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Visual Media Portfolio

Dakota Staff

Dakota Staff (843) 422-5968 61 Widewater Road Hilton Head Island, SC

Table of contents
Montage Event Ad Brochure Web Page Logos Imaging Flier Business Cards Letterhead

Description: This is an inspirational montage that I made using blending tools in Photoshop. Process: I searched the internet for photos that I was going to use. After I pulled a few potential images, I opened a new photoshop document. I inserted my background image, and adjusted the color by saturating the color. I then took the images that I was using, and cropped them and blended them into the background. I layered each image by putting them behind the other after blending. After inserting each images, I corrected and made small adjustments to the layers. I then added text to the montage. I made this because I feel that urbanization is rapidly and exponentially growing and I feel that it represents a potential threat for the planet. It was much easier to make this design being passionate about the subject. It became more fun for me and did not seems as much like work or a project. I learned how to better use photoshop, and how to use masks in different layers to blend different photos together. It became easier the more that I was able to experiement with different techniques in blending.

Event ad
Description: This is a full bleed color ad to promote a kayak trip that raises funds for the Cancer Foundation. Process: I found my image in a Kayaking book in the library. I then scanned it in the lab in the Spori building. After scanning the image, I cropped it to get the part of the picture that I wanted. I inserted the image into word, and then added color to the rest of the design to make it flow with the image. Then I added the text and I aligned it with each other. Message: I am promoting a fundraiser to go kayaking. The $20 admission fee pays for water, lifejackets, paddles, and kayaks. The funds go to the Cancer Foundation. Learning to design in Microsoft Word is useful to know, as a backup resource and for the reason that it is so readily available. Almost every laptop or computer uses it, which makes it accesible if ever needed. Scanning images in makes the design look so much more professional than using clip art. You have so much more variety to choose from. Although Word is very limited in its design abilities, if you know how to use it, you can still create an effective design with it.

Description: This is a three folded brochure advertising travel. It gives tips for long term travel, and how to keep it up. Process: I first set-up the fold layout in Indesign. I then looked for ideas on pintrest for what to make my brochure on. I found images an sketched out my design. I wrote my text and inserted it into my project. I then created my logo in Illustrator. I inserted it into the project. I used an image of a mountain as my background. I then put images from pintrest into my project. I wrapped the text around the images. I had to use photoshop to create masks to make cutout images. I made my layout in class, and set up the guidelines for my tri-fold. I was able to use that as a guideline for the rest of my project. It helped me with my full bleeds and knowing where to fold the edges. I used multiple montages in my brochure. I used photoshop to layer pictures of mountains together into one image that wraps around the outside of my brochure. It made the brochure more aesthetically appealing by using contrasting images together.

web page
Process: I created this on text wrangler. I imported my logo by opening it in Chrome and copying the link. I inserted it into the HTML and set it at the top of the page. I wrote my paragraphs in HTML to fit the questions. I then bolded the first words as the topic of each bullet. Next, I copied the css link and paired it with the HTML. I then went into the CSS document and started to change the code. I changed the font into a sans serif to give it a more laid back feel. I then changed the background colors to blue to match the logo. I changed the header fonts. I then changed the text color to black to make it stand out more. The HTML was most challenging for me, as I kept inserting incorrect characters. But once I had the skeletal outline of the web page finished, the rest of the assignment became easy. In CSS I was able to add the background image, and give it a tile pattern across the webpage. But before that, I slightly changed the color of it in photoshop to a lighter blue color to match with the color scheme that I had in mind. I had the logo to go along with my web page, which I created in Illustrator. It was different from my other logos as I wanted it to flow better, rather than be choppy, like my other ones. I downloaded a font called Slopness to go along with the look that I had in mind with the design.

Process: I made all of my designs in Illustrator. But before I got on the computer, I sketched out my designs. After making a few that I liked, I brought them to Illustrator. I used the paint tool and the pen tool mostly while making me logos. I ended up having to recolor all of my logos before I finished. Message: Go Surf Hilton Head is a surf business that I started back home, and the logos message is communicating surfing and the ocean. I tried to make the logos look childish. I tried to have my logos cater to famileis with childeren which is the biggest factor in how my logos turned out. I wanted to make them look hand drawn and sloppy, like a child was creating it. But at the same time, I wanted it to keep the desing principles. To get the straight lines without any jaggedness, I used the pen tool to give it a more smooth look. I used the pencil tool to hand draw most of it though. To give it the crude feeling that I was going for.

Process: I started by looking in my Visual Focus book. I then drew potential sketches with the photos that I had taken. I worked around those to try and make a design. I ended up using a completely different photo and making another design that I ended up scratching. I started over and used this photo instead. I made a few final color corrections and added my shapes and backgrounds into the design. Message: I made this design to showcase my ability to take photos and edit them. After I did that, I wanted to show my knowledge of color schemes and how to use them effectively. I had many pictures that I was considering using, before I ended up choosing this one. I liked how the lattice looked in the background. So when I was making my desing, I wanted to continue the lattice pattern down through the design with shapes. I chose the colors to match with the costume of my spartan model to have continuity through the design.

Process: I began by brainstorming my ideas for my design. I drew sketches and played with ideas for my project. I then took my ideas into InDesign and added my title and sub heading for the design. I then added the body text and website. After I added the texts, I resized it, and re-aligned it to meet up with the margins. After I aligned everything, I added boxes and lines around it to make the design more aesthetically creative. This was my first design I have ever made in Indesign, so there was much experimentation that went into this. I wanted the shape of the lines outlining the design to accent and bring out the middle of it. I wanted to keep a consistent pattern of recatangles.

business cards
Process: I started with the logo by adding a circle, then shaping the wave around it with the pen tool. I then Put the rays around the sun by making them out of rectangles. I inserted the text and underlined it. I then took the pen tool and drew a sloppy surfboard on the back of the card (because this is marketed towards families with children, I made the size of the cards in the artboard in illustrator. I made two so that one would be the front of the card, and the other would be the back of the card. I added the logo to the front of the card. I put my contact information and the name of the company on the front as well. I used a downloaded font as the title of the company. On the back I drew a sloppy crude looking surfboard with the pencil tool. I drew a surboard leash wrapping around from the back of the card which wrappped around to the front of the card and underlined the name of the company.

letter head
Process: I needed my stationary to match with the business cards that I had made. I inserted a large rectangle around the artboard with a color that matched the business cards. I added the same logo to the top of the stationary, I wrote in my contact information at the top next to the logo. I made the font of my contact information different from the font of the logo. It is the same style of looking handwritten, but only lighter. At the bottom of the page, I drew sloppy looking waves. I used the pencil tool to make them look crude. The company is marketed towards families with childeren who are interested in surfing. So I wanted the design to look childish and sloppy.

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