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Jl. Flores C.135 Cimone Mas Permai - Tangerang Mobile : 0813-11410-299, e-mail : anggiec i!oo"#a

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F.ll -ame Place/0a1e ,2 3ir1 )ge 4en5er %eligion Mari1al +1a1.s -a1ionali1# Anggiawati Setiadi Karawang, 6 September 1989 23 years old Female Christ Single Indonesian Chinese!

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'risa+ti S(hool o, &anagement

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*** I believe there is a place for honest and talented people for your company ***

Jl. Flores C.135 Cimone Mas Permai - Tangerang Mobile : 0813-11410-299, e-mail : anggiec i!oo"#a

J,3 +$MM)%7
Job )ssignmen1 : )cco.n1ing +1a22 a1 6&-4 F,T, 4%,$P 12 Inp*t the e3pendit*re transa(tions 22 Inp*t sales transa(tions 32 Classi,i(ation o, sales #2 &a+ing a report sales e4ery month

+6&''+ : ;$)'&F&C)T&, 5nderstanding the a((o*nting (ir(le pro(ess2 )ood +nowledge 0 s+ills to handling a((o*nting also administration 6obs2 Able to operate a((o*nting program s*(h as A((*rate and &781 A((o*nting2 Familiar to operate (omp*ter program, s*(h as &s2 8,,i(e -ord, 93(el, /ower /oint!, ): and internet programs2 Able to spea+ or (omm*ni(ate with 9nglish passi4e2 )ood (omm*ni(ation, analysis, interpersonal, (oordination, team wor+ 0 leadership s+ills

*** I believe there is a place for honest and talented people for your company ***

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