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!"#$%&'$(%: kaLle Copper )%*+, .,/,012((3,%*$4"5 6,*'7,%: 1
/Mandy SmlLh
.,##(" 64$0,: l'm a MeLeorologlsL! 8*$,: March 12, 2014
2&%%4'&0&9 :%,*: Sclence ;#$49*$,+ 649,: 40 mlnuLes

SLandards ConnecLlon:
SCl 1.8.2: 8ecord weaLher daLa uslng weaLher [ournals, charLs, and maps.

Learnlng Cb[ecLlves:
1he sLudenLs wlll relaLe Lhelr own preferences Lo Lhe [ob of a meLeorologlsL by glvlng
reasons for chooslng wheLher or noL Lhey would wanL Lo be a meLeorologlsL.
1he sLudenLs wlll employ Lhe skllls used by a meLeorologlsL Lo glve preLend weaLher
reporLs for dlfferenL areas of Lhe counLry.
1he sLudenLs wlll descrlbe Lhe [ob of a meLeorologlsL by ldenLlfylng Lhlngs
meLeorologlsLs can do, use, and know.

LvaluaLlon of Learnlng Cb[ecLlves:
1he sLudenLs wlll express Lhelr oplnlon on wheLher or noL Lhey would wanL Lo be a
1he sLudenLs wlll descrlbe Lhe currenL weaLher condlLlons for dlfferenL areas on a map
as well as glve oLher deLalls relaLed Lo LhaL forecasL, such as approprlaLe cloLhlng for
some klnds of weaLher.
1he sLudenLs wlll apply Lhelr knowledge of Lhe [ob of a meLeorologlsL ln order Lo
compleLe a !"#$ &'($ )#*+ worksheeL, fllllng ln Lhe approprlaLe lnformaLlon.

1hls wlll be Lhe day !ames Spann vlslLs our classroom. 1he sLudenLs wlll llsLen Lo hlm speak ln
Lhe mornlng and Lhls wlll serve as our engagemenL.

Learnlng ueslgn
1. 1eachlng:
a. 1he Leacher wlll have sLudenLs come ln and slL aL Lhelr seaLs. 1here wlll be a
worksheeL on Lhelr desk LlLled, ,-* .' " /(0(*1*2*3.'04 1he worksheeL deLalls
Lhe [ob of a meLeorologlsL and glves lmporLanL words LhaL sLudenLs can use
when Lalklng abouL a meLeorologlsL. As Lhe Leacher reads Lhrough Lhe
worksheeL, she wlll sLop perlodlcally Lo dlscuss Lhese words: meLeorologlsL,
forecasL, predlcLs, and LemperaLure.
b. 1he Leacher wlll Lhen say, now LhaL we undersLand whaL a meLeorologlsL does,
declde wheLher or noL you would wanL Lo be a meLeorologlsL. Cn Lhe llnes
provlded on your sheeL, wrlLe aL leasL Lwo compleLe senLences abouL wheLher or
noL you would wanL Lo be a meLeorologlsL and glve some reasons why." 1he
Leacher wlll glve Llme for Lhe sLudenLs Lo compleLe Lhls and wlll Lhen call on a
few sLudenLs Lo share.
c. 1he Leacher wlll Lhen say, Well, Loday you are all golng Lo geL Lhe chance Lo be
meLeorologlsLs! We are golng Lo pracLlce glvlng a weaLher forecasL for dlfferenL
areas of Lhe unlLed SLaLes. So, lf l can geL my Leacher's helpers Lo come up here
and pass Lhese ouL, LhaL would be greaL." 1he Leacher wlll glve Lhe Lwo helpers
one sLack of worksheeLs each Lo pass ouL Lo Lhe class. Cne worksheeL wlll be a
map of Lhe unlLed SLaLes wlLh dlfferenL weaLher ln Lhe norLh, souLh, easL, and
wesL. 1he oLher worksheeL wlll be quesLlons LhaL Lhe sLudenLs wlll answer based
on LhaL map. Whlle Lhey are passlng Lhose ouL, Lhe Leacher wlll go over and Lurn
on Lhe pro[ecLor and documenL camera, where her seL of worksheeLs wlll be
2. CpporLunlLy for racLlce:
a. Cnce Lhe helpers have reLurned Lo Lhelr seaLs, Lhe Leacher wlll conLlnue by
referenclng Lhe map worksheeL. She wlll ask, WhaL do you see on Lhls
worksheeL?" She wlll walL for sLudenLs Lo respond.
b. ?es! We see Lhe unlLed SLaLes and some dlfferenL weaLher. Cood! now leL's
look aL Lhls flrsL quesLlon. ,-"0 .' 0-( +("0-(1 2.5( .# 0-( +('04 Can anyone Lell
me whaL weaLher Lhey see ln Lhe wesL? uon'L forgeL Lo use your compass aL Lhe
boLLom of Lhe page Lo Lell you whlch dlrecLlon ls wesL." 1he Leacher wlll walL for
sLudenLs Lo consulL Lhe map for Lhelr answers and wlll Lhen call on a sLudenL for
a response.
c. LxacLly! lL's wlndy ln Lhe wesL? Pow dld you know LhaL?" 1he Leacher wlll walL
for Lhe sLudenL Lo respond. Cood! 1haL symbol Lold us LhaL Lhe weaLher ln Lhe
wesL was wlndy. now you go on and answer Lhe oLher quesLlons on Lhe
worksheeL. ?ou can work wlLh your LablemaLes Lo flgure ouL Lhe besL way Lo
reporL Lhe weaLher ln each parL of Lhe counLry."
d. 1he Leacher wlll walk around Lhe room asslsLlng sLudenLs and observlng. Cnce
Lhe sLudenLs compleLe Lhe worksheeL, Lhe Leacher wlll lead Lhe class ln golng
over Lhelr answers.
3. AssessmenL
a. llnally, Lhe Leacher wlll pass ouL Lhe lasL worksheeL. 1hls ls a worksheeL called
MeLeorologlsLs: Can, use, know." lL has a secLlon LlLled can," for whaL a
meLeorologlsL can do, a secLlon LlLled use," for whaL Lhey use Lo predlcL Lhe
weaLher, and a secLlon LlLled know," for whaL Lhey know and can Lell us.
b. 1he Leacher wlll have one of Lhe helpers pass ouL Lhe worksheeL. Whlle she ls
dolng LhaL, Lhe Leacher wlll glve dlrecLlons. now, on Lhls sheeL l wanL you Lo Lell
me all LhaL you know abouL meLeorologlsLs. Cn Lhe llnes nexL Lo 'can', Lell me
whaL a meLeorologlsL can do. Cn Lhe llnes nexL Lo 'use', Lell me whaL klnds of
Lools meLeorologlsLs can use Lo predlcL Lhe weaLher. And on Lhe llnes nexL Lo
'know', Lell me some speclal lnformaLlon LhaL meLeorologlsLs know LhaL Lhey
could Leach us abouL."
c. 1he Leacher wlll lnsLrucL sLudenLs Lo Lurn ln all of Lhelr work upon compleLlon.

ConLenL and 8esources:
,-* .' " 6(0(*1*2*3.'04 anchor charL handouL (appendlx 4A)
o 1hls worksheeL ls Laken from a weaLher unlL called ,("0-(1 .' ,.27 creaLed and
sold by SLephanle SLewarL. 1hls unlL can be found aL:
896 " /(0(*1*2*3.'0: map handouL (appendlx 48)
o 1hls worksheeL ls from a packeL creaLed and sold by ChrlsLlna ueCarbo called
WeaLher unlL for klds". lL can be found aL
896 " /(0(*1*2*3.'0: quesLlons handouL (appendlx 4C)
o 1hls worksheeL ls from a packeL creaLed and sold by ChrlsLlna ueCarbo called
WeaLher unlL for klds". lL can be found aL
/(0(*1*2*3.'0'; !"#$ &'($ )#*+ handouL (appendlx 4u)
o 1hls worksheeL ls Laken from a weaLher unlL called ,("0-(1 .' ,.27 creaLed and
sold by SLephanle SLewarL. 1hls unlL can be found aL:

lans for lndlvldual Learners and ulfferenLlaLlon SLraLegles:
<: 1hls sLudenL wlll only compleLe Lhe weaLher forecasLlng map and worksheeL acLlvlLy.

=> 1hls sLudenL ls able Lo compleLe Lhls acLlvlLy wlLhouL asslsLance.

SLrong sLudenLs wlll be expecLed Lo draw on Lhelr experlence from Lhe !ames Spann vlslL and
lncorporaLe Lhose experlences lnLo Lhelr answers on Lhe Can, use, know worksheeL.

1hls lesson ls a preparaLlon for Lhe lesson LhaL wlll come Lhe flnal Lwo days of Lhe unlL. lL dldn'L
go over qulLe as well as l would have llked lL Lo, and l cerLalnly wlsh lL hadn'L been so worksheeL
based. 8uL Lhe lesson dld a good [ob of seLLlng Lhe sLudenLs up for Lhe acLlvlLy Lhey wlll do ln
Lhe nexL Lwo days.

uaLa Analysls
SLudeLns were able Lo compleLe Lhls acLlvlLy accepLably. 1hls acLlvlLy served as a formaLlve
assessmenL and as preparaLlon for Lhe culmlnaLlng acLlvlLy beglnnlng Lhe followlng day.

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