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(ame ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *ate ) %%%% + %%%% + %%%%% 1. Write these words in the plural.

car city chair body river beach

wolf duck goose mouse potato apple

glass dish person woman mouth tooth

2. Choose the correct sentence. 1 a) The children has many toys. b) The children have many toys. 2 a) Mathematics is a difficult subject. b) Mathematics are a difficult subject. 3 a) b) !. a) Measles are a viral disease. b) Measles is a viral disease. ". a) There are many people at the party. b) There is many people at the party. #. a) $e practices athletics because it is healthy. b) $e practices athletics because they are healthy. 3. Change the sentences into the plural form. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) The baby is sleeping. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This animal is an o&. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $is foot is very big. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% That woman is beautiful. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The child has got a white tooth. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This country has many inhabitants. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This toy is educational. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% There is a bench in the park. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% like my teeth because they are very white. like my teeth because it is very white.

'nswer key 1.

car city chair body river beach

cars cities chairs bodies rivers beaches

wolf duck goose mouse potato apple

wolves ducks geese mice potatoes apples

glass dish person woman mouth tooth

glasses dishes people women mouths teeth

2. 1.b + 2.a+ 3.a+ !.b+ ".a+ #.a 3. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) The babies are sleeping. These animals are o&en. $is feet are very big. Those women are beautiful. The children have got white teeth. These countries have many inhabitants. Those toys are educational. There are benches in the park.

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