Dzambhala Prosperity

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Reikiangelos 2010, By Reikiangelos Workshops.

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Pgina 1

FIVE DZAMBHALAS The origin of the Dzambhala Wealth Gods is very interesting. It is said that a revered high Lama, Lama Atisha, was walking alone when he found a man starving and near death. After looking around and unable to find food for the old man Lama Atisha cut flesh from his own body and offered it to the starving man. The man refused to eat the Lama's flesh. Being depressed and not knowing how else to help the man nearing death the Lama sat down next to him. At that point there was a blinding bright white light and before Atisha appeared the Buddha of Compassion, the Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshwor Chenrezig.

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Pgina 2

The Buddha told Lama Atisha that he was going to manifest himself as the God of Wealth, Dzambhala, and assure that those in poverty would suffer no longer. Jambala (Dzambhala) is the God of wealth and appropriately a member of the Jewel family. In hindu Mythology Jambala known as Kuber. Jambala is also believed to be an emanation of Avalokiteshwor Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion , manifesting as the wealth-giving Buddha

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Black (for long life to enjoy abundance and life), White (purification of obstacles to wealth), Red (wish fulfilling jewel and compassionate energy) Green (magnetising or attracting wealth), and Yellow-gold (great enrichment and flourishing of wealth).

All five Dzambhala energies are viewed as protectors of weatlh, abundance and prosperity.

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Pgina 4

EACH COLOR CORRESPONDES TO THE FIVE ELEMENTS AND THE FIVE BUDDHA FAMILIES: 1. metal/green, 2. wood/blue, 3. water/white, 4. fire/red and, 5. earth/yellow It is said that wherever the wind that touches the Dzambhala Prayer Flags, , it will carry the beneficial power of the prayers to any beings it meets. Thus bringing more wealth. The purpose of worship or practicing Dzambhala is to eliminate the insecurity of financial worries so that one is not distracted by poverty and lack of funds. The best way to request help from the Dzambhala is by making continuous water offerings to him. If possible, do also try to simultaneously recite the appropriate mantras, and then the practice will be extremely powerful.

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Pgina 5

YELLOW DZAMBHALA The Yellow Dzambhala is considered the most popular and powerful of the Wealth Gods. It is thought to be the manifestation of Buddha Ratnasambhava, the Buddha of Giving. It is said you must practice Buddhism using correct procedures to gain the most powerful blessings from him. He is usually shown sitting on a lotus, sun and moon disk. As with all of the Dzambhala, he holds a mongoose in his left hand which produces jewels to give to the needy. He is adorned with a crown, jewel and gold ornaments and silk garments, seated imperially in the center of the multicolored lotus throne, stepped on a white conch shell. With left hand in the stoat a jewel keeping in mouth and right hand the morni of gush of flame on the right knee, with the jewel earring and jewel necklace, he is exposing his chest and abdomen, the aura and lucky cloud surrounded on the sides.
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Pgina 6

Yellow Dzambhala is the manifestation of Buddha Ratnasambhava . The beneficence of the Yellow Dzambhala is that his doctrine enables the follower to have good luck and Virtues, prolong his life, increase his intelligence and gain both material and spiritual benefits. According to the sutras, it is said that when Sakyamuni Buddha was saying the Maha Prajna-Paramita Sutra , some demon came to disturbed the buddha and wanted to create confusion . Just at that time, Yellow Dzambhala appeared in front of the buddha and protected him. Upon seeing his courageous behavior, the buddha asked Yellow Dzambhala if he wish to become a dharma protector and save the sentient beings. Yellow Dzambhala acept the buddha's word and from then onwards , he protected the dharma and if anyone call his name , he will come and help that person . If one have trouble with finance or anything, one can chant the mantra of his and he will come and help . But one must have a bodhi mind and practice buddhism properly to attain his blessings. One can also gain wealth, wisdom, intelligence and at last ! Attain Buddha hood! The Yellow Dzambhala is thought to be the most effective for those with a Chinese Astrological lucky element of earth and having the animal sign of a cow, dragon, sheep, or dog.
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Pgina 7

Just as with the White Jambhala, pouring water on the head of his statue is considered good for increasing the blessing you receive. You will receive not only wealth but wisdom and intelligence if worshipped properly. The best way to invoke the Tibetan Yellow Jambhala is to place him in a waterfall with continuous stream falling directly onto the crown of his head. This will attract lots of wealth and money luck for you.

His Mantra Is : Om Dzambhala Dzalim Dzaye Svaha

Pronouncation : aum zam ba la za len za ye so ha

Reikiangelos 2010, By Reikiangelos Workshops. All Rights Reserved

Pgina 8

WHITE DZAMBHALA The White Dzambhala is said to be the manifestation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (he who listens to the sounds around him and embodies compassion). He sits on a snow lion and holds a mongoose in his left hand that spits out precious gems for the poor and needy to collect. He is said to be able to stop suffering and to dispel bad Karma. Chanting his Mantra can also bring wealth, avert disaster, and give you good health. The White Dzambhala is most effective for those with a Chinese Astrological lucky element of metal and animal sign of a monkey or chicken. It is believed pouring water on the head of his statue will allow for greater blessings. White Jambhala (Tibetan: dzam bha la kar po): a Wealth Deity - emanation of Avalokiteshvara.
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Pgina 9

With one face and two hands he holds in the right a stick of gold. A katvanga staff rests against the left shoulder. Wrathful in appearance with the hair flowing upward like flames he is adorned with jewel ornaments and silks of various colours, riding on the back of a green dragon sporting amongst the clouds. White Dzambhala is born from the right eye of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva , also known as the manifestation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva . The beneficence of the white Jambhala is to cure diseases, get rid of poverty and sins, promote charitable deeds and accumulate wealth. According to the sutra, his mantra can stop suffering , destroy bad karma and have a bodhi mind . His mantra can also avert disaster and sickness. He also bring wealth to all sentient being if he or her chants his mantra. In Tibetan , they name him " Dzambhala Gapee " meaning , white dzambhala His Mantra Is : Om Padma Trotha Arya Dzambhala Siddhaya Hum Phat

Pronouncation : aum pe me jo ta a li ya zam ba la si da ya hom pe

Reikiangelos 2010, By Reikiangelos Workshops. All Rights Reserved

Pgina 10

GREEN DZAMBHALA Green Dzambhala is also a form of Buddha Akshobyah , who is blue in color ,(who reigns over the eastern paradise). Green Dzambhala made a vow in front of Buddha Sakyamuni that he will protect anyone who chant his mantra or chant his name . When one has difficulties, it is best to chant sincerely in one's heart the mantra. He is usually shown in tight embrace with his consort and carrying a jewel producing mongoose in his left hand. He is actually blue in color. The Green Dzambhala made a sacred vow witnessed by Buddha Sakyamuni that he would protect anyone who chanted his Mantra. The Green Jambhala is the incarnation of Buddha Aksobhya. His beneficence is to enable all beings to succeed in
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Pgina 11

everything, fulfill all wishes, accumulate wealth and eliminate ill omen and other hindrances. The beneficence of the white dzambhala is to cure diseases, get rid of poverty and sins, promote charitable deeds and accumulate wealth. Those who would benefit the most from him are those with the Chinese Astrological lucky element of wood and animal sign of a tiger or rabbit. Again the simultaneous pouring of water while chanting his Mantra is recommended. His mantra is the same as the yellow dzambhala's one, perhaps they have a special connection between each other . If you see closely , the both of them look alike .

His Mantra Is : Om Dzambhala Dzalim Dzaye Svaha

Pronoucation : aum zam ba la za nian za ye so ha

Reikiangelos 2010, By Reikiangelos Workshops. All Rights Reserved

Pgina 12

RED DZAMBHALA Red Jambhala (Tibetan: dzam bha la mar po); The God of Wealth, embracing the consort Vasudhara. This is the Red Jambhala, red in color, he is adorned with a crown, jewel and gold ornaments and silk garments, embraced the consort Vasudhara, seated imperially in the center of the multi-colored lotus throne, stepped on a white conch shell. With left hand in the stoat a jewel keeping in mouth and right hand the wish-fulfilling jewels on the right knee, with the jewel earring and jewel necklace, he is exposing his chest and abdomen, the aura and lucky cloud surrounded on the sides. The Red Dzambhala is said to be the manifestation of Vajrasattva, the Buddha of Purification. Some say that he is the Hindu God of Wealth, Lord Ganesh, and has the head of an elephant. Others picture him as having two faces and four arms.
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Pgina 13

He also carries the mongoose in one of his left hands. His Tibetan name is said to be Dzambhala Mapo. So there seems to be quite a difference in how this God is defined. For the greatest benefits achieved from worshiping him your Chinese Astrological lucky element should be fire and have an animal sign of a snake or horse. While chanting the Mantra you should also pour water on the statue. His consort Vasudhara also holds the wish-fulfilling jewels in the right hand and holds a skullcup. The beneficence of the Red Jambhala is that his doctrine is suitable for those in high social positions. If they practice his doctrine, they can recruit more talented people and possess more money, valuables and food. Red Dzambhala is the manifestation of Vajrasattva . He have two faces and four arms and holds a treasury mouse on his left hand. In Tibet the name for him is " Dzambhala Mapo " If one chants his mantra sincerely, one will be protected by him and also gain wealth and one can lead a very good life and become popular. He has two mantra, the male one and the female one. I suggest that chanting the two of them is better as it sounds complete .
Reikiangelos 2010, By Reikiangelos Workshops. All Rights Reserved
Pgina 14

His Mantra Is : Om Dzambhala Dzalim Dzaya Nama Mumei E She E

Her Mantra Is : Om Dzachini Dzambhala Dzambhala Svaha

Complete Mantra : Om Dzambhala Dzalim Dzaya Nama Mumei E She E , Om Dzachini Dzambhala Dzambhala Svaha !

Pronouncation : aum zam ba la za lim da ya na ma mu mei e sir e , aum za ji ni zam ba la zam ba la so ha

Reikiangelos 2010, By Reikiangelos Workshops. All Rights Reserved

Pgina 15

BLACK DZAMBHALA Popularized by Shakyasribhadra, holding a skullcup and mongoose, naked and wrathful in a standing posture. He is the God of Wealth in Tibetan buddhism. With august guise he treads on the back of yellow rich man. The Black Dzambhala is also known as the Hindu God of Wealth, Kubera. He will fulfill your wishes, make you happy, and give you wealth and prosperity if worshiped properly. He is usually seen standing on a corpse and with a Kapala (a cup made from a human skull) in his right hand along with the mongoose in his left hand. He is also usually pictured surrounded by a ring of fire. He is black in color, as his name would indicate. The beneficence of the Black Jambhala is that his doctrine is suitable for the poor, the lower classes and ascetics.
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If they practice his doctrine, they can eliminate resentment, theft, diseases and other barriers and obtain more benefits. The Black Dzambhala is considered most effective for those that have a Chinese Astrological lucky element of water and animal sign of a pig or rat. If you have a statue of him you pour water on his belly, not his head, for added blessings. Also called Black Kubera is the manifestation of Buddha Akshobyah , also known as Vajra Akshobyah Buddha . Black Kubera is also called as the chief of the five great dzambhalas as he is said to have given people wealth and happiness. He is also known as one of the hindu god, named Kubera . Those who chant his mantra will get wealth and also if one have any kind wishes, he will also fulfill it and bring happiness . There are two types of his mantra, but i will suggest that the second mantra is more accurate.

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Pgina 17

His Mantra Is : 1. Om Dzambhala Dzamlim Dzaye Svaha 2. Om Indzali Mu Kan Dzamali Svaha

Pronouncation : 1. aum zam ba la za nian za ye so ha 2. aum in za li mu kan zam ma li so ha

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Pgina 18

Ddzambhala Reiki Will Help You:

Each Jambala has their own mantra and practice to help eliminate poverty and create financial stability. Prosperity Wealth Abundance Enjoy Abundance Enjoy Life Long Life Purification of all Obstacles to Wealth Fulfilling your Projects Fulfilling Your Wishes Increase Income Eliminate financial Worries Increase Wisdom Gain material & Spiritual Benefits Dispell Bad Karma
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Good Health Cure Diseases Dispell you from any Disaster Stop Suffering Become Popular Eliminate Resentment

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Pgina 20

Working with the Energies DzamBhala Reiki:

1. After the attunement to the energies of the Dzambhalas.

2. Put your hands in Gasho position and say: Five Dzambhalas Energy Active! Thank you!

3. Let the energy flow by / - 20 minutes.

4. Thank Five Dzambhalas .

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Pgina 21

In Presence Treatments:
1. You can use these energies during a session of Reiki, or to make an application of energy alone, putting your hands on the Crown Chakra of the person.

2. Activate the type of energy necessary.

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Distant Treatments:
1. Place your hands in Gasho position (hands in prayer) and say: Five Dzambhalas Energy Active! To ... (name of person). Thank you!

2. Dzambhalas Healing Energy Active to ... (name of person)

3. Let the energy flow / - 10 to 20 minutes.

4. Thank Five Dzambhalas.

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Attunements Procedure:
Ask God and your Spiritual Guides to protect you and the person to be tuned.

1. Request permission to the Five Dzambhalas .

2. Put your hands on the Crown Chakra of the person and say: I ask my Higher Self to attune ... (name of person), with the energy of Dzambhala Reiki, with all perfection. Thank you.

3. Thank God, your Spiritual Guides and the Five dzambhalas.

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Pgina 24

Distant Attunements:
1. Ask God and your Spiritual Guides to protect you and the person to be attuned.

2. Request permission to the Five Dzambhalas.

3. Put your hands in prayer (Gasho position) and say: I ask my Higher Self to attune ... (name of person) to the energies of Dzambhala Reiki, with all perfection. Thank you.

4. Thank God, your Spiritual Guides and the Five Dzambhalas .

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Pgina 25

How To Receive Attunement:

1. Place your hands in prayer (Gasho) and say: I want to receive and I receive now the attunement of the energies of the Dzambhala Reiki, given by ... (name of the Master), with all the perfection. Thank you.

2. Thank God, Your Spiritual Guides and the Five Dzambhalas.

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There is no set fee for

Dzambhala Reiki
Please do respect the energies and time and work that went into channeling this system and bringing it to you, and charge a reasonable price as you are guided. Do Please not change any part of this manual.

ask permission of the founder before translating the manual. Gabriela Yasmin Szafman Multiple Master Reiki Teacher

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Pgina 27

Enchanted Crystal Series Stonehenge Energy Attunement Sacred Machu Picchu Empowerment Divine Human Angel Reiki Kamadeva and Rati Love Empowerment The 7 Rays of Light Series The 7 Rays of Elohim Light Series The Goddess Parvati Kubera- The Lord of Richness, Wealth and Prosperity The Power of the 10 Avatars of Vishnu Godess Sophia Empowerment Goddess Persephone Empowerment Goddess Mirabai Empowerment Goddess Caffeine Empowerment Lord Ashtar Sheran Protection Attunement Maha Choan Attunement Green Man Attunement Kubera, The Lord of Ritchness, Wealth and Prosperity Empowerment Celtic Signs Collection
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Yemanja- Goddess of The Ocean- Queen of All Orixas Airmid- The Fairy Healing Goddess Lord Babaji Empowerment Lord Djwhal Khul Empowerment Lord Ramatis Attunement Agarwood Energy Empowerment Tyche- Goddess of Fortune, Chance, Providence & Fate Empowerment Cliodhna- Goddess of Love 6 Beauty- Queen of the Banshees Empowerment Flidais- Goddess of the Forest, Love & Sensuality Empowerment Erzulie- Goddess of Love, Beauty & Passion Empowerment Laetitia- Goddess of Joy, Gaety & Celebration Empowerment Psyche- Goddess of Love & Beauty Empowerment Chantico- Goddess of Fire & Beauty Empowerment Manasa Devi- Goddess of Health, Wealth & Fulfilling Wishes Empowerment

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