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Syene and surrounding area


se-ven'-e, se-ve'-ne (ceweneh): For the King Ja es Version !the tower o" Syene,! in E#e$ie% &':()* E#e$ie% +):,, the -evised Version (.ritish and / erican) reads, !the tower o" Seveneh,! with a argina% note, !or, "ro 0igdo% to Syene1! Seveneh is the town at the First 2ataract in Egy3t, now $nown as /ssuan1 Fresh interest has recent%y 4een given to it 4y the E%e3hantine discoveries 4earing on the ancient Jewish co%ony and te 3%e o" 5ahweh in that 3%ace in the 6th century .121 See /-/0/72* E859:* 9/95-;S* S/N2:;/-5, <, etc1 S5E'NE, a "rontier city o" Egy3t 4ordering on Ethio3ia, and u3on the e1 side o" the Ni%e, now /ssouan, or /swan, near%y 6)) s1 e1 o" the 0editerranean1

Strong's Hebrew
H6<=&: 2veneh a city on the S1 4order o" Egy3t 0a3s 2reated using .i4%e a33er +1) /dditiona% data "ro >3en.i4%e1in"o a3s (s a%% or %arge) "or your we4site

5ou are "ree to use u3 to 6) .i4%os co3righted or 3resentation1 9%ease credit .i4%os1co 1

7saiah <':(& .eho%d, these sha%% co e "ro "ar* and 4eho%d, these "ro "ro the west* and these "ro the %and o" Sini 1! the north and

E#e$ie% &':() there"ore, 4eho%d, 7 a against you, and against your rivers, and 7 wi%% a$e the %and o" Egy3t an utter waste and deso%ation, "ro the tower o" Seveneh even to the 4order o" Ethio3ia1 E#e$ie% +):, :hus says 5ahweh: :hey a%so who u3ho%d Egy3t sha%% "a%%* and the 3ride o" her 3ower sha%% co e down: "ro the tower o" Seveneh sha%% they "a%% in it 4y the sword, says the ?ord 5ahweh1

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