A-Learning 18-36

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Name of activity: Washing hands Originating Idea Germs

Lesson Plan Form Age Group: 18-36 Months

Materials Child size sink, soap, paper towel

Curriculum Content: A. Approaches to learning: 3- self-help

Beginning Opening Statement/activity At circle time- read book on hand washing, discuss germs and importance of hand washing

Middle: Use soap and water to wash hands while sing a song of their choice. When song is over, dry hands thoroughly.

Extensions: Easier- helps children rub hands together to make bubbles, help sing song. Trickier- child washes without instruction, sing song on their own.

End Ask children in their hands look clean, are all the germs gone?

Follow-up Ideas: Place empty soap container by play sink. Place materials by water table for children to continue practicing.

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