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By Dana Christmas

I chose to do the American flag symbol because its such a strong and powerful symbol to the American people. It stands for so much. Within those fourteen little red and white lines it tells so many stories about the blood, sweat, and tears that each culture fought for it makes up the different stories and struggles that shape this country today. The next picture I chose to do is the Caucasian Americans holding hands because it represents if you're not the right skin color we are looked at wrong , but we are forced to move on and say it doesnt exist. My next photo I chose was the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights represents inequality because homosexuals are always getting looked at wrong. and forced to be told that their life styles are unacceptable. And are not treated equal most of the time and in the Bill of Rights it says that all men and created equal so theirs the irony . Next I chose to pick the American flag with the quote we are all created equal because its not true you intended on everyone being treated as one because it says so in the one highest authority in America but we can even follow that.

The Breakdown

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