Assessment Survey

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Data Director Training Evaluation Please choose the answer that best describes your experience with Edmodo

training for each of the questions below. Do not record your name on this survey.

1. Has your knowledge of Data Director and its uses increased after training? Y N

2. Rate your level of satisfaction with the training you received today. (5 being the highest) 1 2 3 4 5

3. Rate your current level of satisfaction with the Data Director program. (5 being the highest) 1 2 3 4 5

4. Prior to training, did your knowledge level of Data Director enable you to use the tool in the classroom? Y N

5. Does your current level of knowledge regarding Data Director enable you to use this tool in your classroom? Y N

6. Rate the likelihood of your using Data Director in your classroom. (5 being the highest) 1 2 3 4 5

7. Prior to training, were you able to do the following:

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Sign in to Data Director Navigate the buttons in Data Director Create an assessment using Data Director Print an assessment from Data Director Scan an assessment Locate the assessment results in Data Director



8. Following the training session, are you able to do the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. Sign in to Data Director Navigate the buttons in Data Director Create an assessment using Data Director Print an assessment from Data Director Scan an assessment Locate the assessment results in Data Director Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N

9. Did the instructor provide clear explanations?

10. Were there enough examples to help you understand the concepts?

11. Was the PowerPoint presentation helpful in describing Data Director and its uses? Y N

12. Was the instructor well-prepared for the workshop?

13. Was there an adequate variety of learning techniques to aid in understanding the program? Y 14. Was the pace of learning suitable? Y N N

15. Were you physically comfortable during the training session?

16. Were you mentally and emotionally comfortable during the training session?

17. Did the instructor successfully coach those who were reluctant to change?

18. Please provide feedback regarding the session, its content, and the instructor:

19. Please indicate any recommendations you may have for improvement:

20. Please record any additional comments you may have:

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