Radio Advert Production

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The Editing Process - The online YouTube tutorials really helped me to understand Audacity as I had never used it before.

Here are the steps I took to make my radio advert. I had come along ay from my radio advert draft! in hich I used a voice recorder. I kne that it did not sound professional enough! so Audacity as the perfect soft are to use to improve my ancillary piece.

"irstly! I had to open up my media documentary and cut out all areas that I did not ant to use in my radio advert. I also change the volume to make it more suitable.

Then I included the music that I anted to include in my radio advert. The reason I choice this particular piece as because it as e#citing and upbeat but it did not take over the documentary. It as a good background source.

I had to open up the background music into a different indo and then copy and paste the desired sections back into the other indo to make the radio advert.

I then continued to cut out different sections that made my radio advert too long.

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