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By FaaDoOEngineers.


Preparation of Papers in Two-Column Format for the IEEE SSC !!"# Du$lin% Irelan& Procee&ings CD-'O( )*" pt. Times +ew 'oman Font% Bol&% Centere&% Initial Caps,
-. .. /uthor )* pt.% $ol&% centere&, Affiliation (12 pt.) Secon& /uthor )* pt.% $ol&% centere&, Affiliation (12 pt.)
(Continue in same format for more authors) Abstract These instructions give you basic guidelines for preparing your journal quality paper for the Conference roceedings. The roceedings !ill be published in a C"#$%& (color) and papers may also be published later in print ('()). C"#$%& roceedings !ill be available at the Conference. The normal length of the paper must be *ept to si+ (,) pages ma+imum. -. -.T$%"/CT-%. The Conference roceedings !ill be published from the copy prepared by each author as provided in your original manuscript. rinted pages !ill be limited to those of Conference roceedings quality. lease follo! the instructions closely. 0our manuscript !ill be reproduced e+actly as !e receive it1 please chec* and correct spelling and grammar mista*es before uploading the final manuscript. -f errors are detected after the fact2 you are allo!ed a total of three uploads at the abstracts !ebsite. --. 34.4$A5 -.6T$/CT-%.6 A. Paper Size repare your paper in full#si7e format2 on A8 si7e (219mm by 2:;mm). B. Margins Top < 1=mm (9.;>?)2 bottom < 2>mm (1?)2 side < 1=mm (9.,2>?). C. Pagination. .umber each page 1;.>mm (9.>?) at the bottom center in 12 pt. font. (Applies to both )ord and "@) D. Columns T!o columns2 =8mm (A.>?) !ide2 separated by ,mm (9.2>?)2 fully justified. E. Font Times .e! $oman. -f other fonts are used for specialty items2 you must include font files !ith your email. 6ee Table 1 for type si7es. F. Style rimary2 first#level headings are centered2 numbered !ith $oman numerals (-.2 --.2 ---.2 etc.) 6econdary Beadings are flush left2 numbered !ith cap letters (A.2 B.2 etc.) Tertiary headings are indented2 numbered !ith Arabic numbers follo!ed by a right parenthesis. aragraph indent for body te+t is >mm (9.2>?). The CAc*no!ledgments2? C$eferences? CAppendi+2? and CAppendi+ Title2? are centered. The $oman numerals used to number the section headings are optional. -f you do use them2 number C-ntroduction2? but not CAc*no!ledgment? or C$eferences.? 6ee Table 1 for all font point si7es G. Variables Dariables are in italics throughout the paper. . E!uations .umber equations consecutively !ith equation numbers in parentheses flush !ith the right margin2 as in (1.1)2 (1.2)2 (2.1)2 (2.2)2 etc.. To ma*e your equations more compact2 you may use the solidus ( E )2 the e+p function2 or appropriate e+ponents. -talici7e $oman symbols for quantities and variables2 but not 3ree* symbols. /se a long dash rather than a hyphen for a minus sign. /se parentheses to avoid ambiguities in denominators. unctuate equations !ith commas or periods !hen they are part of a sentence2 as in (1.1) aFb<c.

'e sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the equation appears or immediately follo!ing. /se C(1.1)2? not C4q. (1.1)? or Cequation (1.1)2? e+cept at the beginning of a sentenceG C4quation (1.1) is H? ". Figures @igures must occupy a single column2 if possible2 and must be image inserted in place. The caption is under the figure. All reference to the figure use C@ig.? follo!ed by the figure number. @ig. is also used in the caption. #. $ables Tables must occupy a single column2 if possible2 and must be printed in place. The name is above the table. TA'54 T0 4 6-I46 @%$ A 4$6 Appearance $egular 'old Table captions2a table

si7e (pts.)


: 19 6ection titlesa2 references2 tables2 table namesa 2 first letters in table captionsa2 figure captions2 footnotes2 te+t subscripts2 and superscripts2 main te+t2 equations2 first letters in section titlesa AuthorsJ affiliations


6ub# heading

&agneti7ation (*AEm) (*AEm) > 9


1> 19

12 1, Times .. $.

AuthorsJ names aper title

1 2 A Applied @ield (198 AEm)


@ig. 1. &agneti7ation as a function of applied field. .ote ho! the caption is centered in the column. "o not use poor quality photostats2 %7alids2 blueprints2 hectographs2 or photocopies. &aintain a firm2 even dar*2 sharp impression throughout copy. 6hades of blue2 green2 and bro!n do not reproduce effectively. A. Sub(ea&ings +it( 'etters /se t!o spaces after periods (full stops). Byphenate comple+ modifiersG C7ero#field#cooled magneti7ation.? Avoid dangling participles2 such as2 C/sing (1)2 the potential !as calculated.? )rite instead2 CThe potential !as calculated using (1)2? or C/sing (1)2 !e calculated the potential.? /se a 7ero before decimal pointsG C9.2>2? not C.2>.? /se CcmA2? not Ccc.? "o not mi+ complete spellings and abbreviations of unitsG C)b2Em2? or C!ebers per square meter2? not C!ebersEm2.? 6pell units !hen they appear in te+tG CHa fe! henries2? not CHa fe! B.? -f your native language is not 4nglish2 try to get a native 4nglish spea*ing colleague to proofread your paper. B. ,nits /se either 6- (&K6) or C36 as primary units. (6units are encouraged.) 4nglish units may be used as secondary units (in parentheses). An e+ception !ould be the use of 4nglish units as identifiers in trade2 such as CA.>#inch dis* drive.? Avoid combining 6- and C36 units2 such as current in amperes and magnetic field in oersteds. This often leads to confusion because equations do not balance dimensionally. -f you must use mi+ed units2 clearly state the units for each quantity that you use in an equation. C. -e.erences .umber citations consecutively in square brac*ets L1M. The sentence punctuation follo!s the brac*et L2M. $efer simply to the reference number2 as in LAM. "o not use C$ef. LAM? or reference LAM? e+cept at the beginning of a sentenceG C$eference LAM !as the first H? .umber footnotes separately in superscripts. lace the actual footnote at the bottom of the column in !hich it !as cited. "o not put footnotes in the reference list. /se letters for table footnotes (see Table -). -444 Transactions no longer use a journal prefi+ before the volume number. @or e+ample2 use C-444 Trans. &agn.2 vol. 2>2? not Cvol. &A3#2>. 3ive all authorsJ names1 do not use Cet al.? unless there are si+ authors or more. apers that have not been published2 even if they have been submitted for publication2 must be cited as Cunpublished? L8M. apers that have been accepted for publication must be cited as

%. Figures an& $ables lace figures and tables at or near the top or bottom of columns !here possible. 5arge figures and tables may span across both columns. @igure captions must be belo! the figures1 table captions must be above the tables. Avoid placing figures and tables before their first mention in the te+t. /se the abbreviation C@ig. 12? even at the beginning of a sentence. @igure a+is labels are often a source of confusion. Try to use !ords rather than symbols. As an e+ample2 !rite the quantity C&agneti7ation2? or C&agneti7ation2 &2? not just C&.? ut units in parentheses. "o not label a+es only !ith units. -n the e+ample2 !rite C&agneti7ation (AEm)? or C&agneti7ation (AEm#1)2? not just CAEm.? "o not label a+es !ith a ratio of quantities and units. @or e+ample2 !rite CTemperature (K)2? not CTemperatureEK.? &ultipliers can be especially confusing. )rite C&agneti7ation (*AEm)? or C&agneti7ation (19A AEm).? "o not !rite C&agneti7ation (AEm) + 1999? because the reader !ould not *no! !hether the top a+is label in @ig. 1 meant 1> 999 AEm. or 9.91> AEm. @igure labels must be legible2 about =#point type. '. P(otograp(s Color or blac* and !hite photos must occupy a single column2 if possible2 and images must be embedded. The caption is under the photograph. M. Abbre)iations an& Acronyms "efine abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the te+t2 even after they have been defined in the abstract. Common abbreviations such as "EEE* S"* M%S* CGS* sc* &c* and rms do not have to be defined. "o not use abbreviations in the title unless they are unavoidable. ---. B45 @/5 B-.T6 &aintain uniformity throughout paper. roduce for ma+imum legibility. Type must be clear and crisp. The C" !ill be produced in color2 so !e suggest that all pictures be in color.

Cin press? L>M. Capitali7e only the first !ord in a paper title2 e+cept for proper nouns and element symbols. @or papers published in translation journals2 please give the 4nglish citation first2 follo!ed by the original foreign#language citation L,M. -D. 6%&4 C%&&%. &-6TAK46 The !ord Cdata? is plural2 not singular. The subscript for the permeability of vacuum 9 is 7ero2 not a lo!ercase letter Co.? -n American 4nglish2 periods and commas are !ithin quotation mar*s2 li*e Cthis period.? A parenthetical statement at the end of a sentence is punctuated outside of the closing parenthesis (li*e this). (A parenthetical sentence is punctuated !ithin the parentheses.) A graph !ithin a graph is an Cinset2? not an Cinsert.? The !ord alternatively is preferred to the !ord Calternately? (unless you really mean something that alternates). "o not use the !ord Cessentially? to mean Cappro+imately? or Ceffectively.? 'e a!are of the different meanings of the homophones or homonyms2 Caffect? and Ceffect2? Ccomplement? and Ccompliment2? Cdiscreet? and Cdiscrete2? Cprincipal? and Cprinciple.? "o not confuse Cimply? and Cinfer2? nor Censure? and Cinsure.? The prefi+ Cnon? is not a !ord1 it must be joined to the !ord it modifies2 usually !ithout a hyphen. There is no period after the Cet? in the 5atin abbreviation Cet al.? The abbreviation Ci.e.? means Cthat is2? and the abbreviation Ce.g.? means Cfor e+ample.? )hen using these abbreviations2 they should be follo!ed by a comma2 e.g.2 as used in this sentence. An e+cellent style manual and source of information for science !riters is L;M. ACK.%)54"3&4.T The preferred spelling of the !ord Cac*no!ledgment? in America is !ithout an Ce? after the Cg.? Try to avoid the stilted e+pression2 C%ne of us ($. '. 3.) than*s H? -nstead2 try C$.'.3. than*s H? ut sponsor ac*no!ledgments in the unnumbered footnote on the first page. $4@4$4.C46 L1M 3. 4ason2 '. .oble2 and -... 6neddon2 C%n certain integrals of 5ipschit7#Ban*el type involving products of 'essel functions2? P(il. $rans. -oy. Soc. 'on&on* vol. A28;2 pp. >2:#>>12 April 1:>>. L2M N. Cler* &a+!ell2 A $reatise on Electricity an& Magnetism* Ard ed.2 vol. 2. %+fordG Clarendon2 1=:22 pp.,=#;A. LAM -.6. Nacobs and C. . 'ean2 C@ine particles2 thin films and e+change anisotropy2? in Magnetism* vol. ---2 3.T. $ado and B. 6uhl2 4ds. .e! 0or*G Academic2 1:,A2 pp. 2;1#A>9. L8M K. 4lissa2 CTitle of paper if *no!n2? unpublished. L>M $. .icole2 Title of paper !ith only first !ord capitali7ed2? #. /ame Stan&. Abbre).* in press. L,M 0. 0oro7u2 &. Birano2 K. %*a2 and 0. Taga!a2 C4lectron spectroscopy studies on magneto#optical media and plastic substrate interface *0 "EEE $ransl. #. Magn. #apan* vol. 22 pp. ;89#;812 August 1:=; 1Digests 2t( Annual Con.. Magnetics #apan2 p. A912 1:=2M. L;M &. 0oung2 $(e $ec(nical 3riter4s an&boo5. &ill Dalley2 CAG /niversity 6cience2 1:=:.

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