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TEACHER (over) Silas has succeeded. The legend is true. It hides beneath the rose.

The familiar WHISPER, again in Latin, TEACHER (over) Now, Bishop, I need you to make a phone call for me. Aringarosa closes his eyes with sublime relief.

FACHE And why would he do that? Langdon fingers a coin. Kneels, looking at the corpse's fingertip, which is red and dark. LANGDON Wait. He drew this with his own blood? FACHE From the bullet hole.

INT. LOUVRE GRANDE GALERIE - NIGHT Langdon stands over the dead man, taking in the tableau. LANGDON Jesus, this is the Vitruvian Man. Fache is watching Langdon closely. LANGDON He's positioned his body to duplicate one of Leonardo Da Vinci's most famous sketches. It's on a one-euro coin. The Vitruvian Man This image, central to both Da Vinci's work and Dan Brown's novel, offers the first major clue 1 in The Da Vinci Code. For the film, a life-cast of actor Jean-Pierre Marielle (in the role of Sauniere, left-hand page) was rendered in rubber and substituted for the actor during much of the lengthy filming process.

Fache's expression is grim. FACHE Stomach wounds leave one ample time to die.

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