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Interview Reflection Jana Woodiwiss-Geter Georgia State University

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Introduction To get a better understanding of smoking in older adulthood, on April 2nd Tammy Andrews provided insight on how she has come to peace with smoking since being a teenager. Tammy is 66 years old, married, and a mother of one child. She has one brother, and is a partial care taker for her mother. During the interview Tammy shared how she perceived the transition from smoking being cool, to national campaigns alerting people on the dangers of smoking. We discussed negative stigmas associated with smoking, smoking cessation, and her overall view on smoking.

Analysis In comparing the older and middle adult, both are oriented around family, and less focused on the social repercussions of a deviant behavior such as smoking. They both also started smoking when they were teenagers, and neither mentioned any health issues associated with their addiction. The individual in middle adulthood was very adamant about cessation, although the older adult was content and felt as though she no longer had to peruse cessation. On an individual level both the middle and older adult interviewees admitted addiction, although the middle adult was obviously torn because of the impact that it could have on his young family. The older adult had no children living in the home and her husband was also a smoker, she had no desire to stop smoking.

Other Information Research makes a clear connection regarding education and smoking. The more education that an individual has, the less likely they are to smoke (Urban, 2006). This has created a likelihood of smoking based on socioeconomic status and education. In reflection, many of my friends at work do not smoke, do exercise, and watch their dieting habits. Many of my hometown friends do smoke, and they see ti as a part of their life, and the lives of their families. I feel that it is unethical not to make the attempt to make all of my clients aware of the dangers of smoking, although I understand I will have to respect my clients right to self-determination also. From the interviews the progression of acceptance towards smoking, and the gradual disinterest in cessation is also evident through the interviews. 2

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Personal Experience Impact Originally I was under the impression that people could stop smoking then they wanted to, and if they psychological, and social barriers in place that make it very challenging for someone to quit smoking. In my research, the ability to identify key indicators of substance abuse measured by level of tolerance in withdrawal will also help me to look more objectively at substance abuse in general.

Future of Social Work I am interested in substance abuse, especially smoking because of its impact on a multitude of other health conditions. When working in the field of medical social work, I will have a better understanding of what some patients need throughout their stay at the hospital. I will also have a short time to discuss the medical benefits of cessation for the client and their family. I think that social workers do have a place in the future in implementing cessation programs that use cognitive behavioral therapy, and motivational interview to coach clients to successful cessation.

Conclusion After Tammy shared her thoughts on her personal journey with smoking, I have gained more positive regard for people who have smoked their whole lives. I think that it will be painful when patients reject education, and are visibly sick but choose to continue smoking, or continue any form of substance abuse. I also realize the need to empower the individuals who do try quitting, and see the benefit in mezzo level cessation support groups in my local area.

Running head: Interview Reflection Citation

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Urbn, R., Kugler, G., Olh, A., & Szilgyi, Z. (2006). Smoking and education: Do psychosocial variables explain the relationship between education and smoking behavior?. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 8(4), 565-573. doi:10.1080/14622200600789940

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