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BookMarkManager 2.

Author: email:

Shareware Version Edgar M. Hofer Edgar-Hofer@msn. om !ith this tool "ou an on#ert "our

MS-$E%&'()E)-*AV()$+ES to ,S-,AV$-A+()-B((.MA).S
and V$/E-VE)SA 00

There is no e1tra setu2 , copy the files from the zip to any place you want and simply start the exe-file or make links of your choice. If you miss a fine setup-code (making icons - where YO will mo!e it away - and so on...", remem#er$ 3ou sa#ed #er" mu h time for not downloading m" setu2-stuff 45g6

)elease ,otes - Version 2.1:

%ome &ugfix for correct reading of '#ookmark.htm(-)ile. (%pecial *haracters like %lash or &ackslash will #e con!erted to$ 0 "

/on#erting-S2e ial (2tions

a7 -enerate new Su5folder If you choose this, the destination will +OT #e o!erwritten. Instead the hole source will #e inserted in the destination as a new #ranch. 57 ME)-E 5oth together This will ,-.T/ &OT0 (+%-+a!igator and 1%-I/xplorer" with the uni2ue links of each other. .fter choosing this function, you will ha!e the same, merged 34s in your &ookmarks and in your )a!orites.

,lease look in 9. ,lease use .l#ert5s .m#ry Online-3egistration-%er!ice !ia the Internet. 3ou an use the unregistered Software onl" 1: times 5efore it is disa5led0

htt2:<<ourworld. om2user#e. om<home2ages<Edgar=Hofer<BookMM.htm
*opyright-+otice$ The hole 6I,-)ile can #e pu#lished free and without any notification !ia &&%, Online-%er!ices, Internet, *--,roducer, &ook-.pplets or what- and howe!er you want7

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