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Write the correct --ing forms. ")im 4___ "top 4 _____ "t!

dy4 ___ "ee 4 _____ like 4 ____ drink 4 _____

!"e 4 ______ "hop 4 _____ look 4 ______

clap 4 _____ "mile 4 _____ fly 4 _____

Make sentences negative and interrogative. 1 They are reading. 4 /e i" doing hi" home)ork. 2 'he i" drinking tea. 5 3o! are reading. 3 e are "leeping. + $t i" )alking Look at the picture and complete the sentences using the present continuous affirmative. 1 Children _____ (play) football. 2 The boy ______(drive) a car. 3 The boy ______(fly) a kite. 4 Children ______(have) a good time. 5 The girl ______(ride) a bike.

Complete the text. Use Complete the text. Use the present simple or present continuous '!e !"!ally _____(go) for a )alk )ith her friend" on '!nday". They often ____ (play) game". 0!t today "he and her brother are in the circ!". 1t the moment they ____()atch) the "ho). 1 man and a )oman _____(ride) a hor"e. '!e _____(take) pict!re". '!e2" brother ____ (look) at the )atch. /e2" bored beca!"e he ____(not like) circ!". Look at Toms diary for the eek and rite sentences using present continuous 5on play football T!e" fini"h an 6ngli"h pro7ect ed )atch the "cience film Th! go to the theatre )ith cla"" #ri vi"it my grandparent" 'at clean the room and do my home)ork '!n go to the party 6(ample8 /e i" playing football on 5onday. Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous. 1 e ________ (go) to the m!"e!m on #riday. 2 $ _____(meet) %ate in a caf& thi" evening. 3 They ______(have) picnic on '!nday. 4 hat ____ yo! ____ (do) ne(t )eek* 5 'he _____ (make) a cake tonight. + ____ he _____(go) to the ,oo tomorro)* - e _________ (play) tenni" thi" afternoon. . /e_________ (not )ork) thi" evening.

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