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Degree of protection : IP54 Alternator (Generator) is a rotating machine, which converts available mechanical energy into electrical energy

as per Faradays laws of electro magnetic induction. We have installed a 30MW, 4-pole, rotating magnetic field 3-phase synchronous turbo generator with brush less excitation system supplied by M/s TD power System for our captive requirement I. Specification of the Generator: Type : TC210 Out put KVA : 37500 Power Factor : 0.8 lag Voltage : 11KV Armature current : 1968.3A Frequency : 50Hz. Speed : 1500rpm Number of poles :4 Number of phases :3 Insulation Class :F Temperature rise : class B limits Rating : Continuous Over Speed : 20% for 2 minutes. Excitation method : Brush less excitation with AVR control. II. OFF LOAD SYNCHRONISATION: A. Check list: 1. Ensure that space heaters are in off position. 2. Ensure that Generator master trip relays 86GHA & 86GHB are in reset position and except turbine trip & AVR trip all other protections are in reset position. 3. Ensure remote. 4. Ensure that Generator coolers inlet and out let valves are in open position. B. Procedure: 1. Off load synchronization means synchronization of the generator with grid when it is at no load (Here synchronization breaker). 2. After starting the turbine, clear the turbine trip alarm in REM relays and reset the master trip relays (86 M1A & 86 M1B). 3. After attaining 1500-rpm speed of the generator, select the excitation in Auto and Switch on the excitation from AVR panel. Observe the generator voltage raise it gradually rises upto 95% of the rated voltage (10450V). of the Generator that no line clearance on generator breaker and it is in service /

4. Reset the AVR trip alarm in REM relays and reset the master trip relays (86 M2A & 86 M2B). 5. Select the synchronization breaker (CB 1) and observe the remote and open feedback. 6. Select the mode of synchronization (Dead bus / Live bus). For off load synchronization of generator breaker we have to select only live bus. Live bus means supply is available for both sides of the CB and Dead bus means supply is available for only one side of the CB. Ensure the available feedback indication. 7. Select the synchronization mode (Manual or Auto). 8. Press start command. 9. Manual mode: Adjust the generator voltage and frequency equal to the grid parameters. 10. Switch on the synchro scope 11. Close CB at 12O clock position (SKE relay also should act at the same time). 12. Auto mode: Generator voltage and frequency will be made equal to the grid parameters by Wood ward auto synchronizer and CB also closes in auto at 12Oclock position of the synchro scope also with SKE permission. 13. After the synchronization immediately observe the power factor, if it is tending to leading side increase the MVAR by increasing the Generator voltage to maintain the power factor in lagging side in between 0.85 to 0.95.

14. After




generation at least more than 4 MW. There is low forward power protection at 2.5% of the rated load. III. ON LOAD SYNCHRONIZATION: 1. On load synchronization means synchronization of the generator with grid at load or in Island mode. (Here synchronization of the PP tie feeder, S/S tie feeder and grid breaker). 2. Select the CB to be synchronized and observe the Remote / open status of the selected C.B. (C.B 2 : Grid breaker, C.B 3 : Power Plant Tie feeder, feeder). 3. Select the Live bus. 4. Select the synchronous mode (Auto or manual). 5. Press synchro start 6. Adjust the voltage and frequency of the generator to match the grid parameters if it is manual selection. If it is auto selection, auto synchronizer it self adjusts these parameters. 7. Switch on the synchro scope 8. Close CB at 12O clock position (SKE relay also should act at the same time) in manual mode. In Auto mode breaker will Note: 1. In dead bus selection there is no need of synchro scope, we can select the breaker to be closed in dead bus be closed it self thru auto synchronizer. C.B 4: Spare & C.B 5: Substation tie

selection and switch on it directly as there is no voltage at second end. 2. We cannot synchronize the generator by closing the grid breaker in dead bus selection (in island mode) as it is not suggestible, to feed power to 132KV side (grid) when there is no supply available at 132KV side from grid. IV. Controls Salient panel: 1. Auto / manual synchronization of grid breaker, generator breaker, power plant tie feeder and substation tie feeder breaker with check synchronization relay and synchro scope. 2. Micro scan: Temperature monitoring for Generator R-ph, Y-ph & B-ph windings, Generator front bearing & rear bearing temperatures, generator coolers hot air & cold air temperatures and tripping of the generator on these parameters high level. 3. Programmable Display Unit (MMI): For annunciation of the light faults (alarms) & heavy faults (trips) and monitoring of the active power, reactive power, Features in Generator Control

5. Frequency control of the generator if it is in island mode. 6. Load control of the generator if it is synchronized with grid 7. Voltage / power factor control of the Generator. Automatic Power control (APC): We have APC provision between 6MW & 30MW of the generation. In APC mode, we can vary the set point with 0.1 to 1MW variation from Generator Control panel as per the boiler steam availability and load requirement. APC tries to maintain the power out put of the generator nearly the set point. APC / APFC enable limit : 6000KW Dead band : 200KW KW increase/ decrease : 100KW On pulse duration (1/10th sec) : 2 sec Off Pulse duration (1/10th sec) : 20 sec Automatic Power factor Control (APFC): We have APFC provision between 6MW & 30MW of the generation. In APFC mode, we can vary with set point from Generator Control panel or from excitation panel as per the reactive power requirement. APFC tries to maintain the power factor of the generator nearly the set point by altering the generator voltage with in the range. APFC set point will be displayed in the excitation system front panel screen.

apparent power, generator voltage in three lines, current in three phases, power factor and frequency. 4. Power quality meter: For monitoring the line voltages, phase voltages, line currents, power factor, harmonic

component and energy.

Power factor to be maintained in Auto = (100 % set point)/100 The same APFC increase / decrease push buttons can be used for the generator voltage increase / decrease. Note: 1. Both APC & APFC will be disabled by themselves when unit turned into island mode or generation decreased to below 6MW. 2. APFC will be disabled itself if excitation turned into manual from auto. Manual control of power factor In manual control of power factor, to reduce the power factor increase the reactive power by increasing the generating voltage (By increasing the Excitation) or reduce the power transformer tap position at substation. To increase the power factor decrease the reactive power by decreasing the generating voltage (by reducing the excitation) or increase the power transformer tap position. Note: Dont allow running the generator in leading power factor. V. Inter locks: 1. To switch on excitation, generator rpm should be above 95% of the rated. 2. Excitation could not be switched off when generator breaker is in closed position. 3. APC & APFC should be active at more than 6MW of the generator output. 4. APC & APFC should be inactive when unit is in island mode.

5. No dead bus selection for the grid breaker. 6. Dead bus selection for the generator breaker is only with generator supply is available and idle 11KV bus. 7. Selected furnace will trip it self if unit turns into island mode (This interlock will be useful if unit is running at low load or with single boiler) such that to avoid sudden increase of the load on generator and tripping of generator on under frequency or under voltage. Furnace trip selector switch: Position 1 : First furnace will trip in Island mode. Position 2 : Second furnace will trip in Island mode. Position 0 : No furnace will trip. VI. Generator protections: Protection & codes in REM relays: The following are the protections covered in the Generator protection relay (REM 543) Code Protection Generator Differential 2. DEF 1. DIFF 6G

Sensitive Directional Earth fault 3. VOC6 low Voltage restrained over current 4. FREQ1 ST_1 Under frequency tripping of the Gen 5. FREQ1 ST_2 Over frequency tripping of the Gen 6. UV3 low Voltage 7. OV3 low Under

Over Voltage 8. NOC3 low IDMT Over current 9. NOC3 inst Inst over current 10.UE6 low excitation 11. UPOW6ST_1 forward power 12.OPOW6ST_2 Reverse active power 13.NPS3low Negative phase sequence current 14.FREQ1 ST_3 Under frequency tripping of the Grid (REM 1) 15.FREQ1 ST_3 Over frequency tripping of the Grid (REM 2) 16.FREQ1 ST_4 df/dt breaker trip 17. Fuse fail protection grid Low Loss of

1) When the following protections are operated, the Generator should not be excited until the fault is cleared. a. Generator differential protection. b. Stator 95%). c. Voltage restraint over current protection. d. Backup protection e. Local breaker backup relay / Circuit breaker failed to protect f. AVR trip. over current. h. Rotor Earth Fault 2. Analyze the with wing root the and cause excite on in the the coordination maintenance For the Electrical g. Instantaneous impedance Earth fault protection (100 % &

Generator after clearing the fault. protection operation generator, the following actions are to be taken. 1. IDMT Over current. Operating mode Normal inverse Start current : 1.0In Time multiplier : 0.1 If this NOC3 low annunciation appears, reduce the load on the Generator. The Generator will be tripped as per the normal inverse characteristics. :

Protections covered other than the REM relays are

18. 19. 20. 21. vibrations high 22. relay VII. INSTRUCTIONS Back up earth fault Rotor earth fault relay Stator earth fault relay. Generator Generator winding bearing

temperature high

2. Under frequency Voltage limit : 0.3Un Start Frequency 47.5Hz. Operating time : 3sec If unit is running with grid and there is any frequency drop in grid then our machine frequency will also drop accordingly. Before this frequency of generator tripping, at 48Hz unit will come to island mode on tripping of grid breaker on under frequency tripping then control room engineers should control the generator load according to avoid further fall in frequency and tripping of the generator. (If load on the generator more than the steam availability, by coordinating with FAP control room engineers reduce the load if still it is not possible to control then trip one furnace either from PP control room or from FAP control room) If already unit is running in Island mode at rated frequency, then both load on the generator and steam input to the turbine should be maintained equal to avoid variation in turbine speed further generator frequency. 3. Over frequency Voltage limit : 0.3Un Start Frequency 52.5Hz. Operating time : 5sec If unit is running with grid if there is any frequency rise in grid then our machine : :

frequency also rise accordingly. At 51.5Hz unit will come to island mode on tripping of grid breaker on over frequency tripping then control room engineers should control the generator load according to the steam availability to avoid further rise in frequency and tripping of the generator. (If steam generation is more than the load on the generator then vent out the steam) 4. Field Failure / Loss of Excitation. Circle off set : 0.19 PU Circle diameter PU Circle displacement : 0 PU Operating time run in asynchronous mode : 2sec as a In absence of excitation generator will induction generator by drawing reactive power from system instead of feeding the reactive power into system. Operation in asynchronous mode is harm full for the generator When this protection operates, check up the excitation circuits of the generator & rectify the problem then only synchronize the machine to grid. 5. Negative phase sequence Operating mode Inverse time Start value : 0.14In K : 20 : 2.88

Start delay : 2 sec Maximum time sec Cooling time : 60 sec When the generator is connected to a balanced load, the phase currents are equal in magnitude and displaced electrically by 1200. The ampere-turns wave produced by the stator currents rotates synchronously with the rotor and no eddy currents are induced in the rotor. Unbalanced loading gives rise to a negative sequence component in the stator current. The negative sequence current produces an additional wave which rotates backward, hence it rotates twice the synchronous speed relatively to the rotor. The double frequency eddy currents induced in the rotor may cause excessive heating. Negative Phase Sequence Current high protection operates when the unbalance on the Generator currents is more due to unbalance loading of the furnaces, so minimize the unbalance in coordination with the substation and furnace operators. This relay operates with inverse characteristics, so with in the stipulated period respond immediately and control the unbalance. If at all, it is not possible to control the unbalance current switch off the unbalance-loading : 500

furnace with the coordination of furnace operator. When this protection operates as per the inverse characteristics, Generator will be tripped then wait for the time equivalent to cooling time constant of the Generator and reset the relay. Relay will not be reset unless the cooling time constant of the generator reached. 6. Local breaker backup protection (LBB or CBFP) This protection operates when the generator breaker fails to open even after the master trip relays operated. This is sensed by the LBB protection and trips the power plant tie feeder in 11KV switchgear. After checking the generator breaker physically 7. Generator high. At the winding temperature of 120o C alarm annunciates, immediately reduce the generator current by decreasing the reactive power or active power or both. Mean while cross check with the remaining temperature tags. At winding temperature of 135o C generator will trip. Please note that temperature rise limits to Class B insulation limits. We have monitoring of generator temperatures in generator control panel Programmable Display Unit & Micro scan and tripping thru later one. and rectify the problem, synchronize the generator grid. winding temperature

8. Under voltage & Over Voltage Under Voltage Operating mode : Definite time Start voltage Operating time : 3sec Over voltage Operating mode : Definite time Start voltage Operating time : 3sec : 1.1Un : 0.9Un

9. Low forward power and Reverse power. Low forward power: Power setting 2.5%Sn Operation mode power Wait time : 5 sec : Under :




controls Reverse power: Power setting Operation mode power Operation time : 3 sec : 2%Sn : Under

generator voltage between 90% & 110% of the rated voltage to maintain the power factor. If there is any short circuit in the load side it may lead to voltage dip at that time AVR tries to boost the voltage if the fault intensity is more than that of AVR response & capability or faulty system is not isolated then generator will trip on under voltage protection. If there is sudden impact load on the generator in Island mode it may lead to both voltage and frequency drop. So, dont allow sudden impact loading on the generator in island mode. If any sudden load thrown off in Island mode then there are chance to acting of over voltage protection. Over voltage protection may also act when generator is running at very low lagging power factor set point with high voltage and if there is any voltage sudden voltage shoot in grid.

If turbine inlet steam is not available to generate the power or turbine stop valves closed / turbine tripped then low-forward protection operates and trip the generator. When there is any reverse power from 11KV bus to generator then Generator will operate as a synchronous motor then, reverse power protection operates and trip the generator to avoid motoring of the generator. 10. Stator Earth fault protection: Earth faults normally occur in the armature slots. They are more likely to happen when there are voltage surges or sustained over voltages at the generator terminals 100% stator ground fault relay can be used in generators that produces third harmonic at all service conditions. This type of relay protects the entire stator winding upto the neutral point. This scheme includes a 95% stator earth fault unit which covers 95% of

stator winding from 5% of the neutral and a third harmonic voltage unit which covers 5% portion from the neutral. When the generator is in operation and there is no ground fault near the neutral, the third harmonic as well as the voltage check unit pickup and tripping is blocked. When a ground fault near the neutral occurs, the third harmonic unit will drop-of and tripping obtained. In our system present is kept at minimum level. In full load of the generator 3rd harmonic component is to be measured and setting will be made according to that level. 11. Generator Differential protection: Basic Setting Starting ratio Turn point1 Turn point2 Inst setting The or differential more similar the protection electrical current is that : 5% : 10%In : 0.5In : 1.5In : 5.0In which On are

Excitation system regulates the terminal voltage and the reactive power flow of the alternator by altering the field current with the aid of Thyristor converters. We have installed the AVR cum Excitation panel for our 30MW generator supplied by M/s TDPS of M/s ABB make Unitrol F system for rotating rectifier brush less excitation system. The rotary rectifier rectifies AC electric source that comes from three-phase AC exciter to DC. Then that DC electric source excites the field coil of generator. Therefore, the generator does not have brush and slip ring. Exciter rating: 1. Excitation system type : Brush less 2. Excitation supply : PMG 3. Excitation field voltage at rated load :119V DC 4. Excitation field current at rated load : 25A DC 5. Maximum exciter field current : 40A DC 6. Minimum exciter field current : 5A DC 7. Maximum exciter field voltage : 180V DC 8. Minimum exciter field voltage : 20V DC 9. Exciter rating :230KW 10. AVR make : ABB 11. Exciter output Voltage : 331V

responds to the vector difference between two quantities. Generator, transformers

provided at each end of the generator armature windings. When there is no fault in the windings and for through faults, the currents in the CT secondary are equal. The difference current is zero. When fault occurs inside the protected winding, the balance is disturbed and the differential current flows through the operating coil of relays causing relay operation. Thereby generator circuit breaker is tripped. VIII. Excitation system:

12. Exciter out put Current :499A 13. Frequency :150Hz 14. Revolutions :1500rpm 15. No. of phases :3 16. No. poles :12 17. Power factor :0.95 lag 18. Insulation class :F 19. Armature Revolving armature type Pre checks for switching on the excitation: 1. Ensure that space heater is in off position. 2. No line clearance should be pending. 3. Control supplies are available (230V UPS & 110V DC). 4. Ensure that excitation system is in remote mode. 5. No alarm and trip codes are displaying. 6. Generator speed should be at rated. Start up: 1. After reaching the rated rpm of the generator and getting clearance for synchronization, switch on excitation in Auto mode and observe that voltage rise. Generator voltage will raise upto 95% of the rated (10450V). 2. Clear the AVR trip alarm in REM relays and reset the master trip relays 86M2A & 86M2B. :

3. Increase the generator voltage manually to 11KV. 4. After switching on the synchro scope, adjust the generator voltage equal to the grid voltage. 5. After synchronizing adjust the generator voltage such that to maintain lagging power factor and to meet the reactive power requirement. 6. After achieving the 6MW generation keep the power factor control in Auto. Interlocks: 1. Excitation will not switch on below 95% of the rated speed of the generator. 2. Excitation could not be switched off manually when generator breaker is in ON position. 3. At fuse fail protection excitation will be turned into manual mode it self. 4. To keep excitation system in Automatic Power Factor Control excitation should be in Auto. 3. Schematic Diagram of Synchronizing Breakers Grid PT

Gen Bus PT bus PT Power Plant 11KV Bus Substation 11KV Bus



CB 3

Gen PT Breaker PT Cable ~ 11KV 30MW Generator CB1 : Generator Breaker CB2 : Grid Breaker CB3 : Power Plant Tie BreakerCB4 : Spare CB5 : Substation Tie

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