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Validation done by BK on 13-8-09 ADNS90A01 & A02 PH-1 BUD ON 11-8-09 1.

Different types of cells have different shapes because: (a) they perform different functions (b) they contain different types of organelles (c) of chemical nature of substance they produce (d) they are subjected to different rates of osmosis across their membranes 2. Genetic material of most of the organisms is (a) DN (b) !N ". #he bacterium found in intestine of human being is (a) $scherichia coli (b) clostridium (c) Nucleoproteins (c) !hi%obium (d) none (d) none

&. #hic'ening of cell (all (ithout lignification and spciali%ation for mechanical functions are characteristics of (a) parenchyma (b) collenchyma (c) sclerenchyma (d) chlorenchym ). *hich is a comple+ permanent tissue (a) parenchyma (b) collenchyma ,. !obert hoo'e used the term -cell. in the year (a) 1,)/ (b) 1,,) (c) +ylem (c) 10,) (d) sclerenchyma (d) 11,/ (d) helmith (d) sucrose (d) vitamin 3

2. 3ommon cold4 influen%a4 dengue fever are disease caused by (a) viruses (b) bacteria (c) proto%oa 0. 5or immediate energy production in cells one should ta'e (a) glucose (b) proteins (c) vitamin c 1. 6east is an important source of (a) vitamin 7 (b) vitamin (c) vitamin D

1/. 8f the plants of the (orld die4 all the animals (ill also die due to the shortage of a (a) cold (b) food (c) o+ygen (d) timber 11. #he main function of plasma membrane is to (a) store cell material (b) control all cellular activities (c) maintain cell shape and si%e (d) regulate the flo( of material inside and outside the cell 12. #he endoplasmic reticulum is mainly concerned (ith (a) proteolysis (c) production of #9 (b) fatty acid synthesis (d) carbohydrates synthesis (d) permanent tissue

1". 8ncrease in the length of the plant is caused by (a) cor' cambium (b) vascular cambium (c) apical meristem

ANSW ! K "# 1. ,. 7 11. D 2. 2. 12.7 ". 0. 1".3 &.7 1. ).3 1/.3

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