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I WONDER COMPREHENSION 1 Read the following questions and provide short answers. 1. Who wrote the poem I Wonder?

2. List five e ements of the s!" mentioned in the poem. #. St$te one v$ %e th$t we &$n e$rn from this poem. '. Wh" does the f$ther not provide $nswers to the (%estions posed )" the &hi d? *. In "o%r opinion+ who &re$ted n$t%re? ,R-E OR ./LSE 1 HEIR CONDITIONING COMPREHENSION 1 Read the following questions and provide short answers. 1. Who wrote the poem? 2. List the modern inventions mentioned in the poem. #. St$te one v$ %e th$t we &$n e$rn from this poem. '. How does the 1r$nd&hi d fee $)o%t the ives of his 1r$ndp$rents? *. Wh$t do the 1r$ndp$rents thin! of peop e tod$"? 1. ,he wind is invisi) e $nd we &$n on " fee it. 0000000000000 2. ,he )irds h$d to )e t$%1ht how to )%i d nests. 0000000000000 #. ,he st$rs+ i1htnin1+ & o%ds $nd r$in)ow $re n$t%r$ phenomen$s. 000000000000000 '. /fter $ he$v" r$in+ the i1htnin1 &ontin%es to f $sh. 00000000000000 *. ,he person$ m$n$1ed to find $ the $nswers to the (%estions. 000000000000000 ,R-E OR ./LSE 1 1. ,he 1r$nd&hi d wonders if his 1r$ndp$rents h$ve en4o"ed ife . 0000000 2. His 1r$ndp$rents h$d $&&ess to the modern $menities. 00000000 #. ,od$"+ the f$5 $nd &omp%ter $re )$si& ne&essities. 000000000 '. Peop e d%rin1 his 1r$ndp$rents6 time ived in i1nor$n&e. 00000000 *. Stress w$s $ m$4or he$ th pro) em in the p$st . 0000000000 COMPREHENSION 2 7. Peop e in the p$st respe&ted n$t%re $s $ 1ift from 2od. 000000000 8. ,he $&tions of peop e tod$" h$ve destro"ed n$t%re in m$n" w$"s. 0000000000000 List two more (%estions $)o%t n$t%re th$t "o% wo% d i!e $nswered? Wh$t &$n "o% do to $ppre&i$te 2od3s 1ift of n$t%re? 9. ,he poet hi1h i1hts the need for $ spirit%$ ife. 000000000000

COMPREHENSION 2 1. Who $re t$ !in1 in the di$ o1%e in the poem? 2. Wh$t $re the iss%es dis&%ssed in the poem? #. Wh$t is the first st$n:$ $)o%t?

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