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Theory of Operation




Link Range


Tier 1 & Tier 2 Testing

Link Certification What is measured? OLTS (Tier 1) and OTDR (Tier 2) tests Why do I need both an OLTS and OTDR? OTDR Theory Backscatter vs. (Fresnel) reflection Block diagram Converting time into distance Effect of pulse width OTDR Setup: Key parameters Analyzing an OTDR Trace Event insertion loss and reflection Link (end-to-end) insertion loss Need for launch and receive cables


Insertion Loss and Reflectance

Attenuation or Insertion Loss in dB of a link or event is the difference between input and output power when both powers are expressed in dBm. dBm is power expressed as dB relative to 1 mW Insertion Loss = Attenuation = dB loss = Loss Event reflectance in dB is the difference between reflected power and input power at an event, such as a connection or end-of-fiber, when both powers are expressed in dBm.

Example: Patch cord

PIN = - 20 dBm

Input connection

Output connection Link

Patch cord
POUT = - 23 dBm

Link Insertion Loss (Attenuation)

Insertion Loss = PIN - POUT = -20 dBm - (-23) dBm = 3 dB

PIN = - 20 dBm PREFL = - 40 dBm

Connection (mated pair)

POUT = - 20.75 dBm

Event Insertion Loss and Reflectance

Calculations: Insertion Loss = PIN - POUT

= -20 dBm - (-20.75) dBm

= 0.75 dB Reflectance = PREFL - PIN = -40 dBm - (-20) dBm = -20 dB

Link Certification Tests and Test Equipment

(TIA/EIA TSB-140 Draft)

Tier 1 -- Required Link Insertion Loss Link Polarity Link Length OLTS (certification test set or light source and optical power meter) OLTS or VFL (red laser) Can be verified by inspection (of cable markers) or measured using a certification test set or OTDR OTDR OTDR OTDR

Tier 2 -- Going beyond the minimum Link baseline trace Connection or splice insertion loss Connection or splice reflectivity

What is an Optical Loss Test Set (OLTS)?

Certification Test Sets (Pair)
Tx Rx Tx Rx

Light Source(s)

Optical Power Meter





LED Laser One fiber at a time No length measurement But just as accurate !

Each unit has a Tx and Rx port. Tests two fibers at a time Pass/fail results Measures length

Tier 1 Insertion Loss Test Procedure

(only for LED sources)

(two connectors mated thru an adapter)

Tx cord

PIN = -20 dBm

Tx Rx

Tx cord

Rx cord

Tx 0 dB

Rx 0.4 dB

Light Source


Light Source


1) Set reference
Measure PIN and record it as the 0 dB power level.

2) Check test cords

Allowed insertion loss depends on connector type.

PIN = -20 dBm

Horizontal Segment

Backbone Segment

POUT = -22 dBm



In this example: IL = -20 dBm - (- 22 dBm) = 2 dB

2.0 dB

Light Source

3) Measure link insertion

Optical Power loss Meter

Measure POUT and calculate IL = PIN POUT.

Tier 1 IL Test Procedure (cont.)

Power (dBm)



IL (dB)


An OLTS treats a fiber link as a black box. It can measure only end-to-end loss.
(OLTS: Light Source and Power Meter)

Tier 2: OTDR (Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer)

But an OTDR operates more like radar: It generates high-power pulses of light, samples the returned light over time,
OTDR Fiber

converts sample times into distances (Distance = Speed x Time).

Power (dBm)



IL (dB)



And finally creates and analyzes a graph or trace of power vs. distance

Relative Power (dB)


C1 C2





allowing it to see into the link to measure individual connections, splices, and sections of fiber.

Thus an OTDR can make event and fiber measurements that an OLTS cant:
Event Loss Fiber Loss Slope Event reflectance (calculated from D)

And can perform functions an OLTS cant:


Baseline Trace
OTDR Trace Report Connection

Connector Checking
Actual trace

Fault Location

Expected trace


But dont throw away your OLTS !

The OLTS is required by TIA/EIA-568-B for measuring link insertion loss (Tier 1). It measures IL more accurately than an OTDR
(OTDRs tend to under-estimate loss of multimode links)

And it does not require launch and receive cables to measure link IL (more on this later).
BOTTOM LINE: It takes both an OLTS and OTDR to make all Tier 1 and Tier 2 tests.

OTDR Theory and Specifications

Some useful details

There are two main sources of returned light on an optical fiber link: Backscatter


OTDR pulse


Fiber End of Fiber


Fusion splice

Rayleigh scattering occurs continuously along optical fiber (at very small power levels) as the result of microscopic fluctuations of the fibers index of refraction. Scattered photons that are recaptured by the fiber and travel back toward the OTDR constitute backscatter.

OTDR pulse


Fiber End of Fiber


Fusion splice

Fresnel (fra-nel) reflections are caused by major changes in group index of refraction that occur at reflective events on fiber links such as connections, mechanical splices, and the end of the fiber. Fusion splices generally cause such little change in group index of refraction that they are considered non-reflective events.

OTDR pulse




Fusion splice

End of Fiber

Pulse Laser Coupler

Fiber Under Test


Processor, memory, display etc.

(Digital Signal (Analog to Processor) Digital Converter)

Sample and Hold

(Detector) and Amplifier

OTDR Block Diagram


Outbound pulse timedistance line

Pulse hits fiber end

Link under test


Time distance view of OTDR operation

By knowing the speed of light in fiber, the OTDR converts sample times to distances:
Since OTDR sample times represent round-trip times: Di Di Where: c N D = = = = = speed of light in a vacuum (about 2.99 x 108 m/s) group index of refraction for the fiber under test (10 x 10 9)/2 x (3 x 10 8)/1.5 (5 x 10 9) x (2 x 10 8) 1 meter = = [Sample Time/2] x [Speed of Light in Fiber] [T i / 2] x [c / N]

For example, for T = 10 ns and assuming N = 1.5:

An OTDR could therefore estimate distance in meters simply by dividing sample times in nanoseconds by 10. In fact, OTDRs use wavelength-specific values of N which results in greater accuracy.


Outbound pulse timedistance line

Pulse hits fiber end

Distance OTDR
Link under test

. . . or graphically:

Relative Power (dB)

And by averaging samples from 100s or 1000s of pulses . . .

Very small pulse Horiz. Backbone


Total Link Length
OTDR Range

Relative Power (dB)

Creates a trace of power vs.


Very small pulse Horiz. Backbone OTDR Range Total Link Length



Pulse with zero length

Fiber link under test

An infinitesimal (zero length) pulse sweeps out a single time-distance line:


Pulse with zero length


Fiber link under test



So traces created with such a pulse would map each sample to a point on the fiber link.


But real-world pulses have finite length (L) and therefore sweep out a set of lines:




So rather than a point each sample maps to a segment of width P on the fiber link.



A wider pulse has more power!

Backscatter power increases by 1.5 dB for each doubling of pulse width. (Fresnel reflection power is not impacted by pulse width.)

This increases the backscatter power captured by each sample:


Because the speed of light in optical fiber is the same in both directions, angles a and b are equal. Thus P, the effective OTDR pulse width (or simply pulse width), equals one half of the actual length of the light pulse in the fiber, L. This allows you to calculate P in meters from the OTDR setting of P in ns.

Time Distance

Slope = time/distance =1 / speed

SoPW = L:



Relative Power (dB)

So, for example, if an OTDR trace looked like this using a very small (infinitesimal) pulse

Very small pulse

90 m


200 210 m


400 (m)

Link Length = 300 m OTDR Range = 400 m

Relative Power (dB)

20 m Backscatter is out of the noise

It might qualitatively look like this using a 200 ns (20 m) pulse:

200 ns pulse (20 m effective width)

90 m


200 210 m


400 (m)

Link Length = 300 m OTDR Range = 400 m

Effective pulse width in meters: P(m)

The physical length of an OTDR pulse in optical fiber, L, equals the speed of light in fiber times the duration of the pulse, P (ns). The speed of light in fiber is c / N, where c is the speed of light in a vacuum ( 3 x 108 m/s) and N is the fibers group index of refraction ( 1.5). Therefore: L L = = ( c / N ) x P(ns) ( (3 x 108 m/s) / 1.5) x P x 10 -9 s P(ns) / 5 P (ns) / 10

Assuming that N = 1.5 and c = 3 x 108 exactly*:

L (m) = P (m) =

As shown earlier P = L. Thus P (m) = [ P (ns) / 5 ] / 2 or:

L (m) = P (ns) / 5

Or graphically ....


P (m) = P (ns) / 10

This reveals an important OTDR setup rule:

P (m) = P (ns) / 10 *
Examples: P (ns) P (meters)
Minimum pulse width (PMIN)

10 20 100 1000 2 s 10 s

1 2 10 100 200 1,000

Maximum pulse width (PMAX)

* To be exact, this relationship requires that N (fibers group index of refraction) equals 1.5 and c (speed of light in a vacuum) equals 3 x 10 8 m/s exactly. However, because the GIR of most telecom fiber types is within 1% of 1.5, and C = 2.99 x 10 8 m/s, it is a very good approximation in most cases. In fact many OTDRs list available pulse width settings in both ns and meters, side-by-side, as in the example above.

Event and Attenuation Dead Zones

Idealized trace of a reflective event at the shortest pulse width, PMIN.
1.5 dB

Real OTDR trace.

Event Dead Zone

0.5 dB

Attenuation Dead Zone


Backscatter level at OTDR test port

Measurement Range 0.5 dB Level at which OTDR can accurately measure 0.5 dB event 6 dB Noise floor trace power equals average OTDR noise power or SNR = 1

Dynamic Range

Measurement Range Dynamic Range - 6 dB (always specified at P


Determining Measurement Range (MR) in km from Dynamic Range (DR) in dB

MR (dB) DR (dB) 6 dB

MR (km) = MR (dB) / [ fiber loss / km]

For example: DR (dB) = 26 dB MR (dB) = 26 dB 6 dB = 20 dB Fiber loss per km = 0.25 dB/km MR (km) = 20 dB / [0.25 dB/km] = 80 km

OTDR Set up
The basics

Key Parameters
Wavelength (850, 1300, 1310, 1550 nm for premises networks) Range (should be about 1.5 times link length) Pulse width Narrow pulses are best for resolving close events but are limited to short links. Wide pulses are good for measuring long links. Number of averages Traces are always averaged over hundreds or thousands of pulses. The trade-off is time vs. trace quality. After about 3 min, you get very little additional improvement. The M600 sets Range and Pulse Width automatically when AUTO SETUP is on.

Too short: less than link length Link

Good: about 1.5x to 2x link length Link

Too long: much larger than link length Link

Cant see entire link unpredictable results

Good trace can see end of fiber.

Trace is squashed into left side of display.


Too narrow: Link

About right: Link

Too wide: Link

Where is this this event? Trace disappears into noise floor. Events can be seen and trace is smooth. Cant resolve events

Pulse Width

Too few: Link

About right: Link

Too many Link

Trace is noisy noise floor is too high.

Trace is smooth.

Trace is smooth but waste of time.


Analyzing an OTDR Trace

Backscatter portions of an OTDR trace show power (in the fiber) vs. distance
Power (dB)

Backscatter Distance

Q: Why then is the y-axis of an OTDR trace labeled in dB rather than dBm?
Power (dB)

Backscatter Distance

Answer: think of it as dBx

Power is normally expressed in dBm or dB relative to 1 mW. The y-axis of an OTDR trace shows power in dB relative to an internal reference level, x, which (unfortunately) is not 1 mW. So while the y-axis cannot be labeled in dBm it does represent power nonetheless. This means that between any two points A and B on backscatter segments of an OTDR trace:

Insertion Loss (A to B) = Level A Level B

Two-point insertion loss: Connection

A Power (dB) B

Insertion loss


Two-point insertion loss: Fiber section

Power (dB) A B

Insertion loss


Two-point insertion loss: Link

Power (dB) A B

Insertion loss


The Two Point Loss Method has two major limitations when used with real-world traces
Real-world OTDR trace, which includes effects of reflectance, effective pulse width, and noise. Ideal trace

1) Two Point Loss Method adds fiber loss to measured event loss.
A Fiber loss B

Real event loss

Measured event loss

Fiber loss

2) Two Point Loss Method is sensitive to cursor location on noisy traces.


Measured event loss ?

Solution: LSA method(s)

(Least Squared Averaging)
A 1 2 LSA segment cursors 3 Active cursor is located exactly at the location of an event (start of event spike). LSA segment cursors

LSA methods provide a better estimate of actual event loss


Event loss

LSA loss Event loss

LSA methods also can measure event reflectance

A D Reflectance is calculated from D, the height of the spike above backscatter, P(m), and the fibers backscatter coefficient.

Single Event or Splice LSA Method

(spices, connections, bends)
Near-right LSA cursor should be after tail

Locate active cursor (A or B) at event location it can touch start of event spike. Adjust LSA line segments so that they follow the slope of the backscatter before and after the event. Be sure near-right LSA cursor is after event tail.


Be sure neither LSA segment overlaps another event.

Multiple Event LSA Method

Two (or more) events close together
Near-right LSA cursor should be after tail

Place left cursor at the start of the initial spike.

Place right cursor at start of the last spike.

Adjust LSA line segments so that they follow the slope of the backscatter before and after the event. Be sure near-right LSA cursor is after event tail and neither LSA segment overlaps another event.


Start LSA Method

(no launch cable)
Near-right LSA cursor should be after tail

Start method is used to determine the loss of first fiber section. But there is no way to measure IL or reflectance of a start event. Place active cursor at the start of the fiber (D=0). Adjust the LSA segment so it follows the slope of the first fiber segment. Be sure near-right LSA cursor is after event tail and neither LSA segment overlaps another event.


First fiber section

End LSA Method

(no receive cable)
A End of fiber End method is required to determine the loss of last fiber section. It can also measure end event reflectance. But there is no way to measure IL of an end event. Place active cursor at the start of the fiber (D=0). Adjust the LSA segment so it follows the slope of the last fiber segment.

Be sure LSA segment does not overlap a previous event.

End-to-end link loss

Launch Cable Link Receive Cable Add an event at start (1) and end (2) of link. If launch and receive cables are installed, use single event method in both cases. If launch cable not used, use Start Method at near-end of link.

Link IL

If receive cable is not used, use End method at far end.

To see total link loss, view event table -- cumulative loss at last event will equal total or end-to-end link loss.

No launch or receive cable

Link Without launch and receive cables the OTDR cannot measure the IL of the near-end or far-end connections.

Fiber IL

This is a problem in premises links, which are typically short, because these connections represent a large portion of total link loss.
In this case you must add a Start Event at the near end and End Event at the far end. (Or simply use the Two-point method with cursors at either end of the fiber.)

Start event

End event

Launch Cable


Adding a launch cable

Fiber + Nearend IL Adding the launch cable enables the OTDR to include the loss of the near-end connection in total link loss calculations, and measure its reflectance. 1
Single event

End event

In this case, add a Single Event at the near-end and an End Event at the far-end.

Launch Cable


Receive Cable

Adding the receive cable

Link IL Adding a receive cable enables the OTDR to include the loss of the far-end connection in total link loss calculations, and measure its reflectance. 1
Single event

Single event

In this case add a Single Event at both the near- and far-ends.

Using an OTDR To Generate a Baseline Trace

You must use a launch cable to measure the loss of the near-end connection. You must use a receive cable to measure the loss of the far-end connection. Both cables must use the same type fiber (50 m, 62.5 m, or singlemode) as the link under test. All connectors must be kept clean and undamaged. For testing links under 2 km, the length of the launch and receive cables should be about 100 m. Set wavelength, pulse width, distance range, number of averages, etc. manually, or use automatic setup features of your OTDR.

Horizontal Segment

Backbone Segment


Work Area Outlet

Horizontal Patch Panel

Main Patch Panel



Receive Cable (Fiber box)

Launch Cable (Fiber Box)


Using an OTDR
To Generate a Baseline Trace

Reading an OTDR Trace

Launch Horizontal Cable Segment Backbone Segment Splice Receive Cable

Patch Cord

Link being tested

Link Length
( 130 m)

(1) Connection (Loss 0.4 dB)


Relative Power (dB)

(2) Connections (Loss 0.8 dB)

(1) Connection (Loss 0.4 dB)

Link Loss
( 2.1 dB)

Splice (Loss 0.1 dB)

OTDR screen
Rcv. Cable


Launch Cable

Horiz. Seg.

Backbone Segment


-4 0 50 100 150 200 250

Distance (m)

Distance to fault ( 120 m)


Fault !
Baseline Trace


Relative Power (dB)


New Trace








Distance (m)

Using an OTDR to Fault Locate

Cleaning and Testing of Fiber

North American Access Market

Access Market (FTTX) Cable Segments

Feeder Backbone + Distribution + Drop

FTTH = Fiber-to-the-Home FTTB = Fiber-to-the-Business FTTC/FTTN = Fiber-to-the-Curb/Fiber-to-the-Node FTTH - Feeder, Distribution and Drop FTTB Feeder, Distribution and Drop FTTC/FTTN - Feeder and Distribution

FTTH PON Network

Special Components - Connectors

APC connectors needed to reduce back reflection for video delivery if using analog video like CATV

FTTx Safety Issues

Fiber installation issues Laser Eye Safety High power from EDFAs Multiple equipment transmitting simultaneously High power Ensuring all systems are off Multiple subscribers means problems turning equipment off

Cleaning tools of the trade


Cletop cleaner

One-Click Cleaner

VS 300

VFS 2 w Probe


FCC2-Fiber Connector Cleaner

Nonflammable/Air cargo safe Environmentally safe Fast drying without residue Dissolves light oils, salts, grime and uncured epoxies Up to 400+ cleanings per container

CCT- Connector Cleaning Tips

Used with FCC2 Molded polymer construction No fibers, binders, adhesives or outgassing to contaminate connectors Traps and holds liquid and particles contaminates Perfect bulkhead fit

Basic Visual/Continuity Check

Basic Light Test Continuity

1. Insert connector into a Visual Fault Identifier (VFI). 2. Place a small bend in the 900 micron fiber behind the connector. 3. A red light at the bend will indicate that the connector is passing light.
Demo a Sc to bare end fiber to show light escaping

Visual Fault Identifier AKA VFI

Basic Light Test Continuity

Visual Fault Identifier AKA VFI

The Connector End-Face Inspection

First step - Verify no energy with power meter Inspect connector end-face for dirt Clean Connector with CLETOP or One-Click AT&T standards outline 3 dry cleans and 2 wet cleans Once cleanliness at all adapter points is verified use meters to determine link is good

The Connector End-Face

Single-Mode Connector
Scratch goes near the core! Dirt particles

VS 300

Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master text styles
Second level Contact
Third level Fourth level Fifth level


Noyes Fiber Systems Technical Help Line 800-321-5298 (USA) 603-528-7780

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