way you support this answer is what makes all the difference. 3lways keep a few instances of when you showed team spirit in mind. -t helps to display your ability. 3nother way in which this %uestion can be asked is by giving you an actual case. +he interviewer puts you in a situation and asks what you will do. -t is important to think %uick and come up with answers showing that you can bring out the best in others and yourself, believe in organisation, communication and delegation of tasks etc. +he following %uestions test not your character but your presence of mind. -t is important to be alert when faced with these %uestions, don't take too long to answer" Q: What part of your body would you hide if you were on the street co pletely naked? 3" My face, obviously, so no one would know it's me. Q: What is the colour of the wall behind you? 3" +he same as the colour of the wall in front of me. ,ever turn back and answer this8 +here is a possibility that the colour might be different but most rooms are painted the same colour. 9ooking at the interiors of the room you can gauge whether it has a feature )differently coloured* wall or not. Q: %uppose you have a brother. &ou go ho e and open the door and there he is totally naked in front of you. What would u do?

3" -'d pick him up and go put his nappies on him. ,o one told you your brother's age8 Q: Why are anhole covers round and not s#uare?

3" 6ecause the s%uare cover can fall down if kept vertically along the diagonal. Q: What is the fastest thing on earth? Why? 3" +he mind is the fastest thing. -t can be at two places at once and can travel continents in a matter of seconds. Q: !f you were a crayon' what colour would you be? 3" +he last thing you want to do here is say any random colour that comes to your head and then give a justification. +hink about your best %uality, and then associate it with an appropriate colour. (or e2ample" 5- think - would be blue because -'m very calm and composed at all times. - can keep my head cool in the most stressful situation and take difficult decisions.5 +hese %uestions are tough but are not really a deciding factor in the interview. $our overall personality and disposition can always convince the interviewer to consider you for the post despite whatever happens in the interview. #alm your nerves and think clearly. Honesty and clarity can impress the employer but a know-it-all attitude is career suicide. :eep these simple tips in mind and you should sail through those nerve-racking interviews8

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