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Course Team Report Course Name: Ancient World 458/9 Team Members: Garcia, Hidaka, Meagher, Scarlett Current

Reality What current reality drives your team's efforts? Ex. As judged by 1st unit assessments, only 45% of our students demonstrate sufficient understanding of how to utilize the scientific process. Our team is beginning a new unit on Ancient China. Students are having trouble rationalizing their thoughts and arguments. 458 students are having a tough time creating an opinion or perhaps expressing that opinion. For example students may stake a claim but provide no evidence or in written work they use evidence and dont stake a claim with it. Team Goal Team will implement Socratic seminars or other critical thinking activity in regards to a topic in Ancient China. Student participation will be measured during this activity. We endeavor to have over 75% of What goal do you have to guide effort to address this reality? students participate during theseyour activities. Ex. 80% of all students will demonstrate sufficient understanding of the scientific process.

Assessment What assessment did you develop to measure the success of this goal?

Assessment Results How did your students do on this assessment?

Instructional Response How will your team respond instructionally?

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