Why Round

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Why Round?

Because it helps you estimate!

Rounding numbers and doing some mental math will allow you to predict a solution.

Why would predicting a solution be helpful?


If you are shopping and are purchasing many items, it may be beneficial to round all the prices and
mentally add the total. Then you will have an estimation of what your purchase will cost. What is
another situation when rounding and estimation would be useful?

In your own words, what does rounding mean?


Example 1: Janes Jeans

Jane has 9 children and is purchasing new jeans for each child. The store is selling the jeans for
$19.50. Round and then perform the appropriate operation to estimate her total cost.
Step 1: Round any numbers that would be difficult for mental math.
$19.50 can be rounded to $20.
Step 2: Decide what operation is needed to solve the problem.
Jane will be paying for 9 pairs of jeans, so she would need to multiply the cost by 9.
Step 3: Perform the operation with the rounded numbers.
$20 9 = $180
You can do this mentally! How do multiply 20 and 9 mentally? ___________________________

Example 2: Yarn for Rugs

A factory orders 8,015 meters of red yarn. It can produce one rug using 97 meters of yarn.
Estimate how many red rugs will the factory be able to produce?
Round your numbers: _______________________________________________
What operation is needed? ______________________________
Perform the operation with the rounded numbers to get an estimate: _____________________________

Example 3: Bills, Bills, Bills

Jake is paying his monthly bills. He knows he will owe $695 for rent, $102 for utilities, $96 for
cable and internet, and $212 for his car payment. About how much money should he set aside for
bills this month?
Round your numbers: _______________________________________________
What operation is needed? ______________________________
Perform the operation with the rounded numbers to get an estimate: _____________________________

Example 4: Making Money

Patsy was just hired for a new job. She will get paid $82.40 every day. She will work 21 days this
month. About how much money will she make?
Round your numbers: _______________________________________________
What operation is needed? ______________________________
Perform the operation with the rounded numbers to get an estimate: _____________________________

Example 5: Hotel Rooms

A hotel has 89 rooms. Currently, 18 rooms are being remodeled. 11 rooms are reserved for
special guests. An additional 42 rooms are occupied. About how many rooms are available?
Round your numbers: _______________________________________________
What operation is needed? ______________________________
Perform the operation with the rounded numbers to get an estimate: _____________________________

Example 6: Classrooms of Students

A school has 1210 students. The school would like to maintain an average of 31 students in each
class. About how many teachers will the school need?
Round your numbers: _______________________________________________
What operation is needed? ______________________________
Perform the operation with the rounded numbers to get an estimate: _____________________________

Create your own problem.

Now solve it!

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